
Technician State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Raleigh. North Carolina A gust 23, 1995 Volume78, Number

Bell Tower Seven athletes involved in brawlfl Briefs I Linebacker Duan Eserett linebacker l)uan ltierett. delcnsne Although all liie were cliaiged with a dropped has been suspended for s'i\ lineman Mike Harrison. corneiback crime. head t‘ootball coach Mike (N am According to polite 'ctiz‘tls. it around Ricks Hell. otiensne lineman lainoiit said only one would he punished until he tit) tt.lti llit‘ ll\l. {-5 hi I» littili‘ llllii lllt New resume system on-line games after a Violent incident \lc(‘aule} and tree satet) .lariies \kalkcr obtained lurther inloiniation ()n last weekend. haie all been charged in the incident apartment «it ('Iiilis \l.il~ll it? tlt'tl'\lllll .'\ (' \tale ~tii lciiis can now enter their resume Morida). ()'(‘ain siispended lwerett tor' senior guard on llll “out: it l. in the t aicei l’! inning t\ I’lateinent (‘enter's ‘\ll ll\L' plasers charged are probable si\ gariies. i‘.\L‘lt‘ll will be allowed to team. and leii-iio llsall illllllii! ,‘tl.ilil. resume t‘ttll\ cx sit in starters tor \( ‘Sl' tlirs season practice. and assaulted tin" .ilil ‘.illltr‘l.t \ltci an orientation students «all also browse Raleigh police arrested toe \' (‘ State 'I he pl.t}c‘l\ were taken into cirstod} h) :\CL‘tirdlng’ io ()'(‘ain. the other tour are Jackson \iiltii‘ til lfii lt‘l‘liil‘i llsldl a through rob listings look into internship football plaseis \uridai on charges ot Raleigh police and transported to the on tearii probation pending their court round stit k .is thy~ as».ii.tt weapon oppoitiiiiiiie .. thetk on campus interuew and breaking and entering and assaulting two \\ake (‘ounts .lail. l'he) were held there appearances on September 2| (H‘ain ll_\illl \\.is .Illc.“ kli\ l‘ iiillt‘d Willi ”it workshop st licdui‘cs and place their resume on NCSl' men's basketball p|a_\eis and a tiiitil the} were released into the ciistod} told the tVt’tt‘.\ (ti ()liiei'it'i he expects the the Internet s\ sl"lti woman ol an assistant toolball coach. charges against the other tour to be s., A7‘-ttt‘«.’-1},l . ,, ) lhe t'aieer l’laniiiiig .\ l'ltis‘ellit‘lil ('enter and the -\dniiiiistia!i\e t oiiipiiting Seriices started the new s_\sterii. \\lili.il will eientuall} allow students in search tor toiiipan) inlor'iiiation and slg‘tt ltt‘ tot till cailtl‘tis ittlet'\ Ie\\s First day’s end . Frat Court still llie protect \\lit l‘t completed b_\ the end ot l‘l‘lti tii'ieniations are scheduled tor the tirst two weeks ot the ser'iestei lot more intormatioii. students shouio i all i r ‘ Il‘lti under fire code detcriiiiiied h} the lit-pron. it! or l'niversity names two I Summer repairs have Insurance forced fraternities to pay l\,t‘s|\lt‘llls iillL’lltalls .. 'lt‘ iold the department heads higher rent and clean up the rciio'xatiiins would be ltl;l‘~l‘tt'il b} mess left behind by \agnst H l. i‘ '\L'il .i lc'lltt l haiitell-i! l.tlt\ \loiitcith has named two new construction crews. t‘dlllt'l this stilltlfit“ iiioiiiiine them ‘.lt'lt.ttlll‘.t‘lll l::'.tti‘ tollowing .ippioial b} NI the repairs would 'li‘l lie tiiiishcd \t.rtes lioaitt or liiistecs BY Cirrus Boson \i\ ot the houses. .sliitti will not ( tiriaoiiliei (i- uld. protessoi ot ph}sics. will Niex- E: be tinishcil .ii;=il out near ltixc head the depaiiiiii'ni ot plosics in the (iollege ot' internal tt'lXilli slatli tta\..' to liv- l’lissrt..il and \latlieiiiatical \ciences. and John Sonic traternit) members returned doiic during tlii 'llll'tlt". \iiiith Riddle. .t tit’olessor oi histor}. \stll head the to their houses for the tall semester said liieproi-t linili'ftdl has to be departumnt or hisroit th the ('ollege iii onl) to find that the) would haie to installed iii ill l'tilltill‘_;.‘s Humanities .iiid Not l tl \'t ieiites ltoili will sen‘e \acate their houses next summer ciitt‘ldiit‘s lllt' it till :* sappiased tor a period ol three \tdl\ inst as the} did last summer. to contain a liic tori ins-h to (ioiild‘s predecessoi Richard l'aiti will return to lL“|llt l‘l‘x teaching»: and test'atch alter l‘I years as pli_\sics because the lilil\t‘l\ll) tailed to eiacuate the department head complete scheduled lire code Installing ilri llitllt'lttl .. iao (ioniil ioiiied the \t'\l Yatiiltt in l‘lill as an retimations. disiiiptiie to .ittyiiit‘i .ttiile assistant piolessor and is a l'ellow ot the Repairs were scheduled to he lL‘slilt'tilsdtt'llii'l' \ziiitli rid ‘\lllL‘l'li..tlt i'l‘i\\lt at \ittx.it‘l\ He has recentl) made to the 12 original houses on "lt’s preltx Mast} work. ire and edited two books testing tiiiie resetsal l-raternit) (‘oiirt. said Drew Smith. fill hillil itl liiit'rcs a ti It‘ll \kt‘lt’ s)littttt‘lls i.s!it;.‘ neutron beams and published assistant director iil student attairs going to spia toriteti; will; .l liltf lit) l apcrs t-ri t'siicii'iieiitai lltts lk ar t‘ll}s|c\ He said the houses. birilt in Not hose t'\\L'l'l it ‘lls ks \ on lioiiid has held \i-.llllg' .iiii‘iiinlnienls at the did not meet the e\isting Wis tire would not l.a\e .i ci'lllliilldl‘lk' l iir\~.szr\ or l illlxlitfl in (ieiiriaris. the l nerg) salet} codes when the) were built lit‘sca' l‘ lt‘s'ilali,‘ .li kiilldl \ldl‘ld the Institute and do not meet current regulations \,. Como. , ~ tor \ionirc itlk'yrv .ri licijiiig. and the lam :‘ildtt‘H‘ \i.--~~ l’M-ri l.itilit\ New \1c\ico if .' .i A: ‘...i:i llatiis who stepped \il l i ll .ii limit l.|lit' .itld Tt'st‘atcli .tllt‘l ll\\' .il Movers defy heat, ls‘itr‘ ..; 5. m \t \l t.iti:li'. iii l‘iti‘ and has a .. .'..irci «its titular... awards llt‘~ :est litli .r it «1‘ i. in tlic histoi\ ot attttt‘ "ruin ili t'irtieil l"tti Ilse l‘li” ltlwattl traffic jams l\tt'.. \‘~'\a.' E IN! (ltttsla'iihlii' lltsli‘lltJl \\:v: . ’w an \iia.‘iitai. ix’nfttii- s l‘iisl recent book 't t 'li'i’ t: r 'i ‘ll i' if \iioi'io'. troiii the I (‘heck-in went smoothly i..llll['i|l l-relsatloo ,ieiti \ncn 'it \\, :1 .I the 'x‘ l‘u'i amt ,ittratied aira/iziglx aiioo'h \l' h I): both at .tat a t. a l ,iatii it ' for both students and \taflordiold iiie be h. _‘ seen administrators. a chcci» iii to w st: toil. \lan‘. lettlt't '» taical it s soot \ Lilly Industries endows Bi .lss \ .lrzskiss though“ alii-rrti‘xfi- :r. q. N. ”l lliitllt'l'i‘i ll't -. . tillt' scholarship .v\ tliirr} oi parents and students weli' .iii \l. . ‘-' msl .i were seen t.irr_\ in: ctales. hoses. lre.l.t:i.iii v': x s .‘n l ”1‘. l tttis' l s I: c l t l {a ijSlliiil and other assorted iieriis 'lwi~-i:ta .1: . ,.'st -.t v': .a \i stir.- s (r ‘-;t- oi loiesi \\ itli temperatures eweedrng the ll' ‘l. | ‘l in . ' "ii l\';si t.‘t s Ti‘ t\l.tl‘ll~l‘, .t Winnl pludthls (Top) Freshman . i.-. tit) degree iiiark. \' ('. State students iii c\ci .ili 'l:' :HltIV‘L‘I’ and their parents lllt‘\ ed belongings .\ii:ci Hal-“c i" Emit lli lh. coo-xii iieit'. which wi‘l he .iiordinated Bethany Norris into residence halls. onl} some ot lllL‘lllt'tl i ' l l‘il ._ .i' at .lso llllitlit'li l it!\ s tilohal \\ood t oatings Business watches the sun ._ which were air-conditioned. mild sl:1' " i."' ' merit l tilt at lltij’i l‘oiiit. will support a renewable. .-\ppro\iniatel_\ 7.(ltitl slUtlt‘llls \L)l\ “cl two 'st‘Jl s.liol.i:siiip to be awarded to .iii \(‘Sl go down over niox ed in this tall "l reallx .:,.‘.i' i . i thing; rising ‘tl't‘o’l iii 'he wood piodiitts ttirii.iiluiii ot Harris Field ,, ‘ Saturda} was the busiest mining 1'] e\,ici.i-i. ‘. . . '...:'ie ll‘ YlEc‘ clt'tiatlt‘iem ‘ wood and paliet \. tL'Itte tla}. with an estimated tliiiti new t‘li\li‘llili. . \ li"\il\ ' lltt‘ c' it? tit'” "“ ‘\ ‘.‘ l‘L' iilltlt'ttsit'led it} \ (‘ (right) while students nioiing in to dorms l'iiii \\itl. “iv ~- ' ant: li te~tt_\ ll‘lt ital itl~ l!l\ . llte \l‘llK‘gk' \ Luckadoo. director ol Housing and \llltik'lll\ llit \\ x. it ._'til til tlc.el~;‘:i ”I: ~ lb: ‘iist s. hoi riship mined other freshmen Residence l.ite. said he thought lt‘aristio.t.itit :1 at st» 't'li tic: _> .i' he awarded in l‘l‘lti eat barbeque. riiming da) proceeded without a l \c’l\ .llitl llie i‘..'\l;‘i'.lll will lie eligible tor paid hitch. riaeii l'; s at l .1. ‘. drain; the siiiiiiiieis betoie his wt ts. r‘t .’ w ltt'tttil .tilil st‘lrtiil .t‘.its “(‘heckriri went well across l lll‘s l'nl tstiics it aislz‘i‘. .ii INS. is toda) one or the Eli lat-.‘t'sf \oiilr \iiierican iiianiitacturers t llti'i ~li.tl wit: and spetialti chemit il Inside Wednesday 'ti tint ‘s Ji'll iie! stiles ot more than $111 Plus/minus slightly lowers GPA ii..llit ii to “NJ ll is a L'ltil‘dl market leader in News: Parking woes still plague f:. ;. '- «uteri tatiincts and building produtts lli'.ii‘.t;'t.i'le.’i‘r‘. it! lliiildliattiills it has \Iles lll lll Hillsborough Street. Page 2A I Administrators are still ‘alt' i‘itil‘wi 'iit.’i:fltciillltlllt's I \\i‘ .it" tilt‘a‘seti li‘ silltl‘ttll .\ (' \tate's \stiittl debating the effects ofa new Grade Percentages 0' li‘tltli ts tiririt tiiitrit with this endowment. w hich Photo: NC. State treshmen are on grading system adopted last .‘.‘, X it ". .i: all |!l\t‘sitilt‘l|l in the lntirie.” s.tltl 4A year. (tie; it \lil .lt'tatt. \tiiiid tU.ll|l|L"\ lt‘chliiiliigw the move. Page i.. .ti I tlli. s lliilli l’oint business tlllll | Its Jess Loitsciuanrit - Other 15.9 N l \t. 1 lion. iiidusti‘. leaders \llLll as l ill) : Fans speak out about t l ' lizt‘i- l 1-,» .itltact trip slllilellls In our wood pliidtlc'ls ”it P - 5.5 t tlillit iiltiiit and maintain a toritinual tlow ot O'Cain’s players. Page 18 for all students who have been i't.tllllt‘il :‘l.ltltl.llt\ to llltltlslIV. said larr_\ \\ I I taught that a ._...( is aierage. a lt.i:.ti_i:t,ili .leati iii the ( olleee iii l‘iitesl et cetera: NCSU is plunging into the recent stud} has discosered what D 4.8 l< 's tart ._ . .tl \( \l appears to be heartening news Twentylirst Century. Page 1C NC State students get an large -C-16.0 number ol aboxe aierage grades Van ()rmer receives scholarship Last sprrng‘s grades. including How to Reach Us pliis/niinus marks. are retlected In a - B - 28.5 f lsattil wit Riaii \ an (inner oi \iiiiiriic'rtit~ltl is report compiled by Sherwood lfifi A - 29.3 t the ..-, r; ti'lll t‘l ilie l'llt't'll and _| “Halli Kirkland Phone Numbers: ‘ Internet Services: Brtan. asstit‘ldle registrar with l 'aiow' l \tliolarship tor l'eat her l‘tlllcdlltill and Editorial 5l 5 24“ l Campus Forum: registration and records It includes it i l)‘\tlttilti.'\ .it \\ \late Advertising M ‘1 202‘? teehlorum-[@ricso edu grades lroni botli undergraduate and \.~ii tiiiiier is a senior inaioring in middle FOX “7 ‘7 l {U Press Releases: graduate students aboxevtnerage grades ma) be lit." ”man said 'l tliiiik that's school social sltiillt“s and language arts education t0(iiprCSS'L@rtt su edu When pliis/iiiiniis giadcs are taken misleading though, The percentages lllllllt‘llt ing the iiiiriibeis a little hit~ in \( ‘sl' s t ollege ol Izdutatioii and Address information: into account. almost ill percent of are ai'tected by high grades from \\s\‘t talc l‘lt'\ti\l liaiik \bianis l' i. hotoes lhe n holaiship, \alued at Sl.ltlll try lilltit‘)l.-.D'ir .i wit. the grades posted last spl’llig were graduate students who. out ol ' it the l‘I‘i" town .icaileriiit \ear. is based on 323 Student Center Avior)» .' .A\‘s and another It‘s percent were iiecessit). tend to get higher grades saiil the idea llt ll ( ‘is .i\ei.ii..'e »hril.islit aeliieketnr'tit and LttltiltClIlHt.‘ Box 8608, NCSU Lampus ! News group‘ H‘s ()nl} to it peiteiit ol grades than undergraduates tilllill'l bi: ipr‘lit d it io=~ :lie lit-aid. tripli..itiori Raleigh, NC 27695 arson ‘ orso publii Hons lt’i lintr ion posted were ( s “A graduate sttideiit is kicked out ' L______l ltrsari said the high number ot oi school it the) get less than a \rr Grunts. I’iai. _‘ Technician ls printed on 60% recycled paper. Please recycle. WW August 23, 1995

WHAT’S HAPPENING . What's HappeningPolicy TODAY \lEl-ITING A group has banana split .it 5 pm in Whats Happening items must CAFE lhc Cloud and tormed for people who the Baptist Student Center be submitted in writing on 3 lite l spicss. Cate. is .i ha\e had intercultural What's Happening grid, I Around 1300 students are The First Year College is intended other than “the class is right at snitlkt‘ llk'y'. . ayailabte in Techniman's otlices. to giye students a year to decide on ayerage in terms ot the freshman clisl‘iltli ll‘t‘t‘ cspericnces and w ant to MONDAY l at least two publication days in participating in the a lll'dJUT. as well as help lreshmeri class." iiiglitspot uttering |i\e learn [ti Ust‘ these in , l'ree dinner to iadvance by noon Space is inaugural class of the acoustic. music. poctty. supportive ways The DINNER ilmll9d and priority Will be given make a smooth adjustment to Berenian said the college is L‘IC (\ii Is tlpt‘ll Triangle (ilobal Nomad ncwionieis will be seryed 1toi items that are submitted Freshman College. college life. intended to improye the learning liicsday Saturday nights tiroup meets at 7 pm in at 545 p iii iii the Baptist . earliest Items may be no longer “i feel there is a critical transition enyironiiient in the residence halls at T p iii iii the \\cstt'iii Chapel Hill Student Center . than 30 words Items must come B\' JENNY FRAle-ZR period between graduation from atid foster extensiye intolyemciit lanes Bowling Center i’t‘l ytrom organizations that are Assiswts-t Nrws Enron more information call h ‘i-l :campus altiiiated The news high school and freshman year." with adyisers both iii and out of the FRlDAY Ttitasniw department WI” edit items tot -\fter being in the formal planning said Robert Bereniaii. associate classroom. jstyie grammar. spelling and dean for undergraduate studies. Most of the freshmen in the MRI LECTl RE lcarn how MEETING The meeting SPEAKER (‘lllllc \t‘t‘ “ DIGVlly TechniCian reserves the stages tor oyer a year. the First "Hopefully. the First Year College Year College are liyiiig iii Metcaif the pliysiial iiiii\ci'sc the Centennial l'S. congressman l‘rcd 3 right to not run items deemed Year College is off and running. will help make that transition llall. l'pperclassiiien. who are not I'c\c.i|s the nature of the Authority will be held at 9 Hieneman at 7 pm in the {iotlenswe or that don't meet Approximately 750 out of the creator and why man was a in. iii the legislatiye \‘Vithcrspooii Student ‘pubiication guidelines Direct 350i) freshmen at NC, State are easier ” in the college. Inc on each floor to made based on l'nilication ()tticc Budding. Rooiii Center ('incnia l ct hiiii ‘ questions and send submissions Berenian. w ho is also the head of act as senior mentors and proyide Ideology at 7 ‘itl p iii in S44 hear what you have to say lto Chris Baysden aSSISlanl enrolled in the First Year College the i‘ll‘\l Year Experience. said that tutorials. the (iiccn Room of the ICE CREAM h cryonc Hosted by ts'cst' cunt-go inews editor Vou may also e-i program along with 550 other no specific figures on the i‘ll’sl Year Student Ccnter lot more is united to a free helping Republicans ’rnaii items to students. bringing the total College‘s profile were ayatlable. iiitoiiiiatioii J‘ltl I‘M Raleigh's largest 'rrcncitmncsu EDU enrollment to l30t). .stw FRESHMEN. I’iicvi- .t’ "\Ve’w only had two semesters of the grading." Bryan said. "Whether Parking ordinance hits 5 l Grades [the ratios] will change over time. it's hard to say " ("ii/itiriiicillrinn Price l :\pprtt\llllillci_\ three times as Hillsborough area since the grades of a wide range of iiiatiy plus/minus grades were students and majors are included in assigned last spring as were the the report. preceding semester. It‘s unclear I A new parking ordinance displaying a $5 “'I' permit. “l don't think we should haye an how many teachers use plus/minus The restrictions are due partly to objective to force a norm or an grading. is causing turmoil amongst complaints by area residents about ay'erage." Abrams said. The report also says the average patrons, business owners noise. limited parking for residents. While 7.926 plus grades were (il’.-\ without plus/minus grades is and area residents on littering and urination on property assigned last spring. 9666 minus 2 847 The ;i\erage (iPA with Hillsborough. in the neighborhood. grades were giyeii. plus/minus grades is slightly lower The former ordinance restricted Not counting A+. the plus-tor at 2.5 H Nrws Sat» i?! w parking to two hours from 9 am. to minus ratio is 40 percent-toast) The plus/minus system has been 5 pm. except for residents with a percent. the same ayerage that was debated and tested for It) years. It Hillsborough Street residents and special sticker seen in Fall. I‘M-1. the report says, was approied in l‘NZ and bar patrons will ha\e to find Some students that Inc in the When the system was originally implemented for incoming somewhere else to park if they want area. however. disagree with the studied in With. Raymond Forties. freshmen last fall. to stay out past 1 1 pm. new ban. Chris Line. a member of who is now associate deati of l'nder tht‘ system. teachers have A special meeting of the Raleigh Sigma Pi. said the fraternity is physical and mathematical sciences. the prerogatiye to use plus/minus City Council's Comprehensive getting together with some local said the pIUs/minus system could grades or the standard A-B-C-D Planning Committee met sey'eral bosinesses to fight the ban. possibly lead to a trend of lower sy stem Since their itiiplenientation. times earlier this year to discuss “We want to come at City Council GPAs. He said he feels differently pluses and iiiiriiises haye shown up parking north of campus in the from different angles." l.o\‘e said. about it now, on transcripts tor undergraduates early moming hours. “Our fratemtty has some rights. We "Originally. l was biased toward from freshmen to seniors. However. The new ordinance. which went have paid taxes in one group for so the A-B-Cl) s_\ stein." l‘tirllt‘s said. (iP.-\s of students who were into effect June 3. affects the areas long [The City Council] just wants “[Now| l liaye no problem with ll. l registered betore iiiipletiientation surrounded by Hillshorough Street. to tighten control on college kids." see strengths and l see weaknesses are not affected by the marks. Oberlin Road. Clark Ayenue and Former Student Senate President in any grading system." This year‘s NCSl' sophomores Shepherd Street. Megan Jones said she was Bryan said the pills-lodllllltls are the uniyersity's first students to Parking will be limited to two concerned with the current policy ratio. which has been the same tor ha\e plus/minus grades show up on hours between 7 am. and 5 pm. and any tighter future policy. the past two semesters. may or may their transcripts and count toward Parking for more than two hours in “What have you done to replace not be ex iderice of a trend. their grade point ayerages. the area during this time of day will the spots already taken"" Jones result in a $6 fine. asked. She said she was also The city will impose a total ban concerned about students taking from ll pm. to 7 am. Parking in night classes and \isiting the library Do you want” to write? the restricted area will result in a at night. $l5 line. John Miller. an area property There will be no restrictions from owner. said he was concerned for Well, pick up a pen 5-11 pm. the safety of people leaying bars Area residents will be able to park Sawing “i FAtiiAtsi/Smrr on the street at .in\ time by .Ye'c‘ PARKING. Page II Signs like these intorm motorists ot the new parking tows. and do it!

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Hide Tcruda

Left: Hanna McElheny from Charleston, Va. wishes her fan was turned on. Above: Karen Settle from Winston- Salem, NC tries to check-in at Bragaw Hall. Below: Jenny Sousk unpacks in Alexander Residence Hall. Bottom Left: The Miller Family from Charlotte, NC asks for directions. Opposite Top: Move- in day at Bragaw Resudence Hall. Opposite Middle: The Kiepel Family move in from New York. Opposite Bottom: Students purchase books at the bookstore.

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Hidc 'lL‘i‘udal/Sluii Technician Page 5


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The most inlportapt thing you put on. Page 8 News .August23,l995 Money wasn‘t the only factor that receive the majority of its funding pushed the deadline back. Kruegar from the restructuring of existing Court said. ‘ Freshmen resources from Undergraduate Continuedfmm Page I “They started late.“ she said. Programs. "They didn't decide on a contractor Continued/mm Page 3 “[The First Year College] will living environment." until after school was out." “The residential aspect is very utilize the budgets from University Other repairs included the Some of the houses that are important to the success of the Undesignated. University installation of fire walls above the scheduled to be completed this year program." Bereman said. Transition Program. and the First ceilings and the addition of fire don‘t have fire escapes yet. Kruegar “[Metcalf] has space for offices on Year Experience. as the college will escapes. said. the second floor where students can be taking over their duties." Smith said six of the [2 houses “They knew they needed them." easily meet with their advisers. and Anderson said. should be brought up to fire code she said. “I don‘t know why they there is space for meetings and Bereman said The First Year standards by October 23. but the didn't order them a long time ago." activities." College also received a modest rest will have to wait until next No rent will be refunded to the All freshmen in The First Year budget of $200,000; $40,000 of summer when residents can move fraternity residents even though College are also required to take which has already been used for out again they did not live in the houses MDS l0l. a one-credit class taught renting Metcalf. “In a perfect world. everything during the summer. Smith said. He by their advisers. which will “We've been really fortunate in would have been completed this said residents only pay rent for the introduce students to university that we are getting summer." he said. "But that just spring and fall semesters. Smith policies and offer strategies for a lots of people to wasn't feasible." said the university allows them to successful college career. help us out on a volunteer basis.“ The university told residents that live there during the summer for Bereman said. “About fifty students money was the problem. said Amy free. Although the concept of a First are being advised outside the [First Kruegar. chair of the Fraternity The construction has caused Year College was generally met Year College] staff by advisers in Court Presidents Board. numerous problems for fratemitics. with support. there was some Undergraduate Studies.“ “They told us they didn't budget Kruegar said. Rent has been raised controversy last semester over the Bereman said the college has [enough] money." she said. "They in order to cover the cost of the funding for the college. Dean of hired three new staff members. two don‘t want to come right out and repairs. undergraduate studies James of whom are on a nine—month tell us what happened." Ken (iodt‘rey'. Sigma Phi Anderson said the college will schedule. Kruegar also said the university Epsilon‘s treasurer and a Fraternity will help university officials hasn‘t been clear about what‘s Court resident. said the rent in his identify students if they lose their going on. fraternity rose from $530 per IDs card and need a replacement. Lait “They've just been really foggy student per semester two years ago said. about what happened." Kruegar to around $675 per student per Continuedfrom Page II Other campus departments. like said. “I think they didn‘t want to semester this year. He said he was the reader. It‘s a better card all the Public Safety. will also have access spend that much on the court." told next year‘s rent will be raised way around." to the student images. But Lait said The total cost of the project. another I: percent. For security purposes. the new students‘ privacy will be respected. which was contracted out to Hargis "It‘s not our fault [the buildings cards do not have students‘ social “The image is being treated as Construction. located in Smithtield. don't meet fire codes]. and we're security numbers on them like the confidential information." Lait said. and King Electric in Fayetteville. eating up all the loss." Godfrey old cards. “It won't be so just anybody can totals about one million dollars. said. The new AllCampus cards won‘t pull you up and know what you Smith said. Even though Fraternity Court is make the others obsolete. Lait said. look like." Originally. however. the total cost owned by the state of North The magnetic stripes on both cards of the project was 5750.000. he Carolina and NCSU. the residents are the same. The university started issuing the said. are still responsible for paying for new cards during freshman “That was the ‘not to exceed' repairs. Smith said. "It‘s not necessary for every orientation in June. The new figure." Smith said. The court. he said. like residence person on campus to come get a AllCampus cards are being issued Design. engineering and halls and ES. King Village. is a replacement." Lait said. to first-time students from 9 am. to contingency fees were to blame for self-liquidating project. That means The new system also allows 4 pm. in the Witherspoon Student the project exceeding its budget. they must pay for their own up- NCSU to store the student's picture Center. Replacement ID cards are Smith said. keep — no state money can be image in a data base. where it can being made for upperclas‘smen in “There‘s always the element of spent on them. " ‘ ‘ be accessed by a computer. This the West Dunn building. added expenditures along the way." MELISSA BAurn/SYACF he said. Sec COURT. Page 9 P ‘ Construction on the Sigma Chi house still isn't tinlshod.




I Cable and data access is denied to some N.C. State residents. Bv Nrcou: BOWMAN SEN on 5'“: ern Many NC. State students arrived at their residence halls expecting to have wires to plug into the lntemet and to cablevisron. but due to the late arrival of equipment. these services won't be available until later this year. Chris Parker. manager of telecommunications. said the cable equipment was shipped Monday and should arrive today. "We ordered the equipment six months ago." he said. “Last year when we started ordering the equipment. we had a hard time getting things in." According to fliers sent by the telecommunications office to residents over the summer. cable service will be available to all Bragaw residents by August 3|. and Sullivan‘s cable and data access will be available by September 15. Avent Ferry's Tier 2 cable will be available October 18. Avent Ferry residents do have access to Tier l cable. Tier 2 cable has more stations on it than its Tier I counterpart. “Tier l cuts off at channel 23." Parker said. "Channels 24 and up are Tier 2. HBO. MTV. and Tier 1 are included on Tier 2." Many students said they were angry over the delay. saying that telecommunications should live up to its commitment. ”If they told us we should have [cable]. it should be here." said Andrea Marshall. a freshman in the First Year College who lives in Sullivan. “There‘s no point waiting. [don't see what the holdup is.“ For some students the lack of cable posed other problems. ”it‘s a major inconvenience because a lot of people pass the Elpvms Ki t‘z95 time by using the TV.“ said Mike Savage. a freshman in the First Year College. Avent Ferry residents said they also were disappointed that Tier 2 SHSCIFT Men's cable is not available yet. “What's the point of getting it in Brittania Jeans. October and having it until the rest of the year?" said Jennifer Swails. a sophomore in Public Relations. who lives in Avent Ferry. Hviv] ...‘- [duhl‘oll‘iv' ._ norm.“notperacceptedguest Telecommunications is using Cashier: Scanproduct. than H I Addressable Taps. a remote cable SCH" coupon. service in which cable service can Reqular‘ fit button—fly 4v be installed or turned off without @TARGET . LW . entering the dorm. Parker said. This is a new technology that wasn't available the last time they ordered cable equipment. eaTsechniciamRead Technician-Read Technician See Tmcou. Page 9 August 23, 1995 News Page 9 unspecified violation of team rules HIDE TERAoA/SrArr last week. Ono of thousands of N.C. State troshrnon who Athletes Walker was suspended at the end moved Into residence hall last weekend. (’rtntmmrlInIn Page of last season for a violation of stick. while the report said Everett team rules and did not play in the struck Jackson on the head with his Wolfpack‘s Peach Bowl victory fist. over Mississippi State. Move--1r_1 All three victims suffered only The News & Observer also Conttnuedfrom Page / minor injuries and are reportedly reported that Bell has suffered some officers are sent out to different parking lots with permits." doing fine. previous legal trouble. In said Greg Cain. parking operations manager for DOT. “Each The arrests are JUS! the latest blow November 1992. Bell was officer controls traffic with parking permits that allow to the Wolfpack football program. convicted on another breaking and vehicles 45 minutes to unload." O‘Cain suspended running back entering charge. but no sentence Cain explained that for the Tri-Towers area things were Carlos King for six games for an could be determined. different from last year because of the First Year College. “Dan Allen Drive has three officers for the traffic since the bar patrons park in our lots [as a streets cannot handle the volume of traffic“. said Cain. result of the ordinance]. then we The DOT provided a tractor service from Harris lot to help Parking may have to Stan towing.“ students. (‘rmlmm'ilfmm Page // Richard Johns. manager of East “From Harris lot. a transit service and tractor trailers are ordinance. Village bar. said he has the same used to haul and unload students belongings to the residence “The City Council is kowtowing problem. Johns said he may have to halls.“ said Cain. “The tractor operations only run on to the group that complains the tow patrons who park in his lot and Saturday and Sunday because those are the busiest days." loudest." he said. “l just don't don't go to East Village. The biggest problem found by the DOT was the students understand why people would Businesses near the Hillsborough cruising Dan Allen to check out the campus. move to the largest city block near Street/Dixie Trail intersection have “Next year. we hope to be more selective and let only a university and then complain signs that encourage late night those moving in be allowed to enter on Dan Allen Drive to about college students hanging patrons to use NCSU‘s Dan Allen reduce the traffic“. said Cain. around It‘s like people who move parking deck. near an airport complaining about Howard Harrell. director of the noise." NCSU transportation. said the Hillsborough Street business added traffic would require more Court owners with parking lots are funding and manpower. concerned that the ordinance will "We will need more resources to (onlmuedfrom Page X encourage patrons of other bars to protect and clean up Dan Allen It doesnt matter Whtfs fault it is; the buildings don't meet use their lots. deck if we are going to invite standards. Smith said. “It won‘t bother us. because we another 100 to 200 people.“ he said. “Our main concern is getting the buildings safe.” he said. have more parking then anyone else Changing the ordinance has been But the safety of residents is still in question while the on the street." said Mike Bennett. under consideration for about four construction work is going on. Godfrey said. on years. said City Council manager of The Cantina member my “I'm sure some of the houses are still dangerous." he said. Hillsborough Street. "But if other Mary Watson Nooe. The Lambda Chi Alpha house has a hole on the second earlier. 25. telecommunications office halls will or do have data access floor. which is being covered up by a big board. Godfrey Swails said she wouldn‘t mind having employees said. available in the rooms this fall. Parker said. Telecom her cable shut off in order to get the Bragaw and Sullivan students will said. “I can't say it's a fire hazard now. [but] I don‘t know how ('onrmuml 1mm Pace extra channels earlier. receive a credit which will appear on He said he plans to have the rest of secure it is up there." he said. “We did not put in Avent Ferry what "if they turn it off this week and we their first telephone bill. the residence halls wired for cable and One house still had exposed electrical outlets the day we really wanted. because we literally could have it now instead of waiting Parker said approximately 200 data access in the near future. residents were supposed to move in. Kruegar said. Sawdust could not put in the equipment." he until after Fall Break I‘d do it," she students have signed up for data access. The Computer Center has a bulletin and paint were also left on the floors of some houses. said, “What we did was order the old said. “We don‘t really have it now. so which uses Ethernet. board on the Internet for students “The houses were basically trashed this summer by the kind of technology and give [the what‘s the difference?" “Right now it‘s just Internet." he said. interested in the data access system. construction men.“ she said. “They were in bad shape." residents] service until we can get our Avent Ferry residents receiving Tier 2 Tucker. Alexander. Bragaw. Avent Parker said he encourages students to Smith said he didn‘t think there would be any danger to the hands on the new equipment." cable will not be billed until October Ferry. Sullivan, and Watauga residence contact him with any complaints or students while construction is still going on. Installing Tier 2 cable at Avent Ferry will mean shutting the cable down for a couple of days. Parker said. “I have to get all the old stuff Choose trom our |out| and put all the new stuff in." great selection of cos. he said. “The network is going to Artists include Brother be down for a couple of days to do Even your Cane. Clueless movre that. soundtrack. Elastica. It will be weeks before Tier 2 social life has Everctear. Foo Fighters. cable is available in Avent Ferry. Hum. Radiohead. Rusted "Instead of inconveniencing everyone and taking their cable TV prerequisites. Root. Shaggy. Silverchair. out. we have opted to do it at Fall Smoking Popes and Sponge. Break while everyone is out." Parker said. If Avent Ferry residents wouldn't mind having their cable service interrupted. Parker said he would consider installing Tier 2 cable

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Parking (."onrmuedfrom Page 3 With impared Judgment. He said drunk people who park in these ne'ghborhoods are easy targets for thieves. Raleigh Police Department Chief Mitch Brown said that with enough resources. he would work with any proposal. including resident only parking after ll p.m. Bill Padgett. a resident on Dixie Trail. said the late night parkers were waking up the neighborhood. “We want resident only parking at ll o‘clock. since that is when most residents are asleep." he said. Several Hillsborough Street merchants said they are worried about losing customers if parking restrictions are tightened. Mitchell Ha/ouri. owner of Mitch's Tavern. presented a plan to city council that he said would create |00 more parking spaces by allowing parking on several streets between Enterprise and Gardner streets. HIDE IERADA/SIAFF (2) “There would be 10 acres of parking. or 2.000 spaces. New AllCampus cards were taken and distributed to students. if the cars were parked more densely." he said. Halouri also said preventing cars from parking near Raleigh Little Theater and the Rose (iarden during the Improved ID cards being day has not helped the parking situation. “By making it no parking from 8 to 5. they ripped a thousand spaces from the area.” he said. issued to freshmen Hazouri said the (‘ity of Raleigh is using parking restrictions to serve the revenue needs of the city by writing $20 tickets to people who patronize local I Freshmen are being “Today was a real struggle," Lait businesses or go to N.(‘. State. issued vertical AllCampus said. “We learned a lot." "You would never see the city doing this in North cards that will scan better Lait said the new cards will work Raleigh." Halouri said. than the old ones. better than those issued in the last Tim Harrison. owner of Brothers Pizza. said he is two years. especially by the card concerned with the general welfare of the community. Bv Citrus BAYSDEN readers in C-stores and the library. ”The quality of life in the neighborhood is important Nrws Erii'oo The new cards are made of solid to the businesses. but the businesses need parking." he plastic. unlike the old pouch cards said. Problems with new AllCampus that had the student’s picture Eric Hall. assistant manager of Studio I and ll movie card equipment forced hundreds of laminated onto the card. theater on Hillsborough Street. said the ordinance will first~year NC. State students to “These will be more reliable." kill his business. The theater shows movies at the times wait in line for over an hour in the Lait said. ”Having a solid card the parking ban would be in effect. Witherspoon Student Center Annex makes it work a lot better through Hall also said the residents are the cause of the new Monday. The new cards. a standard (‘R80 See CARDS. Page 8 ) See PARKING. Page 9 credit card size. are being issued to all freshmen and transfer students. The card has the same dimensions as the old one. but all the images w including the student‘s picture — are printed directly on the card. s ‘ x Randy Lait. business manager for University Dining and the ‘1“\ AllCampus network. said the GRADES f \.\~. network connection went down it Monday morning. making it impossible for employees to make a connection with the file server. “That started Us off behind the eight ball.” l.ait said. "I bet a hundred people were in line." Even after employees got the computers back on-line. more problems with the system compounded the delays.


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O pinion

August 23. 1995 A paper that is entirely the product ofthe student body becomes at once the official organ through which the thoughts. the activity and infact the very life ofthe campus are registered. College life without its PUHHNQ: mar. Gaussian-1,2,1“ journal is a blank. 5F HIQHEP— EDUQA—T'lol‘J- - Technician. vol. 1. no. 1. February I. 1920

NC SU: Frat Court slumlord? BEFORE October 23. but renovations will still I NCSU Student $0??ng be incomplete. Fraternity Ccart will O Development finds that be forced to close next summer as problems long ignored are well in order to complete the work tough to fix in one summer. Smith said would be completed last week. T alk about a boondoggle. in But that's not all. By Smith‘s own the best example of estimate. Student Development‘s i2 i construction construction endeavors will now cost . IA. (1.21)'a. ..1 '4 :J' “'d,“_‘3 mismanagement since last year‘s Fraternity Court residents well over Boo[4; a 1' ’A ‘ r r. ‘A‘ Avent Ferry fiasco. NCSU $l million. putting the project at least Jo.-..‘.i.\\v. \ . 1'1”le Student Development, under the one-third over budget with no end in i. ‘.' personal supervision of Assistant sight. Director of Student Affairs Drew In order to pay for the project. Smith. evicted Fraternity Court Student Development has raised rent residents for the summer in order on Fraternity Court at over five times to bring the 12 original fraternity the national rate of inflation — houses up to code. $6.000 per house to $54,128 -— for all The houses on Fraternity Coun. built houses that have never met the in 1964. have never met Raleigh fire building code. code. Student Development —— which Drew Smith publicly stated in is responsible for overseeing affairs Technician last April that the houses on Fraternity Court —— has been on Fraternity Court were owned by forced to bring the substandard the fratemities. which placed the houses up to code because no one will burden of upkeep squarely on the insure them. According to insurance shoulders of the residents. But Smith .~ A inspectors. Fraternity Court residents has completely reversed his stance. have been living in a fire trap since He now says NC. State owns Commentary the houses were built. Fraternity Court. which means that Smith promised months ago that the the resident fraternities are being repairs would be completed by forced to pay for repairs on property August 15 and would cost no more that they do not own. This practice is Affirmative Action is modem-day segregation than $750.000. Unfortunately. history no better than that of a slumlord who has shown that inaccuracies and Drew makes residents fork Call me an angry W.A.S.P.. but the turned away from NCSU so that the out money for a federal affirmative action legislation. university could meet the “quota" that l2 Smith go hand and hand. new roof on his apartment building. which ensures that college campuses are percent of the 7.000 accepted freshman Fraternity Court residents returned Drew Smith and the other Student racially diverse. has one fatal design flaw applications be black? How many from their summer vacations to find Development staffers involved in the — it makes race the deciding factor in a Michael qualified students were denied entry into that not only were house repairs Fraternity Court project need to get college application. NCSU to make room for a lesser qualified incomplete. but actually their houses their story straight before some A white kid and a Native American have Biesecker student on the sole basis of race? had become more unsafe. Thanks to enterprising Fraternity Court resident the same high school GPA and SAT One is too many. shoddy design and poor construction files a class action suit against the scores. The Native American gets in. fundamentally different from ourselves. Affinnative action has served its management. many Fraternity Coun That's a fact of life in an affinnative That is what is wrong with our society. purpose. NCSU boasts a larger minority university on behalf of all the students actionized nation. We are so busy defining and making population than any of the other large residents live in structures with as who have been living dangerously in But is itjustice or blatant racism under concessions on the basis of race that we UNC System institutions. NCSU has been many holes in them as a Sarajevo substandard housing since 1964 — another name? lose sight of how the system should work. thoroughly desegregated since 1982. but high rise. and paying a king‘s ransom in rent for What if the white student's scores were The smartest kids. regardless of whether after nearly l5 years. it has become Now Smith has told residents that the privilege. markedly better — say [31 points better their skin is red. white or blue. should get nothing more than a vehicle for less construction will be extended to on his SAT? The Native American student the opportunity to go to this university. qualified minority students to use race as a still gets in. Has the white student gotten a How does race affect admissions at crutch. fair shake? NCSU? Since l982. this university has Of course one could retort that the SAT factored race into the official acceptance if the university were to completely verbal score is biased against some Native criteria for incoming freshman. The results remove race from its applications. it To punish or not to punish ofthese standards are readily visible in the would make little difference to the racial Americans because there isn‘t a section median GPA and SAT scores of those makeup of the student population. written with Cherokees in mind. But Obviously there would be fewer minority the university can take action against Lumbees. as well as whites. blacks and accepted to NCSU for the fall of l994. I Will the arrests of five Asians. aren‘t familiar with the Cherokee - The average white student accepted had students in the short-term. but people tend NCSU football players go a student to protect the university or a 3.57 GPA and an SAT score of l.089. to live up to expectations. Minorities its image. culture. The average black student had a 3.29 would no longer play the race card to get virtually unnoticed because But do you still change the SAT verbal GPA and an average SAT score of 932. themselves into college before more they aren’t like the rest of us? One would think that such an image- section to favor Cherokees? Gets sticky - The average Native American student qualified majority students. but maybe sensitive school would be all over doesn't it? had a 3.23 GPA and a 958 SAT. study a little bit harder. There is only one thing to do that is fair - The average Asian student had a 3.68 Besides. to insist that affirmative action his past Sunday. five NC. State these football players. Not only were to the majority as well as all minorities GPA and a 1.087 SAT. is needed is really nothing more than I football players were arrested they charged with a crime. but this completely abolish race as a factor in the The average Hispanic student 3.53 insisting that minority students just aren‘t for misdemeanor breaking and scandal was all over the TV admissions process. There should not even GPA and a l.075 SAT. capable of the same level of achievement newscasts and even made it to the be a racial designation on the application The average student from outside the as majority students and need special entering and assault after an that the admissions personnel see. United States had a 3.50 GPA and a l.022 breaks. altercation at the apartment of an front page of The News & Observer. Since we filled our first bubble on a SAT. NCSU basketball player. One player There‘s nothing this university hates Scantron sheet. we have been asked to The gulf dividing the average white And who would dare to suggest that? received a six-game suspension from more than bad press. but no official define ourselves as one race or another. applicant and black applicant is l57 points head football coach Mike O‘Cain. action has been pursued. Coach This defining process teaches us to on the SAT. Michael Bies‘ei‘ker. a senior majoring in identify ourselves with a particular race # So this begs the question: how many Language. Writing and Editing. is while the other four players were O’Cain seems to be the only one seeing all those not included in our white students who had better scores were Technician '5 Editural Edilor. His e—muil placed on probation pending the doing anything about this incident. bubbled classification as somehow address is“: mii'[email protected]'u.nr'sucdu outcome of their court hearing. The real problem is not what the So the question is. what is it going to players are accused of doing, but be? Will the university pursue the whether or not the players are being same action it would take against five Passing thoughts at summer’s end treated fairly by the university. engineering majors in the same situation. or will Gosh golly. where did it all go? For the Coca-Cola — "I thought we won?" According to the recently revised it be selective in its sensory deprived among us. summer is exclaims one kid as he drops the can back student code of conduct. the enforcement of the power they were now over. Sucks. doesn‘t it? My summer into the cooler —— while the losing team is university reserves the right to take so eager to get? They wanted the was creeping by until June. then it flew whooping it up with their cooler full of action “against those students whose power to punish the wicked bringers right by me. Three months felt like one. Pepsi. "i guess we didn't" replies a and boy. do i feel cheated. But now that member of the winning or in this case. behavior off-campus would disrupt of bad press to the ivory tower. and school‘s starting back up. l'm looking losing —- team. the campus environment or adversely now they have it. so why aren‘t they forward to life as a senior. But cheer up. Well. affect the university." In other words. using it? loyal fans (both of you). [‘0 still be here if you believe that mindset awhile. because l'm deathly afraid ofthe quickly — lots of liquids and a nap and pipsqueak. you are a loser! Collect up “real world." they were good as new. I can only wonder some of those empty cans. cash them in just how sick she really was and from somewhere and go buy yourself a clue. What. me drill? Last week. Shannon what. i imagine actually having to go Mass Stupidity, Part [I i recently saw a Technician Faulkner's crusade to attend the all-male through Hell Week wasn't on her agenda. display in a health food store for a North Carolina State University's Newspaper Since [920 Citadel in Charleston. South Carolina In short. all she wanted to do was make a particular brand of fruit juice. Among its ended when she rather unceremoniously point. not get an education. enticing slogans and catch phrases was EDiTORS m CHlEF dropped out. Two years of lawsuits and Big Honking Deal. You may have noticed “l00 percent fat-free!" Well gee. since Ron Batcho Jean Lorscheider appeals. all to get beat exhaustion the first th. . this issue of Technician is awful big. we're in the vein of the painfully obvious. [email protected] jeanflsmascancsuedu day of drills and spend the remainder of Its 40 pages makes it the largest why not say that their fruitjuice is l()() Hell Week in the infimiary. Technician ever, so you‘re reading a bit of percent liquid? Managing Editor...... Bmce Myles Design Editor ...... Woody Wallace it seems that the psychological stress of history. Bronzing is optional. Bumpy Ride Getting from the Student News Editor ...... Chris Baysden Business Manager...... Robert Sadler being in a hostile environment was simply The Trial That Wouldn’t Die. Much to Center to Carmichael Gym has become a Editorial Page Editor ...... Michael Biesecker Advertising Manager...Jenniler Zimmerman too much for her. i gues: . but i doubt she my dismay. the 0.]. Simpson trial is still lot safer lately. Not only did the university had any intention of staying anyway. creeping along. I hoped against hope that make the crosswalk across Cates Avenue Sports Editor ...... Aaron Morrison Ads Production Manager..Derick Sattertield First off. she wasn't in shape when she there would have been a mistrial by now. considerably wider a few months back. et cetera Editor...... Keith Crawford Buisness Llason ...... Angela Gupta entered the Citadel. and it sounded to me We should be so lucky. But every circus but they also added two speed bumps on Copy Desk Chief...... Sharon Corkery Archives Manager...... Michael Russ like she wouldn't be able pass the must drop its tents sooner or later and either side. They‘re a great idea. but these physical. If she really wanted to be one of move on to the next town. The sooner the “boogie bumps" will take some getting Photography Editor ...... Melissa Bauer Personnel Director...... Denise Johnson those cadets. wouldn‘t she have stayed in better. used to. Graphics Editor ...... Danny Wilson WWW Administrator ...... Brian Watson shape? It's like complaining to be allowed Mass Stupidity it amazes me sometimes A Final Thought One last piece of Opinions expressed in the columns. cartoons. photo illustrations and letters that appear on Technician's to take an exam and not studying for it how Madison Avenue sees the general advice: for those of you who now have pages are the views of the individual writers and cartoonists. The unsigned editorials that appear on the left once that opportunity comes around. public. The ever-consuming proletariat shiny new bikes to ride to class. ride on sideoltheeditorlalpagearethaopinionolthepaperandaretheresponsibilltyottheEditorinChiei. Secondly. she said she wanted to be a seems to be mindless and foolhardy. the road and not on the sidewalks! State Technician (USPS 455-050) is the official student-run newspaper of NC State University and is published teacher. I. for one. can think of plenty of judging by their recent ads. law requires you to ride in traffic. Riding every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the academic year from August through May except schools that are better suited for There‘s a Pepsi commercial where the onto a sidewalk from the street to get to a during holidays and examination periods. Copyright 0 1995 by the Student Media Authority. All rights prospective teachers than the Citadel. winning Little League team bike rack is fine. but remember that reserved. To receive pennlsalon for reproduction. please write the Editor in Chlst. Mailing address is Box And the fact that she hid in the infirmary comes off the field to celebrate their sidewalks are for pedestrians. not bikes. me, Raleigh,licz‘ms-osoo.SuhacriptloneostlstSOparyaarJnntadhyHintonPressMahanqtic. all week is also suspect. All my friends victory with an ice-cold cola. The team is Ride safely. because Big Nauga is POSTMASTEflzsndmyaddnuchmgastaehnicmaoxmnddghmcm that ever had heat exhaustion recovered astonished that they are being served watching. August 23, 1995 Opinion Page 13

Democratic Party is going, going, gone Technician Opinion m— IS LOOKING FOR A FEW I don't know what to do anymore. turned into a free-for-all. I am a lost soul haunting the Crossword Puzzle GOOD COLUMNISTS. IF YOU consciences of Republican Party Coupled with a disintegrating ARE A GOOD WRITER AND favorites along the marble and Democratic party. a wide-open polished wood halls of our grand GOP primary season means one CAN SPOUT OFF ON A capitol. My brand of politics is James thing: Third Party. VARIETY OF TOPICS ON A laughed at and scorned. and the A number of politicians have worst part is. it is not a fad. Ellis expressed interest in putting WEEKLY BASIS, STOP BY Last week. Bill Bradley. senior his or her sixties. So'.’ The heart and together a third. more moderate Technician’s Open House senator from New Jersey. decided soul of the party of Jefferson are a party. Ross Perot is constantly cited to call it quits. In his fourth term. he bunch of old farts who remember as being the man with the money to OR CALL: apparently saw no reason to FDR saying ”We have nothing to front the operation. with political continue. As one of the most fear but fear itself." luminaries like Warren Rudman. MICHAEL BIESECKER important Democrats in office. his The Democratic brain trust is still Colin Powell. Bill Bradley. Barry Cryptoquip loss will ripple along partisan lines. hanging on to ideas that may be Goldwater and Paul Tsongas (AKA LORD OF OPINION) As the author of one of the most outdated. While the Democratic Era mentioned as the candidates. Mummies make good OR important pieces of tax legislation between FDR in I932 and LBJ employees; they soon ALEX STOREY — the only one in recent memory to until I968 —- was tough on the What a ticket: Bill Bradley. get all wrapped up in actually make taxes simpler — a GOP. it forced them to consistently generally regarded in the Senate their work. (AKA THE DALAI NAUGA) good legislator will be lost. reconsider their goals and ideas. Chamber as a brain with a “get it AT 515-2411 The New York Times. not known keeping them fresher than celery in done" attitude. with Warren for their pro—GOP feelings. called it a Ziploc baggie. Rudman. the man behind the the biggest sign that the Democratic Along with the Dems‘ ideas going Gramm-Rudman Budget Limit Party as we know it is dying. This stale. the power of the dollar has laws. as the activist Vice President. wasn't some slimy Speaker of the corrupted them. In order to win a In the cabinet. Tsongas could FREE INSTRUCTION USE OF OIIR 700” House or some say-anything modem congressional election. you oversee the Treasury. Lugar in the conservative toady talking. This need 5400.000. In order to find all State Department. and maybe even was the Times. And the sad truth is. that money. the Dems could not James Baker III as Chief of Staff. they're right. afford to stick with labor. the lower The mix of moderate GOP and aaaaasaa For people inside the big ugly classes and the downtrodden — the Dems in high office would reverse litespeed Titanium marble buildings. this is a shock. Dems’ standard constituency. They almost 200 years of voluntary The conflict between Republican had to get the money from the same separation between the parties. A and Democrat is over 130 years old. places as the Republicans: big reversal that is late by 200 years. Generations of Americans have business. wealthy individuals. Perhaps 200 years of interparty spent their lives and made their PACs. and the like. warfare has caused these normally livelihoods from this seemingly By taking their cash from the intelligent men and women to “endless“ light. And now it‘s over, same rich sources. the Dems were forget what they were sent to DC. How do I know it's over'.’ Simple. obligated to help those interests. to do: help America thrive. By Over the past twenty years. the corrupting their original ideas. dividing themselves into Democrats Dems have been faltering. No new As so many pols have said. why (who only want to help the programs have been introduced. No have two Republican parties when downtrodden) and Republicans new ideas given. Since LBJ's one is enough? (who only want to help people who Chromemoly framed. fork , demise. the Democrats' idea for a So what's next'.’ The timing is New BIka Shimano AlIvio 8. Acera parts“: platform was the reformulation and interesting because. as America don't need help). American politics rehashing of LBJ's and FDR's old gears up for another election. one becomes a seesaw between the speeches. New Deal Part VII. Great classes. And. if success is measured half of the race may not be in shape by these trivial ups and downs $259 Society Mark XI. this is the Dem‘s to run (not a Bill Clinton joke). between rival factions. no one wins. legacy. Some eight serious candidates some logicw And without a batch of fresh (with possible entries by Quayle While a seesaw may tip one way or Beat any Competitors Coupon! ' ideas. the party could not grow. and Newt) are vying to sit in the the other. it never actually rises. Since 1974 exp 1095 >; Every new generation of ()val Office‘s big chair. The money Judging by America‘s last 100 Democratic pols were weaned on is free. but the votes are hard to years of history. growth does not these ideas and not encouraged to come by. In straw poll after straw occur because 535 legislators and a break from the mold. Those who poll. the race is neck and neck president mandate growth and did were called Boll Weevils. or between Dole and Gramm. but real prosperity. It occurs because people “New" (in the most offensive sense support is weak for both candidates. help each other and themselves. of the word) Democrats. And as Some 73 percent of the Dole Perhaps the class warfare and such. they were kept from positions support in the Iowa poll said they pettiness that has marked America‘s of power. unable to make a would be willing to vote for climb will finally subside. Sure. it difference. someone else. would mean drastic changes in how NEW STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE HOURS As of I992. the average What does this mean‘.’ Open field. we look at politics. but I would Democratic party member was in What was once a one-man show has expect that it would all be worth it. 8:00 am. - 11:00 pm. Mondays — Fridays RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS 8:00 am. — 4:00 pm. Saturdays & Sundays Register for M8101 - When Student Health Service is closed, call Public Safety (515-3333) ONE COURSE Introduction to if need to contact on—call Physician. THAT COULD CHANGE ROTC One Credit Hour Student Health Service 515-2563 THE COURSE Course; Eight Medical Appointments 515—7107, 7:50 a.m. - 4:45 pm. M-F Gynecology Appointments 515-7762, 8:00 - 12:30 & 1:30 4:30 OF YOUR LIFE. Sections Center for Health Directions 515-WELL (9355) Look forward to the self-confidence. character Available future With confidence. and management skills. All Enroll In Army ROTC. an the credentials employers See Page 97 in I elective that's different look for. ROTC 15 open to from any other college freshmen and sophomores TRACS or "On campus Specialists in student health" course. ROTC offers hands- Without obligation and re- on leadership train- quires about 4 hours Contact Second ing. Training that per week. It Will put gives you experi~ your life on a whole Lieutenant ence and helps build new course, Green or Major New Language Classes White, Room 138, Reynolds Just added to TRACS Coliseum 515-2428/29

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The Campus


Cousins outlines new campus alcohol policy Each fall semester the Office of Student Conduct reciev'es hundreds ot'Campus Appearance Tickets and COM W talks Wllh hundreds of students in regards to alcohol v iolations. The following is a brief reminder of the alcoh i policy that is enforced here at NC. State. Consistent Wllh state law. it is illegal and a violation of the University Alcohol Policy for any person less than ll years of age to purchase. possess or consume.any form of alcoholic beverage. Persons who are 2| years of age or older may possess and consume alcoholic beverages on the campus under certain circumstances. Persons who are of legal drinking age may consume alcoholic beverages in private rooms within the residence halls. providing one of the residents of the room is at least ll years of age. Persons of age may also consume alcoholic beverages inside a fraternity chapter house. consistent with fraternity and lF(‘ policy. Again. underage persons should not be purchasing. possessing or consuming under any circumstances. There may be certain events held on campus that have the administrative approval for the possession and consumption of alcohol. A iallei'y rece tion servin , vivineandcléieeseisaneiitampleolg Dexter S not his usual self. such an exception. All other public places on this campus. including streets. sidewalks. parking lots and buildings are off-limits for alcohol purchase. possession and consumption. a] The other area of University property where alcohol possession You suspect the S 33. and consumption is allowed for tho se persons at least 2| years of age is the parking lot of Caner- Finley Stadium. The use of alcoholic beverages in this area is limited to beer and unfortified S o O u C l l 8 wine. No alcohol of any kind D N1! bl tt should be brought inside the y a . a 9 stadium. Students often ask what the judicial response to a violation of the alcohol policy might be. Here are some guidelines that might be . i helpful that pertain specifically to f activities that take place in the fall. yo u r am, I), vet b a C k h 0 m e o ' Typically a violation ofthe alcohol policy will result in that student being placed on disciplinary probation for some period of time. This creates a judicial record in that student's T h e i e name. In addition. there may be 0 some combination of sanctions that might include community service. restitution of property that was damaged or requtred attendance at an alcohol education program. Students who violate the policy ( T b d . byhringingalcoholintoCarter- 00 a about the consultation fee. ) Finley Stadium Will have their privilidges restricted such that they will not recieve free student tickets for up to 90 days. In some circumstances a student may be trespassed from that facility completely for the same period of time. Students who are found in violation of the alcohol policy while on Fraternity Court may be trespassed from that part of canvpus for the remainder of the semester. This could have serious ramat'icaiions for students who Wish to pledge an organization in that area of campus. The last issue that students should be aware of regarding alcohol is a new one for all students. While Wake County has had an open container ordinance for some time. the ('in of Raleigh this summer passed a similar measure making it a violation to have an open container in a public place within the city. The important feature of Sign up for MET 'li‘ueb‘m'ings' and save 25% to ‘ this new ordinance is that the A m A . penalty for this violation may be a fly 9 nytlme’ Anymere $50 fine and/or 30 days in jail. ' ~ I hope that students can use this ll] ”10 l 5‘" information to make good choices and to avoid problems With both the law and university policy. Paul Cousins NCSU Coordinator of Judicial Programs Life can be complicated. AT&T True Savings is simple. just spend $10 a month on long distance SBP takes credit for new and we‘ll subtract 25% off your AT&T billi" Spend $50 a month, get 50% off. Guaranteed. This course repeat policy special offer ends soon. so you've got to call 1 800 TRUE-ATT to enroll by September 15. No fees. No lists. And no circles. That's Thur True Cboz'ce.“’A7&T Technician was very disappointing last summer few articles. fewer good articles. and many glaring inaccuracies. The most recent example of this is the June l4 editorial “Longer drop period helps all." Since this is the opinion of the paper. we can not tell a specific individual to do a See FORUM. Page [5 P August 23,1995 0pinion Page 15

Forum (in/innuedfmm Page [4 betterjob getting his or her facts straight before attempting to lambast the students who spent the l994-95 academic year trying to get the drop date extended while preserving some form of the course repeat without penalty policy. All we can do is set the record straight. Senators Andy (‘rocker and John O'Quinn served on a conference committee with faculty senators and administrators. hashing out disagreements from five faculty senate resolutions from the I993'94 session. This process came to a close in early April this year when the conference committee voted on a compromise package. Provost Philip Stiles had agreed to accept this package pending reapproval of the faculty senate. At the April 28 meeting of the I994-95 faculty senate. there was a lot of debate over accepting the package since it loosened the prowsions required to drop a class and retained a first year course repeat without penalty policy. which faculty had voted to eliminate. O'Quinn. having served on the conference committee. urged the faculty memebers to accept this new package. The extension of the drop date benefited students by giving them adequate time to receive feedback from professors. and the package also took great strides toward alleviating abuses of the old course repeat policy. With only one dissenter. the faculty senate voted to accept the conference committee repon and extend the drop date to six weeks. On May 22. Stiles. as promised. announced implementation of the new drop date for Fall I995. When the faculty senate passed a resolution in 1994. the vote to actually implement the extension did not occur until after O‘Quinn took office. and would not have occured if he had not lobbied the faculty senate. O‘Quinn and Crocker both deserve some credit for the drop date extension. For students who ask “What does student government ever do for me'.’". this is a good example. There were some on the conference committee who were hesitant to keep the extension. and the extension some wanted would have required students to jump through the hoops of getting approval from advisors and deans. not simply picking up the phone and calling TRACS or stopping by registration and records. Had O‘Quinn and Crocker not been pan of that committee. there would not be the type ofextension that we celebrate today. Had ()‘Quinn not followed up on his campaign promise. the conference committee‘s work may have been for naught. If the unknown authors of ”Longer drop period helps all" and the Technician editors w ho voted to include it in the June 14 edition cannot see clearly enough to recognize O'Qumn and Crocker‘s work. then perhaps they should resign and allow individuals with clear. objective vision to take their place. The time has come for the student paper and student govemment. particularly the office of the student body president to put aside an adversarial relationship. Until then. the student body will continue to suffer. Together we can make our campus a better place for students. John O’Quinn Senior. Chemical Engineering

Forum Policy Technician welcomes ' Campus Forum letters. They are likely to be printed if they: 0 are limited to approximately 350 Words 0 are signed with the writer‘s name. and. if the writer is a student, his/her major Technician will consider all submissions. but does not guarantee they will be pubhshed. All letters are subject to editing and become the property of Technician. Letters should be brought by Suite 323 of the Student Center Annex or mailed to Technician. Campus Forum. Your True Choice PO. Box 8608. University Station. Raleigh, NC 27695- 8608. Forum letters may also be submitted via e-mail. The forum's address is ‘(krtain exclusions apply: Available in most areas. ((i“1005 ATka [email protected]. ’age 16 Technician August 23,1995

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For your convenience NCSU Bookstores fall “rush” hours will be

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8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and

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August 23, 1995

Coach O’Cain faces the press, feels the heat

. Suspended I Mike O’Cain responds to Disappointed fans react to the charges against five “Those kinds of Duan Everett players with a suspension things happen. I disciplinary action Sophomore/Linebacker and a lot of explanations. mean, you can’t Breaking and entering Bv Mit'iiiuzi. PRESTON babysit these guys 24 I Fans and players react Several of the fans had not heard A .‘..‘_‘.'Alli SM iizti. Ffjl',’it. much about the incident. Many had - Assault hours a day and hope toward the recent arrest of just heard a lot of speculation and As a herd of reporters filed five football players in rumors. Most did not know about - Six game suspension upstairs to the balcony of the A.E they won’t make connection with the the suspension, but added if Everett l‘llllt!) l‘ieldhouse. coach Mike mistakes.” burglary and assault of did it. he should be punished. ()‘('.iiii looked down from above fellow students. “If he did it. he deserves it." said and shook his head. Joey Caddy. a sophomore in ll was easy to tell that he could — Mike ()‘Cain, Bv AARON MORRlSON poultry science. “What they did iioi believe the magnitude of the NC. State head coach spouts Eonon makes the whole program look bad situation. much less that it as a whole." happened at all. Amidst the ear-splitting faux Wolfpack football has been a The situation in question is the on Monday night Will) a cast on his cheers of the A.E. Finley staple in the athletics department. Ricky Bell James Walker incident involving five football left forearm and hand. but was not Fieldhouse loudspeakers. NC. State While the basketball program JrJCornerback SrJFree Safety players and the charges surrounding available for comment on the football fans watched the team's suffered NCAA probation and ' Assault with a - Assault Wllh an altercation with two members of situation. third scrimmag. of the season and sanctions. the football program deadly weapon deadly weapon the basketball learn and a woman The other four players involved i t reflected on the recent melee continued to grow. virtually Breaking and 0 Breaking and early Sunday morning. the charges. offensive lineman involving live football players. problem free A the only waves entering entering "At this point in time. I'm in a Lamont McCauley. deleiisive The scrimmage started just coming during the sudden position to suspend Duan Everett lineman Mike Harrison. cornerback minutes after head football coach resignation of former coach Dick for sl\' football games. a minimum Ricky Bell and free safety James Mike O‘Cain handed down a six- Sheridan and the field altercation of sit football games." O'Cain said. Walker. will be put on probation game suspension to sophomore with North Carolina two years ago. ”If I find out further that there is pending further investigation. linebacker Duan Everett. Everett The cleanliness of the program Mike Harrison Lamont more information that l have not “I‘ve done every thing I can to find and four other football players have seems only to magnify the severity SrJDetenslve McCauley heard. it could be more than that. out all the facts in dealing with my been charged with breaking and of the problem and possible line SrJOttensive “All l‘ve found out right now is football team and the victims entering and assault. ramifications on the program. line that Duan Everett definitely broke invol\ed. and to my knowledge O'Cain took no disciplinary action But to some fans. this incident is ‘ Breaking and ' Simple assault one of our team rules so he is right now. the other four have done against the other four players really no surprise and does not entering 0 Breaking and guilty; I know that for a fact: he nothing. at this point in time, to involved except probation pending entering told me.“ their court appearance. See REACTION, Page 48 Everett was seen at the scrimmage See O'CAIN. Price 48 P

Welcome Corneal: to the Leader of jungle the Pack I The women’s soccer team returns eight Aaron '- starters from a team that went to the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Morrison More importantly, it returns head coach I Here's the latest Alvin Corneal Wolfpack disaster, Bv J.P. Gl(;l.l() memories of the Mick and ASSlSTANl SPOms Emop what you can do to help us Alvin Corneal didn't play for NC. State's soccer out. team last year. but he did win his share of games for the Wolfpack. After muddling through This is my first semester as mediocrity the first half of Technician Spons Editor. the season. Corneal This is also my last semester at installed a Brazil-style NC. State. so the Morrison attack. and the Pack closed Goodbye Tour starts here and now. out the season on a 7—2 tear And it‘s already gotten off to a and a trip to the NCAA rocky start. Toumament. Unless you‘ve been on the planet Was it a coincidence that Zortron for the past two days. you State started rolling when may not know what I‘m talking Corneal took over'.’ about. Stephanie Sanders. the Raleigh Police arrested live NC. team's leading scorer. State football players. including doesn‘t think so. three starters. on charges of “We owe everything to breaking and entering and assault. our coach." she said. Alvin Corneal Add the six-game suspension of "Everyone respects him so running back Carlos King and the much and tries so hard for him in the practice." season looks a little bleak. The system Corneal implemented was the same attack Usually football is the old stand- the Brazil national team took in the World Cup by. No top-it) finishes. but no real championship in 1994. problems either. "it is unorthodox." Sanders said. “Our coach was Just when the Wolfpack football trying to change our style of play the whole season; at program is on the verge of taking a the end we iUst pulled it off " huge step forward. this happens. After a double-overtime bam»burner over Clemson in But get this: During the 199495 the first round. State almost pulled off the biggest upset school year. the Pack did not win in NCAA tournament history. The Pack had national an ACC Championship in any heavyweight UNC-Chapel Hill on the ropes with less . In fact. the last time State did than 10 minutes to play in its second round match-up. win a conference title. it was the After Sanders‘ second goal of the game put the Pack up men's and women's cross country Z-l. teams in the {all of 1993. “We were so psyched." Sanders said. “We said ‘let's So. there you go. One triumphant hold this.” day in the past two years. But the Wolfpack couldn't deliver the knock-out For the football team to pull off a punch. Carolina went ahead on a penalty kick late in top-l0 finish now. it would have to the game and knocked in a meaningless goal with three fill plenty of holes. beat Clemson. seconds left to win. 4-2. Virginia and come close to Florida It is these types of situations that will make the 1995 State and Alabama. team stronger in the long run. If that happens, no one will HIDE imam/Stan “l think our strength will come from the fact that the remember what happened at 3:30 During Meet the Pack day on August lath. Jett Mann points out to his daughter, Rebecco. that it is am. on Aug. 20. Important not to overlook Virginia before the big Florida State game this season in Tallahassee. I'm still trying to forget. See Soccer, Page 28 Sum of losses and [aloe l never did see Mickey Mantle play baseball. Sure. I've seen the old footage Seminoles put rest of ACC in headlock again just like every other sports fan of my generation. But never have l with this. more than four minutes. As far as Tremayne Stephens. but imagine seen him stroll to the plate. ready to I These picks are pretty actually losing a conference game what this kid can do given a whole do some damage to an oppOsing good. And I’m much less You‘ve probably read The News goes. well. let's put it this way. FSU year to start. If the Pack can get pitcher. annoying than Lee Corso. & Observer and looked through is so stacked. it probably has through the first half of the season My dad tells me about watching Mike Presttin endless numbers of pre-season student managers who finish the 40 unscathed. it could easily go 5-0 football publications trying to get a under 4.4 seconds. over its last five games. Mantle lace left»handers andjust Far be it from me to call myself an letter to Miss Delaware from the lock on who‘s going to finish where 3. Virginia Coming off a strong knowing he was going to go deep. expert in the field of football Miss Teen U.S.A. pageant —— who in the ACC. Now I‘m no Beano 2. N.C. State OK. Ricky Bell and showing in the Poulan/Weedeater In those days. Mantle was king. prognostication. because I‘m not. I is now attending NC. State — but Cook. but I think my guesses about those guys are only on probation His personal life had no bearing on know enough to get by. and seeing conference race are just as good right now. Independence Bowl (snicker). the his public perception. As a matter as how l am in a position in the my editor says this has to be about the Cavaliers could be the team to of fact. most of his fans had no idea Sports department to write a sports. as the next guy's. State is returning its core up front. knock off the Seminoles. if for no about his alcoholism. Today that column about whatever I want i I So I‘ve reluctantly changed the I. Florida State This could be the and its entire backfield on both will. topic to something else. and due to year the Seminoles actually trail an sides of the ball. And I don't mean See MORRISON. Page 38 P My original idea was an open the lack of a better idea. I came up ACC team in the second half for to put any unnecessary pressure on See PRESTON. Page 48 P Page 215 Sports August 23, 1995

1995 Women’s Soccer Schedule

‘ Sept. 3 Army 3 p.m. Sept. 8 Fordham* 5 p.m. Sept. 9 Georgia State* 5 p.m. Sept. 11 at North Carolina 7 p.m. Sept. 14 Duke 4 p.m. Sept 20 UNC-Greensboro 7 p.m. Sept. 23 Wake Forest 2 p.m. Sept 26 at Campbell 7p.m. Sept 30 at George Mason 1 p.m. Oct. 4 at Davidson 6 p.m. Oct. 6 iexas# 5 p.m. Oct. 7 Ohio State# 5 p.m. ; Oct. 10 at Virginia 4 p.m. ‘ Oct. 13 Clemson 4 p.m. ‘ Oct. 21 Maryland 1 p.m. < Oct. 23 Florida State 1 p.m. ‘ Oct. 25 Old Dominion 3 p.m. 1 Oct. 27 at Auburn 1 p.m. ' Oct. 29 at Georgia 2 p.m. Nov. 2-5 ACC Tournament$ TBA . Campbell Kickoff CIassrc ' tr Duke Soccer Classic 3 at College Park. Md. “Coach brought out the potential in us." Mertz said. “We are a no— Soccer name team that plays together.“ Continuedfrom Page I Coaching isn‘t the only secret to girls who were here last year are the Wolfpack‘s success. A stifling now an improved lot." Corneal said. defense frustrates opponents into “They're more matured. more submission. During the final stretch focused. and I expect that they will of the season. sans the Carolina form the nucleus. and they will help game. the defense allowed less than bring along the younger players." one goal per game including two Corneal was hired at the shutouts. beginning of the season as a The core of the defensive unit is HoNtEn Moms/5w: "consultant" to the program. In the made up of returnees All-American Returning starter Monica Hall, shown here in last seasons game versus Duke, finished last season with l2 goals, which placed middle of October both sides cut Thori Staples. Robin Morlock. her second on the team. Once again she will team up with Stephanie Sanders to form a potent oflensive attack. through the red tape and named Sandy Miller and Bridget Durkan. summer. Corneal called Staples a “We're going to utilize them a lot Zaborowski this year in tertns of a competitive but Comeal feels he is Corneal the head coach. He was a Mertz is back in goal for the Pack. fabulous player and probably the more this year." Corneal said. “But new player. and I don't think up to the task. former player and seven-time MVP As a freshman. she started every fastest defender in the world. She we also have a girl. lane Walton. there's a new player who can “i am hoping to bring this team tip on the Trinidad and Tobago‘s game and said she thinks the also won the H.C. Kennett Award who is a member of the Canadian compare with her." Corneal said. to the level of the other teams in the national team. Corneal is the second defense is ready to lead. for female athlete of the year. it is national team and can play either ”We're going to work with some of ACC." Corneal said in October. “It coach in school history. He took "Our defense is stacked." Mertz the highest athletic award given by forward or midfield." the young ones. We‘ve got two girls will take some. astute recruiting. but over for interim coach .lode Osborn said. “It is the backbone of our the university. The Pack loses four seniors to from Raleigh. and we‘re hoping one it will come.“ who replaced the founding father of team." ()n offense the Pack has its top graduation including second-team will come up trumps." This year. according to goalkeeper the program. Larry Gross. Al|~Everything Staples is a two guns back for the fall All-ACC performer Catherine Corneal will have a solid Katherine Mertz. the team has one Besides a new style. Corneal has member of the US. national team. campaign. Sanders. a sophomore. Zahorow ski. Zahorowski is a foundation returning on which to purpose. instilled a sense of unity on the which will be competing for the had 32 points. and sophomore member of Norway ‘s national team. build the program. With two top- “We want the ring." she said. “We team. World Cup in Switzerland this Monica Hall recorded 28. “We are not going to replace l'ive teams in the area. recruiting is think we can win it all,"

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State loses two coaches, but gains Olympic experience posted 106 wins with the men‘s began her career at State as an are testament of her hard work. A(‘(‘ honors. sotne of the best college coaches in Henry steps down team to I50 losses. coached three assistant coach for both the men's dedication and commitment." After being named Freshman All- the game. after 12 years All-ACC players. and two ACC and women‘s squad. Tumei stated in a press release. American. Sergio avoided the “I‘m the young pup on this staff." champions. With the program on the upswing. "The young women in her proverbial sophomore slump by Tanner said. “It‘s an educational spouts S'Arr Repom “My years as the NC. State tennis Key will be leaving behind a team program are model student-athletes being named third-team All. experience for me. he learned a lot coach will always be an especially that has won 27 matches in the past and are a reflection of Kelly‘s American last season. from the best in the business. At the beginning of August. the valued part of my career." Henry two seasons. personality." "I‘m really taking advantage of second tennis coach in a week said. “I will continue my interest in “NC. State athletics has been my One of those former student- my opportunity to work with all The 1995 USA Baseball team resigned. a strong Wolfpack tennis program passion and my second family for athletes. assistant coach Jenny these great coaches." Sergio said, travelled on a ll city. ii-gamc tour Crawford Henry stepped down as and consider myself part of the eight years." Key said. “The Garrity. will serve as the acting “You pick different things up from of the United States this summer the men‘s head coach after [2 years Pack.“ toughest thing about this decision is head coach during the interim different players too. I‘ve learned a The squad stopped for a double-dip at NC. State. leaving the Wolfpack There has been no mention of who I will be leaving behind, the period. lot from Mark Kotsay [Cal-State against the Korean national team at \thtlul a men‘s coach. A week whom will replace Henry. student-athletes and the people I Fullerton] and the better hitters in the '\lilit.'l|t Park earlier. women's coach Kelly Key have loved working with the conferences." July l5-lo. handed in her resignation leaving everyday." Sergio and Tanner Sergio was not be the only The US dropped the first gamc 4 the Wolfpack without a men‘s or a Despite many wins, The Wolfpack will have six- Wolfpack representative on the 2. but rebounded from the loss and women's coach. returning letterwinners next season contribute to USA team. Head coach Ray Tanner made pounded the Koreans H H in Henry will now assist in the Key wants a change to build on the succes it has his second appearance with Team Sunday's game. administration of the athletics achieved in the past couple of years. DURHAM — For the second time in USA. department‘s community outreach After back-to-back winning “l am very proud of the direction three years. the NC. State baseball “ll speaks well of our program.“ programs. seasons, including a school record in which the department is going." team has a player on the USA Tanner said. "I did this in HQ} and Pack baseball sets “(‘oach Henry has touched the l5 last year. NC. State women's Key said. “[Athletics Director] national team. had three of my players with me lives of hundreds of NC. State tennis coach Kelly Key has decided Todd Turner and the entire Following in the footsteps of then. meeting for tryouts student-athletes during his twelve to make a change in scenery. administration have been supportive Terry Harvey. Pat Clougherty. and “It means a lot to me to have years as head coach." State Key announced last week she was of me every step of the way. Andy Barkett. second baseman Sergio here With me this time." Athletics Director Todd Turner resigning from the head position "That kind of leadership will Tom Sergio has earned a spot on Tanner Wlll work as an assitant The N C. State baseball team Wlll said. “His strong personal character. after six years and 59 career allow the tennis program as well as Team USA. under Louisiana State coach Skip hold an organizational meeting for integrity. and sportsmanship have victories. the rest of the department to Sergio. a rising junior, batted .39l Beraman players wanting to walk on for the served as pOsi;ive examples to his “My reason for leaving NC. State continue to be successful." while reaching base safely in all but The same coaching staff will Wolfpack. The meeting \\'|ll be players and coaching colleagues." is very simple." Key stated in a Turner will begin the search for two games this season. The return next year for the ‘96 Olympic AugUst 30 at 6:00 pm at l)oak Henry joined the Wolfpack in press release. “It‘s just time in my Key's replacement immediately. Norristown. Pa. native knocked in games in Atlanta. l‘lt‘ltl. The meeting is mandatory Ior 1984 as the head man of both the life to make a change,“ “The accomplishments she 33 runs. stole 17 bases. and hit three Tanner too gained much those wanting to tryout for the women's and men‘s programs. He Key. a North Carolina alumnae. acheived with our tennis program home runs to earn first team All- experience from his summer with team. No exceptions will be made.

Personally. I don‘t have any We want to try some new things other stuff from around the ACC selected from readers' votes. Raleigh. NC 27695-8608 Mantle baseball memories good this year. We just want to make and the nation that you don't want Keep in mind. Red Terrors don‘t In addition. we want more Morrison enough to overshadow the Mick’s progress everyday. Give l 10 to miss. have to be Varsity athletes. If ititramural and club sports. But it personal problems. But my dad‘s percent. Take ‘em one day at a But in order to have this new someone scores six goals in an you don't call or write. we won't (‘onlinuedfrom Page I memories of him will dojust fine. time. Play within ourselves. And section fly. we need your help. We intramural soccer game. please let know what you want see in this would be impossible. The media God willing. everything will turn need letters. us know. space. I‘m not promising we Will be would be all over it. What's New out just fine. You can respond to something one You may either send your able to run everything you because Who‘s to say that if Darryl In the tradition of NC. State This fall. we're going to try to of our columnists wrote or to responses through e-mail to space is limited. but Technician Strawberry lived in that time period athletics. we here at Technician spice up our Wednesday section. A anything you feel needs to be [email protected] or you can Sports ,, as always _- Will do its he would not have the same hero Sports would like to start out the new segment called “The Buzz" addressed. do it the old-school way and send best. status as Mantle? year with a lot of false promises. will include letters from readers. We. also want to know who you them to: I‘m not saying cocaine is the same speculation and swagger. Where it two Red Terrors (or players) of the think should be one of the Red Sports Editor. Technician as alcohol. but you know what I'm goes after that. well your guess is Week. a quote of the week and all Tenors of the Week. Our staff will 323 Witherspoon Center saying. as good as mine. the latest Wolfpack tidbits — and choose one and the other will be Box 8608

Technician Sports: We speak softly and carry a big stick


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2554169 Swift Crock SHOWN Center ********** Page 48 Sports August 23, 1995

R t “I can’t believe they would be so stupid. Continued from Page [8 seem far from the norm around the Here they are on a NCAA. “lt doesn't necessarily hurt the scholarship, and they whole program." said Kevin go and screw Misenheimer. a senior in environmental engineering. themselves over.” "Because other schools around the country have the same kinds of — Steven Handlos. problems." Some fans found it strange that sophomore such a thing would happen. mechanical engineering especially after the recent suspension of running back Carlos ahd stay’cl—ean shave'n. But off the King. King also picked up a six- field. I‘ll bet the same things would game suspension for an unspecified have happened to him." violation of team rules earlier in the Players responded with different summer. attitudes. Some. like Jonathan "What happened to Carlos King Redmond. stated some concern really should have been a lesson for about the incident. the other players on the team." said “lt hurts us." Redmond told The Dawson Pugh. a freshman in News & Observer. ”Everybody's agriculture. “They should have trying to do well. It's a setback. It known better." affects the team unity.“ Some students expressed utter Others tried to stay focused on the disbelief. task at hand — preparing for the "I can't believe they would be so tough I995 season. stupid." said Steven Handlos. a “We‘re worried about football." sophomore in mechanical offensive lineman Tom Dombalis engineering. “Here they are on a told The N&O. “We‘ve got scholarship. and they go and screw Marshall in IO days.“ themselves over." The top brass had some things to Other questions arose about say about the incident and the way whether an incident like this would it-was handled. have happened had Sheridan still “I‘m certainly supportive of those been at the helm. Sheridan was sanctions." Wolfpack Athletics known for his strictness and Director Todd Turner told The distance from the players. N&O. “This is a team issue. and it “I think the same thing would was appropriately dealt with. Mike have happened if Sheridan was still took deCisive action. the coach." Wisenheimer said. “He and he was was strict on the players on the fair." field. making them have short hair “This was an O’Cain_ aggressive act against Continuedfrom Page [B another student with justify a punishment." O‘Cain said. O'Cain also said that the preceeding probationary status was in place so circumstances, the that he could find out more about information than what he knows details of which I now. He also stated that the four can’t get into right players will remain on probation now.” until either the charges are dropped or the courts find them guilty. The five will appear in court on —— Mike O’Cain, September 21 to face. among other charges. breaking and entering and NC. State head coach assault. kinds of things happen. I mean. you “From what I understand. the can‘t babysit these guys 24 hours a other four are only guilty of being day and hope they won't make in the wrong place at the wrong mistakes. During one of the controlled scrimmages. freshman linebacker Rusty Chappell makes a longing tackle at another time." O'Cain said. “We all make mistakes. and you troshmcin. tailback Quentin Neals of Aiken, S.C. The team plays again Thursday night. 7:00 pm. at Carter-Finley Stadium. That statement led to several live and learn from them." questions from the media The relationship between the concerning the team's curfew. football team and the basketball O'Cain responded that there was no team also came into question during Preparation begins at team scrimmages curfew on Saturday and there the session. but O'Cain explained would not be one in the future. that neither team had any animosity Sponts SYAFF fem‘ii?’ Stephens carried the ball four Also ;i plus for Statc was tumor l'hc sciinimagc lollowcd This is not the first time that some toward the other. He pointed out times for il yards and caught four placc kickci Marc l’i'iiiianti ()‘(';iiii's plan to gct the younger of these players had a brush with that many football players were Monday. senior QB Terry passes for 32 yards. i‘TL‘SillllLlfl l’riiii.iiiti. thc front runnci‘ for to players play ing tiiiic disciplinary actions. Bell had been friends With basketball players. Harvery lit up the night by passing Tory Holt caught thrcc passes lot l.ikc ii\ct ltit :\|l ‘\(‘(‘ kickct convicted in the fall of I992 for “This was an aggressive act for three touchdowns and running 56 yards and rcdshirt freshman Stcyc idctich. hit on licld goals "\Vt‘ wcrc itblt' lo gct \itlllL‘ breaking and entering. but a against another student with in one more during the Puck‘s fullback Jeff Butlcr carricd siy of 4 i. 42. 24. and ‘i yards young guys on film." ()'('.iin \illtl sentence could never be preceeding circumstances. the third preseason scrimmage. times for 34 yards and caught .i l'hc passing attack. howcy cr. had “We know \y hat thc oldci guys detemiined. details of which I can't get into Harvey gutded the offense on a pair of passes for nine yards. .i day to lorgct Scnioi quarterback. can do As for Walker. his season was right now.“ O‘Cain said. drive of 60 yards during the first lt‘l'l‘) llarycy .ittcinptcd only four "Wc nccd to liiid out about already in jeopordy for academic O Cain did note that the teams possession of the game. The seven In the second scrimmage of the thioyy s. completing two of thcni younger playcis .ind gct thciu reasons. He was also suspended for spirits were still high despite trying play drive included a 23—yard pass year for the football team. coach lot 1‘ yards (ilashccn \\ .l\ rt‘ndy lti git." a violation of team rules last year to practice under such stressful to tight end Mark Thomas and was Mike ()'(';iin did not see the intci'tcptcd l\\lLL' and .IU\C One notable tllltlt'l'ti.t\slllt‘tl who and was forced to miss the Peach conditions. capped off with an cightyard run progress hc hoped for after .i l .‘iiiicno w .t\ .li\ii pic kcil oll saw c\tcndcd timc \\.l\ Bowl. He also said that this setback on an option play to sophomore porductiyc first outing. . . tliiartcrbtick Josc |.itirc.ino lhc What made this incident even would not affect the preparation for Tremayne Stephens. Another “l was displeased with the entire The N (‘ Statc football tc.iin got icdshiit lrcshmiin from ilttt'ltllt more disheartening to O‘Cain was the season opener against Marshall. drive of over 40 yards featured a team‘s performance today." its first full contact action last coinplctcd «Sight of ll p.t\\cs for the fact that three of the five were but did say that practices and 24-yard gain on a reverse to Alvis ()‘(Iiin said. “Right froin the start. w cck in the team‘s scrimmage 76 yards and two lfllleltl\>\\ll\ upperclassmen. scrimmages have felt the Whitted and a two~yard we were not ready to play. chncsdiiy night at (Iii’tcr l-inlcy Also true freshman tailback “I will never say that it won‘t ramifications of the actions of the touchdown run by Quentin Neals. “The game is both mental and Stadium Quentin Ncals full for «ll yards on happen again. but I would hope that five players. “l was very pleased with the way physical. and today we were just (‘oiich \likc (i't'ain cinpticd his l i ll'lt‘s it won't." O'Cain said. “Those Terry threw the ball." coach Mike not hcrc mentally." bench carly and often and gayc O'Cain said. “He threw a couple One player who made his cach playcr .i tastc of Iiyc action The controlled sciimmiigc of balls that were off some. but prcscncc felt was true freshman 'l'hc highlight of thc scrimmage started with siy posscssions .it thc overall he threw very well. His Kirk Kewmars Bailii. Thc crime on tltc first play by Junior offcnscs' 4t) y irdAlinc. only onc of amt seemed to hold tip well. and l ('alifornia native intercepted fullback Rod Brown. Brown which resulted in ii touchdown. Technician Sports: We get great seats, was very pleased with his timing quarterback Michael (ilashcen on truckcd through thc lllltltllt‘ of the The next fiyc driycs bcgaii at the free food and we don’t have to sleep both concerns considering that he back-to~back possessions inside line for SI yards to the nine yard tlc‘lt‘tisc‘s' 40 Two of llttisc t'titlcd had not thrown in about a week the defenses 30 yard line. line sctting up ii \L‘ltt’t‘ by backfield in siy points On one of thosc outside. and a half." Thc ground game w ll\ a bright matc th.‘lll.l}tlt‘ Stcphciis scoring driycs. itinior qiiaitci'buck If that interests you, come to Technician’s Open Harvey held back on throwing for the Pack. Star running back Stcphcns cairicd the ball only Michael (iliishccn completed all the ball far downficld because of a ’l‘remayne Stephens had \l‘t four times for 21 yards three of his passes for 32 yards House tender shoulder. but still finished carriers for 73 yards and rcdshirt “l w its pleased with the w .iy thc and a Ill—yard touchdown pass to Tonight at 6:30 pm. 323 Witherspoon Center the evening with If) completions freshman ('ordell Smith carried scrimmage wcnt." t)'(‘ain said true freshman Torry Holt on 27 attempts. totaling loft yards the ball seven times for 55 yards “We did sonic good things on both and three touchdowns. and a touchdown. sltlcs til lht’ bull.” \u' SCRIMMAGE, lam ‘Ii shoulders of Leon Johnson due to four games of his senior year. so Bobby Bowden met a deserying the career move of the century: now the offense is going to slow Notrc Dame in 1993 and Tom 1995 Paotball Schedule Curtis Johnson leaving early and down. Even worse. the Terp ()sborne over an even more signing with an agent. He was cut defense would have trouble deserving Penn State in W94. t1 {Confinaedfrmm Page CIB’ last week by the Cowboys. (Hey stopping an offense run by my This year the yoters have to be l other reason than they have them at Curt. I hear there's an opening at Mom. No offense. Mont. Aug. 31 Charlottesville this year. They also Dairy Queen.) Their special teams feeling sorry for Joe Paterno. who Marshall* 7:30 pm. return Mike Groh and ACC Rookie 8. Georgia Tech Bless your heart. got screwed out of the title last year. Sept. 9 Virginia 4 pm. unit is one of the best in the George ()‘Leary. He takes over a Penn State definitely has a Sept. 16 at Florida State noon of the Year Ronde Barber. but it is a country. but they don't play every team in such disarray that it ran its legitimate shot to Win the whole George Welsh tradition to pull an el down. starting quarterback. Tommy Sept. 23 Baylor 1 pm. foldo (Spanish for “we will choke") thing. but it won't be easy. Auburn Sept. 30 Clemson 1 pm. at the end of each season. 6. Clemson I find it hard to Luginbill. out of a job and into is finally off probation. and FSU 4. Duke Fred Goldsmith worked believe that a team of that caliber Eastern Kentucky. always finishes in the top five. Oct. 7 at Alabama 4 pm. wonders with that team last year. could just fall off the map like that. 9. Wake Forest on those lovable Nebraska is looking to repeat. and Oct. 21 at Duke noon and he got a little too much credit. especially after the pounding they losers from Winston-Salem. I tell assuming it doesn‘t blow any Nov. 4 Maryland 4 pm. They started 6-0 by walking over took at the hands of South Carolina you. it's going to be a dog fight for infinitely large fourth quarter leads. Nov. 11 at Georgia Tech 1:30 pm. such cupcakes as Army. Navy. at the end of last year. The Tigers that seven spot. but the Deac ins Florida has a chance. Nov. 18 at Wake Forest noon Wake Forest and East Carolina. have the potential to surprise some just don't have the -1 what‘s the And hand the Heisman to There are high school teams in people this year. but only if they word I'm looking for'.’ 7 talent to anyone but Ron Powlus. The Nov. 24 North Carolina# 11 am. Texas who could walk through that establish some sort of passing pull it off. (iolden Boy gone bust is the most * Thursday schedule. However. Spence Fischer game. .0. overrated quarterback since any # Friday returns. as does free safety Ray 7. Maryland The Terps won‘t As far as the national scene goes. stat»inflated junkie from the WAC. Farmer. finish last. Bet on it. And speaking if everything goes as planned. the You don't need me here. Pick a between Iceland Mclilroy of Texas Rice and maybe Danny Kancll 5. North Carolina The of illegal gambling. Maryland is an coach whom the voters feel most quarterback from Brigham Young A&M and Bobby l‘ngram of Penn We also like 'l'rcmaync. but we quarterback is also the punter. and expert in that field. Starting QB sorry for at the end of the season and run with it. The staff consensus State. There was a mic for Simeon know not to get greedy. Yet the entire offense will lie on the Scott Milanovich misses the first will win the national championship. here at the office lies somewhere

Technician Sports: We could beat Peter “Hurricane” McNeeley. Technician Sports: Creators of picture-in-picture television. August 23, 1995 Sports Page 53

Golf team finishes eighth NCSU I A little luck and a smile par. from “This is a hard golf His total was only eight strokes Mother Nature help back of the NCAA champion Chip the Pack to a top-10 finish. course to average 73 Spratlin of Auburn. shots per player. Our ()rmsby and the Pack were gets Spams StArr Rrpom playing against the country's best guys did an especially amateurs. Phenom Tiger Woods of COLUMBUS. Ohio — Consistency is great job, especially Stanford. who won the title last the mark ofa good golfer. year. took fifth this year while In the NCAA Finals. the N.C. considering the way leading the Cardinal to a first-place NCAA State men's golf team had five some of the teams in tie and a playoff with Oklahoma consistent players rise to the State. The Cowboys captured the occasion to tie for eighth place our area played.” crown by shooting a 286 in the last overall. round. All five players made the final cut “There are no bad teams here." OK for the Wolfpack with Todd —Richard Sykes, Sykes said. “It's like the PGA ()rmsby leading the way by tying Tour." for list with a 29I four-round total. N.C. State coach But State didn‘t shy away from Spoutt. SlAiF REPOM State‘s play pleased coach the heavyweights. ()rmsby wasn't Richard Sykes. but he said he felt NC. State athletics can finally the Pack could have gone further. tournament for the Wolfpack. alone on the leader board. Ormsby hovered around par Junior Mark Slawter finished one (44..u close the book on its less»than- “We expected to get lucky and throughout the tournament. His stroke back of ()rmsby with a 292 stellar academic standing with the Win." he said. “But we got a top-l0 and James Bunch and ACC my I, NCAA. finish. and that's not that bad." highest round was a 74 (two over HoNiHa MORRIS/FILE On Thursday. NCSU was told it Todd ()rmsby led the charge for par) in the opening day of play. and Wolfpack golter Hank Kim looks on intently while AD Todd gained the highest level of NCAA the Wolfpack. Playing in his final in the final two rounds he hit even See GOLF, Page 68 P Turner shades his eyes from the sun so he can see the action. certification. NCSU became the first Atlantic Coast Conference program to receive certification. and the first of a wave of universities to complete the year- long certification process. said Pack, Pirates get ready to rumble Todd Turner. NCSU athletics director. “It validates NCSU athletics as I If you make them, they one of the premier programs. and will play. ‘f" we're proud of that." Turner said. The certification program is Bv J.P. GIGLlO designed to ensure that member Asssrmt Spams Eonon universities comply with the The Pirates are coming! The NCAA‘s commitment to integrity Pirates are coming! in intercollegiate athletics. Nearly a decade since the last “The entire university family. regular season meeting. N.C. State particularly our Wolfpack Club and Athletic Director Todd Turner our coaches and faculty. should be announced in June that the very proud of this recognition." Wolfpack plans to resume the said Chancellor Larry Monteith. football series with East Carolina Monteith. who led the University. certification process. said it shows In the press release. NCSU that NCSU is on the right path with Chancellor Larry Monteith the changes it made to improve the authorized Turner to "explore academic experiences of student- every opportunity to schedule athletes. games without restriction." The NCAA‘s process examines "The N.C. State vs. East Carolina the athletics department‘s academic game was certainly one of the and financial integrity. governance most popular on our football and commitment to equity and schedule during the l970s and rules compliance. An NCSU self- ‘80s." Turner. who is attending an study committee completed a 300 NCAA meeting in Maine. stated in page report for submission to the a press release. “Renewal of this NCAA. rivalry is important to our state Art Padilla. a professor in the and would be good for the sport of College of Management and an .“ assistant to the chancellor. chaired A definite schedule has not been the committee. settled. Turner and ECU Athletic Padilla said the report showed Director Mike Hamrick have improvements in academic discussed getting the game on the achievement of all students at slate for as early as the I996 NCSU over the last five years. season and at least by the I997 Graduation rates for all season. undergraduate students have risen “We hope to complete our from 59 percent in I990 to 68 dichssions and reach an percent in I995. Padilla said. agreement in the next few Padilla said the academic months." Turner said. improvements in student-athletes Turner. with athletics directors have been most impressive. John Swofford of UNC-Chapcl Nearly 40 percent of student- Hill and Mike Hamrick of ECU. athletes had GPAs above 3.0 last reached an agreement before the JOHN GARNER/FILE fall. with ()2 making the dean's list proposed bill in the State Senate. With the help of the state legislature. the will once again try to catch the Woltpack on the gridiron. The and 18 having perfect 4.0 averages. which would have required it. was last time those two teams met was in the 1992 Peach Bowl. where Anthony Barbour is shown escaping a Pirate linebacker. The review included the self- voted on. but it was not enough to overcome ECU quarterback Jett Blake’s heroics. East Carolina won the game 37-34. study and a three day site visit Majority leader Sen. Richard Caner-Finley Stadium since I987. Pirates. led by current Cincinnati conducted by peer administrators (‘onder and Sen. lid Warren were After a 32-I4 victory. ECU fans Bengal quarterback Jeff Blake. A Rivalry Renewed . last December. The administrators. the co-sponsors of the bill. The stormed the field. and a post-game edged the Pack. 37-3-1. who came from other national Democratic duo are both ECU brawl ensued. In recent years. the site of the NCSU vs. ECU — ’81 to ’91 NCAA member institutions. alumni. After costly sums of damage to games has been a roadblock in Score Attendence forwarded their recommendation to One person who does not want to the field and several injuries. negotiations. Year Winner the NCAA's Committee on see the Pirates on a yearly basis is Wolfpack officials terminated the 1981 N.C. State 36-14 52,500 Athletics Certification. The football coach Mike O'Cain. rivalry. In the new deal. it is likely the 1982 N.C. State 33-26 55,200 committee makes the final decision According to O'Cain. playing “We had great crowds. and it was Wolfpack will have to travel to the 1983 East Carolina 22—16 57,700 to give universities full ECU every year would take away a fun series for the fans." said Joe Pirates' cove. 1984 N.C. State 31-22 57,300 certification. Division I institutions from the athletics department's Hull. associate director of the "Mike Hamrick and l have met 1985 East Carolina 33-14 58,300 then have five years to comply with goal for improving the team‘s Wolfpack Club. “I don‘t expect recently and have begin to 1986 N.C. State 38-10 58650" the reforms. national prominence. any reoccurrence of the behavior evaluate our future scheduling 1987 East Carolina 3214 56,800 The N.C. State Athletics “We don‘t need to play another that happened after the last commitments." Turner stated. 1991 East Carolina 37-34 59,322‘ * Department had been granted a in-state school." ()"Cain said. “We meeting." "Playing a game in Greenville is ‘CarterAFinley Stadium record favorable rewieu by the Southern already play three." The teams have met once since ‘ ‘Peach Bowl—Atlanta Fulton C0unty Stadium Association of Colleges and Pirates have not played at then in the I99l Peach Bowl. The See ECU. Page 78 P Schools (SACSI previous to the The NCAA certification,

Sergio and Tanner ACC finish finishes

represent USA baseball beforeNCAA Bv AARON Mokgisort the USA team and have a Sponts Eonon chance to compete in the I With its 16-7 loss to Olympics.“ Tanner said. “It’s tough for a While many baseball “We love being a part of Clemson on Saturday, N.C. freshman in a big players and coaches are it." State’s baseball team was recuperating from the This is not Tanner's first sent packing from the ACC ACC game, and long college season or tour with the national Tournament. Monday, the rumor was they doing some light summer team. He also spent the Wolfpack missed its first training. two members of summer of I993 NCAA Tournament since weren’t too deep in the N.C. State program travelling with Team the bullpen.” are working hard for their USA. By the I996 1989. country. Olympics. Tanner will Bv CHRIS anncxgp Wolfpack head coach have spent three summers SlAFF Written — Gary Bumham, Ray Tanner and second with the diverse players Clemson player baseman Tom Sergio and. more importantly. GREENVILLE. S.C. ~ At Greenville have been on the road the experienced coaches. Municipat Stadium. there is 3 IO— the game. six StaTer‘pTcheE since mid-June with the “The key to the whole foot likeness of the Marlboro Man. combined for l2 walks and no Team USA baseball team. process is to be able to which towers over the left-center strikeouts. The team has been tuning have some consistency. field fence. The Pack's first loss was a l2-6 up for the I996 Olympics Coach [Skip] Bertman. At the ACC Tournament. every defeat to Florida State. where State in Atlanta with games he‘s the best,“ Tanner time NC. State pitchers issued walked a season—high and against teams from the said. "That‘s why he's the another walk. one got the feeling toumament-record I5 batters. In the Far East and Central head coach." the cigarette icon needed to light up two losses. l2 of the 27 batters who America. With the wealth of HUNlER Moms/Fits another butt. reached base on a walk scored. “It‘s just an honor to be experience at his disposal. The Wolfpack was sent home by “Winning the ACC tournament is selected. to be a part of Tony Ellison stands detected in the dugout alter the Wolfpack was ousted from Clemson l6~7 on Saturday in the the ACC tournament by Clemson. As the conterence homerun champ, Ellison double-elimination tournament. In See MOVIES. Page [/8 P did all he could smacking three more dingers to try to keep the Pack alive. See ACC. Page [/8 P Page GB Sports August 23, 1995

Pack. “We really got some breaks. I Golf don‘t think we were really Continuedfrom PilL’t’ 58 adversely affected by the weather." champion Hank Kim ended the Sykes said. "I think we should have final l8 at 303 and 296. been seeded higher. but if we were respectively. [seeded higher]. we would have had The Pack's eighth place finish to play in the thunder and was second best from the ACC lightening. behind Florida State. who edged the Somebody was being nice to me." Pack by two strokes. Other learns State was only two strokes back from the area didn‘t perform as well heading into Saturday‘s play. But as the Wolfpack. State‘s lack of a top~ It) finisher hurt “This is a hard golf course to over the weekend. average 73 shots per player." Sykes said. “Our guys did an especially "liyery body would like to have greatjob. especially considering the done better." Sykes said. “We will way some of the teams in our area be trying again next year." played. The course was difficult. The Pack loses ()rmsby and Kim but we were able to overcome it." to graduation. but the rest of the North Carolina and Clemson squad returns. missed the cut two days before the Sykes is optimistic about the final round. team‘s chances of returning to the “The course really isn‘t that bad," Big Show next season. Woods said. “The hardest thing is "We are really going to miss two the tee shots." good players." he said. "But they Him .1 Mourns/Fits (2) The course wasn‘t the only ha\e been playing With the younger Trusty Woltpack Athletics Director Todd Turner does problem for the players. Mother guys all season long. training them. everything he can do with a squeegee to get the Nature was not in a mood to smile. so they will be ready to take their greens in perfect playing condition (Above). Todd But maybe she was smiling on the place " Ormsby covers his face in disbeliet as he leaves a 90- toot putt just shy of the cup during the NCAA Golf 7 1995 NCAA Men’s Golf Finals Championships in Columbus. Ohio (Left). Scarlet Course — Columbus. Ohio Team Results Oklahoma St. 291292-287-286—1156 Stanford 289291286289—1156 Texas 289-296-282—290—1157 Arizona St. 288300289287—1164 Southern Cal 295293281-296—1165 California 292-295288291-—-1166 Florida St. 289293292294~1168 9399”.“9’53!‘ N.c. State 293-291494292—1170 Ohio St. 296290296288—117O 10. Arizona 294-290291-296——1171 11. Tulsa 291294298293—1176 12. New Mexico 298284-305295—1182 13. Florida 299290305290—1184 14. Houston 304280300302—1186 15. UNLV 295-290300302—1187 N.c. State Indlvldual Results T 21 Todd Ormsby 74-73-72-72—291 . T 24 Mark Slawter 7571—72‘74—292 . T 29 James Bunch 73~74~73—73——-293 T 47 Hank Kim 7373-77-73—296 T 68 Press McPhaul 737582-74—304


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Wolfpack Baseball Fever, Catch It!

Wolfpack Manager Ray Tanner waves around a player during his stint as a coach of the USA national baseball team(Left) . Tom Sergio fields a grounder at second against Korea during a national game at the DBAP (Below).

Homer: MOPPlS/FILE (4) Andy Barkett gives a resounding chest thump to teammate Stephen Wolff after he comes home following a round-tripper (Above). David Guthrie slides into second trying to break up a double play against Clemson in the semi-finals ot the Atlantic Coast Conference Baseball Tournament this past summer (Right).



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"and Technician Sports: In France.we‘re called a Roy ale with Cheese Tanner says hes learned quite a bit. trip has had an effect on Sergio's harder than winning a regional." rumor was they weren't too deep in Technician Sports: Are you into casual sex, or should we dress up “I'm the young pup on this staff. performance. Team USA took off State coach Ray Tanner said. "This the bullpen.“ Technician Sports: We nnss Hunter It‘s an educational experience for from their home field in Millington. is a marquee tournament. well “I thought if we got into their pen. Technician Sports: Available for weddings. birthdays and bar mitzvahs e " he said. “I've learned a lot Tenn. on June 26. respected around the country. My we could score some runs." Leggett from the best in the business." But “home field" is not what it team has done good things lately." said. ”We‘d seen that earlier in the Tanner isn't the only one who has seems. Only one player on the 36- With wins over Georgia Tech and season.“ learned a lot this summer. Sergio man roster hails from Tennessee. Wake Forest. State ended its season State‘s bullpen. represented by has had a chance to be coached by “There’s no question it's a full- with a 36-24 record. The season Cronemeyer. Brent Jones. Shawn and play with some of the best. time commitment." Tanner said. marks the first time in six years the Stutl, and Brian Fields all gave tip "I‘m really taking advantage of “This is our 24th consecutive day Wolfpack failed to win 40 games or at least one run and combined for my opportunity to work with all on the road. Then when we're at receive an NCAA Tournament eight walks. Clemson was also S PARTY" these great coaches." Sergio said. home in Millington Tenn. we're berth. aided by four Wolfpack errors. “You pick up different things from still on the road." "I think there are six tournament different players. too. I‘ve learned a type teams in our conference." “They‘re too good a team to give I a D&T MINI MART lot from Mark Kotsay [Cal-State This past weekend. Tanner and Clemson coach Jack Leggett said opportunity after opportunity. and (‘IIH'K tit’R l t wv last I )L‘NI I’RIL'I s iii-'t-‘oki- you BUY Fullerton]. and the better hitters in Sergio got a short reprieve from the after Saturday‘s game. “[Statel is an that's what we did late in the the conferences." road. Team USA made a stop in game." Tanner said. si--t.H.50l)A“ Durham. The team played Korea in NCAA tournament type team." State was blown out in its tWo .iitIRl The diversity doesn't bother a two-day series at the Durham Florida State defeated Clemson 8- tournament losses despite I’UlIN" I)A\Sl Sergio. Even ACC rivals become Bulls Athletic Park. 2 on Sunday for the ACC consistent hitting. The Pack E imam 859-1338 reliable teammates on the US team. The Triangle crowd greeted the Championship. The Seminoles collected IS hits off Clemson Sll’» WI SII RN III VI), RAI HUN “You don't make many rivals in local boys with warm applause. The received the conferences automatic pitchers and l I off Florida State. It baseball." he said. “Matt LeCroy is applause was loud every time bid. They will be joined by also trounced Georgia Tech 9~5 and from Clemson. one of our big Sergio stepped to the plate. Ile went Clemson. Georgia Tech and North Wake Forest ”—2. rivals. and we get along great. (Mont with two strikeouts. Carolina in the JX-team field. The Pack hit ll home runs in the '1 Paid Volunteers seeded .5 "You've got to pull together, "It‘s really good to get back here." Against Clemson. freshman starter four games. A||~ACC outfielder You‘re on the same teaiii now." Sergio said "I'm a little upset I Kurt Blackmon allowed only three Tony lillison hit five. tying a record ASTH MID. DFQF,A.DPH 9'” ”DIES Sergio said. “You can‘t start didn't perform a IIIIIt‘ better. but I rtiiis on three Iitts and three walks set by Jeff Distasio ot (ieorgia Tech thinking about the college game " girl In scc .t Int 01 Hi) friends who through live innings, Then he took in I‘JXo F.||ison was the orin State North Carolina Clinical Research is Sergio. who eamed ACC Rookie are here tonight " the mound in the top oi the sixth player named to the all-tournament looking for individuals 12 years and older of the Year honors his Ireshinan Team USA split the twogainc w ith a ~11 lead team year. JUInS a very young Team series in Durham Is'orca won the The Tigers' a||~AC(' first to participate in research studies. Paid USA. Only one player. Stanford‘s Saturday meeting 4-2. btit Team baseman David Miller lead off the “I didn‘t think about It while I was incentives and free doctor visits for Casey Blake. is more than a USA rolled H-II on Sunday. inning with a single to center. Gary at the plate." he said, “I just wanted those who qualify. sophomore. but what the team may The US has three series Burnham doubled him home and to help the team win." lack in experience this summer will remaining: a four-game stand with took third on an error. certainly be made up for next Nicaragua. five games with Little Then Blackmon gave up another First baseman Andy Barkett hit For more information call summer in Atlanta. League gurus Chinese Taipei and a two hits. a walk and four more runs four homers. including one in his Sergio is not having a great series against world power Cuba before he was relieved by Mike. last college at-bat. Jake Weber and NORTH CAROLINA CLINICAL RESEARCH 881-0309 summer. but Team USA seems to July 39-August l in Millington. Cronerneyer. Blackmon (4-3) got Stephen Wolff added a homer each. “Where patient care and the future ()flllt'dit‘lllt' come together" do very well when he's in the the loss. Clemson sent l3 batters to 8:30 5:00 after hours leave a message for Nicole at ext. 158 Technician Sports: Blip Football World Champions. WelC()IIIL l() N(: Ilillcl! Thursday.August 24 Friday. September 15 at 8:30 pm -mm“..- Information Table and Shabbat at NCSU Doug’s Ice Cream 'I‘i‘lidllltltlttl ii‘T‘Vlt‘t’s and Shaliliat ******************* Stop be the Hillel table in the lIIIlIIl'T to follow Meet us in the COMP Brickyard from IZ-Zpin Meet Student Center (in-tin Rooin' * CALLING ALL STATE FANS * back in front of the Atrium for FREE Doug's Ice Cream The NC State Phonathon Friday. August 25, 6zl5pm Need a ride? Shabbat Shalom! Have questions? 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Sunday from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm r’“ Imamaammamamamamx._i‘I flI“4 :1 1 IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IDHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI et cetera August 23, 1995

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lranICiAN FILE PHOTO As hard as it might be to believe. the Tri-towers and Dabney just didn't exist.

N.C. State has a rich

history of development “good moral character“ from the last school I NCSU is one of the largest and attended. most influential universities in the NCSU has changed more than just in size UNC System — but it didn’t start front the original College of Agriculture and out that way. Mechanic Arts that was funded through the sale of land donated by the federal Bv ELIZABETH B()()K()l'T government. Stmy; Sum WINTED Though many new departments have been added to offer a variety of degrees. the Today's freshman worries about getting lost original college. founded in 1887. brought a in the crowd of a student population of new type of education to North Carolina. roughly 27.000. But in I889. the entire “The traditional. classical education was university wouldn't rival a General available at other colleges. but it was felt that Chemistry l class. a more practical education was needed for the in IXX‘). N.C. State’s first academic year in average North Carolinian." said N.C. State operation. a total of 72 students were archivist Maurice Toler. enrolled. The N.C. College of Agriculture Without excluding classical studies. A&M and Mechanic Arts —. what NCSU was called filled a more critical need for training in areas back then \s as dramatically different from that would directly affect statewide economy. the NCSl’ of today. The entire college was such as industrialization and farming. Toler based iii one building. what is now Holladay said. Hall. Students paid a total of SIN annually. A complete history of the university is wore military uniforms and followed a rigid difficult to construct due to sloppy record schedule and strictly enforced rules. keeping. In light of recent tuition hikes. students may “For the earliest years of the university. the long for the tuition of the 1880s. but they official records. the president's files and won't miss the ROTC training that was many other records did not survive to present mandatory for all students until the late day. There were so few students then that l960s. very few records were even created." Toler instead of SAT scores. the early 30th said. [FCHNlC‘AN For Pu: no century applicants had to be at least in years Campus as it was in 1973. The parking lot on the right is where Caldwell Hall is now located. old. and they had to submit a certificate of See HISTORY. Page C2 ) N.C. State's very own Chancellor. Chancellor Monteith speaks dilemma of cheering against his alma mater. $5.000 you are giving a lifetime of I Chancellor Monteith says his “Wherever you go to work in higher opportunity. I think that the return on the administration has set out to education. you feel a great sense of loyalty investment is excellent." accomplish a variety of projects to to the institution whether you attended there Monteith also said he would spend the benefit the university. or not." Monteith said. "l have a great hypothetical funds to assist faculty in advantage in that l can pull for my alma scholarly endeavors. Bv KEITH CRAWFORD mater as both chancellor and an alumnus. “You can't provide faculty salaries out of Photo CF'WA Erwin and i take a great deal of pride in N.C. endowments. unless the endowment is Courtesy of State’s accomplishments." extremely large." Monteith said. "You can NCSU News Chancellor Larry Monteith received his The demands of being chancellor keep pay for them to travel or provide supporting Services electrical engineering degree from NC. Monteith on the go constantly. His days are services that they would not normally get.” State when John T. Caldwell had Just scheduled to the minute. and he walks The university‘s size is also a concern to finished his first year as chancellor. briskly around campus. But he always takes Monteith. Monteith is now in Caldwell‘s shoes. the time to greet passers-by. often betore "There are advantages to size. but most of “l'm in awe of the people who were here they have litne to greet him. these advantages are bragging rights." when l was a student." Monteith said. “It is When asked how he would appropriate a Monteith said. “The big. impersonal a little strange being chancellor of the place large. theoretical gift to the university. institution is something that you must work where l was once a student." Monteith didn‘t hesitate. against." Unlike heads of other universities. "My number one investment Would be In Monteith ne\er has to go through the student scholarships." Monteith said. "For See MONIEITH. Page C2 )

The physical master plan is a campus crystal ball monorail will make campus less I The future of NCSU’s “..to make N.C. State congested and more people- campus has already been oriented. Harris said. lt will also cut planned. Here’s what’s in an increasingly down on the sea of asphalt and the crystal ball. beautiful place that is parking problems. The Riddick parking lot will eventually be Bv AMANDA RAY a community of turned into an academic quadrangle Swot: STAFF WRITER academic and courtyard. interralted Centennial Campus will become a While trodding around the lovely neighborhoods.“ more prominent part of campus. In N.C. State campUs. you may 20 years. $0 to 50 new buildings wonder what it will look like in 20 will be added and l.()00 to 2.000 years. What will the llniyersity Edwin F. Han‘is people will be living there. included Student Center look like'.’ Will the in the buildings planned for rest of campus be as tony as communication on campus. Harris Centennial Campus are a Centennial Campus'.’ What will said. biotechnology cluster, 8 toncology become of that godforsaken dorm There are also landscaping building and an executive you can't watt to leave‘.‘ improvements in the works for conference center. The focal point A new Physical Master Plan NCSU. More big trees. courtyards of Centennial Campus will be a approved by the Board of Trustees and gardens will make the campus a Town Center by the lake. complete on November l8. I994 gives us an more attractive place in the future. with restaurants and services to idea of what otir alma mater will The goal is “to make N.C. State an support the residents. eventually be like. Created by increasingly beautiful place that is a A large entertainment center is Carripus Planning and University community of interralted academic also being planned. The $66 million Architect lidwin F. "Abie" Harris. neighborhoods." Harris said. multi-purpose Entertainment and the plan‘s theme is a "futuristic" Improvements in transportation Sports Complex will be located vision of the campus. are also included in the Physical next to Carter-Finley Stadium and The concept of academic Master Plan. which Harris said will will be home to cultural and athletic The Entertainment and Sports Arena (top) will replace neighborhoods is an important pan make campus more dominated by events. Expansions will also be Reynolds Coltosseum as a men’s basketbali arena. of the Physical Master Plan. These landscape than by parking lots. A made on Thompson Theatre and neighborhoods~to~be are regional rail system will allow . A new Student ass! Academic neighborhoods (loll) characterized by East exemplified by the people easier and tnore direct Health Services Building will be Campus will be central to the layout of new construction on Brooks/Kamphoefner Hall access from several locations built across from the Witherspoon campus. People will live in close proximity to their work. complex. with its courtyard. donns instead of having to drive to Student Center. Improvements on and academic buildings. A series of campus. A fixed~rail guideway' Wlll existing residence halls will IIwas our. VDLNWKD related academic neighborhoods also connect Centennial Campus to continue. including air conditioning will oncmiraoe dive-rsitv and Main Campus. The addition of a and new bathrooms. u Page C2 et cetera August 23, 1995

The Pack backs the State economy

I NCSU the fact that NCSU generates funds pumps $750 and contributes to the economy way million into the state in excess of what the legislature economy every year, appropriates to run the university." according to a recent study, said Arthur Padilla. one of the and that’s no small chunk professors who led the study. of change. The university is reported to inject $750 million annually in the Raleigh economy. One of the Bv KEITH CRAWFORD study‘s estimates claims that if E1 CETERA EDiroa NCSU didn't exist. 18,900 students Deirdre Catlett buys a bagel and would have left North Carolina to drink at Manhattan Bagel on attend college. taking their money Hillsborough Street every day for with them. breakfast. She pays tuition and The study discovered that for taxes. buys groceries at Harris every $1 the state invests in the Teeter and clothes at Crabtree university. the university generates Valley Mall. books at Barnes and $3 extra. The figures were Noble Bookstore and school developed not on forecasts. but on supplies from Office Max at the actual dollars that are spent in this beginning of every semester. region every year. lf NC. State were not here. Three models were created to Raleigh area businesses would lose calm skeptics' criticism. each a lot of money. testing the effect of NCSU on the A College of Management Raleigh. triangle and state professor and five of his graduate economies. students spent an entire year The most comprehensive model in attributing a dollar figure to the the report was the state model. university‘s economic impact to the which calculated the direct state economy. spending of $750 million annually “1 think it's important for all our friends across the state to appreciate See IMPACT Page ('4 ) schools of business and journalism In 1931. the NC. General were shut down. and NCSU was Assembly established the Monteith f‘ left with the College of Agriculture History % consolidated University of North Continued and Life Sciences and the College Carolina. This change was reflected 0“"! Page (‘1 of Engineering. in return. other Coutwardfrom Page Cl not only in the school's new As the higher education needs of engineering But it doesn't take detailed name. North Carolina increase. Monteith programs were moved records to account for some of the which was changed again to the said he believes that the university to NCSU. more obvious differences between NC. State College of Agriculture must make certain that NCSU “We tried to broaden ourselves in the 72-member student body and and Engineering of the University graduates are ready for art the '60s and ‘70s and have done today‘s thriving campus. of North Carolina. but also in the increasingly competitive job this with great success." Monteith A&M‘s student body was curriculum offered. During the market. said. quick to consolidation period. the schools of “It‘s a job 1 did not prepare for. make athletics a part of the new journalism and business. among “There will be an increase in high and there are demands of a school. in 1893. football became others. were phased out and school graduates in time." Monteith chancellor that are not part of my NCSU‘s first organized sport. replaced by a general college that said. “The real critical part is how personality or my education." paving the way for what would provided two years of basic courses we teach them to take advantage of Monteith said. become one of the best athletics in humanities and the social opportunity.“ He said he fondly looks back at programs in the state. But the first sciences. The engineering While size is primarily a policy his undergraduate football team was not known as the TECHNICIAN FlLE Photo issue. efforts to unify and make the education at Wolfpack. The college did not programs from UNC-Chapel Hill Hoiiaday Hall once housed the entire University. Humble university more personable are NCSU. officially nickname its athletics were transferred to NCSU. beginnings. underway by Monteith. "It was a good experience for teams until the 1940s. As early as 1923. women were In 1931. when higher me." Monteith said. permitted to attend classes at organization Monteith said he believes firmly In 19l7. A&M became A&E. NCSU. but it wasn't until the 1960s was reorganized in North Carolina. in the value of education. when the name was changed to the l950s with the building programs." maintaining excellence in a variety the humanities resources and NC. College of Agriculture and that the enrollment numbers Toler said. of fields, These changes brought faculty that were at NCSU were “You are on a life-long journey. Engineering. The term “mechanic remained low until active recruiting sent to l'NC~(‘hapel Hill. The and education should help serve in the 19705 changed this. During this time period. the about another name change. in you." arts" had become outdated. During the college‘s early years. school underwent a major change. 1963, NCSU's name was changed several buildings were erected. and after construction started to again to NC. State College of the additional courses were offered. look more like the university it is University of North Carolina at enrollment increased and expansion today. Raleigh." Two years later. the name was the key idea. Growth was put Major growth continued was changed a final time to today‘s l on hold during the Great throughout the 1960s. and was NC. State University at Raleigh. Depression. but afterwards the reflected in NCSU's larger faculty As the university expanded. so did plans were carried out as intended. and student body and more the archives collection according to “One of the most dramatic extensive research facilities: Toler. "The most popular collection changes that NCSU has undergone Several new programs in is the photograph collection. dating l is the dramatic growth of the humanities and other areas were back to the earliest years. We get a college after World War ll and the established during this decade to lot of requests front the media and period of expansion and keep pace with developments in various other places for these construction in the late 1940s and science and technology while photographs." Toler said. l STRETCH -t.uouu'eeoeoooesocooooeoteCOOOOIO.

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Hwy.54atS.AlstonAve.CHAPELHILL-104W.FranklinSt ' hint:ShoppingCenter OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Notice: Plasma donors are subject to medical screening and testing prior to acceptance. and at all time during participation in the donor program! .OOOOOOOCeeo. alts.I.QOOCOOOOCOOOOOI...IOGOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOO August 23, 1995 et cetera Page C3 h DEVEW Ladies BJORK You cay say what you will about invade Iceland’s finest import since vodka -—- that she’s too cute for words, that she’s too short to be cool, that her dance mixes suck but you rock can’t say she's complacent or boring. From starting out as one of two vocalists for the Sugarcubes to I Y chromosomes need not producing spacey and ethereal not- apply. quite-dance music, Bjork has always tested the limits of her audience. Venturing beyond merely ”music," she always seems to be trying to create art. Bjork’s new CD ”Post” follows on the heels of a wonderful but flawed solo ”Debut.” “Debut," filled with amazing tracks like “Human Behavior,” seemed slightly flat. The songs looked Life for female musicians has been good and sounded good, but they rough. Stuck into “girl groups“ never seemed to breathe on their during the l96()s and fronting for own. But for those who were able mostly male bands in the l970s. to see her MTV Europe Unplugged female artists finally got the nod in performance, Biork’s slide towards the 1980s. brilliance is natural. But where has ll gotten thcm" Bjork now lives in the same place Think back to all the female as Nine Inch Nail’s Trent Reznor Don’t touch that dial artists of the 1980s. There aren‘t does: where sound is not to be too many. found as much as it is to be created There are the (io (io‘s. of course. out of thin air. With few I NCSU’s ham radio chainvsmoking and ranting A fothunt is a game StARS (icncral and lzttra all It‘qllll't‘ and a number of R&B-type pop exceptions, both rely on club is taking on the away at the mike. StARS members play using radios to increasing tlc‘gt‘ct‘s of people ,4. Lisa Lisa and the Cult synthesizers to invent totally new airwaves. assisted the NCSU Women's locate one another on knowledge of Moixc ('otlc Jam. Nu Shoo]. etc. But in terms of sounds with which to play. With Center with the l994 “take campus. One member vull and the rules pop-rock musicians. there aren‘t the exception of “It’s Oh So Quiet" back the night" march. assists hide in a certain campus Sltltl) lllillt‘l'l.tl\ lor the [cuts many. from Post, Bjork lives in a sonic BY AMANDA RAY Public Safety (unofficially) location and send signals. and are available from the The problem? Radio, world of her own. SEMON SM“ WQHUJ and served as an Emergency the first person to track him Raleigh Amateur Radio Radio. because it is an industry Where Biork’s main appeal once Net (ontrol Station in March or her down wins. Society Hooctcr. anyone and is divided into grouping and was her amazing voice, it has When you think of ham l98-1 after a slew of The club is comprised of can go to the SIARS \L‘Lllnn. IBM makes computers; become tool to be used like all radio. you most likely think tornadoes hit Eastern North members from all kinds of others. Sometimes it stands out, of some eccentric. non- meeting\ and talk on the (1M makes cars. Radio is the same. sometimes it blends in with its Carolina. majors. from electrical radio thing the club licensc There‘s Top 40 radio. which is surroundings, but always bathing recluse hunkered The club also participates in engineering to forestry. as long ax a club member is dominated by black R&B and Hip blissfully magnificent. over a microphone and a Central North Carolina‘s StARS has no official office present. Hop females. Post is hard to pin down. It is bunch of suspicious looking emergencypreparedness right now, but hopes to "It's fun to do public Then there‘s Classic Rock. which quiet and loud, old and new. It is equipment. babbling like a Piedmont Coastal Traffic acquire a "ham shack" in service and chat with people only plays Janis Joplin and Grace Bjork. lunatic. Kind of like that Net. Daniels Hall with continued from all over the world." \llltl Slick. And finally. AOR _. Album Also recommended: If you have character from the John Along with the Raleigh support from the electrical Jim Price. a graduate student ()riented Rock. All blues-based never heard the Sugarcubes’ first Cusack movie “One Crazy Amateur Radio Society. engineering department. The and secretary of SIARS, In rock. all the time. The only way album “Life’s Too Good," give it a Summer.“ StARS operates a l45.| l3- club also hopes to erect a one afternoon l’rit'c spoke to women could break through the try. Released in 1988, it still Unbeknownst to many. VHF repeater from atop the radio tower. possibly near the AOR barrier was to be a tough. sounds as timeless today as it did NC. State has its very own l).H. Hill Library. The Waffle House on fellow ham radio operaton blues-rock playing. guitar— when surrounded by George ham radio club. and it's very repeater is often used for Hillsborough Street. from Allslrtllttl. Nambia. strumming “chicks." Melissa Michael and Depeche Mode different than the previous public service events. and a To get a radio license. you Saudi Arabia and Svalbard Etheridge. Sass Jordan and Allanah wanna-bees. A quiet classic that description. 444,775+UHF repeater is have to take a test on Island in the Arctic (‘irclc Miles were the fullest extent of deserves to be considered among NCSU‘s Student Amateur expected to go up in I995. broadcasting rules and usingjust 75 watts. AOR‘s female side. the top 25 albums of the 19805, if Radio Society marks its 65th The club integrates leaming regulations and leam at least StARS rccciwd letters from Therein lies the beauty of not all time. anniversary this year. The about ham radio with fun a bit of Morse Code. The club does not spend its time activities such as a foxhunt. levels of Novice. Technician. St't' RADIO, Page (‘4 ~ ,thlt’S Ellis , ,.._. ,--__.___l See ELLIS. Page ('4 P

a, ("R CU‘Us 014.0: 8“" Vt-WS- Tova ta on a’ft."._..4 .n U and Kduutohm. «south. ac cunt-«1a ‘Mda .fltib.t¢u 0 . a . The Financial Aid Office will apply your financial aid to your student account in the (‘ashiei's' Office when yotir enrollment status in Records and Registration matches the hours that you indicated that you would be enrolled for the fall semester on your NCSU Institutional Application, Late registration or 9 adding dropping courses late will keep your financial aid from being applied to your account and could hold your financial aid tip for several weeks. The flfollowing is the schedule for Entrance Loan Counseling: August 23rd: 3:00pm Room 356 Witherspoon Building August 24th 3:00pm Room 356 Witherspoon Building August 2ch: 12:00pm (‘ampus (‘inenia Witherspoon Building August 29th: 81308.“. Campus (‘iiiema Witherspoon Building August 30th: 3:00pm Room 126 Multipurpose Room Witherspoon Building August Illst. 3:00pm Room 126 Multipurpose Room Witherspoon Building Beginning September 4th. the normal weekly schedule held in 2005 Harris Hall: Mondays 12:00pm Tuesdays 8:30am Wednesdays/Thursday 3:00pm


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IN REVIEW NINE INCH NAILS Volunteerism is a way of life : Trent Reznor obviously has I Need to fluff up that resume? opportunities. What do you do first? Carolina." too much time on his hands. Wanna help others? Here’s Gallion said that there are a few people To become a limb on the body of Funkhouser is cofounder of the how. who volunteer through NCSU on a community service. Gallion advises that Triangle Radio Reading Service in Not two months after releasing regular basis. but most students like to you simply identify what it is you like to Raleigh. He also serves on the the near-perfect ”The volunteer for one-day services. do. If you can find a volunteer organization's board of directors. The Downward Spiral," he cobbled BiJII-‘EANY A. McLaoo Saturday is a common day for student opportunity involving activities that you service volunteers read the newspaper to together the "Natural Born STAFF WairEn volunteers, but usually students are so enjoy. you can certainly put forth your visually impaired and elderly citizens Killers” Soundtrack. Then, busy that they don‘t have much free time best effort. over the radio and cable television daily. after hitting the road and Money can't buy everything — to donate to volunteerism. Finding Besides the satisfying feeling that you Funkhouser said that the service "is a blowing the collecting socks especially the self satisfaction that comes volunteers on campus is challenging are bound to get once you have spent way that the university system can off of Woodstock ’94, he has from being a volunteer. Many people because students are flooded with more some time volunteering, there are some serve North Carolina in a cost-effective preformed major don‘t know this. opportunities than time. Gallion noticed other benefits. Students can certainly add manner.“ reconstructive surgery on Jackie Gallion. coordinator of that some students who like to volunteer volunteer experience to their resumes. According to Evelyn Reiman, director Spiral. Without slowing down, volunteer services of NC. State. wants like to work with people they know. Such experience implies that you are of the department of student he’s now on tour with David students. faculty and staff to know that "Group activities tend to generate more caring. willing and dedicated development. the volunteer services Bowie. What’s next? Building a NCSU has a volunteer service through response. If you know someone else characteristics that are very favorable in office of NCSU has connections with better MTV? which they can donate their time helping who‘s gonna go. chance is more likely the eyes of employees. almost 70 volunteer organizations as For long-time NIN fans, this others and they will feel good about it. that you will." Gallion explained. "You Along with building your resume. well as access to almost all philanthropy type of surgery is not without “You feel better after you volunteer think ‘it can‘t be that bad. I wanna go. using the skills that you acquire when organizations in the nation. precedent. Less than nine that's part of the reason that I do what I too.‘ But as far as consistence is you volunteer is also beneficial. Whether Reiman stressed the importance of months after releasing the do," Gallion said. "I like to help other concemed, it‘s an individual thing." it be typing. tutoring, customer service. volunteer work in a student's ”Broken” EPA, he remixed and people." The volunteer services office itself is in landscaping. counseling or any other development. reworked the album into The primary function of the volunteer desperate need of volunteers. service. experience gained while “It's been found that when people “Fixed." services office is to recruit volunteers considering that the department of volunteering is valuable and useful. participate in a significant role of from the NCSU community into the student development no longer receives Edward Funkhouser, assistant helping others. then their personal In my opinion, ”Fixed" was a greater Raleigh community and to give the temporary labor funds to budget paid department head of the communications growth increases dramatically." she said. marvel. A sonic step forward prospective volunteers a place to start coordinators due to budget reallocations. department. found that volunteering is a The volunteer services office can direct for the B+ material on their search for the best match in a Why aren't there enough volunteers? way to share his communication skills. you to any sort of service in the "Broken,” the lows are lower, volunteer position. Gallion's theorizes that although a lot “I enjoy communicating." Funkhouser community that interests you. For more the intensity was brought The office has plenty of information of people know that they want to do said. “It‘s a way that I cart use my information on how to get involved with forward, the rage was available for inquiring minds, but there‘s something to help the community. but communication skills and what I've the volunteer service. call the office at compressed and released like a a problem. Not nearly enough people they don‘t know where to go or what to learned to give something back to the Sl5~244l or stop by the center‘s offices wild tiger. What was just take advantage of these volunteer do. community and the state of North ”cool" on ”Broken" became in Harris Hall. awe-inspiring. personalities. aborted Pearl Jam show, for Not so with "Further Down." which I had BACKSTAGE PASSES, but. no Even with the help of such Ladies Eddie‘s sick and we think we like Radio Impact luminaries as Rick Rubin, Continuedfrom Page C3 Ticketmaster again and, sorry. we just Continuedfrom Page C3 Continuedfrom Page ('3 Dave Navarro, Peter Commercial Alternative Radio. Sure. don‘t feel like showing up. Look, guys. I saw President Christopherson and LG. Nirvana. Pearl Jam. Soundgarden and Eddie play at the Mike Watt show, and he Clinton. Governor Hunt by the university. That figure Thirwell, Trent seems to have Smashing Pumpkins are cool. and they’ve blew chunks. so don't expect me to buy any and Raleigh Mayor Tom Fetzer includes the $800 to $900 a month lost his aim as well as his map. added immensely to popular music‘s more of your records. Sorry. Did l write that congratulating its 65th anniversary. that students spend on housing and All the songs have been turned repertoire. There will also be a display in the food. faculty and staff salaries. out loud? library money that research brings into the inside-out with nothing But now. female artists have a real outlet to Anyway. what can we expect for music in in the glass case near the area and money the state learned. Like a surgeon be themselves. Tori Amos? What clearance the future? Well, the influence of females on reference desk of the many government appropriates for use by operating on a patient in search shelf should she be sitting on if not for alternative music has really yet to be felt. postcards StARS has received. the university. of the soul, all we get is the commercial alternative? Bjork? Imagine While women are slowly beginning to Some are from the first and second All dollar figures in the study are mess inside. Not to mention a “Debut" or “Post" playing on Top 40 or dominate the airwaves. they are hard to find World Wars. as well as the real dollars spent without a dead patient. AOR. Yeah right. on the other side of the control booth. Too Vietnam War. The cards come multiplier effect. According to Only for completists, this And this new outlet has not been few females are venturing to the other side of from all kinds of different people Padilla. the multiplier effect is the album is less dark, but more overlooked. A tidal wave of female artists the glass to produce. Not to mention that it is from all over the world. Each card result of money spent due to the dreary. Consider this a and groups are taking mer. Juliana Hatfield. hard to find women running labels. In brief. bears a special design or cartoon money generated by the university. warning for people who think PJ Harvey. L7. The Muffs. Joan Osborne. that represents the sender in some Using a conservative multiplier that ”Downward Spiral" could Shonen Knife. Sarah McLachlin. Alanis where women are commonly heard on your effect. Moresette. Jennifer Trynin. Magnapop. stereo. they don't have the same production way. the university has an be improved upon. It can’t. I Veruca Salt. Hole and on and on. or decision-making power as men have had in If you are interested in joining estimated $1.9 billion effect on the can only wonder why Trent the past. state economy. tried. Sure. commercial alternative has lead to StARS. talking on the radio or For example. store owners must such destructive activities as watching We can only hope that as their power to getting your radio license. e-mail hire employees to staff the places Kennedy on MTV. Collective Soul. Hootie write and create hits grows. so to will their Jim Price at where members of the universitv — Iames Ellis and the Blowfish. morning show ability to influence music in general. [email protected]. community spend their money on

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Tech n1c1an I Sensative North Carolina State Universit ’3 News a er Since 1920 men Win Application for employment Technician is an equal opportunity employer. I All men are pigs, you We hire without regard to race. religion. age. sex. sexual orientation. national origin or handicap. say? Think again, ladies. Name Local phone Local address Permanent address Social security number Are you eligible to work in this country? When it comes to griping about lntemet E-mail address the opposite sex being insensitive. only one side of the issue is Major covered. The average male in American society is portrayed as a Have you everhad anyjournalism experience before‘?__ low-life only interested in getting laid. Modern culture has made it lfso. please give details ofexperience: socially acceptable to equate male with jerk. There is a silent group of nice guys that haven't gotten married yet out there. ladies — they just don‘t get much press. the postition you are seekinuz. including computer knowledge: 1 have heard many complaints Please list any special skills you have that you feel are applicable for from female friends about what twits their ex-boyfriends have been. yet they always end up getting involved with anotherjerk. I cannot help but be saddened and confused women seem to prefer jerks over guys that will treat them well. Rchu‘cian is divided into foureditorial departments - news. sports. opinion. and ct cetera (arts and entertainment) — plus photography. design and copy editing. When discussing this subject while hanging out with a group of On the business and advertising side ofthe paper. staffers work in advertising sales. general business staff. advertising production. classifieds and circulation. other males. the conversation is gloomy. We are single and aging Please list the departments you are interested in working for in orderofpreference: _ while the really nice gals are being snatched up into marriage or monogamous relationships by the day. it gets depressing. The hellraisers can always find a Please list how many hours per week you are willintg to devote to chlmi'twi: date. the really rich guys can always seem to buy love. the bccfcakes never have a boring Saturday night. and then there are the few really lucky nice guys that find the right gal. What i would give to be in that last category. I want to find a real lady. No. not signature date one of these prissy gals that worries more about her hair then her education. I want the type of gal that can carry on an intelligent conversation that knows how to handle the good and the bad. Having a clue is required, and finding a gal wtth enough drive to see her future and make it happen would be a pleasant changg l want a gal with style mafia... Money is not a factor. wne are the gals that consider a fun Saturday night going out to dinner and the symphony or the theatre instead of getting drunk and laid at some anonymous house party? Where are the gals with culture? I believe in the existance of inner beauty. Some of the most atractive women that l have met are not beauty queens. but they have a really attractive mind. Personally. I find a gal with a normal appearance and a really great mind sexier than any supermodel. i want the type of gal that is confident enough in herself to go Binder against convention when necccsary. 8-1/2“ x 11' Why do guys always have to do the - Deuble inSide pockets OfficeMax asking out“? This is probably the - Available in seven colors Everyday one thing that 99% of males will List Price $3.05 0400-4507 Low Price agree with me on. i don‘t mind being asked out —— the idea that good girls don‘t ask guys out is assinine. Advanced The complaint that nice gals can Graphic Calculator never find nice guys is often a - 8-line by Zt-character display result of the fact that nice guys are solVing capabilities often kind of reserved when it - Equation comes to the opposite sex. l know . Back-up WSW l'm not the most experienced dater in the world. but i know how hard it is to get over the fear of being Stick Pens rejected and asking a gal out. The Papermate fear of striking out keeps a lot of - Superior writing performance nice guys from going onto the 0 Medium or line ball pomts OfficeMax dating field. - Available in black. blue or red ink Everyday The search for true love isn't List Price $5 04 1000—0367 Low Price easy. but discounting an entire sex to jerkdom is not fair or just. Finding your significant other isn't easy for guys —— or gals for that matter. You just might be keeping yourself from someone that you Mtg"II-m. MW".~ could end up marrying. ‘ Viiirlri $ WIP “H, M -‘ I 2 Stackable . logicode Ventana Worldwide Eberhard Faber Rogers 28.8K v.34 Modem Web Kit American Pencils crate-A-File II Continuedfrom Page C9 - 28.8K data send and receive . Get connected to the internet - No. 2 bonded lead - 3 hanging folders included Zoology. “We were getting pretty 1405-7717 fast 8. easy Durable pink eraser . Available in slate blue. black. bored." Model 281W 1401-2105 List Pth8 515 54 granite and burgundy One person in attendance said the Yellow - List Price free food added to the fun. 1000~iQZi $13.95 “The food is great." said OfficeMax OiticeMax Officw ix OfficeMax 03026953 Kimberly Terry. a freshman in LowEverydayPrice Everyday Everyday Everyday environmental science. “It's all 1‘.“ Internal m “19914058609 Low Price Low Price Lovv Price pretty cool. but I do wish they'd _—--_-1 Exiended Hours.For Back-T-Sh0 c 00ISh'ooping' lNow riiroiigitsanismbera~‘ ---—-—--VisitourStato—ot-tho-arthrox.. play more rap." Photoco Center Center & savour I Low PRICE Sun 11am—6pm- Mon—Fri. 8 aiii-it] pin - Sat. 9 am-9 pm l : Se f-Servlca. GUARANTEE Future We‘ll match any local competitor’s advertised price on an identical RALEIGH RALEIGH CARY lCOP'ESHmixkii', I Continuedfrom Page I item. or we’ll cheerfully refund I in on And what will become of the . the difference if the item was Pleasant Valley Promenade Capital Boulevard Cary Crossroads Plaza I 20! whit- ' infamous Harrelson Hall? How ‘ purchased from us within seven Hwy. 1 & Buffaloe Road Crossroads Boulevard. Onobond.coupon I will it fit into this vision of a better, days of the competitor‘s ad. Route 70. near the l-44O and Walnut Street more beautiful campus? Ad errors. closeouts and Crabtree Valley Mall 954-8000 l «en New I Unfortunately. there are no plans to clearances are excluded. 233-9500 L I tear it down. xopyrlqht OfficeMax. Inc We reserve the COUW “It will be renovated to be made righttolimrl quantitiesortypographicalNot responsibleerrors for printing 571 -7820 -—-—----J more user-friendly.“ Harris said. Technician M“August 23, 1995

MEAT LOAF It's served every Thursday in the dining hall. And the seary thing is. people actually eat it. Maybe they don't see those white Chunks floating in the gray beef. Or maybe they‘rejust really hungry. Whatever their reason. you want no part of it. You know what great meat loaf is all about. You had the best for 18 years. So you call ' mom to let her know she's the Queen of Meat Loaf. It‘s a special moment between mother and son.


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l ‘ , t “lu'tlw-tiulm :'~“~ .f- x l" ' law ltll-vldl-‘lllll et cetera August 23, 1995

Summer Flicks

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the movies, Hollywood drags out the worst crop of fllcks since the mid-’BOe. In case you were too busy doing enjoyable stuff, here’s a list of the Top 10 Worst Scenes from Summer Movies. Be glad v you missed them if you did, and If you a #3 PHOYOS COURTESY or UNIVERSAL PlClURES didn’t, you’ll enjoy reminiscing about 5‘3 \ Apollo l3 is considered to be one of § the summer’s brightest moments. what made you gag: i) is; at» Kid-oriented films such as “Pocahontas" and “Babe" did reasondbl . well at the box of ice.

PHLYQ Ct'Duit'ESs t Ule'I'eA. Picturzts “Writ ll kl\ PID\i\|s

PHOIO Cotvnrsss at WA.’ Dem PE, state. Luebke said. wide. campus research: the College of children to Reynolds Coliseum to Whether the brochure will help Students know about the “We do work of a scholarly and Forest Resources maintains a the circus and the ice show," prevent further budget cuts or university‘s effect on the area. but research nature in all |()() counties 90.000-acre forest. the College of Monteith said. “Officials would increase appropriations to the the sheer dollar amount the in our state." Chancellor Larry Agriculture and Life Sciences has come here and speak." Continuedfrom Page (‘4 university is unclear at this time. university pumps into the Raleigh Monteith said. “We vsere created to research stations scattered across goods and services. These “I'm certainly aware that every economy is surprising. In more do that.“ the state where it grows and But spending and entertaining employees spend their earnings in university in the UNC system rural areas. the university isn't seen Research is the largest factor of harvests crops and the College of aside. granting bachelors degrees to the area. and the effect of the initial causes direct and indirect benefit to with the same view. the university‘s effect on North Engineering has a minerals research students is the university‘s most cash investment in the area‘s North Carolina's economy." said “l'm not surprised NC. State Carolina's economy. As a federal lab in Asheville that designs beneficial contribution to the state. economy is multiplied by the Rep. Paul Luebke of the NC. brings in money to Raleigh. but I land-grant institution. the university processes to assist industries in Monteith said. money changing hands throughout legislature. D-Durham. am surprised at how much money is required to support massive using minerals. the economy. Luebke was slightly skeptical of the university brings in." said extension programs that distribute “We re connected all over the The NCSU administration the figures generated by the study. Catlett. who is a sophomore in university dollars all over the state. The university is a also place of state. in addition to our core distributed a brochure summarizing “The study offered numbers political science from Durham. Consequently. the university is social and cultural importance responsibilities — granting degrees the report‘s findings to the NC. certainly whether they‘re precise or In addition to a huge impact on one of the largest landowners in the for the Raleigh area. to undergraduates." Monteith said. legislature and other political not. It underscored the importance the Raleigh economy. university state. Three colleges in the "When my children grew up “The greatest added value is trom decision-makers throughout the of NCSU to the state economy." research makes an impact state- university maintain extensive off- in the area. i would take my our undergraduate degrees."






y. 2 l.lJ D TEXTBOOKS AT y.3 (D aaOtsxooa

tNaanas ashes

6 L05 HILLSBOROUGH ST 0 RALEIGH. NC 27607 0 832-9900“ :sEtB ‘ auOtsxOOQ August 23, 1995 et cetera Page C9

Top Ten: Moments we wish we had missed at the movies this summer 10. The Jell-O eruption in the finale of “Congo” 9. The Preying Mantis scenes in “Nine Months” 8. The “Mine, Mine, Mine” song from “Pocahontas” 7. Most of “Braveheart” except for the 30-minute battle scene 6. The endless circling dances in “Bridges of Madison County,” and all that sweating doesn’t make anyone feel romantic — this isn’t an “Obsession” ad 5. Everything Tom Arnold did in “Nine Months” 4. The fact that no one’s spine got torn out in “Mortal Kombat” 3. The whole “Mighty Morphin’” thing 2. The crotch-facing-crotch delivery scene in “Nine Months” 1. Kevin Costner peeing in “Waterworld,” what a way to start a movie! But what can you expect from a leading man who has gills and webbed toes? pHOlOS COUIHEW mt Draw «.A. P r w" “Waterworld”. above right and right. was a box office bomb. Costner's career may never be the same.

a?“ 2 PHOTOS Countesv or TWENTIETH CENTURY Fox " Mighlyh Morphin' Power Rangers: The movie," left, was a dismal kid's flick to be avoided at all . costs. Keep your kids away from it.

THE FURIES WEI/EDAl’Ill/GUSI23 I!” Ill!R!(0RD !X(ll.4ll6! Sl/ITON Sal/AR! SHOPPING (!NI'!R night SE [1 TH! M AT 5L! Azr FriST AT LOCAL. 506 AUGUST 19! I The first event of the 95- 96 school year attracted HAVE LUNCH WITH THE 3035 thousands of predominantly new students. 59/04711/61/5725 12:30PM By Keim CRAWFORD I'll!fl!(0!0 !I(llA/lb‘! El CEYERA EDaron MISS/0N K411!I’SHOPPING (ill!!! Hundreds of students spent SEE THEM AT REYNOLDS INDUSTRIES THEATER (DUKE) AUGUST 25! Monday night surrounded by Tikki torches. glow bands and sumo wrestlers on Harris Field to have a KNOCKED DOWN SMILIN’ good time before hitting the books. The Union Activities Board‘s MID/l741/605725 45!” First Night Out was held to help fill the boredom and loneliness of the Ill!PEDRO !X(ll4/VG! days before classes start. Students had the opportunity to MISS/0N V4!!!7SHOPPING (ill/M Moonwalk. take a wild ride in a centripetal force machine. practice their Sumo Wrestling in overstuffed plastic suits. sing to MODERN PILGRIMS Karoke. dance. hang out. eat food. and learn about what goes on entertainment-wise on campus. MIDII’All/6115'I'25If” “UAB First Night Out is mainly Ill! !X(l/,4ll&'! targeted at freshman. partially because it is part of Orientation ll.“ MISS/all V41]!75ll0l’l’llV6 (Ill!!! said Laura Black. UAB adviser. “It's an event to keep freshman entertained on campus and also introduce them to the UAB." Each constituate committee of the LABURNUM UAB. from the Black Students Board to the Thompson Theatre SAN/RDAI’Ill/6115'I'26 I!” Advisory Committee. had an information table and free goodies I'll! !X(llA/l6! for new freshmen. There were a lot MISS/0” K411!l’SHOPPING (!llI'!fl more than the 500 students Black expected. I Despite problems with the Moonwalk. which operated sporadically during the evening. the EDw'iN MCCA IN BAND masses came — and stayed. After the first IS minutes of the SUI/DAYIll/6115I2/4”! event. the event had attracted 1.000 participants. The organizers Ill!l’!(0fl0 !X(ll/lll6! estimated that attendance grew to around 3.000 over the course of the MISS/0N VA!!!7$ll0l’l’ll/6' (!llI!A’ evening. Several attendees heard the music and wanted to see what was going on. After an hour and a half. the field was covered with a peaceful and involved crowd. “l heard the music and came to find out what was going on.“ said WEI/50.4I’41/6!!!I30 I!” Kelly Roberts. a freshman in I'll!A’KUA’D !X(llA/l6! accounting. “It‘s a great way for me to get to know people.“ Sl/fl'OII5004!!SHOPPING (!llI'!l’ Roberts was among many students onlooking the sumo wrestling ring where students ridded themselves of the stress of entering the world ofcollege. “The sumo wrestling is a trip." .1Id'r'IJIID]'PI2!DI-(OL'.la].T-II'1!‘I‘l~i".“$’l=tlt1".1.‘I57.1.413]].L she said. While students checked out the many activities. most seemed to HISSION VALLEY SHOPPING (ENTER. 8 3 I d BOO agree that there was a need for the SUTTON SOIIAIIE SHOPPING (ENTER. 81O-I IOO event “There isn‘t much to do around I IS-E EAST FRANKLIN STREET. 93 3-OIOI here before school starts." said Ruth Richmond. a freshman in Page 10C et cetera August 23, 1995

Technician is available at these


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