Raleigh. North Carolina Bell Tower Briefs New

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Raleigh. North Carolina Bell Tower Briefs New ednesday Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Raleigh. North Carolina A gust 23, 1995 Volume78, Number Bell Tower Seven athletes involved in brawlfl Briefs I Linebacker Duan Eserett linebacker l)uan ltierett. delcnsne Although all liie were cliaiged with a dropped has been suspended for s'i\ lineman Mike Harrison. corneiback crime. head t‘ootball coach Mike (N am According to polite 'ctiz‘tls. it around Ricks Hell. otiensne lineman lainoiit said only one would he punished until he tit) tt.lti llit‘ ll\l. {-5 hi I» littili‘ llllii lllt New resume system on-line games after a Violent incident \lc(‘aule} and tree satet) .lariies \kalkcr obtained lurther inloiniation ()n last weekend. haie all been charged in the incident apartment «it ('Iiilis \l.il~ll it? tlt'tl'\lllll .'\ (' \tale ~tii lciiis can now enter their resume Morida). ()'(‘ain siispended lwerett tor' senior guard on llll “out: it l. basketball in the t aicei l’! inning t\ I’lateinent (‘enter's ‘\ll ll\L' plasers charged are probable si\ gariies. i‘.\L‘lt‘ll will be allowed to team. and leii-iio llsall illllllii! ,‘tl.ilil. resume t‘ttll\ cx sit in starters tor \( ‘Sl' tlirs season practice. and assaulted tin" .ilil ‘.illltr‘l.t \ltci an orientation students «all also browse Raleigh police arrested toe \' (‘ State 'I he pl.t}c‘l\ were taken into cirstod} h) :\CL‘tirdlng’ io ()'(‘ain. the other tour are Jackson \iiltii‘ til lfii lt‘l‘liil‘i llsldl a through rob listings look into internship football plaseis \uridai on charges ot Raleigh police and transported to the on tearii probation pending their court round stit k .is thy~ as».ii.tt weapon oppoitiiiiiiie .. thetk on campus interuew and breaking and entering and assaulting two \\ake (‘ounts .lail. l'he) were held there appearances on September 2| (H‘ain ll_\illl \\.is .Illc.“ kli\ l‘ iiillt‘d Willi ”it workshop st licdui‘cs and place their resume on NCSl' men's basketball p|a_\eis and a tiiitil the} were released into the ciistod} told the tVt’tt‘.\ (ti ()liiei'it'i he expects the the Internet s\ sl"lti woman ol an assistant toolball coach. charges against the other tour to be s., A7‘-ttt‘«.’-1},l . ,, ) lhe t'aieer l’laniiiiig .\ l'ltis‘ellit‘lil ('enter and the -\dniiiiistia!i\e t oiiipiiting Seriices started the new s_\sterii. \\lili.il will eientuall} allow students in search tor toiiipan) inlor'iiiation and slg‘tt ltt‘ tot till cailtl‘tis ittlet'\ Ie\\s First day’s end . Frat Court still llie protect \\lit l‘t completed b_\ the end ot l‘l‘lti tii'ieniations are scheduled tor the tirst two weeks ot the ser'iestei lot more intormatioii. students shouio i all i r ‘ Il‘lti under fire code detcriiiiiied h} the lit-pron. it! or l'niversity names two I Summer repairs have Insurance forced fraternities to pay l\,t‘s|\lt‘llls iillL’lltalls .. 'lt‘ iold the department heads higher rent and clean up the rciio'xatiiins would be ltl;l‘~l‘tt'il b} mess left behind by \agnst H l. i‘ '\L'il .i lc'lltt l haiitell-i! l.tlt\ \loiitcith has named two new construction crews. t‘dlllt'l this stilltlfit“ iiioiiiiine them ‘.lt'lt.ttlll‘.t‘lll l::'.tti‘ tollowing .ippioial b} NI the repairs would 'li‘l lie tiiiishcd \t.rtes lioaitt or liiistecs BY Cirrus Boson \i\ ot the houses. .sliitti will not ( tiriaoiiliei (i- uld. protessoi ot ph}sics. will Niex- E: be tinishcil .ii;=il out near ltixc head the depaiiiiii'ni ot plosics in the (iollege ot' internal tt'lXilli slatli tta\..' to liv- l’lissrt..il and \latlieiiiatical \ciences. and John Sonic traternit) members returned doiic during tlii 'llll'tlt". \iiiith Riddle. .t tit’olessor oi histor}. \stll head the to their houses for the tall semester said liieproi-t linili'ftdl has to be departumnt or hisroit th the ('ollege iii onl) to find that the) would haie to installed iii ill l'tilltill‘_;.‘s Humanities .iiid Not l tl \'t ieiites ltoili will sen‘e \acate their houses next summer ciitt‘ldiit‘s lllt' it till :* sappiased tor a period ol three \tdl\ inst as the} did last summer. to contain a liic tori ins-h to (ioiild‘s predecessoi Richard l'aiti will return to lL“|llt l‘l‘x teaching»: and test'atch alter l‘I years as pli_\sics because the lilil\t‘l\ll) tailed to eiacuate the department head complete scheduled lire code Installing ilri llitllt'lttl .. iao (ioniil ioiiied the \t'\l Yatiiltt in l‘lill as an retimations. disiiiptiie to .ittyiiit‘i .ttiile assistant piolessor and is a l'ellow ot the Repairs were scheduled to he lL‘slilt'tilsdtt'llii'l' \ziiitli rid ‘\lllL‘l'li..tlt i'l‘i\\lt at \ittx.it‘l\ He has recentl) made to the 12 original houses on "lt’s preltx Mast} work. ire and edited two books testing tiiiie resetsal l-raternit) (‘oiirt. said Drew Smith. fill hillil itl liiit'rcs a ti It‘ll \kt‘lt’ s)littttt‘lls i.s!it;.‘ neutron beams and published assistant director iil student attairs going to spia toriteti; will; .l liltf lit) l apcrs t-ri t'siicii'iieiitai lltts lk ar t‘ll}s|c\ He said the houses. birilt in Not hose t'\\L'l'l it ‘lls ks \ on lioiiid has held \i-.llllg' .iiii‘iiinlnienls at the did not meet the e\isting Wis tire would not l.a\e .i ci'lllliilldl‘lk' l iir\~.szr\ or l illlxlitfl in (ieiiriaris. the l nerg) salet} codes when the) were built lit‘sca' l‘ lt‘s'ilali,‘ .li kiilldl \ldl‘ld the Institute and do not meet current regulations \,. Como. , ~ tor \ionirc itlk'yrv .ri licijiiig. and the lam :‘ildtt‘H‘ \i.--~~ l’M-ri l.itilit\ New \1c\ico if .' .i A: ‘...i:i llatiis who stepped \il l i ll .ii limit l.|lit' .itld Tt'st‘atcli .tllt‘l ll\\' .il Movers defy heat, ls‘itr‘ ..; 5. m \t \l t.iti:li'. iii l‘iti‘ and has a .. .'..irci «its titular... awards llt‘~ :est litli .r it «1‘ i. in tlic histoi\ ot attttt‘ "ruin ili t'irtieil l"tti Ilse l‘li” ltlwattl traffic jams l\tt'.. \‘~'\a.' E IN! (ltttsla'iihlii' lltsli‘lltJl \\:v: . ’w an \iia.‘iitai. ix’nfttii- s l‘iisl recent book 't t 'li'i’ t: r 'i ‘ll i' if \iioi'io'. troiii the I (‘heck-in went smoothly i..llll['i|l l-relsatloo ,ieiti \ncn 'it \\, :1 .I the 'x‘ l‘u'i amt ,ittratied aira/iziglx aiioo'h \l' h I): both at .tat a t. a l ,iatii it ' for both students and \taflordiold iiie be h. _‘ seen administrators. a chcci» iii to w st: toil. \lan‘. lettlt't '» taical it s soot \ Lilly Industries endows Bi .lss \ .lrzskiss though“ alii-rrti‘xfi- :r. q. N. ”l lliitllt'l'i‘i ll't -. tillt' scholarship .v\ tliirr} oi parents and students weli' .iii \l. ‘-' msl .i were seen t.irr_\ in: ctales. hoses. lre.l.t:i.iii v': x s .‘n l ”1‘. l tttis' l s I: c l t l {a ijSlliiil and other assorted iieriis 'lwi~-i:ta .1: . ,.'st -.t v': .a \i stir.- s (r ‘-;t- oi loiesi \\ itli temperatures eweedrng the ll' ‘l. | ‘l in . ' "ii l\';si t.‘t s Ti‘ t\l.tl‘ll~l‘, .t Winnl pludthls (Top) Freshman . i.-. tit) degree iiiark. \' ('. State students iii c\ci .ili 'l:' :HltIV‘L‘I’ and their parents lllt‘\ ed belongings .\ii:ci Hal-“c i" Emit lli lh. coo-xii iieit'. which wi‘l he .iiordinated Bethany Norris into residence halls. onl} some ot lllL‘lllt'tl i ' l l‘il ._ .i' at .lso llllitlit'li l it!\ s tilohal \\ood t oatings Business watches the sun ._ which were air-conditioned. mild sl:1' " i."' ' merit l tilt at lltij’i l‘oiiit. will support a renewable. .-\ppro\iniatel_\ 7.(ltitl slUtlt‘llls \L)l\ “cl two 'st‘Jl s.liol.i:siiip to be awarded to .iii \(‘Sl go down over niox ed in this tall "l reallx .:,.‘.i' i . i thing; rising ‘tl't‘o’l iii 'he wood piodiitts ttirii.iiluiii ot Harris Field ,, ‘ Saturda} was the busiest mining 1'] e\,ici.i-i. ‘. '...:'ie ll‘ YlEc‘ clt'tiatlt‘iem ‘ wood and paliet \. tL'Itte tla}. with an estimated tliiiti new t‘li\li‘llili. \ li"\il\ ' lltt‘ c' it? tit'” "“ ‘\ ‘.‘ l‘L' iilltlt'ttsit'led it} \ (‘ (right) while students nioiing in to dorms l'iiii \\itl. “iv ~- ' ant: li te~tt_\ ll‘lt ital itl~ l!l\ . llte \l‘llK‘gk' \ Luckadoo. director ol Housing and \llltik'lll\ llit \\ x. it ._'til til tlc.el~;‘:i ”I: ~ lb: ‘iist s. hoi riship mined other freshmen Residence l.ite. said he thought lt‘aristio.t.itit :1 at st» 't'li tic: _> .i' he awarded in l‘l‘lti eat barbeque. riiming da) proceeded without a l \c’l\ .llitl llie i‘..'\l;‘i'.lll will lie eligible tor paid hitch. riaeii l'; s at l .1. ‘. drain; the siiiiiiiieis betoie his wt ts. r‘t .’ w ltt'tttil .tilil st‘lrtiil .t‘.its “(‘heckriri went well across l lll‘s l'nl tstiics it aislz‘i‘. .ii INS. is toda) one or the Eli lat-.‘t'sf \oiilr \iiierican iiianiitacturers t llti'i ~li.tl wit: and spetialti chemit il Inside Wednesday 'ti tint ‘s Ji'll iie! stiles ot more than $111 Plus/minus slightly lowers GPA ii..llit ii to “NJ ll is a L'ltil‘dl market leader in News: Parking woes still plague f:.
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