President Jacobs Lists 15 Faculty Promotions
• ~ht VOL LVII TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN., DECEMBER 10, 1958 No. 10 President Jacobs Lists 1Who' s Who Selections Announced; 15 Faculty Promotions Fifteen Student Leaders Elected President Jacob announced yesterday at a faculty meeting the promotion of fifteen Trinity faculty members. One full pro Medusa, Senate, Illinois Scholars f s or, el ven a sociate professors and three assistant p1·of ssors were named, their p1·omotion becoming effective September, 1959. Lead Who's Who Selections Dr. Walt r J. K limczak was named prof ssor of mathematic . wcr I 'cted lo Who' \\'ho in Am rican Col- orne of the el Yen new a sociate professors include Dr. Clarence ni\' r iti the Dean's Offic' announ ed today. The H. Barber, Dr. Micha 1 R. Campo, cho · n on th ba is of xc lienee and lead r hip in Professor J ohn A. Dando, Dr. Robert nclea\'or and campu actiYiLi Lindsay, and Professor Albert Merri Kurth Leaving named w re Da\·id Belmont, Edwar l Dub I, Jacob Ed man. Also named associate profes sors were Dr. Jack . X. Oanh, Pro To Tour Africa altcr Graham, Mark Il aly, Paull! r ch, Phillip Jacklin, fe sor Mitchel . Pappas, Profe or Moorin, J •raid 01 on, Micha 'I P wa, I arl cheibe, August E. apega, Professor Ran Karl Kurth, Jr. wil l be a good-will I Philip imshau r, lb rt spot1:s representative of th nited dall W. Tuck r, Dr. J ames M. Van mith, Hob rl mith, an I Jon , tone, and D1·.
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