Members of the American Academy Listed by Election Year, 1950-1999

Members of the American Academy Listed by Election Year, 1950-1999

Members of the American Academy Listed by election year, 1950–1999 Elected in 1950 Evans, Luther Harris (1902-1981) Linderstrom-Lang, Kaj Ulrik Evatt, Herbert Vere (1894-1965) (1896-1959) Allee, Warder Clyde (1885-1955) Fainsod, Merle (1907-1972) Linton, Ralph (1893-1953) Anderson, Carl David (1905-1991) Foster, Adriance Sherwood (1901- Lord, Richard Collins (1910-1989) Barghoorn, Elso Sterrenberg, Jr. 1973) Lundegardh, Henrik Gunnar (1915-1984) Fulbright, James William (1905- (1888-1969) Barth, Karl (1886-1968) 1995) MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982) Berry, George Packer (1898-1986) Gaus, John Merriman (1894-1969) Mahony, Thomas Harrison (1885- Biggs, Edward George Power Giauque, William Francis (1895- 1969) (1906-1977) 1982) May, Mark Arthur (1891-1977) Bingham, Barry (1906-1988) Goldman, Hetty (1881-1972) Merton, Robert King (1910-2003) Bitter, Francis (1902-1967) Goodrich, Carter Lyman (1897- Meyer, Adolph (1880-1965) Bloch, Herbert (1911-2006) 1971) Moore, Carl Richard (1892-1955) Bowen, Ira Sprague (1898-1973) Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal Munch, Charles (1891-1968) Brown, Gordon Stanley (1907- (1899-1975) Murphy, Gardner (1895-1979) 1996) Greep, Roy Orval (1905-1997) Mynors, Roger Aubrey Baskerville Brown, John Nicholas (1900-1979) Gregg, Alan (1890-1957) (1903-1989) Burchard, John Ely (1898-1975) Gutenberg, Beno (1889-1960) Nathanson, Ira Theodore (1904- Butterfield, Victor Lloyd (1904- Harriman, William Averell (1891- 1954) 1975) 1986) Neale, John Ernest (1890-1975) Cam, Helen Maud (1885-1968) Hawthorne, William Rede (1913- Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964) Cartan, Henri Paul (1904-2008) 2011) Nolan, Thomas Brennan (1901- Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. (1885-1957) Herter, Christian Archibald (1895- 1992) Clark, George Norman (1890- 1966) Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst (1900-1958) 1979) de Hevesy, George Charles (1885- Penfield, Wilder Graves (1891- Cockcroft, John Douglas (1897- 1966) 1976) 1967) Hewett, Donnel Foster (1881- Peters, Rudolph Albert (1889- Cohen, Morris (1911-2005) 1971) 1982) Constance, Lincoln (1909-2001) Ivins, William Mills, Jr. (1881- Plough, Harold Henry (1892-1985) Cope, Oliver (1902-1994) 1961) Proger, Samuel Herschel (1906- Couch, William Terry (1901-1988) Jakobson, Roman (1896-1982) 1984) Davis, Saville Rogers (1909-1991) Karpovich, Michael (1888-1959) Purcell, Edward Mills (1912-1997) Dexter, Lewis (1910-1995) Kleinschmidt, Robert Victor Ramsey, Norman Foster (1915- Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902- (1896-1966) 2011) 1984) Lafarge, John (1880-1963) Read, Conyers (1881-1959) Dollard, Charles (1907-1977) Levin, Harry Tuchman (1912- Redfield, Robert (1897-1958) Douglas, Paul Howard (1892- 1994) Reid, Helen Miles Rogers (1882- 1976) Levorsen, Arville Irving (1894- 1970) Dunbar, Carl Owen (1891-1979) 1965) Reissner, Eric (Max Erich) (1913- Dunn, Leslie Clarence (1893-1974) Lie, Trygve Halvdan (1896-1968) 1996) Edsall, Geoffrey (1908-1980) Ross, William David (1877-1971) Sawyer, Charles Henry (1906- Elected in 1951 Lin, Chia-Chiao (1916-2013) 2005) Malik, Charles Habib (1906-1987) Schneider, Herbert Wallace (1892- Allis, William Phelps (1901-1999) Medina, Harold Raymond (1888- 1984) Baldwin, Roger Nash (1884-1981) 1990) Schroedinger, Erwin (1887-1961) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Metz, Charles William (1889-1975) Shuster, George Nauman (1894- Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990) Murdock, George Peter (1897- 1977) Breit, Gregory (1899-1981) 1985) Singleton, Charles Southward Brooks, Harvey (1915-2004) Nevins, Allan (Joseph Allan) (1909-1985) Brouwer, Dirk (1902-1966) (1890-1971) Smith, Cyril Stanley (1903-1992) Bunche, Ralph Johnson (1904- Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow Snyder, John Crayton (1910-2002) 1971) (1893-1992) Spaak, Paul-Henri (1899-1972) Cole, Robert Hugh (1914-1990) Orowan, Egon (1902-1989) Stouffer, Samuel Andrew (1900- Coolidge, Elizabeth Penn Sprague Paul, John Rodman (1893-1971) 1960) (1864-1953) Prager, William (1903-1980) Sulzberger, Arthur Hays (1891- Copland, Aaron (1900-1990) Rand, William McNear (1886- 1968) DeGolyer, Everette Lee (1886- 1981) Theorell, Hugo (Axel Hugo 1956) Sachar, Abram Leon (1899-1993) Theodor) (1903-1982) Dewhurst, James Frederic (1895- Schmidt, Karl Patterson (1890- Tillich, Paul Johannes (1886-1965) 1967) 1957) Dollard, John (1900-1980) Sheehan, John Clark (1915-1992) Tisza, Laszlo (1907-2009) Doty, Paul Mead (1920-2011) Sigerist, Henry Ernest (1891-1957) Trump, John George (1907-1985) Ewing, William Maurice (1906- Stace, Walter Terence (1886-1967) Tuve, Merle Antony (1901-1982) 1974) Talbot, Nathan Bill (1909-1994) Unwin, Stanley (1884-1968) Freeman, Douglas Southall (1886- Taylor, Lily Ross (1886-1969) van Niel, Cornelis Bernardus 1953) Voegelin, Charles Frederick (1906- (1897-1985) Golden, Clinton Strong (1888- 1986) Webster, William (1900-1972) 1961) Wardlaw, Claude Wilson (1901- Wecter, Dixon (1906-1950) Greenewalt, Crawford Hallock 1985) West (pseudonym Cicily Fairfield (1902-1993) Warren, Robert Penn (1905-1989) Andrews), Rebecca (1892-1983) Griswold, Alfred Whitney (1906- Weber, Harold Christian (1895- White, Philip Rodney (1901-1968) 1963) 1984) White, William Lawrence (1908- Harington, Charles Robert (1897- Whicher, George Frisbie (1889- 1952) 1972) 1954) Wigner, Eugene Paul (1902-1995) Haskins, Caryl Parker (1908-2001) White, Leonard Dupee (1891- Wilson, Thomas James (1902- 1958) 1969) Hench, Philip Showalter (1896- Whitehill, Walter Muir (1905- Wright, Benjamin Fletcher (1900- 1965) 1978) 1976) Hinshelwood, Cyril Norman Williams, Carroll Milton (1916- Wyckoff, Ralph Walter Graystone (1897-1967) 1991) (1897-1994) Houston, William Vermillion Wind, Edgar (1900-1971) (1900-1968) Wolfrom, Melville Lawrence Kendall, Edward Calvin (1886- (1900-1969) 1972) Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix (1901-1976) Le Corbeiller, Philippe Emmanuel (1891-1980) Elected in 1952 Goodwin, Richard Hale (1910- Nottingham, Wayne Buckles 2007) (1899-1964) Augustine, Donald Leslie (1895- Gorter, Cornelis Jacobus (1907- Padelford, Norman Judson (1903- 1986) 1980) 1982) Baird, Walter Scott (1908-1982) Graham, Frank Porter (1886-1972) Phillips, Christopher Hallowell Barr, Alfred Hamilton, Jr. (1902- Griffin, Donald Redfield (1915- (1920-2008) 1981) 2003) Pierce, John Alvin (1907-1996) Barth, Alan (1906-1979) Harrar, Jacob George (1906-1982) Pound, Robert Vivian (1919-2010) Belluschi, Pietro (1899-1994) Hastie, William Henry (1904- Reuther, Walter Philip (1907- Benedict, Manson (1907-2006) 1976) 1970) Beranek, Leo Leroy (1914-2016) Heidt, Lawrence Joseph (1904- Roberts, John Dombrowski (1918- Billings, Bruce Hadley (1915-1992) 1983) 2016) Boell, Edgar John (1906-1996) Hoffman, Paul Gray (1891-1974) Salem, Raphael (1898-1963) Bolt, Richard Henry (1911-2002) Hornig, Donald Frederick (1920- Schapiro, Meyer (1904-1996) Boodberg, Peter Alexis (1903- 2013) Schmidt, Gerhard (1901-1981) 1972) Horsfall, James Gordon (1905- Scholes, France Vinton (1897- Brew, John Otis (1906-1988) 1995) 1979) Case, Harold Claude (1902-1972) Houghton, Henry Garrett (1905- Seligman, Arnold Max (1912- Caso y Andrade, Alfonso (1896- 1987) 1976) 1970) Hrones, John Anthony (1912- Shapiro, Ascher Herman (1916- Chadwick, Leigh Edward (1904- 2000) 2004) 1975) Irvine, John Withers, Jr. (1913- Shipton, Clifford Kenyon (1902- Cherington, Charles Richards 1998) 1973) (1913-1967) Keller, Harrison (1888-1979) Simon, Franz Eugen (Francis) Christensen, Halvor Niels (1915- Kennan, George Frost (1904-2005) (1893-1956) 2003) Kepes, Gyorgy (1906-2001) Sizer, Irwin Whiting (1910-2000) Clapp, Margaret Antoinette (1910- Kidder, George Wallace (1902- Skinner, Burrhus Frederic (1904- 1974) 1996) 1990) Clarke, George Leonard (1905- King, Gilbert William (1914-1982) Smith, Margaret Chase (1897- 1987) Lane, George Sherman (1902- 1995) Cohen, I. Bernard (1914-2003) 1981) Snell, George Davis (1903-1996) Collip, James Bertram (1892-1965) Leighton, Morris Morgan (1887- Solomon, Harry Caesar (1889- Crider, John Henshaw (1906-1966) 1971) 1982) Crowther, Geoffrey (1907-1972) Leslau, Wolf (1906-2006) Stare, Fredrick John (1910-2002) Cushman, Robert Eugene (1889- Loew, Earl Randall (1907-1988) Stebbins, George Ledyard, Sr. 1969) Margenau, Henry (1901-1997) (1906-2000) Dubinsky, David (1892-1983) Mickley, Harold Somers (1918- Stevenson, Earl Place (1893-1978) Edman, Irwin (1896-1954) 2011) Tenbroeck, Carl (1885-1966) Elder, John Petersen (1913-1985) Moore, Francis Daniels (1913- Torres Bodet, Jaime (1902-1974) Eliot, Thomas Hopkinson (1907- 2001) Trilling, Lionel (1905-1975) 1991) Moore, Raymond Cecil (1892- Uhlig, Herbert Henry (1907-1993) Emerson, Ralph (1912-1979) 1974) Wang, Hao (1921-1995) Frisch, Karl Ritter von (1886-1982) Morris, Charles William (1901- West, Cutler DeLong (1903-1993) Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908- 1979) White, Elwyn Brooks (1899-1985) 2006) Movius, Hallam Leonard, Jr. Willett, Hurd Curtis (1903-1992) (1907-1987) Willey, Gordon Randolph (1913- Ewalt, Jack Richard (1910-1998) Moody, Robert Earle (1901-1983) 2002) Fine, Jacob (1900-1980) Murray, William MacGregor French, Edward Sanborn (1883- (1910-1990) 1968) Nassau, Jason John (1893-1965) Elected in 1953 Fruton, Joseph Stewart (1912- Newman, Edwin Broomell (1908- 2007) 1989) Adams, John (1875-1964) Gardner, John William (1912- O’Brien, Brian (1898-1998) Adams, Thomas Boylston (1910- 2002) Oliver, Douglas Llewellyn (1913- 1997) Garland, Joseph (1893-1973) 2009) Anderson, Lawrence Bernhart Greene, Theodore Meyer (1897- Paine, Robert Treat, Jr. (1900- (1906-1994) 1969) 1965) Arnold, Samuel Tomlinson (1892- Hanfmann, George Maxim Perkins, Elliott (1901-1985) 1956) Anossov (1911-1986) Phillips, Philip (1900-1994)

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