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The BG News May 2, 1996

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Nation • Disabled boy's story of survival rings false.

World • Massacre leaves 35 dead in Australia. 10 Aaron Weisbrod talks about honesty and friendship.

Sports • Falcon baseball defeats Cincinnati. 11 N E W S Page 2

Volume 83, Issue 129 Thursday, May 2.1996 Bowling Green, Ohio

The News' It's all for a good cause Castro flaunts Briefs May Day parade

AL Scores John Rice caped from prison in 1979 and The Associated Press went to Cuba. Cleveland 9 Ture is in Cuba for cancer HAVANA - In a flamboyant treatment. Chicago 5 celebration of communism de- Organizers claimed nearly 1 signed to defy the United States, million people took part In the Boston 5 Fidel Castro presided over a May three-hour parade. With ranks sometimes 50 to 60 across, the Detroit Day parade Wednesday with 1 hundreds of thousands of mar- number of people was clearly in chers waving Cuban flags and the hundreds of thousands. Toronto 9 carrying anti-American banners. Signs - many of them printed - Cuba's first full-blown May bore slogans such as "Down with Milwaukee 3 Day celebration to three years Helms-Burton" and "U.S.A.: Use also was meant to show renewed Your Head!" Some marchers confidence and resources as the danced to drummers beating out NL Scores country recovers from a disas- Afro-Caribbean rhythms in a ca- trous economic crisis caused by cophony of sound. the collapse of its socialist allies In other May Day observances in Europe. around the world: Chicago 9 Patriotic music blasted from ■ Russian President Boris St. Louis 3 loudspeakers across the Plaza of Yeltsin and his Communist rival, the Revolution as Castro stood on Gennady Zyuganov, held compet- a marble platform and peered ing rallies in Moscow. Both pre- Houston 3 through binoculars at the river of dicted victory in the June 16 Atlanta 0 marchers. Above him was a presidential election, and spent 450-foot tower honoring Cuba's the holiday stumping for votes in independence hero Jose Marti. what polls show to be a neck-and- Pittsburgh 4 For the past two years, only neck race. Cincinnati 3 small neighborhood gatherings ■ In Paris, about 12,000 far- marked the traditional socialist right supporters led by National and communist workers holiday, Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen with officials saying there wasnt marched waving banners against Warner Books starts enough fuel or transportation for immigration, European integra- Unabomber collec- a big celebration. tion and President Jacques tion Cuban officials billed this Chirac. NEW YORK - Warner year's march as a rejection of the ■ China marked the holiday Books shipped off Its first Helms-Burton Act that tightens with concerts, ceremonies and a paperbacks on the Una- the U.S. embargo of Cuba, and as call in the national press for all bomber case Wednesday, a reaffirmation of Cuba's com- workers to contribute to Its beating out stiff competi- munist principles. modernization drive Schoolchil- tion In a sprint to get the Pedro Ross, the head of the Cu- dren and soldiers gathered at first book on the case into ban labor movement, opened the dawn in Beijing's Tiananmen stores. The New York march with the traditional cry of Square for a flag-raising cere- Times reported. "Socialism or death! Fatherland mony. The books is titled "Mad ■ In Minsk, the capital of the Genius: The Odyssey, Pur- or death! We will be victorious!" suit and Capture of the Among the guests in the re- former Soviet republic of Be- Unabomber Suspect." viewing area were two figures larus, an official rally turned into Pocket Books, a pioneer from the Black Power movement an opposition demonstration in turning out quickie of the 1960s and 70s: Kwame when thousands of people de- books, had hoped to have its Ture - the former Stokely Car- manding higher wages and the publication out a week ago. mlchael - and Assata Shakur, the president's resignation took to The Pocket publication former Joanne Chesimard. the streets. was completed only 13 days HM»U KahmymthVTht BC Ncwi Shakur, a former member of ■ Pope John Paul II, at his reg- after Unabomber suspect ular weekly general audience, Theodore Kaczlnsky was WFAL deejays Joe Pelffer and Brian O'Aurello ran across the campus In Jock straps to raise the Black Liberation Army, was taken into custody April 3, money for the Campus Escort Service. The deejays raised more than $400 for the escort service. convicted of killing a New Jersey but It has been hung up state trooper in 1973. She es- See MAYDAY, page three. waiting FBI approval. Pocket Books submitted "Unabomber On The Trail of America's Most Wanted Serial Killer" to the FBI for Student involved in hit-and-run Diary Of murder standard review because one of its authors is John Police request information from possible witnesses Douglas, a former FBI agent. Dawn Keller struck the student, causing her to Waddell said the police would "If this is the FBI's idea The BC News be thrown onto the hood of the like people to come forward with victim released of expediency, then I can car, according to police reports. information about what hap- Jodie DeJonge Steele's unsupervised visits with see why it took them 18 A University student reported However, the student was not in- pened. their three children, or was com- years to catch the Unabom- The Associated Press she was Involved in a hit-and-run jured. piling evidence in case anything ber," said Mark Olshaker, The driver fled the scene with- "There appeared to be a group co-author of the Pocket while she was walking In Parking WEST ALUS, Wis. - Barbara happened to her, her family Books manuscript, com- Lot D at 8:48 p.m. Tuesday, ac- out leaving any information, ac- of males walking in the vicinity Steele carefully documented how didn't know. plained to the Times. cording to the police report filed. cording to the police report. when it happened," she said. "If terrified she was of her ex- Her lawyer, Roger Rustad, de- FBI officials told the According to the police report, According to Barbara Waddell, anyone has any information, we'd husband. clined to comment on the diary, newspaper the federal a woman driving a dark green, public information officer, all like to know." "Our dog never gets let out- citing lawyer-client confidentia- agency has 30 days to com- two-door Pontiac made a rolling that is known of the description Anyone with more Information side, I never get to take my con- lity. The children's lawyer, Ju- plete Its review. stop and then accellerated to of the suspect is she was wearing can contact University police at tacts out of my eyes and I sleep dith Budny, did not immediately Industry officials say be- make a left-hand turn. The driver glasses. 372-2346. in my clothes," she wrote in a return a call Wednesday. ing first with such quickie Allen had court-ordered, un- books on breaking news diary she kept of Allen Steele's events is Important because erratic and increasingly menac- supervised visits with Alexan- demand drops off markedly ing behavior. dra, 8, Cassandra, 6, and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame sues 20-month-old David. But Mrs. for subsequent books on the Her last entry was April 18. same subject. Two days later, her former hus- Steele often gave in to his de- band shot her to death, then mands to see the children outside ■MMM photographer for selling posters killed himself. of his scheduled visits to avoid The diary was found among confrontations. The Associated Press holds trademarks on its name He said unauthorized use of the legal memos on Mrs. Steele's of- "I don't want to keep the chil- Quote of and on architect I.M. Pel's glass museum's name and image di- fice computer. Her family dren away from their dad, I Just CLEVELAND - The Rock and pyramid design of the building lutes their merchandising value released it In the hopes it would want them to be 'mentally' safe the day Roll Hall of Fame and Museum and has the right to profit from Gentile said he hadn't been help other women. and happy," she wrote in a letter has filed a lawsuit accusing a "We're hoping ... because of to the children's attorney in Oc- "The sheriff photographer of selling posters Barb's death, a judge or the au- tober. Steele never hit his ex-wife, found a lot of of the building without obtaining Fay said Gentile's poster infringes upon the thorities will look at our laws and licensing permission. try to protect women and their said Mrs. Steele's best friend, guns, a gun was Leslie Meka, but his behavior be- hidden under The photographer, Charles M. trademarks and constitutes unfair children from people like this," came increasingly hostile. "She the girls in the Gentile of Cleveland, said he said Kathleen McGowan, a col- competition. was more worried about him do- front seat." didn't need a license because the league at Foley & Lardner, the hall is located in a public space. Milwaukee law firm where Mrs. ing something to his kids," Meka -Barbara Steele, murder The lawsuit asked for unspeci- Steele worked as a typist. said. victim, in a diary entry In the diary's first entry, dated about her husband fied damages and an injunction the sale of photographs taken of served with papers from the U.S. Exactly why she kept the log prohibiting Gentile from selling the building. District Court lawsuit, which was isn't clear. Barbara sent pages to March 1, 199S, Mrs. Steele said the photographs. Fay said Gentile's poster in- filed Tuesday. He did not return her children's lawyer to expose her former husband was "doing Regan Fay, the attorney who fringes on the trademarks and a message left Wednesday at his her former husband's behavior. filed the lawsuit, said the hall constitutes unfair competition. photo studio. But whether she wanted to stop Set DIARY, page eight Opinion page two Thursday, May 2, 1996 Most people deserve honesty

He who does not know the force that could, and probably will, af- and your friends (if not every liv- of words cannot know men. fect Tracy's life in a very big ing sentient creature on the -Confucious way. By not telling her what he planet) deserve better. Israel can't monopolize aid Your silence will not protect says about her, you're practically you. lying to her. How could you even Aaron Weisbrod was the On April 19 the cover page of stand what is happening." -Audre Lorde call yourself Tracy's friend when Thursday columnist. He'll be re- The BG News reported that Is- This is exactly in my opinion you're not even willing to be hon- turning as a columnist next se- raeli shells slammed Into a U.N. how the mass media in U.S. and I ate a dog biscuit today. est with her?" mester, so don't worry, you ha- base in Qana, Lebanon, killing at in the Western World portrays I just thought some of you out Yeah, I was in a passionate ven't seen the last of him yet. least 75 and wounding more than the situation in the Middle East. there might have drawn some en- rage. 100 Lebanese refugees who had Recently there has been news joyment from that fact. "How would you like it If I He'd like to send get well wish- sought sanctuary from an Israeli of President Bill Clinton offering The other day I was talking to knew that your girlfriend was es to Heidi's dad, as well as a military offensive. and formalizing U.S. help to Is- someone who reads my columns, cheating on you, but didn't tell hearty "Thank You" to everyone rael for halting terrorism. and during the conversation she you about it because I didn't want out there who's taken a few The attack was the bloodiest made a statement about how she your girlfriend to be mad at me?" minutes out of each of their incident since Israeli troops went Israel is not the only victim of could "never do what I do." Minutes later I finally cooled Thursdays to read his columns. on offensive eight days ago to terrorism in the Middle-East, "Huh?" I eloquently replied. down. I would have liked to have It's been an honor for him. stop Hezbollah guerrillas from there are also the Indigenous "I could never write about con- been able to tell Tracy what was Why am I writing in third per- firing rockets on northern Israel. people of the region Israel occu- troversial issues in the paper." up myself since Pat didn't want son? pies and the Lebanese civilians. She explained "I wouldn't want to tell her, but I didn't know Israel's foreign minister, Ehud The April 19 issue of The BG to have people get pissed off at enough of what exactly was said I'd like to send extra special Bark, called the attack on the News also reported that a group me." to justify such an action within thanks to Nicole, Chris, Heidi's base an "unfortunate mistake." of Islamic fundamentalist at- "Yeah, but If you truly believe After all, there are probably myself. dad (again), Jessica, April, Jen, But Prime Minister Shimon tacked and killed 18 Greeks on in what you're saying, then very few people In this world It was all in Pat's hands, and as Roarke (one of my inspirations Peres did not even feel sorry pilgrimage to Christian holy sites what's it matter what other peo- who don't deserve your honesty, some famous person once said, for column writing), Susan and about it and placed the entire in Cairo. ple think?" I responded, hence and I certainly hope that your you're only as good as the people Danielle, Shannon (Where are blame on Lebanese guerrillas. spurring a philosophical conver- friends aren't among that popula- your), the copy editors and the Any attack on civilians sation too long to print. tion. layout crew, Angie (Where are During the same offensive Is- whether committed by a small If you truly believe in some- For example, a few weeks ago I If you truly believe in you}). Fact Line, Swampy, Den- rael had destroyed the water group of fanatics or by a fanatic thing, you shouldn't be afraid to helped spur a friend of mine ny's, my uncle Mark, Cool Gran- supplying provisions for many state should be punished accord- say it or show it. Granted, there's named "Pat" into telling a mutual something, you dpa Frank, everyone who's ever villages in Lebanon to force the ing to International law, if any a time and place for everything, friend of ours named 'Tracy" shouldn't be afraid to taken the time to let me know Lebanese government to take the such thing exists. and I'm by no means saying that that her boyfriend was talking a what they thought of my stuff Hezbollah guerrillas into ac- you should get in someone's face great deal of trash about her be- say it or show it... (good or bad, e-mail or in person), count. Punishing innocent civil- We should urge President Bill about what you believe (like the hind her back. you should be willing and The Circle of Fun for every- ians for the actions of a fanatic Clinton and Prime Minister Si- Union evangelists, for example), Pat was originally afraid to tell to stand up for what thing they've done for me this fundamentalist group is a low mon Peres to make all efforts to but at the same time you should Tracy what was up because he past year. I LOVE YOU ALL! and mean act. counter any attack on civilians in be willing to stand up for what felt as if it wasnt his place to in- you believe in. Well, at least most of you. the Middle-East and provide se- Noam Chomsky, Professor of you believe in. trude on their personal affairs. curity for all civilians and not I've known far too many people "If It's not your place to inform As always, stuff can be sent to Linguistics and Philosophy at just the people from whom they or 210 M.I.T. wrote about the situation who've held back their honest Tracy of what her boyfriend is seek votes in their upcoming saying about her when she's not West Hall ... or you can come in the Middle-East, "When you opinions or true feelings from elections. around, then whose is it?" I asked hang-out with Aaron at the PORN are an occupying power you have those whom they claim are their Pat. FLAKES show tomorrow night at to justify your actions. To do that friends. In my personal opinion, your "I mean, it's not like Tracy's you surround yourself with. The Asylum in Toledo. Re- you become racist. Once you Dr. Sadia Mahmud boyfriend is going to tell her Pat was good enough of a per- member, all mail is answered, have become a raving racist you true friends are the ones who are Dept. of Applied Statistics and brutally and blatantly honest about all the crap he says behind son to tell Tracy what was up, but and this is going to be your last have lost the capacity to under- Operations Research with you, even if what they have her back. That's what this whole there are far too many people out chance to drop him a line for a to say isn't what you wanted to issue is about. You're aware of there who wouldn't do as such. while. hear. blatantly verifiable knowledge Don't be a statistic. Both you Later. The BG News MYfc JWMfeJ &TUttK& em "A Commitment to excellence"

/nucttiflt OF VKKP wmcrm Dawn Keller Jay Young Managing editor News editor Jim Barker Amy Johnson ^» ftlW«£ OF VASW Associate editor City editor <®m or ?m » *H*r TO®, Joe Peiffer Scott Brown Opinion editor Sports editor VMlte IliWiIS K VKte W& OF Joe Boyle Hideki Kobayashi wm rW^ wwm m can- Weekend Reality editor Photo editor

Rochelle Slosser Tiffany Wendeln Graphics editor Copy chief

Carolinne Shaffer Anna Wahrman CONWlNtftl VKTH A PtVeSSfly Copy editor Copy editor OF UWtf QOMMNRtf «* *«•«- Penny Brown Stefoni Bavin Copy editor Copy editor Juli Palmer Olivia Inkrott Copy editor Copy chief

Tania Runyan Amy Black Copy editor Copy editor

Darren Liderbach Kristen Sherlock Copy editor copy editor % tAwmm TO mum iw SUPRW MOAMUH otter» ff

Leah Bamum Michelle Bracken Colleen Casey Alianna Dias BGSU must stop sexual harassment Ed Dowling Brian Gallatin Chad Gamby Matt Gannon I will be graduating in May someone who port rays himself as emphasis to be placed on what called authority figures out of Teresa Krieg Cathy Raidl with a degree in Interpersonal an effective commanlcator was SHOULD be done when you are here. Although sometimes frus- Kevin Rathge Ed Reed Communication. College has twisting his power and position to the victim of sexual harassment. trating, the "system" actually done nothing but improved my find out if I was having sex with Consequently, this letter is writ- might work in ray situation. Jessica Wherry Carla Zvosec life - I have learned both In and my boyfriend And then go on to ten as encouragement to be as- Hopefully, he will learn his les- outside the classroom. After first proclaim that be would have sex sertive - stand up for yourself aa son and he wont be able to weave Copyright c (996 by The B( i News. Reprinting of learning about Interpersonal with me if he and I were in that a human being ~ especially as a his way into someone else's life. any material in this publication whitout the permission of communication itself, I then was situation. Suddenly, the confi- My is: If you are being the The Hi i News is strictly prohibited. taught how to better yourself at dence and respect I had for every target of an abuse of power and The i ■■ > News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic it: Assertiveness, Persuasion, authority figure I knew was be- Be a leader so others not doing anything to stop it, year and Wednesday's in the summer. Listening, Argumentation, ing questioned This was just the well, then, IT WONT STOP! Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those Leadership and Intimacy. I have beginning of the most UN- may follow. Persuade Haven't we all learned that we of the student body, faculty or University administration. received much from this Univer- NECESSARY experience of my others to take action. have a right and a responsibility Opinions expressed in columns, cartoons and letters are not sity and now is my chance to give life. to do what we can to try to stop necessarily those of The BG News. something back. Thank you to my After switching advisers and And listen, listen manipulating women? Use the Letters intended for publication must be 200-300 teachers for helping me learn to wanting to put this behind me, I because this problem fear and anger you feel to benefit words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone be the person I want to be. returned to school In the fall yourself and make a posltve number and University affiliation, if any. The W! News My adviser/professor from ready to make a report. So I filed can be solved. change. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! reserves the right to edit any and all letters. last year also played an Influen- a sexual harassment complaint In The Affirmative Action Office is The B'J News encourages its readers to notify the the Affirmative Action Office. paper of any errors in stories or photograph descriptions. tial role In my learning experi- located on the 7th floor of the ences. He took his influence over Although many months have woman. Be a leader so others Administration Building. Please 210 West Hall me a few steps too far, though. At passed since I did this, all of the may follow. Persuade others to do what is necessary to make Bowling Green State University advising meetings, he would ask negative and confusing feeling take action. And listen, listen be- BGSU a safer place. Bowling Green , OH 43403-0726 inappropriate questions which have not. I continually hear about cause this problem can be solved If you have any questions made me feel uncomfortable, in- similar situations - BUT NO IT DOES NOT TAKE EFFORT about filing reports, please give bgnews @ timidated, scared, confused ... ONE IS DOING ANYTHING. Or TO BE DECENT! If you speak in me a call. the list can go on forever. He doing enough. offensive language - SHUT UP! Aimee Geschke is a senior /PC weaved his way into my head - I Choosing to keep his name It Is as easy as that. Please help major and guest columnist for j could not understand why anonymous, I want the correct us get these UNDESERVING so- The BG News. I t u \. 1 I

' ■ ■ '^ ^ Campus '»><>>' page three Thursday, May 2, 1996 Fire Fighting Forum to^be held University student on water*quafity found in car trunk

Jennifer Schab want to drink the water." The BC News Maya said the task force wants to let people know about the city The Bowling Green Water water. Quality Task Force will hold a 'To inform is one of our main public forum on the quality of goals," Maya said. Bowling Green's water May 4, The forum will review the cur- 1996 at the Wood County Public rent available information about Library from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m water quality and discuss what "Students are consuming the type of filtration system best water, and it is important for meets the needs of community them to be aware of the type of residents. water they are consuming,'* said Daryl Stockburger, director of Laura Podalsky, task force mem- Public Utilities, will present the ber. "The Information at this results of the city's recent study forum may affect student health of different filtration systems concerns." and the relative costs of each. Beatrlz Maya, task force mem- The forum will allow local real- One suspect is described as S'8", thin, with black short hair and ber, said even though many stu- dents to ask questions about the dark complexion. The second suspect Is described as S'10", with dents buy bottled water, many quality of water, voice their con- a medium build, blonde hair, a round face and no facial hair. are drinking the city water. For cerns and discuss the potential example, she said many people cost of water filtration. Dawn Keller said Barbara Waddell, public drink from the water fountains The BC News information officer. "She while at the Recreation Center. The forum Is a reaction to two talked to them, and then she The BG Newi/Joc Boylt "It is important to know about recent events. Studies by the A University student was realized it probably wasnt a this. Any resident has a right to Washington-based Environmen- found locked in the trunk of good idea, so she stopped." Bowling Green firemen responded to a fire around 12:30 a.m. tal Working Group culminating Wednesday at the corner of North Summit St. and Frazee Ave. know, including students," Maya her car in Parking Lot A at The men forced the student The resident of the house escaped unharmed, but her cat Is said. "Going to the forum can In the summer of 199S have 11:55 am. April 28, according into the trunk and latched the raised concerns about the quality feared dead. help students make an Informed to police reports. rear seat, according to the decision about whether they of Bowling Green's water. The student said she was re- police report. trieving items from the trunk The victim was unharmed of her car through the rear except for minor abrasions on seat access about 5 a.m. when her legs. two men approached her and Blackwell comdemns tax code started asking her miscel- University police are still laneous questions, according searching for the men. Anyone to the police report with information can contact Treasurer addresses major economic issues "There is no reason "They were asking various the University police station the tax code should questions like "How are you?"" at 372-2346. Vince Guorrlori most Un-American, it's so ane- impending raise in minimum The BC News mic," he said. wage, a hot topic in this election be so complex that The nation's economic prob- year, will "kill jobs for the people the average person Ohio Treasurer J. Kenneth lems can be traced back to two you want to create jobs for." Blackwell shared his views about significant tax raises by Presi- The election, Blackwell said, needs to go to a third the tax code and the upcoming dents Bush and Clinton, accord- will be decided in several key party." Snack Bar presidential election in a forum ing to Blackwell. These tax raises states, among them Ohio. The in Olscamp Hall Tuesday. led to "a flattening of Income." voting to watch in these Blackwell, who serves on the Americans are also saving less, key states, according to him, are J. Kenneth Blackwell -Opening Fall 1996- National Commission on Eco- Blackwell said, because the Catholics. Ohio Treasurer nomic Growth and Tax Reform, government, through taxes, pen- He said it would not be a sur- said the main concern Americans alizes savings. Blackwell pro- prise if George Voinovich was se- have today is "economic anxi- posed a flat tax with a personal lected as Bob Dole's running tlons, and I'd like to see them be- ety," a concern about Job securi- exemption as a solution. mate on the Republican ticket. come reality." * Shadows^ ty and wage stagnation. It would cause economic "It seems now as if Voinovich ■ Economic growth, Blackwell growth and would be simpler, he has the inside track," Blackwell said, is only about 2 percent an- said. According to Blackwell, the said. nually. current tax system is too confus- The event was sponsored by Village Green "[The economic growth] is al- ing and complicated, with over 1 the Undergraduate Student Apartments Now Hiring For All Positions million In the "Tax Army" of Government and the College Re- MAYDAY lawyers, accountants and others publicans. Brian Dicken, presi- Starting Wages: $4.35 who figure out tax returns. dent of the College Republicans, Continued from page one. "There Is no reason the tax said he was very glad to hear "The best of Retention increase available each semester system should be so complex that what Blackwell had to say. campus living" recalled his own working days in the average person needs to go to "He's one of the foremost pub- For more information contact Alex a Polish quarry and offered his a third party," Blackwell said. lic officials." Dicken said. "He's "old comrades of the workplace" Blackwell went on to say the proposed some very viable op- 5 two bdrm. at 372-2475 or stop by Harshman a fond greeting. apartments left | Dining Center .^J Cuban leaders, bolstered by for fall #/ signs of an economic recovery, have grown more vehement about their socialist principles since the Helms-Burton Act passed the U.S. Congress in March. Castro did not speak Wednes- day, but in a major speech late Tuesday, he denounced the U.S. law as "cruel, inhumane, brutal and stupid," saying it showed U.S. frustration at the fact Cuba had not crumbled along with its socialist allies In Europe. "There is hatred [in the United States] against this country," Castro said in the speech to the Cuban Labor Central, a congress of 1,900 communist labor leaders. "They want it to fall." "We are so satisfied to be called internationalists, to be called socialists, to be called communists," he added. Cuban officials say they will not retreat from the free-market reforms that have helped them survive economic crisis, but some at the congress showed uneasiness with some reforms.

Many party loyalists are among the most hurt by rising prices and are resentful of wealth accumulated by small businessmen.

Castro said taxes on newly au- thorized private businesses would curb excessive wealth: "None of us has shed tears that there are no millionaires" in Cuba. Cuban exiles in Florida had planned to send up to 25 boats to the edges of Cuba's 12-mile terri- tory Wednesday, but with predic- tions of rough weather, only three boats left from Key West. 518 East Three planes owned by the exile group Democracia were to join C419) 35S-SHED the flotilla.

I State ygefour Thursday, May 2,1996 COPS technology could save lives Unique tattoos Mark William network called the Law En- With COP, Gross could have be done to improve the existing The Associated Press forcement Automated Data been alerted to the shooting. systems, said Maj. Darryl An- i System, known as LEADS. derson, commander of the patrol help to identify COLUMBUS - If tech- The screen of computer ter- Previously when information technological services. nology demonstrated Wednesday minals containing information needed to be released quickly, it *y the State Highway Patrol had from the network will rum red, was broadcast through a frag- Pickaway County Sheriff keen available Jan. 19, Trooper triggering an alarm. Safety mented radio network, the patrol Dwight Radcliffe, a past presi- murder victim James R. Gross still may be alive. warnings will appear on the said. Officers not in radio range, dent of the National Sheriffs As- • The technology could have screen if an officer or dispatcher out of the cruiser or off duty may sociation, said there is no other The Associated Press A man discovered Mlrenna's alerted Gross that the man driv- enters any identifying informa- not have been aware of the in- system like COP In the country. leg bone protruding from the fcsg the car he stopped on Inter- tion about the person or the per- formation. "Ohio has taken the lead," he ground while walking his dog Mate 71 near Ashland in north- son's vehicle. said. PITTSBURGH - Tattoos of on April 21. east Ohio was involved In a shoot- Asked if the technology could A warrant for a person's arrest the Grim Reaper on the back On Tuesday, Scott Godeaky, hg 90 minutes before in the have saved Gross' life, Davies has to be obtained first before He said he anticipates the in- and arm of a dead man al- 24, and David Lehrman, 21, led Columbus suburb of Reynolds- said, "We would like to think, yes, the information can be included formation would be shared with lowed a coroner to match the police to the Pittsburgh burg, patrol Superintendent Col. it would." in the network. That may take other states. man's torso with his arms, legs cemetery where the torso waa Warren Davies said. The motor- Gross was responding to citi- several hours. and head. buried under two inches of tot. Maxwell White, 30, of Reyn- zens band reports of a reckless Neither the National Associa- Allegheny County Coroner dirt •Idsburg, has been charged with driver when he stopped White. Under the new system, a war- tion of Police Organizations nor Cyril Wecht said Wednesday Lehrman and Godeaky were •hooting Gross and is awaiting Gross was unaware that White's rant is not needed before the the International Association of that the remains belonged to charged Tuesday with crimi- Hal. mother, Jean, was shot in the foot warning Is included in the net- Police Chiefs is familiar with the Brian Mirenna, 21, of Carrick, nal homicide, robbery, abuse The technology Is called Cau- in Reynoldsburg. work since its purpose is to warn new system. a neighborhood of Pittsburgh. of a corpse and criminal cons- tion Ohio Police, or COP, and will Gross called the Ashland post officers. Officers cannot rely Mlrenna's head, arm and legs piracy. Charges were dropped fee available to Ohio's law en- of the patrol with the license solely on COP to arrest or detain "Obviously, It is terrific. Hope- were found buried in two shal- against William Kuhn III, who forcement agencies Monday. plate number of White's car. But a person. fully, it will go a long way," said low graves in Moraine State had been arrested late last They will be able to enter infor- there was no information availa- Beth McGee, direction of com- Park, about 60 miles north of week after bragging about the mation Immediately into a state- ble about the shooting in Reyn- Following the shooting of munications for the National As- the city in Butler County. killing. wide law enforcement computer oldsburg. Gross, Davies asked what could sociation of Police Organizations. Major toy distributor Woman's DGN attorneys EDITOR found not liable in suggest applications for death wish Fall Semester 1996 accidental child death The Associated Press The Associated Press "We felt all along that, other not be used by children younger are being accepted than the fact that we had a tragic than 5. CINCINNATI - Attorneys for accident, all of the facts were on But the Mangiones contended a woman accused of killing her through 5 p.m. Friday May 3. CLEVELAND - A jury refused our side," said lawyer Frederick the ball was Inherently danger- husband, a wealthy surgeon, are to hold a toy distributor liable for Vergon, who represented the St. ous. trying to convince a judge that Applications may be picked the death of a toddler who suffo- Louis-based distributor. the victim had talked about sui- cated when a small plastic ball Mark and Lois Mangione had "I think they're very disap- cide. up in 204 West Hall. lodged in her throat. sought $10 million in damages pointed by the verdict," Michael Delia Dante Sutorius is The U.S. District Court jury de- for the death of their 23-month- KeUey, the Mangione's lawyer, charged with aggravated murder 372-2607 tor more said Wednesday. "It seems as if details. Search reopened. / liberated less than an hour Tues- old daughter, Kristina. In the shooting death of Dr. Dar- day before clearing Acme Pre- Kristlna died Nov. 20, 1992, the jury is saying to us, 'You have ryl Sutorius. Attorneys spent mium Supply Corp. in the wrong- after choking on a Crazy Ball, a to go over to Taiwan and chase Tuesday and Wednesday in pre- ful death lawsuit. 26-sided plastic ball her brother these people.'" trial hearings before a Judge in' had won at a school fund-raiser. Hamilton County Common Pleas Vergon argued during the trial The couple has sued two Taiw- anese firms and a company in Court. that the Crazy Ball, which is 1 The outcome will determine 3/8 Inches in diameter, met all Hong Kong, alleging that they manufactured and distributed what evidence is allowed at trial applicable standards set by the the Crazy Ball, but Kelly said he later this month. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Defense lawyer R. Scott Cros- Commission. He also said Acme Is still trying to subject the com- Last Big Chance to panies to Ohio law. well in said that during the catalogs stated the ball should weeks before his death. Dr. Su- torius told a marriage counselor Churchills at least once that he was feeling

Cookout This ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ depressed and suicidal. STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL "The defense believes that the Super Markets Sponsored by UAO decedent in this case had dealt 1141 S. Main 354-2526 Year! with issues of suicide and had Next to K'MART and across from Wal'Mart contemplated taking his own "Blue Moods" life," CrosweU said. • Directed by John Klump He said such issues could play "Cops Cominatcha!" a role In the defense of Mrs. Su- Snyders Potato Chips torius, 45, who is accused of kill- Pepsi Cola Products • Directed by Beau Roberts ing her husband on Feb. 18. His 14 ez "A Long Wait" body was found the next day by tegular or deputies investigating reports • Produced & directed by Beau Roberts that the doctor had not per- "Yung-Lu: The Movie" formed hospital rounds or an- 2/S3.00 • Directed by Bobby Dawson swered pages. • Written by John Capraruolo The three prosecutors on the case want to Introduce testimony 990 Congratulations to All of Our of Mrs. Sutorius' former spouses and boyfriends, who reportedly Student Producers and Directors!!! will testify about her threatening Thursday, May 2nd. actions toward them. The three Johnsonville Brats The Gish Film Theatre defense lawyers wanted the tes- "Excellent On Tne Grill" FREE - Sponsored by UAO - FREE timony excluded, saying it was Questions? 2-2343 being used only to attack their Armour Meat Hot Dogs client's character. Regular only nut 990 $1.99 ft. Restaurant & Churchill's Homemade Coleslaw Texas 1015's Onions From our Dell Coffee House Super Sweet -Opening Fall 1996- J,/ in. S $1.00 $1.39 lb. Silver River Cafe "^®^" Positions Needed: Wait staff, line cooks, prepcooks, ■ Fresh Ground Round & supervisors Dutch Village Starting Wages: $4.55 - $5.10 . Steak Hotdog or Hamburger Buns Retention increase available each semester £$r i* For more information contact Alex at V $1.99. 372-2475 or stop by Harshman s\ .390 Dining Center <£^ I i. m Nation Thursday, May 2.1996 page five | Tale of lost boy Washed Away I might be false

Karen Testi to bring charges. The Associated Press The prosecutor did not say what he thinks really happened CASSVILLE, Mo. - The tale of or offer a motive for the false the retarded boy who got lost in story, except to say he doubts the woods and survived three anyone concocted it to get a mov- nights In the cold with the help of ie deal. The Coffeya sold the stray dogs is false, and his par- rights to their story to a Holly- eats could face charges, a pros- wood producer for an un- ecutor said Wednesday. disclosed sum. Josh Carlisle, a 10-year-old The Coffeys stuck to their sto- with Down syndrome, did not ry Wednesday and denied Cole's wander away from home in assertion that they had been un- March and did not spend days in cooperative. the Ozarks wilderness as his par- "We lived through the night- ents claimed, Barry County mare of our lives," Mrs. Coffey Prosecutor David Cole said. said, her voice laced with disbe- Cole said Josh's mother, John- lief. ny Coffey, and his stepfather, Josh's story attracted attention Lynn Coffey, are suspects, but he around the world. Donations of tMk hrlBuTte AmciatH Pre■• did not elaborate on what char- dog food and money poured into A tractor sits stuck la a flooded field along the swollen Patoke have caused many rivers to overflow their banks In southwestern ges they could face. He said he the Coffey home - as well as lu- River in Wlnslow, Ind., Wednesday. Heavy rains over the weekend Iadlana. doesnt yet have enough evidence crative offers of movie deals.

Unpublished Alcott book found ABOVE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA CLOSE TO EVERYTHING Researchers discover author's first novel in library stacks 114 1/2 SOUTH MAIN STREET * 117 NORTH MAIN STREET

Rachel Zoll heralding the manuscript as spread among major studios, The Associated Press "newly discovered." Shuster said. 1 Bedroom Apartments "People would say they dis- "We knew we had a wonderful Unfurnished BOSTON - A beautiful but covered It even If It was sitting novel on our hands, but we didn't penniless governess discovers on the steps of the White House," expect It to produce... this break- Laundry Facilities Available she is an heiress. Her pure heart he said. "No one is going to write ing of the flood waters," he said. Air Conditioned wins her the love of a dashing a headline saying someone final- The novel has a "feminist 9 to 12 Month Leases English lord. ly paid attention to a long- streak" and Is "romantic with a Louisa May Alcott wrote this ignored manuscript." capital 'R,'" Shuster said. Cats welcomed romantic tale when she was 18, Now Hollywood producers are Set In an English castle, the Sky Lights but few knew about her unpubli- vying for rights to the story, and novel follows the trials of the shed first novel until two Alcott book publishers will get their beautiful Edith, an orphan hired 117 N. Main Has Dishwashers! scholars found the manuscript In first shot at It this week, said as a governess by the Hamilton the stacks at a Harvard Universi- Todd Shuster, a partner in Za- family. ty library. chary Shuster, a Boston-based Any profits from the story 328 S. MAIN "I 've come up with a lot of nice literary agency. would be shared between the things before, but none as good Agents negotiating the deal heirs and the researchers, Shus- NEWL°VE (OUR ONLY OFFICE) as this," Joel Myerson, an Eng- have been flooded with calls ter said. His agency plans to ap- 352-5620 lish professor at the University since word of the manuscript proach publishers this week. Rentals of South Carolina, said Tuesday. The manuscript, titled "The Inheritance," was found along with a note from Alcott claiming authorship of the story. The manuscript was listed In the li- brary card catalog for the last 22 years and had been checked out at least five times by other schol- ars who apparently never thought to publish it. I The card catalog lists it as " Near GRADUATING SENIORS.... The Inheritance,' a manuscript; DEFIANCE Boston, 1849; 166 pages, unpubli- ^ shed; her first novel." this summer? Alcott's Journals never men- Do your parents, family or friends need If you're a university student tioned the tale, written in 1849, living or working near Defiance over summer overnight lodging on May 10 predating her first published break, why not consider taking some summer novel, "Moods," in 1864, and her classes at DEFIANCE COLLEGE to transfer most famous novel, "Little Wom- for your commencement excercises? back into your own degree program? It's a great en," In 1869. way to get ahead in your studies... fast! Why? Myerson and his collaborator, Because our three Summer Sessions are Daniel Shealy of the University only five weeks long. So you can get the of North Carolina at Charlotte, elective you want in the time frame you said they first saw the manu- need. What are you waiting for? Just script in 1988. pick up the phone and call (800) Overnight Lodging It was handwritten and diffi- i«. 520- GODC and let us cult to decipher, and they only W 1 fill you in! recently finished transcribing it. "When we read the first couple Available in Offenhauer of pages we thought the novel was worth photocopying. When we finally got around to tran- scribing It, we realized how good it was," Myerson said. Myerson said he wasn't sur- Friday evening only. Max 10.1996 prised by some news reports JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE SUMMER & FALL RENTALS Singles and Doubles Available (Too many to list) $24.50 - Single $40.00 - Double

Payment may be made by: Cash, Check, Master Card, Visa, Discover < Large assortment of (You cannot charge to your Bursar Account) Houses, Duplexes, and Apartments mi 'IIIIIIIIIII in, iii- Stop in to 319 E. Wooster for a brochure of To make reservations, please stop by 440 Saddlemire complete details and speak with bur friendly staff! Student Services or call 2-2011 354-^260 John Newlove Real Estate 319 E. Wooster (across from Taco Bell) Qeatu/ie Siojitj page six look inside Thursday, May 2,1996

Program funding a yearlong process Jay Young budget requests for the upcom- versity Budget Committee that President Sidney Ribeau said. "Right now, I don't see that The BG News ing fiscal year. are deciding what the allocation said it is a game he is interested in our system. It's an allocation Last year students paid The budget requests are increases will be,' Dalton said. in reorganizing. process based on formula." $11,328,000 to cover their gen- reviewed by the University Bud- Lester Barber, executive "I'd like to come up with a The president said a good eral fee charge. Those dollars get Committee and Student Bud- assistant to the president, is a modification of our entire budget budget system should focus travel through a yearlong pro- get Committee. Their recom- nonvoting member of the Univer- allocation process," Ribeau said. monetary growth on groups cess before they reach their fi- mendations are forwarded to the sity Budget Committee. Barber "One that is a little less complex working to make the University nal destination. Faculty Senate Budget Commit- said the committees don't have and a little clearer." better. The process begins in Oc- tee. a lot of freedom to change bud- Ribeau said more effort "I dont think the process as tober when the Office of Planning Chris Dalton, vice presi- gets drastically. needs to be made to give money it is now, ACGFA doing their and Budgeting provides budget dent for Planning and Budgeting, "The budget committee is to those doing the best job to thing, budget committees doing administrators a statement of said most of the funding changes not authorized to make adminis- promote the University's mission. their thing, that it necessarily general budget assumptions and are made by the first two com- trative decisions,' Barber said. "There should be a mecha- works to give resources to areas goals. mittees. "TheyVe got a fixed income. nism in the budget system to re- that are doing 3 very good job By the end of the year the 'Basically its the Student The game is not a very wide- ward groups for being really and accomplisniny tho goals of administrators must submit their Budget Committee and the Uni- open game." good at what they do," Ribeau the University." Pibeeu said. Committee allocates funds to student groups 1995-96 general fee allocation to Jay Young student seruices/auxiliary programs The BG News 1996-97 ACGFA A total of $401,997 was al- located to go directly to student Recommendations Health Seruices 12.37% organizations for the upcoming The following recommendations are from the Recreation Sports 11.82% school year. These dollars, which RCGFfl Committee and haue been approued by make up about 4 percent of the the uice president for Student Affairs Union Programs 4.45% total general fee, are allocated Fields/Facilities 2.76% by the Advisory Committee on Academic Competition Organization $873 General Fee Allocations. Advertising Club 349 UR0 2.88% The 11 -member committee African American Graduate Association 8,730 Ice Rrena Programs 1.38% consists of both employees and African Peoples Association 4,452 students. The group hears re- Air Force ROTC Student Organization 698 quests from campus organiza- Alpha Phi Omega 873 tions who qualify for the money American Institute of Architecture 1,310 allocated to the committee. American Marketing Association 1,746 Ed Whipple, vice president Arnold Air Society 655 for Student Affairs, said more Asian Communities 2,619 money should be allocated for BACCHUS 1,004 the 56 organizations who re- BG 24 News 3,492 ceived ACGFA money for next BG Health Club 655 year. BG Radio News Organization 8,730 "I would like to see more BGSEA 437 money allocated to student or- BG Dance Marathon 1,500 ganizations because it allows Black Student Union 18,460 them to provide more programs Black Swamp Rangers 655 and activities and this enhances Board of Black Cultural Activities 16,016 the quality of student life," Campus Escort Service 27,190 Whipple said. "However, I'm well Caribbean Association 3,056 aware that there isn't any area Chinese Club 524 on campus that has too much Chinese Students & Scholars Association 1,004 money." Circle K 437 Each organization applying Collegiate 4-H Club 3,492 for funds gave a short presenta- Dry Dock 11.786 tion in front of the committee in Environmental Action Group 3,492 the beginning of March. The Gospel Choir 6,722 committee then deliberated for Graduate Business Association 4,365 over six hours on March 9 to Honors Student Association 1,746 reach their final recommenda- India Students Association 2,444 tions. Interfratemity Council 5,238 Tonia Stewart, associate to International Relations Organization 567 the vice president, serves as the Into the Streets 1,222 chairwoman of the committee. A Japanese Club 2,837 non-voting member assigned by Whipple, Stewart said she was JUNTOS 2,357

Athletics scores most fee dollars Jay Young tioned at times, per and I want them to be high qual- money as we can through admis- versity should fund athletics, but The BG News haps. The budget ity. I have no problems say- sions at the gate, concessions, private dollars need to play a Over 39 percent, or committees don't ing that and supporting sales, parking and a whole other much larger role in the future. $4,438,656, of students' general deal on that level. it," Ribeau said. "I'm host of things. That money we're "I think the University has fee money went to support inter- A decision sure whatever ath- able to generate, because of the a responsibility for athletics and collegiate athletics during this to change the letics is getting expenses of the program, is not the academic programming, school year. percentage of they need to enough." clubs and organizations as best Chris Dalton, vice presi- athletic run a pro- Ribeau said that in order to we can with the money that we dent for Planning and Budgeting, funding gram of our survive in the future athletics, like have," Ribeau said. "How much said the amount of money re- from the size." all programs, will have to go out- that is depends on how much ceived by athletics reflects the general Ath- side the institution for funding. additional money we can bring University's commitment to the f e e letic Di- "If the pot is not getting any in." program. would rector bigger and there are other needs Though athletic events are "I think, in a sense, that is have to Ron that are competing that are as advertised as free to students, driven primarily by philosophical come from &tth important or more important, every student's general fee decisions," Dalton said. "That President Sidney said then athletics should bring in serves as a season ticket. we're going to be Division I in Ribeau. Ribeau said he general dollars to continue to do that. "When they pay the gen- NCAA and we're going to be does not mind making athletics fee money is vital to Other than the dollars that are eral fee, just like they have privi- members of the MAC Confer- a priority at the University. the program, "It's extremely im- part of this budget process," leges in other areas of the cam- ence. It's not to say that those "I believe in our athletic pro- portant," he said. "We do the Ribeau said. pus, their tickets are included in decisions shouldn't be ques- grams, and I think they're good best we can to generate as much The president said the Uni- that also," Zwierlein said.

Recreational Sports depends on general fee

Jay Young with general fee money. The pro- evening, the intramurals go on. pay a single fee and have ser- ing. The BG News gram also receives funding from So to say it is an athletic facility vices like the Rec Center and the "We understand that there One of the programs ben- Intercollegiate Athletics for use of is only one third correct. It is a Health Center and the Field are other priorities right now, efiting the most from general fee the facilities. multipurpose facility." House." which are well-deserved priori- money is Recreational Sports. Bowers said the Field Chris Dalton said all stu- Bowers said the need to ties," Bowers said. "One of the Directly receiving about 12 per- House is a reserved facility, but dents must pay the general fee generate revenue makes the stu- other prominent outside sources cent of the general fee money, is not only to make dent-funded facility less open to would be contributions, dona- Rec Sports received $1,339,166 used for such facili- the public. tions and gifts from graduates of for this school year. athletics. ties afford- "We balance that with the the University or corporate spon- Richard Bowers, Rec The "You wouldn't haue able. priority needs of our students sorships." Sports director, said general fee facility is a recreational sports " I f and that is always the first prior- Bowers said he has money makes the program pos- a sched- program without it." you didn't ity. We are reluctant to displace avoided outside business in the sible. uled facil- have a gen- students during prime usage past. "You wouldn't have a rec- ity, with a Richard Bowers eral fee, I hours, but recently, with the need "We have avoided, over the reational sports program without little bit of suppose for generating revenue, we past few years, and with good it," Bowers said. walk-in that stu- sometimes have to nudge into reason I think, corporate spon- Bowers said 65 percent of time. It dents the prime hours for students." sorships," Bowers said. "I think the program's funding comes was designed for three major would either have to pay for Bowers said the Rec Cen- that is a little too commercial. I from student fees. He said the groups; athletics is one of them,* those activities as they use them ter was designed to be more of don't think that is the business remainder of the budget is built Bowers said. "The morning or pay a lot more," Dalton said. a walk-in facility. we're in." around fees charged at the Rec- hours are for physical education "An alternative way, I suppose, He recognized the Univer- He said it should be pos- reation Center and Field House. classes. The afternoons are for is you wouldn't have the services sity has other priorities and cited sible to continue the program Facilities whose debt is paid for athletic teams and then, in the at all. It's a lot easier, I think, to the importance of outside fund- without such sponsorships.

Jl Nation page eight The BG News Thursday, May 2,1996 Defense lawyers Freemen negotiator gives up say death penalty Gritz ceases attempt to persuade extremists to surrender

Avlva L. Brandt unconstitutional The Associated Press prosecutors to seek the death JORDAN, Mont. - Former Steven K. Paulson Green Beret Col. James "Bo" The Associated Press penalty if the victims are old, young, Infirm or otherwise vul- Gritz gave up trying to per- DENVER - Defense lawyers in nerable. suade the Freemen to surren- the Oklahoma City bombing case But Special U.S. Attorney Sean der Wednesday, saying the an- argued Wednesday that the fed- Connelly argued that the jury ti-government extremists have eral death penalty Is unconstitu- should be allowed to consider the taken an "oath to God" not to tional because it is more likely to health and age of the victim as an leave their compound until be meted out if murder victims aggravating factor. "I don't need their demands are met. are old, young or sick. to remind you there were 19 ba- Gritz, a leader of the self- "It makes no sense because no bies and children in that building styled patriot movement who person was more vulnerable than who could not be more vulnera- helped negotiate an end to the others,*' said Richard Burr, a ble," Connelly said. deadly siege at Ruby Ridge, lawyer for Timothy McVeigh Under the law, the government Idaho, in 1992, called it quits McVeigh and Terry Nichols has to prove at least one aggra- after a 2 1/2-hour session - his could get the death penalty if vating factor existed when the fifth meeting with the group. convicted of murder in the 1995 crime was committed in order to Gritz said the Freemen were bombing that killed 168 people. get the death penalty. back to their earlier position Burr asked U.S. District Judge "If the death penalty is not ap- that they will submit only to a Richard Matsch to throw out the propriate to this case, it's hard to tribunal of their own kind; they 1994 Federal Death Penalty Act imagine a case where it would will not submit to the federal because it makes it easier for be." Connelly said. courts. The Freemen "have had communications with God - Yahweh," and vowed not to leave their ranch unless their demands are met, Gritz said. "I don't see any way they're going to deny this oath to God." Gritz didn't sound optimistic about a peaceful resolution. He Jim Monc/Thc Au«cUcc4 Prats said Freemen told him that Freemen negotiator Karl Ohs, a Montana state legislator, has no comment Tuesday as he and John "Yahweh has placed an invisi- Connor, Jr., of the Montana attorney general's of nee, drive past media after the two spent less than ble barrier around their sanc- two hour* In negotiation with the militant Freemen who are In a 36-day standoff with the FBI. NEED A GREAT JOB? tuary that no more enemies can penetrate." reach a unanimous verdict. other documents. after two of their leaders were COME AND SEE WHAT WE'RE ALL ABOUT!!! The tribunal must consist of The FYeemen refuse to rec- Members of the group are arrested. 23 people who are completely ognize the government's au- wanted on state and federal APPLICATIONS AND JOB DESCRIPTION debt-free, do not work for the thority. They have their own charges ranging from writing Gritz began negotiating with government and are not law- laws and courts based on their bad checks to threatening to the group on Saturday along AVAILABLE AT yers, Gritz said. Also, the selective interpretation of the kidnap and kill a U.S. judge. with Jack McLamb, a retired MILETI ALUMNI CENTER members of the tribune must Bible, the U.S. Constitution and The standoff began March 25 Arizona policeman. DIARY POUR Continued from page one. A diary entry dated March 2, Cassandra always gives me hugs Allen paid a $261 fine for car- 1995, reveals Mrs. Steele's con- and kisses and tells me to 'never rying a concealed weapon and '16 FLAVORS ON TAP' everything in his power to cause cerns about her ex-husband's in- let go.'" temporarily lost unsupervlsed heartache and trouble." fluence on the children: "Allen On March 10, 1995, Steele dis- visitation rights. Barbara ob- Pina»Sports • Pool • Music & Good Tines "Allen has been telling the never sees his family, has no appeared with the children. tained a restraining order children terrible lies about me, friends and now, I fear, has no Police found them four days against him in early 1995 and screaming at me in front of the Job. If Allen Is telling the girls later, 200 miles north. "The sher- eight months later a divorce. children and making me bring these types of things, it is no iffs found a lot of guns, one gun We Challenge yeu to ask yourself: the police Into our lives almost wonder that Alexandra comes was hidden under the girls in the A thousand people attended WHY GO ANYWHERE ELSE? every day," she wrote. into bed by me every night and front seat," Mrs. Steele wrote. Mrs. Steele's funeral Friday^ 1. Gomeroom with Pool Tables, Shuffleboard, & Air Hockey 2. Best Happy Hour Deals in Town 3. Great Food @ an Affordable Price Congratulations DGN 4. We Pay for your Jukebox Selections 5. 16 Draft Flavors to choose from. 6. 23 Bottled Flavors AND EDITOR 7. 36 oz. Mug Club (if you don't belong you should) the list goes on applications for 8. Big Screen TV and Satelite Fall Semester 1996 9. Free Peanuts and Popcorn 10. Fun Atmosphere are being accepted 11. Great Bands through 5 p.m. Friday May 3. 353-6912 135 N. Main On Winning the Applications may be picked 1996 Beta 500 up in 204 West Hall. 372-2607 for more Banner Contest!! details. Search reopened. /

ENP OF §EME§TEE IMNENG KIALL MOUIPJ DINING HALLS All Dining Centers will be open through 2:00 pm on Friday. May 10, 1996 SPECIALTY AREAS Towers West Open through business Friday. May 3 Chily's Express Open through business Friday, May 10 GRADUATION Special Hours: May 10. 8am - 2prn GT Express Open through business Friday. May 10 BUFFET Special Hours: May 10. 8am - 2pm CaHfof •pedal GTDeli Open through business Tuesday, May 7 party prices Galley Open through business Tuesday. May 7 Saturday May 11, 1996 DownUnder Open through business Tuesday. May 6 BOWLING GREEN 112 Mercer fresh Vigil Tray, fresh fruit, SirCoin Steals, Founders Keepers Open through business Tuesday. May 7 3544500 fried Jum6o Shrimp, 'B'BQjBaby "BacfCRi6s, Oven "BakfdChick&n, Au Qratin Potatoes, %jce

<**** f&iisJ&zM. 1 MEDIUM PIZZA 1 Food Service on the buffet will begin I with cheese and one topping | with cheese and 1 toppino ■ approximately 45 minutes after the P/os an 8 pwet Crazy Bread 1 *.<£*> Commencement Ceremony

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I I \ \ Nation Thursday, May 2,1996 The BC! News page nine YOUR TOTAL VALUE ALL CHECKLANES R :30 PM TO 6:30 PM


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Nytnatl Allison had come since their arrival two Assistant Secretary of State The Associated Press weeks ago to deploy 230 Marines for African Affairs George to guard the U.S. Embassy and Moose left the country Wednes- MONROVIA, Liberia - Rebel help evacuate foreigners. day, after he failed to meet with factions moved their battles A U.S. Embassy official in rebel leaders, State Department away from the U.S. embassy and Monrovia, speaking on condition spokesman Glyn Davies said in into the neighborhood of Liberi- of anonymity, said the movement Washington. a's main warlord on Wednesday, was "just to show a closer Amer- Taylor and Kromah, former littering the streets with bodies ican presence." enemies who have since joined and provoking a strong showing The shooting at the embassy forces, refused to meet with of U.S. force. Tuesday was the first exchange Moose. Their rival, Roosevelt The spread of fighting came of gunfire involving U.S. troops Johnson, spoke with Moose by one day after Marines guarding in Monrovia since April 6, when telephone. the U.S. Embassy in this West government forces tried to "We view this as a missed op- African country shot and killed arrest a rebel leader, setting off portunity, one of a number of three Llberians who fired fierce fighting, mass evacuations missed opportunities, on their weapons toward the compound. and the closure of many interna- part, to demonstrate their com- Thousands of people fled their tional aid agencies. A temporary mitment to pursuing their politi- homes as fighting erupted in the cease-fire was broken by the cal objectives through negotia- Paynesville residential section - latest unrest. tion, rather than by force," Da- a peaceful neighborhood until Witnesses said the three Llbe- vies said. Kara HallaataVn* Aaeeclated Pre.. now -- and inched toward adja- rians killed Tuesday were rebels The U.S. military, which has A WOIIU pausei for a moment near flowers and candles left by mourners Inside St. Davld'f Cathe- cent Congo Town, home to war- running toward the embassy fir- evacuated more than 2,000 for- lords Charles Taylor and Alhaji eigners the past three weeks, dral In Hobart, Australia, Wednesday, after a memorial service for the victim! of Sunday's shoot- ing their weapons while pursuing ing massacre. Kromah. rival gunmen. flew another 40 out Tuesday. No American warships came so As a result, U.S. guards set up evacuation flights were sched- close to shore Wednesday that barricades Wednesday to pre- uled Wednesday because people witnesses could see helicopters vent anyone from driving past were unable to make their way taking off from their decks. The the embassy. American officials safely through fighting to the Mourners pray for slain ships moved further out to sea spoke with faction leaders, warn- embassy. before nightfall. ing them to tell their followers to Still, peacekeeping troops re- It was the closest the warships stay away from the compound gained control of two bridges leading to the capital, closing Australia grieves after 35-person massacre them to traffic and using tanks to block the entry of fighters. Geoff Spencer Martin Bryant, 28, was badly side hearing, might require And by Wednesday morning, The Associated Press burned in a house fire he set plastic surgery and could re- $2.25 the Mamba Point diplomatic dis- Just before police arrested main hospitalized for another Hunan Chicken w/ Rice trict had quieted down and was HOBART, Australia - Tiny him. Now, under heavy police week. Wednesday's tearful back in the hands of forces back- flames flickered at the base of guard, he is being treated for state service started with a > Coupon good at BG only. ing Taylor, who is a part of the a simple wooden crucifix on burns in the same hospital that 1 minute's silence observed Please bring ad with you. country's six-man interim Wednesday, one candle for is caring for survivors of Aus- throughout Australia, which Exp. V9/96 government. each of the 35 people methodi- tralia's worst massacre In Includes the island of Tas- At least nine bodies were seen cally slain by an enraged gun- modern times. mania 300 miles southeast of in Mamba Point, and bodies lit- man as they visited a popular Hospital officials say people Melbourne. tered the streets of the city else- tourist site. have called to complain that At 10:30 a.m., streetcars W^mjS^Si OPEN DAILY where. Hundreds of mourners Bryant should not receive any stopped running, financial Information obtained through prayed at Hobart's St. David's medical treatment. In an act of exchanges suspended trading 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. radio contact with local aid Anglican Cathedral for the vic- protest, 20 nurses at the Royal and schools interrupted class- workers and residents said fight- tims, ages 3 to 72. And as resi- Hobart Hospital called in sick es. Stop By and See What's Good For Lunch! ing was extremely heavy in dents of Tasmania grieve for Wednesday, hospital chief ex- 1080 S. Main St., BG, OH • 353-8413 Paynesville, which has long been the dead, their anger only ecutive Lindsay Pyne said. Inside the Anglican cathe- controlled by Taylor's National grows toward the murder sus- Doctors say Bryant, who was dral where the service was Patriotic Front faction. pect. charged with murder at a bed- nationally broadcast.

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. A *\ i— -».«.-. » —— a a. I J Sports ^ Thursday, May 2,1996 page eleven Knight admits Reds in dire situation

Joe Kay think we're a good ballclub." somehow change It," he said. "AM The Associated Press It doesn't help when the man- a manager, there's not a whole lot ager adds to the growing sense of you can da Bryant CINCINNATI - Ray Knight is urgency. "The different feeling is Just no longer in a must-win mode. "As I am prone to do, talking that I cant do anything physical- He's not sure why he got in one to about a must-win or anything ly about it. As a player, I could Should allow begin with. that's a must, that's not real put it to rest at some point and go Chalk it up as a rookie mistake. good," Knight said. "You just on and go to sleep. I've slept well The Cincinnati Reds' first-year have to go out and take what you - there's only one night I haven t himself time manager told reporters over the have that day, do the best you slept But it's in almost my every weekend that his struggling team can, and then you accept the re- thought: What can I do?" had already reached a "must- sults." He has tinkered with the to ripen win" point. A 10-7 loss to Pitts- Aside from the win-now re- lineup, producing 26 different burgh on Tuesday night extended mark. Knight has handled the los- ones In 26 games. And he has : There are times when being the Reds' losing streak to eight ing streak with composure, an- tried the owner's good-luck wrong is far from the worst thing games, their deepest slump in swering some of the questions charms. in the world, and it would be nice three years. about his temperament. if Kobe Bryant turns out to be Knight recanted his must-win He's been more like Davey Marge Schott slipped clumps one of those. Still, what's the statement before a game Johnson, his low-key predeces- of dog hair into four of her Hurry? Wednesday night. He said the sor, than Lou Piniella, who fought players' back pockets during bat- ' Bryant, for those who missed most important thing for his reliever Rob Dibble and threw a ting practice for good luck Tues- his news conference Monday, is team is to relax. base into the outfield during his day. The Reds scored seven runs the latest schoolboy sensation to "I dont know why I got myself three-year tenure as manager. on IS hits, but lost because of bad declare himself ready for the worked up the other day over "I've never hit a wall. I've defense and pitching. NBA. Fortunately, we have more what I thought was a must-win never kicked a cooler," Knight "Maybe we need the dog hair than just his word on it. And deal," Knight said. "I don't know said. "My dad told me, 'Don't for offense and something else some of the supporting evidence why, because I know better, that show your anger.'" for pitching and defense," is compelling. it will take care of itself. Knight has found that a long Knight said. "Maybe it works "We will win. If you're a good losing streak as a manager feels offensively. I need to go back and ; Bryant wore out the competi- ballclub, you're going to win. If about the same It did when he check" tion everywhere he played in the APptMUffMnUfclmui we're a good ballclub, we'll turn was playing. There were two good-luck ad- last year ■- at all-star games, at Cincinnati Reds second ba i Brett Boone tags out Pittsburgh Pi- It around. If we're not, we'll wal- "The only thing as a player was . ditions to the manager's office the big-time summer camps, rates' Carlo* Garcia. low in the misery of our failure. I I'd go out and try harder to Wednesday. around suburban Philly and in the Pennsylvania state tourna- ment, where he led Lower Mer- Islanders' ibn High to the AAAA champion- ship. A 6-foot-6 swingman, he BG survives rain to defeat Bearcats by 14 averaged 29 points and 12 re- Lindros forced bounds a game, and his hat size Blake Parkins didn't change, despite being The BG News to retire named everybody's everything. Warren E. Steller Field was His coaches said each success The Associated Press only made him work harder. the site of a windy and wild ; Even more impressive: Bryant scoring bonanza Wednesday comes from a background we afternoon. After rain delayed NEW YORK - Brett Lindros, Usually see only on those kids the game's first pitch by al- after two injury-restricted after-school TV specials. He has most an hour, Bowling Green seasons with the New York the bloodline: his father, Joe "Jel- humiliated the Cinncinnati Islanders, will have to retire be- lybean" Bryant, played in the Bearcats 23-9. cause of too many concussions, a I^BA a couple seasons then took The loss extends the Bear- published report said today. His game and his family to Italy. cats' losing streak to 19. The The 20-year-old brother of Joe and Pam Bryant, his wife of Falcons hope that the victory is Philadelphia Flyers star Eric 22 years, already guided two the start of a winning streak Lindros will join the Islanders in qaughters into adulthood and that will propel them to the making the announcement, most third and final playoff spot in have no pressing concerns likely today, Newsday reported. the MAC tournament. Brett Lindros still has three Entering Wednesday's game, years to go on a $75 million con- the Falcons were three games tract. Most of the remaining A quick survey of out of the race for the position. money will be paid off by a disa- several newspaper The Falcons have nine games bility Insurance policy. remaining on the regular Accounts didn't turn season schedule, eight of which Lindros sustained two concus- up one professional are conference matchups. sions in NHL games last Novem- BG scored the runs on a ber and one during his rookie bird-dog among the school record 27 hits. The Fal- year when he missed eight games nine interviewed who cons were also one shy of set- after a fight with Francois Ler- backed Bryant's ting the record for at-bats in a oux of the Pittsburgh Penguins. game as well. He had as many as five concus- decision. The onslaught started early, sions playing junior hockey in as BG broke their drought of Canada, Newsday said. beyond their kids. scoreless first innings by put- When the Islanders drafted The love and attention already ting two runs on the board with Lindros as their top pick in June lavished on Kobe is evident in his an Andy Tracy double off the 1994, they did not know or those poise and the way he excels away centerf leld fence. concussions, the newspaper said. from the court. He Is a B-plus This was a catalyst in a chain student with an SAT score that reaction of hits for Tracy. The Lindros suffered his first con- would get him comfortably Into slugger was 4-4 with a single, cussion this season Nov. 16 in a Duke, Michigan, North Carolina two doubles, and his 12th game against the Kings in Los or nearby LaSalle, where his homer of the year. Tracy also Angeles, and he missed two father happens to be an assistant batted in six runs. games because of it. Coach. Other Falcons had a bang-up On Nov. 24, in Buffalo, Lindros . But... day at the plate. Team co- sustained another concussion, captian Mike Combs had four missing the rest of the NHL I The evidence against is even hits on five at-bats, including season and a total of 64 games. more compelling. A quick survey three RBIs and his fourth Tk* BG N>wi/HI4tkl Kcbayukl Before the decision to end his qf several newspaper accounts homerun of the year. Jason Falcon pitcher Jeff Hundley throws a pitch against Cincinnati yesterday. BG beat the Bearcats by 14 career, Lindros was seen by didn't turn up one professional Calvin went 4-5 with two RBIs runs. three neurologists who specialize Uird-dog among the nine inter- and three runs scored. Jerome run double in the fifth inning. performed however. The unearned runs. Bowling in concussions. viewed who backed Bryant's de- Kynard was perfect at the The score may not be a good Bearcats took advantage of Neither lindros or his father, cision. Remember Draftniks plate going 3-3, including a two Indicator of how the Falcons four BG errors to score five See FALCONS, page twelve. Carl, could be reached for com- don't count. They sell newslet- ment, Newsday said. ters, not basketball, which is why the real pros' opinions carry weight. Iverson becomes first Hoya to | NBA general managers and scouts, at least those who want to Work, have to be right. Their live- lihood would compel them to take leave early under Thompson pre-schoolers seriously, let alone hjigh schoolers, if a kid was that school" panied by his mother, Ann. "Now good. And even though all predic- Joseph White The Associated Press Under Thompson, 72 of 74 I can get a specialist for her, and ted Bryant would go in the first players who have stayed four help my mom along. She raised 15 picks, not one endorsed him. WASHINGTON -- John years have received their de- me for 20 yean, did the best she ! NBA scouting director Marty grees. But unlike previous Geor- could, and I just want the oppor- fllake got off the best line of the Thompson doesn't Uke losing, and he doesn't take it well. On getown greats such as Patrick tunity to do the best for her." tot when he told the Los Angeles Ewing and , Times, "Sure he'd like to come Wednesday, he reluctantly lost Speculation had been rife for Iverson found the temptation of out. I'd like to be a movie star." Allen Iverson to the NBA, and all weeks that Iverson would leave - the coach could do was wish his an NBA contract too great to pass he has recently been driving a player well and take a few pot- up I If it seems we just went $130,000 Mercedes on loan from tjirough this, it's because we did. shots at the NCAA. An All-American sophomore a local dealer, an apparent viola- guard and one of the game's Minnesota used the fifth pick last Citing personal and financial tion of NCAA rules - but Thomp- year to select Kevin Garnett reasons, Iverson became the first quickest players, Iverson said his son had done his best to down- decision boiled done to one fac- from Chicago's Farragut Acad- player in Thompson's 24 years at play the rumors. emy. Garnett struggled early Georgetown to leave early for tor, money. He revealed that he Before the Big East tourna- had a 1-year-old daughter living ildth limited playing time, but the pros. "I don't blame anybody ment in March, Thompson said rjecame a starter just past mid- but us," Thompson said. "We in his hometown of Hampton, Iverson would leave only with his Va., and said his 4-year-old sister, season and nearly a star by the have the most antiquated set of permission "or he will go no- Ilesha, had been having seizures. end. rules. They're almost prehistoric where." On Wednesday, '• But citing the similarities mis- based on the times. If we don't "My baby sister was having however, It was obvious the de- ses very important differences. look at it very clearly, there some medical problems, and I cision was Iverson's alone. AP ph«twr«l MMU. Garnett is five inches taller and wont be one halfway sensible think that really pushed me out Georgetown guard Allen Iverson drives between two Morgan State two years older. reason why kids will stay in the door," said Iverson, accom- See IVERSON, page thirteen, defenders. page twelve The BO News Thursday, May 2,1996 Rodman's new book Perot Jr. leads in purchase of Mavs may cause commotion Kevin O'Hanlon The Associated Press Mild Nadel The Associated Press "I'll know when my DALLAS - Sixteen years to the day after a franchise CHICAGO - Madonna has her life is complete. Then agreement was signed that own chapter. I'll take out a gun and brought the Mavericks and the So do the subjects of sex, race, NBA to Dallas, the team got its the and paint- shoot myself in the second owner. ed fingernails. head. That's how it A group of investors led by If the contents of Dennis Rod- land developer Ross Perot Jr. man's Just-released autobiogra- will end, right there." and auto dealer David McDa- phy, "Bad As I Wanna Be," don't vid purchased a 67 percent in- cause a mild commotion, then the terest in the team Wednesday book Jacket surely will. from Donald Carter. There he is on the front cover, Chicago Bulls forward Dick Motta will give up his striking a backward pose on a coaching duties but remain a Harley, buck naked save for a part of the organization in a strategically placed basketball. traded him to Chicago for Will consulting role. Carter said. There he is on the back cover, Perdue after blaming Rodman The $125 million price is featuring his overexposed back- for playoff collapses in 1994 and more than 10 times the $12 mil- side. 1995. lion Carter paid for the fran- But it's between the covers - in chise in 1980. the profanity-laced pages - that "You can blame me ... but Carter and some limited the Chicago Bulls' famous for- where was Sean Elliott? Did he partners will own 33 percent of ward really bares all. ever stop Clyde Drexler? Where the team, said Norm Sonju, The NBA's five-time - was David [Robinson]? They who remains general manager. ing champion said: might be more of a basketball Completion of the sale has ■ He's happy he didn't commit team if didn't been considered a formality suicide in 1993. when he almost freeze up every time they play a since April 15, when the Perot shot himself while parked in a big game. I got sold out by the group reached an agreement in pickup truck outside the Detroit players, the coaches, the man- principle to purchase the team. APpkMWRMHcnil Pistons' arena. But he adds that agement. They said [Perdue] fit owner Donald Carter shakes hand with new owners Ross Perot Jr. and David Perot, son of Dallas billion- McDavid Wednesday. he probably will someday. In better ... because he's more of aire and former presidential a family man. And that's all they "I'll know when my life is com- candidate Ross Perot, said his front, not much. I like it. I've owner Thomas Hicks. will be able to invest. want down there in that white ... plete. Then I'll take out a gun and interest in the team will be always enjoyed the game, but I Hicks earlier confirmed his "That's the model," Perot shoot myself in the head. That's conservative... city." more than 51 percent. think that Ross and I are smart interest in buying the Maver- said. "That's the rough road how it will end, right there." "I've never had a great de- enough to surround ourselves icks, calling It "a natural map." ■ That now-teammate but He has little to say about Mi- sire to own a professional with people that should make alignment" to own the team Perot said he has not talked then-opponent Scot tie Pippen had chael Jordan, his most celebrated sports team, so the people that this thing work." and the NHL's Stars, especially formally with city officials "Rodman on the brain" during Chicago teammate. And he has know me are very surprised McDavid said he is commit- since the clubs are working about building a new arena in the 1991 playoffs. only good thoughts about Bulls I'm up here right now," he said. ted to making "the few moves together for a new arena. They Dallas. But he said he would "I think he took himself out of coach Phil Jackson, former De- "David talked me into doing that need to be made to win." currently share the downtown not rule out building the arena the game. I think he got a little troit coach Chuck Daly and most this." Keith Grant will remain as di- Reunion Arena. in a suburb. freaked out by me. All of a sud- of his Piston teammates from the McDavid, who will run day- rector of player personnel - at Perot said "three or four" "Yes, we would look outside den, he came down with a mi- "Bad Boys" era. to-day operations, said he was least for the time being, other investors might be Dallas," he said. "I want to do It graine headache." excited about his new venture. McDavid said. brought aboard. He didn't In Dallas, but it's a business." ■ That having Mostly, Rodman rails about be- "I'm sure there are a lot of Other potential buyers who name them. Recent reports quoted un- the AIDS virus hasn't changed ing underpaid. His $2.5 million you sitting out there wondering were interested in the NBA He also said his "vision" is named sources as saying that the sexual habits of NBA players. salary is an "insult," and he what does a used car salesman franchise included Oklahoma eventually to merge the Mav- Perot and McDavid will be "Fpr the first couple of weeks, spends an inordinate number of know about basketball," he City media magnate Edward ericks and Stars into one or- quick to pursue negotiations I think it made a difference. words explaining why he de- said. "I'll tell you right up Gaylord and Dallas Stars ganization in which the public for a new arena. Guys were using condoms and serves more money than almost maybe being a little more careful every other player. about who they slept with" But now, he said, "Unprotected Stern, In Miami for Wednesday sex is not uncommon at all." night's Bulls-Heat game, said he Low ticket sales may spell Whalers move Rodman, who wrote the book hasn't seen the book yet. with Tim Keown, takes a few "I'll certainly be picking up the Christine Hanley The team admits it will fall must be reached before the team eral Manager Jim Rutherford shots at NBA commissioner Da- cover. I understand the Jacket is The Associated Press short of its ambitious goal to will extend the ticket campaign. said Tuesday. "Are we going to vid Stern and several fellow very interesting," he said. more than double this past year's "We're not going to Mach our reach 8,000 this week and eet into players. "Bad As I Wanna Be" is pub- HARTFORD, Conn. - All the season-ticket base to 11,000, and goal of 11,000 by Friday." Gen- a comfort level. Maybe." But most of his venom is saved lished by Delacorte Press and positive thinking hasn't paid off. acknowledged it will begin ex- for the San Antonio Spurs, who sells for a list price of $22.95. As the sun set Wednesday on a ploring other cities as possible FALCONS month-long ticket campaign cru- new homes for'the franchise. cial to keeping the Hartford And the front office was not Continued from page eleven. "No question, we came out Sigma Kappa Congratulates Whalers in Connecticut, a grim even sure it would reach the and swung the bats today," said realism began to overshadow the comfort level of 8,000 season Green's pitching was also not Nell. "The pitching wasn't real- Their Newest Initiates optimism that has surrounded tickets - a mark that principal up to par. The hurlers walked ly good today, we walked way the drive. owner Peter Karmanos has said 10 batters, and gave up two too many, and had too many er- solo homeruns to Cincinnati's rors." Jill Balluck Jennifer Kowalczyk Matt Primack. Senior Jason Tipple earned Allyson Bernard JMS wL Becky McCabe Assistant Coach Mark Nell the win to up his record to 4-3 Emily Blackburn £5 Us Colleen McCreary Thursday Night commented on the team's play. on the year. Karly Damman 1K^ %( Jen Meeker KARAOKE Jordan Duffie fA|%3S Q*/l Sharee Miller t Julie Graul @5x£ £K& Jessica Pavlus MID AM MANOR April Henry ^wfi ^^ Kristen Pengelly Heather Hanland Kristen Schwettman • NOW RENTING • 1 Erica Hook Amanda Stengel t Choose from choice apartments within ♦:;• Shana Kearns Gail Vorhees walking distance to campus Summer 1996 and school year 1996-1997. 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, Friday/Saturday gas heat and water included, air conditioning. I Friday Grasshopper Pie 641 Third SL Apt 4, B.C. Resident Manager 352-4380

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. Sports

Thursday, May 2,1996 The RG News page thirteen Knicks' Starks talks his way Baseballs flying out of major to 22 points and series sweep league parks at record rate

The Associated Press series. both shots with 24 seconds left. average In 1992, the last year be- Montreal became the first Ewing added 16 points and 10 Majerle then tried a running Ronald Blum The Associated Press fore expansion and 3.6 percent team to hit six grand slams in a rebounds but went just 6-for-14 left-hander that missed, and higher than April 1994. month, topping the previous re-' NEW YORK - The New York from the line. The Starks picked up the loose ball. NEW YORK -- Baseball's Runs were up 28 percent from cord set by Baltimore in Septem- Knicks survived a terrible Knicks, who scored only 13 He was fouled and made one of longest April saw lots of long 1992, to an average of 10.58, ber 1983 and matched by Seattle fourth quarter after celebrat- points in the fourth quarter, two from the line for the final balls. which is 1.7 percent higher than in August 1985. ing a bit too early and swept won despite having 21 turn- margin. Three of the five highest-scor- two years ago. their first-round playoff series At 3.98, the Chicago White Sox overs and shooting 20-for-37 The 3-0 series victory was ing days this century on which 12 Texas (26), Minnesota (24) and from the Cleveland Cavaliers are the only AL team with an from the line. New York's first playoff sweep or more games were played came Montreal (21) all scored 20 runs with an 81-76 victory Wednes- since 1989 against Philadelphl- ERA under 4. Detroit's is a had 19 in the last week, according to the in a game, the first time three major-league high 7.31. day night. points and 16 for a. Ellas Sports Bureau: April 24 teams did it in one month since The Knicks, who opened a By halftime, it seemed as the Cavaliers, but both missed (13.93 average), April 30 (13.92) June 1950. Fans started coming back. The, 19-point lead in the second crucial shots in the final 30 though the Knicks would ad- and April 28 (13.58). Barry Bonds, Gary Sheffield quarter and seemed to be cru- average attendance was up 7" seconds. vance to the next round with- The record of 14.07 was set on and Brady Anderson hit 11 ising in the third, went score- out even enduring a tense mo- percent in the first four weeks otV Ewing added 16 points and 10 July 25, 1937; July 10, 1932 also homers apiece in the month, the season, from 23,606 to 25,260 ' less for more than five minutes rebounds but went Just 6-for-14 ment Hubert Davis had eight in the final period and fell Into had a 13.58 average. matching the major league re- for the first 338 dates. Following . from the free throw line. The points in a 16-3 run that gave There were 826 homers in 359 cord for April shared by Willie a 70-70 tie with 4:51 left. the strike, the average dropped Knicks, who scored only 13 New York a 44-25 lead, and games in April for an average of Stargell (1971), Mike Schmidt John Starks, who taunted 20 percent for the first month" points in the fourth quarter, Starks hit a twisting 3-pointer 2.30, up 64 percent from the 1.40 (1976) and Gralg Nettles (1974). last year. Cleveland coach Mike Fratello won despite having 21 turn- from halfcourt at the buzzer late in the third quarter when overs and shooting 20-for-37 for a 50-32 lead at intermis- the Knicks led by 13, made his from the line. sion.. IVERSON fifth 3-pointer of the game and Terrell Brandon had 19 Cleveland, which shot only Continued from page eleven. 14th of the series with 3:22 left points and Dan Majerle 16 for 37 percent, couldn't catch up in "It's a frustrating thing," ability emotionally and psycho- to build the lead back to five. the Cavaliers, but both missed the third, and when Brandon Thompson said "Even though we logically to deal with the things Cleveland never got closer crucial shots in the final 30 was called for his fifth foul "I think it would be a little bit might have the best hospital the NBA relates to," Thompson than two down the stretch - seconds. with one minute left in the stupid of me to try to change a around, you can't do anything said. "In his basketball ability t 1 even though Tyrone Hill scored on a put- period, Starks started the pre- man who can think and make about that." have the ultimate amount of con- missed five of six free throws back with 49 seconds left to mature celebration by grinning judgments," Thompson said. "Or Thompson has maintained fidence. I'm scared ... about the In the final 2:04. The Cavs were draw Cleveland within two, and waving five fingers In the for me to try to persuade him or young athletes need to mature In other 22 hours." swept In a playoff series for 78-76, and Anthony Mason an- face of Cavs coach Mike Frate- try to con him from doing some- college before entering the Iverson's game will be suited the third time in four years. swered with a post-up hook llo. thing that he feels in his heart he money-driven world of the NBA. to the NBAs fast pace. Last Starks had 22 points to lead with 35 seconds remaining. must do." He said Iverson, who spent four season, he averaged 24.7 points,' New York, which advanced to Brandon missed a 3-point at- Fratello didn't respond, but Thompson bemoaned the fact months in jail during high school 3.8 rebounds, 5.0 assists and 3.5 the second round against the tempt and Ewing rebounded his team came back with a 15-4 that, under NCAA rules, he was on a conviction that was later steals. He was the Big East de- winner of the Chicago-Miami and was fouled, but he missed run to tie the game at 70. powerless to do anything to help overturned, was no exception. fensive player of the year for the, Iverson's sister. "I have concerns about Allen's second time. Classifieds

Pregnant? Alpha Xi * Thata Chi' Alpha Xi DEAD-HE AO SALE Alpha Xi Datta' Alpha XI Delta CAMPUS EVENTS Free Pregnancy tests. Confidential and The slassrs of Alpha XI Delta would like to con- Education Bldg Slaps CITY EVENTS The sillers olAlphs XI Delia would caring. 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center gretulate Rechael Ley on her lavaliermg to Je- 10330pm like to congratulate Suaan Francle eon Comptonot Theta CMIII Tuesday 4/23 thru 4/28 SKVDtVEM on her engagement to Shane Devlell EARN JIM Alpha Xi • Theta Chi • Alpha Xi Allusions of Grandeur wil be selling and dis- FOURTH ANNUAL CINCO DE MAYO Hare is your opportunity to Skydlve tor FREE The Sleep Lab needs famala students (age playing products suable for al BGSU. FIESTA Organize s group ol 10 or more friends and oet BEST WISHES SUSANI 18-28) lo panSOap*)« a 4*-hr. iiaap depriva- Sponsored by UAO O 2-7184 SUN0AY.MAYS,19M-1 00 •« :00PM YOUR first jump static line course FREE. For tion experiment this summer. Participants muat VETERAN'S HALL, CITY PARK more info call SKYDtVE BO AT 3525200 Alpha M'SkjEp* Alpha XI Alpha XI Delta 'Alpha XI Dana be enrolled r\ summer classes. BOWLING OREEN. OMO The sisiers of Alpha XI Delta would like to Can 2-2547 or 2-2474 SB* Into. LIVE MUSK, FOOD, CRAFTS, P1NATAS thank their houaaboys. Bll Porter and Matt We invite you 10 investigate RAFFLES, MUCHO FUND PERSONALS Shubert tor doing an awesome job this semes- The •aha'l Filth »1 00 DONATION AT THE DOOR Kit STUDENT FILMS Fridays 3pm Rm. 1000 BA eponeored by Lellno Networking Commit- Alpha Xi • Sig Ep • Alpha Xi continued on p. 14 Thursday, Mev 2 For info 287-3230 (local call) lea The Glah Film Theater or 353-81 75 asK for Melinda A Human Relations Commleelon. Alpha Phi Alpha PhJ FREE Thanks everyone for the Awesome Sponsored by UAO senior sendoffl A BIG THANKS Questions? 2-2343 SERVICES OFFERED tor the kissing carnations from UNCLE SANDWITCHI You guys are IK IK i.K IK IK IK IK IK 1K| great) I IK IK IK IK IK IK IK House cleaning services offered tor resi- Love. The Seniors dences. Affordable. Call Kim al 353-0508. Alpha Phi Alpha Phi **Sigma a> ~ Kappa —are*" ." . Bigs and Littles Bigs Uttlee 104S. Main 353-0988 Kendall MacAithur Jill BeJruck Colleen MrCreery fc"3 CandlMalone Emily Blackburn ■■ Summer employment HopeBeala Kerry Dim men Lkq 01 AngJacobe Jordan Duffle aWaV »*.*■»> Afcill^ Julienne Patterson Julie Greul Maria DaaMrkla April Henry ^A Jeaasca Pavlua Molhe Monahan P"L J Heather Hartland H Home City Ice Company J Sharee Miller HE HomeGi Shannon Roee \ ^ ^ / F-rtce Hook Ifij SJ Canie Kramer V. Shane Keeme Undsey Brooke Jennifer Kowalczyk Jen Baker Becky McCabe Now Hiring for these positions: Jaime Morphy Jen Meeker M Amy Black Kristin Pmgrlry H 1. Route Drivers Julie Meteyer Ktreten Schwettnuui Ufljj Michelle DeWItt Amanda Stengel LA 2. Production Stackers m SaraHawk Call Vorheee Becky Burdyehaw Erftn Morton 3. Truck Loaders Sigma Kappa . Proud of It! Competitive Wages / Flexible Schedules Locations throughout all of Ohio IK !K IK IK IK IK IK LK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK 1 and Southeast Michigan p£ May 2II<1 1- ••'.•:..- :• .■ :• V •■ V :■ V ;• V :■ ,■ :■ V :• V :■ V • V ;■ V .*■ ',■ ■• V ■ V ■■ '.• ■• V ■■ V ■• V *• V ■• V ■■ V ■■'.- •■ '.■ ■■ '-■ ■■ V • V • V •■ V • V *• V ;• V • V ■■ V •- V ■■ V •■" Coll Todoy for Complete Details!! Thursday Tickets Available Sl^ilai. 1-800-899-8070 at Door -''■ -*,* ■•„■ •'.* •',* .'-* ■',• ■'•■ •'.■ •".• •'.■ •*,- •'.' •',••',* •"- •, *

^ Cap oft ^ Food Court graauation! Dining Facility Hallmark cards and -^Bg=^?l gifts really make the |y -Opening Fall 1996- -;SrsS', grade! They're . specially designed to celebrate, inspire, i®T Sundial and become treasured memories great for your favorite Positions Needed: Line Servers, Student Cooks, skills... graduate. , ^. Pizza, Wok, & Grill Cooks, Bakery Assistants, General Kaplan help* you tocua Workers, Office Help, Supervisors, & Cashiers your ttat prap etudiea and V your confidence, ao you can >& gat a higher acora. w Starting Wages: $4.35 ^

j ; Classifieds page fourteen The Mi News Thursday, May 2,1996

1 or 2 aublsaasrs warned tor studio apt continued from p. 13 Can be available IMMEDIATELY Call Bryan at $$$HsutONM HOME TO CLEVELAND FOR NEW FOOO COURT La Z Boy sleeper sola SI2S 35S61M. leave message. THt SUMMER? HELP PAY FOR »AU TUI- -Sundlal- La Z Boy Rocker recline, 175 Clean. Dekiie 2 beam. turn, asnwaansrs. raat- TION OR HAVE EXTRA SPENDING MONEY Now Hiring For Al Positions Call sen 0602 oenl mor . AfC neat, water 1 sewer prov 2 summer sublease's. Ml Vemon Apts. Spa- FOR SUMMER $7rHR. 8-5 M-F.NO WEEK- , Starting Wages $4 35 Need May renters - Call Greg 354-0401 alter Alpha Xi Mu' Alpha Xi Delta cious. Arc. tiS5/mo. includes gaa * water. ENDS ANO NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. - Contact Alex al 372-2475 or ftpm. 3S4-8017. Tandy computer. BM compatible w/prlnMr. The Mara ol Alpha XI DeHewouU l*e to con MOOERN OFFICES IN CLEVELAND AREA Stop by Harshman Dining Center 352-5679. Besl offer over $300 Efficiency ApL lor rent 329 E Woosler. 9 mo. graejeas our eoccer taam lor coming in FIRST 218-228-7117. 3 subiaaaars wanted lor summer Duplex with lease tSuOrtno. 12 mo. lease t275Vnio. e ufl. PIACEIII NEW SNACK BAR AX. tlSS/mo. plus utilities Starts In May. WHY PAY RENT? LIVE FOB FREE NEXT Call 352 41QB or 352-799? GREAT JOB GIRLS"! CaH 352-4295 or 3S2-057S Business is great1 YEAR. DUPLEX FOR SALE: 174.000. LIVE M Alpha Xi Delta • Alpha Xi Datta The Firvjay Inn has openings in the Irjliowmg Now Hiring For Al Positions HALF. RENT OUT THE OTHER "+CLU0ES FOR RENT: House In 1st bkxk ol S. CrjMeoa. 3 Summer Subiaaaars needed lor 3 bedroom areas sou* chef, servers A Jacques fine r>nmg Starting Wagas: $4.35 rVO, WrO, LARGE STO. GARAGE. CALL Large yard. 3 bdrm. Mai. 5 people 12 mo. house $250/psfson tor entire aummar. Cad room, wee hand bartenders in The Pheasant Contact Alex al 372-2475 or 352-1572. lease MS0 per mo 353-8491. Chris, Was, or Jeremy at 354-C521 Stop by Harshman Dining Comer ATTENTION STUOENT ORGANIZATIONS Lounge Apply in person al Findlay Inn A Con- Don't tergal 10 raturn you End-of Iho year re- Advertising. Business. Communication. A Mar- lerence Cantor. 200 E. Main Cross. Findlay. GEORGETOWN MANOR APTS. port, aummar conlacl, and Organizations Fair keting majors. Co-op with internet! Corp. Oh. ■ Olfca Cleaning Eve. 12-15 hrs/wk Own FOR RENT 600 Third St renting tor the •10.25 staring pay No Eip Necessary Full or registration lo the Office ol Student l.fe Office. CAMP COUNSELORS WANTED Tnmdown transportation required. Call 352 5822 coming Smr . sdl. yr 1996-97 6 Room 405. Sudani Servioes by May 3 Any par! Dme openings. Musi can now. Positions Fitness, coed camp located in Hie Catskil Palmers needed: exterior home palming 12 mo. Excellent 1 or. 8 2 or. unas Queeoon regarding these forms7 Call Student fiangfaat. 538-2177 Mountain* ol NY. All Sports. Water-skiing. Columbus ansa Exp. prat, but not required. * Summer Apartments Available * Convenient location, reasonable rates Lileal37?-2843. Desperate tor Summer Subktasars. 3 bdrm. 3 Canoeing, Ropes. Lifeguards. Crafts. Dance, Muethave own iranap. l-8OQ.aa5.9ao4. Cell 353-0325 AH utlioes mduded Very dose to campus A/C. Furnished Anenbon all students! yr. old house. 1600 entire summer. CaN Aerobics, NueiSon. Kitchen, Office 120 posi- Slop by ottos f 10. PROOFREADER Grants. Scholarships Available 372-401B. itons. Call Camp Shane (800) 292-2287 PHONE 352 4966 NFO Research. He. has an immediate opervng Qualify Immed 1 -S0O-2S7-3S34 " Rooms for Rent " Female Subleaser warned to share apt w/1 Cashier. Pro Shop. Waitress. Waiter, restau- tor a tuil-ome, 2nd shift Proofreader This indi- 729 4»i Si. -Females Houses. 1 8 2 bedroom Furnished apts other person. $300 tor entire aummar. Own rant Must be 21 for restaurant. Tanglewood vtoual will be responsible lor proofreading and 1 year. 9 monfli, and summer leasss AZD'FUTAZD room, doae lo campus Call Sarah 362-S532 Golf Club 833-1725 edrbng questions re documents 309 1/2E.Merry-Males. Funnelled. Call 353-0325 Call 3S2-74S4 The sisters ol Alpha XI Delia would l*e to Mirwnum requirements Include: Friendly male/female subleaser needed start- Child care tor summer. 3 chldren: 9.7.3 1/2, congratuiale Tanya TacH on her pearling lo ing Aug. "96 ID May '97 Own room. Rent $165 Man. - Frl. Pi. time 8-1. Own transportation "Excertont spelling and grammar skills "1 or2bdrm. apis 318E. Merry" ■Uks ol FIJIIII •Good typing stole Subleaser needed: large 1 bedroom, double Ask tor Came 352 8663. Musi have references 372-0271 or 352-7005 9,10.12. ISmo leases98-97sen.yr. AZD"FUCA20 "One year of experience with desktop publish- Call 353-0325 living room, huge kitchen, basement, front Male or female subleaser from now until May l»v»>- ing software preferred porch. Pets OK. nice api. Avail Approi. Aug. $22S/mo Close to campus. Electric t phone Childcare tor 1 year old in my Perrysburg 'Associates degree preferred 1 » 2 bdrm apt. aval 91 i2mo. isl 352 5464 A20 ' SIGMA CHI'AZD only Very nice apl.Cal 353-3212. home. Preler. but don't require, someone who including heal, hot water, ccokino 8 The ainars of Alpha XI Deltawould like lo con- NFO oners competnva salaries and benelt can continue m the lex. Non-smoker. Cal peck ages Please send resume to: sewer. Located CkxiQh 8 Mercer 352-0164 gratuiale Tori Fraley on her lavaliering to Brad Need 2 roommates to share part ol house on Subleaser needed m summer 3 bdrm. house. 1-419-874-8487 or 372-2899. NFO RESEARCH. WC. toy dean, own room, washer/dryer, large Krupaol Sigma Chl'H E. Wooster lor lull year lease. Contact Mere- 1996-97 school year. 2 bdrm. turn or unfum. PO Box315 knehen. 2 bathrooms Call 354-3189. AZO'SCMACHI-AZO ttrfi and Heather Can 352 5068. Cleaning and Maintenance help needed. Start apev S500 per mo. ind. tree heat, water. Toledo. OH 43697 ingMaylO.ArjptyatSieE MsVryApt.^orca■ sewer, gas 6 HBO 705 7»l St 354-0914. Need 2 subMasers for summer of '98 Call Ann: Human Resources Summer Subleaser Wanted 3525045 3S3-032S Can the Sporte/Entertelnmenl Line Today No Phone Cals Please 2 bdrm. turn.. $600 tor summer. 704 5th St. Female Non- Smoker Sports fun. scores, point spreads, and much Needed Roommate to share a 2 bdrm. apt Call COUNSELORS - INSTRUCTORS NFO is an Equal Opportunity E mployer 1 bdrm turn., grade S330 601 3rd St. Air oondrtioned furnished apt more. Call t 900 6S8 6000 ail. S»S7. 354-5086 100 poaHlone! Coed summer camp. Pocono 2 bdrm. unfum, 12 month lease 1450-475. Across from campus $2 9Wmm Must Be IB vrs or older ProCal Mine. PA Good aalaryllpe! (90S) 889-3339. Sitter needed. S-10 hrs/week. FlextHe. 2bdrm lurn.9or 12mo lease 352-3445 $325 total . utilises Co 802 854 74?0 Seeking male/female grad or professional to Weekends and evenings. BG area. Please carl Ask for Traci 353-4065 share two bdrm house. S250/mo. Wa- Do you live In northeast Ohio? Kay M-F. 10-4. 823-3435 2 bdrm. fum/untum. spa $500 tor enbre Checkers Pub presents laser Lindas Karoke aher/dryer Call 3S3 4043 Pan/Fiii nme server positions available. Cal every Sun .Tuea.. Wad evenings summer, ind. free water, sewer, gas. and Madison Country Club at 216-428-2888 Ask SUBLEASER WANTED FOR SPACIOUS 2 HBO 724 6th St. 705 7th St Call354P914. Summer Subleaser Needed Don't know whet» get the Graduate or tor Cats or Randy (Must be 19). Summer BEDROOM APARTMENT AVAILABLE MHV Are you an entrepreneur? Air conrjisoned two bedroom that special employee 2 or 3 bdrm. house or 1 bdrm apt. All applian- MAY. HEAT AND WATER INCLUDED A/C. ENVIRONMENTAL Great opportunity, low stan up cost Rent negotiable Gift Certificate. ces Possible short term lease and pats. Begin Growing BO fast and NEED HELPI! Looking tor CallJenmler 352-1190 QUIET LOCATION CALL 354-1907 A LEAVE Management training in May 353-2362. Are available at the MESSAGE. several fun. energetic, and motivated individu- University Bookstore 372 ?851 Earn up to $800 per week. als lo work In exciting atmosphere. Treirwig Subleaser needed from 5/10798 to 7/31r98. Vehide required. 3 Bdrm House. Close lo Campus. Aug - May provided Toleoo office 419-632 0367 Call Greenland Irrigation own bedroom and barhroom $190 * gas 8 Lease. Call 354-6420 Don't ruin your apnng vacation because you're eiectne. price negotiable. Call Jim or Macy at HKxM-tNCOME SUMMER C/PPORTUNfTIES 1-800-361-4074 SENIOR FAREWELLS no cheap to buy a tanning package 354-4518. NEWLY AVAILABLE! Businesses ere quickly Campus Tanning' 352-7SSS ATTENTION" Need 1-2 Female Sublessors realizing the advantages of marketing over tie Summer Employment. Warehouse work. Ful tor the summer to live with 3 other fun cod SUBLEASE R(S) NEEDED IMMEDIATELY" Internet If you can sell prime Internet Web srne Overtime available. 1 si $ 2nd Shift girts. Please donl hssitnale to call. We really 850 10 1 SI parson who takes over my lease! Kim will be a great teacher Gamma Phi' Kappa Alpha ' Gamma Phi sites to eager businesses in your home region need you. Please phone Mandy st 372-6231. Now-Aug Call Came 354-5214. The amors of Gamma Phi Beta would like to (his summer, you could rosJisbcairy asm you Convenient Store cashiers needed. Ful and Amy win make cool cars. Linda and Zoe are tobless. congratuiale Mike Gould ol Kappa Alpha on be- SUBLEASE RS ensre academic bill by September, possibly pan nme Apply lor both Comer Carryout. Avail, in May -1 yr. lease: ing awarded our Crescent King Thanks for an for SUMMER-96 even as a second job. This a a one time real Front St andRt 65 Grand Rapids so they 11 NJSI hang out at die bars. 1 bsdrm apt on University Ln 8595 includes u- Carrie will move lo Cleveland youdo You're a true gentleman. ACROSS the STREET FROM offer from an ethical firm located in New Ha- Summer Watt Staff. Jacques Restaurant, also »lilies. to do financial stuff. Gamma Phi * Kappa Alpha * Gamma Phi CAMPUS Cal 354-4088 ven. Connecticut. For additional, detailed in- need Sous Chef. Apply tn Person, Findlay ton 3 bedrm house. 2 baths on Leroy $860 . UMi- Emily win study her heart out formation, send email beginning May 6 to: and Conference Center 200 E. Main Cross Si. ties since the CPA Is realty tough. INTRAMURAL FORFEIT FEES THIS SE Summer Subleaser FsvJIsy. Ohio or call 1-800-825-1455 ask tor 3 bedrm. house. 2 oaths on University Ln. $860 MESTER FORFEIT FEES MAY BE PICKED (28S/mo pet allowed Call Melody at Home City toe Company is now hiring tor these ext 103 . UOI These years have gone by so quickly. 353-6604 positions: Route Dnvers. Production Stackers, UP IN THE INTRAMURAL OFFICE. JUST TROPICAL RESORTS HIRING and the end is drawing near. BRING IN YOUR RECEIPT BY HAY aTH Truck Loaders Competitive wages/flexible Avail Aug. 1 • 1 yr. lease: SUMMER SUBLEASERS NEEDED Entry level A career positions available world- Bui well son gel together often. schedules, locations ihroughoul all of Ohio 2 Ig 1 bedrm. furnished apis, on Prospect. THE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN 1200-5OOPM speooua 4 bdrm house - 4»i and high wide (Hawaii. Mexico. Caribbean, elc ) Wait tor a couple of smokes and a bear. and Southeast keaugan Call ax details at S59S includes utilities. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY DURING FINALS call 352 7578. rent negotiable stafl. housekeepers. SCUBA dive leaders, fit- WEEK. I 600-899-6070 2 bedrm. house on Ada Ave. $595 * utn. ness counselors, and more. In parting, n seems appropriate. 3 bedrm. house. 2 baths on University In $885 HOME TYPISTS Call Resort Employment Services to quote some words ol the wise. JUMP AND SPIN INTO THE FIGURE SKAT- Summer Subleaser Needed! t utilises. MO CLASS. NEED ONE MORE CREDIT PC users needed. $45,000 income potential 1-208-971 3600 ext RSS443 As Sieph would say. Georgetown Apts. - Own Bedroom 3 bedrm. house on Troup Ave. 1796 * utl. and from my heart, HOUR FOR FALL? FIGURE SKATING Call 1 -800-513-4343 Ext 13-9649 $600 for summer indudes everything I •Man. I love you guys.' CLASS. SKIN UP FOR PEG 111 OR Ml. Cal Elena ® 352 8524 Housekeeper needed one or two days a UNIVERSITY PAINTERS Call 352-9371 6 leave a message NEED ONE MORE CREDIT HOUR FOR month. $1(Vhr. Phone 353-2022 Leave name S6-SsVtlr. - 300 positions svsll. and phone number on arujwering machine. Palntera, foreman, tr.lner. FALL? Urgent1 $100 off/mo Take over laaaa tor Cokjmbue, Toledo, Canton, LEARN HOW TO ICE SKATE!! summer 98. 1 bdrm apt. 2 blocks from campus. Island Hopper is looking tor a band 10 play a Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland SUN UP FOR PEG 1*0 OR MS. Extremely quaK. Furnished «V dishwasher. variety of music aboard ship on Thurs., Frl.. Training provided, work w other BO gas heat. A/C. laundry. Orty $24S/mo. • uU. and Sal Send demo tape or VCR tape to: 4 N. SutKHt&l $464, f •1 ud.nt s. For Into In your hometown call » gas Call 353-8 708 Jeflerson. Port dslton. OH 43452. STUDENT FIMS l-aooa 79-2858 Thursday. May 2 Lifeguards wanted Portage Quarry Recreation Work outdoors w/other students. The Gish Film Theater Club Inc Taking Applications lor lifeguards for Village ol Bradner is accepting applications for FREE HELP WANTED summer emp Apply al T-Squere Graphics, No experience necessary. Will train. pool manager and hie guards lor Village pool. Sponsored by UAO 121 S Main St. BG Questions'2 2343 Applications may be obtained from Village Earn $&-9.00/hr. Live near Sandusky 7 Clerk PO Box 599 130 N Main Bradner. OH Apt cleaners needed May 10 D May 30. Apply 43408. phone: 288-2890. Winthrop Terrace Apts 400 Napowon Rd. Love the islands? USFSA COMPETITIVE PRECISION Apply with Goodome Island Cruises 3529135 Window washer needed Pt. $ Ml erne. Own Today! T- diversity TEAM FORMING NOW. CALL in Sandusky. Jackson St Pier transportation required. Call 352 5822 172-M21 FOR INFORMATION. Are you 'Outgoing (419)828-9882 1-800-879-2656 •Seil-Moovaied Painters" Looking tor a REWARDING and FUN-FILED The I .hi,.,i,-,i Dun •Goal -Onen lad JOB lor The first summer session? Earn $$$ FOR SALE •A Team Player m WANTED 'Sales E xpenence while gaining valuable MARKETING. PR. A OorrUntj Corurnous. Canton. Tceawa, OrKsVasetl le.eVa, Green. Peyton helpful but not necessary SALES SKllSI Appkcations are now availa- The BG News is looking tor successful advert ble at Miou Alumni Cantor. Coma lake a took 1981 Honda CM 400 E Classic street motorcy 1 M-F summer subleaser Furnished apt. A/C, ismg account executives tor FaH 1998/Spnng at the job description and pick up an applica- de. 3900 original miles Mm condition. $1000 free cable, reasonable rani UffiDes Included. 1997 Appacalons available at 204 Waal HaN tion (No phone eels, please') A limited num- firm. Call 372-6361. ber ol poapons are available, so come soon! doae to campus, dean Also need roommate or call John Virostek at 372-2605 for more de- 1983 Cheve tie tor 98-97 school year. Call 354 -8087. tails Looking tors fun job this summer? Great Shape Low Miles isn't all that's Work on the Island Hopper In Port Clinton, OH $1095 354- 7083 Danny Hir ng deck hands, bartenders, waitresses, sales clerks. Musi be friendly, outgoing, and like boats. For application and interview ap- 1965 Olds Calais runs vary good, never tires. on your side at pomtment Cal 419-734-4338. AM/FM cass stereo, dean kilenor. asking $1095 Would like 10 sel before May 1 tth Call NATIONAL PA RKS HI RING Bobal362-8423. Positions are now available at National Parks. jtoria's Secret Catalogue Forests A Wiidfcle Preserves Excellent bane- 1989 Beretta GT 76.000 mi, loaded $5700 neootupto 353-2181 its A bonuses! Cal. 1-206-971-3820 Sit N 55445 67' Chevy Astro Van, many new pans. Asking $3500 or best offer Call (419) 372-3438 ask NEW RESTAURANT A " ffcxible scheduling leaves you time lo get just tor Net if no answer leave a massage. COFFEEHOUSE st you want out of your summer break— fun -Silver River Cate- For Sale: Sofa Sleeper Great condition - $30 [Teloxalion. Plus, our casual environment and tow Hiring Call Melissa st 354-4522 Storing Wages. S4.S6VIS.10 f people moke the most of every minute. La-Z boy and Popazon. All prices negotiable Contact Alex at 372-2475 or Chindile pat for good home only. Call Susan Far yiur summer for yiur career; Stop by Harshman Larwig Cantor 354SI02 enjoy: Excellent Pay and i is yMv bast ntMTCil Great Sales Incentives TempsPlus-Staffing Solutions has the right assignment for your summer break. Call today and we can have an Advancement interview set up when you get home! Opportunities experience in _ to 40% Gaatral Otfiet, Accounting, Data Entry, Custom or Sonic; Discount at all Administrotivo. Sicratarial, laakiaa & Mara the limited. Inc. g f,or fa II 9 (3 Divisions

Graduating? Many Full-time positions available with some • Stock Purchase Plan of the finest companies in N.E. Ohio. NO F€ES! id Design. Macintosh We're hiring: FASHION CONSULTANTS Call: 1 800 966 PLUS experience, and locations in: All Shifts Available-Seasonal Cleveland. Akron. Richmond fits, Parma & Mentor null Organizational skills » to earn, TIHRSPIIS • Slitllni SsliUiis 3tc>St'jdeni fcmploymen^ormor^nformcitjc^j the great E.OE.-aWMD 'son you AUVLUID TOLEDO'S LARGEST DANCE FLOOR - ALTERNATIVE Friday Thursday CD RELEASE PARTY WITH PORN FLAKES MAIN STAGE GUjnR RCA RocofWnf} Artist 1)11171/ in underground Jl Real Opportunity. Real Fun. EARLY SHOW 6:00- (mt single: stars) TICKETS AVAILABLE AFTER SHOW. REGULAR ~ Saturday Tired of COLLEGE ID NITE SWEATY SUEDE UPS American Heart $2 BUCKETS OF BEER WITH TRASH CAN TRIBAL throwing Association, AND NANCY BOY n^asjsairsBBBtftsajai M end StroSe 5/21-SPACE HOG Upcoming events :5/19, TRIPPING DAISY WITH TRACY BONHAM 5/28-THE NIX0NS your weight Address: 209 N. Superior Toledo. Ohio Hot line: 243-4449 .around? Exercise.

, i ■M ■I