Canadian Gamingnews
Canadian Gaming News. Issue 126 October 2005 Ontario Problem Gambling Report Released 1 In the winter of 2004 former Ontario (racinos). Lottery & Gaming Corporation The strategy has a three-pronged Board Chair, Stanley Sadinsky, was approach consisting of treatment, asked by the Government of Ontario preventiodawareness, and research. to undertake a review of Ontario's After eight years of operation, the problem gambling initiatives. More annual financial allocation for the specifically, Mr. Sadinsky's Terms of strategy has increased from $1 mil- Ivan Sack Reference were: lion to over $36 million, together I I 1) To identify and describe the current with a multi-faceted strategy that since, immediately after having said structure, role, funding arrangement involves many different service that there is no responsible gaming and programmes of the partners, providers and initiatives. This, Mr. strategy, he goes on to say that vari- stakeholders, operators, and adminis- Sadinsky says, is the largest single ous stakeholders are involved in edu- trative agencies in the area of problem commitment to addiction research/ cating the public on responsible gam- gambling and responsible gaming in treatment by a political jurisdiction ing practices. The point he intends to Ontario; in the world. make, perhaps, is that the later initia- 2) To conduct an inter-jurisdictional In 2002 the government agreed that tives have not been tied together in a review of what other selected jurisdic- up to $5 million of this money predetermined way. tions are doing, including the identifi- could be used for substance-abuse Last winter we heard rumours to the cation of evidence based practices, treatment, recognizing a fkquent effect that the government was not and the resources available to them, cross-addiction between gambling spending all of the $36 million set and the allocation of resources and substance addictions.
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