Somerset Place and Its Restoration
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation I ^^TH "^^ "7^%. ^^x^/' «?^ SOMERSET PLACE AND ITS RESTORATION Prepared For The Department of Conservation and Development Division of State Parks >- O BY VJILLlAl-i S. TARLTON U August 1, 195^ O z 5 z ffi c 1-^ C . 2- o , TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Preface. o.. - .,» ... ..o ........... o .o ....... ,iii-iv History of the Lake Gcmpany. , . « , 1-1^ The Collins Family At "Somerset Place", ,....., 15-^8 Report On The Research And Restoration Program At Pettigrew State Park. , o, ....... c ..<,..,. 49-64 Recommendations For Further Development of The Historical Area At Pettigrew State Park. .... o ... ,o.. .o.. 65-69 Appendix I--Inventory of Personal Property of Josiah Collins III (1863). o ..'. o „,. o . 70-72 Appendix II"-V>[ills of Josiah Collins I; Josiah Collins III and Mary Collins. , . o . o. „ o . 73-78 Appendix III--Dro Edward Warren's Account of Life At Somerset Place ,..,,. .<...„ o » ....... o <,.....,........... 79-88 Appendix IV--Discovery of Lake Scuppernong. 89-96 Appendix V--Article From Edmund Puffin's The Farmers* Register . ....,<, ..... ... c ... c, .......... 97-116 Appendix VI--A Sketch of The Life of Josiah Collins I.... 117-126 Appendix VII--Somerset Plantation Sixty-Five Years Ago by Mrs. T. C. Holmes. .. o ....... .... .... 127-1^4 Appendix VIII-- Memories of Lake Phelps by Mrs. S. C. Davis. ... o .........,.,.,.,......,.. o ....... .135-137 Appendix IX--Southern Plantations Interestingly Described by Miss Matilda M. Kessinger. .138-l4l PREFACE Pettigrew State Park, situated on the northeast shore of Lake Phelps in Washington and Tyrrell counties, North Carolina, embraces the dwelling sites of two nineteenth century plantations which were notable for size and for the efficiency of their organization and operation.
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