I SOLD MY SOUL ON EBAY Viewing Faith Through an Atheist’s Eyes by Hemant Mehta(Colorado: WaterBrook Press, 2007) a book review by Jack De Vries

CRCA MINISTRY FORMATION “A Church Reforming To Reach the Lost for Christ” www.ministryformation.com.au About the author: Hemant Mehta is an honors graduate of This book is unique in that I will share a the University of at . His perspective that many church leaders story has been featured in The Wall Street would never otherwise hear. If your Journal, the Chicago Sun-Times, The church is interested in reaching out to non-Christians, you can discover Times, The Village Voice, National workable solutions by listening closely to Public Radio, and FOX News Channel, your target audience. (page 7) among other major news outlets. Mehta has done work toward a masters degree in math education a DePaul University in Hemant reveals a lot of truth about how Chicago we as Christians present ourselves to non- believers. If we as Christians desire to “What will strike you in the pages of this impact our world, if we as Reformed book is that Hemant isn’t angry or believers make it our fundamental aim to antagonistic. As you try to figure out what reach the lost in Australia for Christ, then exactly his agenda is, you’ll it is essential that we first probably arrive at the same listen to them. What are conclusion as I did. I think he’s irreligious people saying simply after the truth.” about us? How do they view - Rob Bell, teaching pastor at the church? I was intrigued Mars Hill Bible Church by these questions. Besides my intrigue, this book is a received a copy of this book good read, regardless of from my wife’s cousin during where you put yourself Iour annual leave this past when it comes to church, July. They were studying this faith, Jesus, and religion. book in their home Bible study. Since their church had gone Hemant Mehta decided to through a relocation, their home “sell his soul on eBay” after group thought this book might realising that, as an atheist, help them understand how to he had never been to church reach the lost for Christ. Were not or really been exposed to Christianity in atheist’s lost people? Perhaps a book any way. But he had an open mind and written by an athiest would give them wanted to challenge his beliefs. So he insight how to reach irreligious people by held an auction on eBay, offering to visit looking at faith from their perspective. the place, or places of worship of the winning bidder. For every $10 bid, he That is also why I was eager to read this would go to that church for 1 day. He book. The title simply intrigued me. What then would write about his experiences. could an atheist tell me about the church? The auction was won by Jim Henderson, a I wanted to know! As I began to read this former pastor from Seattle, for a bid of book I came to the same conclusion as $504. Jim’s proposal, which Hemant Rob Bell did, as he shares in the foreword accepted, was to visit a variety of to this book: “I think he’s simply after the churches. So for the next year, Hemant truth.”(page xi) would visit a number of different churches

2 CRCA Ministry Formation and share in writing his experiences. different denominations, with different In the first half of the book Hemant gives approaches to worship, preaching, and us as readers some insight into the life and ministry. As Hemant points out, “the times of an athiest. He describes growing purpose of my church visits was not to up as a Jainist, and then as a teenager look only for things I agreed with or that losing his religion. Along the way all kinds impressed me positively. I was looking for both sides of the equation – the good and the bad. And sometimes, the indifferent.” Being an atheist involves more than mere (page 66) Each visit is dealt with at denial of God’s existence. An atheist’s length, and in case you are wondering, at outlook impacts all aspects of life. the end of his church hopping, Hemant did (page 57) not become a Christian. But he does admit, “if any church had a chance of making me come back for more, it was of seeds of doubt were sown – that God Willow Creek1.” (page 135) This was a man-made idea. And then, one assessment is a positive testimony to night he simply went to bed, and for the Willow’s commitment, according to its first time in his life did not say his prayers website, to be a church “where our doors before going to sleep. This was his de- are open to people from all backgrounds, conversion. No bells, no ceremony, just a regardless of where they are on their decision to live in a no-God world. spiritual journey.”

For many Bible believing and church going folk, just reading this first half of the book The churches in America [and Australia] would be a revelation. How better to have tremendous potential to do good and to reach out to nonreligious people in ways know the mind of an unbeliever than that could have an amazing impact. letting him open his mind to you. Hemant (page 140) goes beyond all the stereotypes and, among other things, he discloses what he believes about prayer, suffering in the My favourite chapter in I Sold My Soul on world, raising children, traditions, death, eBay is chapter 9, where Hemant offers and the meaning of life. For example, suggestions to help church reach out to atheists do not approach life without a non-Christians. Hemant admits that “the purpose. They are purpose driven. In churches in America [and Australia] have fact, “atheists are highly motivated to tremendous potential to do good and to achieve more in the present life because reach out to nonreligious people in ways we believe this is the only life we have.” that could have an amazing impact.” (page (page 63) 140) This is quite an admission to make. If we truly want to reach irreligious people The second half of the book is devoted to then we do well to listen. Hemant notices Hemant’s visits to the fifteen different things that we as believers can so easily churches in the USA. He visit large and smaller churches, Roman Catholic and protestant, in urban areas, suburbs, and 1 W illow Creek Community Church, South small towns. These churches represented Barrington, Illinois, a growing church in the Chicago area, pioneered by Pastor Bill Hybels

3 CRCA Ministry Formation overlook. For example, he mentions how where, according to him, churches are consistently a lot of people show up late missing the mark. I suggest you pick up a for church. (page 138) Why is that? What copy of the book, study this chapter, and does this communicate to the reflect on the barriers which we as unchurched? Is worship that churches and Christians put up against unimportant? Do the worshipers dislike atheists. By way of a summary list, the singing? The unchurched are watching without going into detail, these are the and wondering! areas Hemant identifies where churches are missing the mark: Hemant goes on to explain both what • A lack of sensitivity to nonreligious churches are doing right and where they people are missing the mark. One area he • Too much time devoted to singing identifies that churches are doing right is • Not paying attention in church the quality and effectiveness of the • Distracting behavior during speakers. Some preachers are especially worship gifted. If you are a preacher, and you are • Lack of opportunities to ask unsure whether or not you are effective as questions a communicator, Hemant suggests turning • Religious extremism the video camera on your audience. Are • Confusing rituals and traditions people attentive? Are they taking notes? • Intrusive projection screens Are they smiling?(pages 140-1) Or staring off? Or An excellent feature of I sleeping? If you want to get through to Sold my Soul on eBay is nonreligious people, you need to the extensive study Another positive first understand where they are guide prepared by Ron assessment is community coming from. Simply reading a R. Lee, written as an outreach. Hemant book by former atheist Lee Strobel, appendix to this book. provides a litany of such as The Case for Christ or The Christians are able to Case for Faith, won’t cut it....I examples of churches discuss this book in encourage you to seek out atheists. which serving the real (page 149) small groups or reflect needs of the people on it alone. The around them. Other things questions really will churches are doing right include high force one to confront the issues Hemant energy level and passion, encouraging raises. dialogue on opposing viewpoints, and relevant sermons. It is when there is a I recommend this book to pastors and buzz of excitement in a church or when church leaders for at least a couple of pastors give interesting examples of how reasons. While you might disagree with Biblical passages relate to every day life, certain conclusions Hemant makes, the this is what encourages irreligious people exercise of reflection alone will help you to take note. As Hemant confesses, “This understand where unbelievers are coming is the type of preaching that could get from. If we are really wanting to reach through to someone like me.” (page 147) nonreligious people, then we need to first listen to them so we will not put up any Hemant also identifies a number of areas barriers to the gospel. In the words of the

4 CRCA Ministry Formation apostle Paul, “ I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22)

Not only will this book help you understand the world from an atheist’s point of view, it will also encourage you to raise the bar in your ability to reach unbelievers. This might mean, if you are a preacher, discovering how you can become more effective as a communicator, delivering relevant sermons. As church, you might discuss how you can engage in needs orientated evangelism. The next time you do a series of sermons on a particular topic, you will invite those who have different viewpoints and engage in a dialogue. In any event, just asking some of these questions will help you as church leaders think about how church can be a place where doors are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. It might even encourage you to show up to church more consistently on time.

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