The new england journal of medicine

established in 1812 february 14, 2013 vol. 368 no. 7

Cholera Surveillance during the Epidemic — The First 2 Years

Ezra J. Barzilay, M.D., Nicolas Schaad, M.P.H., Roc Magloire, M.D., Kam S. Mung, M.D., Jacques Boncy, M.D., Georges A. Dahourou, Pharm.D., Eric D. Mintz, M.D., Maria W. Steenland, M.P.H., John F. Vertefeuille, Ph.D., and Jordan W. Tappero, M.D.

Abstr act

Background In October 2010, nearly 10 months after a devastating earthquake, Haiti was stricken From the Centers for Disease Control and by epidemic cholera. Within days after detection, the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention, Atlanta (E.J.B., N.S., G.A.D., E.D.M., M.W.S., J.F.V., J.W.T.); and Ministère Population established a National Cholera Surveillance System (NCSS). de la Santé Publique et de la Population, Direction d’Epidémiologie, des Labora- Methods toires, et de la Recherche (R.M.), Pan American Health Organization (K.S.M.), The NCSS used a modified World Health Organization case definition for cholera Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la that included acute watery diarrhea, with or without vomiting, in persons of all ages Population, Laboratoire National de Santé residing in an area in which at least one case of Vibrio cholerae O1 infection had been Publique (J.B.), and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Haiti Office) confirmed by culture. (G.A.D., J.F.V.) — all in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Address reprint requests to Dr. Bar- Results zilay at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd. NE, MS: Within 29 days after the first report, cases of V. cholerae O1 (serotype Ogawa, biotype A-05, Atlanta, GA 30329, or at ebarzilay@ El Tor) were confirmed in all 10 administrative departments (similar to states or provinces) in Haiti. Through October 20, 2012, the public health ministry reported This article was published on January 9, 604,634 cases of infection, 329,697 hospitalizations, and 7436 deaths from cholera 2013, at and isolated V. cholerae O1 from 1675 of 2703 stool specimens tested (62.0%). The N Engl J Med 2013;368:599-609. cumulative attack rate was 5.1% at the end of the first year and 6.1% at the end of DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1204927 the second year. The cumulative case fatality rate consistently trended downward, Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. reaching 1.2% at the close of year 2, with departmental cumulative rates ranging from 0.6% to 4.6% (median, 1.4%). Within 3 months after the start of the epidemic, the rolling 14-day case fatality rate was 1.0% and remained at or below this level with few, brief exceptions. Overall, the cholera epidemic in Haiti accounted for 57% of all cholera cases and 53% of all cholera deaths reported to the World Health Organiza- tion in 2010 and 58% of all cholera cases and 37% of all cholera deaths in 2011.

Conclusions A review of NCSS data shows that during the first 2 years of the cholera epidemic in Haiti, the cumulative attack rate was 6.1%, with cases reported in all 10 depart- ments. Within 3 months after the first case was reported, there was a downward trend in mortality, with a 14-day case fatality rate of 1.0% or less in most areas.

n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 599 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. T h e new england journal o f medicine

n October 19, 2010, the Haitian veillance System and the Internally Displaced Ministry of Public Health and Popula- Persons Surveillance System.11,12 Though these Otion’s Directorate of Epidemiology, Labo- systems reported weekly on cases of acute watery ratory and Research was notified of unusually diarrhea, they were not designed to handle the high numbers of patients from 2 of Haiti’s 10 ad- magnitude and type of data needed to track an ministrative departments (similar to states or prov- emergent national epidemic. Thus, there was a inces), and , who had presented need for a cholera-specific surveillance system with acute watery diarrhea and dehydration, in that could capture and summarize daily reports, some cases leading to death.1 On October 21, be immediately operational in affected areas, 2010, the National Public Health Laboratory and be rapidly scalable. This event-based surveil- identified toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 (serotype lance system built on the existing infrastructure Ogawa, biotype El Tor) in stool specimens from for health care monitoring and evaluation and several patients.2 The health ministry immedi- benefited from lessons learned from activities ately informed the public, the Pan American after the earthquake. This article describes the Health Organization (PAHO), and other interna- implementation of a National Cholera Surveillance tional authorities of the presence of laboratory- System (NCSS) and provides 2-year summary confirmed cholera in Haiti. There was an im- data for the epidemic through October 20, 2012. mediate need for surveillance data to track the anticipated epidemic and inform the public health Methods response. Compounding the difficulties of addressing Surveillance System rampant cholera were the challenges created by The NCSS was composed of both governmental the massive earthquake on January 12, 2010. and nongovernmental health facilities. Data were Despite multisectoral relief efforts, Haiti’s infra- collected and reported to the health ministry by structures for health care, water, and sanitation health authorities in the departments and com- were severely damaged, complicating an already munes. The health ministry was further respon- precarious situation. In 2008, an estimated 63% sible for the management, analysis, and dis- of the 9.8 million persons in Haiti had access to semination of all data. Technical staff from the an improved drinking water source (as defined Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by the World Health Organization [WHO]), with and the PAHO contributed to the design and con- only 12% receiving piped, treated water; only tinuous improvement of the system. 17% had access to adequate sanitation.3 Cholera, a waterborne diarrheal disease that is rapidly Case Definition fatal in severe cases, had not been seen in Haiti The NCSS modified the WHO case definition for for more than a century, as the region cholera of “acute watery diarrhea, with or with- was untouched by the cholera pandemic that be- out vomiting, in a patient aged 5 years or more” gan in Peru in 1991.4,5 The Haitian population to include persons of any age in a cholera-affect- had no previous exposure or acquired immunity ed department.13,14 Cases were stratified accord- to toxigenic V. cholerae.5 Compounding factors, ing to age (<5 years or ≥5 years), which allowed such as the prevalence of malnutrition, blood for the tracking of the number of cases that met group O, and hypochlorhydria, may have further the WHO case definition. A cholera-affected de- contributed to disease severity.6-8 The Haitian partment was defined as one in which V. cholerae epidemic strain was identified as a variant strain O1 had been isolated from at least one stool cul- of the El Tor biotype, containing the toxin type ture at the national laboratory.15 found in the Classic biotype, a variant strain that has been associated with more severe illness.9,10 Laboratory Testing Attaining the internationally accepted goal of a Samples of stool were tested by a commercial cholera case fatality rate of 1.0% or less was made rapid diagnostic test for V. cholerae O1 and O139 more challenging because of these conditions.1 (Crystal VC Dipstick, Span Diagnostics) and were In response to the earthquake, the health min- inoculated onto thiosulfate–citrate-bile salts– istry established two syndrome-based disease- sucrose agar.14 V. cholerae strains were identified, surveillance systems: the National Sentinel Sur- serotyped, and tested for antimicrobial suscepti-

600 n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Cholera Surveillance in Haiti — The First 2 Years

bility at the national laboratory with the use of hospitalized cases. Average 14-day case fatality standard methods.16 All 10 departments were re- rates were calculated as the ratio of new deaths quested to provide periodic convenience samples to the number of new cases during the preceding of stool specimens from patients meeting the 14-day period. case definition to confirm the ongoing presence NCSS data were used to create weekly reports of toxigenic V. cholerae and for antimicrobial sus- detailing commune-level data, including tables ceptibility testing to inform and monitor the de- and maps of weekly incidence and cumulative velopment of treatment guidelines over the course attack rates, calculated as the ratio of the total of the epidemic. Since April 2012, an increasing number of cases (including community deaths) number of stool specimens have been collected in to the overall population. These maps were pro- a more systematic fashion through a laboratory- duced in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI). Reports and maps enhanced, health care facility–based sentinel were posted on the website of the health minis- surveillance system for acute watery diarrhea try ( launched by the national laboratory at four sites in three departments.17 Results

Hospitalizations and Deaths Surveillance System Data were also collected on hospitalizations and Data that were collected for the 10 days from deaths. A hospitalization was defined as a case October 20, 2010, to October 29, 2010, through requiring admission to a health care facility for active contact with health facilities were dissemi- at least 1 night. Deaths were classified as institu- nated through daily press conferences held by the tional deaths if they occurred within a health health ministry. On October 28, 2010, standard- care facility or as community deaths if verbal ized reporting forms and accompanying case autopsies revealed symptoms consistent with the definitions were distributed to the departments, case definition in persons who died outside a marking the initiation of the NCSS. On October health care facility. Community deaths were re- 30, 2010, the health ministry began disseminat- ported to health care facilities through a variety ing daily standardized reports. By November 10, of channels, including physicians, community 2010, daily reports from all 10 departments were health workers, and local community leaders. being sent to the health ministry’s Directorate Daily tallies of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths of Epidemiology, Laboratory, and Research. By were collected with the use of standardized November 19, 2010, which was 29 days after the forms. Data transmission between the various first cases were confirmed by culture, all 10 de- levels of the surveillance system was accom- partments were declared to be affected by cholera. plished through a combination of telephone Starting on May 23, 2011, the health ministry calls, text messages, and e-mails. disseminated weekly reports presenting com- mune-level data for all 140 communes in Haiti. Surveillance Data Cholera surveillance data were entered into data- Laboratory Testing bases (Excel 2007, Microsoft) that captured daily Through October 20, 2012, the national labora- data from departments, communes (third-level tory had isolated V. cholerae O1 serotype Ogawa divisions in Haiti, with the 10 departments di- from 1675 of 2703 stool specimens tested (62.0%). vided into 140 communes), and facilities. Rou- Of these, 511 stool samples (330 positive for tine analyses of data from national and depart- V. cholerae O1) were obtained through laboratory- ment levels with tables and graphs displaying enhanced surveillance.17 Patient sampling for daily and cumulative statistics, including case fa- stool culture was nonrandom, but specimens tality rates for each department and the Port-au- from all 10 departments were tested. All strains Prince metropolitan area, were generated daily. that were tested were resistant to furazolidone, Cumulative case fatality rates were calculated as nalidixic acid, sulfisoxazole, streptomycin, and the ratio of the total number of deaths (institu- trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole and were sus- tional and community) to the total number of ceptible to ampicillin, amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, cases. Hospital case fatality rates were calculated and tetracycline. No strains were resistant to cip- as the ratio of new institutional deaths to new rofloxacin, but all showed decreased susceptibil-

n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 601 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. T h e new england journal o f medicine

4500 8.0

Ambulatory cases Hospitalized cases 14-Day Rolling CFR Cumulative CFR

4000 7.0

3500 6.0

3000 5.0

2500 4.0 2000 No. of Cholera Cases

3.0 Case Fatality Rate (%) 1500

2.0 1000

500 1.0

0 0.0

Jan. 5, 2012 Jan. 30, 2011 April 8, 2011 July 19, 2011 Dec. 2, 2011 Feb. 8, 2012 July 27, 2012 Oct. 3, 2012 Oct. 20, Nov.2010 23, 2010Dec. 27, 2010 May 12, 2011June 15, 2011 Aug. 22, Sept.2011 25, 2011Oct. 29, 2011 April 16, 2012May 20, 2012June 23, 2012 Aug. 30, 2012 March 5, 2011 March 13, 2012

Figure 1. New Cases of Cholera and Hospitalizations in Haiti during a 2-Year Period. Shown are the number of cases of cholera, as documented from the initiation of surveillance on October 20, 2010, through October 20, 2012, according to whether patients were ambulatory or hospitalized (left axis). Also shown are 14-day and cumulative case fatality rates (CFR) (right axis). The black horizontal line shows the 1.0% case fatality rate.

ity. In addition, a subgroup of isolates that were cluding 460 of 4807 institutional deaths (9.6%) tested at the national laboratory were also tested and 120 of 2629 community deaths (4.6%). at the CDC, where they showed a similar pattern Figure 1 shows five distinct peaks in epi- with the typical Haitian profile of resistance to demic activity: a short burst in late October 2010 trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, furazolidone, na- that was largely confined to the departments of lidixic acid, sulfisoxazole, and streptomycin.16 Artibonite and Centre; a taller, broader peak Stool samples that were collected from two pa- from mid-November 2010 through mid-February tients on March 13 and March 14, 2012, yielded 2011 as the epidemic spread throughout the V. cholerae serotype Inaba, the first evidence of se- country and daily case counts surpassed 4000; a rotype switching.18 Between March 15, 2012, and smaller peak from June 2011 through July 2011; October 20, 2012, only two additional V. cholerae a small peak around the time of the 1-year an- serotype Inaba isolates were identified. niversary from mid-September 2011 through mid-November 2011; and the smallest peak from Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths April 2012 through June 2012. Of note, the 7-day Through October 20, 2012, the health ministry average proportion of patients who were under reported 604,634 cases of infection, 329,697 hos- the age of 5 years varied inversely with the total pitalizations, and 7436 deaths from cholera. number of reported cases, ranging from a low of Children under 5 years of age accounted for 8.2% near the height of the first epidemic peak 78,938 cases of infection (13.1%), 34,394 hospi- (consistent with a predominance of disease in talizations (10.4%), and 580 deaths (7.8%), in- adults after the introduction of cholera to Haiti)

602 n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Cholera Surveillance in Haiti — The First 2 Years

4500 50

Cases in persons ≥5 yr old Cases in persons <5 yr old Percentage of cases in persons <5 yr old (7-day average) 4000 45

40 3500

35 3000

30 2500 25 2000 20 No. of Cholera Cases 1500 15

1000 10 Percentage of Cases in Children <5 Years Old (7-day average) 500 5

0 0

Jan. 5, 2012 Jan. 30, 2011 April 8, 2011 July 19, 2011 Dec. 2, 2011 Feb. 8, 2012 July 27, 2012 Oct. 3, 2012 Oct. 20, Nov.2010 23, 2010Dec. 27, 2010 May 12, 2011June 15, 2011 Aug. 22, Sept.2011 25, 2011Oct. 29, 2011 April 16, 2012May 20, 2012June 23, 2012 Aug. 30, 2012 March 5, 2011 March 13, 2012

Figure 2. Cases of Cholera in Haiti during a 2-Year Period, According to Age. Shown are the number of cases of cholera, as documented from the initiation of surveillance on October 20, 2010, through October 20, 2012, according to age (<5 years or ≥5 years) (left axis) and 7-day averages of the percentage of cases in children under the age of 5 years (right axis).

to a high of 35.0% during the 7-day period from tive case fatality rate has for the most part March 23, 2012, to March 30, 2012, during the trended downward, with a rate of 1.2% on Octo- most recent lull in cholera activity (Fig. 2). ber 20, 2012. The departmental cumulative case The cumulative attack rate was 5.1% at the fatality rates at the 2-year mark ranged from end of the first year (October 20, 2011) and 6.1% 0.6% to 4.6% (median, 1.4%), with the highest at the end of the second year (October 20, 2012). being in Grand Anse (4.0%) and Sud-Est (4.6%) Maps of the cumulative attack rates drawn ac- (Table 1). Within 3 months after the start of the cording to department (Fig. 3A) and commune epidemic, the 14-day case fatality rate reached (Fig. 3B) show a heterogeneous distribution, with 1.0% on January 16, 2011, and with the excep- a concentration of communes with a high attack tion of a few short-lived events, has remained at rate bordering the Artibonite River in Artibonite or below this level (Fig. 1). and Centre departments. (Additional figures are provided in the Supplementary Appendix, available Discussion with the full text of this article at Weekly incidence maps drawn according to The annual global burden of cholera in 2011 was commune depicted a moving target of infection, estimated at 2.8 million cases and 91,000 with focal peaks of cholera activity in different deaths.19 The inadvertent introduction of toxi- communes at different times. genic V. cholerae into Haiti in October 2010 re- Since November 2010, the national cumula- sulted in the world’s largest national cholera

n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 603 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. T h e new england journal o f medicine

A According to Department




8.1–9.3% 6.1–8.0% Artibonite 4.1–6.0% 2.1–4.0% Centre 1.6–2.0%

Port-au-Prince Grand Anse Ouest Nippes Sud Sud-Est

0 25 50 100 kilometers

B According to Commune




10.1–37.0% 7.6–10.0% Artibonite 5.1–7.5% 2.6–5.0% Centre 0–2.5% No data reported

Port-au-Prince Grand Anse Ouest Nippes Sud Sud-Est

0 25 50 100 kilometers

Figure 3. Cumulative Attack Rates of Cholera Infection, According to Department and Commune. Shown are cumulative attack rates of cholera infection from October 20, 2010, to October 20, 2012, in Haiti, accord- ing to department (Panel A) and commu ne (Panel B).

COLOR FIGURE Version 2 12/21/12 Author 604 n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 Barzilay Fig # 3 The New England Journal of Medicine Title Cholera ME MP Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses withoutDE permission.LRB Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Artist LAM AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE: Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset Please check carefully Issue date 02/14/13 Cholera Surveillance in Haiti — The First 2 Years 1.0 4.6 1.4 0.6 1.4 1.1 1.5 2.5 1.1 4.0 1.0 1.2 Cumulative % Case Fatality Rate 1.4 2.2 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.3 2.6 1.6 1.5 Hospital Total 317 (8.2) 317 434 (4.4) 434 410 (14.4) 410 356 (7.9) 356 877 (2.4) 877 207 (2.4) 207 940 (5.5) 940 686 (4.8) 686 1018 (13.3) 1018 1065 (11.8) 1065 1126 (6.7) 1126 7436 (7.8) 7436 65 (9.2) 65 64 (0) 64 311 (7.1) 311 263 (2.3) 263 270 (11.5) 270 124 (5.6) 124 174 (7.5) 174 106 (0) 106 532 (4.3) 532 299 (4.0) 299 421 (0) 421 Deaths 2629 (4.6) 2629 Community no. (% <5 yr) <5 (% no. 171 (7.6) 171 252 (7.9) 252 754 (13.8) 754 748 (13.9) 748 286 (18.2) 286 182 (8.2) 182 813 (2.6) 813 101 (5.0) 101 408 (7.1) 408 387 (5.4) 387 705 (10.8) 705 4807 (9.6) 4807 Institutional 85.6 60.9 44.0 64.1 61.9 60.8 90.0 70.4 69.3 49.1 37.2 54.5 Percent of Percent Total Cases Total Total 7,792 (85.1) 7,792 5,658 (73.4) 5,658 18,599 (60.1) 18,599 72,296 (26.8) 72,296 46,999 (63.2) 46,999 18,228 (61.6) 18,228 18,769 (49.3) 18,769 51,642 (79.4) 51,642 15,755 (60.0) 15,755 43,164 (34.7) 43,164 (50.5) 30,795 no. (% <5 yr) † <5 (% no. 329,697 (43.6) 329,697 Hospitalizations 7,164 5,266 ≥5 yr ≥5 17,180 65,466 40,739 16,037 16,657 48,805 14,620 26,430 36,939 295,303 In Patients In no. 628 392 1,419 6,830 2,191 6,260 2,112 1,135 2,837 4,365 6,225 <5 yr <5 34,394 In Patients In Total 9,103 (8.1) 9,103 8,034 (6.6) 8,034 30,560 (7.7) 30,560 73,292 (13.5) 73,292 29,467 (12.1) 29,467 30,870 (13.9) 30,870 57,370 (6.2) 57,370 22,724 (8.3) 22,724 62,722 (13.8) 62,722 no. (% <5 yr) <5 (% no. 164,423 (15.5) 164,423 116,069 (15.5) 116,069 604,634 (13.1) 604,634 Cases 8,365 7,500 ≥5 yr ≥5 28,197 63,389 25,910 26,584 53,798 20,832 54,086 98,130 138,905 525,696 In Patients In no. 738 534 2,363 9,903 3,557 4,286 3,572 1,892 8,636 <5 yr <5 25,518 17,939 78,938 In Patients In Cumulative Numbers of Reported Cholera Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in Haiti during the 2-Year Epidemic, According to Department.* to According Epidemic, 2-Year the during Haiti in Deaths and Hospitalizations, Cases, Cholera Reported of Numbers Cumulative or City Department Sud-Est Sud Port-au-Prince§ Ouest‡ Nord-Ouest Nord-Est Nord Nippes Table 1. Table Anse Grande Centre Artibonite All patients All the official report for October 20, 2012, on the website of the Ministry of Public Health and Population. The percentages in this column were calculated as the proportion of all patients under the age of 5 years who were hospitalized. Values for Ouest do not include those for the city of Port-au-Prince. Values for Port-au-Prince include the communes of Carrefour, Cité Soleil, Delmas, Kenscoff, Pétionville, Port-au-Prince, and Tabarre. * Data are for the period from October 20, 2010, to October 20, 2012. Numbers were updated on November 14, 2012, and do not necessarily match up with provisional data displayed in † ‡ §

n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 605 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. T h e new england journal o f medicine

epidemic in recent memory.20 This epidemic ac- system proved stable in the face of the civil un- counted for 57% of all cholera cases and 45% of rest that followed the first round of presidential all deaths from cholera reported to the WHO in elections on November 28, 2010, and disturbanc- 2010 and 2011.5,10,21-24 As the health ministry, es caused by Hurricane Tomas on November 6, nongovernmental organizations, and public health 2010.1 In addition, the system was sensitive community at large work to reach consensus on enough to detect periodic upsurges in cases of- the right mix of public health interventions to ten associated with the rainy season.47 prevent cholera from becoming endemic in His- The standardized reports of the health min- paniola25-27 and spreading throughout the re- istry presented both daily and cumulative case gion,28-32 there remains a need for ongoing, sys- fatality rates. The variance of daily case fatality tematic cholera surveillance in Haiti. rates can make trends difficult to discern. In Haiti’s NCSS has a number of the attributes addition, the high mortality in the early days of of an effective surveillance system.33 Its useful the epidemic heavily influenced the cumulative outputs have helped direct clinical practice and case fatality rates, giving the impression of sus- interventions, informed need-based funding, tained high mortality throughout the reporting provided the Haitian government with the ability period. In contrast, the calculation of a 14-day to track the epidemic and update the global com- rolling case fatality rate provided a balance be- munity in a timely fashion, and facilitated the tween the daily case fatality rates and the cumu- mobilization of support from technical and do- lative rates (Fig. 1). The different case fatality nor organizations. In the first year, the data rates portray a synopsis of the current situation provided valuable feedback for forecasting and and trends over time. The cumulative case fatal- for the prepositioning of prevention and treat- ity rate after the initial spike has continued to ment resources,34 informing epidemiologic stud- trend downward and remained low even when ies,35-40 and projecting the evolution of the epi- the daily numbers of cases and hospitalizations demic with the use of specialized epidemiologic increased. Moreover, within 3 months after the models.34,41-43 More recently, the data have in- onset of the epidemic, the 14-day case fatality formed technical experts on options for the rate reached the internationally accepted goal of targeted use of oral cholera vaccine in Haiti.32 1.0%. Geographic foci of excess cholera morbid- Moreover, the data have been essential for advo- ity and mortality were routinely identified through cating for an international effort to eliminate data at department and commune levels and cholera transmission on the island of through a complementary alert-and-response sys- led by the governments of Haiti and the Domini- tem that led to targeted follow-up investigations. can Republic, the PAHO, the United Nations The current WHO case definition for cholera Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the CDC, and other excludes children under the age of 5 years be- partners.25 cause of the high prevalence of acute watery di- The use of the existing national monitoring arrhea in this age group caused by other infec- and evaluation framework to implement a chol- tions. Nonetheless, children and infants are era surveillance system ensured rapid acceptabil- susceptible to cholera. Although the onset of the ity of the NCSS and maximized the timeliness of epidemic occurred predominantly in adult males reporting. Two days after the detection of the working in rice fields, cholera quickly spread epidemic, the health ministry was able to pro- among persons of all age groups and both vide timely reports regarding the number of cases sexes.48 During epidemic peaks, case counts and resulting deaths. A week later, standardized increased among both children under the age of reports were disseminated to a wide audience 5 years and those 5 years of age or older. During through the Internet. The number and types of epidemic troughs, increases in the proportion variables collected were kept to the minimum of reported cases in children under the age of amount necessary to follow the daily numbers of 5 years were due to a relatively greater decrease new cases of infection, hospitalizations, and in reported cases among older children and deaths in each affected region, in line with well- adults, rather than an increase in the absolute defined international guidelines for cholera sur- numbers of cases among younger children and veillance.13,14,44-46 With regard to simplicity, the infants (Fig. 2). Of interest, a serosurvey con-

606 n engl j med 368;7 february 14, 2013 The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from by NICOLETTA TORTOLONE on February 13, 2013. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. Cholera Surveillance in Haiti — The First 2 Years

ducted in Grande Saline, Haiti, within the first dotal evidence from Haiti and elsewhere sug- 6 months of the epidemic showed that children gests that community deaths may be under­ between the ages of 2 and 5 years had the high- reported.36,49 est prevalence of elevated antibody titers against Fourth, although it was difficult to accurately cholera toxin.39,40 Therefore, even in countries measure the day-to-day completeness of report- newly affected by cholera, such as Haiti, out- ing on a national scale, reports were regularly breaks of acute watery diarrhea that affect chil- submitted by facilities in the majority of com- dren under the age of 5 years may be due to munes. However, completeness was sometimes cholera and warrant a vigorous investigation and sacrificed for timeliness, and when necessary, public health response. antecedent data were updated during the prepa- In May 2011, the health ministry made com- ration of daily reports, making historical data mune-level data publicly available in surveillance dynamic in nature and difficult to analyze. Al- reports through its official website (Fig. 3B). though reports were disseminated in a timely Earlier public dissemination of commune-level fashion early in the epidemic, as peak periods data by the health ministry and a systematic waned, timeliness dropped off, requiring peri- review of the trends in attack rates according to odic interventions to reinvigorate reporting. commune could have further improved the pub- Fifth, as with all surveillance systems estab- lic health response and preparedness efforts by lished for epidemic cholera, the majority of cases providing information to all partners in order to in the NCSS were not laboratory-confirmed, and direct care and treatment. The availability of inevitably some cases of acute watery diarrhea commune-level data helped focus and direct sup- caused by pathogens other than V. cholerae were port for specific cholera treatment centers, par- misclassified as cholera. Surveillance data on the ticularly in 2012, when decreases in cases and two age groups suggest that this misclassifica- resources led some nongovernmental partners tion was more apparent during epidemic lulls, to reduce the number of treatment centers they when background rates of noncholera diarrheal operated.1 The dissemination of commune-level disease among children under the age of 5 years data also allowed for targeted, intensified water probably represented a higher proportion of re- and sanitation interventions and for the prioriti- ported cases. Using the stricter WHO case defi- zation of sites for potential new interventions, nition of acute watery diarrhea in persons 5 years such as the use of an oral cholera vaccine.32 In of age or older, the health ministry reported addition, the health ministry had access to facil- 525,696 cases of infection, 295,303 hospitaliza- ity-level data. tions, and 6856 deaths from cholera through The NCSS demonstrated several limitations. October 20, 2012. Although suspected cholera cases were retro- Finally, the laboratory testing of a conve- spectively documented by the health ministry as nience sample of cholera cases does not permit early as October 14, 2010, official surveillance the quantification of the proportion of cases data covered the period beginning October 20, caused by V. cholerae serotype Inaba. Because sero- 2010, the date on which stool specimens show- type Ogawa infections provide relatively little ing toxigenic V. cholerae O1 were first collected. immunity against subsequent serotype Inaba As such, the system was not set up to trace back infections, the detection of the first serotype to the origin of the epidemic. Inaba isolates in mid-March 2012 stimulated ad- Second, because the cholera surveillance sys- ditional preparedness activities.18 However, there tem is largely facility-based, the true burden of is no evidence to date to suggest that switching cholera morbidity and mortality is likely to have from serotype Ogawa to Inaba has had a major been underestimated, particularly in remote effect on the overall characteristics of the epi- areas with poor access to health facilities.37 demic. Third, although the number of community In this crisis, the health ministry established deaths provided a useful indicator for deaths an important precedent for a national surveil- that occurred outside health facilities at differ- lance system involving the collaboration of gov- ent times and places, the enumeration was not ernmental and nongovernmental institutions performed by trained medical personnel. Anec- operating at the commune, department, and

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central levels. Dependable and timely surveil- of Public Health and Population for their contributions; our col- leagues at the PAHO/WHO Haiti Office, PAHO/WHO Regional lance data are the cornerstone to implementing Office, and PAHO/WHO country offices of the Dominican Re- effective public health interventions and moni- public, Brazil, and Bolivia; staff members of the CDC Emergency toring their effect, whether for clinical case man- Operations Center and Situation Awareness Team; Arunmozhi Balajee, Cheryl A. Bopp, Nickolson Bartelemy, Joan Brunkard, agement or prevention. The investments in the Jacqueline Burkholder, Shua J. Chai, Amber M. Dismer, David L. NCSS have improved the overall surveillance and Fitter, Leslie B. Hausman, Barbara Mahon, Rajal K. Mody, Karen epidemiologic capacity in Haiti and will further P. Neil, Benjamin L. Nygren, Jean-Samuel Pierre, Nora Purcell, Anangu Rajasingham, Ciara E. O’Reilly, Sharon L. Roy, Katha- serve to monitor post-earthquake efforts to re- rine A. Schilling, Samir Sodha, Deborah Talkington, James Ty- duce morbidity and mortality associated with son, Michael Wellman, and Jonathan S. Yoder for their contribu- preventable disease.50 tions to the data presented in this article; and Dr. Gerard A. Joseph of the Haiti National Public Health Laboratory and Dr. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with Mark A. Katz of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the full text of this article at (Haiti Office) for contributing data from the laboratory-enhanced We thank the departmental directors and staff at the Ministry surveillance system.

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