立 法 會 秘 書 處 Legislative Council Secretariat

新聞稿 Press Release

LegCo Members meet with North and Islands members (with photos) *********************************************************

Members of the Legislative Council ("LegCo") held meetings today (14 May) with members of the ("DC") and the Islands DC respectively in Conference Room 1 and Conference Room 2 of the LegCo Complex to discuss and exchange views on matters of mutual concern.

During the meeting with the North DC, LegCo Members discussed and exchanged views with DC members on the following issues: request for provision of an additional general out-patient clinic in the North District and improvement of the magnetic resonance imaging scanning services of the North District Hospital; provision of additional recreational and sports facilities in the North District; implementation of "Bicycle Friendly Policy" and improvement of cycling facilities in the North District; establishment of a community hall in District; and issues relating to the funding for district minor works and the manpower of the Works Section of the North District Office. The meeting was convened by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung and attended by Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing, Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung, Hon CHAN Hak-kan, Hon IP Kwok-him, Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit, Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, Hon YIU Si-wing, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT, Hon TANG Ka-piu and Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok.

As for the meeting with the Islands DC, LegCo Members discussed and exchanged views with DC members on the following issues: traffic matters on Island; the proposal of constructing artificial islands in the central waters; redevelopment of the ferry pier at Pak Kok Tsuen on Lamma Island; problem of bid-rigging in building maintenance projects; and construction of a municipal services building in . The meeting was convened by Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip and attended by Hon IP Kwok-him, Hon Paul TSE Wai-chun, Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit, Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, Hon YIU Si-wing, Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, Hon Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fung, Hon TANG Ka-piu and Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok.

Ends/Thursday, 14 May 2015 NNNN

Members of the Legislative Council ("LegCo") and the North District Council pose for a group photo in Conference Room 1 of the LegCo Complex.

Members of the Legislative Council and the North District Council exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

Members of the Legislative Council and the North District Council discuss the request for provision of an additional general out-patient clinic in the North District and improvement of the magnetic resonance imaging scanning services of the North District Hospital.

Members of the Legislative Council ("LegCo") and the Council pose for a group photo in Conference Room 2 of the LegCo Complex.

Members of the Legislative Council and the exchange views on issues of public concern.

Members of the Legislative Council and the Islands District Council discuss the traffic matters on Lantau Island.