Sermon Revelation 15-16

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Sermon Revelation 15-16 Revelation 15-16 12th November, 2017 Rev. Bruce Stanley Revelation 15:1-8; Revelation 16:1-17 “The final battle” Moving home Our family have moved home 9 times. It’s never been what I would call a pleasant experience. The first few times weren’t too bad. 5 or 6 hours. But as our family grew, the moves became bigger. Longer. More painful. The longest so far was 12 hours. The day would BEGIN well. Everything is finally packed. And you’re standing there. Waiting for the truck to arrive. Ready to go, go , go! And it’s an exciting moment when the truck finally pulls into the driveway. But you also know what’s ahead. Hours of pain. Revelation is the story of the final move of humanity. It’s the story of humanity moving home into eternity. We’re waiting for the truck to arrive. And Revelation tells us what the move is going to be like. Things are going to happen. Unpleasant things. Difficult things. Harsh things. But for the followers of Jesus, we have assurance that, no matter what we face, we will be safe and our place in heaven is absolutely secure. We know where we are moving to. But what is ahead is still challenging. And there’s lots of images to reflect on. So the aim today is to look at those images and understand what they mean for us today. The sea and fire So we begin with a vision of God’s people standing on a sea of glass with fire underneath. The sea is calm. Like glass. In other words, God is in control. But there’s a fire underneath – which is a sign of the judgment that is to come. Calm for God’s people. Judgment for the world. A song And the followers of Jesus are singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. One song with two names. It’s a song that bridges the Old Testament and the New Testament. Moses represents the Old Testament people of God. The Lamb represents the New Testament people of God. In other words, ALL the people of God are singing the same song. WHITEBOARDS? Old Testament New Testament Israel The Cross The Church 1 The Exodus Armageddon Angels with plagues Then the angels arrive. They’re carrying 7 bowls filled with the wrath of God. And in chapter 16 they empty the plagues out one by one. And these plagues also take us back to the Old Testament – to the Exodus. God used Moses to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt. He sent plagues on the Egyptians and led his people across the Red Sea into the Promised Land. So… In the Exodus, we have plagues of boils and rivers turning to blood, and a plague of darkness, and the parting of the red sea and destruction of the Egyptians. Back in Revelation chapter 8 we’ve had the 7 trumpets, and there was scorching of one third of the rivers, there was darkness over one third of the land, death for one third of the living creatures. But now, with the 7 plagues, we see a repeat of these images – but it is TOTAL destruction. ALL the sea and ALL the rivers turn to blood. The WHOLE EARTH is scorched. The WHOLE EARTH turns to darkness. The WHOLE Euphrates dries up. What happened before was PARTIAL JUDGEMENT. What happens now is COMPLETE and TOTAL judgement. What this is leading up to is not some big battle, but a TOTAL battle. A FINAL battle. A battle to end ALL battles. The battle And at verse 13, the battle begins. Evil spirits, kings of all nations – so the spiritual and physical world – all come together for battle. But as they do, we hear these words: “Behold, I will come like a thief!” These are words that we’ve heard about Jesus in Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 5, 2 Peter 3 – words that remind us to be ready for Jesus’ return, to be ready for that battle. That the real King, Jesus, is returning. And the battle begins at Armageddon. That’s the name of a place – it comes from the Hebrew “Har Meggido” which was a place well known for large battles. So all of this is pointing to the image of one final battle. But it’s not a battle God’s people have to worry about! Because the seventh plague arrives and a loud voice comes from the throne saying “It is done!” Before the actual battle begins, it’s already won! Like if you were playing chess against a grand master – even before you move your first piece, they’ve already won! Jesus has already won! And there’s lightning, thunder, and the largest earthquake EVER. The great city splits in three. And God gives Babylon the cup filled with his wrath – the name “Babylon” here symbolises ALL of God’s enemy nations. 2 Now let’s think about three things here: 1. VERSE 17: The cry “It is done” –reminds us of the final cry of Jesus on the cross – “It is finished”. It means the same thing – it is complete. It is over. The work is done. 2. VERSE 18: The great earthquake and cities splitting in three remind us of the earthquake that happened when Jesus died on the cross. And, 3. VERSE 19: The cup of wrath that he gives to Babylon also takes us back to when Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, before he was crucified, talks about drinking the cup of the wrath of God to save sinners. This battle of Armageddon is taking us back to the cross. Because THAT is where the battle of Armageddon was actually won! On the cross, through his death and resurrection, Jesus won the battle. That’s where it happened. He defeated death on the cross. He defeated sin on the cross. He defeated Satan on the cross. For all who trust in Jesus, he drank the cup of God’s wrath for them and took away their sin. At the cross. But for those who refuse to repent, they will have to drink God’s wrath themselves. They will fight against Jesus and they will lose in that final battle. EXODUS à CROSS ß ARMAGEDDON So first, in these chapters, we’re taken back to the Exodus. An event 3000 years ago when God set his people free from slavery and lead them into the Promised Land. That event points us forward to the cross – where God set his people free from sin and death and promises a place in heaven, the real Promised Land. Then we’re taken forward to the end of time. The final battle. Armageddon. And the battle against God’s enemies there points us BACK to the cross where the battle over sin and death was already won. Both the Exodus and Armageddon are stories of God defeating his enemies. Both of these events point us in-to the cross, the central event of history. The cross was the event where the real battle, the spiritual battle over sin and death, was actually won. At the cross, we see God’s justice against sin. We see God’s punishment for sin poured out on Jesus. But most importantly, at the cross, we see God’s victory. We see that it is GOD who has fought and won. We trust in him. He has battled for us. He has already won. IN your battle against sin, every day, remember that you trust Jesus. And remember that he has already won for you. But the message here is also that there is still time. He is coming. But Jesus is not here yet. He is coming. And he will come like a thief. But he is not here yet. He is coming. But there is still time. There is time for people to repent. He is coming. But 3 we still have opportunities every day to share the gospel with those who are the enemies of God. If there’s any book that gives us comfort as Christians, it’s Revelation. We have security in our future. But if there’s any book that calls us to make the most of our time, it’s also Revelation. Are we wasting time? When it comes to our ministry and our opportunities as a church, we can’t “get to it next week”. We can’t “wait another month”. We can’t “put it off for a year”. Why put off the gospel work that is needed now? Why do churches having rainy day accounts? Why do Christians have “Just in case” plans? Sometimes we’re being careful, and we call it being sensible. Sometimes though, we are just losing perspective. And forgetting the urgency. I’m keen for our building work here at Eastwood. I really am. Because like many of you, I see the opportunities for ministry that will open up when we have improved facilities. But there are a thousand other things to do, right now. I am excited that God is providing so many opportunities for ministry right now, right here in Eastwood. And to be honest, I don’t want us to put any of those opportunities on the shelf. Even for a day. We are not fighting a battle like any other. We are fighting a battle that’s already been won for us. We are fighting a battle we’re already victorious over. We’re fighting a battle not for our own freedom, not for our own peace, not for our own salvation.
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