English 514 Monsters and Machines: British Literature 1800 to the present May 21-July 13 James Krasner
[email protected] MODULES DATES LECTURES ASSIGNMENTS READINGS (due by Midnight) Week 1: Happy May 21 Introduction Introduction Romanticism May 22 William Wordsworth: The Prelude Romanticism Book 1, lines 300-645, "I Wandered Wordsworth Lonely as a Cloud," "Lines Composed a few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" May 23 Percy Shelley: "Mont Blanc" The Sublime and Mont Blanc Reading Analysis: William Wordsworth's "Nutting" May 24 Fantasy Landscapes Opium, Orientalism S. T. Coleridge: Kublah Kahn,” "Christabel" Thomas DeQuincy selections from Confessions of an English Opium- Eater (on Bboard) May 25 John Keats: "Ode on Melancholy," La Belle Dame Discussion Post: Post- "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" Melancholy Apocalyptic Dreams Lord Byron, “Darkness” Apocalypse Week 2: Dark May 28 Memorial Day Romanticism May 29 Coleridge: “Rime of the Ancient Rime of AM Curse Reading Analysis: Mariner” Rime of AM Redemption "Melancholy's" missing stanza Mary Shelley Mary Shelley: Frankenstein Villa Diodati May 30 Mary Shelley: Frankenstein The Monster’s Birth Discussion Post: The Monster on the Mountain Surprising Frankenstein May 31 Mary Shelley: Frankenstein R The Monster's Argument Discussion Post: evenge and Horror Genres Horror or Science Fiction? June 1 Mary Shelley: Frankenstein The Northwest Passage Romanticism Exam Week 3: June 4 Bronte: Jane Eyre Victorianism Victorian Gothic The Gothic June 5 Bronte: Jane Eyre Jane Childhood June 6 Bronte: Jane Eyre Thornfield (parts 1 & 2) Reading Analysis: Rochester Rochester June 7 Bronte: Jane Eyre Jane Monster Discussion Post: Jane Religion Vampires and Jane Eyre Ferndean June 8 Stevenson: Jekyll and Hyde Jekyll Architecture Week 4: June 11 Stevenson: Jekyll and Hyde Hyde Reading Analysis: Jekyll v.