Progressive Research – An International Journal Society for Scientific Development Volume 12 (1) : 96-98, (2017) in Agriculture and Technology Print ISSN : 0973-6417, Online ISSN : 2454-6003 Meerut (U.P.) INDIA THE BACK GROUND IN FOR MA TION OF RU RAL WOMEN ON THE BA SIS OF PER SONAL PRO FILE IN VOLVED IN KITCHEN AC TIV I TIES Kirtima Sachan, Rekha Dayal, Nimisha Awasthi and Katayani De partment of FRM, MAB col lege of Home Sci ence, C.S.A.U.A. & T., Kanpur E-mail :
[email protected] ABSTRACT Kitchen is a basic human need in the house and an important constituent for the quality life of the people and an index of the socio-economic progress of the country. Present study entitled “The Background Information of rural women on the basis of personal Profile involved in kitchen activities” The pre-coded interview schedule was constructed in order to elicit information needed to obtain the objectives of the study. Multistage purposive random sampling technique was followed to select the state, district, blocks, villages and respondents. District Kanpur Dehat was purposively selected as a field of study while four blocks namely Akbarpur, Maitha, Amraudha and Rajpur were selected randomly. Two villages from each selected block i.e. Bara and Patari village from Akbarpur block, Chhateni and Tikari villages from Maitha block, Chaprehta and Fattepur village from Amraudha block and from Rajpur block Kandhi and Dewanpur village were selected randomly. Twenty respondents from each selected village were randomly selected. Total 160 respondents were randomly selected for final data collection.