Bergland Assails Farmers' Protest

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Bergland Assails Farmers' Protest PACK TWKNTY - KVKNING HERALD. Mon.. Feb. 5. 1979 Serrani Disputes Claim Tax Rebel To Fight f.... ■ -< Of Agency’s Effieieney Evidence Japanese Attitude Cold PZC Backs MMH Plans Horse Racing Fix Game Panel Can*t Agree stations and mechanics. HARTFORD (UPl) - The state approved last year giving the com ­ As Teng Lands in Tokyo For Lot on Closed Road Motor Vehicles Department isn’t ef­ The federal government says missioner of motor vehicles the op­ HAMDEN I UPI) - Tax rebel At Eastern Tracks On Its Own Competence ficient enouph to conduct annual auto Connecticut begin annual auto tion of deciding who will conduct the Irwin Schiff, a long-time foe of the \ Page 2 Page 10 Page 11 ^ P a ie 16 emission tests which will be required emission inspections by Jan. I. 1980. emission tests. federal government, says he will under teileral law next year, says the on cars built in 1968 and after. Muzio. however, plans to seek bids fight the prosecution’s attempt to in­ House chairman of the I.epislature's Although the deadline is Jan. 1. the within till’ next few weeks on 23 troduce a tape of his appearance on a Transportation Committee. state probably could seek an exten­ propo.sed inspection sites. national television talk show at his sion. Rep. Thom Serrani. D-Stamford. Muzio siiid a consultant's rc|K,'rt in­ tax evasion trial. iHanrljPstpr disagrees with MVD Commissioner Serrani said he is mindful of the dicates the least expensive and Schiff. 5fl. admits he has not filed corruption and kickbacks that could Benjamin Muzio's claim that his easiest way to set up a testing system an income tax return since 1971. Mo$tly Sunny agency is best equipped to handle the result from private handling of the is to build the centers on state land He claims he doesn’t owe any job and could begin the program with program Hut he .said controlling cor­ and use MVD workers to conduct the he says U.S, currency is no Windy and Cold 130 new employees and about $11 ruption by private industry might be te.sis. linking the centers with the longer backed by gold or silver as Dalalla on pogo S million easier than an overhaul of the entire MVD’s main computer system. called for in the Constitution and is Serrani said he Iwlieves the depart­ Motor Vehicle Department. The only private firm in Connec­ therefore worthless. ment is inefficient and he would The Stamford lawmaker said he ticut (|ualilied to do the job. he said, He is charged with willful failure rather .see the emissions testing done will seek support of committee is Hamilton Test Systems, a sub- to file income tax returns for 1974 by a private firm or local service members this week to change a law sidiarv of Hamilton Standard. and 1975. Each count carries a penal­ Eu^ntitn ralb(USPS 327-SOO) ty of up to one year in jail and a $10,- Death Ruling . Vol. XCVHI, No. 107 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, february 6,1979 »A Family NEWSpaper Since 18B1 • 20(t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered 000 fine. RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (UPI) At the request of the prosecution, — Pakistan's Supreme Court Bus Crash Not Result Schiff’s trial in U.S. District Court in today upheld the death sentence Bridgeport has been delayed since of former Prime Minister Oct. 11. Judge T.F. Gilroy Daly has Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, convicted of scheduled jury selection to begin ordering the assassination of Of Mechanical Failure Tuesday. political opponent, and four of Schiff said Sunday the government Bergland Assails Bhutto’s co-defendants. HARTFORD lUPIi — Meebanical Cromwell, president of Cromwell that." he said. wants lo introduce as evidence a tape Bhutto’s lawyers said they failure did not cause a crowded com­ Kngineering of Bloomfield, was Police said the bus was driven by of his appearance in April 1978 on would ask the court to reconsider muter bus to slam into a disabled hired by state police to examine the Howard Rohner. 26. of New Haven. K;iv W illkc, ;i .sccrcUiry in (he (own man;igci .snllux . n.- NBC’s Tomorrow Show hosted by the decision. As a last resort, the Tom Snyder. gasoline tank truck, says an bus wreckage in an attempt to deter­ He escaped serious injury and has lo a Li|ir III a I ('( ('111 town Mdai’d of Dirccloi s niccliiii.' TIk former prime minister could He said his attorney, Douglas automotive engineer hired by state mine the cause of the accident. He declined to issue any statements lioan im rl lilt.', load o| (ho hoard liii.s mcani an iiu i( as(' In Hu appeal directly to President Zia Farmers’ Protest Gilmore of Westport, will try to have police to investigate the crasti which said he would submit a written regarding the accident. Ul-Haq, but Bhutto has said he WASHINGTON (UPI) - bad business judgments — paid too farmers meet their cost of produc­ work load ol Mrs Willkc. illc'iald |iliolo h\ I’iidoi the tape barred as “irrelevant" and killed three men. preliminary report to officials today. I’rior to the final testing. Cromwell prefers the gallows to asking Zia Agriculture Secretary Bob Bergland much for land. Others are seeking tion by guaranteeing minimum in­ R o^rt Cromwell said Sunday he One passenger said the bus was said Friday the component could an attempt to “blow smoke in the for mercy. said today some of the thousands of come for crops. face of the jurors." publicity and others are driven by had completed an inspection of the "swaying like a boat on a rough have contributed to the reported The majority decision of the farmers who snarled Washington just old-fashioned greed," Richard Bursch, one farmer who “This attempt by the prosecution is Wall Transportation Co. bus and ocean" and two others complained it sway of the bus. court also upheld death sentences traffic with their tractors Monday “I know a few of these people and I came in a tractorcade all the way found no significant problems with was rocking and swaying before the The sway could have been “ a little Load of Directors completely unjudicial. It shows they against four former federal are guilty of bad business decisions happen to know who they are, where from his Bird City, Kan., home, the steering or front and rear suspen­ collision. more than normal hut this kind of have a weak case against me and policemen who confessed to am and "old-fashioned greed.” they’re from and their own personal griped about the police move to sur­ sion systems, brakes or tires Cromwell said a final laboratory condition would not normally cause since they have no law to go on, they bushing a political opponent under As he spoke, leaders of the circumstances. And I’ll tell you, round the mass of tractors. “I feel Three Pratt & Whitney Aircraft test of a component in the front loss of control by the driver." he are trying to discredit me," Schiff orders from Bhutto. The politi American Agriculture Movement like that I’m not in America,” he said. they’re not poor.” Group workers died and 22 other per­ suspension system showed "a slight said. Adds to Clerk Job dan, Ahmad Raza Kasuri, es­ met to plan their next move in a battle ^rgland said many farmers have said. “I feel it’s a police state.” The show in question featured two sons were injured when the adju.stment that may have caused The chartered bus had picked up caped the ambuh on his car in to get higher federal crop price sup­ been hit hard financially by local According to D.C. Police Chief chartered bus smashed into the side minimal sway in the vehicle" Pratt & Whitney afternoon shift tax experts who contested Schiff’s Lahore on Nov. 11, 1974. but his ports. Bergland said their demands Burtell Jefferson, AAM leaders had ii> (;i{i;(, I'l.viJsoN The calendar just turned to problems that need to be taken care of a disabled gasoline tanker Jan. 29 "The swaying is not considered, in workers in North Haven and arguments. He said if the tape is father was killed. could add $50 billion to the consumer promised in advance to confine their Fehruary, and she still is working on of by the states, siich as the water on Interstate 91 in Wethersfield. my mind, a direct cause of the ac­ Wallingford for the trip to the firm’s lli'l'old Ri piirlri- allowed in court, it would be using food bill. machines to one lane of the roads, minutes from a meeting last April. A state police spokesman said over cident." he said East Hartford plant. MANCHESTKlt The heavy evidence unsworn to and his attorney Rush hour traffic flowed smoothly keep to desi^ated streets and not to After every meeting, she has to "The driver would certainly have Killed were Donald Newport. 41. of meeting schedule ol Ihc Town Board would be unable to conduct cross- into town today as about 1,700 trac­ For many, there’s a abandon yehicles. the weekend authorities probably prepare .summary minutes, which would apply for arrest warrants in known about it and had the feel of the Meriden; Tony Wascawicz. 61. of of Dircclors means others besides examination. tors and other farm vehicles sat legitimate cause ... and So the police were' unprepared (Ic.scribe all actions by the board. She Back in Court the case but they would make no bus.
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