Memoir Joseph Train, F. S. A. Scot

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Memoir Joseph Train, F. S. A. Scot MEMOIR J S O EPH T RA IN, F . S . CO A . S T THEANTIQUARIAN CORRESPONDENT OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. B Y O PA T T ER S O N J H N , " A U TH OR o r S H A DOWS o r w a s PA ST . M M RR A G LA S G O W : T H O A S U A Y N D S O N . ED INB U RG H : J OH N MENZ IES. ‘ MD CCCLV II. 7 7 ! " TTP KJ E PREFA C . IN offering to the public this Memoir of JOSEPH I of w riter h as no TRA N, the Antiquary Galloway, the thin u m apology, convinced as he is that such a g is necessary . ! He must acknowledge that the materials were i scanty. Many d sadvantages were in the way . Had e gr ater time been expended, and more careful research h as been made, the writer no doubt but that a more minute Memoir might have been produced ; b ut while his ac he laments this , he begs to tender grateful know ledgm ents to those kind friends who have warm o h s ly entered into his views . Am ng t e e h e is happy m thus publicly to mention the na es of Mr. R . W . - n of G reenock . Trai , the Inland Revenue, , and Mr l of Wi liam Bennet, Burntisland, whose assistance has been both valuable and frequent . Trusting that this Mem oir of Train may be ac c ep table to his many friends, and those who have read of him in connexion with Sir Walter Scott, the writer dedicates it to the world . K IRK T H L 4 ON O M 1 th A ril 1 8 57. , p 4 24 675 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I . p o — ’ — Introduction Joseph Train s Early Days His Appren i hi a W —E th e M t c es p to eaver nlists in Ayrshire ilitia, — 1 7 —H e th e o m 1 802 H 99 returns to l o , is appoint m th e E c ent to x ise, CHAPTER II . — Publishes poetical reveries Pride h as dung the K intra —H e m Balna uard b wrang re oves to g near A erfeldy , — — 1 8 1 0 Narrow escape from a party of sm ugglers Is to L ISM— P his appointed args, ursues researches — — there with great success Lord Lyle Rem oves to — N - S 1 8 1 3 P of th M ewton tewart , ublishes strains e oun — — tain Muse El aine de Ag g art Becom es acquainted — — w ith Sir Walter Scott Maggie Osburn Th e weird ’ m —H er wo an s revenge fate, CHAPTER III . — Begins to c orrespond with Sir Walter Scott Sends Sir — Walter inform ation respecting Turnberry Castle Also ’ — — about K ing s Case Captain Jam es D ennistoun Sends Sir Walter th e m azer or drinking- c up used by th e lepers — — there Projec ted history of G alloway Gaberlunzies c m and him old r —D h o e tell sto ies om estic appiness, CON EN S vi T T . V CHAPTER I . PA G E Ignorance of the earlier antiquaries c oncerning Galloway — — A c urious spell found by Train Th e story upon — which G uy Mannering w as founded Wandering Willie — of Redg auntlet Sends som e reli c s to Sir Walter — V isits Sir Walter in Edinburgh H e from th e Sullen — — ’ Orr Tells Sir Walter of Old Mortality Sir Walter s next letter, CH APTER V . ’ T r i C m C ain s introduct on to hal ers, author of aledonia — i Traces out an old boundary long disputed Story of ‘ — ’ — Ulric k M VVhirter Sir Walter s next lett er Story — of Donald - na- Nord Ancestor of Donald th e prototy pe W —O of th e D m of D evor oil of averley rigin oo g , CHAPTER V I. Train discovers an ancient granite weapon called a Celt —V isits Edinburgh—Meets Sir Alexander Boswell — ' Th e flitting of th e Sow Sir Walter s next letter Th e proto type of Madge Wildfi re —The Norlings of F — r o 1 20—Fa indhorn T ain app inted Supervisor, 8 lk P c —St F land ala e . lanning, CHAPTER V II. — Is appointed to Queensferry Th e Riding Of the Marches — —Th e Palac e Nest—H e rem oves to Falkirk Sir W al ’ — — ter s next letter Tyrann y of the Exc ise Offi c ials Is — appointed to Dum fries Bec ornes acquainte d with Mr . ‘ — M D iarm id and others Is reduced from th e rank of S o b ut r m h —L D um upervis r, resto ed in six ont s eaves for C - D a fries astle ougl s, CONTENTS . vii CHAPTER V III . PA G E ’ — Train s settlem ent in Castle- Douglas Sends Sir Walter inform ation respec ting th e m orri c e- danc ers—Sir Wal ’ ter s next Letter—Further inform ation regarding Old Mo —L om S W in c h e o rtality etter fr ir alter, whi h intr — S m l to S Wa duces a friend ends so e re ics ir lter, H P C A TER I! . — Further antiquarian gleanings Ac c ount of th e wassail — bowls—Mons Meg Threave Castle—Brawny K im o of B n — R G Anecd te ur s orie ill , CHAP ER ! T . — Account of th e prototype of Edie Oc h iltree Willie Mar K of th e R — H shall, ing andies is levelling propensities D of S W S c o eath ir alter tt, CHAP ER ! I T . — Further acc ount of Train An anecdote— His address to — a favourite horse His retirem ent from ac tive servic e — — — Th e Carlinw ark Loch Its traditions Publishes h is l ong-c ontem plated History of th e Isle of Man — Sum m ary of History of th e Isle of Man Duke Of Lo Of Man— Po c m —E c c Athol , rd liti al atters clesiasti al — — history of Man T ow ns—Population Progress of th e — Arts in th e Isl and Soc ial position of th e Manx Sm uggling in th e Is le of Man—Francois Th urOt — — Sm uggling Inland Sm uggling Further ac c ount of — “ Th urOt Death of Th urOt- Train publishes Th e ” B uc 1 846—D of T 1 52 hanites , eath rain, 8 , MEM IR r SEPH TRAIN O o JO , F S CO A. S T E C H A PT R I . ' — ’ — INTRODUCTION JOSEPH TRAIN S EARLY DAYS H IS — APPRENTICESHIP TO A WE AV ER ENLISTS IN TH E AY RSHIR E MILI IA 1 7 — H E RE URNS TO T H E T , 99 T — 11 1 8 APPOIN MEN T O TH E E! CISE . LOOM, 1 802 T T TH E i t taste for antiquarian research, though nteres ing to all, is not popular, and its votaries have very rarely received the reward of th eir labour s . It is i in l ke every liberal and scientific undertak g, it must necessarily be confined to a few who can appreciate its resour ces and enthusiastically join in the pursuit . It is a science in which all men ought to be in ter ested us all alike, and that deeply, for it unfolds to i of the strange do ngs the past, and what appearance our world had in times gone by, together with the our n customs of forefathers, which time has cha ged so m uch . O ! MEMOIR OF JOSEPH TRAIN . m The poet and the painter have, fro an admiring e i a world, received their me d of pra se ; their brilli nt n i i and glowi g thoughts , the r fine colouring, their art s r ri tic g ouping, and symmet cal proportions, have sealed to the page or lif e- breathing canvas our undivided attention ; but the antiquary modestly retires into h is i th e the background, because deal ngs are not with i present but with the past . The pa nter records the his k present on canvas the poet, li e a fearless pro S tu m phet, peaks Of the fu re with fiery and i passioned ' a diction the antiqu ry retires to some quiet retreat, his Of and, among hoarded relics other years, moralizes on the past . But we bring not these three into j uxtaposition of a i for the purpose disc rding or elevat ng, but for establishing an equa lity between them which we think they deserve . The labours o f th e antiquary have been invaluable o m i of n d to the c munity, reveal ng a fund k owle ge i highly interest ng, and elucidating points of dispute n s f for in a manner i geniou yet truth ul but, all this , k s li e the poet he has been neglected, and his exertion repaid with ridicule and contum ely . Still he com n n o bu t oar plai s t, is happy in the thought, that the n m which he quietly puts i to the water, renders so e assistance in propelling the bark of knowledge on OD O INTR U CTI N .
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