BIHAR STATE POWER TRANSMISSION COMP ANY LIMITED (Department of HR & Administration) (Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna) Contact No.- 7763817975, 7763818077, Email Id: dgmhrl
[email protected], Website: TIN VAT NO.- 100011257007, TIN CST NO.- 10011146136, CIN- U40I02 BR 2012 SGC 018889 Resolution No .. :-T-V/Re-organisation-1207/2014 / J f 3 Patna, Dated:- / 6 • 0 4 , 18' In supersession of all previous orders, the engineering organization at Transmission Zones, Circles, Divisions and Sub- Divisions of BSPTCL is reorganized as per approval of the Board of Directors of Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited in its 22"d meeting held on 24.02.2014 vide its resolution no. 22-04, as detailed below:- 7. The present day need for managing operation, maintenance, renovation and modernization of Transmission lines as well as for investigation, planning, financing and procurement activities at different level. 8. The establishment of newly organized Transmission Circle i.e., Koshi (Madhepura), Darbhanga and Saran (Chapra) will function under Transmission Zone, Muzaffarpur under BSPTCL. 9. The establishment of Transmission Circle, Purnia and Transmission Circle, Bhagalpur will function under newly organized Transmission Zone, Bhagalpur. 10. The nos. of Trans. Zone, Circle, Division, T&C Div and other office at present & after re-organization are as follows :- SI. Name of Office No. of office at No. of office after Remarks No. present re-ogan isation 1 Transmission Zone 02 , 03 Newly created - Transmission Zone, Bhagalpur 2 Transmission Circle 07 10 Newly created - Tr. Circle, Koshi (Madhepura), Darbhanga & Saran (Chapra) 3 Transmission Division 17 22 Abolished- Trans.