121st Session (November 2 to November 13, 2015)

Free and Fair Election Network www.fafen.org EXECUTIVE SUMMARY submit report within a month, besides determining reasons House in Washington D.C., suspension of survey in for losing the seat. earthquake-hit areas, non-payment of salary to Pakistan The return of MQM lawmakers to the House after 11 weeks, the entire 111- item agenda appeared on Orders of the Day. Steel Mills employees and concerns of a Chinese company The Senate session witnessed clarification by the debate on law and order, climate change challenges, The House addressed 84% (93) agenda items while most regarding setting up of a solar park. economic issues and ISPR's criticism on governance are the of the remaining 16% (18) interventions could not be government regarding delay in NFC and change in CPEC's main highlights of the 10-sitting 121st session of the Upper addressed due to the absence of movers or they were not route. The Finance Minister assured the House that the Six Motions under Rule 218 came for discussion comprising House, starting from Nov2 and ending on Nov13, 2015. admitted as per rules. During the previous session new NFC award will be finalized at the earliest; adding that power sector, foreign affairs and governance issues. The comprising seven sittings, only 69 agenda items appeared the extension in 7th NFC Award is not unconstitutional and House deferred two privilege motions due to the absence The Senators expressed their concerns on the China on Orders of the Day. Of these, 80% (55) were taken up will continue till a consensus is reached on new award. The of movers while 18 such motions were settled which were Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) route, the price of while the rest of agenda remained unaddressed. Minister for SAFRON assured the House that the decision pending since long. imported Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), foreign policy of All Parties Conference on CPEC route will be An instance of pointing out the quorum was witnessed especially after Pakistan's defeat in the United Nations The agenda items of the treasury as well as the opposition implemented in letter and spirit. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) polls, relief efforts in the lawmakers were considered during the session. However, during the session by a PkMAP lawmaker following which earthquake-hit areas, ability of civil departments to cope the Question Hour was marred by the absence of ministers The House also witnessed adoption of eight resolutions. the Chair ordered the bells to be rung for five minutes. with the natural disasters and appointments being made or their representatives as well as the movers. During the Two resolutions each were related to governance, However, it was found complete upon counting and the against quota. session, the Chair once suspended the proceeding for 15 economy while one resolution each was on issues of proceeding was resumed. minutes due to the absence of relevant ministers. Only health, development project, federal employees, The session, however, did not yield much in terms of The House witnessed six walkouts and one protest, five 37% (73 of 195) of the starred questions were taken up archaeology, parliamentary privileges and tribute to the legislation as only one bill – the Anti-Money Laundering were staged by the entire Opposition while an ANP while the rest of them remained unaddressed. greatest national poet. (Amendment) Bill 2015 – was passed while a private bill – lawmaker protested by observing walk out. The walkouts the National Accountability (Amendment) Bill, 2015 – was During first sitting of the session, Senate Chairman gave Senators spoke on 137 Matters of Public Importance were due to the non-implementation of decisions made in introduced. Two ordinances were laid and forwarded to the the ruling on acceptance or otherwise of the MQM consuming 345 minutes – 17% of the session time. A total All Parties Conference about CPEC, keeping sale price of relevant committee. Senators' resignations. The Chairman stated that the of 17 reports were presented by various Standing LNG secret and lack of permission to speak on matter of confirmation of resignations was due after completion of Committees during the reporting period. public importance. PML-N and PkMAP lawmakers protested The interest of legislators was observed to be better than 40 consecutive days of the proceeding. He said only 13 over for not taking up their questions despite being on the the previous session, as 62 lawmakers were present on The House also took up nine Calling Attention Notices consecutive days had passed till November 2, 2015. About agenda. average during the reporting period as compared to 56 (CANs) relating to unusual banking practices, irregularities non-participation of MQM members in the House legislators during the last session. during appointments in OGRA, expansion work at airport in proceedings and their lapsed agenda, the Chairman said Peshawar, postponement of OIC summit, salary issue of The 121st session of the Senate witnessed a marked they could seek condonation of their absence if they so employees at Islamabad Model College, sale of Jinnah improvement in taking up parliamentary business being desired and might re-submit the agenda. private or government. The House strictly followed the The government had to face severe criticism over its schedule for each sitting as they faced a delay of only one foreign policy and failure to become member of the 47- minute, on average. member UNHRC in re-election process after serving for Taking up all agenda items during 10 sittings is one of the three terms. The Chairman referred the matter to the greatest accomplishments of the House, as it considered Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and directed to EXECUTIVE SUMMARY submit report within a month, besides determining reasons House in Washington D.C., suspension of survey in for losing the seat. earthquake-hit areas, non-payment of salary to Pakistan The return of MQM lawmakers to the House after 11 weeks, the entire 111- item agenda appeared on Orders of the Day. Steel Mills employees and concerns of a Chinese company The Senate session witnessed clarification by the debate on law and order, climate change challenges, The House addressed 84% (93) agenda items while most regarding setting up of a solar park. economic issues and ISPR's criticism on governance are the of the remaining 16% (18) interventions could not be government regarding delay in NFC and change in CPEC's main highlights of the 10-sitting 121st session of the Upper addressed due to the absence of movers or they were not route. The Finance Minister assured the House that the Six Motions under Rule 218 came for discussion comprising House, starting from Nov2 and ending on Nov13, 2015. admitted as per rules. During the previous session new NFC award will be finalized at the earliest; adding that power sector, foreign affairs and governance issues. The comprising seven sittings, only 69 agenda items appeared the extension in 7th NFC Award is not unconstitutional and House deferred two privilege motions due to the absence The Senators expressed their concerns on the China on Orders of the Day. Of these, 80% (55) were taken up will continue till a consensus is reached on new award. The of movers while 18 such motions were settled which were Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) route, the price of while the rest of agenda remained unaddressed. Minister for SAFRON assured the House that the decision pending since long. imported Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), foreign policy of All Parties Conference on CPEC route will be An instance of pointing out the quorum was witnessed especially after Pakistan's defeat in the United Nations The agenda items of the treasury as well as the opposition implemented in letter and spirit. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) polls, relief efforts in the lawmakers were considered during the session. However, during the session by a PkMAP lawmaker following which earthquake-hit areas, ability of civil departments to cope the Question Hour was marred by the absence of ministers The House also witnessed adoption of eight resolutions. the Chair ordered the bells to be rung for five minutes. with the natural disasters and appointments being made or their representatives as well as the movers. During the Two resolutions each were related to governance, However, it was found complete upon counting and the against Balochistan quota. session, the Chair once suspended the proceeding for 15 economy while one resolution each was on issues of proceeding was resumed. minutes due to the absence of relevant ministers. Only health, development project, federal employees, The session, however, did not yield much in terms of The House witnessed six walkouts and one protest, five 37% (73 of 195) of the starred questions were taken up archaeology, parliamentary privileges and tribute to the legislation as only one bill – the Anti-Money Laundering were staged by the entire Opposition while an ANP while the rest of them remained unaddressed. greatest national poet. (Amendment) Bill 2015 – was passed while a private bill – lawmaker protested by observing walk out. The walkouts the National Accountability (Amendment) Bill, 2015 – was During first sitting of the session, Senate Chairman gave Senators spoke on 137 Matters of Public Importance were due to the non-implementation of decisions made in introduced. Two ordinances were laid and forwarded to the the ruling on acceptance or otherwise of the MQM consuming 345 minutes – 17% of the session time. A total All Parties Conference about CPEC, keeping sale price of relevant committee. Senators' resignations. The Chairman stated that the of 17 reports were presented by various Standing LNG secret and lack of permission to speak on matter of confirmation of resignations was due after completion of Committees during the reporting period. public importance. PML-N and PkMAP lawmakers protested The interest of legislators was observed to be better than 40 consecutive days of the proceeding. He said only 13 over for not taking up their questions despite being on the the previous session, as 62 lawmakers were present on The House also took up nine Calling Attention Notices consecutive days had passed till November 2, 2015. About agenda. average during the reporting period as compared to 56 (CANs) relating to unusual banking practices, irregularities non-participation of MQM members in the House legislators during the last session. during appointments in OGRA, expansion work at airport in proceedings and their lapsed agenda, the Chairman said Peshawar, postponement of OIC summit, salary issue of The 121st session of the Senate witnessed a marked they could seek condonation of their absence if they so employees at Islamabad Model College, sale of Jinnah improvement in taking up parliamentary business being desired and might re-submit the agenda. private or government. The House strictly followed the The government had to face severe criticism over its schedule for each sitting as they faced a delay of only one foreign policy and failure to become member of the 47- minute, on average. member UNHRC in re-election process after serving for Taking up all agenda items during 10 sittings is one of the three terms. The Chairman referred the matter to the greatest accomplishments of the House, as it considered Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and directed to KEY MEMBERS ATTENDANCE

Chairman Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition 1 Deputy Chairman Attended Presided for Attended Presided for Attended Attended Attended Spent Spent Spent 10 82% 4 9% 0 0min 10 29h23m 7 16h13m Sittings of total session’s Sittings of total session’s Sittings Sittings Sittings SESSION TIME, I time I time I I I *5% time presided over by Panel of Presiding Officers ATTENDANCE SITTING DATE, DURATION AND ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION 4h 45m 4h 3m 4h 12m 3h 31m 3h 34m 2h 50m 3h 17m 3h 21m This section gives a statistical overview of the 2h 27m 2h 27m session covering the number of sittings, duration of sittings, attendance and participation of Private Private Members Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Members Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. members in the proceeding. Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

02 Nov, 03 Nov, 04 Nov, 05 Nov, 06 Nov, 09 Nov, 10 Nov, 2015 11 Nov, 2015 12 Nov, 2015 13 Nov, 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended TOTAL SITTINGS SESSION TIME AVERAGE ATTENDANCE 63 57 53 54 60 67 74 65 58 65 Delay Agenda Taken Up Breaks 10 34h27m 62Members Each sitting observed an average delay of only The House considered almost entire agenda The House consumed 4% of the total session one minute; the 8th sitting, the most delayed, and addressed 84% items on Orders of the time in breaks. started five minutes behind schedule. Day. Other 16% agenda could not be addressed due to absence of movers or not being admitted as per set rules. KEY MEMBERS ATTENDANCE

Chairman Prime Minister Leader of the House Leader of the Opposition 1 Deputy Chairman Attended Presided for Attended Presided for Attended Attended Attended Spent Spent Spent 10 82% 4 9% 0 0min 10 29h23m 7 16h13m Sittings of total session’s Sittings of total session’s Sittings Sittings Sittings SESSION TIME, I time I time I I I *5% time presided over by Panel of Presiding Officers ATTENDANCE SITTING DATE, DURATION AND ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION 4h 45m 4h 3m 4h 12m 3h 31m 3h 34m 2h 50m 3h 17m 3h 21m This section gives a statistical overview of the 2h 27m 2h 27m session covering the number of sittings, duration of sittings, attendance and participation of Private Private Members Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. Members Govt. Govt. Govt. Govt. members in the proceeding. Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

02 Nov, 03 Nov, 04 Nov, 05 Nov, 06 Nov, 09 Nov, 10 Nov, 2015 11 Nov, 2015 12 Nov, 2015 13 Nov, 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended Attended TOTAL SITTINGS SESSION TIME AVERAGE ATTENDANCE 63 57 53 54 60 67 74 65 58 65 Delay Agenda Taken Up Breaks 10 34h27m 62Members Each sitting observed an average delay of only The House considered almost entire agenda The House consumed 4% of the total session one minute; the 8th sitting, the most delayed, and addressed 84% items on Orders of the time in breaks. started five minutes behind schedule. Day. Other 16% agenda could not be addressed due to absence of movers or not being admitted as per set rules. MEMBERS PARTICIPATION PARLIAMENTARY LEADERS ATTENDANCE The members may participate in OVERALL PARTICIPATION GENDER-WISE PARTICIPATION the proceeding by submitting an agenda item or taking part in Non-Participating debates on floor of the House. Members Number of Number of 41 Members Members 26 Total 20 Iqbal Zafar Jhagra Jehnzeb Jamaldini Usman Kakar Tahir Mashhadi Talha Mehmud Nauman Wazeer 17 Members 85 19

Non-Participating Non-Participating 10 10 9 9 8 8 104 Participating PML-N attended BNP-M attended PkMAP attended MQM attended JUI-F attended PTI attended Members Members I I I I I I Members Members Members Who Members Who Who Took Participated in Submitted Part in Debates as well Agenda Debates as Submitted 17 3 Items Agenda Items 84


PPPP PML-N IND MQM PTI ANP JUI Ilyas Bilour Siraj ul Haq Muzaffar Shah Saeed Ghani

7 6 4 5 4 4 Membership: 27 Membership: 26 Membership: 10 Membership: 8 Membership: 7 Membership: 6 Membership: 5 ANP I attended PML I attended NP I attended JI I attended PML-F I attended PPPP I attended 23 20 7 5 5 5 5 MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED


Israr Ullah Zehri Membership: 4 Membership: 3 Membership: 3 Membership: 2 Membership: 1 Membership: 1 Membership: 1 2 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 BNP-A attended MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS I PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED MEMBERS PARTICIPATION PARLIAMENTARY LEADERS ATTENDANCE The members may participate in OVERALL PARTICIPATION GENDER-WISE PARTICIPATION the proceeding by submitting an agenda item or taking part in Non-Participating debates on floor of the House. Members Number of Number of 41 Members Members 26 Total 20 Iqbal Zafar Jhagra Jehnzeb Jamaldini Usman Kakar Tahir Mashhadi Talha Mehmud Nauman Wazeer 17 Members 85 19

Non-Participating Non-Participating 10 10 9 9 8 8 104 Participating PML-N attended BNP-M attended PkMAP attended MQM attended JUI-F attended PTI attended Members Members I I I I I I Members Members Members Who Members Who Who Took Participated in Submitted Part in Debates as well Agenda Debates as Submitted 17 3 Items Agenda Items 84


PPPP PML-N IND MQM PTI ANP JUI Ilyas Bilour Mushahid Hussain Hasil Bizenjo Siraj ul Haq Muzaffar Shah Saeed Ghani

7 6 4 5 4 4 Membership: 27 Membership: 26 Membership: 10 Membership: 8 Membership: 7 Membership: 6 Membership: 5 ANP I attended PML I attended NP I attended JI I attended PML-F I attended PPPP I attended 23 20 7 5 5 5 5 MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED


Israr Ullah Zehri Membership: 4 Membership: 3 Membership: 3 Membership: 2 Membership: 1 Membership: 1 Membership: 1 2 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 BNP-A attended MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS I PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED PARTICIPATED CALLING ATTENTION NOTICES As per Rule 64, a member may call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief statement or ask for time to make a statement at a later hour or date. The House cannot debate the ministerial statement at the time it is made. MINISTRY-WISE TAKEN-UP CANs

Finance, Capital Revenue, Administration Science 2 Economic and Development Aviation Cabinet Climate and Affairs Division Foreign Water & Division Division Change Affairs Technology Power REPRESENTATION, 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESPONSIVENESS AND

GOVERNMENT NOT TAKEN-UP CANs OVERSIGHT Three CANs about suicide by a young girl in front of Police Station Saddar Muzaffargarh, extension in tax return filing date and imposition of additional taxes on taxpayers were not taken up in the House due to absence of movers.

This section gives statistical as well as qualitative overview of legislators' interventions in the House – Questions, Calling Attention Notices, Matters of Public Importance, Adjournment Motions, Motions under Rule 218 or any other motions – for the CALLING ATTENTION NOTICES BY PARTY oversight of government and to articulate issues of public interest and importance.

PPPP PTI ANP PML PML-N PkMAP MQM STARRED UNSTARRED CANs QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 195 6 12 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 CALLING ATTENTION NOTICES As per Rule 64, a member may call the attention of a Minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the Minister may make a brief statement or ask for time to make a statement at a later hour or date. The House cannot debate the ministerial statement at the time it is made. MINISTRY-WISE TAKEN-UP CANs

Finance, Capital Revenue, Administration Science 2 Economic and Development Aviation Cabinet Climate and Affairs Division Foreign Water & Division Division Change Affairs Technology Power REPRESENTATION, 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RESPONSIVENESS AND

GOVERNMENT NOT TAKEN-UP CANs OVERSIGHT Three CANs about suicide by a young girl in front of Police Station Saddar Muzaffargarh, extension in tax return filing date and imposition of additional taxes on taxpayers were not taken up in the House due to absence of movers.

This section gives statistical as well as qualitative overview of legislators' interventions in the House – Questions, Calling Attention Notices, Matters of Public Importance, Adjournment Motions, Motions under Rule 218 or any other motions – for the CALLING ATTENTION NOTICES BY PARTY oversight of government and to articulate issues of public interest and importance.


Finance, Interior and Water & Power Railways Capital States and Petroleum 201 Revenue, Narcotics Administration Frontier and Natural by Economic Control and Development Regions Resources 33 Affairs Division Senators

195 6 27 26 15 14 11 10 8 Starred Unstarred Questions Questions

226 supplementary questions were asked by Aviation Housing & Communication Foreign Affairs Planning, Cabinet National Food the members after the Division Works Development Secretariat Security and and Reform Research * ministers responded to 73 122 their starred questions on 6 0 0 Taken Up Not Taken Up the floor of the House. Replied Not Replied Transferred (on the floor to other of the House) Ministries 8 8 7 7 6 6 6

*Due to lapse of time and more than 3 supplementary questions asked by members

QUESTIONS BY PARTY Information, Federal National Health Commerce Overseas Information Climate Broadcasting and Education and Services, Pakistanis and Technology Change Division National Heritage Professional Regulations Human Resource and Training and Coordination Development Telecommunication PML-N PTI PPPP JUI-F MQM PkMAP IND JI ANP BNP-M BNP-A PML

61 33 27 20 17 14 10 9 6 2 1 1 6 5 5 4 4 3 3

*The members asked 12 other questions as well which were addressed to 9 different ministries. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS ASKED FROM MINISTRIES

Finance, Interior and Water & Power Railways Capital States and Petroleum 201 Revenue, Narcotics Administration Frontier and Natural by Economic Control and Development Regions Resources 33 Affairs Division Senators

195 6 27 26 15 14 11 10 8 Starred Unstarred Questions Questions

226 supplementary questions were asked by Aviation Housing & Communication Foreign Affairs Planning, Cabinet National Food the members after the Division Works Development Secretariat Security and and Reform Research * ministers responded to 73 122 their starred questions on 6 0 0 Taken Up Not Taken Up the floor of the House. Replied Not Replied Transferred (on the floor to other of the House) Ministries 8 8 7 7 6 6 6

*Due to lapse of time and more than 3 supplementary questions asked by members

QUESTIONS BY PARTY Information, Federal National Health Commerce Overseas Information Climate Broadcasting and Education and Services, Pakistanis and Technology Change Division National Heritage Professional Regulations Human Resource and Training and Coordination Development Telecommunication PML-N PTI PPPP JUI-F MQM PkMAP IND JI ANP BNP-M BNP-A PML

61 33 27 20 17 14 10 9 6 2 1 1 6 5 5 4 4 3 3

*The members asked 12 other questions as well which were addressed to 9 different ministries. MOTION UDER RULE 218 MOTIONS UNDER Mir Israr Ullah Hidayat Ullah RULE 194 (1) Khan Zehri

M JAVED ABBASI MUHSIN AZIZ A. REHMAN CHAUDHARY According to the Rule 194 (1), the MALIK TANVIR BNP-A IND Senate has not fixed any time for the presentation of a report, the report MOTION MOTION of a Committee shall be presented Two Motions To Condone delay in presentation of a report PML-N PTI PPPP PML-N within sixty days from the date on (1) Import of LNG to starred question # 45 asked on which reference was made to it by (2) Demands No. 7, 8, 10 and 11 of KP September 16, 2011 about charging extra MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTION the Senate. Government amount on delivery of Toyota Vehicles. This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the Extension Taken Up high rate of increase of fixation of high electricity confession of Indian Prime need for construction of a ring population in the country tariffs. Minister Narendra Modi in road in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi and its overall impact on life Bangladesh that India played keeping in view the increase in Hidayat Ullah Sajjad Hussain Saleem condition a role in breaking Pakistan volume of traffic and traffic congestion on entry points of Turi Mandviwalla these cities

Debated Debated Debated Debated IND IND PPPP MOTION MOTION MOTION To Condone delay in presentation of report Extension in time for presentation of report Condoning delay in presentation of report FARHAT ULLAH SAMINA ABID M. USMAN of Committee on Starred question #1 asked on a private member's bill tilted `the about the Anti-Money Laundering BABER on December 3, 2012 regarding audit of Islamabad Mandatory Vaccination and (Amendment) Bill 2014. KAKAR accounts of Pakistan Steel Mills. Protection of Health Workers Bill 2015. Dropped Motion Two separate motions Taken Up Taken Up Taken Up PPPP PTI PkMAP regarding schedule of electricity load shedding Mir Muhammad Mir Muhammad Hafiz MOTION MOTION MOTION and criteria to determine Yousaf Badini Yousaf Badini Hamdullah This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the electricity prices were overall performance of the steps taken or being taken causes, remedies and dropped due to absence of PIA with a view to making by the Government to preventive measures to a mover (Kamil Ali Agha) recommendations for its eliminate various crimes in control poverty in the following the Rule 136 (2) of IND IND JUI-F improvement Islamabad Capital Territory country the Rules of Procedure. MOTION MOTION MOTION Extension in time for presentation of report Condoning delay in presentation of report on Extension in time for presentation of report Debated Debated Deferred on the Pakistan Environmental Protection started question # 21 asked on August 28, on a starred question # 118 asked on (Amendment) Bill 2015. 2008 about protection of forests in the September 18, 2015 about establishment of country. complaint cell in Ministry of Religious Affairs. *The members asked 12 other questions as well which were addressed to 9 different ministries. Extension Taken Up Taken Up MOTION UDER RULE 218 MOTIONS UNDER Mir Israr Ullah Hidayat Ullah RULE 194 (1) Khan Zehri

M JAVED ABBASI MUHSIN AZIZ A. REHMAN CHAUDHARY According to the Rule 194 (1), the MALIK TANVIR BNP-A IND Senate has not fixed any time for the presentation of a report, the report MOTION MOTION of a Committee shall be presented Two Motions To Condone delay in presentation of a report PML-N PTI PPPP PML-N within sixty days from the date on (1) Import of LNG to starred question # 45 asked on which reference was made to it by (2) Demands No. 7, 8, 10 and 11 of KP September 16, 2011 about charging extra MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTION the Senate. Government amount on delivery of Toyota Vehicles. This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the Extension Taken Up high rate of increase of fixation of high electricity confession of Indian Prime need for construction of a ring population in the country tariffs. Minister Narendra Modi in road in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi and its overall impact on life Bangladesh that India played keeping in view the increase in Hidayat Ullah Sajjad Hussain Saleem condition a role in breaking Pakistan volume of traffic and traffic congestion on entry points of Turi Mandviwalla these cities

Debated Debated Debated Debated IND IND PPPP MOTION MOTION MOTION To Condone delay in presentation of report Extension in time for presentation of report Condoning delay in presentation of report FARHAT ULLAH SAMINA ABID M. USMAN of Committee on Starred question #1 asked on a private member's bill tilted `the about the Anti-Money Laundering BABER on December 3, 2012 regarding audit of Islamabad Mandatory Vaccination and (Amendment) Bill 2014. KAKAR accounts of Pakistan Steel Mills. Protection of Health Workers Bill 2015. Dropped Motion Two separate motions Taken Up Taken Up Taken Up PPPP PTI PkMAP regarding schedule of electricity load shedding Mir Muhammad Mir Muhammad Hafiz MOTION MOTION MOTION and criteria to determine Yousaf Badini Yousaf Badini Hamdullah This House may discuss the This House may discuss the This House may discuss the electricity prices were overall performance of the steps taken or being taken causes, remedies and dropped due to absence of PIA with a view to making by the Government to preventive measures to a mover (Kamil Ali Agha) recommendations for its eliminate various crimes in control poverty in the following the Rule 136 (2) of IND IND JUI-F improvement Islamabad Capital Territory country the Rules of Procedure. MOTION MOTION MOTION Extension in time for presentation of report Condoning delay in presentation of report on Extension in time for presentation of report Debated Debated Deferred on the Pakistan Environmental Protection started question # 21 asked on August 28, on a starred question # 118 asked on (Amendment) Bill 2015. 2008 about protection of forests in the September 18, 2015 about establishment of country. complaint cell in Ministry of Religious Affairs. *The members asked 12 other questions as well which were addressed to 9 different ministries. Extension Taken Up Taken Up MOTIONS UNDER RULE 196 SUB-RULE (1) ADJOURNMENT MOTIONS As per Rule 196 (1), when a report is presented to the Senate on a matter other than a Bill, the Chairman or any member of the Under Rule 85, a motion for an adjournment of the business of the House can be moved by a member for the purpose of discussion on Committee may move that the report be considered and adopted. a definite matter of an urgent public importance with the consent of the Chairman where not more than one such motion is to be admitted in a day. Karim Ahmed Khawaja Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah ADJOURNMENT MOTIONS ADMITTED FOR DISCUSSION

Shahi Syed Saleem Madviwalla Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman PPPP PML-F MOTION MOTION The House adopted report of the Special Committee on the Another report of Standing Committee on National Food Security and Research issue of lapse of various foreign scholarships offered by about an AM over proposed conversion of 1400 acre land of National Agricultural ANP PPPP PPPP different countries for the students of Pakistan. Research Centre by the CDA into residential / commercial plots was adopted. MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTIONS UNDER RULE 157 (2) A report published in Daily Express, Failure of foreign policy of To discuss the Climate Change Ministry's dated October 7, 2015 regarding Ex-CIA Pakistan on account of non- draft of the INDC, Pakistan's negotiation plan According to the Rule 157 (2), the Minister concerned shall move a motion that report laid on the table of the House may be discussed official's statement who revealed that election of Pakistan as Member for the Paris summit on Climate Change and by the Senate on the day fixed by Chairman for brief statement explaining salient features of the report. Britain intelligence department GCHQ in the United Nations Human appointment of Minister for Climate Change has been spying data communication. Rights Council and Head of the Paris delegation PML-N PML-N M PML-N The annual reports of Council The annual report on the The House discussed another Karim Ahmed of Islamic Ideology for the Observance and Implementation report about 1st Bi-annual Taj Haider Sassui Palijo years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 of the Principles of Policy in Monitoring on the implementation Khawaja were not taken up. relation to the affairs of the of National Finance Commission Federation for the year 2012- (NFC) Award (July-December, 2013 was debated. 2014) PPPP ANP ANP

MOTION MOTION MOTION QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE A News item published in “The Government's announcement that Sui Failure of Pakistan in re-election as Nation” on 10th November, 2015 that Southern Gas Company's dues amounting Member of the United Nations Human Withdrawn Under Rule 70, a member may, with 5 over five hundred candidates backed to Rs. 37 billion against Pakistan Steel Rights Council (HRC) the consent of the Chairman, raise a by banned outfits have made their Mills will be settled by transferring land question involving a breach of way into the Punjab Local of Pakistan Steel Mills to Sui Southern privilege either of a member, the 2 Deffered Government System Gas Company. Senate or a committee thereof. Issues that can be raised on QoP Referred to the 1 The House debated three AMs about destruction caused by earthquake, one each An AM about lowering of groundwater level Privileges Committee include disobedience of order of the accumulation of total debt over Rs. 3.81 was regarding non-implementation of Pakistan in Balochistan was dropped. Three other AMs House or its committees; presenting 12 trillion, LNG import price and production of Engineering Building Code 2007, withdrawal were not taken up following Rule 91 which false, forged or fabricated spurious and substandard medicines in the of millions of rupees by officials of CDA and says that not more than one motion shall be documents to the House. Disposed Of country. wave of intolerance and extremism in India admitted on any one day. Five AMs were disposed of as two were about threatening regional peace. MOTIONS UNDER RULE 196 SUB-RULE (1) ADJOURNMENT MOTIONS As per Rule 196 (1), when a report is presented to the Senate on a matter other than a Bill, the Chairman or any member of the Under Rule 85, a motion for an adjournment of the business of the House can be moved by a member for the purpose of discussion on Committee may move that the report be considered and adopted. a definite matter of an urgent public importance with the consent of the Chairman where not more than one such motion is to be admitted in a day. Karim Ahmed Khawaja Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah ADJOURNMENT MOTIONS ADMITTED FOR DISCUSSION

Shahi Syed Saleem Madviwalla Sheher Bano Sherry Rehman PPPP PML-F MOTION MOTION The House adopted report of the Special Committee on the Another report of Standing Committee on National Food Security and Research issue of lapse of various foreign scholarships offered by about an AM over proposed conversion of 1400 acre land of National Agricultural ANP PPPP PPPP different countries for the students of Pakistan. Research Centre by the CDA into residential / commercial plots was adopted. MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTIONS UNDER RULE 157 (2) A report published in Daily Express, Failure of foreign policy of To discuss the Climate Change Ministry's dated October 7, 2015 regarding Ex-CIA Pakistan on account of non- draft of the INDC, Pakistan's negotiation plan According to the Rule 157 (2), the Minister concerned shall move a motion that report laid on the table of the House may be discussed official's statement who revealed that election of Pakistan as Member for the Paris summit on Climate Change and by the Senate on the day fixed by Chairman for brief statement explaining salient features of the report. Britain intelligence department GCHQ in the United Nations Human appointment of Minister for Climate Change has been spying data communication. Rights Council and Head of the Paris delegation Pervaiz Rashid PML-N Usman Ibrahim PML-N M Ishaq Dar PML-N The annual reports of Council The annual report on the The House discussed another Karim Ahmed of Islamic Ideology for the Observance and Implementation report about 1st Bi-annual Taj Haider Sassui Palijo years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 of the Principles of Policy in Monitoring on the implementation Khawaja were not taken up. relation to the affairs of the of National Finance Commission Federation for the year 2012- (NFC) Award (July-December, 2013 was debated. 2014) PPPP ANP ANP

MOTION MOTION MOTION QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE A News item published in “The Government's announcement that Sui Failure of Pakistan in re-election as Nation” on 10th November, 2015 that Southern Gas Company's dues amounting Member of the United Nations Human Withdrawn Under Rule 70, a member may, with 5 over five hundred candidates backed to Rs. 37 billion against Pakistan Steel Rights Council (HRC) the consent of the Chairman, raise a by banned outfits have made their Mills will be settled by transferring land question involving a breach of way into the Punjab Local of Pakistan Steel Mills to Sui Southern privilege either of a member, the 2 Deffered Government System Gas Company. Senate or a committee thereof. Issues that can be raised on QoP Referred to the 1 The House debated three AMs about destruction caused by earthquake, one each An AM about lowering of groundwater level Privileges Committee include disobedience of order of the accumulation of total debt over Rs. 3.81 was regarding non-implementation of Pakistan in Balochistan was dropped. Three other AMs House or its committees; presenting 12 trillion, LNG import price and production of Engineering Building Code 2007, withdrawal were not taken up following Rule 91 which false, forged or fabricated spurious and substandard medicines in the of millions of rupees by officials of CDA and says that not more than one motion shall be documents to the House. Disposed Of country. wave of intolerance and extremism in India admitted on any one day. Five AMs were disposed of as two were about threatening regional peace. LEGISLATION

The National The Foreigners The National Database The Islamabad The Federal The Anti-Money Accountability (Amendment) and Registration Subordinate Judicial Academy Laundering (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 Authority (Amendment) Judiciary Service (Amendment) (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (Ordinance No. Ordinance, 2015 Tribunal Bill, 2015 Bill, 2015 Bill, 2015 XII of 2015) (Ordinance No. XIII of 2015) 3 Private Government Government Government Government Government

Taj Haider Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid M Ishaq Dar PARLIAMENTARY OUTPUT

PPPP PML-N PML-N PML-N PML-N PML-N This section deals with the output of the Upper House in terms of legislation, ordinances, resolutions and standing committee reports appearing on the Orders Introduced Introduced Introduced Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Passed of the Day during the session. Legislation appears in the form of bills – a new piece of legislation or an arrangement to an existing law – and ordinances. Both government and private members can table bills on the agenda. BRIEF INTRODUCTION ABOUT LEGISLATION Ÿ The Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Authority (NARA) with the National Ÿ The National Accountability (Amendment) Bill 2014 suggested various amendments in Database and Registration Authority Bill, 2015 suggests for constituting Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010. These (NADRA) by amending the Foreigners Act, autonomous Accountability Bureau at the amendments are aimed to ensure that the 1946. level of the provinces rather than REPORTS/PAPERS RESOLUTIONS BILLS ON proceeds of crimes and property involved Ÿ The National Database and Registration investigation by National Accountability ON AGENDA ON AGENDA AGENDA in money laundering are detected, Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 Bureau in affairs of provinces after investigated and prosecuted effectively. aims to authorize the National Database devolution of power following 18th 19 11 6 Ÿ The purpose of the Foreigners and Registration Authority for issuing amendment. (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 was to registration cards to foreigners for a merge the National Aliens Registration specific period of time.

Two bills were not taken up by the House due to absence of relevant Minister LEGISLATION

The National The Foreigners The National Database The Islamabad The Federal The Anti-Money Accountability (Amendment) and Registration Subordinate Judicial Academy Laundering (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 Authority (Amendment) Judiciary Service (Amendment) (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (Ordinance No. Ordinance, 2015 Tribunal Bill, 2015 Bill, 2015 Bill, 2015 XII of 2015) (Ordinance No. XIII of 2015) 3 Private Government Government Government Government Government

Taj Haider Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid Pervaiz Rashid M Ishaq Dar PARLIAMENTARY OUTPUT

PPPP PML-N PML-N PML-N PML-N PML-N This section deals with the output of the Upper House in terms of legislation, ordinances, resolutions and standing committee reports appearing on the Orders Introduced Introduced Introduced Not Taken Up Not Taken Up Passed of the Day during the session. Legislation appears in the form of bills – a new piece of legislation or an arrangement to an existing law – and ordinances. Both government and private members can table bills on the agenda. BRIEF INTRODUCTION ABOUT LEGISLATION Ÿ The Anti-Money Laundering (Amendment) Authority (NARA) with the National Ÿ The National Accountability (Amendment) Bill 2014 suggested various amendments in Database and Registration Authority Bill, 2015 suggests for constituting Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2010. These (NADRA) by amending the Foreigners Act, autonomous Accountability Bureau at the amendments are aimed to ensure that the 1946. level of the provinces rather than REPORTS/PAPERS RESOLUTIONS BILLS ON proceeds of crimes and property involved Ÿ The National Database and Registration investigation by National Accountability ON AGENDA ON AGENDA AGENDA in money laundering are detected, Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 Bureau in affairs of provinces after investigated and prosecuted effectively. aims to authorize the National Database devolution of power following 18th 19 11 6 Ÿ The purpose of the Foreigners and Registration Authority for issuing amendment. (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 was to registration cards to foreigners for a merge the National Aliens Registration specific period of time.

Two bills were not taken up by the House due to absence of relevant Minister RESOLUTIONS

Dropped Col (R) Tahir Mashhadi Kalsoom Perveen Karim Ahmed Khawaja M Talha Mehmood TOTAL 1 RESOLUTIONS ON AGENDA Rejected 1 MQM PML-N PPPP JUI-F 11 Adopted Rejected Adopted Adopted Adopted 4 Deferred 1 1 1 2 1 1

Adopted 8

A total of 11 resolutions were tabled during the ORDER AND session and the House adopted eight resolutions. Two resolutions each were related to governance, Raja Zafar-ul-Haq Sardar M Azam Musakhel Sassui Palijo Siraj Ul Haq INSTITUTIONALIZATION economy and one each was on issues of health, development project, law and order, federal employees, archaeology, parliamentary privileges PML-N PkMAP PPPP JI and tributes to national poet. One resolution was Adopted Adopted Adopted Deferred deferred as mover already informed the House This section documents the details of Points of Public Importance, quorum and about his absence while another was dropped owing 2 2 1 1 also about protests, walkouts, boycotts observed during the session. mover’s absence without intimation.


Rules of Petroleum Industries Law, Justice Climate Cabinet Finance, Functional Water Procedure and and and Human Change Secretariat Revenue, Committee and and Natural Production Rights Economic on Devolution Power Privileges Resources Affairs Process 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 RESOLUTIONS

Dropped Col (R) Tahir Mashhadi Kalsoom Perveen Karim Ahmed Khawaja M Talha Mehmood TOTAL 1 RESOLUTIONS ON AGENDA Rejected 1 MQM PML-N PPPP JUI-F 11 Adopted Rejected Adopted Adopted Adopted 4 Deferred 1 1 1 2 1 1

Adopted 8

A total of 11 resolutions were tabled during the ORDER AND session and the House adopted eight resolutions. Two resolutions each were related to governance, Raja Zafar-ul-Haq Sardar M Azam Musakhel Sassui Palijo Siraj Ul Haq INSTITUTIONALIZATION economy and one each was on issues of health, development project, law and order, federal employees, archaeology, parliamentary privileges PML-N PkMAP PPPP JI and tributes to national poet. One resolution was Adopted Adopted Adopted Deferred deferred as mover already informed the House This section documents the details of Points of Public Importance, quorum and about his absence while another was dropped owing 2 2 1 1 also about protests, walkouts, boycotts observed during the session. mover’s absence without intimation.


Rules of Petroleum Industries Law, Justice Climate Cabinet Finance, Functional Water Procedure and and and Human Change Secretariat Revenue, Committee and and Natural Production Rights Economic on Devolution Power Privileges Resources Affairs Process 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 MATTERS OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE PROTESTS, WALKOUTS AND BOYCOTTS

According to sub-Rule 1 of Rule 61, importance. Similarly, sub-Rule 2 says commencement of sitting of the The House witnessed six walkouts and one protest. The The Opposition lawmakers accompanying PkMAP last hour of the sitting shall be that a member may raise a matter Senate to be taken up in Prime entire Opposition walked out of the sitting for one lawmakers left House on differences with government utilized as Prime Minister's Zero Hour after giving a notice, in writing, to the Minister's zero hour. minute against not taking the House into confidence on CPEC route. An ANP lawmaker staged token walkout to take up matters of urgent public Secretary, one hour before the over LNG price agreement and torture on a female for not getting permission from the Chair to speak on a Christian student in Faisalabad. All opposition parties matter of public importance. except BNP-M staged three walkouts for not disclosing A female lawmaker of PML-N and a male lawmaker of TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 18 the sale price of LNG, absence of Minister for Finance PkMAP protested for one minute against not taking up 5 4 76 during debate on NFC award and non-implementation their questions despite being on the agenda on decisions made in All Parties Conference about TIME CONSUMED 10th TIME CONSUMED China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC). 15 9th 1st 3 46 2nd 5 Party Reason (s) Time (Minutes) Type 8th TOTAL TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 3rd Entire opposition For not disclosing the sale price of LNG 4 Walkout 6 7th 9 except BNP-M 8 27 For not being allowed by the Chair to speak on a matter 137 Shahi Syed (ANP) 2 W alkout of public importance TIME CONSUMED PML-N Against not taking up their questions despite being on the 1 Protest 6th PKMAP agenda 345 4th Over not taking the House into confidence on LNG price TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 10 Entire Opposition agreement and physical torture on a female Christian 1 Walkout 12 5th 37 student in Faisalabad 80 Entire Opposition Over absence of Minister for Finance during debate on 2 Walkout except BNP-M NFC award in the House Against non-implementation on decisions made in All Entire Opposition Parties Conference about China-Pak Economic Corridor 5 Walkout except BNP-M TIME CONSUMED (CPEC)

TIME CONSUMED Entire Opposition with Against non-implementation on decisions made in All 46 14 15 Walkout 21 40 PkMAP lawmakers Parties Conference about CPEC MATTERS OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE PROTESTS, WALKOUTS AND BOYCOTTS

According to sub-Rule 1 of Rule 61, importance. Similarly, sub-Rule 2 says commencement of sitting of the The House witnessed six walkouts and one protest. The The Opposition lawmakers accompanying PkMAP last hour of the sitting shall be that a member may raise a matter Senate to be taken up in Prime entire Opposition walked out of the sitting for one lawmakers left House on differences with government utilized as Prime Minister's Zero Hour after giving a notice, in writing, to the Minister's zero hour. minute against not taking the House into confidence on CPEC route. An ANP lawmaker staged token walkout to take up matters of urgent public Secretary, one hour before the over LNG price agreement and torture on a female for not getting permission from the Chair to speak on a Christian student in Faisalabad. All opposition parties matter of public importance. except BNP-M staged three walkouts for not disclosing A female lawmaker of PML-N and a male lawmaker of TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 18 the sale price of LNG, absence of Minister for Finance PkMAP protested for one minute against not taking up 5 4 76 during debate on NFC award and non-implementation their questions despite being on the agenda on decisions made in All Parties Conference about TIME CONSUMED 10th TIME CONSUMED China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC). 15 9th 1st 3 46 2nd 5 Party Reason (s) Time (Minutes) Type 8th TOTAL TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 3rd Entire opposition For not disclosing the sale price of LNG 4 Walkout 6 7th 9 except BNP-M 8 27 For not being allowed by the Chair to speak on a matter 137 Shahi Syed (ANP) 2 W alkout of public importance TIME CONSUMED PML-N Against not taking up their questions despite being on the 1 Protest 6th PKMAP agenda 345 4th Over not taking the House into confidence on LNG price TIME CONSUMED TIME CONSUMED 10 Entire Opposition agreement and physical torture on a female Christian 1 Walkout 12 5th 37 student in Faisalabad 80 Entire Opposition Over absence of Minister for Finance during debate on 2 Walkout except BNP-M NFC award in the House Against non-implementation on decisions made in All Entire Opposition Parties Conference about China-Pak Economic Corridor 5 Walkout except BNP-M TIME CONSUMED (CPEC)

TIME CONSUMED Entire Opposition with Against non-implementation on decisions made in All 46 14 15 Walkout 21 40 PkMAP lawmakers Parties Conference about CPEC About FAFEN

§ FAFEN is one of the most credible networks of civil society organizations working for strengthening citizens' voice and accountability in Pakistan since 2006. § FAFEN has harnessed information technology for real-time monitoring, facilitation and technical backstopping of partners for effective and result-based program delivery. § FAFEN is the only civil society group to have been invited by the Judicial Commission to present the evidence of illegalities and irregularities documented through the course of General Elections 2013 Observation. The systemic and procedural issues identified by FAFEN have been acknowledged by the commission in its detailed findings. § FAFEN's recommendations for electoral reforms have contributed to the work of Parliamentary Committee for Electoral Reforms. § FAFEN's advocacy for parliamentary transparency, accountability and reforms has shaped public discourse on parliamentary reforms. Improved citizens' access to parliamentary information including daily public release of parliamentarians' attendance records can be directly attributed to FAFEN's work. § FAFEN deployed 18,000 and 40,000 non-partisan and trained observers for the systematic observation of general election 2008 and 2013, respectively, largest citizens' observation ever undertaken in Pakistan. § FAFEN's evidence and recommendations for reforms have improved the quality of public and political discourse on elections, its issues and need for reforms. Leading political parties and media houses extensively use FAFEN's election findings and analysis to build a case for reforms. § With around 14,000 followers on Twitter and around 65,000 on Facebook, FAFEN is considered one of the most reliable sources of electoral and parliamentary information in the country.

www.openparliament.pk I www.parliamentfiles.com

Free and Fair Election Network www.fafen.org