‘Candy Tuft’ Iberis

Attractive white from late winter onwards adding a great burst of colour to your garden beds or pots. 140mm pot

Arenaria Montana 140mm pot

Frost hardy, low growing, mound like , absolutely covered in repeating, delicate white flowers from winter onwards.

Fiddle Fig

Ficus Lyrata

Very large, deep green violin-shaped foliage Kalanchoe

makes this a popular This free flowering succulent is Sutera Burst indoor plant perfect for your indoor and patio A splash of Colour! $14.95 140mm pot areas. Masses of buds ready to Perfect for pots, hanging baskets burst open in a splash of colour. of garden beds. 140mm $11.95 $13.95 140mm pot

If you’re wondering what that heavenly perfume is, as you walk towards our seedling and shade house, look no further than the fabulously fragrant display of daphne that we have in stock.

Small, medium and large size pots of flowering pink & white daphne and a few glorious standards. Nothing portrays winter cheer better Every garden should have one! than a few boldly coloured, flowering polyanthus. Plant in pots or garden beds near windows, doors and outdoor entertaining spaces.

 Pink Eyes for Christmas Now is the time to plant Pink eyes in frost free areas so that you are digging up your first new potatoes for Xmas lunch. Potatoes are one of the most rewarding crops to grow as they give great results for minimum effort. Make sure you buy certified seed potatoes and hold off planting until frosts are finished in your area. Plant in free draining soil that is rich in organic material. Dig trenches or planting holes that are about 15cm deep and space potatoes at about 30cm intervals. You can harvest new potatoes selectively when the plants start flowering. The main crop is harvested when the foliage dies off.

 Now is the time to dig over the vegie patch if it has been idle over the winter. Remove any weeds and dig in lots of compost and manure. When you are ready to start your spring planting add some blood and bone and a sprinkle of lime. You should be aiming for a PH of between 6 and 7 for growing most edible plants. Feel free to bring in a fresh soil sample for a PH test.

 Dig over, feed & mulch gardens ready for the long, growing season ahead. Use Dynamic Lifter for a slow release & Granular or Liquid foods for more instant uptake.

 Plant your bare rooted trees and roses as a matter of urgency.

 Get rid of the last of the , cut back perennials, dig over empty vegie beds ready for spring planting and treat any pest or disease problems.

 Prune your roses.

 Refresh pots and baskets – Trim or cut back plants, replace potting mix after 3 years, add a water saver and feed with a slow release fertiliser.

 Plant summer flowering bulbs such as Liliums, Gladioli, Paeony roses, Lily of the Valley, Dahlias, etc.


Spray now to prevent unsightly and damaging curly leaf on peaches and nectarines. We recommend liquid copper as it contains micro-fine copper particles with the latest technology which helps the product stick to the plant better. This makes the spray far more effective.

Trees need to be sprayed 3 or 4 times over a 5 to 6 week period for the best chance of preventing curly leaf.

• First spray - at bud swell - the buds fatten and are almost open (you might just see the first colour appear). • Second spray - Bud burst - when the buds have burst and flowers are present. • Third spray - 1 - 2 weeks after flowering has finished. • Possible 4th spray - if weather has been particularly wet.