AnglicAn EpiscopAl HousE of studiEs Perspectives DUKE DIVINITY SCHOOL 2008-09 insidE 2 Director’s Message 3 Lambeth Reflections 6 Perilous Joy of Friendship 7 Open House, Open Heart From the angLican EPiscOPaL HOusE OF stuDiEs Director Phone: 919.660.3588 Fax: 919.660.3473 Email:
[email protected] web: ROOts DOwn, waLLs DOwn. This fear the federation of theological sums up what we’re about at the institutions representing other Anglican Episcopal House of Studies. denominations—not to mention Roots down: growing roots down into other Anglicans, who are some- our rich tradition and the broader times more threatening. The Christian tradition, so that future distinctive gifts and graces of leaders may be securely grounded in one church group—the “Anglo- and continually excited by the his- catholics” or the “evangelicals”— toric resources of faith. Walls down: surely may be shared without then, out of the profound yet invisible being lost, if these gifts and anchor that sustains our identity and graces are of God. purpose, seeking to re-view our world Roots down, walls down. Psalm and re-think our ways. This relates to 1 uses tree imagery for the faith- church life, to pastoral practice and ful. “They are like trees planted to mission, as well as the barriers that by streams of water, which yield School, we are feeding the roots. What undermine them. their fruit in its season, whose leaves happens to our walls then follows Roots down, walls down. I first heard do not wither. In all that they do, they less predictably.