Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:263 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY . APRIL 26. 2017 -Sawar 06, 1396 HS teachings, Jihad is never allowed in Afghanistan and against Afghan people, especially in such holy place like mosques and other pub- lic areas. “Such acts are not having any Islamic bases, but could be taken as an atrocity act against Is- lam and innocent Afghan Mus- lims.” “Ongoing war is not Afghan war at all, this is the regions, game being played out, he suggest- worlds and Intelligence war in a ed, India and Afghanistan should bid to showcase their power in conduct a strategic review of their form of competition. “But, unfor- bilateral regional and global part- tunately, the Afghans are the vic- nerships to deal with the evolving tims of this war,” Ghafoor Liwal, uncertainties. “The Great Game is Acting Minister for Border and being played again in an even more Tribal Affairs told newsmen on dangerous manner- one terrorist Tuesday. “Afghanistan has been group against another.” witnessing conflicts for almost four "If one seeks solutions, sanc- By Farhad Naibkhel strongly condemned the recent ter- urging all tribesmen across the ghanistan is not Afghan profile decades, where there are some chal- tuaries of terrorists should be tar- rorist attack on the Afghan Nation- country to come up and mobilize war, rather it’s a war of neighbors, lenges among tribesmen. Time is geted," he believed. KABUL: Tribal elders and the civil al Army’s 209th Corps Headquar- against terrorists.