Saturday, February 13, 2016 YOURThe NEWSPAPER
[email protected] Courier• Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia Herald 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 102, No. 31, Pub. No 161860 May 24, would begin Jan. 1, School, which I support. It VAThe to Carl constructVinson VA Medical $10 million mental health building BoardLCBOE accepts proposal votes to 2018, toafter the extend current ES- must ESPLOST be done. The building Center has started the process PLOST ends Dec. 31, 2017. is old and in need of many for constructing a free-standing take back title to old West School board member Dr. renovations. However, if we mental health clinic on its cam- pus. LaurensBy SA NHighDY ASchoolLDRIDGE William R. Rowe cast the on- spend that much money on ly dissenting vote. He said he those facilities, then we Construction on the approx- The Laurens County imately 23,000 square foot fa- Board of Education in a 4-1 hates not to show support for should get more use from the ESPLOST, but he is op- them than we will if we start cility, which is estimated to cost decision Thursday voted to between $5 and $10 million, is ask the citizens of Laurens posed to using it to fund the construction on a new middle construction of one new mid- school as soon as possible. I currently in the pre-solicitation County to extend the one stage which lets prospective percent Educational Special dle school. want to delay that construc- "We will be spending $3-4 tion and use the ESPLOST contractors know that bids will Purpose Local Option Sales soon be accepted.