A paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity

n Letters and debate conference, n Brexit bedfellows Brighton 2019: a rough n ’s new coalition guide for delegates n Saudi drone strikes No 1267 September 19 2019 Towards a Communist Party of the European Union £1/€1.10 Bourgeois democracy is an oxymoron weekly 2 September 19 2019 1267 worker LETTERS

will include all that had been present Letters may have been consequences with a disillusioned Socialism has proven over and in the campaign (either explicitly shortened because of in the two original poles, whilst section of those who previously over again that it is the best system or implicitly by drawing finite space. Some names transcending them both. supported them. At the very least, they for delivering the necessities of life, resources away from that project).  may have been changed And so I see the need to expand on are now carrying a millstone around such as healthcare, education, mass Their secondary focus was ramming Jeremy Corbyn’s views of a socialist their neck. transportation, food security and through their ‘Rank-and-file’ strategy Europe. I am pretty sure that a socialist Bruno Kretzschmar vital infrastructure. The success of resolution, despite the vast majority Too many people Europe will eventually reunify email socialism is why capitalist USA is of newer members being in areas I found the article, ‘ Europe, in the same way as a socialist always militarily attacking socialist without unions or with anaemic and and system change’ (September 5), federation will one day reunite the Best healthcare countries. The success of socialism bureaucratic locals. The question of based on the talk given by Jack Conrad British Isles. According to study after study, the is seen as an existential threat to whether the regeneration of the extant at this year’s Communist University, Corbyn often poses the simple Veterans Health Administration in capitalists. labour movement could coexist with most interesting. (mechanical) reunification of the USA provides the best healthcare, The privatisation of healthcare is conscious campaigning to organise I agree with most of the points Brexit and remain to rebuild the has the best medical outcomes, the all about profits and ripping off the the unorganised outside of historic made by Jack, but I disagree with his country. But the two poles cannot shortest wait-times, and does so at public. It has nothing to do with the trade unionist bastions or - as posited conclusion that population growth be united mechanically. The laws the lowest cost of any other large quality of care, the medical outcomes, by the rank-and-file strategy - whether is not a problem, when it comes to of movement (see Hegel, Marx and healthcare programme anywhere. the wait-time, information technology these unions had to be radicalised combating climate change. Like most Engels) will eventually transcend The success of the VHA is owed to and cost. VHA proves that socialised as a precondition for the former of the radical left, Jack implies that them dialectically. And here lies the its being socialised medicine, and its medicine beats the private healthcare loomed large through the weekend. anyone who points out the problems transition to socialism, or at least the dedicated doctors, nurses, medical platform in every category. In the end, R&F passed a floor vote, associated with population growth are start of it, where communists can personnel and employees. They prove David William Pear alongside commitments to ‘organise the modern-day followers of the ideas make a big difference. that not everybody is motivated by Florida the unorganised’, including reforming of Thomas Malthus. The implication I suggest that we investigate profit. In fact, most people are not. the Democratic Socialist Labor is that this will result in forced suggestions, elements and propositions The VHA is a federally funded Source of hope Commission to facilitate that end. sterilisation and a new holocaust. that give confidence to Corbyn, as he healthcare system. Unlike Medicare, The Democratic Socialists of America The ‘decentralisers’ are largely I must admit that I have been heavily tries to link the UK working class Obamacare and Medicaid, it is not a 2019 national convention - aside from new chapters and organising influenced by reading the excellent (the ordinary folk these days) more health insurance programme, which from its size and historic importance committees, many in rural and small recent book, Facing the apocalypse: systematically with the working class depends on the for-profit medical in the context of a renewing socialist city-based areas that formed after arguments for ecosocialism - by in the rest of the European countries. industry. At VHA the government movement fraught with contradictions the Sanders or Ocasio-Cortez levies. leading Socialist Resistance member Here go some of my proposals, on owns the ‘bricks and mortar’: the - was unique in a way not often covered Many work in areas that have had Alan Thornett. As the book points out, the basis of those made by countless hospitals, clinics, etc. But VHA owns in the copious amount of digital ink no socialist history for half a century the world population is increasing by others: all the medical equipment. All the spilled over proceedings since August or more (if it all). There’s also a not 82 million each year - the equivalent  For the European-wide reduction of doctors, nurses and medical staff are 4. Amidst factional manoeuvring and insignificant minority among big of the population of Germany. The the working week without loss of pay. government employees. If that is not weaponised proceduralism, the actual city comrades, who have seen first population of Africa will double by  Joint campaigns to locate the shocking enough to neoliberals, then political stakes themselves (and the hand the practice of the ‘centralisers’. 2050, and quadruple by 2100. By financial parasites, and to deal with consider that VHA employees are strategic implications following) were Frequently, often indirectly influenced 2050 Nigeria will be the sixth biggest them. unionised by the American Federation often lost in the fog. On a surface by the Marxist Center movement, the country in the world by population,  European conversions and of Government Employees. level, it is exceedingly difficult to see main focus was in acquiring resources with over 300 million people. Whilst compatibilities for new jobs in clean The establishment has been trying what substantive differences among for these new comrades to build the advanced capitalist countries are technologies. to destroy VHA since its inception by the caucus and non-caucus formations organisation among these unorganised major contributors to climate change  For a Nato Exit International Front, president Lincoln in 1865. The current could possibly justify the level of and inexperienced members of our and have a falling birth rate, the rate as called for by No Guerra, No Nato at war against it began with Ronald veiled and open hostility. class. in the global south is increasing. At its Florence meeting of April 7 2019. Reagan in 1987. While Reagan was Much of the pre-convention If we accept the division of the the same time, half of the world’s These are only ideas, in the hope of trying to kill the VHA, his soulmate discourse was indeed personalised left into four tendencies, divided by population is under 25, which shows many future amplifications. in the UK, Margaret Thatcher, had and held in spaces obscured from the practice rather than stated ideology, the potential for population growth. Marie Lynam her daggers out for Britain’s national broader membership. But strategic we see that floor debates mapped What Jack Conrad fails to consider Labour Party member health service. Both the VHA and decisions about how to build socialist (admittedly roughly) to divisions is what effect robotics, lasers and NHS have survived, but the war to kill power - and what constitutes power between the ‘government socialist’ and artificial intelligence in the advanced Deathly haze them is still on. to begin with - have real-world ‘base builder’ approach. Resolution capitalist countries will have on the A lunatic, decomposed and near- After over 10 years since the great consequences. Different class forces - 57 - granting coordinated support demand for labour. As researchers at dystopian place has now been arrived recession of 2008, failed neoliberal particularly the ideas of the so-called to the tenant-organising projects the University of Oxford have recently at in connection with all things economic policies have worsened middle-class petty bourgeoisie - find a many chapters are already involved pointed out, 50% of jobs will be Brexit. Remaining true to form, last inequality, wages have been stagnant reflection in socialist formations. in - could have serious implications eliminated through new technology, week saw the former supreme court and the US economy continues to Since political lines of demarcation for organising the class in the arena computerisation and automation. judge, Lord Sumption, declare how sink in its ability to provide the basic were so unclear, analysis of tendency of social reproduction if followed Some economists even predict that prime minister would necessities of life to the American has largely been grouped into two through. Resolutions to systematise 90% of jobs in the advanced capitalist be in contempt of court if he applied people. Obamacare turned out broad camps of ‘centralisers’ and and expand childwatch in DSA spaces countries will be eliminated. The only for an article 50 extension, while be an insurance fraud and a flop. ‘decentralisers’ - see, for example, and form a nationwide marshalling growth areas for jobs will be in care simultaneously rubbishing the request Corrupt politicians, for-profit private Eric Blanc in The Nation (August 7) programme are both worthwhile homes, biochemistry, robot and laser with a side letter. This in response to healthcare businesses, peddlers of or Tatiana Cozzarelli in Left Voice in their own right and important in technicians in factories and on the land, reports in The Daily Telegraph, which information technology companies, (August 13). Certainly it’s fair to say creating operationally secure structures and health. I don’t include education, highlighted that planned “sabotage” of Wall Street financial institutions, that Bread and Roses (the “national and opening the organisation beyond which is ripe for computerisation. parliament’s efforts. For his part, David pharmaceutical corporations, phony caucus of Marxist organisers” in the layers of radicalised and childless The working class has always tried Cameron chucked a hat of transparent ‘non-profit’ foundations and the DSA) favours a stronger national white men. Surely we can all agree on to limit the supply of labour. One way self-interest into the ring-a-ring-a- corporate mainstream media are centre with campaigning priorities the need for a socialist organisation’s is through demands for birth control. roses of diversionary garbage, when conspiring to privatise the VHA. determined by that centre and composition to more closely mirror the Another is through the trade union describing in his newly published The only reasons they want to kill it passed along to the chapter level, composition of the class as a whole, closed shop. In the 21st century the autobiography both the campaign by is so that corporations can raid its while something like the Libertarian which includes many oppressed and best way of limiting the supply of Brexiteers during the run-up to the $200 billion a year budget, and to Socialist Caucus would favour ground- marginalised peoples. But several labour is by encouraging women to and subsequent fall-out destroy a good example that makes level autonomy. But collapsing all measures with this need in mind have a maximum of two children. This from the result as a Conservative Party neoliberalism and capitalism look bad. of this into two camps both flattens were roundly defeated. A resolution is something the Duke and Duchess “psychodrama”. Capitalism is not rational. It has tactics (the balance between ‘centre’ granting institutional support to make of Sussex fully understand, in spite The Weekly Worker should take only one priority, and that is profits. and ‘local’ being subject to change our spaces accessible to comrades of their use of private jets. As I’ve little comfort from this scenario. Apart Best medical practices, patient based, on task and circumstances) with disabilities, ‘Pass the Hat’ (which written before, all men and women from anything else, it needs to bear outcomes and helping people do and buries the conflict over strategic proposed a monthly stipend to chapters should be offered a tax-free grant of in mind how that position of opting not fit the capitalist mould. It is no outlook that is key to understanding to stimulate our growth in rural and £500 if they agree to be sterilised. At to take cover as non-combatants, mystery why making profits and the what happened. suburban/small-city areas, where far- the same time, the government should so to speak, as Marxian-styled practice of medicine are a conflict of Resolutions taking up the structure right ideas march inexorably against abolish child benefit and the children’s conscientious objectors, has resulted interest. Under socialised medicine and internal organisation of the a materially outmatched left), another tax credit element of universal credit. in confusion, dismay, despondency or there are less conflicts of interest that DSA took up the most time on the redistributive dues measure, and the The money saved should go into even simple despair for some amongst put other interests ahead of providing convention floor. As we attempt to fairly self-explanatory “Nobody is too sex education classes in secondary its readership. A logical outcome, healthcare. The privatisation of VHA consolidate ourselves into something poor for DSA” (which made it easier schools. surely, of the organisation clinging on is all about profits and ripping off fit for purpose, the question is posed: for active comrades to acquire dues I agree with the Green Party to dubious ideology and associated veterans. It has nothing to do with the do we need a member-driven, radical, waivers) all failed to carry. manifesto for the 2015 general election, strategies - failing to clear away dead quality of care, the medical outcomes, organising centre, rooted in the This seeming contradiction makes which stated that the UK government leaves built up across pathways of the wait-time or cost. VHA beats the diverse working class, or something sense if the overriding objective is should have a target of reducing the policy-making, all within this both private healthcare platform in every along the lines of a hybrid between the to elect left candidates to office and population of the UK by 2100 to just near-unique and notably modernist category. top-down NGO model and a social- that objective is cast against building 20 million from its current 65 million. setting. The neoliberal economic policies movement pressure group? vehicles of independent working It is time the radical left woke up and For their part, neither Corbynism of capitalism have proven over and It’s interesting to observe the class power. While the ‘realignment recognised that population growth is a nor Labour as a whole can escape over that they are failures. Capitalism composition of these two groupings: strategy’ appears now to be on its problem. largely equivalent criticism. By is an unstable, corrupt economic the ‘centralisers’ are based in older deathbed, measures like the “class John Smithee refusing to think outside prison system. Neoliberalism has destroyed chapters in major urban centres, struggle elections candidate pipeline” Cambridgeshire walls of bourgeois parliamentary so- nations and in the process it has ruined backed by Jacobin, and joined by replicate the problem of applying our called democracy - and then focus all the lives of millions of people. The layers of comrades from the former finite resources to elect office-holders Conundrum energies there in pursuit of a reversal only ones who have benefited from International Socialist Organization. without meaningful accountability to I take the Brexit/remain conundrum as of Brexit (most particularly on the neoliberalism have been the profiteers. Their main focus was on getting the movement that elevated them. an ordinary contradiction. It has two basis of darkly funded disinformation As they got richer, the rest of humanity as much support for the Bernie Outside of explicitly structural propositions, seemingly irreconcilable. campaigns, etc, that played a central has gotten poorer. The 18th century Sanders 2020 campaign as possible, issues, resolution 9 to create a As in any contradiction, the eventual role in its instigation), they have capitalist experiment of Adam Smith shooting down anything which could National Antifascist Working Group resolution is a third proposition that set themselves up to face ruinous has degenerated into neo-feudalism. remotely threaten the intervention and the “anti-imperialist package” BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX l 07903 054393 l www.weeklyworker.co.uk l [email protected] weekly worker 1267 September 19 2019 3

resolution, bundling solidarity, his speech to argue for a Connolly organisation - reconstituted just four recommitment to the BDS campaign Memorial Workers College and years ago in the aftermath of Jeremy London Communist Forum and commitment to decolonisation described him as the “brain centre” Corbyn’s victory, specifically to Sunday September 22, 5pm: Weekly political report from CPGB of the US empire, carried after an of the Irish working class. Connolly’s attack, undermine and destroy his Provisional Central Committee, followed by open discussion and extended floor debate - both by a wire- “murder by the British government leadership. reading group: study of August Nimtz’s Lenin’s electoral strategy thin margin. The closeness of the votes roused the latent fire in Irish breasts” Secret recordings by Al Jazeera from 1907 to the October Revolution of 1917. This meeting: here reveal divergent perspectives: and the fires would “never again reveal former JLM chair Jeremy ‘Conclusion: applying Lenin’s perspective’ (continued). anti-imperialist practice is absolutely be quenched by a general massacre Newmark telling a ‘members- Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Road, London WC1. necessary if we see working people until an Irish Republic has been only’ function on September 13 2016 Organised by CPGB: www.cpgb.org.uk and in the as one part of the established”. 1920 saw yet more of that “a bunch of us sat in a coffee shop Labour Party Marxists: www.labourpartymarxists.org.uk. world working class, but a potentially what Cairns calls “sterling solidarity in Golders Green” around September Radical Anthropology Group embarrassing liability if the outlook work”. Maclean called meetings on 2015 (just days after Jeremy Corbyn’s Tuesday September 24, 6.30pm: Series of talks on social and is to establish a social democratic the theme of “Hands off Ireland”. leadership victory) to “talk about biological anthropology, Daryll Forde seminar room, Anthropology reform regime premised on the super- And under the auspices of the Tramp reforming the JLM to do something ... Building, 14 Taviton Street, off Gordon Square, London WC1. This exploitation of the neo-colonial world Trust Unlimited some 20,000 copies about the rise of Jeremy Corbyn”. meeting: ‘Evolution, revolution and human origins’, and internally colonised people. of a pamphlet, The Irish tragedy: The JLM also claims to represent Speaker: Chris Knight. That these passionately defended Scotland’s disgrace were sold. The the British ‘Jewish community’. Organised by Radical Anthropology Group: resolutions did pass is a testament to disgrace, of course, lay in the fact that However, the group’s own website http://radicalanthropologygroup.org. our ability to at least begin challenging Scottish troops were being used to quoted former JLM chair Louise the cult of US nationalism that suppress Irish people. Ellman MP claiming that JLM was Earth Strike UK permeates all social life in the world’s Meanwhile, direct links with “founded in 2004 as the successor to Friday September 20, all day events: Venues all over the UK. imperial hegemon. republicans continued. Maclean Poale Zion, a pioneering organization Call for trade unionists to join with students and school students in It’s difficult to predict the future was teaching at the Scottish Labour within the Labour ‘Zionist’ family”. taking direct action on the climate crisis and ecological catastrophe - without a crystal ball. If the elections College. One of his students in the Poale Zion participated in the 1948 system change, not climate change! to the national political committee are 1920-21 academic year was Andrew Nakba, when Zionists terrorised, Organised by Earth Strike UK: any indication, the DSA is moving Fagan, Quartermaster of the Scottish killed, maimed or drove out over www.facebook.com/events/743860869302537. in a broadly leftward direction, with Brigade of the IRA. Maclean learned 750,000 Palestinians from their Marx Memorial Library around half of the incoming NPC about economics and philosophy - and homeland - it has not been active Saturday September 21, 10am to 3pm: Open day, Marx Memorial placed somewhere left of the DSA even more about the Irish Revolution. since. Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1. Explore the historic centre. This trend will surely continue Maclean remained firm in his Meanwhile, since its supposed building, also stalls and feature tours. if the ‘decentralisers’ or base-builders view that in Ireland, as elsewhere the ‘rebranding’, the JLM has deliberately Organised by Marx Memorial Library: continue their growth on the frontier British empire, there was posed the and maliciously brought the party and www.facebook.com/events/2341040216218645. of the working classes. And, more “greatest menace to the human race”. its leaders into disrepute by: than adding up the sum total of votes He concluded that the “best interests  Falsely attacking Jeremy Corbyn Conference briefing for delegates for this or that measure, the process of humanity can therefore be served and the party as ‘anti-Semitic’ and Saturday September 21, 6pm: Rally, Queens Hotel, 1-3 Kings Road, of creating political clarity in practice by the break-up of the British empire”. pushing the fake ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ Brighton BN1. Find out about the crucial votes and dodgy dealings. can’t be understated. He continued to end most articles narrative in national and international Speakers include Seema Chandwani (CAC), Stephen Marks (NCC) and As the third largest socialist he wrote in his latter years with the media; Rachel Garnham (NEC). Entrance £3 (£1). organisation in US history, coming words, “Up, Scotland! Up, Ireland!  Lodging a fake ‘anti-Semitism’ Organised by Campaign for Labour Party Democracy: www.clpd.org.uk. after a period of general Up the social revolution!” complaint against the party with Let’s talk about Palestine defeat for leftwing and working class Alan Stewart the Equalities and Human Rights Sunday September 22, 6.30 pm: Labour Party conference fringe struggles around the world, it seems Wakefield Commission; meeting, Renaissance Suite, Jurys Inn, King’s Road, Brighton BN1. only natural that the Democratic  Passing a resolution at its AGM in Speaker: Haneen Zoabi - 10 years a Palestinian member of the knesset. Socialists of America is an arena Drive out JLM 2016 describing Jeremy Corbyn as Organised by Jewish Voice for Labour: where contradictory perspectives are At Labour conference this year Labour “unfit to be prime minister”; www.facebook.com/events/965248610508259. worked out - we are learning how to Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism  Calling on the electorate not to vote What kind of Labour left do we need? fight again. With the climate crisis (Lazir) will be campaigning for the for Labour candidates who support Monday September 23, 6:30 pm: Labour Party conference fringe accelerating social breakdown and disaffiliation of the Jewish Labour Corbyn as leader; meeting, Friends House, Ship Street, Brighton BN1. the rise of the extreme right, we need Movement. We have, as one of our  Conspiring with foreign agents, Speakers include Chris Williamson MP. to learn quickly. Although serious core objectives, the aim of getting the particularly from Israel, to discredit Organised by Labour Representation Committee: https://labourrep.com. differences in outlook so often remain Zionists - in the shape of the JLM - out the party and its leader, as seen in the obscured, the DSA remains a source of Labour. Al Jazeera 2017 documentary, ‘The Trump, Iran and the threat of war of hope for the liberation struggle This has obviously upset the JLM lobby’; Tuesday September 24, 12.30pm: Labour Party conference fringe against all forms of oppression and and I was challenged on it by Labour  Aligning with and defending the meeting, Charlotte Room, The Grand Hotel, Brighton BN1. Speakers domination to be reforged. HQ after they suspended me. We are racist apartheid state of Israel in direct include MPs Diane Abbott and Richard Burgon. Gabriel Pierre and Miah Simone determined to make a difference to opposition to the Labour Party’s stated Organised by Stop the War Coalition: www.stopwar.org.uk. DSA Labour’s fortunes, however, as the aim of fighting all forms of racism and Labour Against the Witchhunt JLM will surely spring into action, discrimination. Tuesday September 24, 7pm: Labour Party conference fringe meeting, Red and green decrying pro-Palestine activists and We call on all party members venue to be announced. Fight the continuing witch-hunt against the Gerard Cairns, author of a recent Corbynistas as anti-Semites as soon as to lobby their CLPs to vote for the Labour left. Speakers include Ken Livingstone and Asa Winstanley biography of John Maclean, The red the election date is announced. disaffiliation of JLM from the Labour (electronicIntifada.net). and the green (2018), argues that They also have to go because Party. Organised by Labour Against the Witchhunt: Maclean was a “Green Clydesider”, as the Labour Party has social justice, Download the model motion at www.facebook.com/events/654498395061599. well as a “Red Clydesider”. fairness and equality at its heart and our new website at www.lazir.org/ In August 1907 Maclean stayed the JLM have demonstrated time and disaffiliate-jlm, where you can also Appeal for a Labour Left Alliance Post-Brighton conference with Jim Larkin in Belfast as a again they share none of the values. get the full flyer we’ll be distributing. Wednesday September 25, 3pm: mobilisation, venue to be announced. Networking meeting for all guest of the city’s Socialist Society. We invite Weekly Worker readers to Pete Gregson signatories to the appeal. He witnessed first-hand Gordon join our fight to rid our party of this Chairperson, Lazir Organised by Labour Left Alliance: https://labourleft.org. Highlanders shooting at rioters on the Falls Road. Maclean had already Fully automated luxury communism seen enough. He wrote of the heroism Wednesday September 25, 7pm: Book launch, Housmans Bookshop, of the strikers and denounced the Fighting fund 5 Caledonian Road, London N1. A manifesto by Aaron Bastani: society British government as “murderers”. beyond work, scarcity and capitalism. Entrance £3 (£1). He also remarked on the “ignorance of Organised by Housmans Bookshop: https://housmans.com/events. Orangemen, who lack the redeeming Is the ‘age of austerity’ neoliberal? wit of the Irish Celt”, and he bemoaned Back on track Thursday September 26, 7pm: Lecture, Marx Memorial Library, 37a the press “deification” of their leader, Clerkenwell Green, London EC1. Periodising UK capitalism. Speaker: Sir Edward Carson. magnificent £200 cheque from MM, £50 from TB and professor Simon Mohun. Entrance £5 (£3). Maclean went on to support the Afrom RL provided a much- £40 from TR. Thanks also to BK Organised by Marx Memorial Library: Easter Rising - unlike many on the needed boost to the Weekly (£20), SN (£10) and SP (£5). And www.marx-memorial-library.org.uk/event/230. British left - and then in 1918, whilst Worker fighting fund this week. there was another £50 from GB - campaigning in the Gorbals, he raised Modest as ever, the comrade did one of several recent donations, Trump, Iran and the threat of war the issue of two imprisoned Sinn Féin not write an accompanying note, but I’m not sure whether he will Saturday September 28, 2pm: Rally, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester men, Barney Friel and Joe Robinson. but his donation said it all! keep that up on a monthly basis. M1. No to a US war on Iran! Oppose British government support for He had met them whilst in prison at That one cheque helped Finally thanks go to comrades Trump’s military brinkmanship. Peterhead. Robinson in particular was enormously to put us right back on PM (£25) and DB (£7) for their Organised by Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition: a “key player in Irish republican circles target to reach the £2,000 we need regular PayPal donations and to www.facebook.com/events/656911881384890. in Glasgow”. He was commandant of every month. It accounted for a ‘Hassan’ for his £10 note. Bargain books ‘A’ Company - effectively the Irish large part of the £626 that came our All in all, I can say with a Saturday September 28, 11am: Book sale, Marx Memorial Library, Republican Army in Scotland. way this week, almost doubling good deal of confidence that the 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1. Maclean followed this up by the running total for September September fighting fund is now Organised by Marx Memorial Library: meeting with members of ‘A’ and taking it up to £1,261. right back on track. But reaching www.facebook.com/events/483634002384821. Company at Risk Street in Calton, Mind you, hot on the heels that £2,000 target is by no means End austerity now! in the east end of Glasgow. And in of RL was comrade KB, who certain. If anyone wants to follow Sunday September 29, 12 noon: National demonstration - assemble May 1919 he shared a platform with donated the unusual sum of in RL’s footsteps, they’ll be more l Oxford Road, Manchester M1. Protest at the Tory Party conference. Constance Markievicz at a May Day £165.65p! Unfortunately KB than welcome! Organised by People’s Assembly Against Austerity: event on Glasgow Green. The two has had to reduce his regular Robbie Rix www.facebook.com/events/2296340664029112. apparently discussed Maclean’s idea contributions owing to changed of an Irish and Scottish Defence financial circumstances, but that CPGB wills Fill in a standing order form Remember the CPGB and keep the struggle going. Put our party’s name Forces Federation. amount isn’t too bad at all, is it? (back page), donate via our Then in June 1919 Maclean was We received a number of and address, together with the amount you wish to leave, in your will. website, or send cheques, If you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us. invited to Dublin to a Connolly standing orders - including £75 payable to Weekly Worker commemorative event. He used weekly 4 September 19 2019 1267 worker LABOUR A rough guide for delegates Carla Roberts of Labour Party Marxists looks at some of the proposed rule changes to be debated by conference ue to a rule change passed at right direction. Similarly, Enfield Just to note though that some of the the 2018 annual conference, Southgate wants cases of suspension most interesting motions are among D Constituency Labour Parties to be dealt with “in a timely manner” those that have sadly been referred and affiliates that submit rule changes through the setting up of an appeals back to the NEC. Four of them will no longer have to wait for a year panel independent of the NEC for all relate to deputy leader Tom Watson. for them to be debated. So this year’s those “currently under suspension, or One asks him to step down, because conference agenda will feature rule suspended in the future”. These two his “actions seek to undermine the changes that were submitted in 2019 proposals will probably be merged. party leader, twice overwhelmingly as well as 2018. I am less keen, however, on elected by party members, and are not The most significant of these is the Cambridge’s proposal to amend compatible with his remit as deputy motion submitted by Rochford and ‘Rules for CLPs - Officers’, which leader of the Labour Party”. Can Southend East, Doncaster Central, goes into far too much detail about you imagine if conference had been and Wallasey, which seeks to reinstate the appointment by branches of allowed a vote on such a motion? The the following paragraph from the substitutes to attend CLP executive man would have been slaughtered in original clause four, discarded under meetings. Is this really a matter for the front of the entire assembled media. Tony Blair: party constitution? But, not surprisingly, considering that Both Dulwich and West Norwood, Labour HQ has been doing everything To secure for the workers by hand and Leyton and Wanstead, want to to appease the right, delegates are not or by brain the full fruits of their amend the ‘Rules for Labour Party allowed to show this bully what they industry and the most equitable Local Campaign Forums’ - or local think of him. distribution thereof that may be Brighton: we can take modest steps forward government committees, as they For its part, the Campaign for possible upon the basis of the are now to be known. Currently, the Labour Party Democracy has common ownership of the means deemed to be ‘organisational’ are must emphasise that the insistence on composition of the hugely powerful concentrated its fire on rule changes of production, distribution and ruled out of order, on the grounds “gender balance” is wrong-headed LCFs (mostly still in the hands of to further lower the threshold for exchange, and the best obtainable that only the national executive can - we need to elect the best candidate the right) is a little opaque. The leadership elections. The current system of popular administration propose them. So ‘organisational for the job, not focus on quotas. amendment wants to reduce some of rules “require a candidate to receive a and control of each industry or motions’ that instruct the NEC to Nevertheless, on balance, I would the disproportionate power of Labour minimum of 10% of Labour MPs’ and service. speed up the trigger-ballot process recommend a vote in favour. councillors and make the composition MEPs’ nominations for a place on the or re-admit Chris Williamson MP to But for the same reason we should of LCFs more transparent - although, ballot paper - allowing MPs to veto This Fabian version falls far short of full membership cannot be debated. oppose Derby South’s amendment as with so many amendments, it is all who can stand and potentially block what is required, but it would certainly Obviously delegates should vote in to the same rule, which stipulates still a bit vague. However, on balance, the preferred choice of Labour’s strike a blow against the Blairite right favour of this rule change. that “No more than two members of I would recommend a vote in favour. members”. and mark a significant advance, which Liverpool West, Derby, Mid- any region or nation can be elected But we should not support Brent Around a dozen motions on this is why we recommend a vote in favour. Sussex and South Derbyshire all to represent CLPs unless there are Central’s amendments to ‘Selection issue have been referred back to the However, in addition to campaigning want to amend the undemocratic insufficient nominations to fill all of nominations for civic offices, NEC. The CLPD seems to be hoping for a far more inspiring formulation, three-year rule, whereby a motion places”. Once again, we need to elect council leadership and other council against hope that the number of such the left should be highly critical of or constitutional amendment with a the best people for the job. appointments’. This stipulates that the motions will convince the NEC to the fact that this motion leaves most “similar primary objective” to one The same applies to Luton South’s right to elect the council leader should submit its own rule change on the of the existing clause four untouched: just debated by conference cannot be proposed amendment to the ‘General be removed from Labour councillors issue - under current rules, that is the for example, this formulation upholds moved within three years. The three rules for selections for public office’. and devolved to the entire membership only way to get around the three-year the current international order, which CLPs want to make an exception if This insists on “all-women shortlists” of the area concerned. Once again we rule, as the issue was debated at last deserves to go into the dustbin of “five or more identical resolutions to to “rectify the underrepresentation must stress that committees should year’s conference. The NEC however history: amend the constitution or rules have of women in elected public office”, elect their own leaders, so that they can submit whatever rule changes it been submitted”. but also the designation of “BAME can instruct them and hold them to wants. Labour is committed to the Clearly this is insufficient - the representation priority areas, in which account. For example, it seems that the defence and security of the British 2017 Party Democracy Review shortlists shall have a fixed number Leeds Central is proposing NEC wants to get rid of ‘Labour people and to cooperating in actually proposed scrapping the of places for BAME candidates”. something a little different in relation Students’, which has been dominated European institutions, the United three-year rule altogether, but this While we are, of course, in favour of to the same section of the rules. It by the right. No objections. However, Nations, the Commonwealth recommendation was rejected by the full participation of all sections of wants the leadership of all local we strongly oppose another NEC and other international bodies the NEC last year and not put to the working class, we do not believe council Labour groups to be elected rule change, which would fast-track to secure peace, freedom, conference. In the absence of such a the problem of the existing lack of by an “electoral college”, to be made expulsions from the party by allowing democracy, economic security and proposal in 2019, delegates should engagement of some sections can be up by all individual members and members of the NEC to get rid of environmental protection for all. vote for this marginal improvement. solved by using quotas. local union affiliates on a 50-50 basis. “anti-Semites”. We’re still waiting However, we cannot recommend This should also be rejected for the for the text of that motion, but this is support for the change proposed by Accountability and same reason. definitely not good news, coming, as Membership New Forest East, which wants to Finally, let me mention Battersea it does, because of pressure from the Moving on to the conditions of party amend the rules for the election of discipline CLP - whose priority is the pro-Zionist lobby and the right in the membership, Labour International national officers. This correctly insists Wirral West’s amendment to ‘Rights establishment of “a Cornish Labour party. has proposed amendments. It wants to that the position of general secretary and responsibilities of elected Party”. This will have its own “full- Currently, the national remove the requirement for members should be subject to re-election, once members’ wants the NEC to publish time professional organisers, including constitutional committee (NCC) to be “subjects” of the UK: from now he/she is appointed - but only after a “code of conduct and ethics for a general secretary”, and will “hold an is the only body with the power to on they would merely have to be a five-year term and following a those in public office”. That includes annual conference to consider policies expel members, “having been created “residents”. This is certainly a step bureaucratic procedure. The motion a warning about accepting “donations relevant to Cornwall”. This would put following a high court injunction forward and worthy of support - and insists that applicants - at least half from third parties with perceived Cornwall on an equal footing with against expulsions by the NEC in it also removes all reference to the of which must be women - must first links to foreign or corporate interests” Wales and Scotland, which already the 1980s”, as puts it. length of time (“one year”) a person be considered by the NEC, which will - quite right. Labour MEPs and MPs have their own sections. It is difficult “The court ruled that the NEC could would have to be resident to qualify interview the eight candidates with should be handing over an agreed to understand why Cornwall should not both investigate complaints and for membership. No bad thing. the most support from NEC members. amount of what they get anyway. We have a different status to other counties make a final ruling on complaints. For their part, Weaver Vale and It will then select four of them, to be should expect our “elected members” - and why this is not being proposed However, as investigations are now Birmingham Hodge Hill CLPs put to “a national ‘one member, one to live on the average skilled workers’ by CLPs based in Cornwall itself. But carried out by party staff, the power propose to amend the ‘Procedural vote’ … ballot of all members of the wage. Delegates should vote for. perhaps all will be explained when the to expel can be restored to the NEC.”2 rules for party conference’ by giving party”. Ceredigion CLP wants to insert a motion is moved. Certainly, the NCC quite rightly all CLPs and affiliates the right to It is correct to insist that the GS whole new clause into the section on deserves its nickname of ‘national propose not only one motion, but also must be accountable and instantly ‘Action by the national party’, relating CLP motions kangaroo court’ - most of its 24 one amendment - either to motions or recallable, but wrong to make this a to a “complaints and disciplinary As I write, the list of all CLP motions members have been appointed by the constitution. matter for individual members, who procedures code of practice”. While has just been leaked to Labour List.1 rightwing unions and affiliates while It is certainly undemocratic that are not in a position to judge who this is rather vague, it insists that These are not usually published and only 11 are elected by Labour Party conference currently has no right to is best suited to a particular post. all decisions relating to disciplinary delegates only discover the motions members. But handing the power to amend motions and only vote ‘yes’ or The principle ought to be that of matters against individuals and local at conference itself, and which have expel members to the NEC - under ‘no’ - take it or leave it. Having said representative democracy, whereby party organisations must be “fair and been accepted or rejected - or referred current conditions - is no good thing. that, without a total reorganisation the NEC elects its officers. transparent”. to the NEC (where it usually dies a Contrary to what often appears in the of conference, this proposal is Neither are we particularly There must be “an initial quick death). It is only from this list media, the NEC is not dominated by almost impossible to implement, as enthusiastic for the proposal of presumption of innocence” and “All that we find out that there were also a the ‘left’ (even if you include witch- conference motions are being merged Daventry, which wants to amend complaints should begin with a clear number of rule changes that will not hunters like Jon Lansman and his and changed in the compositing the ‘Procedural rules for elections and detailed statement of the exact be discussed because they fall under followers in that category). This rule process to a degree which makes some for national committees’, using “the nature of charges.” Most of all, “The the undemocratic ‘three-year rule’ change would make the witch-hunt in of them unrecognisable. Nevertheless, Single Transferable Vote system with NEC should at all times act to maintain (see above). the party a whole lot worse l delegates should vote in favour of this constraints to ensure gender balance”. and strengthen a diverse culture of As readers will understand, I do principle. Yes, STV is generally more democratic responsible free speech, discussion not have the time to go through all Notes In similar vein, Kingston Upon and, for instance, unions would and debate within the party.” 404 of its pages (!) - and this would 1. https://labourlist.org/wp-content/ uploads/2019/09/CAC-doc.pdf. Hull North wants to remove the have to hold democratic elections to As I say, while this is a little be a bit of a waste of time, as most 2. www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/sep/18/ restrictions on the type of motions choose their representatives, who are short on concrete proposals, it is motions will be merged in the antisemitism-labour-criticised-for-failing-to- that are permitted. Currently those at present usually appointed. But we clearly a long overdue step in the compositing meetings at conference. consult-jewish-members. weekly worker 1267 September 19 2019 5 LEFT Lexiteers and Brexiteers united Demanding exactly what Boris Johnson wants, writes Eddie Ford, sections of the left are still calling for an immediate general election

Not seeing the irony in it all

f anything, things are becoming he only meant it in “jest”.1 real reason for the SWP’s Janus-faced been calling for one for months is Moving into even greater even more confusing and Jokingly or not though, such stance: during the referendum it urged not a good look” (September 11) - confusion, is an editorial in SPEW’s I unpredictable, when it comes a move would have the distinctly support for Brexit - or Lexit - and seemingly oblivious to the peril that publication, The Socialist. The to Brexit. Last week we had the useful effect of tying everything up therefore cannot help echoing Boris an early election would give Boris “potential exists” for Jeremy Corbyn surprising court decision in Edinburgh in torturous legal knots until October Johnson’s position on the European Johnson a golden opportunity to once again to “enthuse millions of that Boris Johnson’s five-week 31, now that a general election before Union. present himself as the champion of workers and young people” and win prorogation of parliament was “null the Brexit deadline seems impossible. The SWP advocated a vote for the ‘biggest democratic vote in British the next election “perhaps even by a and of no effect” because its purpose Maybe this is the rumoured wicked Brexit in the belief that it would send history’ facing off a recalcitrant landslide” (September 11). Given the was “stymying parliament”. wheeze, or “secret plan” known to the establishment into crisis and tear parliament determined to thwart the extreme volatility of the electorate, And now the 11-member supreme just Boris Johnson and “three senior the Tory Party asunder, which has ‘people’s will’. that cannot be ruled out. But who will court - sitting for the first time ever aides”, that would allow him to ignore certainly happened - but not in the The editorial goes on to say that call the general election? If Johnson outside its normal legal terms - the requirements of the Benn-Burt way anticipated. Instead of moving Labour’s “unhelpful insistence somehow manages to secure Brexit has become a battlefield over this legislation and deliver a no-deal Brexit society to the left and towards a on rerunning the referendum may by October 31, everything changes. “unlawful abuse of power” between without actually breaking the law or radical, Corbyn-led government, be an obsolete policy by election But there is another possibility - one the government’s lawyers and the resigning - an idea described by one politics is clearly heading more in time”, which might be true, before favoured by The Socialist. With legal team representing anti-Brexiteer Tory MP as “pure Dick Dastardly”, the direction of nationalism and the declaring: “Whether it is or isn’t, the help of the Lib Dems, the SNP Gina Miller, John Major and making a change I suppose from the radical, reactionary-populist right in the labour movement mobilisation and former Tories form a “minority others. It is hearing legal arguments Incredible Hulk. Indeed, perhaps this the form of the European Research against Boris Johnson’s government government that would then extend reaching back to the 1610 Case of is Boris Johnson’s plan even if he wins Group, Brexit Party and so on - ‘the should build throughout September article 50, while an election took Proclamations, which imposed limits the court case. If so, he is playing a people’ versus parliament and the and aim at a huge demonstration for place”. on the royal prerogative, and more very high-stakes game - ready to trash Westminster elite - with the very democracy outside the Conservative Frankly, the Labour leader’s recently the political precedent set tradition, convention and precedent real possibility of a profoundly weak Party conference, focused on forcing efforts in this direction were always by the post-war Labour government’s in the single-minded pursuit of his national or ‘emergency’ government an election to address the catastrophic doomed. More than that, though, a decision to prorogue parliament twice objective. being cobbled together to save the social, economic and environmental minority Labour government whose in 1948. nation from chaos. crises afflicting our country and the prime function is to call a general Only a fool would claim to know Priorities Unfortunately, however, most of world (my italics). The CPB wants election and avoid a no deal Brexit with certainty what the outcome of Unfortunately, much of the the left is raising the demand for a to pressurise the Tories to hold an opens the door for a government the court case will be, though the contemporary left tends to flip into “general election now” - a call unifying election that they desperately want of national unity headed by a Ken balance of probabilities suggests a anarchistic, anti-parliamentary the Morning Star’s Communist anyway. That, of course, would be Clarke, Harriet Harman or a Keir government victory - on the original cretinism when wanting to look r-r- Party of Britain, the SWP, Socialist detrimental to the very thing they Starmer. According to The Socialist basis that the prorogation decision revolutionary. At the best of times the Party of England and Wales, Labour want - the rebuilding of a militant such a government would be “very was “nonjusticiable”, as it was a left is incoherent, stumbling around Briefing, Socialist Appeal, Stand Up Labour left that confronts “serial dangerous for the capitalist class” matter of high policy and political like a blind puppy and lacking any To Racism, People’s Assembly ... Not saboteurs” such as Tom Watson and - which would probably be news to judgment. But, if Gina Miller and strategic sense or programmatic only does this call risk delaying or “those that are irretrievably hostile them - because an “unelected ‘remain’ co get their way, this throws a wild perspective. Brexit, however, has sabotaging the trigger ballot process to the socialist direction the party has national government trying to reverse card into the already heady Brexit thrown it into a state of total confusion, and thus the deselection of rightwing taken since 2015”. the 2016 result would enormously mix - would parliament have to be unable to understand the new rules of Labour MPs: it plays straight into the Similarly, Charlie Kimber in fuel ... anger”. Doubtless, true. And immediately recalled? Make of it the game introduced by the Johnson hands of Boris Johnson - who wants Socialist Worker laments the fact that if the Labour left stood firmly against what you will, Boris Johnson - via his premiership. exactly the same thing. Bizarrely, Labour “lets Tories cling on by failing a national government, expelled QC Lord Keen - has given a ‘solemn’ Not for the first time, a spectacular the likes of the CPB and SWP will to back an election” - writing that every Labour MP who supported it, undertaking to the court that he will example is offered by the Socialist use the demand as the main slogan the alliance of Labour, the Scottish selected tried and tested socialists and “abide” by any ruling it makes, as is Workers Party, which always in the September 29 demonstration National Party, Plaid Cymru, Liberal communists to replace the traitors, we only fitting for a Tory prime minister. prioritises the next demonstration, outside the Tory Party conference in Democrats, Independent Group and would be in a far stronger position l But, when a government minister was etc. But now it has become unstuck, Manchester. The arriving delegates dissident Tories “ruled out moving a repeatedly questioned on this matter, arguing that the demonstrators outside will doubtless agree. in Johnson, [email protected] he refused to rule out suspending parliament against prorogation must Ploughing on regardless, an which could have triggered an parliament again - something not mistake opposition to Boris editorial in the Morning Star election later in October”, when “we Notes apparently advocated last week by Johnson with opposition to Brexit disapprovingly notes that “voting should now be campaigning” to get 1. www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ Dominic Cummings at a meeting of itself - as if the two are not inextricably against a general election offered Boris Johnson and the Tories out” dominic-cummings-boris-johnson-brexit-prorogue- suspend-parliament-joke-a9106096.html. special advisors, even if we are told interwoven. Of course, we know the by the sitting PM when Labour has (September 10). weekly 6 September 19 2019 1267 worker STRATEGY Revolution and reforms Mike Macnair concludes his discussion of the US left’s Kautsky debate

said at the end of my last article: capitalists who employ few workers “So far, this series has been almost are included). For capitalists to be the Iwholly negative criticism. The ruling class, therefore, there have to next and final article in the series will be mechanisms in place which make look at what, if any, might be positive the state answerable to this minority lessons for political strategy.”1 and not to the proletarian and petty- I will proceed as follows. The proprietor majority. first point is that both the working The illusion that the capitalist class class, in order to organise itself, and is a democratic class results from the construction of socialism need the fact that, in order to overthrow political democracy; and, arising from the European feudal state regimes - this, that working class power and which had to happen for the capitalist the construction of socialism require breakthroughs in the commercial, political majority support - which is agricultural and industrial revolutions not the same thing as a parliamentary to take place - the capitalists need to majority. piggy-back on a revolution of the petty The second point is that the bourgeoisie and proto-proletariat capitalist class is not a democratic against the landlord and clerical class and ‘bourgeois democracy’ is an institutions. This revolution took oxymoron. From this point, in turn, Protestant ideological forms in the it appears that access of the working Netherlands and England, but secular class (and even access of sections of the democratic ideological forms in the class only) to the suffrage and electoral political revolution which created the representation is a contradiction in US and in the French revolution - and the capitalist order, and one which hence in 19th-century European and can be exploited in the interests of Latin American radical liberalism. the working class. Hence the utility Once feudal, clerical, peasant and of electoral tactics for the workers’ artisan rights as obstacles to capitalist movement in undemocratic and anti- economy, and the state regime democratic electoral systems. ‘Retrato de la burguesia’ (portrait of the bourgeoisie): 1939 mural by David Alfaro Sigueiros which upholds them, have been The third point is why we aim for removed, however, the minoritarian revolution - meaning no more than word ‘politics’, was a state or a form power and/or socialism. Jo Freeman’s Brazil, the Syriza government in character of capitalist rule has to find the overthrow of the constitution as of pre-state society is debated5; on 1970 The tyranny of structurelessness Greece. institutional forms. such and its replacement with working Lenin’s own State and revolution gives us the actual answer: conscious The bulk of the left imagines that In early capitalist regimes, which class rule. Growing from this, in turn, definition of a state, “special bodies thought about decision procedures is this is a desirable outcome, because the do not face significant, persistent, are the essential role of the minimum of armed men having prisons, etc at necessary even, and indeed especially, government will either itself become organised pressure from the lower programme, and the possibilities of their command”, a democracy on in the absence of a ruling class or ruling radicalised or raise up a radicalisation orders, a common state decision- struggles for reforms as steps towards Althusius’s or Lincoln’s definitions bureaucracy.7 The working class needs of disappointed expectations to its left. making form is a closed group, which revolution. (quoted last week), would not be a to be able to make collective decisions The evidence is against this. There is recruited by coopting newly wealthy state - and in fact, Lenin recognises - both for action under capitalism and are two cases which could be taken as families. The Venetian ‘aristocracy’ Workers’ the point very shortly after the line just to manage the socialised part of the examples: the first is the successive (of merchants entitled to participate quoted: economy, once capitalism has been Russian provisional governments in in government) and the Dutch democracy overthrown. 1917. The second is the pseudo-form Regents both provide examples.8 If it were not for the idea of ‘bourgeois When asked why it became of the post-1945 coalition governments The English House of Lords, in spite democracy’ and the soviet power necessary to have special bodies of Majority in eastern Europe, where the ‘left of its feudal-aristocratic ‘nobility of debates of 1918-192 it would be armed men placed above society The working class actually needs radicalisation’ was largely just Soviet blood’ pretensions, in fact operated obvious that the working class needs and alienating themselves from democracy, and to actually ‘conquer operations. In 1917, Petrograd Soviet in this way before its powers were democracy. On Aristotle’s definition it (police and a standing army), democracy’ (as opposed to liberal ‘Order No1’ had destroyed government reduced under the Parliament Acts, (quoted in my last article) it would the west-European and Russian constitutionalism) is, in a fully control of the garrison in the capital. In and so did the commissions of be completely transparent. And the philistines are inclined to utter capitalist country, to create the 1945-48, the armed forces in eastern Justices of the Peace in the localities; Communist manifesto posed the a few phrases borrowed from dictatorship of the proletariat. Hence, Europe were already controlled by the the boroughs also after 1688 had immediate issue facing the working Spencer or Mikhailovsky, to refer it should be plain that to actually take Soviet Army. closed-elite systems dominant in class as “the conquest of democracy”,3 to the growing complexity of social power the workers’ party needs to win In the overwhelming majority of their government, which lasted until while Engels as late as his comments life, the differentiation of functions, clear majority political support. To cases, of minority or coalition ‘left’ Victorian local government reform, on the Erfurt programme insisted that and so on. institutionalise democracy is to set free government where the state power and persist in a diluted form in the the “democratic republic” was the form Such a reference seems factory workers-control committees, (the army, civil service, judiciary, peculiar City of London government.9 of the dictatorship of the proletariat.4 ‘scientific’, and effectively lulls juries and local government, and etc) is intact, what has happened Institutions of this sort have not Indeed, only a few small cranky the ordinary person to sleep by reduce the impact on decision-making is a radicalisation of disappointed withered away: an increased use of groups swallow whole the 1918- obscuring the important and basic of the executive and judicial power. expectations to the right. It thus ‘appointed’ bodies - in practice largely 19 Bolshevik polemics against fact: namely, the split of society into But then the consequence is that turns out that minority government cooptative - has developed in the US ‘democracy as such’ or explicitly irreconcilable antagonistic classes. without majority support from below masquerading as majority government and England since the beginning defend the 1920 idea that workers’ Were it not for this split, the the actual implementation of central through the luck of draw of the electoral of the capitalist counteroffensive power means the dictatorship of a “self-acting armed organisation of decisions is unavailable. rules is still Millerandism - the idea of in the 1970s, as an alternative to party of the most advanced part of the the population” would differ from Majority political support has taking the ministries one by one. elected local government and to the class - which is itself controlled by a the primitive organisation of a to be distinguished clearly from It is all the more true that we need self-government of institutions like central committee, which is the most stick-wielding herd of monkeys, or a parliamentary (or equivalent) a majority on the basis of the open universities.10 advanced part of the party, which is of primitive men, or of men united representative majority. There are defence of an anti-constitutional To the extent that elections are itself controlled by a politburo, which in clans, by its complexity, its high two sides to this. The first is the one policy. This may seem hard, since the necessary to maintain petty bourgeois is the most advanced part of the CC, technical level, and so on. But which is expressed in the Russian 1918 pro-capitalist parties routinely win support, property, income or taxation and led by a party leader or general such an organisation would still be constituent assembly and the present elections on the basis of fraudulent qualifications for the franchise are secretary who is the most advanced possible. battles in the British Labour Party: misrepresentations. But the difference normal. If the Prussian three-class part of the politburo (Lenin, Stalin, It is impossible because civilized that the representatives may cease to is that these parties, when they get into franchise before 1918 was peculiarly Healy, Cliff ...). society is split into antagonistic represent the political trend which office, will act according to the wishes bizarre, Britain maintained property Rather, the larger part of the far and, moreover, irreconcilably gave them their votes. In this situation, of the state core and/or of their donors; qualifications on the vote throughout left defends ‘workers’ democracy’ antagonistic classes, whose ‘self- the identification of the majority they do not need the active support the 19th century and into the early and counterposes it to ‘bourgeois acting’ arming would lead to an has to come through other means (in of their voters to do this. A workers’ 20th. No-one can seriously claim that democracy’, while ‘official armed struggle between them.6 1917-18, the soviets; it might be - as party which seeks to create political 19th-century Britain was not a fully communism’ has since 1936 ostensibly Lenin at one point in 1917 suggested democracy and workers’ power, in capitalist country. With the (unusual) defended ‘democracy as such’, I do not mean by this quotation to - aggregate results in local government contrast, does need the active support exceptions of the manoeuvres meaning thereby a form of a ostensible endorse Lenin’s exact argument. He elections; in present-day Britain, of its voters to implement its policy. of Bismarck in 1860s Germany, constitutional liberalism actually argues exactly that the occupational the utter disorganisation of the left The result is that it has to tell them the universal suffrage is something subject to police controls. specialisation of state officials means that we have no such counter- truth about its aims. This is an essential extorted from the capitalist class by The reason for this non-defence (including soldiers, police, etc) is what barometer). ground for a minimum programme the rise of the workers’ movement. is twofold. The first point is that the makes the state a state. Then it follows The second side is that the that specifies the conditions under It is not something introduced for actual argument of 1918-20 - that that ‘democracy’ is not a form of state, bourgeoisie’s anti-democratic electoral which we would be willing to take reasons dictated by the logic of democracy is a form of the state, and except in the sense of a transitional mechanisms may by contingencies responsibility for government. capital. the soviets, as a form of the immediate form, towards or away from the state produce an accidental electoral Even before the extensions of supersession of the state and class, - unless you succumb to the liberals’ majority (or plurality) for a workers’ Undemocratic the franchise forced on it by the supersede democracy - was in claim that the capitalist constitutional party which has nothing like a political The capitalist class is not a democratic emergence of workers’ movements, substance indefensible. It would only regimes are ‘democracies’. majority. In this situation, the workers’ class and the idea of ‘bourgeois a bourgeois state regime requires work as a Bakuninist argument that Moreover, even so the argument party cannot implement its programme, democracy’ is an oxymoron. The controls against the petty bourgeoisie. the soviets amounted to the immediate still leaves wholly untouched the but is bound to do the bidding of the point should, at a certain level, be These controls function both outside abolition of the state. Whether the question of how collective decisions state core of the capitalist state. Thus obvious: capitalists are quite a small the electoral and representative Greek polis, from which we get the were to be reached under workers’ the election of Lula as president of minority in society (even if small institutions, and within them. Both weekly worker 1267 September 19 2019 7 OVERHEAD have increased in importance, as the about a choice of representative for common interest of the bourgeoisie as of fetishes either of ‘democratic’ back’, but not completely, in 1660; capitalists have been forced to make the constituency, but rather a choice a class - subject, of course, to further gradualism or of ‘revolutionary’ the third was 1688. In France, we can concessions on the franchise. of who should form the government. interactions with the executive and rupturalism. Because the ‘ruptural’ probably only speak unequivocally Those outside the electoral By doing so they push down to the the judiciary. processes include not only (desirable) of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and representative institutions only ‘real’ choice being between the But then the property owners who revolutions, but also (undesirable) from 1871, after three revolutions. are called ‘checks and balances’ contending gangs of paid agents for the are represented in the parliament counterrevolutions and wars - and And so on. or the ‘separation of powers’. On capitalists, and even actually electing prove unable to resist the temptation analogous but less extreme political This, in turn, relates to the issue the one side, the armed forces and a minority party representative as to substitute indirect taxes (excise events. of reforms. It is possible to win bureaucracy are separated from the being a ‘wasted vote’. Even where duties; modern VAT) for direct The case for revolution is then not big serious substantive reforms - elected representatives by the role of proportional representation is used, taxes, especially taxes on land. But, a case for ‘ruptural’ change, various including ones which weaken the the ‘single person’ (as it was called in this possibility of gaining the spoils since everybody pays the indirect sorts of which can be expected to capitalist state as such. But there are the English constitutional arguments of office allows the professional taxes, the lack of universal suffrage happen at some point anyhow. It is a important choices to be made. The of the 1650s). Executive monarchies politician the hope of obtaining becomes and remains, through the case for constitutional change. Trade Disputes Act 1906, by ousting are now rare, but ceremonial a place through participation in a 19th century and into the 20th, a The archetype ‘revolution’ the judges as far as possible from monarchies are commonplace, government coalition. political grievance. The emergence is the revolution of 1688, called the sphere of industrial disputes, and ceremonial and executive Electoral and parliamentary of standing workers’ organisations a ‘revolution’ quite soon after it weakened the capitalist state. In presidencies, separately elected systems are in general designed to converted this vague grievance into happened, and in the modern sense. contrast the US Wagner Act 1935 from the election of representatives, force the electors to choose between a concrete (limited) programme with Here, King James VII and II was extended a capitalist state regulatory even more so. These operate as one or another gang of paid agents for the 1838 People’s Charter, proposed overthrown; a convention parliament regime, in a way which temporarily constitutional backstops, with powers the capitalists. ‘First past the post’ in by the “Working Men’s Association” was called, which offered the throne benefited the trade unions, but to ‘protect the constitution’ available Britain and the US is notorious for this to “the radical reformers of Great to Mary Stuart and her husband, contained within itself the basis to block the decisions of elected effect; in Britain we have the added Britain and Ireland”. William of Orange, Stadtholder of the of the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act. representatives which are inconsistent hurdle of deposits, and the Electoral A workers’ organisation with a Netherlands, on certain constitutional Similarly, the Trade Union and with capitalist interests, but relatively Commission - which for reasons it concrete, limited programme can terms. Much of the terms were then Labour Relations Act 1974 “sold rarely used; they also ideologically is unwilling to explain, prohibits win elections even under restricted stated in the 1689 Bill of Rights. the pass” to the Thatcher anti-union represent in the constitutional order the CPGB and the in franchises. And by doing so it can The revolution triggered full-scale laws. Reforms like the 1906 act can the managerial authority, which is a England and Wales from standing in give political voice to the working civil wars in Scotland and Ireland, only be permanent if the capitalists’ principle of the capitalist workplace. elections in their own names. The class; and it can, perhaps, move the and a European war. A series of regime of corruption is overthrown as On the other side, modern two-round system in France has claims of the working class beyond further constitutional changes then a whole; but they can still strengthen capitalist constitutions also assert (and in the German Second Reich the guerrilla struggle of bargaining took place: notably the creation of the working class under the capitalist the independence of the judiciary had) the same effect. The alternative with individual employers, the the Bank of England (originally as a regime. from the elected representatives.11 vote allows you to cast a token vote construction of cooperatives, and so means of handling war finance), and The minimum programme again Overt judicial activism in relation to for your minority preference, but on, to the claims of the working class the 1700 Act of Settlement, fixing plays an essential role here - for laws made by parliaments and other reinforces the two-party monopoly to lead society, expressed in the form the succession to the monarchy the working class to orient itself legislatures has varied; but in practice of the professional politicians. of proposals for general laws. to Protestants, and also providing in relation to supportable reform the scope of the judicial power to Proportional-representation The capitalist class fights back, security of tenure for senior judges. proposals (which concede, even interpret legislation is inherently so systems usually contain a threshold both by reducing the authority of 1688 had the effect of allowing an partially, elements of our programme) wide, given the inherent fluidity of requirement, which gathers up parliaments and similar bodies and explosive growth of financial and and unsupportable ones (which human language, that the legislature’s minority votes for the benefit of the by the methods of managing political commercial capitalism, and also require us to support the existing state aims are very frequently frustrated by ‘main’ parties. parties in order to deny the working industrial ironfounding, etc, in its power). the judiciary. The independence of Equally important is the tendency class any independent political immediate aftermath.16 This is not ‘the truth’ about the judiciary - and the ‘rule of law’, towards concentration of the means voice, as discussed above. But Stating the point more generally: these issues. But it does propose a which is its ideological expression of communication in capitalist hands, these mechanisms of control do not states are armed organised groups framework which can allow more - serves capitalist control for two which Kautsky remarked on in 1905, always work. They contain internal of persons loyal to a set of concrete thought about the issues reasons: the first is that law as such describing the capitalists as “flooding contradictions, which can allow constitutional forms - the res publica than the unproductive opposition is founded on the sanctity of private the country with a commercially political space for a working class Romana, the mandate of heaven, the of ‘democratic socialism’ and property; the second is that the ‘free bribable press” (again, referring to voice. Witness - as very imperfect ‘thousand-year’ (John Major) British ‘revolutionary socialism’ l market in legal services’ has the the US).14 This, too, goes back to the examples - the Corbyn movement in constitution. It is this organised effect that on average most judicial ‘rage of party’ period.15 the British Labour Party, the Sanders loyalty to a constitutional order [email protected] proceedings will end with the victory Given the judges’ (spurious) claims movement and the Congress ‘squad’ which differentiates a state from a of the party able to spend more money to be impartial and to merely obey in the USA. The working class can simple protection racket. They are Notes on lawyers.12 the legislator, it is understandable win concessions if our rulers are tied by their constitutional forms to 1. ‘Containing our movement in “safe” forms’, September 12. Controls within the electoral and that ‘democratic socialists’ might persuaded that the alternatives to the classes which created them, and 2. J Riddell (ed) The German revolution and the representative institutions are less be led to suppose that the state them are worse. actively resist both alteration to these debate on soviet power (London 2003) has various obvious, but still important. They itself is an impartial institution. It is It is particularly important constitutional forms and the decline relevant texts. consist, in essence, of mechanisms extraordinary that they have allowed that concessions can be won from of the class orders of which these 3. Helen Macfarlane’s 1850 translation reads: “the first step in the proletarian revolution will to ensure that the lower orders are themselves to be persuaded that opposition. As long as the workers’ classes are bearers. be the conquest of democracy, the elevation of represented by the paid agents of the advertising-funded media can in any movement is infected with the idea As long as the constitutional forms the proletariat to the state of the ruling class.” T capitalists. Engels in 1891 identified sense be described as such. that only by winning a government can of the capitalist state continue, that Carver and J Farr (eds) Cambridge companion to the two-party system of professional Outside of these frameworks is the concessions be won, the movement state will not merely resist socialist the Communist manifesto (Cambridge 2015), p275, seems preferable to others. politicians in the US as a form of fact that the single capitalist state is reinforces the two-party system or working class measures, but 4. https://marxists.catbull.com/archive/marx/ corruption and a means of capitalist always part of a system of states, and of corrupt professional politicians actively intervene through both legal works/1891/06/29.htm. control.13 But the professional capitalists can coerce individual states as a means of capitalist control. It regulation and covert political and 5. G Anderson, ‘The personality of the Greek state’ politicians and the two-party system by ‘flight of capital’. The practice is also makes itself extraordinarily intellectual operations to promote Journal of Hellenic Studies Vol 129 (2009). 6. www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/ in reality went back to Whigs and used, as we have seen in previous vulnerable to being wrong-footed capitalism. And this can be seen even staterev/ch01.htm#s2. Tories in the ‘rage of party’ of 1689- articles, in relation to quite slight when pro-capitalist governments in where what is involved is plainly 7. www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm. 1714. issues of policy. The international fact deliver concessions. Thus, for irrational, as in the UK’s privatisation 8. On Venice, see FC Lane Venice, a maritime An important aspect of these integration of physical production example, the economistic British of housing and infrastructure in the republic Baltimore 1973, chapter 18; and J Martin and D Romano (ed) Venice reconsidered Baltimore mechanisms is the grant to the elected means that it is delusive to overcome far-left groups keep going on and 1980s-2000s. 2000, chapters 2 and 8. Netherlands: J de Vries politicians of a term of years absolute the flight of capital by the action of on about “ending austerity” even Because the capitalist state and A van der Woude The first modern economy - an exploitable property right - in a single state. But the character of when Tory chancellor Sajid Javid has artificially preserves capitalism, Cambridge 1997, pp586-90. their seats until the next election. It is the cold war ‘golden age’ shows recently announced just that. in order to overcome capitalism 9. House of Lords: JV Beckett and C Jones, ‘Introduction: the peerage and the House of Lords this right which allows capitalists to that, with serious enough threats to it is essential that the capitalist in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’ buy politicians (whether immediately capitalist control on a world scale, Historical constitutional order should be in C Jones (ed) A pillar of the constitution or by promises of rewards after they this too can be temporarily forced Historical change usually involves overthrown. It is, in fact, immaterial London 1989, chapter 1. Local government: the stand down, as occurred with Tony into subordination. both gradual and abrupt or ‘ruptural’ how this is done. classic account is S and B Webb English local Blair). It is not the geographical Calling this stuff ‘democracy’ sells processes. This point ought to be banal It does not have to be “from government London 1906-29, Vols 2 and 3. City of 17 London: www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/ suffrage which made the Russian the pass on its political legitimacy, its and obvious. That it is controversial below”. Of course, all states at the LGNL_Services/Council_and_democracy/ 1918 constituent assembly anti- spurious claims to obedience. is merely the result of the process end of the day rest on consent, at least Councillors_democracy_and_elections/Voting_ democratic, but the fact that there was described at the end of the last article. from junior officials, and willingness and_Registration/Voting+FAQ.htm. 10. J Stewart, ‘Appointed boards and local no way for the anti-war Left Social Suffrage and That is, the Fabians and their German to put up with it from the inhabitants of government’ Parliamentary Affairs 48 (1995) Revolutionaries, or the Menshevik- followers, the revisionists, argued their territories. But an important part surveyed the development in Britain at that date. Internationalists, to deprive the pro- representation that gradual change was preferable; of the English revolution of 1640 was 11. The 1700 Act of Settlement reflects this war Right Social Revolutionaries and The expansion of the suffrage, and post-World War II cold-war Fabian/ the Scots invasion of England, which approach in principle: judges - except the lord chancellor, who was also a minister - could no Menshevik-defencists of their seats, the partial, limited, achievement revisionist authors came up with forced Charles I to recall parliament. longer be removed by the king alone, but by acquired on the basis of obsolete of working class representation in the absurd argument that ‘ruptural’ And 1688 was primarily a Dutch address of both houses of parliament. party lists. The defence of the right parliaments and suchlike bodies, is a change was impossible; their invasion, albeit at the invitation of a 12. More in M Macnair, ‘Free association versus to MPs’ security of tenure against contradiction in the capitalist regime. ‘revolutionary socialist’ opponents group of British opposition leaders. juridification’ Critique 39 (2011). 13. www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1871/ open reselection, in the interests of It exists because of the rise of the adopted a silly negation of this idea Imagine, for the sake of argument, civil-war-france/postscript.htm, quoted in last the bribe-payers, is at the heart of the working class. in arguing that the only real change that the working class seized power week’s article. class battle currently raging in the The capitalist conception of would be ‘ruptural’ - which has the in continental Europe and, having 14. See M Macnair, ‘Marxism and freedom British Labour Party. a parliament or similar body is result that the very real changes done so, invaded Britain, overthrew of communication’ Critique 37 (2009) on the general point. The Kautsky quotation is Ben The third element is - paradoxical based on “no taxation without in the past 50 years, from social the British constitution and created Lewis’s draft translation from ‘Republik und as it may seem - the fact that the representation” and its corollary, democracy and third-world social one modelled on what they had Sozialdemokratie in Frankreich’ Neue Zeit 23 government is answerable to the “no representation without taxation” nationalism to neoliberalism, and already created. This would still be a (1905): “Überschwemmung des Landes mit einer elected representatives. The result is - yielding a representative body from neoliberalism to right-populist revolution. käuflichen Presse”. 15. R Deazley On the origin of the right to copy that the elected representatives can, which is, as Edmund Burke put it, nationalism, disappear from view. It is not necessarily ‘in one act’: the Oxford 2004, chapters 1 and 2; On the Stamp in Engels’ phrase, “make a living by analogous to a shareholders’ meeting, The fact that historical change first stage of the English Revolution Act 1712, see S Harrison Poor men’s guardians carrying on agitation for their party with votes in proportion to holdings. usually involves both gradual and was the reformation, taking much of London 1974. and on its victory [be] rewarded with Vesting the legislative power in such abrupt or ‘ruptural’ processes not the property and overthrowing the 16. See, for example, T Harris Revolution London 2007; S Pincus 1688: the first modern revolution positions”. It is also that the capitalist a body produces, as outcomes of the only should be banal; it is also at a independent political power of the Yale 2009. media can represent every election conflicts and haggling, a ‘resultant’, level of abstraction so high that the church; the second stage was the civil 17. M Macnair, ‘Socialism from below: a delusion’ - even local elections - as not being which roughly approximates a point’s only utility is the rejection war of the 1640s, which was ‘thrown Weekly Worker August 13 2015. weekly 8 September 19 2019 1267 worker ITALY Coming to the rescue The Partito Democratico - an amalgam of Christian democrats and former ‘communists’ - have joined the ‘anti-establishment’ populists of the in a new government. Toby Abse reports on what he calls the new ‘popular front’

Giuseppe Conte: arrives to open meeting of new cabinet

he right-populist coalition for which he is singularly ill-suited, but partners - accompanied by what was before the party’s name- its founder, Beppe Grillo, had been between ’s which seemed a safer alternative than widely described as a Mussolinian change, which symbolised its turn personally involved in the campaign T Movimento Cinque Stelle (Five allowing him to succeed Salvini as demand for “full powers”, to use from aggressive regionalism to militant against the TAV even in the days when Star Movement - M5S) and Matteo minister of the interior, given the PD’s Salvini’s own sinister phrase - can be nationalism - were increasingly his followers - the Amici di [Friends Salvini’s Lega has come to an end desire to tone down the anti-migrant ascribed to the effects of sitting in a impatient with Salvini’s compromises of] Beppe Grillo - were more of a after 14 months in office. It has been and anti-NGO policies which Di Maio deckchair in the blazing 35° sun and with the far more southern-dominated collection of environmental pressure replaced by what seems at first sight to had enthusiastically endorsed. the endless mojitos he was drinking at M5S, such as the introduction of the groups than a nationally organised be a more unlikely coalition between Perhaps the clearest policy shift has the bar on the Papeete Beach, where ‘citizen’s income’ scheme, which force. Indeed, the ‘No TAV’ protest M5S and the centre-left Partito been in European policy - regardless of he was spending the week, is probably they saw as a concession to feckless movement seems to have been the Democratico (PD), in which the left- Di Maio’s inclinations, the appointment simplistic. Relations between the Lega southerners. In short, Salvini could be only instance in which Grillo’s fiery social-democratic Liberi ed Uguali of PD ministers to the portfolios and M5S had deteriorated over the seen as responding to pressure from platform rhetoric was matched by (Free and Equal People - LeU) is a dealing with economics (Roberto previous two months in the wake of the below in finally breaking with the practical direct action, leading to his very junior partner, with one minister, Gualtieri) and European affairs (Enzo May European election results, which M5S. own arrest. Roberto Speranza (health). Amendola), as well as the appointment had completely reversed the balance of Moreover, there were a number The drilling of long tunnels through The claim made by a euphoric of former PD premier Paolo Gentiloni forces between the Lega and M5S - the of issues which were heightening the mountains of the Val di Susa , the deputy leader as Italy’s Lega’s percentage of the vote doubled tensions between the Lega and M5S clearly damages the local environment of the PD, to , the (for economic affairs), are intended (34%), while M5S’s was cut in half by early summer. For example, M5S and is fiercely opposed by many of PD leader - “Nic, We have created a as a signal that Italy’s alliance with (17%). was slowing down the passage of laws the local peasant farmers, who over masterpiece: this is the most leftwing the ‘Visegraders’ (Czech Republic, The Lega emerge as Italy’s strongest on increased regional autonomy for the last two decades have formed team of the last 15 years” - was Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) is over party, achieving a considerable lead some prosperous northern regions - in an unusual alliance with anarchists echoed, albeit in the negative sense, by and a better relationship with both over the PD, which had itself made a particular the Lega-run Lombardy and and autonomists from Turin’s centri , the leader of the far- France and Germany is being sought. partial recovery under Zingaretti from Veneto. M5S had belatedly realised sociali (who illegally occupied social right Fratelli d’Italia ( Whilst the PD may have fought the last its general election disaster under Renzi that these measures of ‘differentiated centres). Their willingness to mobilise - FdI), who described it as “The most European elections using the words and pushed M5S into a humiliating autonomy’ would lead to greater large numbers for guerrilla actions leftwing government in the history of “Siamo Europei” (‘We are Europeans’) third place. The Lega’s standing in the inequality in the provision of public against the TAV often led to violent the republic.” on the ballot paper, there is at least opinion polls during the early summer services such as health and education confrontations with the carabinieri, The claim is a little extravagant, as much pragmatism as idealism at rose above the 34% of the European between the wealthy north and the which cannot always be ascribed to to put it mildly, especially if we work. There is far more chance of a election towards 38% in some surveys. poorer south. This was something ecological concerns. In any event remember that the recent governments flexible approach to Italy’s national It was widely believed that, given the that was very likely to further M5S’s enthusiastic support for the backed, or even led, by the PD, such debt and public deficit being shown mixture of proportional and first-past- alienate unemployed or poorly paid No TAV campaign won it an electoral as ’s technocratic cabinet at a time of zero growth if the Italian the-post seats awarded by the current southerners, who accounted for a base amongst the peasants of the Val of 2011-13 or ’s coalition government stops hurling insults at the Italian electoral system, this score disproportional share of the M5S vote di Susa. in 2014-16, could not be described representatives from and Berlin. might be sufficient to give Salvini an in regions such as Sicily and Campania Over the last year there have been as leftwing in any meaningful sense. overall majority in parliament - either in March 2018, but who had started to three large demonstrations in Turin, Perhaps the new government could be Balance of forces based on the Lega alone or in alliance desert the party in May 2019. each involving tens of thousands seen as a rather weird variant of the Why has this abrupt change come with the much smaller far-right FdI led over the question of the high-speed popular front, since it is essentially a about? The answer is that Salvini, who by Giorgia Meloni. Environment railway. This drew in M5S supporters, bulwark against and had become the dominant figure in the The FdI claims to be “post-fascist”, However, if the demand for increased environmentalists and far leftists from the Lega, whose far-right inclinations M5S-Lega government overplayed but retains many of the symbols of the regional autonomy had a particular across the country. By contrast, both are increasingly blatant.1 The prime his hand. Whilst Italian governmental old Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI), importance for the Lega’s full-time the Lega and the PD have taken a clear minister remains the same as in the crises are not unusual (Italy being which had no qualms about identifying office-holders in municipal and ‘Si TAV’ (Yes to TAV) stance. Although previous administration: Giuseppe notorious for having had more changes itself as neo-fascist. Whilst Salvini regional government in the north (as there was no doubt that the project had Conte, an academic lawyer, who was of prime minister since 1945 than any was happy to contemplate allying well as those running, or employed by, already caused some environmental in effect adopted by the M5S party in other comparable western country - himself with forces to his right, he private companies to which the Lega damage and, if completed, will cause 2018, but seems more of a centrist and indeed only six of them have lasted was reluctant to do any national-level had outsourced local services, often more of the same in the Val di Susa, had, it seems, little or no connection more than two years), this is the first deal with ’s declining in a far from transparent manner), commentary about the wider issues with M5S prior to his first appointment governmental crisis to have erupted in , with its links to the the immediate trigger for Salvini’s is so blatantly partisan on both sides as premier in June 2018. However, the middle of August - a month during European People’s Party and thus to explosion against M5S seems to have that it is hard for somebody without after some very fraught negotiations. which most Italians pay little or no what Salvini regarded as the traditional been the question of the TAV - the specialist knowledge to judge whether Conte has been spared any deputy attention to politics. European establishment. projected high-speed railway between the project has any merit or not. prime ministers on this occasion: M5S However, the widespread notion Many members and supporters of Turin and Lyon. Early this year a ‘cost benefit leader Di Maio has been bought off that Matteo Salvini’s rabid outburst Lega, especially in Lombardy and the M5S had opposed the scheme since analysis’ conducted by a committee with the foreign ministry - a position on August 8 against his own M5S Veneto - the strongholds of the old its foundation as a party in 2009 and appointed by former M5S weekly worker 1267 September 19 2019 9 OVERHEAD infrastructure minister, Danilo circumstances. How much pressure high level of security precautions in and, in an interview with Corriere Vincenzo Spadafora, who, unlike the Toninelli, ruled against it, but pro-TAV Salvini needed to put on M5S to get Putin’s Moscow. But Salvini refused to della Sera on August 11, called for vast majority of M5S politicians, had a in Repubblica and Corriere their parliamentarians to support this face such parliamentary scrutiny. discussions with M5S rather than prehistory of involvement with various argued that the report’s figures were inhuman, racist and authoritarian , as prime minister, supporting Zingaretti’s option for groupings on the centre-left. It was flawed and it omitted some factors package is far from clear. It should was consequently forced to make a a general election. Renzi’s motives no accident that the dinner where Di in the TAV’s favour. Some anti-TAV never be forgotten that both Di Maio statement to parliament on Salvini’s were, of course, far from pure: one was Maio and Zingaretti first met face to polemicists in , one and his former friend and current behalf. This episode rankled with the concern about the need for a budget face to discuss a possible coalition was of the daily newspapers that broadly rival, Alessandro Di Battista, are both Conte, who was tired of Salvini acting acceptable to the EU (as opposed to in Spadafora’s home. It also became supports M5S, seemed to argue that the the rabidly racist sons of lifelong as if he was already prime minister the deliberately provocative deficit apparent as negotiations progressed TAV is now unnecessary because of neo-fascist fathers and that Di Maio, rather than one of two deputy prime budget envisaged by the Lega, in that Conte wanted them to succeed an improvement in Italian motorways not Salvini, invented the disgusting ministers. This explains why Conte’s which Salvini’s proposed ‘flat tax’ and got increasingly irritated with Di and an increase in cheap short-haul description of NGO rescue boats as resignation speech on August 20 would have deprived the state of much Maio’s demands to be deputy premier, air traffic (Ryanair and EasyJet) over “sea taxis”. ultimately took the form of a vitriolic of its revenue); the other was the need minister of the interior or minister of the whole period when the TAV has Only a handful of M5S personal attack on Salvini, and also to place curbs on Salvini’s power defence, which kept threatening to been under discussion - it seems to parliamentarians refused to vote why Conte had no patience with Di grab. Renzi had not - and probably delay everything at the last minute. have been devised at the same time as for Salvini’s second ‘security law’ Maio’s wobbling about Salvini’s still has not - abandoned his dream of Whilst Conte, as stated earlier, is by the London-Paris Channel Tunnel. In and the sanctions available to the offer of the premiership the following creating a new Macron-type party and inclination a centrist rather than any response we are bound to ask: would it M5S leadership were less effective, week. Conte put an end to Salvini’s needed the support of a reasonable kind of leftwinger, he clearly found be better for the environment if goods now that the coalition’s majority in hope of reconciliation with M5S by number of rightwingers amongst the it easier to work with Zingaretti or and passengers were pushed into the Senate had sunk to low single announcing at the Biarritz summit PD parliamentary groups to make this Franceschini rather than a thug like using high-speed rail rather than more figures. A couple of M5S senators had in late August that he (Conte) would possible. A short-lived coalition with Salvini and is aware that Di Maio, polluting cars, lorries and airplanes? already been expelled for possessing a never work with Salvini again. M5S until spring 2020 might give him whilst possessing some media skills, Whilst M5S deliberately left the conscience that had led them to vote Why did Salvini’s bid to force the time he needs. is his intellectual inferior. Conte question of the TAV unresolved until against Salvini’s first ‘security law’, an early general election go wrong? Most PD parliamentarians - also seems to have learned a lot after the May European elections, introducing the initial penalties against Essentially because he could not regardless of whether they were really from his dealings with his European in a desperate bid to hang onto some NGO ships which saved drowning conceive of any alliance between M5S attracted by a breakaway that was counterparts over the last year and has of their traditional environmentalist migrants. Salvini obviously felt that, in and the PD. projected to get around 5%, according realised that Italy would gain more votes,2 by July M5S prime minister the event of an early election in which to opinion polls - were anxious to concessions through the give and take Giuseppe Conte had, to the Lega’s the Lega’s campaign would centre on PD internal battle keep their seats and therefore backed of negotiations than by the gratuitous delight, ruled in favour of the TAV. attacking migrants, the first ‘security The PD’s immediate reaction to Renzi’s deal with M5S. Inevitably, rants about Macron and Jean-Claude Conte did so on the basis that it would law’ would not be vicious enough in its Salvini’s August 8 attack on M5S was there were problems with the proposal, Juncker beloved of Salvini and Di cost far more to cancel the project own right - although in practical terms, the one the Lega leader had predicted - given M5S’s hostility to Renzi and his Maio. than to go ahead with it. In large part by depriving thousands of migrants to call for a general election. Zingaretti clique: De Maio predictably said that Conte has twice saved Italy from this was because of the international of “humanitarian protection,”3 as well understandably saw a general election he “would not sit down at a table” with EU infraction procedures during his treaties surrounding it, under which as closing many reception centres, it as a good way of freeing himself from Renzi. first premiership and was probably Italy had legal obligations to France seemed to guarantee to drive many the predominantly hostile PD groups Zingaretti was initially far from the prime mover behind the decision and was in receipt of EU funds, which, migrants into total destitution, hence in both the Senate and the Chamber, enthusiastic about a deal with M5S, of the M5S members of the European contrary to the demagogic assertions in some cases towards petty crime. who had been chosen by Matteo Renzi but, when former PD premier Enrico parliament to join their PD colleagues of M5S propagandists, could not be This was exactly the kind of outcome with minimal consultation with the left Letta (who Renzi had toppled) in voting in favour of Ursula Von diverted to other, more local, projects that would increase fear and insecurity minority within the party in the run-up and centre-left veteran and former der Leyen as like a Turin metro. amongst poorer Italians and thus boost to the March 2018 general election. premier expressed president rather than join the Lega, the It has been claimed by some the Lega’s vote. Although Zingaretti had won about their support for the idea, his attitude German AfD and French Ralliement opponents of the TAV that France So far I have concentrated on the two thirds of the vote in the PD primary started to soften. However, Zingaretti National in opposing her. Given her is craftily postponing building the straightforward, openly discussed in March 2019 and Renzi’s favourite insisted the aim should be a long-term narrow margin of victory - nine votes structure of the railway track that political issues that could have candidate had come third in the contest, coalition with an agreed common - the new Italian government has would bring the new line into Lyon; triggered Salvini’s August 8 break with the former leader maintained his hold programme, not a temporary lash- benefited from this. and that in addition more of the tunnel M5S. However, it is also possible that over the bulk of those he had brought up that merely postponed a general Beppe Grillo, somewhat is under French territory than under there was another, less public motive, into parliament. Renzi made no secret election until spring 2020. Zingaretti surprisingly, in view of his past Italian, although Italy is paying more prompting Salvini to make a frantic bid of his detestation of Zingaretti’s move was undoubtedly influenced by hostility to the PD, also played a role towards the bill. Whilst Emmanuel for “full powers”: that is, in the hope away from the hard-line, neoliberal , a former PD in urging M5S to make a deal with Macron is certainly capable of being of gaining prime ministerial office and and anti-trade union policies he had leader from a Christian Democratic Zingaretti. Grillo, like Conte - albeit a dishonest hypocrite, as his stance using it to escape potential judicial espoused. background, who unlike Renzi also more publicly and with a great degree on the refugee question has frequently problems in the way Silvio Berlusconi It should be stressed that Zingaretti’s sought a longer-term deal with M5S. of sarcasm - expressed his irritation shown, some of these assertions may did for so many years. return to mildly social democratic Franceschini’s willingness to accept with Di Maio’s excessive demands in be the product of Francophobia on the This was the scandal generally policies and willingness not only to the culture ministry that he had already the last few days of negotiations. part of both the anti-TAV M5S and the referred to as ‘Moscopoli’ - the meet with trade union leaders, but to held in 2014-18, rather than hold out Given M5S’s incessant rhetoric pro-TAV Lega. allegations that the Lega may have actively participate in union-organised for a higher ranking office, played a about la casta (the political class) in In any event on August 7 M5S obtained substantial Russian funding demonstrations, probably only makes very important role in the final days general and corrupt parliamentarians attempted to save face by voting for for the 2019 European election via a him roughly equivalent to Ed Miliband of negotiations, when Di Maio was in particular, it is hard not to laugh an anti-TAV motion in parliament, €3 million kickback on a substantial in political terms. However, the continually raising obstacles. about the overwhelming hostility ludicrously repudiating the decision of purchase of Russian oil by an Italian consistently antagonistic attitude of towards facing an early election under their own prime minister in a spectacle company. There is no doubt that the bulk of the PD parliamentarians Left-right? unfavourable conditions on the part designed to impress their more naive negotiations for such a deal took towards him is more reminiscent of The negotiations did reveal quite of M5S parliamentarians, who so voters (the No TAV movement in the place in Moscow’s Hotel Metropole the response of the Blairites in the a number of cracks in the apparent evidently enjoyed the high salaries and Val di Susa had already repudiated its in October 2018 - a leaked audio Parliamentary Labour Party to Jeremy unity of M5S - cracks which to some generous expenses to which they have long-standing links with M5S, with recording of the conversation emerged Corbyn. extent can be interpreted as left-right become accustomed (even if keeping its leader engaging in an exchange of in July 2019. This meeting coincided During the European election divisions of the kind that M5S claimed them required a deal with the PD). insults with Beppe Grillo). As M5S with an official visit of Salvini’s to campaign Zingaretti had adopted a no longer existed in the 21st century. Di Whether M5S and the PD are knew in advance, the Lega was able Moscow, during which the Italian ‘broad church’ approach. He even Maio was clearly tempted by Salvini’s capable of working together in the to on the support of the PD, FdI interior minister addressed some Italian included in the PD lists a token belated offer of the premiership in a long run remains to be seen. Similarly, and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia to businessmen trading with and number of lesser known members renewed M5S-Lega coalition and there it is far from clear whether the EU will vote the M5S motion down. Although met his Russian counterpart for talks. of the Movimento Democratico e was little doubt that he and Salvini grant Italy enough fiscal flexibility M5S were in practical terms utterly One of the three men on the Italian Progressista (MDP), formed in 2017 were communicating behind the backs to give this government a fair chance isolated, three of the four LeU senators side in these secret negotiations was following a left split from the PD of the PD until a few days before the of surviving. Even if a weakened upheld the traditional No TAV line of Gianluca Savoini - a close political (he used the fig leaf of their common end of the crisis. On the other hand, Germany now has its own reasons to the far left. But the very fact that M5S associate of Salvini’s who had acted as adherence to the Party of the European Alessandro Di Battista clearly opposed be less harsh, the hard-line neoliberal had engaged in a purely symbolic his personal spokesman in the period Socialists to avoid putting the letters any deal with the PD, only falling governments of the so-called Hanseatic challenge to the Lega line seems to immediately after his election as Lega MDP on the ballot paper). However, he silent shortly before the September League (the Netherlands, Ireland, enraged Salvini and within 36 hours leader in December 2013. It may be also placed the neoliberal technocrat, 3 online vote of M5S members, in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, he dropped the August 8 bombshell the case that what appeared to be very (a former minister in which 79.3% backed it - 79,634 of Lithuania and Estonia) may block mentioned earlier. serious efforts to negotiate such a a PD-led government), at the head the claimed 115,000 eligible members any expansionary initiatives from the deal ultimately fell through, but even of the list in the Northeast Italy Euro took part - the highest number in any of southern Europeans. Rupture a completely unsuccessful attempt constituency.3 M5S’s online referenda. This allowed Whilst has made It is arguable that Salvini may have to obtain foreign funding in such an Maybe the relatively good result followers of Grillo to wax lyrical about it clear in the last few days that delayed a premeditated rupture with underhand manner falls foul of Italian had given Zingaretti more confidence the wonders of “direct democracy”. quantitative easing must continue, M5S until shortly after this TAV vote law. and for a moment it looked like a more The M5S figure who had the most there is no guarantee that the outgoing in order to ensure that M5S voted for The three men identified as thorough-going deRenzification of sympathy for the change of alliance European Central Bank president can the second of his so-called ‘security Italian negotiators are currently the the party, with a long overdue purge was , the speaker of the bind his successor, Christine Lagarde. laws’, passed a few days before in subject of a criminal investigation of the candidate list, in the offing. Chamber of Deputies. While some In short, the reprieve for Italy may only parliament. His aim was to maximise by the Milanese magistrates. When However, Renzi’s recent change of well informed writers about the be temporary l the Lega’s electoral popularity in an the scandal broke in July 2019, the heart in relation to M5S has put an internal workings of M5S believe that early contest that he assumed would PD demanded that Salvini make a end to this. It should be remembered the PD and others on the left are naive Notes be fought primarily on the migrant statement to parliament about the that it was Renzi who in a newspaper in taking all Fico’s intermittent left 1. Both Rifondazione Comunista and the self-styled issue. This ‘security law’, amongst affair. This was because his response to interview had put an abrupt end to posturing too seriously - pointing out “communist daily” Il Manifesto have supported the other provisions, vastly increased the media enquiries had been a mixture of possible discussions with M5S in his complicity in expulsions of M5S formation of the new coalition as the only way of fines imposed on NGOs that defied the evasion and outright lies. He claimed the immediate aftermath of the 2018 leftwingers in earlier years, as well as a halting Salvini’s march to power. 2. They had already lost many of such voters through ban on landing shipwrecked migrants he barely knew Savoini (although general election. Moreover, an alleged degree of careerist cooperation with the their craven sell-out of their electoral promises to close in Italian ports to an extraordinary numerous photographs of the pair willingness to make a future deal with M5S right - it is quite clear that he does the ILVA steel works at Taranto (notoriously the cause €1 million, as well also making together on various occasions in both M5S had been one of Renzi’s endlessly not share Salvini’s views on migrants of numerous cancer deaths in the city), to cancel the the penalties for illegal acts (eg, Italy and Moscow have emerged) and repeated accusations against Zingaretti and gypsies, and much prefers working Trans-Adriatic pipeline bringing gas from Azerbaijan, and to stop the drilling for oil in the Adriatic. vandalism) committed in the course that Savoini had somehow barged into since the latter had been party leader. with the PD than the Lega. 3. The ungrateful Calenda has now left the PD in of a demonstration higher than if official meetings without an invitation Therefore it was surprising, to say Another figure who played some protest against the deal with M5S but naturally he has they were committed under any other - which is absurd, given the extremely the very least, that Renzi did a U-turn role in the negotiation’s success was not given up his seat. weekly 10 September 19 2019 1267 worker ISRAEL Still deadlocked As Israel moves further and further to the openly racist far right, there is no longer any room for a hypocritical Zionist left that talks equality and practises ethnic cleansing, writes Tony Greenstein eptember 17 saw Israel’s 3.25% hurdle (which turned out to second general election of be correct) - and accepting that they S 2019. In April Binyamin would be part of the next coalition Netanyahu’s Likud and his Blue and he forms. Netanyahu does not attack White opponents won 35 seats each them because of their racist policies, - well short of the 61 needed for a which include the forcible transfer majority. Well, why did Netanyahu of Israel’s Palestinian citizens to the bother? This time around, with just Arab countries. Netanyahu himself is, a handful of votes still to be counted, of course, desperately trying to avoid Blue and White has 33 seats and corruption charges - if necessary by a Likud 32. statutory provision that exempts the The April elections saw the Israeli prime minister whilst in office from Labor Party nosedive, going from criminal charges. This is part of what 24 to six seats and the left Zionist his election calculations were based , cling on with four. This time, around. however, the ILP, as part of a joint list Otzma Yehudit includes within known as Labor-Gesher, picked up its leadership Benzi Gopstein, leader six seats and Meretz, which is now of the fascist Lehava group, which part of the Democratic Union, five. campaigns against mixed Jewish- When you think that the ILP - or Arab relationships and employs Mapai, as it was before 1968 - gained groups of thugs to physically attack 46 seats in the 1949 elections, with Arab men suspected of seeking Mapam to its left gaining 19, then you relations with Jewish women. Back can see the scale of decline. As late in April Netanyahu successfully as 1969 the Israeli Labor Alignment, pressurised the United Right party to which included Mapam, gained 56 include Otzma Yehudit on its ticket seats. From 1949 to 1977 the ILP/ and, this time around, Likud also Mapai formed every single coalition hoped Otzma Yehudit would cross the government. The last time the ILP electoral threshold. was in this position was in the 1992 Despite Otzma Yehudit’s failure, elections under Yitzhak Rabin, when the far right - which had coalesced it gained 44 seats, while Meretz won in the Yamina list, headed by former 12. Even then the government rested justice minister Ayelet Shaked - on the support of the Arab parties. But picked up seven seats. Yamina Labor has not formed a government consists of three parties - the New since 1999. Right and the Union of Rightwing Meretz, which is all that remains parties (itself a combination of Jewish of Mapam, has only managed to cling Home and Tekuma). on to representation in the knesset But Netanyahu excelled himself (for which a minimum of 3.25% is with the racist nature of his campaign. necessary) thanks to thousands of Even Facebook suspended his talking Israeli Palestinian votes. However, bot after a message appeared on his for a Zionist party that is untenable, so official page saying that all Arabs Meretz cooked up a deal with former wanted to annihilate the Israelis. The prime minister Ehud Barak. message of Likud’s campaign was Barak is a war criminal having that the ‘leftist’ Blue and White Party been responsible for the saturation will form a coalition government with bombing of Lebanon and for coining ‘the Arabs’. the phrase - adopted by Likud - that Blue and White is headed by Israel “has no partner for peace”. He former war criminal and chief of also oversaw the murder of 13 Israeli staff Benny Gantz - responsible for Palestinians on Land Day in October Operation Protective Edge in 2014, 2000, which sparked the start of the which murdered 2,200 Palestinians in second Intifada. Gaza, including 550 children. There is The alliance with Barak and Labour no real difference between Netanyahu defector Stav Shaffir - the Democratic and Gantz in their attitude towards the Union - represents the last desperate Palestinians or Arabs. throw of the dice of the Zionist left. Netanyahu accused Blue and Lacking any social programme White of intending to form a ‘leftist’ worthy of the name and having little Likud promoted the alliance with Trump ... he’s popular there government, which includes the or nothing to say about the occupied Arabs. Gantz denied that he would territories and the expansion of the privatised - there is no longer a ‘labour coalition after the April elections the rabbis’ blessing, Israel’s claims have anything to do with the Joint settlements, they can only resort to economy’. Netanyahu’s Stabilisation unless the Orthodox parties agreed to dispossess the Palestinians lack all List, which is made up of the rearranging the deckchairs. Pact saw to that and now Israel is the that their supporters would serve in moral justification. In fact if it was Communist Hadash, United Arab Labour Zionism founded and built apostle of free-market capitalism. the Israeli army. Lieberman represents not for the Palestinians Israel could List, Ta’al and Balad parties and the Israeli state through organisations But Israel no longer has a need for mainly Russian immigrants and is on be consumed by civil war. Hatred actually won 12 seats. and institutions such as the kibbutzim labour-Zionist hypocrisy. Zionism no the far right of Israeli politics - for of the Palestinians provides the glue However, Netanyahu’s accusation and the Histadrut trade union longer needs to be Janus-faced, one example, supporting the “transfer” of for Zionist unity - as much as anti- typified the level of political debate federation. But collective colonialism, (Zionist) side turned inwards towards Israeli Arabs, whom he considers a Semitism provided the ideological in Israel today. Instead of Gantz which was essential to building Israeli Jews and the other (social fifth column, if they failed to swear a glue for the Nazi party. saying, ‘What does it matter if I form the state, is now an anachronism. democratic) side turned outwards loyalty oath to Israel. Yet, despite Lieberman’s virulent a government with the Arab parties?’, There is no longer any need to pay to western public opinion. Labour Nonetheless Lieberman represents racism, many in the labour Zionist he immediately denies any such lip service to social democracy - Zionism no longer has a role to play. ‘secular’ racism in a state where parties consider that because he is anti- intention as an outrage - God forbid still less socialism. Israel is now an Israel is aligned with Trump and racism is legitimised by a rabbinical Netanyahu then he is somehow of the that Arab parties be included in a openly racist society with a prime the far right internationally - there caste. Much of Lieberman’s Russian left. There is an almost total failure by governing coalition. minister whose Facebook page bore is no longer a need for any pretence. base is either half-Jewish or non- the Zionist ‘left’ parties to recognise Whoever is included in the the message that the “Arabs want Labour Zionism’s formulation of Jewish. Many Russian Jews are the that the problem is not Netanyahu, but next government, Israel is in for a to annihilate us all - women, children a ‘Jewish democratic state’ was equivalent of the Mishlinge (mixed Zionism itself - the Jewish nature of period of instability - it is clear that and men”.1 I am, of course, referring always an oxymoron. If the state race Jews) in Nazi Germany. the Israeli state is the real problem. there will be a continued period of to Netanyahu, although it is far from was democratic, then how could it The cleavage between orthodox However, the party known as political paralysis. In this situation certain that he will retain that post. be based on just one section of the and secular Jews represents a Otzma Yehudit, which is the inheritor there is talk of another attack on For over half a century the ILP has population? By definition a Jewish fundamental division within Israel’s of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Kach, despite Gaza - if Netanyahu heads the next practised ethnic cleansing at home state meant one which privileged Herrenvolk. It represents a division being tipped to enter the knesset government, he will be looking - building Israel’s apartheid state - Jews over non-Jews. between Zionism’s secular origins and with perhaps as many as four seats, for ways to divert attention from whilst preaching the brotherhood of today’s messianic settler movement. actually failed to pass the minimum corruption charges l man abroad. It presided over a large ‘Secular’ racism However it is a battle that the threshold. Netanyahu had been torn state-run economy with the ‘trade The reason that a second 2019 election Orthodox will win, because the whole between mounting a campaign to Notes union’, Histadrut, being Israel’s became necessary was because ideological justification for Zionism convince electors that a vote for 1www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/. second largest employer. Today the Avigdor Lieberman, leader of Yisrael is that it represents the ‘return’ of Otzma Yehudit was a ‘wasted vote’ premium-netanyahu-s-new-election-message- Histadrut enterprises have all been Beteinu, refused to join Netanyahu’s Jews to the ‘Promised Land’. Without - ie, they would fail to surmount the arabs-want-to-annihilate-us-all-1.7832283. weekly worker 1267 September 19 2019 11 What we SAUDI ARABIA fight for n Without organisation the working class is nothing; with the highest form of organisation it is everything. Accusations and threats n There exists no real Communist Party today. There are many A US attack on Iran is once again a real possibility, warns Yassamine Mather so-called ‘parties’ on the left. In reality they are confessional sects. Members who disagree with the prescribed ‘line’ are expected to gag themselves in public. Either that or face expulsion. n Communists operate according to the principles of democratic centralism. Through ongoing debate we seek to achieve unity in action and a common world outlook. As long as they support agreed actions, members should have the right to speak openly and form temporary or permanent factions. n Communists oppose all impe- rialist wars and occupations but constantly strive to bring to the fore the fundamental question–ending war is bound up with ending capitalism. n Communists are internationalists. Everywhere we strive for the closest unity and agreement of working class and progressive parties of all countries. We oppose every manifestation of national sectionalism. It is an internationalist duty to uphold the Oil prices shot up principle, ‘One state, one party’. n efence accounts for by far the Americans want a war”, adding: blaming Israel and hawks in the US account, stating that the penalties The working class must be the biggest expenditure in the “When these contacts come too administration for the attack on Saudi against Iran would “substantially organised globally. Without a global budget of Saudi Arabia. In close, when forces come into contact oilfields. Of course, one cannot rule increase”. It is now thought that the Communist Party, a Communist D International, the struggle against 2018 the country spent nearly $69 with one another, it is possible out such possibilities, but it is more Iranian president’s trip to New York is billion on armaments - or 8.7% of its a conflict happens because of a likely that it was either the Houthis in doubt, as the US has not yet issued capital is weakened and lacks GDP. The Royal Saudi Air Defence misunderstanding,” However, “We are (with Iran’s help) or the Islamic visas for Rouhani and his entourage. coordination. Forces boasts ownership of a huge ready for a counterattack” if the US Republic itself who were responsible. n Communists have no interest range of the most up-to-date weaponry, responds militarily - he named the Al Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, Repression apart from the working class including fighter jets and missile Udeid air base in and al-Dhafra is currently arguing against any talks Given so much pressure from outside, as a whole. They differ only in defence systems. Yet all that was to air base near in the United with Trump and it seems clear that one would have thought that the recognising the importance of no avail when on September 15 the Arab Emirates as immediate targets, as neither Rouhani nor foreign minister Islamic Republic would try and Marxism as a guide to practice. oilfields at Abqaiq and Khurais were well as navy ships in the Mohammad Zarif want to fall into rally its own citizens by reducing its That theory is no dogma, but targeted. and the Arabian Sea. the trap of a meaningless photo- internal repression. Nothing could be must be constantly added to and The drone and cruise-missile attacks Yet while the US press and media opportunity with the US president further from the truth. Worker activists enriched. have had the effect of cutting the were forecasting imminent military à la Kim Jong-un. Such an event arrested because of their involvement n Capitalism in its ceaseless country’s short-term oil exports by 50% attacks on Iran, the US administration would have no political significance, in protests against the privatisation of search for profit puts the future and the price of Brent crude jumped by were adopting a more cautious tone. but would cost them dearly as far as the Haft Tapeh sugar plant were on of humanity at risk. Capitalism is 10% to $71 a barrel. According to oil Trump told reporters: “I’m not looking their future political ambitions are trial last week and most of them were synonymous with war, pollution, analysts at Bloomberg, this was the to get into new conflict, but sometimes concerned in Iran. given long prison sentences, as well as exploitation and crisis. As a global biggest single-day surge in oil prices you have to.” Asked whether Iran was So once again the chance of military medieval punishments in the form of system capitalism can only be since 1988, forcing the United States behind the attack, Trump said: “It’s conflict has increased. However, flogging. Merely for participating in superseded globally. to release some of its oil reserves in an looking that way.” Yet only a few we should not think that this has protests to save their jobs. n The capitalist class will never attempt to steady prices. moments later, he rebuked a reporter destroyed French president Emmanuel This week security forces attacked willingly allow their wealth and The Saudis claim that its air who sought clarification, saying: “I Macron’s efforts to deliver $15 billion workers employed by Hepko, which power to be taken away by a defences had been protecting other didn’t say that.” in sanctions relief to Iran - or indeed produces industrial equipment. Not parliamentary vote. parts of the kingdom. However, it On the same afternoon the US ended the long-term prospects of a deal having received any wages for months, is likely that, for all the expensive president denied he had ever called for in the last year of the current Trump on September 15 they protested in the n We will use the most militant hardware bought from the US, UK and meetings with Iranian leaders. Given administration: one he can hail as a city of Arak. The regime’s response methods objective circumstances other countries, Saudi expertise in the dozens of tweets to the contrary, Trump major achievement. was predictable. Security forces were allow to achieve a federal republic use of such equipment leaves a lot to is either suffering from dementia or he The problem for the US dispatched and they launched a brutal of England, Scotland and Wales, be desired. believes the entire population of the administration is that, on the one hand, attack against the workers, injuring a united, federal Ireland and a Although Yemen’s Houthi rebels world are suffering from amnesia. it has declared there will be no knee- many and arresting many others. United States of Europe. claimed responsibility for the attacks jerk reaction to the bombing. But, on And here lies one of the regime’s n Communists favour industrial immediately, by September 16 US Where next? the other hand, the administration is main weaknesses. On the one hand, it unions. Bureaucracy and class secretary of state Mike Pompeo was In the United States itself, talk of under pressure from hawks, such as wants to portray itself as an opponent compromise must be fought and blaming Iran. Tehran responded by imminent conflict with Iran has not Senator Lindsey Graham, the South of “world oppression” (implying the trade unions transformed into accusing the United States of “deceit”. gone down well. An unusually large Carolina Republican, who is calling opposition to the United States), schools for communism. The same day tweeted number of those interviewed by the for a military strike on Iran. But, on the other hand, it follows the n Communists are champions of that the US knew who the culprit was press and media - from an ex-CIA On September 17 he tweeted: requirements of global capital in terms the oppressed. Women’s oppression, and was “locked and loaded”, ready chief to Democratic congressmen and “The measured response by president of privatisation, job insecurity, the combating racism and chauvinism, to respond. However, he wanted to women - blamed Trump’s insistence @dealDonaldTrump regarding the institutional non-payment of wages and the struggle for peace and hear from the Saudis about how they on leaving the Iran nuclear deal for the shooting down of an American drone … and when workers protest they face ecological sustainability are just wanted to proceed. Incredibly, the escalation of conflict in the region. was clearly seen by the Iranian regime brutal repression. as much working class questions administration compared the attacks Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, as a sign of weakness.” Nowadays accusations of workers as pay, trade union rights and with 9/11. Even though, as far we talking to CNN, summarised what Meanwhile, Khamenei reiterated his collaborating with US war policies demands for high-quality health, know, there were no casualties. others had said: “This administration opposition to any negotiations when the is added to justify long sentences. housing and education. Unnamed US military officials reneged on the Iran nuclear deal, put country is under “maximum pressure” Any intelligent person would ask, n Socialism represents victory were giving more details as ‘proof’ that in place crippling sanctions and is now (a reference to the severe sanctions), as why would workers anywhere in in the battle for democracy. It is Iran was behind the attacks. According openly threatening war. We must hold this could only lead to major concessions the world, never mind Iran, support the rule of the working class. to one source, there were 19 different this president accountable to avoid and the acceptance of the political the global hegemon responsible for Socialism is either democratic or, points of impact and the attacks had another war.” And in fact former CIA conditions set by the United States. In originating the privatisation drive? as with Stalin’s Soviet Union, it come from the west and north-west - in chief John O Brennan tweeted a very the meantime, according to Mirwan Such fabricated accusations are used turns into its opposite. other words, not the Houthi-controlled similar message: “@realDonalTrump Bishara of Al Jazeera, Trump seems to to disguise the corrupt, capitalist territory in Yemen, which lies to the precipitated this crisis by reneging be enjoying himself: Bishara wondered nature of the regime. n Socialism is the first stage south-west of the Saudi oil facilities, on nuclear deal and declaring how far he would go in blackmailing But Khamenei will not rally support of the worldwide transition to but launch sites in the northern Gulf, economic war on Iran. We now face Saudi Arabia’s inexperienced crown for his vision of an “independent Iran” communism–a system which Iran or Iraq. A close-up image of a major national and international prince, Mohammed bin Salman. Very and his “resistance economy” as long knows neither wars, exploitation, damaged refinery tanks at the Abqaiq challenge because of Trump’s reckless far, was the conclusion, both financially as he remains - whether he accepts it money, classes, states nor nations. processing plant appeared to show incompetence.” and politically. or not - a true ally of global capital in Communism is general freedom impact points on the western side. All this less than a week after John By the beginning of this week terms of his economic policies. The and the real beginning of human Responding to Trump’s threat of Bolton’s unceremonious sacking by everyone was assuming that the more his regime represses the working history. military action, Iran’s Revolutionary Trump, just when speculation was rife US would wait for next week’s UN class, the more he becomes the kind of The Weekly Worker is licensed by Guards warned they were ready to that Trump would meet with Iranian meeting to rally international support third-world dictator who in the long run November Publications under a Creative respond, saying its missiles could president Hassan Rouhani, expected in for any military retaliation against is sure to lose power. Not just because Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence: http:// hit US bases and ships within 2,000 New York on September 24 or 25 for Iran. However, on September 18 of the foreign enemy, but because they creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ kilometres. Brigadier-general Amir the general assembly. Trump announced new punitive cannot maintain the support of their legalcode. ISSN 1351-0150. Ali Hajizadeh said: “Neither us nor No wonder conspiracy theorists are sanctions against Iran via his Twitter own population l No 1267 September 19 2019 Use gold for public loos - Lenin A game of thrones Harley Filben mourns the loss of Maurizio Cattelan’s golden toilet ith the government having to see two axes of opposition in these and the need for the isolated Soviet extended the silly season works - the modesty or extravagance Union to get involved in the grubby W by the devious method of of the materials and the utility of matter of international trade, he allows parliamentary prorogation, it is with the piece (that is, whether it serves himself a brief moment of utopian great interest and bafflement that we a simple, useful purpose or exists fancy: follow the saga of Maurizio Cattelan’s only to be collected and displayed America, audaciously robbed from - by an institution like a gallery or When we are victorious on a world Blenheim palace on September 14. an acquisitive oligarch).1 Among scale I think we shall use gold for The work - a fully-functioning toilet the modestly made, useful items we the purpose of building public cast in 18-carat gold (the materials are may number the ordinary porcelain lavatories in the streets of some of valued at $1 million and the artefact john. Hirst’s skull is the extravagant the largest cities of the world. This itself at $6 million, if it has not yet collectible trinket, in the opposite would be the most ‘just’ and most been melted down) - was part of a corner of the square. The exalted educational way of utilising gold retrospective of Cattelan’s work at the art objects of ordinary construction for the benefit of these generations palace, famously the residence of the include Fountain, but also more recent which have not forgotten how, for Churchills, and still in the family’s two- and three-dimensional works the sake of gold, 10 million men hands and operated as a tourist constructed out of blood, excrement, were killed and 30 million maimed attraction. One man has been arrested; menses and so on, such as Marc in the ‘great war for freedom’, the but the miscreants are believed to Quinn’s Self, famously sculpted out of war of 1914-18.3 have turned up with two vans, and so the artist’s frozen blood. others remain to be apprehended. The Under capitalism, especially in its location of the gleaming throne itself Art and politics decline, gold - or its dematerialised remains a mystery, and may yet turn Lastly, we have America - bringing, as contemporary analogues - presses us out to be the great unsolved mystery we said, extravagant construction to into the dirt; the revolution flips this of our generation: our Shergar or Lord the most elemental of purposes. If we upside-down, and in the public toilets Lucan. want precedents for this idea, we may of world communism, we might, so to A raffish interview from Edward Maurizio Cattelan’s America profitably reach outside art and into speak, re-enact the revolution every Spencer-Churchill, the founder of the politics. For the inversion of values at time nature calls. Blenheim art foundation and one of the brittle art-mythology of the gallery reality are the various tech billionaires issue here - placing gold, as a stand-in America, being merely a toilet many chefs in charge of this particular being destroyed by the incursion of who go around trying to fix things for money and the privilege of wealth, and an art-object (and a rather more kitchen, now looks a little ill-judged: the vulgar materiality of the urinal, the with their philanthropic donations at the mercy of the basic human by- vulnerable one than Edward Spencer- “It’s not going to be the easiest thing urinal itself became dematerialised and instead of sponsoring high culture like products of grime, dirt, piss and shit - Churchill first thought), cannot do this to nick,” he told The Times last month. incorporated into the same mythology. Guggenheim. is an obvious one for socialists. job, naturally. It seems to me that it “Firstly, it’s plumbed in and secondly, By being so incorporated, it becomes a There emerges in the wake of these We could cite William Morris’s resists commodification in one precise a potential thief will have no idea who barrier to entry into the cultural sphere two basic types the dialectical fusion utopian classic News from nowhere, sense relevant to the contemporary last used the toilet or what they ate. of high art - by being yet another thing of them both - the ingénue’s ingénue, where the hero - who, in the usual art world, which is that it is worthless So, no, I don’t plan to be guarding it.” that needs to be properly ‘understood’ the newly super-wealthy individual fashion, has fallen asleep and woken as an oligarch’s purchase. A fully- The million-dollar khazi, alas, was not by initiates. (archetypally the Russian oligarch) up 100 years in the future - soon meets plumbed gold toilet in some gaudy removed from the wider plumbing America’s ambition is not who may have been too ‘practical’ in a jovial chap by the name of Boffin - “a McMansion or Kensington flat would system with the same care with which it revolutionary, but rather populist. It gathering his wealth to have stayed splendid figure slowly sauntering over not be art, because it would (frankly) was installed, causing the Oxfordshire takes the glamorised sculpture and turns strictly the right side of the law. He the pavement; a man whose surcoat not be out of place. For the same pile a great deal of flooding damage, it back into an old-fashioned crapper, thus needs to launder two things - his was embroidered most copiously as reason, the Guggenheim foundation’s on top of the humiliation. and says to every Tom, Dick and money and his reputation - as he tries well as elegantly, so that the sun flashed offer to Trump is much funnier than Astonishingly, this is not America’s Harriet - do your worst. The objet d’art to cultivate new friends among the old back from him, as if he had been clad most elite-liberal mockery of the man. first brush with infamy. It was is turned back into an object of use. The (or at least older) money of London in golden armour”. We shortly learn And funny is the word - in losing originally a commission for the gold material, in this instance, takes the or Paris. He is not typically any more how he came by that nickname. The America, we have lost a joke as much Guggenheim in New York; indeed, its role of capital-A art. It also makes a interested in the merits of the art on his narrator is told that “we only call him as a work of art, which points dimly design is bespoke to that venue; it is pun - between the dictionary and slang walls than he is in the fuel economy of Boffin as a joke, partly because he is towards a world in which culture might identical in every respect, except the definitions of the word ‘throne’. Yet it his Bentley. The art market has grown a dustman, and partly because he will be more generally ludic, and works of obvious one, to the conveniences used must also refer to the title: America, fat on the money of these easy marks, dress so showily, and get as much gold art escape the dilemma in which they by the gallery’s visitors every day; and that most triumphantly commercial with someone like Damien Hirst on him as a baron of the Middle Ages.”2 are expected to be almost worshipped when it was first exhibited - if that is of nations, and also like England a operating a factory for spot paintings The reference is of course to Noddy and also to serve as gaudy trinkets for the word - an estimated 100,000 art place with a conventional reputation and suchlike to meet demand. “To Boffin in Dickens’s Our mutual friend the ultra-rich. It is a world in which enthusiasts obtained physical relief for philistinism. The bourgeoisie in own a Hirst,” the late conservative - Boffin begins the novel as a jovial gold will start showing up in all kinds with the proffered luxury. In the these indefeasibly bourgeois countries critic, Brian Sewell, once wrote, “is dustman whose character is poisoned of funny places, if Morris and Lenin rarefied world of high art, this has to attempts in part to overcome that to signify that your taps are gilded and by a sudden, large inheritance. Morris have it right l count as a hit. When Donald Trump reputation by generous patronage of your Rolls-Royce is pink.” sees a happier ending for gold-draped attempted to borrow a van Gogh the arts - the path taken by Solomon Hirst’s For the love of God (2007) dustmen than his forebear (Dickens’s Notes from the Guggenheim collection, R Guggenheim, whose philanthropy - a diamond-encrusted platinum skull Boffin gets his soul back, but only at 1. This little analytical contrivance we owe to meanwhile, the latter - in those early, ultimately gave us America. For other in the fashion of a traditional memento the cost of the gold). Fredric Jameson, who in turn pinched it from the heady days of the ‘resistance’ - hit individuals, a deliberate image of mori - is another instructive contrast, Still more directly relevant is an otherwise little-known AJ Greimas. 2. www.gutenberg.org/files/3261/3261-h/3261-h. upon the splendid idea of offering the uncultivated ‘practicality’ is sought: because it is a purely nihilistic display offhand remark of Lenin’s in 1921; in htm. newly-inaugurated president America Trump himself, a power-worshipping of scandalous wealth. Its purpose is relation to the post-civil war changes 3. www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1921/ instead. Queens crook, is an example, but so in basically to cost £50 million. We begin that became the New Economic Policy, nov/05.htm. In spite of its plainly humorous intent, America is a subtle artwork, Subscribe Name:______Standing order which refers most obviously to Marcel 6m 1yr Inst. To ______Bank plc ______Duchamp’s Fountain (1917). America Address:______UK £30/€35 £60/€70 £200/€220 is almost the anti-Fountain. The Branch address ______Europe £43/€50 £86/€100 £240/€264 ______latter is a plain old porcelain urinal, Rest of £65/€75 £130/€150 £480/€528 Post code ______Account name ______signed and brought into a gallery as world ______Sort code ______Account No ______a provocation. The principal target of New UK subscribers offer: the provocation was the staid, uptight 3 months for £10 ______Please pay to Weekly Worker, Lloyds A/C No 00744310 sort code 30-99-64, the sum of ______every month*/3 months* bourgeois art world; Duchamp and UK subscribers: Pay by standing order and until further notice, commencing on ______This replaces any previous order from this account. (*delete) his colleagues wanted to burn it to Tel:______save £12 a year. Minimum £12 every 3 Date ______the ground in anarchistic fashion. But months... but please pay more if you can. Email:______that art world turned out to be more Signed ______Name (PRINT) ______resilient than the Dada crew first Send a cheque or postal order payable to ‘Weekly Worker’ at: Sub: £/€ ______Address ______thought, and the long-term effect is Weekly Worker, BCM Box 928, ______bizarrely the opposite: instead of the London WC1N 3XX Donation: £/€ ______