Sharon Lebowski Legal Assistant

BACKGROUND: How long have you been a LexisNexis® customer? For about three and a half years. General Mills started with two flour mills in During that time, have you had the opportunity to take advantage of the 1860s and is now one of the world’s largest any of the ways in which LexisNexis supports its customers? food companies, involved in the international Yes. production, marketing, and distribution of cereals, snacks, and processed foods. The company is Please share some examples and tell me how they were well-known for its global brands—such as Betty helpful to you. Crocker®, Green Giant®, ®, and I’ve done a couple of the training programs—Certificate of Mastery and ® Häagen-Dazs®—and its U.S. brands—®, What’s New at . I’ve also had many opportunities to call in ®, Wheaties®, and more. It also sells strong to customer service for questions when I was searching for something local brands in a number of other countries. and couldn’t find it. Rather than tearing my hair out, I would just call. Can you talk a little bit about how the training programs were helpful to you? Well, the very first program was when I first started the Certificate of Mastery. I didn’t even know what Lexis® was. It was a good way to introduce it to me and to show me what it could do. Ever since then, I’ve been using it. Was it online training? No. We had one of the representatives come out and teach the class to a group of us here in the Law Department. It was over the course of several classes. Did that help you with content or how to search? Or a little bit of both? It helped me with everything. I’ve also had LexisNexis do some CLE classes for the attorneys here. Those were very appreciated and helpful to the attorneys. Regarding the training—both the Certificate of Mastery and the classes that you set up for the attorneys—what was your impression of the rep who taught the classes? They’re very knowledgeable … very professional. Everyone I have ever dealt with from LexisNexis has been great. I haven’t had one bad experience ever. For example, for the CLE classes for the attorneys, they actually flew people in from places like Los Angeles and New York— whoever they thought would be the best teacher, I guess, and everyone was fabulous. The attorneys all liked it and we didn’t get any negative feedback. CUSTOMER INTERVIEW


You mentioned calling customer service. Can you talk a little about your experience? Was it helpful? Yes, they’re always helpful. They say, ‘Don’t spend more than five or ten minutes searching.’ I’ll call in and tell them what I need and they’re always very helpful. They follow through if they cannot find what I’m looking for right away, rather than keep me on the line. They’ll say, ‘Can I get your phone number and I’ll call you back with what I find?,’ and they do. They always follow through. Do you tend to call the 1-800 number and pose a question or will you call your local rep or consultant? It depends on the question. If I’m just searching for something and I can’t find it, I will generally call the 800 number. If I have a bigger project or a more involved question I’ll call one of the reps or I’ll send both of them an e-mail, and they always get right back to me. I know I can count on them, too—right away. Other than the local reps you mentioned, do you recall any other individuals in particular who have been helpful to you? I’ll deal mostly with Stacy and Dana. And if I need anything from J.R.—a password or an ID or something happens—he is always really responsive too. So it’s a great team out here. Do you have any additional thoughts or comments regarding your experience as a LexisNexis customer? I really use it a lot. I really like having an 800 number that I can call anytime. I really like that Stacy and Dana are so receptive. And that I know I can just e-mail them and they can either get the information themselves or guide me to where to find it. Dana was very instrumental in a huge project I had. It was a 50-state survey and I didn’t know where to start—like what terms to use to search. I didn’t have a clue, so I sent her an e-mail and she worked with me for about three days. They’re so wonderful, Stacy and Dana, I can’t say enough about them. So when you have a big project and don’t know where to start … I will contact both of them. I send Dana an e-mail right away and then they tag team and take it from there. They’re so helpful to me in my job.

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