Mexican Mafia 1 Q ___
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C I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: MEXICAN MAFIA 1 Q ___:. _ ~ -» . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ .. ._,_- ~/ ».. =1-.,..v_.~.-,4 .» ¢si;- ~ :..~:.=~ =~,~ . '' A-1. wrnnnnrunuMAY in mmon '-umto "Q5 - ' » .' .- p . jY?._§I'§f'§§§§_'?3£ ' V - '~"3 """" 1' ~" V ~ » ; A"'§ki'-'23.-" UNITEDS A;-I _ENT ___.,1, ' . ._'~~ .:;%§.?.*;:§;=§§0r ¢_8_I4~_,"P_f'»|92_§-> - fl v -B ¢;";;.' 1'/~*3 ~ *'»*:..4.§.;' T am .. - _,_'I /:7 1 1 TO ' 1 =11! -__V Uh ____./J txou 4 /1" .11/14677107 _ _ '_ 1 ' _ .I G »"-75" | /'date -7% E5 B ' 3.,- . I "_ -" |/92,. IRBCTOR7632 FBI H2, =13, DATE;/ I mom ¢*m- _ I, s FRANCI8/C0L} 57;97 PTC3>/ 11>!54! 0r/'7./*1; -<1':tzu.c,j:;/0_we$H /7I92.é/A J, -5 . -"1». ~e / // /"P 2 *»,, ' "-1. 1,. '_ ~ f 1' ~_ ' I ' ' 1'2 ' /*' _-M If 1, _.-IQu 1 92.1-1-_EXTRE e ' Eme,hp '1' a EmeMA TT Rs ,La Mafia afio ' . '~" -- -~ -A ' - 92 - 1-. " . ' s '.;.~ . 8 /5L2;/Z/4,2,731/73, captionedSan "EX'1REMIS'1 Franciscoteletype Rethe - ACTIVITIESPENAL to.Bureau NSTITUTIONS ated,v;__. .1 DISTURBANCE E.X'1'nm41s'r AT SAN QUENTIN- PENAL PRISONINST!.;U'I_.IONS 8 29-e 30 73 R Acrrvnzss :>1s'ruRB2'=;NcE -"_92,..<_> ZsAN_PRISON, QUENTIN 11/9-11/10/1&9?/57: /£50 4-97. /.' Enclosedfor the Bureau 5 eight 8! copiesof an i ' -LHM._captioned as above. / / / _, and Sap, -:'ll ranciscoteletype to the Bureau. 92 da ed 1l/13/ 3, captioned4 _ 4 ' Q .§§$* "v/Q Two ! copies o are stapled totwo 1 | ._ 92..=. 92. v i I - Of LHM.5/Y I . 5 » b2- '"S6urce,v&i1izedin he"LHMbis | located Z 5, 1 "0 mo N I zishedcopies of three . A q letters former San Quentin zumabe mm?GADENA, .#A-565, former leader of the Mexican Mafia, to the representatives of the Mexican Mafia and the New Famil a Mexican-Americanmilitant revolutionary» Prison from--. CO GADENA; act I communication . Copies of the LHM are being 0 U S. Secret Service and the U. S. Attorney, _ ___ Al_1_ receiving offices will sources. atprisons '1!for any adoi ' cerning the Mexican ! tojm ake A Mexican'Ma3i'af,§ ?for Q Bureau_--»_ LosAhqeles En_cs_.Lf8! Enos, V5 8 -7-Sacramento Enos; 8! - San Francisco 92 -' __ _ _____ V _ M __ ____ __ _ <_.... _<..._._..__,_ ____,_... .. _ _____.i_ , _.__.____ ---_-__ W .,._ ,. , . ! , _. _ ' A V ' ¥ 1 ' ix J /0 .' - SF 157-9754 - 1 3 . 1 information concerning the Mexican Mafia and forward same to the Bureau and offices covering prisons in California siiii Department of Corrections System. EEEE§i " LOS ANGELES . ---_.-_--Q--- Ar CINO£7CAQI§ORNIA. 1. Contact §ources at- Californiaifnstitutezfof*eI* 2. Contact sources at Southern Conservation C81'1t8I. AT_CORQN§,éC§LIFQBNI§. 1. Contact sources at California InsEItsté £o£'wome5. _/ 2. Contact sources at California Rehabilitation § Center. 5 at California_ §I§§§iLQIS Menfs Colon§.QEISPO. ' CQQIEQRNIAL_ i Contact sources 1 §§cRAMENTo .. so; Z .- AT JAMESTOWN, CALIFORNIA.Contact sourcesat lg . » 92 Sierra Con§Erv§Ei6nCén¬er.; '1 Wf vs i AT LASSEN,CALIFORNIA. Contactsources at Z4- California_C5n§ervatiofCen¬erI; 92' §@_$§§nCH§Pl,*C§L£FO§y;§; Contact sources at California Correctionaf Institute. §@_@RAQ§, CALIFORNIA:Contact sources at Duell Vocational fséfttei '" C "fj n §£_§EPRE§SA,;CALIFQ§§IA; Contact sources at Folsom State Prison: W 7 "W _' V < . AT_YAQAYI§L§, CALIFQ§§IA. Contact sources at 1 CaliforniaMe3ic5lF5cITity.j "" i ,/,. 5 / "// F a , / "2" Q -0 V 1 Y -92 _ - . "-92 r/I i _ ___ __ __,_ , . .-.. ,. - . .~, .._._ ,. _ - 4......-Y..- I : i ? _ /N3. ""~e"' "> , - SF 157-9754 I J {"31 JEC/sad §AI_92}__1f_§_ANCI§§_Q_' 2... F am .92 _ . 0 AT SOLEDAD,§AIF§RNIA.: Contactsources at California'Tf5iniHg*Fa6iIIty. Z 4 AT TAMAL, CALIFORNIA, Maintain contact with sources at§§nQéntf §tate'§fison. -,@_ m-_;-, s ! ! -.-.;-.-...-'l -- .1. ....~.1;Q-1 ._. ,.n I & *5; a J,.I . i ~"~ 4'5- ._,. Y I Q Q. u_ . éy / - Pr;3r' 1'_Q§Q§¥¥*£¥E§¥¥*%*l '~ .*~S-"~""~ ¢¢.j.. v V _ __._, /l~V~|--'>' -v - ,.__ .. -.. t ._ _>H%-__ _ I » -- _ x Y .5, /3: J _ .-._.__z-...L.-_¥. .»-:1-:2:. _92 1 3 l - F1>:»§jf6_ Rev. 7-1->7s>_ I I - , . l ' C": "'1 I. ' - ' I 92 "1" p/» Q ~ . l-. 7- - _ .. ..- . _.i ' W -"* 3 Ul 'ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF L ETICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -92 In Replydqam Refer WASHINGTON, n.c. 20535 File No. » . December 7, 1973 ». United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury ;., - 92. 7* Washington. D. c. 20220 RE: MEXICAN MAFIA » ; Dear Sir: - »-.---- _ - . ._.-_. .. _ r V .2 l The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization beliiave S fl ' 5 1 responsibilities, tobe covered by and theagreement to fall within between the category the FBI or and categories Secret Service checked.concerning protective _ y 1.; | / I . .= 1. Q Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service- 2 ' ll 92 I 2- 1:] Attempts or threats to redress grievances. - ~ ~*"I . T 3. C] Threatening or abusive statement about U. S.or foreign official. I L//j, 4-. - 4- K] Participation incidentsagainst in civilforeign disturbances, diplomatic anti-U. S.establishments. demonstrations or hostile 1- 2' I 5- [:1 Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6- £3 Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. '[j"i>B£eiiEii§"aériéérsuébZ6ii1§e'ar"i>5¢kground, 1" s=';-q,.- é'motioii'al:i1i§tiibility"or" " A lg; *~ .¢ activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. 92 / 92 /"- x Photograph[:1 has been furnished [jenclosed [Q is not available. i92| " Very truly yours , .- /"' . // ivy ; Y / =~. ' Clarence M. Kelley x 1/hi " M-auroamnou conmnen ' °"e°°'- . IQ; mamaa c smr /92; oars - BY EP/00 fv = 4419591 W5 M7 , I - Special Agent in Charge Enclosui-e1 s!! - U. S. Secret Service, San Francisco RM! ~sure 1 s! l. .92 I. _ .¢, . , J4 . , R;-/-»" '92 ', 92 ., _. _., -_-,..._._';..,--492-'2 A 1 ¢ . ~_..¢_ .,¢...,-.. =.. 92_ 1 .1 .s..»-m~-...¢c.=¢-.~..a..»-=i.>-1.s >.. ._ ,.-.....,._...~_924>-1-villi;92I»¢t¢924i-'>l92;92v<*¢~92|92ar>§I4r,n'<~|¢rv~tr-rv'>z92'<>-'pvw~i--/> W _¬_____.. I i 0%,Ili _ ~ 1 <_>r "-4 I. ! "- ' ' " ~-'* ~'~ ~ ~-~- ~-~-* ~~ ~ " a ~ ~-:-e»-»--<~e:-1»-=+%===.»_r,»-1-~>--.-_-_sz=92»._..;,gq,g.m ~ ,4! v 1", i Ul92 LD QTATES DEPARTMLNT OF STICE 1 I 4'G15 I U 92-', O I qrQ FEDERAL BUREAUOEINVESTIGATION f- ~ San Francisco,California f 'v}, In Reply,Please Refertu K L; v v p kN¢ December 7, 1973 ' i p Am, nwomvrzo cl?" /~* MEXICAN MAFIA EmBE B 3 ' 1 92jiZ@p'Known Also D$TEAs /bif%&;%§/ El Mafia,Eme, LaLa Eme, Mafioso, Eme_W_:i_;_i;_1__Wy!Z 1 - This investigation is based on information that the Mexican Mafia's activities may be in violation of Title l8, U. S. Code, Section 2383 Rebellion or Insurrection!, and 2 ,/Section 2384 Seditious Conspiracy!. A confidential source who has furnished reliable information in the past has r informed that the organization uses force and violence in connection with racial problems; advocates violent attacks I 2 "and disruptive activitiesagainst California Department of Corrections authority, and engages in rebellion, insurrection I and destruction at San Quentin Prison. ,= _<.-re: On November 5, 1973, a reliable source furnished _ .2:.. the following: _ California penal institutions are violently W . operatingexperiencing boththewithin powers and outsideof criminally theoriented correctional groupssystem. now "1 -Q! Individuals havegrouped themselvesinto organizations »69292y directedthat reflect prisonerattheir ethnic se1fprotectionbackground andand language control of illegal;and are ch" 1 i '..92'. activities within prison walls and on the streets. These _ formal tight-knit organizations are composedof convicts /31 and ex-convicts and are known tobe involved in narcotics, 1; W x extortion, contract killing, robbery, forgery and receiving. 92<;i_ 1 To be effective at self-protection, these groups must-acquire positions of power within the prison system. N 'Prison killings, control of narcotic traffic within the _system, crimes committed by members on the outside and the building of a strong organization on the street enables these groups to maintain a powerful position within the .92/92_.. ,. .. penal institutions. /" / _/ 92 7/92921/92;?92 » 92_ THfs"d66unéEfi66taIns ¬It¬fre6dméndEfi6ns nor c5nc1uéions'l 92~/ of the FBI. _It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to 92 your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. _ -»- §N%sm____31..;1".*1/I , A_'R A! l _.-7*. /92W92-.-,.-..- ...< 4', an Xl";a, _.