July 9, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5537 President and the House that would dle-income students of America twist- help my family and help us through help every single student, and espe- ing in the wind, paying higher interest hard times, those seven kids in my cially why would we do that when we rates than they should. family grew up to be a firefighter, a leave middle-income students twisting So let’s step back and look at the lawyer, a computer programmer, a in the wind, paying hundreds of mil- facts. Let’s look at the President’s pro- sports writer, a homemaker, a middle lions of dollars more in interest rate posal, look at what the House passed, school teacher, and a Senator. In my than they should be paying over the and look at the bipartisan Burr- book, that was a good investment by next 10 years? Manchin proposal. I respectfully urge our country and our government. The student loan issue is becoming the majority leader to allow us to vote My family’s story is far from unique. like what we call the doc fix, where on that. I urge my colleagues on the In fact, last week I traveled around my Congress, for political reasons, every other side to coalesce around that idea. home State of Washington listening to year rushes around and makes a tem- Let’s say to the students of America: student after student after student de- porary patch. There is no need to do As the Senate, we know a good idea scribe the real-life impact this rate that here, no need whatsoever. when we see one, and the Burr-Manchin hike would have on them. Students I ask my friends on the Democratic proposal is such an idea. such as Elizabeth from Vancouver, WA: side to look at what the President has f She is a sophomore at the University of proposed and the reasoning behind it. EXECUTIVE SESSION Washington. She comes from a family It was in his budget. Look at what the of five children with immigrant par- House of Representatives has done. ents who work hourly low-wage jobs. They actually passed a bill that lowers She told me growing up, the idea of rates. Then look at the proposal by NOMINATION OF JENNIFER A. DORSEY TO BE UNITED STATES paying for college was overwhelming, Senator MANCHIN, Senator CARPER, DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DIS- but thanks to scholarships and grants Senator KING, Senator BURR, Senator TRICT OF NEVADA and loans she is able to pursue her COBURN, and myself in the Senate. dream of becoming a broadcast jour- What our proposal would do is provide The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under nalist. However, her part-time work- a long-term solution: if you are an un- the previous order, the Senate will pro- study position barely covers her bills, dergraduate student at the University ceed to executive session to consider and she says she is constantly plagued of Tennessee, instead of your rate the following nomination, which the by stress as she worries about how she being 6.8 percent, it would be 3.66 per- clerk will report. is ever going to overcome what she cent. The Democratic proposal, I re- The legislative clerk read the nomi- calls her ‘‘debt sentence.’’ peat, does nothing for over 7 million nation of Jennifer A. Dorsey, of Ne- middle-income students who are going vada, to be United States District The reality is this is a simple issue. to be paying 6.8 percent when they Judge for the District of Nevada. College is already too expensive for should be paying, if they are under- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under students such as Elizabeth, and Con- graduates, 3.66 percent under our pro- the previous order, there will be 1 hour gress shouldn’t make it worse. So I am posal. That is nearly half as much. for debate equally divided in the usual very proud to join my colleagues in There is no need for that. form. supporting the Keep Student Loan This is like other political situations, The Senator from Washington. Rates Affordable Act to extend the 3.4 we have some misinformation going Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask percent interest rate, and I urge our back and forth across the aisle. I hope unanimous consent to speak as in friends on the other side of the aisle to my colleagues will take a look at the morning business. join us and pass it. Burr-Manchin proposal. The right The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without With student loan debt now exceed- thing for us to do is to say to these 10 objection, it is so ordered. ing $1 trillion, students and their fami- million students, all of them, every STUDENT LOANS lies deserve due process and thoughtful single one of them, that when you go Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, we are consideration of issues such as finan- to take out your 18 million loans this here today because, unfortunately, the cial aid. Students have already contrib- year you are going to be paying a rate financial burden on our Nation’s col- uted billions to deficit reduction, but that is fair to taxpayers and fair to lege students dramatically spiked over- the problem is the Senate Republican students. It is fair to taxpayers because night 8 days ago, including for over leadership has insisted in all of their it will not be costing the government 100,000 students across my home State proposals that we balance the budget any money and it is fair to students be- of Washington, where 56 percent of col- on the backs of struggling students and cause the government will not be mak- lege graduates leave school with a stu- their families. So far, they have re- ing any money. It will not be reducing dent loan debt, and the average fused to put the interest of students the deficit on the back of the students. amount they owe is more than $22,000. and tomorrow’s middle class ahead of That is the principle upon which we Just when they are getting started on Tax Code spending that benefits the can agree—fair to taxpayers, fair to their careers, instead of buying a house wealthy. students; doesn’t cost the taxpayers, or buying a car or just paying the bills, What they have introduced is a bill doesn’t balance the budget on the their student loan bills are piling up that includes no cap on how high stu- backs of students. On that basis we can with interest. dent loan rates could go—something say to students: Take advantage of Now interest rates for Federal stu- CBO tells us would mean students these low rates. You can get a 10-year dent loans, which have been kept at a could be locked in at rates over 8 per- loan if you are an undergraduate at 3.66 low rate of 3.4 percent, have doubled to cent in just a few short years. In effect, percent. There is no need to pretend we 6.8 percent. For these students and for it would be better to do absolutely are helping students when the alter- millions of students across the coun- nothing now than to take up and pass native proposal only addresses 40 per- try, that is a tax hike of $1,000. That is the Republican bill. cent of the students. These are the sub- not fair to students, and it is certainly I bet everybody listening knows a sidized loans. These are the loans for not good for our economy. Congress family member or a coworker who is up the low-income students, who already has to act to fix it. to their neck in student debt. It is a get, for the most part, Pell grants, who This isn’t just an abstract issue for weight that keeps them from helping already have their interest paid while me; it is very personal. Pell grants and to grow our economy or start a family they are in school—that is a big sub- student loans were what allowed my or take risks with their careers, and it sidy. It is over $50 billion in the next 10 six brothers and sisters and I to go to is a weight that is not easily shed. years. We leave the middle-income stu- college after my dad got sick and had We can’t continue to do this to gen- dents over 7 million of them—over the to leave his job. They are what made eration after generation of college stu- next 10 years paying hundreds of mil- college affordable, and they are what dents and expect to be able to compete lions of dollars they shouldn’t be pay- allowed each one of us to pursue a ca- in the 21st-century economy. We have ing. I don’t know why my friends on reer and give back to our communities. to do everything we can to remove bar- the other side want to leave the mid- Because our government was there to riers to education, not erect new ones.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JY6.014 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 9, 2013 The clock has run out. We need to not just for the students borrowing 40 solution for 100 percent of the students. act now because for millions of Ameri- percent of the loans but for all middle- It reduces their rates. It cuts nearly in cans, affordable college has been the income students and graduate students half the interest rate for every single ticket to the middle class, and we can’t as well. Their rates would be lower undergraduate loan—every single one, allow it to slip away. We can’t allow than 6.8 percent. which is two-thirds of the loans—and it access to college to become unattain- What is good about a short-term po- is based on an idea that was in the able for so many of our families. litical fix that makes middle-income President’s budget, that has already I urge our Republican colleagues to students and graduate students pay been passed by the House of Represent- join us in investing in America’s future hundreds of millions of dollars more atives, and that has been introduced by by reversing this student loan increase over the next 10 years? What is good three on that side of the aisle and three and making college more affordable for about that? All it does is provide an op- on this side of the aisle. America’s middle class. portunity to make a well-rehearsed po- A Senate that is interested in a re- I yield the floor. litical speech about student loans. sult instead of political gamesmanship The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We all want to encourage students to would be sitting down and trying to ator from Tennessee. go to college. We are looking for a way work that out. That is what we want to Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I to give them some predictability and do. am glad I stayed to hear the Senator some certainty so students don’t have We can play games, too, I suppose. I from Washington speak because I think to worry, when they graduate from can go get my statistics and come back this highlights the issue. That is a ter- Maryville High School in Tennessee to the floor and say those over on the rific political speech, but it bears no where I went, that Congress isn’t going Democratic side, when they passed the resemblance to what is actually hap- to do its job. All the other side is going health care bill, did it on the backs of pening in the student loan debate. to do is stand up and make political students. When they balanced the The distinguished Senator from speeches that have nothing to do with budget—which they haven’t done—they Washington talked about rates going the issue. tried to do it on the backs of students. up. Rates are going up for over 7 mil- In this case, the President has done And when they found some money for lion—7 million—middle-income stu- his job by recommending a long-term Pell grants, they overcharged the stu- dents in America who are going to be solution. The Republican House of Rep- dents to whom they were loaning taking out loans this year, and the resentatives has done its job. It passed money. That is true. I could do that, Democratic proposal does nothing for a long-term solution that lowers rates and I could say that, but I didn’t come them. Their proposal does nothing for for everybody. A group of six Senators here to spend all my time saying that. them. are doing our jobs. We have introduced I came here to get results. All the Democrats are trying to do is a bipartisan proposal that reduces So this is not a game for 11 million a political fix for 1 year for students rates for everybody, and it is a long- students across this country. They are taking out 40 percent of the loans who term solution, while a number of the trying to figure out how they are going are already the beneficiary of Pell Democratic Senators are playing polit- to pay for college. Just as the Senator grants, as she so ably expressed, who ical games. They are ignoring reality. from Washington said, it is not easy to have their interest paid while they are They are going to freeze for 10 years do. They expect us to come here with in college. These students are bor- higher interest rates on loans for over our backgrounds and say: We are going rowing subsidized loans. These stu- 7 million—7 million—middle-income to do the best we can. Instead of mak- dents may receive a Pell grant of up to students across this country who are ing this similar to what we call the $5,550. They have their interest paid headed to college—rates that are near- doctors fix, where every year we play a while they are in college. This account- ly twice as high as the bipartisan pro- little politics and add a little money to ing system used by the Congressional posal here, which is fundamentally like pay doctors who work with Medicare Budget Office is very generous to stu- the proposal by the President and the patients—that is a terrible thing to do, dents as opposed to taxpayers, because proposal by the House of Representa- but we do it every year—and now we it is done under the Federal Credit Re- tives. are going to treat student loans in the porting Act, which is more generous to What is the wisdom in that? I don’t same way. In a Presidential election students, in this case, than taxpayers. see it, and I don’t think the students year, everybody will make a big speech What about the over 7 million mid- will see it. dle-income students who are just As far as balancing the budget on the about it. Eleven million students will swinging in the wind under the Demo- backs of students, the only people sit around wondering how they are cratic proposal? It does nothing for around here who have done that are going to pay for college, waiting for them. the Democrats when they passed the the people in Washington to make a de- On the other hand, we have the Presi- health care law. They put in that law a cision about that. We should not be dent of the United States, a Democrat, takeover of the Federal student loan doing that. and we have the House of Representa- program and, according to the CBO, We have great promise here. We have tives, a majority of Republicans, and they had an amount of savings of $55 a President making a long-term solu- they fundamentally agree on one idea: billion, and they used part of it to re- tion, the House of Representatives of a Let’s have a permanent solution. Let’s duce the debt. different party agreeing with him, and figure out what it costs the taxpayer to So the CBO says these are savings be- six of us on both sides of the aisle pro- allow the government to issue loans— cause the Democrats took over student posing a solution that is a permanent the government is lending over $100 bil- loans and the Democrats said they will solution for 100 percent for the 11 mil- lion a year—and loan it to the students use it to reduce the debt, use it for the lion people who will be borrowing over at no profit—at no profit—so the stu- Pell grant program, and they used it to $100 billion this year. dents can use it—all of them, not 40 help pay for the health care law. Every Why would they on the other side of percent of them, not just low-income single year for the next several years, the aisle insist on a solution that students but middle-income students students are being overcharged to help forces 7 million mostly middle-income as well—and all of them will have their pay for the health care law. students to pay 6.8 percent when they rates lowered. So if we want to get into a big polit- could be paying 3.66 percent? Why So what will the effect be? Their pro- ical discussion about who is over- would you do that? Because you have posal would fix at 3.4 percent for 1 year charging students in order to reduce not thought about it, I think. the student loan interest rate on 40 the deficit or pay for the health care A lot has been going on. We have had percent of the loans. Our bipartisan law, we can have that. But that is not an immigration debate and a number of proposal would fundamentally—as does what we want to do. We want a result, other things, so maybe Senators have the President’s proposal and the pro- and we have suggested to the Senate— not taken a look at that. I have. I have posal passed by the House of Rep- and I am going to say it one more time: had a chance to do that. I have been resentatives—lower the rate to 3.66 per- Instead of a 40-percent political fix for the president of a university. I have cent for all undergraduates. It would be 1 year, we have suggested a long-term been the Education Secretary. I know

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JY6.015 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 9, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5539 something about the student loan pro- just come around and play politics cause of the different approach in the gram. I did not like it when the Fed- with this every year to try to gain House and the inability on so many eral Government took it over. I admire some advantage with this student things we have passed here to go to the our U.S. Secretary of Education. I do group or that student group. conference committee to iron out the not think he ought to be the banker of So we have an opportunity before us. differences between the House and the the year. I think we have banks to The immigration bill passed before the Senate. make loans, but that is not the way it recess. It showed a good deal of the So I am very appreciative, and I have is. The taxpayers now make all the ability of people on both sides of the given my congratulations to all of government loans—over $100 billion a aisle to work together. We did that those who have participated in that year. with the farm bill. We did that with immigration bill. Students are making their plans. the water resources bill. I would sub- There is a huge flaw. It is a huge flaw They are going to be arriving at col- mit this is 100 times easier than any of in not recognizing that when we want leges in August and September. We those bills. to secure the border, as supposedly was have a bipartisan proposal that will When I went home to Tennessee be- done in order to gain 14 Republican lower interest rates for every single fore the Fourth of July recess, I said to votes to get us to the huge vote of 68 student taking out a student loan. Yet somebody who asked me: We are that votes for the bill, a major amount of our friends on the other side want to far apart and we have the President money was added for border security. leave middle-income students out of it, and the Republican House and a bipar- That is not the flaw. Some may ques- force them to pay twice as much as tisan group of Senators all in about the tion the amount of money. Indeed, they should be in interest rates for the same place. This ought to be easy to there was $6.5 billion in the initial next 10 years. That makes no sense. We do. Gang of 8 compromise for border secu- ought not do that. It is still easy to do, but I would im- rity. But when it came with the Tomorrow what we ought to do is plore my Senators to look at the Corker-Hoeven amendment, there was pass the Burr-Manchin proposal that is facts—those on the other side of the $46.3 billion more, of which over $44 bil- supported on both sides of the aisle. To aisle—and realize I do not think they lion was for border security. That is the extent it differs with the Presi- want to go home and explain why they not what is the flaw, although one can dent’s proposal—which is very slight— are leaving over 7 million middle-in- argue it. and with the proposal of the House of come students twisting in the wind, The flaw is that the amendment that Representatives—which is not much— paying twice as much on interest rates was offered by the Senator from Mis- we should then sit down, work some- for the next year as the proposal that sissippi and me was not even allowed to thing out over the next 3 days, pass it they are about to vote against tomor- be considered, which was to increase not some $50-plus billion for border se- and send it to the President and go on row. I think that will be pretty hard to curity—which was the land border—but to the next issue. Instead, we have po- explain, and I will bet there will be a to add a mere $1 billion for maritime litical speeches about how hard it is to lot of explaining to do if that is the end security. That is the flaw. As a matter go to college. We all know how hard it result. is to go to college. It is difficult to do. So I pledge—as I have been working of fact, if you want border security, it is a fatal flaw. Why? You put up an im- We all want to help. But if we have a with Secretary Duncan, with the White penetrable wall—whether it be a fence, solution, we ought to adopt it. House, with Democrats and Repub- an electric fence, an electronic fence, I could play politics too. I know how. licans—to try to get a result here. I whether it be UAVs, more Border Pa- Every one of us in this room knows think we can still do it in the next few trol agents—as a matter of fact, in the how, otherwise we would not be here. days. I would hope we can have a vote Corker-Hoeven amendment, $30 billion This is not a time for playing politics. on both proposals tomorrow. My guess of that additional border security was This is serious business; 11 million stu- would be both would fail at this point, just for Border Patrol agents—all of dents getting 18 million loans, $100 bil- but at least that would show we are se- which is going to make it fairly effec- lion-plus from the American taxpayers. riously working toward a solution, and We have a proposal before us that is tive in border security of not allowing we can sit down and merge these small people to pass, but it is the land bor- fair to the taxpayers—it will not cost differences that exist between the bi- them any money—it is fair to the stu- der. partisan group here, the Republican So what is going to happen? You go dents—it does not balance the budget House, and the President of the United right around the land border on the or pay for the health care program or States. maritime border. any other thing on the students’ I yield the floor. It is either going to be on the west backs—and it gives students, many of I suggest the absence of a quorum. coast, on the Pacific, or it is going to whom who have no credit rating, no The PRESIDING OFFICER. The be on the east coast, either the Gulf of other way to get money, a chance to clerk will call the roll. Mexico and all the Gulf States or the get several thousand dollars a year at The assistant legislative clerk pro- Atlantic, including Puerto Rico and one of the lowest possible rates avail- ceeded to call the roll. the Virgin Islands. Because if someone able in the country. The proposal that Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask can be smuggled into one of them and is before the Senate that is bipartisan unanimous consent that the order for therefore get an identity, then they is a permanent solution. It says to the the quorum call be rescinded. have free access. Puerto Ricans are student going to the University of Ten- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without American citizens. They have free ac- nessee or Alaska or Minnesota: If you objection, it is so ordered. cess to get to the rest of the United get a loan this year from the govern- IMMIGRATION States. ment and you are an undergraduate, Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I wish So maritime security becomes para- the interest rate is 3.66 percent. Your to speak about the immigration bill we mount. But we could not get people rate on that loan won’t change. If you passed a couple weeks ago. It was a sig- here who wanted to spend over $50 bil- are a middle-income student, the nificant achievement. I have already lion on border security, which is the Democrats’ plan says it is 6.8 percent, congratulated all of those in the so- land border, which, in fact, is in the and they say: Wait. Wait for what? called Gang of 8 who put together the bill—they would not allow a Repub- Wait for rates to go up? initial draft. It was an example of bi- lican Senator, Mr. WICKER, and me to Why don’t we establish this program partisanship and recognizing that the add $1 billion for maritime security. for students at a time when rates are other fellow has a point of view—that Specifically, under our amendment, low? That is to their advantage. Let’s you respect that—and then you work it would have addressed just that part have a permanent solution at a time out your differences. That was an ex- of border security with regard to the when rates are low. They may go up ample of the Senate at its finest and Department of Homeland Security. But and, therefore, students may pay more, what we ought to be doing on every if we want an effective border security, but they will pay a lot less than they piece of legislation around here. we have to then get into a whole host would in the private market. They will The final result: 68 votes to 32 votes. of things other than Customs and Bor- have a lot more certainty than if we Its prospects we know not what be- der Patrol. We have to get additional

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JY6.017 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 9, 2013 resources for the Coast Guard. We have Those complaints are without founda- ‘‘unprecedented delays and obstruc- to consider not only UAVs being flown tion. I will quantify my answer to tion.’’ Yet that is the complaint we by the Department of Homeland Secu- prove my point. There is no crisis in hear over and over and over again from rity, through Customs, et cetera, over the manner in which we are confirming the other side. the maritime border, we have to put nominees. This is all part of a larger I wanted to set the record straight. It more Coast Guard out there. strategy to justify breaking the rules is a sad commentary that I have to I would suggest a new platform that of the Senate to change the rules of the spend so much time when figures speak would be very effective would be what Senate. for themselves. But I will set the the Navy is testing right now, which is The fact is that after today the Sen- record straight again before we vote on blimps. It is a very cost-effective, long ate will have confirmed 199 lower court the nomination of Ms. Dorsey. dwell time, that gives enormous cov- nominees. We have defeated two. That I have concerns with this particular erage at sea by one blimp. I have rid- is 199 to 2. Who can complain about nominee. I think all Members are den in those blimps. that record? The success rate happens aware of the press accounts of cam- The Navy is testing them. I went to be 99 percent for the nominees sent paign contributions which were made with the Navy out of Fernandina Beach by President Obama, considered on the at the time this nomination was under as they were doing the testing for floor of the Senate. consideration. We have not received a Mayport Naval Station. It is incredible We have been doing it at a very fast full explanation of what happened. what you can do on the dwell time of a pace as well. During the last Congress Nevertheless, I am concerned about the blimp. Of course, the fuel used is de we confirmed more judges than any appearances of these contributions and minimus. The cost of an entire mission Congress since the 103rd Congress. That how such actions might undermine the for a blimp, some 24 hours of fuel, is Congress sat from 1993 through 1994. public confidence that our citizenry the same as cranking up an F–16 taxing This year we have already confirmed must have in the judicial branch of our out to the runway. That amount of en- more judges than were confirmed in government. ergy, fuel spent is what would be spent the entire first year of President I also have concerns about Ms. on a blimp for an entire 24-hour period Bush’s second term. Dorsey’s qualifications to be a Federal as it is doing surveillance. So far this year we have confirmed 27 judge. She has no criminal law experi- So if we are going to be sincere about judges. If confirmed today, Ms. Dorsey ence. She has participated in only six border effectiveness, then, in fact, we will be the 28th confirmation this year. trials, one as a sole counsel, one as are going to have to pay attention to Let’s compare this with a similar first chair, and four as second chair. I the maritime border as well as the land stage, which would be President Bush’s am concerned that her lack of experi- border. Why are Senator WICKER and I second term, when only 10 judicial ence will be a problem when she gets to concerned about this? He comes from a nominees had been confirmed. So we the bench. Gulf Coast State, Mississippi. I come are now at a 28-to-10 comparison, with It is not surprising to me that the from the State that has the longest President Obama clearly ahead of American Bar Association’s coastline of any State save for the where President Bush was. But some- Committee on the Federal Judiciary State of Alaska. how we are hearing complaints. gave her a partial ‘‘not qualified’’ rat- My State of Florida has over some As I said, we have already confirmed ing. I am also concerned with her un- 1,500 miles of coast. It is a place that more nominees this year, 28, than we derstanding of the proper role of a will be a haven for smugglers of people did during the entirety of the year 2005, judge. and drugs. If we think we are tight- the first year of President Bush’s sec- ening border security by over $50 bil- ond term, when 21 lower court judges While in law school, she wrote a note lion being applied to the land border, were confirmed. After today only three that praised the Justices who wrote where are the smugglers going to go? article III judges remain on the Sen- Roe v. Wade. She praised them for the They are going to go right around. It is ate’s Executive Calendar; two district willingness to ‘‘forge ahead to create a just like water will flow and it will nominees and one circuit nominee. just outcome without regard to the meet the place of least resistance. It Yet we hear the same old story. usual decisional restraints.’’ Then, she will continue to flow. So, too, will the Somehow our friends on the other side said, ‘‘The majority made the just deci- smugglers. of the aisle, the Senate majority, the sion and then forced history and stare I wish to say I am disappointed that Senate Democrats, cite this as evi- decisis to fit that decision.’’ people on that side of the aisle would dence of obstructionism. Compare that Ms. Dorsey praised judges who made not allow Senator WICKER’s and my to June 2004, when 30 judicial nomina- their decision—and I want to use her amendment to be considered in the last tions were on the calendar, 10 circuit, words—‘‘without regard to the usual minute. It obviously is not controver- 20 district. decisional restraints.’’ Those words are sial. Yet, for whatever reason, it was I do not recall any Senate Democrat not the kind of words judges should be denied. I hope as we proceed on the im- complaining about how many nomina- using. That is not the kind of judges we migration bill—and I hope we are able tions were piling up on the calendar, want, those who are activist judges to proceed if the House will act—I hope nor do I remember protests from my who impose their own policy pref- in the final product it will be consid- colleagues on the other side that judi- erences rather than in following en- ered and added so we can truly have a cial nominees were moving too slowly. acted law or precedent. secure border, a maritime border as Some of those nominees had been re- What do we want? We want judges well as a land border. ported out of committee more than 1 who will be restrained by precedent I yield the floor. year earlier and most were pending for and by the laws Congress passes. Al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- months. Some of them never did get an though Ms. Dorsey said she no longer ator from Iowa. up-or-down vote. The bottom line is supports what she once wrote, I am un- Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, soon that the Senate is processing the Presi- convinced she will be able to lay her we will be voting on a district court dent’s nominees exceptionally fairly. I policy preferences aside when they con- nominee. I rise in opposition to the do not know why that message cannot flict with what the law dictates she nomination of Jennifer Dorsey. That is get through. It is an excuse to abuse ought to do. for the U.S. district judgeship for the the rules of the Senate to change the For all the reasons I mentioned District of Nevada. Before I outline the rules of the Senate. above, I cannot support the nominee. I basis for my opposition, I wish to in- President Obama certainly is being have two news articles that describe form my fellow Senators and the Amer- treated more fairly in the beginning of the campaign contribution issue I dis- ican public regarding facts on judicial his second term than Senate Demo- cussed earlier. I ask unanimous con- nominations. crats treated President Bush in the sent that those articles be printed in We continue to hear from my col- first year of his last term in office. It the RECORD. leagues on the other side of the aisle is not clear to me how allowing more There being no objection, the mate- about how we are obstructing nominees votes so far this year than President rial was ordered to be printed in the or treating this President differently. Bush got in an entire year amounts to RECORD, as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JY6.019 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 9, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5541 [From the Review-Journal, May 3, lows unlimited corporate and labor money in District Court, and she was nominated by 2013] campaigns as independent expenditures. Reid President in September. DONATIONS TO REID-CONNECTED PACS LEGAL, called it one of the four or five worst deci- Reid in a statement said Dorsey’s ‘‘aca- BUT DON’T SEEM QUITE RIGHT sions in the history of the U.S. Supreme demic background and courtroom experience (By Jane Ann Morrison) Court. speak for themselves. She has great respect Reid said he abides by the rules and does from her peers and colleagues in Nevada and U.S. Senate Majority Leader not control the Senate Majority PAC. He I am confident she will serve the bench with didn’t break laws when he asked Las Vegas asked Kemp to donate, but PAC officials distinction.’’ attorney Will Kemp to donate to the Senate dealt with the lawyer after that. As Dorsey was being vetted by Reid, senior Majority PAC to help elect Democrats in the By my tally, based on the Open Secrets partners at her firm, Kemp, Jones & 2012 cycle. website, in 2012, Kemp and Jones between Coulthard, made contributions to Senate The senator, a lawyer himself, knew Kemp them gave $150,000 to the Senate Majority Majority PAC, a super PAC created by and Robert Eglet had won a huge verdict of PAC and $28,500 to the Democratic Party of former Reid strategists to elect Democrats $182 million from Teva Pharmaceutical In- Nevada, and Kemp gave an extra $2,500 to to the U.S. Senate. Reid, the Senate major- dustries in a case in which large vials of Friends of Reid, for a total of $181,000. ity leader, and other leading Democrats Propofol were partially blamed for a hepa- In previous years, Kemp and Jones had traveled extensively last year to raise money titis outbreak. given but not at that level. for the PAC, which is co-chaired by a former Kemp wasn’t new to donating to Reid. He In 2010, Kemp gave Reid $4,800; Jones gave Reid chief of staff. had been a donor to Friends for Harry Reid him $11,700. Kind of a big jump from $16,500 Founding partner Will Kemp made a in the past 2010 cycle and had given $4,800. to Friends for Reid in one cycle to $181,000 to $100,000 contribution on May 1, 2012, accord- According to opensecrets.org, Kemp’s largest Reid, the Majority PAC and the Democratic ing to campaign finance records. Founding donation in the past three years was for Party in the 2012 cycle. partner J. Randall Jones made a $50,000 con- $8,500 to the Democratic Party of Nevada. That’s a lot of Democratic lovin’. Espe- tribution on May 14, 2012. And while he leaned Democratic, he also cially for two lawyers who also pony up for Reid declined comment on the firm’s con- gave to some Republicans. Republicans. tributions to the political action committee. However, ethical questions abound about Reid mentioned the nearly $150 million His spokeswoman, Kristen Orthman, empha- whether Reid’s latest judicial nominee, Jen- that Las Vegas Sands Corp. boss Sheldon sized that Dorsey’s personal contribution to nifer Dorsey, a partner in Jones, Kemp and Adelson had given to elect Republicans in Reid’s campaign was returned as the senator Coulthard, could have seen—or hoped to 2012 and how a Rhode Island man made a fed- weighed her possible nomination and wanted see—her chances for an appointment en- eral judgeship though he and his wife do- to avoid an appearance of conflict. hanced by a series of contributions from nated $700,000 to Democrats since 1993. Dorsey did not respond to requests for Kemp and his partner, J. Randall Jones. While $150,000 sounds like a lot to me, Reid comment Thursday and Friday. A secretary It’s the time line and the size of the said it’s all relative because the Senate Ma- at her office said the attorney usually does amounts that are creating that sewage jority PAC raised more than $60 million. not comment to reporters. smell. Reid must be conflicted. He competes suc- Neither Kemp nor Jones responded to calls Despite that, Reid said Friday he believed cessfully at raising money, whether it’s for or to email queries made through their sec- she would be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. his own campaign, the party or various retaries on Friday. Check out what happened when: PACs. Yet he says, ‘‘I think this whole cam- October 2011: Kemp wins his big Teva case, Lawyers making contributions to politi- paign finance thing has gotten way out of cians and their causes is commonplace. Nor not his first big payday as a longtime trial hand.’’ attorney. is it unusual for lawyers to want to see Later he mused, ‘‘It may not corrupt peo- friends and legal partners ascend to the pres- Jan. 9, 2012: Kemp donates $8,500 to the ple, but it is corrupting.’’ Democratic Party of Nevada, generally con- tigious federal bench. Dorsey, 42, said she doesn’t talk to report- It’s when the two appear to mix that prob- sidered the party designed to elect Reid first ers. But if she knew her partners were donat- and foremost and other Democrats as an lems can arise, legal experts said. ing all this money at the time she was seek- ‘‘This feels problematic to me,’’ said afterthought. ing a judgeship (and how could she not Sometime in January or February 2012, ac- Charles Geyh, John F. Kimberling professor know), she should have stopped it. But then of law who teaches and writes on ethics at cording to Kemp’s statements to political she did donate $2,500 after asking for the job. analyst Jon Ralston, Reid asks Kemp and his the University of Indiana Maurer School of Maybe she thought it was expected. Or Law. ‘‘There’s no denying a perception prob- partners to donate to the Senate Majority maybe the judicial candidate’s judgment PAC. It’s unclear whether his donation to lem here. Politically it seems like a dan- about perception isn’t so keen. gerous thing to undertake.’’ the party fell before or after Reid’s request. When her partners had never donated in Kemp didn’t return a call Friday to clarify Carl Tobias, the Williams Professor of Law such large sums before, it smacks of old- at the University of Richmond, cautioned the time line. style payola. It may be legal, but it’s not March 31, 2012: Dorsey donates $2,500 to against jumping to conclusions. right. ‘‘I can’t draw a cause-and-effect relation- Friends for Harry Reid. Sometime that However, I suspect the canny Reid is cor- month she expressed her interest in a federal ship’’ between the partners’ donations and rect, Dorsey will get confirmed. Senators of Dorsey’s nomination, said Tobias, a former judgeship. The same day, Kemp contributes both parties won’t want to see their own do- $2,500 to the Friends of Harry Reid. professor at the Boyd School of Law at the nations restricted as they themselves race University of Nevada, Las Vegas. ‘‘I think April 30, 2012: Reid returns her money but for the almighty dollar. keeps Kemp’s. people could ask whether it appears that they were trying to promote one of their May 1, 2012: The day after Dorsey’s money [From www.reviewjournal.com, Apr. 26, 2013] is returned, Kemp donates $100,000 to the partners. You’d like to have the answers to JUDICIAL NOMINEE’S LAW FIRM GIVES $150,000 Senate Majority PAC, and law partner Jones those questions.’’ TO PAC LINKED TO HARRY REID donates $5,000 to the Democratic Party of Sen. , R–Nev., declined to com- (By Steve Tetreault, Stephens Washington Nevada. ment on Friday. In recent weeks he has de- May 14, 2012: Two weeks later, Jones do- Bureau) clined comment on Dorsey’s nomination, nates $50,000 to the Senate Majority PAC. WASHINGTON.—As U.S. Sen. Harry Reid was saying he prefers to let the confirmation June 12, 2012: Reid recommends Dorsey to considering Las Vegas attorney Jennifer process move forward before saying how he the White House. Dorsey for a federal judgeship in May, two would vote. Aug. 23, 2012: Jones donates $8,000 to the senior partners at her law firm made $150,000 This week Heller declined an invitation to Democratic Party of Nevada. in contributions to a political action com- appear at Dorsey’s confirmation hearing. Al- Sept. 19, 2012: She is nominated by Presi- mittee associated with the Nevada senator, though Dorsey was nominated in September, dent Barack Obama. records show. only last month did Heller return the cus- Oct. 23, 2012: Jones makes a $10,000 con- While apparently legal, the donations were tomary ‘‘blue slip’’ to the Senate Judiciary tribution to the Democratic Party of Ne- called ‘‘problematic’’ by a legal expert, who Committee, signalling that he did not object vada. said they could be perceived as attempting to a confirmation hearing. At a meeting at the Las Vegas Review- to buy a judicial appointment as Dorsey’s Heller and Reid clashed earlier over Clark Journal on Friday, I asked Reid to address confirmation is pending before the Senate. County District Judge Elissa Cadish, whom the perception that the donations were made Dorsey also made a personal contribution Reid had nominated to a federal judgeship for a purpose. of $2,500 to Reid’s campaign committee in but whom Heller had blocked over a gun He answered, ‘‘It’s too bad that her being a March 2012, shortly after they initially spoke rights dispute. Heller allowed Dorsey’s nomi- member of that law firm is causing some about her interest in becoming a federal nation to proceed a few weeks after Cadish problems for her.’’ He noted he had known judge, according to Senate records. Reid re- withdrew her nomination, leading to specu- Kemp for decades. ‘‘He’s one of the finest turned that contribution a month later, as lation that he and Reid had struck a deal. trial lawyers in the country, and that’s not he proceeded to check out her credentials Dorsey, who turned 42 on Friday, appeared just hyperbole, that’s true.’’ and experience as a litigator. Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Com- Reid went on to condemn the Citizens In June, Reid agreed to recommend Dorsey mittee for her confirmation hearing. The Las United decision in January 2010, which al- to the White House for a post on the U.S. Vegas native obtained degrees from UNLV

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09JY6.003 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 9, 2013 and Pepperdine University School of Law. source of guidance and comfort to of Kemp, Jones & Coulthard, LLP, She became a partner at Kemp, Jones and countless folks from in where she has been partner for the past Coulthard in 2004, where she has specialized the weeks and months that followed 9 years. She has diverse experience in in complex civil litigation. that horrific act of terrorism. civil and criminal matters, trial and Dorsey answered questions about her expe- rience and her approach to the law posed by During his short tenure, MO has dis- appellate work, and State and Federal Sens. Mazie Hirono, D–Hawaii, Charles tinguished himself in this body. First, courts, and has tried more than a dozen Grassley, R–Iowa, and Mike Lee, R–Utah. MO listens more than he talks. His trials to verdict. The committee has The senators seemed satisfied with her per- acute observation skills have made heard from Judge Deanell Tacha, who formance, said Tobias, who watched a him a trusted adviser to many. Equally was nominated by President Reagan to webcast of the session. important, MO’s observations are with- the Tenth Circuit and is now the dean Dorsey was introduced to the committee out judgment; rather, MO listens and of Pepperdine University School of by Reid, who called her a ‘‘fine woman who tries to understand how he can advance will be a great addition to the bench in Ne- Law, in support of Jennifer Dorsey. vada. She has really a sterling reputation the issue and not judge the speaker’s She wrote: among her peers.’’ motivations. I am well acquainted with Ms. Dorsey and Reid said Dorsey’s nomination was in line Mo is a serious thinker, always try- can say, with full confidence, that she is an with his desire to place more women on the ing to find a path forward to resolve outstanding candidate for the federal judici- federal bench. If confirmed, Dorsey would the important issues of our time. I can ary who would serve with great distinction join District Judges Miranda Du and Gloria only imagine the important and great . . . She is a distinguished lawyer, a highly respected member of her community, and a Navarro as Reid-backed Nevada federal court legislation MO would have advanced if true servant of the public good. appointees. he had more time here. In 1998, Reid backed attorney Johnnie Her qualifications notwithstanding, Rawlinson for a District Court judgeship in Although MO is a serious guy, he also loves to laugh—mostly at his own ex- Jennifer Dorsey has been the target of Nevada, and two years later promoted her a false controversy over political dona- confirmation to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of pense. MO’s desk in the Senate was Appeals. often the gathering site for many tions made by her law firm colleagues. Dorsey has received a mixed rating from freshman Senators because everyone It is ironic that the same Senate Re- the American Bar Association’s Standing was just a little happier and a little publicans who have filibustered any at- Committee on the Federal Judiciary, a 15– smarter after spending time with MO. tempt to regulate or scrutinize polit- member panel that rates federal judge nomi- Mo is also an extraordinarily humble ical donations, and who objected to my nees on integrity, professional competence human being—not the false modesty of request during the Bush administra- and judicial temperament, and on a scale of tion to include political campaign con- ‘‘well qualified,’’ ‘‘qualified’’ and ‘‘not quali- a seasoned politician but the humility fied.’’ that comes from a deep faith and a life- tributions by nominees in the com- In Dorsey’s case, the ABA said a ‘‘substan- time of self-reflection. One should mittee questionnaire, are now using tial majority’’ (10–13 members) rated her never mistake that humility for a lack donations by a nominee’s colleagues to ‘‘qualified’’ while a minority rated her ‘‘not of self-confidence. MO is very sure- smear the nominee. These donations qualified.’’ footed and anchored in the one great that the ranking member claimed he Reid declined this week to comment on the belief that his job is and always will be was concerned about were not even rating, which matched ratings for Du and to make the world a more just place for known to the nominee until they were Navarro when they were under Senate con- reported in local newspapers. Ms. Dor- sideration. He had made no secret of his dis- his sons and for all the children of our dain for the ratings, which he said rely too country. sey has answered the ranking mem- heavily on prior judicial service as opposed So beyond the ritual of carving a ber’s questions on this issue under oath to ‘‘real world’’ qualifications. name in a desk and his recorded roll- and I consider it settled. Senate Repub- In 2010, Reid said the examiners should call votes on important issues like im- licans did not ask such questions of ‘‘get a new life and start looking at people migration, what will be MO COWAN’s President Bush’s nominees, even nomi- for how they are qualified and not whether Senate legacy? History may mark his nees who themselves made donations they have judicial experience.’’ time here in a footnote, but MO’s im- to President Bush or their home State Mr. GRASSLEY. I yield the floor and pact has been much greater. I cannot Republican Senators after they knew I suggest the absence of a quorum. speak for others in this body, but be- that they were being considered for a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cause I served with MO COWAN, I will be judgeship. Perhaps now Senate Repub- clerk will call the roll. a better Senator. I will listen more and licans think we should look at dona- The assistant legislative clerk pro- talk less. I will always remember not tions made by nominees’ friends and ceeded to call the roll. to judge the motivations of others; in- neighbors? Ms. HEITKAMP. I ask unanimous stead, seek solutions with others. I will This is just one more example of Sen- consent that the order for the quorum redouble my efforts to make our great ate Republicans playing games with call be rescinded. country a more just place for our chil- President Obama’s judicial nominees, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dren. rather than actually looking at the objection, it is so ordered. I will miss you, Senator MO COWAN. nominees’ records. False controversies TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM M. ‘‘MO’’ COWAN You are a great Senator, but more im- about nominees like Paul Watford, Ms. HEITKAMP. Mr. President, I rise portantly, you are a wonderful and Patty Schwartz, Andrew Hurwitz, today to say a few words about my kind human being. Thank you for your Caitlin Halligan, and Jeffrey Helmick friend who is leaving the Senate this service to our country. over who they represented, or who they week, Massachusetts Senator MO I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- clerked for, demean the confirmation COWAN. I have to admit that when he sence of a quorum. process. first arrived I was excited because I The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Jennifer Dorsey is one of the 33 judi- was no longer going to be 100th in se- clerk will call the roll. cial nominees who needed to be re- niority. That job went to MO, and I The assistant legislative clerk pro- nominated this year. Unfortunately, would be 99. However, quickly after he ceeded to call the roll. the Senate is not able to consider an- was sworn in, I realized he was one of Mrs. HAGAN. Mr. President, I ask other district of Nevada nominee, the nicest and smartest Members of unanimous consent that the order for Judge Elissa Cadish, whose nomination this body. During his recent farewell the quorum call be rescinded. was withdrawn after the Republican speech, MO referred to me as the North The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senator from Nevada refused to return Dakota sister he never knew he had. I objection, it is so ordered. his blue slip on her nomination. The already have six siblings, but I would Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today the concern with Judge Cadish seemed to welcome him into the Heitkamp family Senate will vote on the nomination of be that in 2008 she had accurately stat- any day. Jennifer Dorsey to be a judge on the ed existing Second Amendment juris- In all seriousness, MO was an excel- U.S. District Court for the District of prudence. Judge Cadish was originally lent addition to this body. After the Nevada. appointed to the Nevada bench by a Re- Boston massacre tragedy, he showed Jennifer Dorsey has spent her entire publican Governor, and in a 2011 judi- incredible leadership skills. He was a legal career at the Las Vegas, NV firm cial performance evaluation, conducted

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09JY6.002 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 9, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5543 by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, 88 Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the sion of my remarks, the Senator from percent of the lawyers who responded Senator from Alaska (Mr. BEGICH) is Utah be recognized. said she should be retained on the necessarily absent. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- bench, which was among the highest of Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators pore. Without objection, it is so or- all judges evaluated. So I remain dis- are necessarily absent: the Senator dered. appointed that her nomination was from Indiana (Mr. COATS), the Senator Mr. REED. I wish to thank the Sen- withdrawn and that the Judiciary from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE), the Senator ator from Utah for graciously allowing Committee and the Senate were not from (Mr. GRAHAM), me to proceed. permitted to consider it, especially and the Senator from Arizona (Mr. While the Republicans failed to join since the vacancy to which Judge MCCAIN). us in an effort to avert the doubling of Cadish was nominated is now a judicial The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. the interest rate on need-based student emergency vacancy. HEITKAMP). Are there any other Sen- loans, there is still time to act to make In addition to the 33 renominations ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? things right for students. On July 1, at the start of this year, President The result was announced—yeas 54, the interest rate on subsidized Stafford Obama has nominated another 28 indi- nays 41, as follows: loans doubled from 3.4 percent to 6.8 viduals to be circuit and district judges [Rollcall Vote No. 170 Ex.] percent. Instead of allowing us to take this year, and has now had more nomi- YEAS—54 up a vote on an extension of the lower nees at this point in his presidency Baldwin Hagan Murray rate, the other side continues to push a than his predecessor did at the same Baucus Harkin Nelson so-called long-term solution that would point. Senate Republicans are nonethe- Bennet Heinrich Pryor saddle students with even more debt in less criticizing President Obama for Blumenthal Heitkamp Reed Boxer Hirono Reid the future. making too few nominations while pro- Brown Johnson (SD) Rockefeller Students and advocates from across testing that the fact that many vacan- Cantwell Kaine Sanders the country have been very clear. On cies do not have nominees cannot pos- Cardin King Schatz June 21, they wrote to Senate leader- sibly be the fault of Senate Repub- Carper Klobuchar Schumer Casey Landrieu Shaheen ship, and in their words: ‘‘A bad deal licans. These Senators are saying that Collins Leahy Stabenow that is permanent for student bor- they have no role in the process. Of Coons Levin Tester rowers is worse than no deal at all.’’ course, only a few years ago, before Cowan Manchin Udall (CO) We need time to work together to de- Donnelly McCaskill Udall (NM) President Obama had made a single ju- Durbin Menendez Warner velop a good deal for students—one dicial nomination, all Senate Repub- Feinstein Merkley Warren that is comprehensive, one that touch- licans sent him a letter threatening to Franken Mikulski Whitehouse es not on just rates but on incentives filibuster his nominees if he did not Gillibrand Murphy Wyden to lower the costs of a college edu- consult Republican home State Sen- NAYS—41 cation and on ways in which students ators. They cannot have it both ways. Alexander Enzi Murkowski can refinance their existing debt and I take very seriously my responsi- Ayotte Fischer Paul their future debts. As we all under- bility to make recommendations when Barrasso Grassley Portman stand, we have reached a point where we have vacancies in Vermont, whether Blunt Hatch Risch Boozman Heller Roberts student debt has exceeded credit card the President is a Democrat or a Re- Burr Hoeven Rubio debt. It is the second largest household publican, and other Senators should do Chambliss Inhofe Scott debt—$1 trillion—and it is saddling this the same. After all, if there are not Chiesa Isakson Sessions Coburn Johanns generation and future generations with Shelby enough judges in our home States, it is Cochran Johnson (WI) Thune burdens they well might not be able to our own constituents who suffer. It Corker Kirk Toomey discharge. Cornyn Lee should be only a matter of weeks or Vitter In the meantime, at this moment, we months, not years, for Senators to Crapo McConnell Cruz Moran Wicker should take up and pass the Keep Stu- make recommendations. Republican NOT VOTING—5 dent Loans Affordable Act which I have Senators who demanded to be con- offered, along with Senator HAGAN and sulted on nominations should live up to Begich Flake McCain Coats Graham 41 of our colleagues, to ensure that stu- their responsibilities, and fulfill their dents with the greatest financial need constitutional obligation to advise the The nomination was confirmed. do not see the interest rate on their The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under President on nominations. They should loans double. Again, at the heart of our the previous order, the motion to re- follow the example of Democratic Sen- student lending program has been a consider is considered made and laid on ators: the administration has received special concern to allow young men the table. The President will be imme- recommendations for all current dis- and women with talent from low and diately notified of the Senate’s actions. trict vacancies in States represented moderate incomes to go to college. by two Democratic Senators. When f That is why we created the subsidized Senate Republicans refuse to make rec- LEGISLATIVE SESSION Stafford loan program. That is what we ommendations for nominees, and then have to keep our focus and emphasis on delay votes on consensus nominees, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under today. Forty-nine organizations rep- they are not somehow hurting the the previous order, the Senate will re- resenting students, educators, colleges President, they are hurting the Amer- sume legislative session. and universities, and workers from ican people and our justice system. f across the country have asked us to do Mrs. HAGAN. Mr. President, I ask RECESS unanimous consent that all remaining this. These are the students, the uni- time be yielded back. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under versities, and the people who have The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the previous order, the Senate stands most at stake and they are telling us, objection, it is so ordered. in recess until 2:15 p.m. again, that a bad deal is worse than no Mrs. HAGAN. I ask for the yeas and Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:35 p.m., deal at all. nays. recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- We should take a step back and re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a bled when called to order by the Acting member why we offer student loans in sufficient second? There appears to be President pro tempore. the first place. When President Lyndon a sufficient second. f Johnson signed the Higher Education The question is, Will the Senate ad- Act into law in 1965, he said: ‘‘And it is vise and consent to the nomination of KEEP STUDENT LOANS AFFORD- a truism education is no longer a lux- Jennifer A. Dorsey, of Nevada, to be ABLE ACT OF 2013—MOTION TO ury. Education in this day and age is a United States District Judge for the PROCEED—Continued necessity.’’ District of Nevada? The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- His words are truer today than they The clerk will call the roll. pore. The Senator from Rhode Island. were in 1965. According to Georgetown The assistant bill clerk called the Mr. REED. Madam President, I ask University Center on Education and roll. unanimous consent that at the conclu- the Workforce, we will fall 5 million

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:45 Jul 10, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G09JY6.049 S09JYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE