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B4 VIEWS WWWTULANEHULLABALOO.COM OPINION OF THE HULLABALOO LETTER TO THE EDITOR Kevin Young's article published exclusive. One can be a passionate H Scholarships fall short for on Aug 23rd, "Students for Jus- pro-Israel activist and believe in the tice in Palestine attempts to bring Palestinians' right to peaceful self- MANAGING equal presence to campus;' unfa- determination, just as one can be Tulane students vorably portrays pro-Israeli groups pro-Palestine and recognize Israel's EDITORIAL BOARD on campus and makes SJP seem sovereignty and right to exist. This THE HULL THINKS ... Tulane University recently part- immaculate, which misrepresents assumption deepens the schism be- Danielle Maddox nered with the Stamps Family Char- both sides. This article champions tween the two sides and is not con- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF itable Foundation to bring a schol- Tulane's SJP as the underdog that ducive to SJP lessening its smear Tulane must expand arship program for incoming fresh- hasn't had a chance to prove itself campaign. Tulane University for Is- Jessica Appelbaum scholarship options men in Fall 2014. The scholarship and pro-Israel groups as overbear- rael, for example, is pro-Israel and MANAGING EDITOR will cover the total cost of atten- ing favorites that control the whole pro-Palestine. TUFI is an advocate for upperclassmen and dance rather than just tuition, mak- system. We must examine if an a<0- for the Israeli policies that promote Alexia Chatfield ing this the first scholarship of its tive SJP on campus would lead to an peace and equal rights to its citizens PRODUCTION MANAGER improve benefits kind at Tulane. equal presence of each side. Nation- - regardless of race or religion - The total cost of attendance in- ally, SJP has been condemned by which includes Palestinians and Craig Kinchen cludes funds required for study abroad, undergraduate research, academ- the Anti-Defamation League, which non-Jews. Instead, SJP spreads the ic or co-curricular conferences and unpaid internships. Additional funds INTERIM BUSINESS MANAGER stated that SJP has "consistently de- lie that the only democracy in the covered by the scholarship would total at least $14, 236, and for many stu- monized Israel." On our campus, Middle East is "racist." Lying about Maureen O'Neill dents, the number could be higher. meanwhile, SJP has defamed Isra- a country that dreams of peace only For an institution of this size and caliber, it is shocking that this is el by falsely accusing it of being an exacerbates the conflict and shoves GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS the first full-ride merit scholarship offered to students at Tulane. Tulane EDITOR apartheid state. If Tulane's SJP sup- that goal further away. Lying about has previously offered the Dean's Honor Scholarship and the Paul Tulane ports and continues slander while a country and ignoring the actual Award, both of which cover the total cost of tuition but nothing beyond. the pro-Israel groups provide facts, crimes against Palestinians, such as Grace Barnes With the addition of the Stamps Foundation Scholarship, about 130 stu- CHIEF COPY EDITOR would this lead to an unbiased pres- the ruling government of Gaza us- dents in each class will be funded by full-tuition scholarships, but only five ence leading to dialogue between ing children as human shields and will have their full cost of attendance covered. Compared to Tulane's peer Samantha Halperin the two sides? locating rocket launchers in schools institutions, this is an embarrassingly low number of full-ride scholar- Additionally, Young's argument and hospitals, hurts Palestinians. PUBLIC RELATIONS ships. Vanderbilt University, for example, offers approximately 250 ウ 」 ィ ッ セ makes it seem as if being pro-Isra- DIRECTOR arships per class that 」 _ セ ・ イ full tuition plus other expens:s. Tulane.previ- el and pro-Palestine are mutually Ben Kravis ously offered no full tmtion plus other expenses scholarships and will now offer 5 per year. Emory University and Rice University also offer a number "STAFF of full tuition plus expenses scholarships. EDITORIAL BOARD Tulane's scholarship options are only open to first time incoming fresh- men. For a school so focused on retention rates, Tulane should consider Michael DeMattia offering merit scholarship opportunities to upperclassmen needing alter- Katrina anniversary Emma Discher nate funding to continue attending Tulane. セ 、 、 ゥ エ ゥ ッ ョ 。 ャ ャ ケ L :rulane needs_ to NEWS EDITORS offer more opportunities for merit scholarships and full-nde scholarships in general. highlights Cowen's Charles Bramesco Stephanie Chen proactice success ARCADE EDITORS ALLISON ner with him. Scott Cowen, affec- Sam Wetzler tionately known as Scotty C., is a INTERIM VIEWS EDITOR SAFT staff writer charismatic, personable and acces- optweets. sible president, especially in an in- Madeline Dang stitution of this size. David Holden "I was twerking like a ho long before hannah However, the hard decisions he SPORTS EDITORS has made come with consequences montana" This week marks the last anni- - public opinion varies wildly. Michael Hammer versary of Hurricane Katrina that His renewal plan for Tulane PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR ZACH BRAFF we will spend with Scott Cow- brought about what may be the larg- en - the man who guided Tulane Actor est mass-termination in an Ameri- AkashDesai through perhaps the worst natu- can university, eliminating 166 full- ral disaster in American history on STAFF COPY EDITOR @zachbraff time faculty members, 61 of which Aug. 29th, 2005 - who recently an- held tenure. His decision to create nounced his retirement, effective the joint entity of Newcomb-Tulane Alec Herskowitz July l, 2014. ARCADE LAYOUT EDITOR College was met with some disap- "if you're ever in a sticky situation tho let Throughout his 16-year pres- proval, given the erasure of the in- your kitty piss in a bottle cuz that shit glows idency, Cowen has contributed dependence of the women's college. Stephanie Choi greatly to both the university and According to a report given by VIEWS LAYOUT EDITOR in the dark so you'll find ur way home" the city. He has been a supporter for the Scott Cowen Institute for Pub- athletes in academia and has advo- lic Education Initiatives, only 37 Ashley Easterly cated reform to the Bowl SPORTS LAYOUT EDITOR YA BOY Bill NYE Parody Twitter Account Siraphob Chansangavej @yaboybillnye SC011 COWEN, AffECTIONAIE.LY ADS LAYOUT EDITOR KNOWN AS SCOTTY C., IS A CHARIS- MATIC, PERSONABLE AND ACCESS - Alexandra Hassan "(304): I am cleaning my apartment while BLE PRES!DENT, ESPECIALLY IN AN IN- PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ST.UTION OF THIS SIZE. naked. Anyone who says that is not why Craig Kinchen ADVERTISING MANAGER they want to live on their own is lying." Championship Series to extend percent of people think that public Hampton Farr TEXTS FROM LAST NIGHT participation to more universities, schools have improved since before including Tulane. He has made ef- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Blog Hurricane Katrina, while 28 per- forts to improve the New Orleans cent think they are the same and 24 @TFLN public school system by advocating percent think they were better be- for charter organizations to take fore Hurricane Katrina. The rest re- CONTACT over failing public schools. Tak- main uncertain. And the numbers ing measures to save Tulane during remained largely the same between G06, LAVIN-BERNICK Hurricane Katrina, he called for the 2009 and 2013. merging of Newcomb College with CENTER Few other universities can boast Tulane and reduced the number of a president as accomplished who NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118 programs the university offered to still maintains humility and acces- WWW.THEHULLABALOO.COM penthouse. save money. sibility. He was exactly the man Tu- Last year during Hurricane lane needed in 2005, when hard and NEWSROOM 504.865.5657 Isaac, he visited residence halls fast decisions needed to be made. Miniature 'human brain' grown Anonymous, eager to match, raises and the students who sheltered in ADVERTISING 504.865.5656 in lab ten million dollars for Snowden in place. On move-in day this year, FAX 504.862.3394 Like all children, this disembodied Monopoly money. he strolled around campus with his Allison Saft a sophomore in the FACEBOOK TULANE HULLABA- "brain" will soon grow to resent its dog and spoke to volunteers, new Newcomb-Tulane College. He can be LOO parent-scientists for not Apple Tries to Trademark the students and parents. He's been reached for comment at asaft@tu- TWITTER THE_HULLABALOO understanding it. Word 'Startup' known to cruise around campus in lane.edu. Wboa, can we just do that? The a golf cart. Students have had din- EMAIL [email protected] WtlciLeaks raises $12,000 in Hullabaloo tries to trademark the Bitcoin for Edward word 'Perineum; starting now. Deadline for letters to the Snowden's defense editor is at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Send the letters to hull@tulane. edu or bring hard copies to the office. The lfullabaloo reserves the right to edit, abridge or reject any letter. Letters addressing recent Hullabaloo issues will be given precedence over those outhouse. rebutting other letters. Letters :LLY NAME. .. must be signed and include NYPD designates mosques as listed "Nineteen e ゥ セ ィ エ ケ M f ッ オ イ B phone number and email address. terrorism organizations under their 'Likes section. In cases of possible harm to the NYPD similarly designates author, names will be withheld at churches as self-righteousness Florida schools ban cheerleaders editor's discretion if authorship organizations. from wearing their own uniforms can be confirmed. during the day because they're SERIOUS The Tulane Hullabaloo is Facebook gave 38,000 users' data deemed 'too vulgar' published every Thursday of the to 74 different governments over This decision follows the town's academic year except for holidays 6 months controversial ban on dancing and exam periods.