1N THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO THE STATE OF OHIO ex rel. AMERICAN GREETINGS CORPORATION One American Road Clevelaiid, OH 44114, MORRY WEISS 4500 University Parkway University Heights, OH 44118, JEFFREY WEISS 23501 Ranch Road Beachwood, O144122, Case No. ZEV WEISS, 2420 Buckhurst Drive Beachwood, OI144122, ORIGINAL ACTION IN SCOTT S. COWEN PROIIIBITION AND MANDAMUS 2 Audobon Place, #801 New Orleans, LA 70118, JOSEPH S. HARDIN, JR. 820 Picacho Lane Montecito, CA 93108, CHARLES A. RA'I'NER 26980 Soutll Park Boulevard Shaker Heights, OH 44120, JERRY SUE THORNTON 40 Faiitivay Trail Chagrin Falls, OH 44022, JOSEPH B. CIPOLLONE, 10740 Sherwood'Trail North Royalton, OH 44133, STEPHEN R. HARDIS, and 52 Wychwood Drive Chagrin Falls, OH 44022, -and- HARRIET MO[JCHLY-WEISS, 415 East 52nd Street, Apt. 911 New York, NY 10022, Relators, vs. JUDGE NANCY A. FUERS'1' Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court 1200 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44113, -and- JUDGE PETER J. CORRIGAN Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court 1200 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44113, Respondents. COMPLAINT FOR WRITS OF PROH113ITION AND MANDAMUS Frederick R. Nance (0008988) Jolm D. Parker (0025770) Counsel of Record Coainsel of Record Joseph C. Weinstein (0023504) Lora M. Reece (0075593) Stephen P. Anway (0075105) BAKER & HOS'I'E`I'LER LLP Joseph P. Rodgcrs (0069783) 3200 National City Center SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY LLP 1900 East Ninth Street 4900 Key Tower Cleveland, OH 44114-3485 127 Public Square (216) 621-0200 (phone) Cleveland, OH 44114-1304 (216) 696-0740 (fax) (216) 479-8500 (plione) jparker@bakerlaw. com (216) 479-8780 (fax) lreece(a;halcerlaw. c•orn
[email protected] ju,eins•lein@ssd.