Salvete -- Issue 3
ISSUE 3! MAY 2013 Greetings from the Classics Department ! at Holy Cross SALVETEParnassus debuts on Mt. St. James Hello from Fenwick 4 !"##$%&'()*"+,)-#&.%/0)12)*"+,) .3+(#)/"#405)/+""%6+"()#%'3$##&) 784((%/(),49+"()'"46:4$#)$3%() ,+&$3;)<#)3%'38%'3$)(+,#)+*)$3#) 4//+,=8%(3,#&$()+*)$3#)784(()+*) >?@A2)4().#88)4()(+,#)+*)$3#%")=+($B '"46:4$#)=84&(2)+&)C4'#)D)+*)$3%() %((:#; E&)$3%()%((:#)5+:).%88)48(+)"#462) F#'%&&%&')3#"#)+&)C4'#)@2)4F+:$) $3#)4""%G48)+*)$3#)&#.) :&6#"'"46:4$#)784((%/()9+:"&48) !"#$"%%&%H)4F+:$)$3#)#G#&$()*+") Members of the Parnassus editorial board hold up the debut issue. Pictured 3%'3)(/3++8)784((%/%($()4$)$3%() are (om le$ to right) Tom Arralde ’13, Vannak Khin ’15, Angela Yu ’14, I="%8J()784((%/()K45)LC4'#)>MH)4&6)4) Melissa Luttmann ’15, Anne Sa&oom ’14, Michael Roberts ’13, Steven "#=+"$)*"+,)+&#)+*)+:"),49+"() Merola ’16, and Kathleen O’Connor ’13. 4F+:$)3#")(#,#($#")%&)N+,#)LC4'#) ! This month saw the Anne Salloom "14. “As a student, OM;)P&)C4'#)A)%()4)($+"5)+&)4)"#/#&$) publication of the inaugural issue it is gratifying to be able to share $480)4$)Q+85)7"+(()F5)R4"4) of Parnassus, the journal edited the work of our department with -8+:&6#"()J?@2)4)$#4/3#")4$)S+5(J) by students in the Classics others.” T4$%&)734"$#")R/3++8)%&) Department. The journal"s aim is ! The contents of this C3%846#8=3%4;)<#)%&/8:6#)4&) to share with a wider audience debut issue are as follows: #U/#"=$)*"+,)R4"4J()$480)+&)C4'#() the work that Holy Cross students “S.O.V.,” a poem by Michael AV1;)<#)34G#):=64$#()*"+,)(#G#"48) are doing on ancient Greece and Dunbar "15; “A View of Law in +$3#")48:,&4#)4&6)48:,&%)+&)C4'#) Rome.
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