Scientific Report 2008 | 2009

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Scientific Report 2008 | 2009 WIV - ISP SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 HEAD OFFICE Rue Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 1050 Brussels | Belgium SITE UCCLE | SITE UKKEL Rue Engelandstraat 642 1180 Brussels | Belgium SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 2008 | 2009 D/2010/2505/52 Responsible Editor: Dr. Johan Peeters, General Director | Rue Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 | 1050 Brussels SCIENTIFIC REPORT SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 Science at the Service of Public health, food chain Safety and environment the belgian Scientific institute of Public health (known as Wiv- iSP) provides support for public health policy through scientific research, expert opinions and divisional tasks. on the basis of scientific research, Wiv-iSP formulates recom- mendations and solutions in respect of priorities for a proactive health policy at the belgian, european and international levels. Wiv-iSP assesses the status of health and health indicators on the basis of scientific methods which it approves, develops and analyses within a certified quality framework. Wiv-iSP develops advanced solutions for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of current and emerging diseases, as well as the identification and prevention of health risks, including those resulting from the environment. TablE OF CONTENT Preface by the chairman of the board 5 organisation chart 6 Public HEALTH and Surveillance directorate 8 introduction 9 Cardiovascular risk and its treatment in belgian secondary care recognised diabetes centres 11 Compliance and use of alcohol based hand rubs after three national hand hygiene campaigns in belgian hospitals 15 The Cytome test as an instrument in human biomonitoring and genetic toxicity testing 19 Eco-, geno- and human toxicology of bio-active nanoparticles for biomedical applications 23 HIV infections and STI co-infections in men who have sex with men in belgium: sustained increase in HIV diagnoses 27 Human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal industries in ath, Wallonia 30 Monitoring illicit drug use among female sex workers in Europe, 2000-2008 35 The results of successive health interview surveys show that socio-economic inequalities in health-related 41 lifestyles have persisted over the last decade Tackling health inequalities in belgium: some results and policy recommendations 45 communicable and infectiouS diSeaSeS directorate 50 introduction 51 Current status of botulism intoxication in belgium: the need for monitoring 53 Development of rat monoclonal antibodies against moulds and their toxins 57 Discovery of a fascinating thiamine- and siderophore-auxotrophic fungus 61 Effect of the neutralisation of Il-17a on the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection 64 Environmental Staphylococcus contamination in a production plant at the origin of a foodborne outbreak 68 Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of DNa vaccines encoding MaP0586c and MaP4308c of 72 Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis secretome Molecular genetics of para-aminosalicylic acid resistance in clinical isolates and spontaneous mutants of 76 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Surveillance of antibiotic susceptibility patterns among Shigella sonnei strains isolated in belgium show 81 that cotrimoxazol is no longer appropriate for the treatment of shigellosis Unusual aspergillus species in patients with cystic fibrosis: interest in accurate identification and characterisation 84 Virological surveillance of Influenza a(H1N1)2009 pandemic: the role of the belgian National Influenza Centre 88 VHH-based Nanobodies® selected against the viral spike protein can protect mice against lethal rabies virus challenge 92 2 WIV-ISP SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 food, medicine and conSumer Safety directorate 96 introduction 97 analysis of the photoinitiators benzophenone and 4-methylbenzophenone in breakfast cereals 99 Determination of inorganic arsenic in seafood by HG-ICP-OES after conventional wet digestion 103 Evaluation of risk of consuming shellfish contaminated with domoic acid in belgium 107 Method development for the analysis of cereulide, the emetic toxin produced by bacillus cereus, in food 110 Pesticide programme under continuous challenge 113 Rapid analysis of melamine residue in milk, milk products, bakery goods and flour by ultra-performance liquid 116 chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry: from food crisis to accreditation Spectroscopic detection of counterfeit Cialis® 120 exPertiSe, Service ProviSion and cuStomer relationS directorate 124 introduction 125 Development of a molecular detection platform for GMO detection in food based on “combinatory Q-PCR” technology 127 Implementation of the 3Rs concept during batch release of a DTPa-IPV combined vaccine at the belgian OMCl 131 Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in belgium 135 a new statistical method for evaluating long term analytical performance of laboratories, applied to an external 141 quality assessment scheme for flow cytometry New techniques of genetic modification and the GMO definition 144 On state-of-the-art high biocontainment facilities in belgium 147 Using a pharmacokinetic program improves the results of the belgian antibiotics EQaS 151 Publications 156 contact 171 colophon 172 table of content 3 4 WIV-ISP SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 PREFaCE by the chairman of the board 2008 and 2009 meant a new milestone in same operational management: epidemio- based on the procedures proposed in the the history of the belgian Scientific Insti- logical research is now operating under Jenner Project, the support services for tute of Public Health (WIV-ISP). a new vi- the umbrella of the OD “Public Health and the former departments were centralized sion and mission, which are a truer reflec- Monitoring” and chemical research under at corporate level and new transversal tion of what is now expected of a public the OD “Food, Medicines and Consumer processes rolled out, which also included health institute were developed. I would Safety”. Services such as clinical biology, changes to the quality management sys- like to thank the members of our Scientific biological standardization and biosafety tem (ISO 17025, ISO 17020 and ISO 9001). Fur- board as well as our scientific committees, & biotechnology have been brought to- thermore, a scientific coordination service stakeholders and partners for their advice gether in the OD “Expertise, Services and was also set up to support researchers in adapting our objectives more effectively Customer Relations”. attracting and performing their scientific to a rapidly changing environment. In this projects, as well as making them more ac- way the institute is seeking to characterize In 2009, each OD was given a new man- cessible to their target publics. itself as an inter-federal institute that pro- ager and, in line with the conclusions of vides support not only to the FPS Public the Jenner Project, a business process re- This report therefore already provides a Health but also to all federal and federal- engineering project, they each drew up a glimpse of just a few of the WIV-ISP’s key ized stakeholders and partners who play a suitable management plan and an organi- scientific achievements of the past two role in developing a public health policy. sation chart for their OD. These plans will years. In the future, these will be increas- now gradually be put into practice in 2010. ingly grouped together around a number To be able to perform this role effectively, The following actions were selected as of priority areas and actions. the long drawn-out merger between the overall target objectives for all the ODs in former Institute for Hygiene and Epidemi- the coming years: ology and the Pasteur Institute of brabant • Focus on expertise to become a centre of We hope you will enjoy your reading! has been established. The Pasteur Institute excellence in public health domains. and parts of the Microbiology department • achieve equilibrium between routine de- were merged into a newly established op- mands and research-oriented incentives erational entity (OD), “Transmissible and to fit with the institute’s future innova- Infectious Diseases”, which, by consolidat- tive research strategy. ing all the scientific microbiological exper- • Make the best possible use of resources. tise, should provide a significant competi- • Keep pace with novel trends. tive advantage. • Stimulate cooperation with universities through posts for doctoral research and In addition, three other operational enti- provide incentives to increase product- dr Johan e. Peeters ties were set up for which the same strat- ivity of scientists (e.g. promotion matrix). General Director egy was followed to group together all • Increase communication and visibility the scientific expertise needed within the of activities (image building). PREFACE by the chairman of the board 5 ORGaNISaTION CHaRT WIV-ISP Public HEALTH and Surveillance ServiceS of the communicable and SuPPort ServiceS executive director infectiouS diSeaSeS General direction food, medicineS and manaGerial PoStS adviSor PoStS conSumer Safety exPertiSe, Service ProviSion and cuStomer RELATIONS 6 WIV-ISP SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 ePIDEMIOLOGy TOXICOLOGy MYCOLOGy & TUBERCULOSiS & IMMUNOLOGy & BACTERIOLOGy VIROLOGy AEROBIOLOGy MYCOBACTERIOLOGy VACCINOLOGy foodStuffS / medicineS radioactivity conSumer ProductS BIOLOGical bioSafety & clinical BIOLOGy STANDARDISATION BIOTECHNOLOGy orGaniSATION chart Wiv-iSP 7 Public HEALTH and SSurveillance directorate 8 WIV-ISP SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2008 | 2009 Public health and Surveillance directorate

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