1 Shallow seismicity, triggered seismicity, and 2 ambient noise tomography at the long- 3 dormant Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia 4 Jennifer A. Jay1, Matthew E. Pritchard1, Michael E. West2, Douglas Christensen2, 5 Matthew Haney3, Estela Minaya4, Mayel Sunagua5, Stephen R. McNutt2, Mario 6 Zabala4 7 1. 3162 Snee Hall, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Cornell 8 University, Ithaca, NY 14853 9 2. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 10 3. Alaska Volcano Observatory, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, AK 11 4. Observatorio San Calixto, La Paz, Bolivia 12 5. SERGEOTECMIN, La Paz, Bolivia 13 Phone (714) 403-3480 14 Fax (607) 254-4780 15 Email
[email protected] 16 17 Abstract 18 Using a network of 15 seismometers around the inflating Uturuncu volcano from April 19 2009 to 2010, we find an average rate of about 3 local volcano-tectonic earthquakes per day, and 20 swarms of 5-60 events a few times per month with local magnitudes ranging from -1.2 to 3.7. The 21 earthquake depths are near sea level, more than 10 km above the geodetically inferred inflation 22 source and the Altiplano Puna Magma Body. The Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake on 27 February 2010 23 triggered hundreds of earthquakes at Uturuncu with the onset of the Love and Rayleigh waves and 24 again with the passage of the X2/X3 overtone phases of Rayleigh waves. This is one of the first 25 incidences in which triggering has been observed from multiple surface wave trains. The 26 earthquakes are oriented NW-SE similar to the regional faults and lineaments.