Harlan Coben | 400 pages | 24 Apr 2014 | Orion Publishing Co | 9781409150541 | English | London, United Kingdom Deal Breaker PDF Book

Definitely worth a read. How Appealing. Other Editions I like this authors style of writing, bits of serious stuff, but never losing the 'cool', or maybe this was just Myron?! But his prospects are brightened considerably when he signs quarterback Christian Steele, the number one NFL draft pick. This is a book to read if you're on the prowl for a mystery with a clever and honest good guy who is the king of one liners. Myron attempts to answer these questions and quickly finds himself ensnared in a very complex mystery with a lot of unreliable and dangerous characters lurking about. The plot turns and twists enough to keep you guessing. And by the way, this review provides considerable bang for the buck, as it treats 15 books in one review. Feb 06, Jane rated it really liked it. I should be worth sixty, seventy grand minimum. Not rocket science, this is light reading, but fun and challenging to figure out. The result is an engrossing story with humorous moments and dialogue. His carefully coiffed blond hair, his movie star good looks, his expensive clothes, and his lavish lifestyle might lead one to believe that he is just a bluestocking scum, a handsome blight on the world as he waits to inherit the family fortune, but he happens to be a psychopath. Readers also enjoyed. He went to law school, spent a brief time with the FBI, and is now a sports agent. When it comes to sports agents Myron is small time. Someone sent the magazine to Christian. Apr 17, Jgoldlbc rated it really liked it. I liked Myron despite the tragic name. Can also be used if you don't agree with someones views. Way to be a noob. The sports aspects provide an unusual and enjoyable backdrop, that for me, is a new series to explore. He is a sixth-degree black belt, good with a gun, always calm and collected, maybe nuts, definitely dangerous, a good friend to have. His partner is kind of a nut. There's not way I can be productive and have one of these, unread, in my house. He has an interesting but mysterious background and lifestyle. Finally started the ! Christian receives a pornographic magazine with a nude photo of Kathy in a phone sex ad. I always enjoy his well known humor and sarcasm that he intertwines at the perfect moments. The investigation moved at the right pace and kept you guessing at each turn. He was tall, handsome, built, and currently living with his parents in their basement Lists with This Book. Christian is a good kid who overcame a lot of obstacles in his young life. He is assisted by Win and his secretary, Esperanza, who used to wrestle under the name "Little Pocahontas". Deal Breaker Writer

Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets. The photo raises several questions. 4. Not rocket science, this is light reading, but fun and challenging to figure out. This is debut novel and I had no idea what to expect when starting out on this book. Myron says he will check this out. That's a total dealbreaker. Thats a dealbreaker. Culver, her pathologist father, was just killed by a mugger and Jessica thinks this might be connected to Kathy's vanishing. Brand loyalty. And, the fact that it was hilarious helped a lot, too! Her father Adam Culver, County Medical Examiner was murdered three night's earlier in what people are calling a botched robbery attempt. View 2 comments. There is a stock of likable characters, each with a shtick, who get trotted out in each book. I'm going to have to be careful about not even buying these books until I have time to read them. I always find myself laughing at his main character's thoughts, quips. He now is a sports agent representing the hottest quarterback around. Christian is a good kid who overcame a lot of obstacles in his young life. Coben maintains what interest is maintained in this series by his quirky characters. She helped glue some of the devastated pieces of his life back together, and the last thing she wants to see is Myron shattered once again. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Christian is not only a star athlete but also a good kid who has overcome a lot of obstacles to reach this point in his life. This is a definite read. He is assisted by Win and his secretary, Esperanza, who used to wrestle under the name "Little Pocahontas". In the tradition of binaries, the qualities on the left are superior. Very entertaining. Deal breaker by Harlan Coben is a Delacorte Press publication. More like a snicker. Unless you work in compliance, the days of champagne, caviar, and blow are back! More Details He is representing a rookie quarterback, Christian Steele. I don't know about you, but when I see people reading a book, I must find out what book they're reading. Deal Breaker Reviews

We're seeing a great assortment of highly anticipated mysteries and Myron Bolitar was a basketball phenomenon in high school and college and an early draft pick for the NBA. I assumed this meant the Tennessee Titans, but then the story describes their facilities at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Readers also enjoyed. Looki My first Harlan Coben book! He is a sixth-degree black belt, good with a gun, always calm and collected, maybe nuts, definitely dangerous, a good friend to have. Word Lists. I can't even belive it myself. The House of Lloyd plans to divest itself of a whole buncha investment bankers. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Bright side: Those not good enough even for the French bank could also try for a certain German one. View all 8 comments. Sign up now or Log in. Esperanza is always an entertaining senorita. Due to his wealth and connections, Win can also acquire information in seconds and manages, at any hint of danger, to be at Myron's side almost instantaneously. Very entertaining. Fantastic, my favourite Coben book yet! I found it funny reading about the young and talented A comment on one of my progress reviews from one of my friends sums up this book nicely "I love Myron! With the exception of one book, where things do go awry, there's not much suspense in this series, because we know Myron - enhanced by Win and a couple more superpowers in his office - is going to succeed. For every layoff the rest of Wall Street manages to avoid, Deutsche Bank will cut two jobs.

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Myron Bolitar 1. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes. View all 23 comments. First is the contract issue: is the rookie, Christian, already committed to some shady characters who signed him illegally when he was a minor? No, no, you're really sweet, but I didn't know you had six kids. Christian's been drafted by the Titans whose owner, Otto Burke, is playing underhanded during the contract negotiations. And when you do make the determination that there are no other options than to deploy Win, then you must be very specific with instructions. I -love- it when an author doesn't feel like they have to expla This book is everything I want in a good book. Now in his early thirties Myron represents a small stable of players, including football player Christian Steele - a star college quarterback who's just been drafted by the Titans. Myron Bolitar is a great character. Of course, there is a lot of pretty ripe cussing from drug dealers and other lowlifes, so if that offends you, be prepared. Originally published back in , this story introduces us to sports agent Myron Bolitar, a former basketball star whose career came to an abrupt halt, due to injury. Just why mysteries solved by sound deduction would be superior seems evident. The photo raises several questions. English Examples. I recently discovered a new Myron Bolitar book is on its way, in September , which has me feeling stoked, since I always like this series. Add dealbreaker to one of your lists below, or create a new one. I kid you not! These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. Thus far, Myron has a small and fairly insignificant client list. So, since I didn't think very highly of that dude, I thought Harlan Coben must be a crap writer. I listened to the audio version of Deal Breaker. Or is this some diabolical, greed-driven plan by the Titans to damage Steele so they can sign a potentially generational athlete for a lot less money? This first book was Our Sites. Steve Mnuchin. He then went to Harvard Law and then did work of questionable morality with the Feds. Myron, despite his silly name, which, by the way, he hates himself, is drool worthy: handsome, tall, smart, educated, funny as hell and kind - perfect, as far as I'm concerned. This is my first Harlan Coben book but it won't be my last. To put the cherry on the cake, new information has begun to circulate suggesting the missing girl might be alive. 4. Feb 07, Mike French rated it really liked it. Trying to unravel the truth about a family's tragedy, a woman's secret, and a man's lies, Myron is up against the dark side of his business where image and talent make you rich, but the truth can get you killed. The mystery had several red herrings and twists and the final reveal took me by surprise. Cancel Submit. I assumed this meant the Tennessee Titans, but then the story describes their facilities at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Note that they do not need to be a "good" reason by society's standards , but are specific and individual to each relationship. View 2 comments. I own a couple of books of the series so I'm still gonna read them eventually. It's the first book in the series but feels like I've picked one up in the middle only because the characters feel so developed. I like this authors style of writing, bits of serious stuff, but never losing the 'cool', or maybe this was just Myron?!

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