Joe Justice on Agile Manufacturing Learning Consortium Webinar Q&A October 21, 2105 1. How do you deal with certification cycles of federal authorities such as the FDA, FCC, etc., in the context of an Agile manufacturing approach? I would highly recommend the Scrum Inc. webinar “Agile Testing” to take you through the best we’ve seen so far. 2. XMfg - How different is it from the factory model followed in batch jobs production in the manufacturing industry? XMfg practices reduce the cost to make change to the line and the product. This can support batch jobs or one-piece continuous flow. The fastest manufacturing method we’ve seen so far is massively parallel concurrent manufacturing, which funnels work more like a current- generation hyper-threading CPU than a traditional line flow such as batch jobs or one-piece continuous flow. And ultimately XMfg allows the company to affordably iterate more towards this pattern each sprint, again by lowering the cost (in time and money) to make change. 3. Can this be applicable for a nonprofit, high-scale contemporary art exhibition (50-plus projects, two years)? If there is a clear vision (which is encouraged to evolve, but clear at any given point in time), these approaches will apply. And I’d love to see it; please email
[email protected] if you try it! If you would like help getting started, I’ll invite you to attend a Certified ScrumMaster class: 4. How long did it take to "print" the carbon car you witnessed at the trade show? Cincinnati BAAM completed the Local Motors DDM (direct digital manufacturing) porotype car during the two-day exhibition.