Unit-I Topics: Introduction |Duties of S.A | Booting and Shutdown Process| File System 1 | Salvi College| Prof:Sonu Raj |
[email protected] |8080837038|8976249271 Q1. Short note on UNIX The UNIX operating system was originally developed at Bell Laboratories, once part of the telecommunications giant AT&T. UNIX has become a very popular multiuser, multitasking operating system for a wide variety of hardware platforms, from PC workstations to multiprocessor servers and supercomputers. UNIX is a trademark administered by The Open Group, and it refers to a computer operating system that conforms to a particular specification. This specification, known as The Single UNIX Specification, defines the names of, interfaces to, and behaviors of all mandatory UNIX operating system functions. The specification is largely a superset of an earlier series of specifications, the P1003, or POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) specifications, developed by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). Q2. List linux distribution and explain any three in detail Following is list of different Linux distributions as follows: . Ubuntu . Fedora . CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux . Linux Mint . Debian . OpenSUSE / SUSE Linux Enterprise . Puppy Linux . Mageia / Mandriva Ubuntu . Ubuntu is probably the most well-known Linux distribution. Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it has its own software repositories. The Ubuntu project has a focus on providing a solid desktop (and server) experience. Ubuntu is modern without being too bleeding edge. Fedora . Fedora is a project with a strong focus on free software. Fedora is bleeding edge and contains the latest versions of software. Unlike Ubuntu, Fedora doesn’t make its own desktop environment or other software.