A Two-Level Intelligent Web Caching Scheme with a Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine and Least Frequently Used 725 A Two-Level Intelligent Web Caching Scheme with a Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine and Least Frequently Used Phet Imtongkhum1, Chakchai So-In1, Surasak Sanguanpong2, Songyut Phoemphon1* 1 Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand 2 Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand
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[email protected] Abstract [4-5]. Consequently, many studies and applications have The immense increase in data traffic has created been developed to not only evaluate policy-based several issues for the Internet community, including long approaches of multi-tier ISPs but also efficiently use delays and low throughput. Most Internet user activity the existing Internet infrastructure, particularly from occurs via web access, thus making it a major source of the user perspective, including factors such as the Internet traffic. Due to a lack of effective management throughput and delay, which contribute to the quality schemes, Internet usage is inefficient. Advances in of accessible web objects. Web proxies (web caching) caching mechanisms have led to the introduction of web have been developed to address this issue. The key proxies that have improved real-time communication and concept that underlies proxy/caching is similar to that cost savings. Although several traditional caching polices of traditional caching of the memory hierarchical have been implemented to increase speed and simplicity, structure of a CPU, including the CPU cache, RAM, cache replacement accuracy remains a key limitation due and hard disk [6].