Sumsets and structure Imre Z. Ruzsa Alfred¶ Renyi¶ Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Pf. 127, H-1364 Hungary, E-mail address:
[email protected] Contents Foreword 1 Overview 3 Notation 4 Exercises and problems 4 Chapter 1. Cardinality inequalities 5 1. Introduction 5 2. PlÄunnecke's method 6 3. Magni¯cation and disjoint paths 8 4. Layered product 10 5. The independent addition graph 11 6. Di®erent summands 13 7. PlÄunnecke's inequality with a large subset 14 8. Sums and di®erences 15 9. Double and triple sums 18 10. A + B and A + 2B 20 11. On the noncommutative case 22 Chapter 2. Structure of sets with few sums 27 1. Introduction 27 2. Torsion groups 30 3. Freiman isomorphism and small models 32 4. Elements of Fourier analysis on groups 34 5. Bohr sets in sumsets 38 6. Some facts from the geometry of numbers 40 7. A generalized arithmetical progression in a Bohr set 41 8. Freiman's theorem 43 9. Arithmetic progressions in sets with small sumset 44 Chapter 3. Location and sumsets 47 1. Introduction 47 2. The Cauchy-Davenport inequality 47 3. Kneser's theorem 48 4. Sumsets and diameter, part 1 51 5. The impact function 52 6. Estimates for the impact function in one dimension 54 7. Multidimensional sets 56 8. Results using cardinality and dimension 58 9. The impact function and the hull volume 60 10. The impact volume 62 iii iv CONTENTS 11. Hovanskii's theorem 66 Chapter 4. Density 69 1. Asymptotic and Schnirelmann density 69 2. Schirelmann's inequality 71 3.