Portland Daily Press: December 18, 1900

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Portland Daily Press: December 18, 1900 ' DL-33 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. E PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18. 1900. two can he affixed at onne. This •Ible to iloonevltle to protoot regrcS miscellaneous. for W7 member*, enough to oar* the ministers provided •nspeots removed to that place from'-; 7 to STHDISfl statement even Inoludea tbe British min- HUNG TO TREE. AGAINST AN INCREASE. for Maine. Tala tailed by a vot* of «, SHOW OUT. Rock port, late tonight. 81r Edward who has been — tboa* voting In favor were llurleigb. of ister, Satow, the last to oome forward. Main*, Kuaaetl of Conneotlout, lleatwole MANY DROWNED. and Urlfleth of Minnaeota, Crnropaoker MADlT vTcAK UfcNHtlla _ of Indiana, MoDowell of Uhlo and Wll- Foundering of Steamer Alpha aon of South Carolina. Tbe seven ( Third at Offj%* Census Com. Favors >reat Britain’s Instruc- Negro Lynched Vencnnrrr Island. against were Uopkloa of Illlnol*, Beh- Rev. Father O’t elleghan, Formerly ol oook of Wisconsin, Aobesan of Penn»vl- tions to Him. Portland, Promoted* Booneville, Ind. Present Membership. B. Dooeoiber 17.—The vanla, Brownlow of Tennessee, Hynn of Vanoouver, 0., on a reef on New York and Kluttx of North Carolina. steamer Aipba foundered N. H., December 17.—Her. the esat const of Vanoouver Island and Tba Uookln* bill provtdlng for a mem- hfanobeeter, M. U'Callagban ot Portsmouth Is a total wreck. The three bership of 857, the present number, was Eugene oantalu, to Has been appointed to fill the vaoancy In engineers, tbo managing owners, the than taken up. A motion was mads Was Confernd in Mcr dor of llollie To Seven To | Changes in Joint Koto •he oaueed by the parser and three seamen were drowned, Voted Six Report amend this by making tbn number 879. mportant ytoer-generalshlp death of Vary Her. John E. Barry. This would bare prevented any loss In BX ONK VOTK. Demanded. has vari- Simmons. Bill. would have left Patbar O'Callaghan occupied Hopkins' Indiana and Uhlo, but Wnroester, Mass., December 17.—In the ous olerloal positions In Portland Ban- out Kansas, Nebraska and Vir- re-count of the vote for mayor, W. A. Maine, N. aor and Augusta, and Portsmouth, wine one vote. ginia. When tbe vole on this proposition Lytle, Hepubllcnn, hy H. There are etx ballots still in dispute on was taken MoDowell of Uhlo, joined vicar was which a final decision will be given at » bill, Xbe newly appointed general those who bad favored tbe Burleigh | Mob Battered Down Jail o’clock this evening. Dis- born In county Cork, Ireland, Maine Men Not nud If tbe others who voted for 897 bad Germany Supporting Bantork, TUS AFTER ALL. September *9, 184,1, In 1809 he wi ap- stood for 378 the loss of members would Walls. Worcester, December 18—The registrars However. the assistant at St. Uomlnlc's this couraged have been averted In some state! bat not Proposal. pointed cf voters decided at 3.15 o’clock church, Portland. He wes transferred that the vote for Mayor Is a tie In Maine. Bo Governor Burleigh obanged morning to the cathedral of that olty In the month between William A Lyttle, ltep, and tbe to the other side thus defeating propo- of September of tbe *»me year, and was Philip J. O’Connell, Uem. sition, 7 to 6. It Is believed tout In doing In charge there during the absenoe at the Vatican onun- LATE this be tohk the wlnest oourse. He bad of Bishop Baoon MARLSB. , In Jan- Militia Ordered Out but Were To Retain 1 iomo and Possibly AH Powers oll He was transferred to Bangor •Savanah, Deoember 17.—Arrived, Will Fight Vigorously talked It over with Messrs. Alien and the Oo., uary, 1871, and remained there until sehnoner Edith Olcott, Portland. Littlefield, and they bad agreed with to Accede. following Jane tnen ne returned to Port- Too Late. Expected Dominic's SyrufFigs Representation. him that Maine must In tbe committee, land as administrator of St. He was pastor at Au- favor 887, and falling In that vote for tbe parish. appointed gusta la May, 1874, assuming oharge also tbe middle Ac/sfleasant/y amtfhompt/y. present number. To take of the Hallowed, Uardlner and Xogus oourse would De to enable Indiana and missions. Prom 1869 till tbe death of December 17,—John Bond’s not 18.—“Groat Britain Ind., Waitt & Uhlo to avoid loss, but would help DaOBinber Doonevllle, Cleanses the TO THE FIlESS.l London, Portland. System [SFtCIAI. of tbe dlooeee of the third o( the oolored men Im- Maine. By favoring a committee report | ias Instructed Sir Ernest Hatow, I under- Au- Dolls, and Deoember 17.—In theoom- Father U'Callaghan oame from Gently Effectually Washington, ’’ in the murder of llollle 81m- of Maine fores* those two states Into tbe Pekin correspondent of to Portsmouth on Uotobar -»>, 1875. plicated | 847, tand, fays guita when bilious or costive. niltte" on census today the proposition to Ne- oourt the same b oat wttb herself, Kansas, he Dally Mall, wiring Sunday, “To urge moni, was hang to a tree In the the house at nil keep the membership of t!f>7, DrHHKA ftnu V HKimn nuu lurj house a mob of about 1000 men 1 be retention in the joint note of tbe STATUS OF PORTO RICO. yard by form «» ■ when tiro comes into tbe Presents in the most acceptable us uuuiuvr, work, report of praneuv 1 from tbla evening. Two for a number that will save all rorld irrevocable and the Inclusion In liBokport, the laxative of In the bill was an House, principles 'plants to U. The only change hie were at Dock- act tho state*. I he of a declaration “That, un- III. companions lynched An own to most beneficially. that the several preamble Do.. Ih« Constitution Follow Flag amendment requiring Of course Ohio and Indiana may not be last for the same orlme. Not I has night Blackstone il the Chinese government talMlad port are some Dem- Uefor. Court. districts of the several oounted on Mildly Tbere Argued Supreme and was con- congressional I he demands of the Pekin and a abet waa tired everything 1 ocratic member* In those atatea ami If powers, TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS states he composed of “contlngnoue and ducted there la a lose the lfepublloan legislatures | he provlnoe of Chi LI will not bt evacu- quietly. compact territory." teat It comes out of the • oaee Kolia was to this this CIGAR, — will see allied Ueoember 17.—Tbe brought place I BUY THE GENUINE MANFO. BY probably ited by the troops. Wisblngton, The of the amendment is to Democrats. This may make Mine lfe- hla ar purpose “It Is rumored that Germany Is warm- of John H. (jioetx, vs. tbe United States, afternoon about 0 o'olook. Upon Under the bill pubiloan members troni those states In- Tlio prevent gerrymandering. tne British and I tbs status ot Porto KIco, wax rival be was placed In a oell on the seo- Leading CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. different, but ou tbe other band It will 1 y supporting proposal, Involving SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. the following states will lose one repre- onl lloor of the A few minutes after apnr the Demooratlo membera to greater | lelleve a majority of the powers, and liken up in tbe United States Supreme jail. 10-C'ent Londre LOUISVILLE ♦ KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. Ken- .-ontatlve each: Indiana, Kansas, their own rrlends In tbe Gen- 6 o'olook a of 100 men marched to < activity umocg all of them, will eventually ac- court today at 8.80 p. m. Attorney body fbr sa/e 50* per toft/e. stands wltb Maine loatlbly In the by druggists price Maine, Nebraska, Ohio, South House. MlnneMta was In behalf of the demanded the World. tucky, 1 the which la nailed here eral Griggs present the jail aud prisoner because for some reaMn they would like ept proposal, Carolina and Virginia government and a number of prominent Sheriff ltnymond declined to give to gain two Congressmen In that state. vltb delight." former Secretary Deputy will one each: Illi- attorneys, Including 'The following gain It Is also that Michigan will go the keys and the mob at ouoe began Quality likely Carlisle were interested listener!. up 1 New York, for an lnorease to HMD members for FEEDING POOlt CHINAMEN. for walls. nois, Louisiana, Minnesota, solidly lid ward 0. Perkins of ooousel to batter down the This done, Counts. reason. New Jersey and West Virginia. 'Texas tbe same Pekin, December 17 .—The Hnsslans UeoeU, asked that the Porto Kino oase six members of the mob with sledge Maine did not have her own SMOKERS’ So while and that Involving the status ot the will gain two representatives committee ted she lave parohasel 1700,00“ worth of rloe, hammers, broke down the door of Kolia’s way in the oensus ly, Philippines will be oomblned. ine at- Based upon present political divisions, out of It In the best way un- vblch Is given to dsstltuts Chinese. Cen- and It oell and the negro after got possible torney general asaented to this left, dragging from der tbe clroumetanoes. The postponement should □either party will gain advantage tral Chaffee, the Amerloan commander, was arranged that eaoh xlile them. A few minutes was oonsumed of the ooDslderutlon of tbe bill until after GIFTS t he new re apportionment proposed in the s also having a large amount of rloe li- have live hours. The opening argument In the marob to the oourt the rope tbe Is alM favorable, and tbe then yard, and holidays In behalf of Goett was begun by hill.
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