In this Issue:

Corporate Development Program Suggestion System Is Two [P[[JU�LJ� TV Docs Prescribe


OCTOBER Halloween and pumpkin faces Fairy costumes trimmed with laces Trick or Treaters on a lark Collecting candy after dark Huge black velvet cats With great amber eyes And witches on broomsticks Riding the skies The harvest moon is round and yellow Nights are cool, days are mellow

Crisp blue days that seem to say

Icy winter's on her way . ... > Football fever takes its toll Of rich and poor, young and old Marching bands and majorettes, Hot dogs, cokes and crackerjacks.

Summer's days are bright and sunny Spring brings rain and winds like honey Winter wears a snowy shawl But there's something special About the Fall. Sweet, spicy October - Queen of the Fall Three cheers for the loveliest month of all!

(From the "Cedar Leaf", Cedars of Hospital, Miami, Florida) Fire Captains Selected I

[PlP@G��OOVol. 3, No. 4 October, 197o • BUILDING EVACUATION PROGRAM SET Published monthly for the employees, their families, and friends of Management has set up a bu evacuation safety program i event an emergency might c

Fire Captains were selected . each floor and instructed i1 +. ' best and quickest method of uating the building. This proc BLUE CROSS Of FLORIDA, INC. would be put into effect in the BLUE SHIELD Of FLORIDA, INC. of not only a fire, but any gency. Employees will be indiv 532 Riverside Avenue ly notified of the names o . Jacksonville, F I ori"da 32201 ozS Captains and procedures to relevant to their separate floor buildings, since a different m EDITOR of evacuation must be set u Carole Utley . Public Relations C our many locations. REPORTERS , Derald Smart, Building Mar ABOUT THE COVER ... was named Fire Marshal to � RIVERSIDE BUILDING Smith and on fire prevention and training in the First Floor . . . Jett Folds, Lieutenants Frigo lectured use head the program, having s of fire extinguishers and equipment in this September 23 meeting at the Riverside George McKinnon Building. as a lieutenant in a Jackso Second Floor Anne Harmon � Third Floor ...... Ann Goble Volunteer Fire Department Fourth Floor ...... Linda Forester I number of years. Fifth Floor ...... Rosamond . . Rudd Seventh Floor ...... Tommie Curry Eighth Floor Barbara Kirkpatrick Lieutenants J. D. Smith ar Ninth Floor ...... Anne Pringle W. Frigo from the Jacksonvilli Tenth Floor ...... Mae Hodges 1 1 1 Prevention Bureau met with Captains in all buildings , UNIVERSAL MARION BLDG. a house Blue Cross and Blue � Second Floor ...... Johnnie Byrd employees in Jacksonville and Third Floor ...... Ed Johns C: made a floor-to-floor inspectio Fourth Floor ...... Pat . . .McCall , Fifth Floor ...... Martha . . Zipperer structing Captains in the best Sixth Floor ...... •...... Alice Allmon ner to evacuate. Seventh Floor ...... Wanda. . . Willis 1 1 1 Eighth Floor ...... Jeanne Helton Ninth Floor ...... Nancy . . Summersill An actual fire drill will be Fourteenth Floor ...... Rhonda Hall, ducted in the very near futun Sandi Hill Sixteenth Floor ...... Karen. . Robinson cording to Mr. Smart. Melanie Moye lights cast glow down Riverside be Street an eerie Marian Clark AGENCY BUILDING Avenue where the Jacksonville Crusade of Mercy Although fire prevention Jerry Vaughan 700 BUILDING symbol can be seen superimposed on the north ...... Diane Watson niques were stressed in all 537 RIVERSIDE side of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield head­ quarters building - symbolizing our part in the C » meetings, Mr. Smart empha 1970-71 United Fund Drive. this program was set up to h; In addition to the monetary contribution em­ C ployees make to the United Fund each year, the any emergency. For example, , Member company also contributes employees' time off to months ago, all employees ir Northeast Florida Industrial assist in the drive's solicitation. Approximately 30 a their and have Riverside Building were askE Editors Association employees volunteered time, been excused during working hours with pay to solicit C leave the area in only ten mi1 Southern Council of Industrial contributions. Participating in the Small Merchants Division, calfing on up to 20 , due to a power failure which Editors each employee is to solicit and contribu­ sma/f businesses pledges C :, Under the of Fire Prevention Bureau Fire off all air conditioning, lights, e ®American Hospital Association tions. supervision personnel, each Captain's ®National Association of Blue Shield Plans training incfuded dousing a gasoline fire purposely set outside the building. ment and elevators.

2 v U. S. Citizen Management has scheduled a new Corporate Orientation and Develop­ ment Program which began on September 17 and will continue every Thursday for 27 consecutive weeks. 1 In looking to the future, our com­ NGRATULATIONS TO GLORIA ROMERO pany has the responsibility of help­ ing in the development of men and women who have the requisite po­ tential to contribute their full mea­ sure to the growth and welfare of our company. This new program is the first phase in a proposed series designed to do the following: 1. Broaden the corporate scope of existing management personnel giving these individuals over­ all exposure to both national and local operational objectives to enhance their already spe­ cialized skills. 2. Establish a relationship between the various corporate areas which will facilitate both a bet­ ter work and communications flow. 3. Determine potential and prep­ aration needed to develop first line management personnel for future advancement. Chief Executive Officer J. W. Herbert spoke at the opening session of the new orientation and development program to personnel who assembled in the head­ 4. And finally, serve as an ex­ quarters training room. tensive orientation program for management trainees in order to give them the concept of the overall corporate size.

Gloria is presented with miniature American flag, a gift from her co-workers when she returned to work a new :. citizen. BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD OF FLORIDA tember 18 was a big day for Gloria Romero­ ORGANIZATION CHART e had looked forward to for six years. NATHAN OPLINGER VISITS D.C. PLAN 1970 , along with 51 other persons ranging in age - to 68, appeared in Federal Court to receive her Because of the proved efficient system under which BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD BOARD OF BOARD OF :itizenship, a certificate and the customary the Medicare Part B Department operates in Florida, DIRECTORS DIRECTORS 3e. its Manager, Nathan Oplinger, was selected and in­ · began studying for her citizenship test in July vited to spend three weeks working in the iar and upon successfully completing the written Washington, D. C. Plan. PRES.BLUE CROSS ·al tests, and appearing with the required two His assistance and recom­ EXEC.V. PRESIDENT S ,ses who had known her for at least five years, mendations were requested by BLUE HIELD rned her U.S. citizenship certificate. the National Association of J. W. HERBERT ! oath she took requires that the prospective Blue Shield Plans in Chicago to 1s "renounce all former allegiances and pledge work with the newly-elected , to the United States and the Constitution, to President of the D. C. Plan, Vic SR. �1i: D NT 1-----� rms and to perform non-combat service for the 8 �=�;� i Brian, who recently transferred BLUE SHIELD :JStates." The impressive ceremony included SPECIAL ASS T. from Indianapolis. NSE ;entation by the Daughters of the American W. J. STA LL FISCAL CON TROL Mr. Oplinger served as Jtion, and presentation of the flag by the Marine W.R. Skelley Color Guard. Project Leader of the Group, which included personnel from ria, 24, who flew to Jacksonville from Medellin, Pennsylvania Blue Shield and S E S N ES N E S N S N VICE PRE IDENT VIC PRE IDE T VICE PR IDE T I !VIC PRE IDE T I I !VICE PRE IDE T 1bia, South America, when she was only 18 years N S O E ONS N FINANCE DMI ISTRAT10"1 I I CORP. STAFF DATA CLAIM H L NABSP. Mike Cascone, the Florida Plan's N N N O SS N � : t�� I 11 pi;:1��� rst lived with an aunt while attending Landon A D PLAN I G PR CE I G H & Medicare B, Coordinator of Production and Quality C. H. Meyer 83 I IC. School. Her mother and brother who now live with J.B. Hughes 1 A. Rivers 302! I !P.R. Meyers 8331 JM. C. Snead 191 I JJ. D. Lewis 45 ,me here two years ago. Control, also spent a week in Washington with the Group. 1ria was one of the first Medicare B employees N E O S PUBLIC MA AG R H U E NS N O NS RELATIO & U DERWRITING C U EL E S N by the company in June, 1966. She is in the The Group worked primarily in the area of manage­ ADV RTI I G A. 0. Mancini 5 I and Purchase Section, Medicare B Claims ment and claims control and recommended many W.Gay J. Slye ssing, under Supervisor Joyce Bowman. specific changes. Mr. Brian is optimistic that these >ria will be spending her vacation in Medellin, improvements will greatly benefit the Plan's Part B This chart was used in the first meeting to illustrate graphicalfy the organization of Florida Blue Cross nbia, when you read this story. Operation. and Blue Shield.

3 Savers Wanted BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD PLEDGE HIRING OF 20 NAB EMPLOYEES AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION Blue Cross and Blue Shield have joined Over 900 employees are currently turning other companies in Northeast Florida in sup­ to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Employees port of the National Alliance of Businessmen's Credit Union for assistance. It is reassuring to Program to provide meaningful employment know that help is always there when it is for unskilled and semi-skilled persons. needed. Participating for the first time, we have Now, the Credit Union asks for your help. pledged to hire 20 such persons beginning in President Johnny Johnson wants to increase July and continuing through June, 1971. the number of savers and savings so the NAB was organized by Henry Ford, II, under Credit Union can increase its capability to the auspices of the then President Lyndon lend money. Johnson, on a nationwide basis with offices in "The Credit Union will probably reach a 50 cities in June, 1968. It was expanded with half million dollars this year," explained Mr. President Nixon's approval last year to include Johnson. "Our assets at the end of August, 130 cities, at which time the Jacksonville re­ 1970 totaled $469,703.93, but out of the total gional office was organized. membership of 1,112 at the end of August, "Employment of disadvantaged persons 902 borrowers were presently using who qualify for the program under poverty $419,646.64," he explained. standards set up by the Office of Economic The Credit Union makes employees a very Opportunity could not only improve the quality attractive offer. Last year the maximum 6% of available labor force, but also increase the dividend was paid on all savings as of average per capita disposable income level December 31, 1969. There is every good while decreasing the drain on tax supported reason to believe that the Board of Directors unemployment funds," explains David may repeat this again this year, according to Luhrsen, Jacksonville metro director. Mr. Johnson. In addition to cooperating with the NAB It's really very easy to own shares in the program, the company also played an im­ Rising Costs Credit Union - $5.00 is equal to one share, portant role in "getting the kids off the street" and it is amazing how fast your savings can for the summer. Twenty-four full-time summer accumulate by withholding $5.00 from each employees were hired by Blue Cross and Blue paycheck. Shield, and currently, another 34 OCT students Any Blue Cross and Blue Shield employee are also working for the company part time. who has completed 90 days with the company WHAT IS BEING DONE is eligible to become a member of the Credit Union. When an employee becomes perma­ nent, at the end of three months, Credit Union MODERN OFFICE TERMINOLOGY membership is explained in a special orienta­ By Physicians By Blue Shield - tion program conducted by the Personnel IN PROCESS - So wrapped up in red tape Because of the rising cost of overal I health care, This is done by furnishing, where available, appropri­ Department. that the situation is almost hopeless. more and more physicians are seeing themselves in ate statistical claims data to such committees. In our If you're not a member now, why not HELD FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - the role of a purchasing agent for the patient. The current atmosphere of accusations from patients and consider joining. If you presently have a don't know what to do with it, so I'm hiding i doctor directs the spending of his patient's dollars; news media in general, we attempt in every way pos­ savings account, why not add to it. If there are until someone asks for it again. makes the decision as to whether his patient requires sible to describe accurately the picture of rising costs any questions concerning membership or IT'S BEING EVALUATED - We forgot all abou hospitalization; decides how extensive his x-ray and of hospital and physician care as it relates to the total how the Credit Union operates, Mrs. Frances it. lab studies must be; decides whether special nursing health care for the nation. Stewart, Extension 6167, Manager of the PROJECT - A word that makes a minor jot care is needed and what medications will do the job. Credit Union, will be glad to assist you in any Local county societies and the Florida Medical way. Her office on the first floor, near the seem major. Activities known as Peer Review and Utilization Re­ Association welcome and urge all patients who have a PROGRAM - A project requiring a telephorn Riverside lobby, is open from 12:30 p.m. to call. view are now standard procedures used by the medical problem to discuss the matter with their physicians. 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. profession to clarify these responsibilities. Peer Re­ Progress in medicine depends upon understanding by LET'S GET TOGETHER ON THIS - I assumi view is a term given to committees made up of prac­ patients who have a good working relationship with you're as confused as I am. ticing physicians from local medical societies who their doctors. Together they can separate fact from LET'S DISCUSS - Come to my office. l'n review the practice and utilization of services pre­ fiction about rising health costs. lonesome. scribed by a physician. Most local societies have such ROUTED FOR APPROVAL - You hold the ba1 committees, and the theory behind them is that a From the friendly country doctor who once pulled for awhile. group of physicians in a given community is the best up before a rural home in .a horse-drawn carriage to a NOTE AND INITIAL - Let's spread the re judge of what is medically necessary and the reason­ physician in a white jacket or a green surgical gown­ sponsibility. ableness of charges for the services. a long road has been traveled to medical and surgical CONSIDER THIS A CHALLENGE - It's a rea advancement. Utilization Review in a hospital is another function killer - probably impossible to do. in which physicians are involved. Since doctors are in The country doctor is nearly a thing of the past, IT'S GOOD EXPERIENCE - A dull job nobod1 effect largely responsible for the use of hospital facil­ but, now as then, a physician is still a patient's best else wanted, so you're stuck with it. ities, they are obvious choices to review their use as a friend when an illness strikes. Fees have advanced to HELD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE - I put it i1 protection for proper utiliziation. keep step with medical, diagnostic and surgical ad­ the wastebasket two weeks ago. vances, whether in a doctor's office or in a hospital. WE'RE RESEARCHING IT - We're looking fo WHAT IS BLUE SHIELD DOING? But what patient wants to go back to the limited the memo we lost. Blue Shield of Florida attempts to cooperate to the medical research, treatment, facilities or drugs that PENDING - At the bottom of a pile of pape fullest extent with Peer Review and Utilization Review were once available? He cannot afford to. He can afford on my desk. Committees to make sure everything possible is being that which is now available from his doctor whose TOP PRIORITY JOB - Forget your plans fo done to help keep the cost of health care reasonable. primary interest is still his patients' well being. (Solution to puzzle on page 8.) the weekend.


Six Blue Cross and Blue Shield branch employees as well as 22 Jacksonville employees were honored on September 3 in recognition of their service milestones with the company. Bill Hazlehurst, new Employees In an awards presentation at the Jacksonville head­ Club Coordinator, presents quarters, Chief Executive Officer J. W. Herbert an­ trophies to first place winner nounced the recipients and presented pins and desk Carole Utley, center, and runner­ pen sets to those employees present. Awards were up Carol Watson. , Bill has just assumed the duties mailed to branch employees at the same time in of Employees Club Coordinator Pensacola, Ft. Pierce, Coral Gables, Tallahassee, Lake­ on the second anniversary of his land and St. Petersburg. year with the company. He has Helen Clements received a five year pin at Pensacola, previously worked in the Mail Room for six months and most as did Virginia Cunningham in Ft. Pierce. Ten year pins recently in the Printing Depart­ as well as engraved desk pen sets went to Myrtle ment for one and a half years. Charpiat in Coral Gables, Bill Miller in Tallahassee and Francis Krist in Lakeland. Bill Markey in St. Petersburg received a fifteen year pin. Jacksonville employees who received service awards The tennis tournaments for men and Editor of PROFILE, won the Women's Tourna­ were pictured in last month's PROFILE. women sponsored by the Employees Club this ment. Six gals participated in the tournament summer, have both been completed. George S. with Carole defeating Carol Watson, Medicare A, Bill Markey Fifteen Years Lewis, Manager of the Physician Relations De­ for first place by a score of 6-2 on partment, won the Men's Tournament (see September 9. Both girls participated in last story and pictures in August PROFILE), and year's tournament with Carol Watson coming Carole Utley, Public Relations Department, in second in 1969 also.


Bill Miller Myrtle Charpiat Frank Krist Ten Years Ten Years Ten Years

Winners in the Men's Summer Golf League are, seated, from left, Tom Keane, George Roberts, Bill King, Bill Foley. Standing, from left, are Jim Williams, most improved golfer. in the league, Bob Flowers, Kent Jacqmein, Jim Peaks, Jim Cole, Bill Ritter, and Jim Hughes. Forty Florida Blue Cross and Blue Shield President and Secretary of the league. employees participated in the Men's Summer Winners of the Division A competition were Golf League which ran from May through Bill King and Bill Foley, with runners-up being August. The two-man teams competed in Jim Cole and Jim Hughes. Division B winners Divisions A and B for eleven beautiful silver were Tom Keane and George Roberts, with a trophies furnished by the Employees Club tie for runners-up: Bob Flowers and Kent which sponsored the league. Jacqmein, and Bill Ritter and Jim Peaks. Serving as its president was Ray Pack, Matches were played after work on assisted by Frank Folmar, who was Vice weekdays. Helen Clements Virginia Cunningham Five Years Five Years

5 A BOUQUET FOR MASTER MEDICAL Edith Bowden, Supervisor of the Master Medical Department, received the following Wedding 13ells letter from Tampa Branch Manager Larry Bartlett. The fine performance lauded in the letter reflects the streamlined system under which the Master Medical Department operates. Mr. Bartlett's letter states: "Congratulations on the accelerated processing time in your department. Last month the comptroller of Hillsborough Junior College asked me to look at a Master Medical claim to ascertain if it was a 'clean' claim. He was running a test on your department to verify that our clean claims were being processed in ten days. He asked ; that I not help the claim along in any way, and ' I didn't. He told me yesterday that the claim had been paid within ten days and was very pleased about it. "This kind of excellence in claims handling �:;Y{ is more helpful to us than maybe you realize. The 'delivery' of benefits that we sell is vital Cynthia Hughes was married to Bernard to our new business efforts and retention of Williams on September 10. She has been an existing groups. We sincerely appreciate your employee since September 29, 1969, and works in the Medicare B Department, fifth floor of the �-fjl(W//&11/ devotion to this." Universal Marion Building.


Kent Jacqmein, Employee Relations Manager in the Personnel Department, has assumed the responsibility of Manager of the Suggestion Program, effective October 1. Jim Nixdorf has been relieved ,of his responsibilities in this area to devote time entirely to wage and salary administration. Sally Aldridge became the bride of Rick Butler on June 13 in Riverside Park Methodist Church. Sally has been employed in Medicare B since January, 1967, and works in the Edit Section.

The Suggestion Award Program celebrated its second a check for $295; Nancy Buchanan was a winner of birthday on October 1. $195. There have been other winners of large checks, It has been an eventful two yea rs for the progra m but these three earned the most substantial amounts and the 80 employees who have derived a great deal paid out to date. of satisfaction from it. Not only have they won award Five employees who just recently received $10.00 c;hecks tota ling $2,796.65 , but they have no doubt for their suggestions are: received a good feel ing them selves, having saved Blue Gary Glenn suggested converting the 85-72 sticker Cross and Blue Shield $26,847.84 over the past two which required moisture to a self-adhesive sticker. It's Christmas in September! Secretary of the years. Faye Riggs came up with the idea to save the end of Employees Club, Becky Wiley, begins The program grew by leaps and bounds in its second rol led paper in the Print Shop until it has accumulated assembling Christmas presents and other year. On its first anniversary, Manager of the Sugges­ 25 rolls or so, and donate it to the Headstart Progra m. needed items for servicemen overseas. tion Progra m, Jim Nixdorf, reported 28 winners out suggested a Medicare B rubber stamp This Club project backed the Red Cross Jessie Cobb appeal for early donations for servicemen and of 200 suggestions received for an annual savings to for authorization of ambulance service when written was supported enthusiastically by many the company of $3, 544. 10. The win ners' ea rni ngs authorization is not necessary. Jacksonville employees. Large barrels placed in amounted to $567.65. Margaret Fish suggested using a form letter in the the May Street lobby and on break floors were During the second year of the program, the total Inter-Plan Bank Department instead of having to dic­ filled with donations in just two days. The bag being by holds eight number of suggestions received reached 500, with a tate a letter each time that is frequently used. stuffed Becky assorted items for each serviceman. A total of 27 total of 80 winners being announced as of the end of Evelyn McCormick, Florida Combined Insura nce individual bags containing a minimum of eight September. Agency and Blue Cross Transmittals, suggested having items each were filled thanks to the generosity One reason for the large growth in estimated annual several forms in the department on the same format of many Jacksonville employees. Pamela Passmore was married to Darryl savings to the company was the acceptance of three and have proposed effective date, group number and Horne on July 3 at the home of the bride's sister. large suggestions during 1970. David Mullis received division number on FCIA Transm ittal and Enrollment Pam is employed in the Microfilm Department the maximum award of $1,000; Carol Voelker received Summary and Agreement set up alike. of Medicare B.


_,. � 'l

800 TAKE FLU SHOTS employees since nearly 800 took advantage of this free benefit. Following "shot" day, make-up times were Nearly 800 Blue Cross and Blue Shield later scheduled by the nurses for employees =mployees took advantage of free flu shots who were unable to take the flu shots on the offered by the company last month. (Un iversal first day they were offered, because of absence Marion Building employees are shown at left; or because of a cold or other illness which Riverside area action is at right.) prohibited them from taking the shot. Recent statistics from the Personnel De­ A letter_ to all branch managers was also partment reported that twice as many em­ distributed by Personnel's Kent Jacqmein ployees were absent from work last year who advising all branch employees to get their flu 1id not take flu shots as opposed to those who shots from their local doctors if they desi red did. These facts made a definite impression one. All charges for these shots will be paid on nearly half the number of Jacksonville for by the company. Approximately 60 persons attended the July 28 meeting at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield headquarters where Bob Best, one of several speakers during the day, explained the computer aspects of the program. iERVICE WITH A SMILE Blue Cross and Blue Shield are doing something about were physician representatives from the Duval County spiraling health care costs. A new Health Data System Medical Society, hospital administrators and staff Marian Clark, Secretary to Arnold Seminak has been installed as a pilot project in ten Duval Coun­ representatives from each of the ten local hospitals. in the Jacksonville representative's office and ty hospitals under the administration of our Utilization Blue Cross and Blue Shield personnel in attendance Employees Club Representative in the Agency Review Department headed by Dale Douberly. were R. T. Shaar, M.D., T. M. Irwin, M.D., Med ical Building, has received a very complimentary The System was instigated on August I and will con­ Consultants; Mel Snead , Vice President of Hospital Re­ letter from a Jacksonville subscriber who tinue on a trial basis for one year. Patterned after the lations; Dan Lewis, Vice President of Physician Affairs; stopped in the office for assistance. same system used by the Boston Plan, the Florida Plan and other members of the Util ization Review, EDP and His letter to Marian reads: "Perhaps you'll is one of several Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans Methods Departments. recall my being in your office and discussing around the nation presently utilizing a Health Data with you additional insurance for my wife. System. Also at this time you so courteously took care Statistical data is furnished all providers relating to of information sheets to Shands Teaching type of admission, surgery, length of stay, etc. It is Clinic for me. You also advised me that when underwritten and administered by Blue Cross and Blue I got my prescription records I could send Shield and sponsored by the Duval County Medical them or hand them to you. It would have been Society and Duval County hospitals. a pleasure to have handed them to you Under this new system, a Discharge Summary (ab­ personally, but I am so hard pressed for time stract) is prepared in the hospital on an Optical with school and other business that I am Character Reader (OCR) typewriter. Each of ten hos­ mailing them to you. pitals implementing the System has been furni shed "I shall not, nor I could not , forget how the OCR typewriter by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. nice, pleasant, prompt, efficient and capable These abstracts are then sent to our Computer Opera­ you were. It is a pity that brains, beauty and tions Department where the typewritten information is intelligence are seldom to be found in one picked up on the scanner and fed into the computer. package." Reports will be prepared on a monthly, quarterly, and Marian handles the Duval County BPI and sem i-annual basis and will be sent to the Hospital City of Jacksonville groups, which are cur­ Administrator as well as to a special committee of rently being combined into the Consolidated Duval County physicians appointed by the Duval Coun­ City of Jac ksonville group. One of her co­ Marian Clark ty Medical Society. This special committee will review workers who forwarded this information to all reports generated by the abstracts and will be re­ PROFILE adds, "Marian is never too busy to sponsible for making recommendations in cases of cheerfully assist a subscriber who calls or questionable utilization of hospital services. Here Dale Douberly, Manager of the Utilization Review comes in personally for aid. We are very On June 28, a meeting was held to discuss imple­ Department, discusses the newly proposed Health Data Sys­ proud of her and the fine work she is doing." mentation of the Health Data System. In attendance tem with participating hospital personnel during coffee break.


California Plan Participates ACROSS 12. Jealousy 16. Collection of animals 1. You must be regi stered before you can __ 20. Conceit 5. The right to vote 22. Floating sheets of ice 13. Demagogue 24. Establish permanent fund for support TV DOCS PRESCRIBERUBEL LA VACCl 14. Since the founding of our nation, we have never 25. Maw's husband cancelled or postponed an ____sche duled 26. Combining form, ear by the Federa l or State constitution or by statute. 27. Lowest Common Multiple (ab.) 15. They all have the right to vote 29. Ta ke the place of 30. Summer (French) 17. Ethnic group living in so-called "people's re­ 31. Son of Odin publics" where bal lot lists only candidates al­ 35. Nothing ready appoi nted by the State. 36. How you go into that booth 18. Politica l opponents need not be __ mies 38. South American animal 19. What candidates do before election 39. Shepherd (French) 21. Sneaky 40. With nothing to spare, as - "elected by a __ 22. Flying Objects (ab.) majority'' 23. Before you can vote you must have reached a 41. Man's nickname certain ___ 42. Emotional result of political arguments 25. Where you vote 44. Hints Robert Young Diahann Carroll Lloyd Nolan 28. Attack 45. Inadequate 32. Town in Georgia 46. All (Latin) 33. Responsibility 47. Dissolve (Editor's Note: The following story appeared in the Since Rubella epidemics occur every six 1 34. They received franchise in 1920 Blue of Southern 's News­ 49. Form of address Cross "Employees years, public hea lth officials believe that the or 36. Not intoxicated letter" and should be of interest to all Blue Cross and to prevent a disastrous epidemic in the next fe� 51. Depressing bank memo 37. __ transit gloria mundi Blue Shield employees.) is to immunize more children now. The last ma 53. Andrew Jackson's native state (ab.) 39. Precinct or Ward (initials) demic, which occurred in 1964-65, caused a Three members of television's med ical fraternity have mated 30,000 stillbirths and 20,000 birth defi 40. Closed while polls are open joined Blue Cross of Southern California and the State 43. These elections are just as important as national Department of Public Hea lth in a campaign of public ones service radio spots to warn expectant mothers of the 45. Politics (ab.) l 6 8 9 ° 2 dangers of Rubella-German Measles. 48. Too bad Robert (Marcus Welby) Young, Lloyd (Dr. Chegley) 13 1 IJ!�ti0 Nolan, and Diahann (Nurse Julia) Carroll have re­ 50. Right of self government ➔::::::=:::::::::: ,, /1 r /1 corded four spots apiece. The tapes, which urge 52. When you do this you help keep voting lists up 1 I mothers to have youngsters vaccinated, have been to date and prevent fraud distributed free to radio stations in Blue Cross' South­ 54. Set these offspring a good example by voting ern Cal ifornia service area. 55. Use your right to vote Written in a chatty, informal tone, the announce­ l ments are now being aired over radio staHons. 56. Characteristic of elections in U. S. For example: "Hi, this is Robert Young. German i!ff!l\jff!!ID Measles or Rubella-is just another child hood disease ...un til a pregnant woman gets it. Then it's a time bomb, ready to maim or kill her unborn baby. Won't DOWN you immunize your child? Your Health Department and Blue Cross urge you to vaccinate your youngsters )! ;:; 37 ffiE against Rubella." 1. Prefix denoting elected officer who may assume I4 141i!i] 142il J�itJ43 44 Endorsing the campaign, Dr. Joseph T. Nardo, duties of superior 0 ���r�rt; JllIB:\:�:145 14s 141 county health officer of Santa Barbara County, wrote: 2. Norse god 48 "The statewide effort to eradicate Rubella is a worthy 4 50 51 \I oject and I wish to commend Blue Cross of South­ 3. Carry 9 l:-[ff:-:-:-:ff:- :-l:-:-: 1 pr ern Cal ifornia for its participation." 4. Yale University 52 53 54 "The Riverside County Department of Public Health The wonderthat drug prevents babies 5. Prophets 55 56 enthusiastically endorses the efforts of Blue Cross and from being dea1,bom blind, mentally defective 6. Bone of forearm the State Depa rtment of Public Health to eradicate and fromdead GermanMeasles. 7. Celebration (Italian) Rubella this fall," said Dr. Harold M. Erickson, di­ ....------�� �V!Ofl't� it 8. Federal Commission (ab.) rector. The nationwide incidence of Rubella increased in 9. Rights (ab.) 1970. More than 24,000 cases were reported by mid­ These headlines are being used in Blue Shiel, 10. Is sick April, compared to 18,000 for the same period last tional advertising which is presented as a ser 11. Aim (See page 13 for solution.) year. the interest of the community.


California Plan Participates ACROSS 12. Jealousy 16. Collection of animals u must be registered before you can __ 20. Conceit e right to vote 22. Floating sheets of ice imagogue 24. Establish permanent fund for support TV DOCSPRESCRIBE RUBEL LA VACCINE 1ce the founding of our nation, we have never 25. Maw's husband ncelled or postponed an ____ scheduled 26. Combining form, ear the Federal or State constitution or by statute. 27. Lowest Common Multiple (ab.) ey all have the right to vote 29. Take the place of 30. Summer (French) hnic group living in so-called "people's re­ 31. Son of Odin blics" where ballot lists only candidates al- 35. Nothing 3dy appointed by the State. How you go into that booth ilitical opponents need not be __ mies 36. 38. South American animal ,at candidates do before election 39. Shepherd (French) eaky 40. With nothing to spare, as - "elected by a __ ring Objects (ab.) majority" fore you can vote you must have reached a 41. Man's nickname rtain ___ 42. Emotional result of political arguments ,ere you vote 44. Hints Robert Young Diahann Carroll Lloyd Nolan tack 45. Inadequate wn in Georgia 46. All (Latin) isponsibility 47. Dissolve (Editor's Note: The following story appeared in the Since Rubella epidemics occur every six to nine ey received franchise in 1920 49. Form of address Blue Cross of Southern California's "Employees News­ years, public health officials believe that the only way >t intoxicated letter" and should be of interest to all Blue Cross and to prevent a disastrous epidemic in the next few years 51. Depressing bank memo _ transit gloria mundi Blue Shield employees.) is to immunize more children now. The last major epi­ 53. Andrew Jackson's native state (ab.) ecinct or Ward (initials) demic, which occurred in 1964-65, caused an esti­ Three members of television's medical fraternity have mated 30,000 stillbirths and 20,000 birth defects. osed while polls are open joined Blue Cross of Southern California and the State Iese elections are just as important as national Department of Public Health in a campaign of public Ies service radio spots to warn expectant mothers of the ilitics (ab.) 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 111 12 dangers of Rubella-German Measles. 10 bad Robert (Marcus Welby) Young, Lloyd (Dr. Chegley) 13 1 Nolan, and Diahann (Nurse Julia) Carroll have re­ ght of self government 1 1 1 �lllil!Ll corded four spots apiece. The tapes, which urge ,en you do you help keep voting lists up 15 17 mothers to have youngsters vaccinated, have been date and prevent fraud 20 distributed free to radio stations in Blue Cross' South­ it these offspring a good example by voting 18 ljl\:\�j�!�;:\)121 ern California service area. ;e your right to vote 2 3 2 4 Written in a chatty, informal tone, the announce­ : : : :l:�::::1:1:11::::::: ments are now being aired over radio stations. 1aracteristic of elections in U. S. :lll::l:ll±l l l �:1::ii:::1:1:1:1:1:1 l: : : ::: For example: "Hi, this is Robert Young. German Measles or Rubella-is just another childhood disease ... until a pregnant woman gets it. Then it's a time bomb, ready to maim or kill her unborn baby. Won't DOWN you immunize your child? Your Health Department and Blue Cross urge you to vaccinate your youngsters 38 !�m�@�l39 against Rubella." ·efix denoting elected officer who may assume Endorsing the campaign, Dr. Joseph T. Nardo, 1ties of superior 44 county health officer of Santa Barbara County, wrote: )rse god 48 51 "The statewide effort to eradicate Rubella is a worthy my project and I wish to commend Blue Cross of South­ ern California for its participation." tie University 52 "The Riverside County Department of Public Health The wonderthat drug prevents babies ·ophets 55 enthusiastically endorses the efforts of Blue Cross and from beingblind, born �men taftydefective me of for earm the State Department of Public Health to eradicate and fromdead German Measles. �lebration (Italian) Rubella this fall," said Dr. Harold M. Erickson, di­ The is�wonder �·t useit ideral Commission (ab.) rector. The nationwide incidence of Rubella increased in ghts (ab.) 1970. More than 24,000 cases were reported by mid­ These headlines are being used in Blue Shield's na­ sick April, compared to 18,000 for the same period last tional advertising which is presented as a service in m (See page 13 for solution.) year. the interest of the community.


800 TAKE FLU SHOTS employees since nearly 800 took advantage of this free benefit. Following "shot" day, make-up times were Nearly 800 Blue Cross and Blue Shield later scheduled by the nurses for employees employees took advantage of free flu shots who were unable to take the flu shots on the offered by the company last month. (Universal first day they were offered, because of absence Marion Building employees are shown at left; or because of a cold or other illness which Riverside area action is at right.) prohibited them from taking the shot. Recent statistics from the Personnel De­ A letter_ to all branch managers was also partment reported that twice as many em­ distributed by Personnel's Kent Jacqmein ployees were absent from work last year who advising all branch employees to get their flu did not take flu shots as opposed to those who shots from their local doctors if they desired did. These facts made a definite impression one. All charges for these shots will be paid for by the company. Approximately 60 persons attended the July 28 meeting at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield headquarters where Bob on nearly half the number of Jacksonville one of several speakers during the day, explained the computer aspects of the program.

SERVICE WITH A SMILE Blue Cross and Blue Shield are doing something about were physician representatives from the Duval C spiraling health care costs. A new Health Data System Medical Society, hospital administrators and Marian Clark, Secretary to Arnold Seminak has been installed as a pilot project in ten Duval Coun­ representatives from each of the ten local hosi in the Jacksonville representative's office and ty hospitals under the administration of our Utilization Blue Cross and Blue Shield personnel in attenc Employees Club Representative in the Agency Review Department headed by Dale Douberly. were R. T. Shaar, M.D., T. M. Irwin, M. D., Ml Building, has received a very complimentary The System was instigated on August 1 and will con­ Consultants; Mel Snead, Vice President of Hospit. letter from a Jacksonville subscriber who tinue on a trial basis for one year. Patterned after the lations; Dan Lewis, Vice President of Physician A1 stopped in the office for assistance. same system used by the Boston Plan, the Florida Plan and other members of the Utilization Review, ED His letter to Marian reads: "Perhaps you'll is one of several Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans Methods Departments. recall my being in your office and discussing around the nation presently utilizing a Health Data with you additional insurance for my wife. System. Also at this time you so courteously took care Statistical data is furnished all providers relating to of information sheets to Shands Teaching type of admission, surgery, length of stay, etc. It is Clinic for me. You also advised me that when underwritten and administered by Blue Cross and Blue I got my prescription records I could send Shield and sponsored by the Duval County Medical them or hand them to you. It would have been Society and Duval County hospitals. a pleasure to have handed them to you Under this new system, a Discharge Summary (ab­ personally, but I am so hard pressed for time stract) is prepared in the hospital on an Optical with school and other business that I am Character Reader (OCR) typewriter. Each of ten hos­ mailing them to you. pitals implementing the System has been furnished "I shall not, nor I could not, forget how the OCR typewriter by Blue Cross and Blue Shield. nice, pleasant, prompt, efficient and capable These abstracts are then sent to our Computer Opera­ you were. It is a pity that brains, beauty and tions Department where the typewritten information is intelligence are seldom to be found in one picked up on the scanner and fed into the computer. package." Reports will be prepared on a monthly, quarterly, and Marian handles the Duval County BPI and semi-annual basis and will be sent to the Hospital City of Jacksonville groups, which are cur­ Administrator as wel l as to a special committee of rently being combined into the Consolidated Duval County physicians appointed by the Duval Coun­ ty Medical Society. This special committee will review City of Jacksonville group. One of her co­ Marian Clark workers who forwarded this information to all reports generated by the abstracts and will be re­ PROFILE adds, "Marian is never too busy to sponsible for making recommendations in cases of cheerfully assist a subscriber who calls or questionable utilizat ion of hospital services. Here Dale Douberly, Manager of the Utilization I comes in personally for aid. We are very On June 28, a meeting was held to discuss imple­ Department, discusses the newly proposed Health Dat proud of her and the fine work she is doing." mentation of the Health Data System. In attendance tern with participating hospital personnel during coffee

10 A BOUQUET FOR MASTER MEDICAL Edith Bowden, Supervisor of the Master Medical Department, received the following Wedding 13ells letter from Tampa Branch Manager Larry Bartlett. The fine performance lauded in the letter reflects the streamlined system under which the Master Medical Department operates. Mr. Bartlett's letter states: "Congratulations on the accelerated processing time in your department. Last month the comptroller of Hillsborough Junior College asked me to look at a Master Medical claim to ascertain if it was a 'clean' claim. He was running a test on your department to verify that our clean claims were being processed in ten days. He asked that I not help the claim along in any way, and I didn't. He told me yesterday that the claim had been paid within ten days and was very pleased about it. "This kind of excellence in claims handling �fY{ is more helpful to us than maybe you realize. The 'delivery' of benefits that we sell is vital Cynthia Hughes was married to Bernard to our new business efforts and retention of Williams on September 10. She has been an existing groups. We sincerely appreciate your employee since September 29, 1969, and works in the Medicare B Department, fifth floor of the �-Weav&u devotion to this. " Universal Marion Building.


Kent Jacqmein, Employee Relations Manager in the Personnel Department, has assumed the responsibility of Manager of the Suggestion Program, effective October 1. Jim Nixdorf has been relieved _of his responsibilities in this area to devote time entirely to wage and salary administration. Salty Aldridge became the bride of Rick Butler on June 13 in Riverside Park Methodist Church. Sally has been employed in Medicare B since January, 1967, and works in the Edit Section.

Jggestion Award Program celebrated its second a check for $295; Nancy Buchanan was a winner of �Y on October 1. $195. There have been other winners of large checks, as been an eventful two years for the program but these three earned the most substantial amounts e 80 employees who have derived a great deal paid out to date. sfaction from it. Not only have they won award Five employees who just recently received $10.00 , totaling $2,796.65, but they have no doubt for their suggestions are: �d a good feeling themselves, having saved Blue Gary Glenn suggested converting the 85-72 sticker and Blue Shield $26,847.84 over the past two which required moisture to a self-adhesive sticker. It's Christmas in September! Secretary of the Faye Riggs came up with the idea to save the end of Employees Club, Becky Wiley, begins program grew by leaps and bounds in its second rolled paper in the Print Shop until it has accumulated assembling Christmas presents and other )n its first anniversary, Manager of the Sugges­ 25 rolls or so, and donate it to the Headstart Program. needed items for servicemen overseas. This Club project backed the Red Cross rogram, Jim Nixdorf, reported 28 winners out Jessie Cobb suggested a Medicare B rubber stamp appeal for early donations for servicemen and 1 suggestions received for an annual savings to for authorization of ambulance service when written was supported enthusiastically by many >mpany of $3, 544.10. The winners' earnings authorization is not necessary. Jacksonville employees. Large barrels placed in 1ted to $567 .65. Margaret Fish suggested using a form letter in the the May Street lobby and on break floors were ing the second year of the program, the total Inter-Plan Bank Department instead of having to dic­ filled with donations in just two days. The bag being stuffed by Becky holds eight ir of suggestions received reached 500, with a tate a letter each time that is frequently used. assorted items for each total of 27 Florida Combined Insurance serviceman. A f 80 winners being announced as of the end of Evelyn McCormick, individual bags containing a minimum of eight nber. Agency and Blue Cross Transmittals, suggested having items each were filled thanks to the generosity of Jacksonville employees. • reason for the large growth in estimated annual several forms in the department on the same format many Pamela to Darryl s to the company was the acceptance of three and have proposed effective date, group number and Passmore was married Horne on July 3 at the home of the bride's sister. ;uggestions during 1970. David Mullis received division number on FCIA Transmittal and Enrollment Pam is employed in the Microfilm Department 1ximum award of $1,000; Carol Voelker received Summary and Agreement set up alike. of Medicare B. 11 NEW COORDINATOR PRESENTS TENNIS TROPHIES BRANCH EMPLOYEES RECEIVE SERVICE AWAR

Six Blue Cross and Blue Shield branch employees as well as 22 Jacksonville employees were honored on September 3 in recognition of theirser vice milestones with the company. Bill Hazlehurst, new Employees In an awards presentation at the Jacksonville head­ Club Coordinator, presents quarters, Chief Executive Officer J. W. Herbert an­ trophies to first place winner Carole Utley, center, and runner­ nounced the recipients and presented pins and desk up Carol Watson. pen sets to those employees present. Awards were Bill has just assumed the duties mailed to branch employees at the same time in of Employees Club Coordinator Pensacola, Ft. Pierce, Cora l Gables, Tallahassee, Lake­ on the second anniversary of his year with the company. He has land and St. Petersburg. previously worked in the Mail Helen Clements received a five year pin at Pensacola, Room for six months and most as did Virginia Cunningham in Ft. Pierce. Ten year pins recently in the Printing Depart­ as well as engraved desk pen sets went to Myrtle ment for one and a half years. Charpiat in Coral Gables, Bill Miller in Tallahassee and Francis Krist in Lakeland. Bill Markey in St. Petersburg received a fifteen year pin. Jacksonville employees who received service awards The tennis tournaments for men and Editor of PROFILE, won the Women's Tourna­ were pictured in last month's PROFILE. women sponsored by the Employees Club this ment. Six gals participated in the tournament Bill Markey summer, have both been completed. George S. with Carole defeating Carol Watson, Medicare A, Fifteen Years Lewis, Manager of thePhy sician Relations De­ for first place by a score of 6-2 on partment, won the Men's Tournament (see September 9. Both girls participated in last story and pictures in August PROFI LE), and year's tournament with Carol Watson coming Carole Utley, Public Relat------ions Department, in second in 1969 also. SUMMER GOLF LEAGUE WINNERS

Bill Miller Myrtle Charpiat Frank Krist Ten Years Ten Years Ten Years

Winners in the Men's Summer Golf League are, seated, from left, Tom Keane, George Roberts, Bill King, Bill Foley. Standing, from left, are Jim Williams, most improved golfer. in the league, Bob Flowers, Kent Jacqmein, Jim Peaks, Jim Cole, Bill Ritter, and Jim Hughes.

Forty Florida Blue Cross and Blue Shield President and Secretary of the league. employees participated in the Men's Summer Winners of the Division A competition were Golf League which ran from May through Bill King and Bill Foley, with runners-up being August. The two-man teams competed in Jim Cole and Jim Hughes. Division B winners Divisions A and B for eleven beautiful silver were Tom Keane and George Roberts, with a trophies furni shed by the Employees Club tie for run ners-up: Bob Flowers and Kent which sponsored the league. Jacqmein, and Bill Ritter and Jim Peaks. Serving as its president was Ray Pack, Matches were played after work on assisted by Frank Folmar, who was Vice Helen Clements Virginia Cunningham weekdays. Five Years Five Years

12 Savers Wanted BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD PLEDGE HIRING OF 20 NAB EMPLOYEES AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION Blue Cross and Blue Shield have joined Over 900 employees are currently turning other companies in Northeast Florida in sup­ to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Employees port of the National Alliance of Businessmen's Credit Union for assistance. It is reassuring to Program to provide meaningful employment know that help is always there when it is for unskilled and semi-skilled persons. needed. Participating for the first time, we have Now, the Credit Union asks for your help. pledged to hire 20 such persons beginning in President Johnny Johnson wants to increase July and continuing through June, 1971. the number of savers and savings so the NAB was organized by Henry Ford, 11, under Credit Union can increase its capability to the auspices of the then President Lyndon lend money. Johnson, on a nationwide basis with offices in "The Credit Union will probably reach a 50 cities in June, 1968. It was expanded with half million dollars this year," explained Mr. President Nixon's approval last year to include Johnson. "Our assets at the end of August, 130 cities, at which time the Jacksonville re­ 1970 totaled $469,703.93, but out of the total gional office was organized. membership of 1,11 2 at the end of August, "Employment of disadvantaged persons 902 borrowers were presently using who qualify for the program under poverty $419,646.64," he explained. standards set up by the Office of Economic The Credit Union makes employees a very Opportunity could not only improve the quality attractive offer. Last year the maximum 6% of available labor force, but also increase the dividend was pa id on all savings as of average per capita disposable income level December 31, 1969. There is every good while decreasing the drain on tax supported reason to believe that the Board of Directors unemployment funds," explains David may repeat this again this year, according to Luhrsen, Jacksonville metro director. Mr. Johnson. In addition to cooperat ing with the NAB It's really very easy to own shares in the program, the company also played an im­ Costs Credit Union - $5.00 is equal to one share, portant role in "getting the kids off the street" and it is amazing how fast your savings can for the summer. Twenty-four full-time summer accumulate by withholding $5.00 from each employees were hired by Blue Cross and Blue paycheck. Shield, and currently, another 34 OCT students Any Blue Cross and Blue Shield employee are also working for the company part time. who has completed 90 days with the company YAT IS BEING DONE is eligible to become a member of the Credit Union. When an employee becomes perma­ nent, at the end of three months, Credit Union MODERN OFFICE TERMINOLOGY

1 membership is explained in a special orienta­ ysicians - By Blue Shield tion program conducted by the Personnel - So wrapped up in red tape Department. IN PROCESS e of the rising cost of overall health care, This is done by furnishing, where available, appropri­ that the situation is almost hopeless. If you're not a member now, why not nd more physicians are seeing themselves in ate statistical claims data to such committees. In our - I consider joining. If you presently have a HELD FOR FURTHER INFORMATION � of a purchasing agent for the patient. The current atmosphere of accusations from patients and don't know what to do with it, so I'm hiding it savings account, why not add to it. If there are directs the spending of his pat ient's dollars; news media in general, we attempt in every way pos­ until someone asks for it again. any questions concerning membership or the decision as to whether his patient requires sible to describe accurately the picture of rising costs IT'S BEING EVALUATED - We forgot all about how the Credit Union operates, Mrs. Frances lization; decides how extensive his x-ray and of hospital and physician care as it relates to the total it. Stewart, Extension 6167, Manager of t.he jies must be; decides whether special nursing health care for the nation. PROJECT - A word that makes a minor job Credit Union, will be glad to assist you in any needed and what medications will do the job. seem major. Local county societies and the Florida Medical way. Her office on the first floor, near the ities known as Peer Review and Utilizat ion Re­ PROGRAM - A project requiring a telephone Association welcome and urge all patients who have a Riverside lobby, is open from 12:30 p.m. to � now standard procedures used by the medical call. problem to discuss the matter with their physicians. 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. ion to clarify these responsibilities. Peer Re­ Progress in medicine depends upon understanding by LET'S GET TOGETHER ON THIS - I assume a term given to committees made up of prac­ pat ients who have a good working relationship with you're as confused as I am. Jhysicians from local medical societies who their doctors. Together they can separate fact from LET'S DISCUSS - Come to my office. I'm the practice and utilization of services pre­ fiction about rising health costs. lonesome. by a physician. Most local societies have such ROUTED FOR APPROVAL - You hold the bag tees, and the theory behind them is that a From the friendly country doctor who once pulled for awhile. ,f physicians in a given community is the best up before a rural home in .a horse-drawn carriage to a NOTE AND INITIAL - Let's spread the re­ f what is medically necessary and the reason­ physician in a white jacket or a green surgical gown­ sponsibility. s of charges for the services. a long road has been traveled to medical and surgical CONSIDER THIS A CHALLENGE - It's a real advancement. :ation Review in a hospital is another function killer - probably impossible to do. h physicians are involved. Since doctors are in The country doctor is nearly a thing of the past , IT'S GOOD EXPERIENCE - A dull job nobody :1rgely responsible for the use of hospital facil­ but, now as then, a physician is st ill a pat ient's best else wanted, so you're st uck with it. ey are obvious choices to review their use as a friend when an illness strikes. Fees have advanced to HELD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE - I put it in nn for proper utiliziation. keep step with medical, diagnostic and surgical ad­ the wastebasket two weeks ago. vances, whether in a doctor's office or in a hospital. WE'RE RESEARCHING IT - We're looking for WHAT IS BLUE SHIELD DOING? But what patient wants to go back to the limited the memo we lost. Shield of Florida attempts to cooperate to the medical research, treatment, facilities or drugs that PENDING - At the bottom of a pile of paper �xtent with Peer Review and Utilization Review were once available? He cannot afford to. He can afford on my desk. ttees to make sure everything possible is being that which is now available from his doctor whose TOP PRIORITY JOB - Forget your plans for , help keep the cost of health care reasonable. primary interest is still his pat ients' well being. (Solution to puzzle on page 8.) the weekend.

13 A New U. S. Citizen Management has scheduled i Corporate Orientation and De ment Progra m which bega September 17 and will cor every Thursday for 27 conse weeks. In looking to the future, our CONGRATULATIONS TO GLORIA ROMERO pany has the responsibility of ing in the development of me women who have the requisi· tential to contribute their full sure to the growth and welf, our company. This new progr the first phase in a proposed designed to do the following: 1. Broaden the corporate sec existing management per� giving these individua ls all exposure to both n2 and local operational obje to enhance their alread� cialized skills. 2. Establish a relationship be the various corporate which will facilitate both ter work and communic flow. 3. Determine potential and aration needed to develoI line management personr future advancement. Chief Executive Officer J. W. Herbert spoke at the opening session of the new orientation and development program to personnel who assembled in the head­ 4. And finally, serve as a quarters training room. tensive orientation progrc management trainees in to give them the concept overall corporate size.

Gloria is presented with miniature American flag, a gift from her co-workers when she returned to work a new U. S. citizen. BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD OF FLORIDA September 18 was a big day for Gloria Romero­ ORGANIZATION CHART one she had looked forward to for six years. NATHAN OPLINGER VISITS D.C. PLAN 1970 She, along with 51 other persons ranging in age from 4 to 68, appeared in Federa l Court to receive her Because of the proved efficient system under which BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD the Medicare Part B Depa rtment operates in Florida , BOARD OF BOARD OF U. S. citizenship, a certificate and the customary DIRECTORS DIRECTORS red rose. its Manager, Nathan Oplinger, was selected and in­ She began studying for her citizenship test in July vited to spend three weeks working in the this year and upon successfully completing the written Washington, D. C. Plan. and oral tests, and appearing with the required two PRES. BLUE CROSS His assistance and recom­ EXEC. V. PRESIDENT witnesses who had known her for at least five years, mendations were requested by BLUE SHIELD she earned her U. S. citizenship certificate. the National Association of J. W. HERBERT The oath she took requires that the prospective Blue Shield Plans in Chicago to citizens "renounce all former allegiances and pledge work with the newly-elected loyalty to the United States and the Constitution, to President of the D. C. Plan, Vic SR. VICE PRESIDENT >----� bear arms and to perform non-combat service for the Brian, who recently transferred BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD United States." The impressive ceremony included from Indianapolis. SPECIAL ASST. representation by the Daughters of the American W. J. STANSELL FISCAL CONTROL Mr. Opli nger served as Revolution, and presentation of the flag by the Marine W. R. Skelley Corps Color Guard. Project Leader of the Group, Gloria, 24, who flew to Jacksonville from Medellin, which included personnel from Pennsylvania Blue Shield and Colombia, South America , when she was only 18 yea rs VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT! !VICE PRESIDENT I I HOSP. RE LATIONS NABSP. Mike Cascone, the Florida Plan's FINANCE DMINISTRAT1olll CORP. STAFF DATA CLAIMS I 11 PHYSICIAN old, first lived with an aunt while attending Landon AND PLANNING PROCESSING HHA & ECF AFFAIRS Medicare B, Coordinator of Production and QuaI ity I IC. IP. C. High School. Her mother and brother who now live with C. H. Meyer 83 J. B. Hughes 1 A. Rivers 302! I R. Meyers 833( IM. Snead her came here two years ago. Control, also spent a week in Washington with the Group. Gloria was one of the first Medicare B employees PUBLIC HOUSE MANAGER RELATIONS & UNDERWRITING COUNSEL hired by the company in June, 1966. She is in the The Group worked primarily in the area of manage­ ADVERTISING

Rental and Purchase Section, Medicare B Claims ment and claims control and recommended many W. Gay J. Slye A. D. Mancini 5 Processing, under Supervisor Joyce Bowman. specific changes. Mr. Brian is optimistic that these Gloria will be spending her vacation in Medellin, improvements will greatly benefit the Plan's Part B This chart was used in the first meeting to illustrate graphically the organization of Florida Blue Cross Colombia, when you read this story. Operation. and Blue Shield.

14 Fire Captains Selected I

lo.[P@ 4 U�October,�rn 1970 BUILDING EVACUATION PROGRAM SET UP h e d monthly for the employees, 1eir families, and friends of Management has set up a building evacuation safety program in the event an emergency might occur. «l Fire Captains were selected from . each floor and instructed in the t. ' best and quickest method of evac­ uating the building. This procedure CROSS DI FLORIDA, INC. would be put into effect in the event SHIELD DI FLORIDA, INC. of not only a fire, but any emer­ gency. Employees will be individual­ 532 Riverside Avenue ly notified of the names of the Captains and procedures to follow lacksonv1'lie Florida 32201 ozS relevant to their separate floors and buildings, since a different method of evacuation must be set up for EDITOR ltley Public Relations C our many locations. REPORTERS , Derald Smart, Building Manager, ABOUT THE COVER . . was named Fire Marshal to spear­ ,IDE BUILDING and Frigo lectured on fire prevention and training in the use ,or ...... Jett Folds, Lieutenants Smith head the program, having served of fire extinguishers and equipment in this September 23 meeting at the Riverside George McKinnon Building. as a lieutenant in a Jacksonville Floor Anne Harmon � oor Ann Goble Volunteer Fire Department for a 01oor Linda Forester I number of years. )Or ... Rosamond Rudd Floor ...... Tommie Curry 01oor Barbara Kirkpatrick Lieutenants J. D. Smith and G. oor Anne Pringle 1 1 1 W. Frigo from the Jacksonville Fire oor ...... Mae Hodges Prevention Bureau met with Floor Captains in all buildings which C house Blue Cross and Blue Shield �SAL MARION BLDG. Floor ...... Johnnie Byrd employees in Jacksonville and also oor ...... Ed Johns C: made a floor-to-floor inspection, in­ Floor ...... Pat McCall , oor ...... Martha Zipperer structing Captains in the best man­ oor ...... Alice Allmon ner to evacuate. Floor ...... Wanda Willis 1 1 1 Floor ...... Jeanne Helton loor ...... Nancy Summersill An actual fire drill will be con­ 1th Floor ...... Rhonda Hall, ducted in the very near future, ac­ Sandi Hill h Floor .. Karen Robinson cording to Mr. Smart. Melanie Moye Street lights down Riverside !cc cast an eerie glow :y BUILDING Marian Clark Avenue where the Jacksonville Crusade of Mercy Although fire prevention tech­ UILDING .. Jerry Vaughan symbol can be seen superimposed on the north niques were stressed in all the IVERSIDE Diane Watson side of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield head­ quarters building - symbolizing our part in the C ) meetings, Mr. Smart emphasized 1970-71 United Fund Drive. this program was set up to handle In addition to the monetary contribution em­ C ployees make to the United Fund each year, the any emergency. For example, a few company also contributes employees' time off Member to months ago, all employees in the assist in the drive's solicitation. Approximately 30 fortheast Florida Industrial employees volunteered their time, and have been Riverside Building were asked to Editors Association excused during working hours with pay to solicit leave the area in only ten minutes >Uthern Council of Industrial contributions. Participating in the Small Merchants Division, each is calling on up to 20 , due to a power failure which shut employee Editors small to solicit pledges and contribu­ businesses C :, Under supervision of Fire Prevention Bureau personnel, each Fire off all air conditioning, lights, equip­ @American Hospital Association tions. the Captain's training included dousing a gasoline fire purposely set outside the building. onal Association of Blue Shield Plans ment and elevators.

15 In this Issue:

Corporate Development Progr. OU®V�LJ� Suggestion System Is Two TV Docs Prescribe


OCTOBER Halloween and pumpk-in faces Fairy costumes trimmed with laces Trick or Treaters on a lark Collecting candy after dark Huge black velvet cats With great amber eyes And witches on broomsticks Riding the skies The harvest moon is round and yellow Nights are cool, days are mellow Crisp blue days that seem to say Icy winter 's on her way. Football fever takes its toll Of rich and poor, young and old .... > Marching bands and majorettes, Hot dogs, cokes and crackerjacks. Summer 's days are bright and sunny Spring brings rain and winds like honey Winter wears a snowy shawl But there 's something special About the Fall. Sweet, spicy October - Queen of the Fall Three cheers for the loveliest month of all!

(From the "Cedar Leaf", Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Miami, Florida)