The Cedarville Herald, December 17, 1909

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The Cedarville Herald, December 17, 1909 Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 12-17-1909 The edC arville Herald, December 17, 1909 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, December 17, 1909" (1909). The Cedarville Herald. 892. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V ft ■ «. Fu*“ Kx*:t4i«situr- i;q y J o b . Tfcf* iirm sJteji *B«|*d mkh %n Work will compare with • Ihdipijj <Urr;.^f* yowr MitMkij , is 1 itt d;:e ana a |<r* rapt jkitfc ibatwt any Giktrifrin, ► nwu* £« earnestly desired, ....... ' C e d a X e r a l d THIRTY-8KCQXI) YEAR NO 51 I'ttDAHVU.Lfc. »AY, lUXIKUUKn ,17 1009 PRICE *1.00 A YEAH. town tho,- proposition should be U Give Institute Realty Appraisers Small Crowd 'W carefully Investigate! and to this end a eominitco consisting of Messrs Christmas jMay Attack G. L. Smith and B. F. Jyojar were Your Support! In Columbus.j Greeted Elw< appointed to go to Cleveland and make a thorough investigation as Cantata. Rose Law. to tho merits of the machine and The Seventeenth Annual Farmer* Messrs. 0, E, Bradfute, J. II. the business standing of Mr, Suiter Probably the smallest audience The United Presbyterian .Sabbath District local option is likely to Institute will be belli in the opera Lackey and 8. O. Anderson were that ever gathered,in the opera and his reputation in general. house next Wednesday and Thurs­ in C ulumbus Wednesday attending School will giye a Christmas Cant­ be the next step in th* advance of house to hear a lecture wan present Since f ho above was written Mr. ata entitled “HolyNight” in the a meeting of the reality appraisers the tempefenew force# of the >rnie. day, December 22 and 23. Tuesday evening when Roy , Robert K err lias returned from Cleveland church Monday evening at 7:30 P. The otlicere of tho institute can­ of the state that had been called but does not give a very glowing ac­ The plan as already outlined i y Anther Elwood of Alantie City ap­ M. Admission is free and the public temperance raform enthusiast;, is not alone be responsible for the thereby State Auditor Fullington peared. The audience numbered a count of what he found, is invited. Beside* singing there success of tbs different sessions and to discuss the valuation of property to enact a law extending tbs local tew over twenty but this did not de­ will be recitations by different option priniciplc beyond th* bound­ eo-operatien on the part of the pu­ Almost every interest was repre­ tract from what the speaker had to member* of the school. Tho cantata blic* is absolutely necessary. sented at tliQ meeting, about 1,500 aries of conn tie* to those of ei5~ to say, I t is sure that the few pres­ is one of the late ones and ha* some Ths institute coming as it does on being present. Mite Box For groHsioofti districts. Thus it I* ent were not disappointed for Rev, beautiful music. thought prohibition would b* made the «v* of ths Holiday season It was plainly shown that the Elwood is an eloquent speaker and a national issue since members of means greater interest than com­ farmers and jiroperty holders were has a fine command of languge. mon must be manifest. Then,, the paying the hulk of the tax and that Sunshine Club. congress would then bo elected in it The speaker addressed a largo majority of cast* upon a “wet” commute has been handicapped in ’ large corporations were escaping meeting Sabbath afternoon at the Notice To and “dry platform. That legislation not receiving the dates from Colum­ with little or no tax. Governor Fairbanks Theatre in Springffid bus headquartersi several week* in Harmon advised against the Board The Sunshine Club wishes to call involving such a momentous change under the direction of the Y, M. 0.. the attention of the public to their in the the method of driving the advance. A h it is there can be no of Review and a resolution to this A. He is also booked for a aeries mite box which has befell placed in Telephone Patrons. “demon rum?’ from the country night session this year owing to a effect was passed also one seperat- of evangelistic services in Dayton number on the lecture course com­ It. Bird’* store. Any eontribution will be seriously considered at tie mg the state and county tax. It in March. coming session of the.legiala’tion i* ing on that date. wag the census of the meeting that will be gladly received andwill help The employee* of the GedarvillC Discouragement of the above property be taxed at sixty per cent bring Christmas cheer into the hie Telephone Company will be given exceedingly doubtful however. mentioned should not effect the of its value instead of full value as of many, Thla branch of the Sun­ Only last week Superintemlcr t The firm •tyle* the usual Holiday this year, Christ Wayne B, Wheeler, of the state institute and those interested in has been proposed. J shine. Club .expect* to treat the mas, and the exchange will be In Operation of machine*/;.-) $1,400 children of the County Home this anti-saloon league announced (hi b this work should lend their support and baby tor Ordeis Ghri#tmftfc& closed that day between the hours and make the institute a success of nine in the morning until six in no advance temperance legisJafirn ar<f coming g*’, would be attempted at this sessh n .despite the outside opposition for . Sixteen Years. cannot be the evening. Monmouth Alumni Itttl Mrs, Lida, KUift of Yellow- Springs Nevertheless it ■ is rumored that * Which no one in particular is re-; will be erect Cedarville Telephone Co, the treasure of the Gseone County W. .district local option bill 1* being sponsible.- state. Delaw* d®*. It. was sixteen years ago Wednes­ C,' T, XJ-, who recently underwent a framed and will be introduced Gives Banquet. a strong bid f« While the local freight train was Whether or not the temperance day, December 12 1893, when the tenons operation, is at present in doing some .switching Tuesday on 'Sft- Na» Pain* elmoet nurttunUy—Df. Mitas A number Mr. forces are active it’ is assured that Aatt-P*ia mo* Kf 1*4 ' first paper was made by the Hagar Buiferlaut >» and Hew York with her daughter* Her the siding near the Kerr A Hasting address; is 11 Linden Ave., Brooklyn an attack on tne Rose county option 'Straw Board & Paper Company, discussed m* t% m Office formerly th e . Sterrett a car bill will be made by th* liberal The second annual banquet of During these years the company X. Y., (Fiathusb). Mrs, Ellis’ former students of Monmouth col­ definite , *cU< With, jumped the track the bumper strik­ and liquor interest. The aim will be has had marvelous • success and many friends in Greene County Ex­ lege, who reside in this locality,, the demand that ing tbe. building moving it about to amend the law so as to allow have not been closed down hut -it exist* at pr *t g*ta pect to remember her with ft Christ­ three feet off tli* foundation. The “wet” cities m “dry counties to re­ wap held in Xenia last Friday even­ few weeks at a thatband this for re­ mas post card shower. ing a tth e Second,XJ. P* Church, a well mao* con- damage will probftbiy ha about $100 main “wet” if they wish. The Fountain Pens. pairs. The company has suffered ii.dered forts and it is certain that the ones re­ Anti-saloon league will support a Rev. Ross Hume of Clifton acted fire but once to the plant although as'toastmaster. A most beautiful Monday ev| The next number on the lecture sponsible for the carelessness will measure giving the governor more one of the barns and ft rick of bated me Board ,c >ur*p will he the lecturer, Thomas » few days vaeatipii a t their own power in the removal of municipal memorial to the memory of the late straw burned. The plant has been What is nicer or prettier . Rev. F, O. Ross was read by Rev. J, which time: feposi-f'Broqks Fletcher,-Wednesday even-’ expense. officers who fail to enforce the law. enlarged until the present capacity' Won was dl Blally lug Dec, 28, Flat opens Monday or more useful and con­ .A Henderson. is about 00,090 pounds of paper daily decided that j hf the morning Dee. 20th, tfor Headache Dr, Miles’ A nil-Pain pills. n r. Miles’ Anti-Pam Pills relieve’ pruj. venient than a fountain I The following officers, "were eleet- Cinder the directions of the Presid­ I ed:- President Rev, 3, A.Henderson ent of the company Hon. George pen? ■ | vice president, Weir Cooper Xenia Little and the efficient superintend- Here you can see them •secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Gra« ant, A. Z. Smith, the town ha* an : ***2WW*WW**Fm , ham Bryson. industry tlmt'has known but few- from plain and cheap to idle days.
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