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The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald

12-17-1909 The edC arville Herald, December 17, 1909 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, December 17, 1909" (1909). The Cedarville Herald. 892. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/892

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Fu*“ Kx*:t4i«situr- i;q y J o b . Tfcf* iirm sJteji *B«|*d mkh %n Work will compare with • Ihdipijj


town tho,- proposition should be U Give Institute Realty Appraisers Small Crowd 'W carefully Investigate! and to this end a eominitco consisting of Messrs Christmas jMay Attack G. L. Smith and B. F. Jyojar were Your Support! In Columbus.j Greeted Elw< appointed to go to Cleveland and make a thorough investigation as Cantata. Rose Law. to tho merits of the machine and The Seventeenth Annual Farmer* Messrs. 0, E, Bradfute, J. II. the business standing of Mr, Suiter Probably the smallest audience The United Presbyterian .Sabbath District local option is likely to Institute will be belli in the opera Lackey and 8. O. Anderson were that ever gathered,in the opera and his reputation in general. house next Wednesday and Thurs­ in C ulumbus Wednesday attending School will giye a Christmas Cant­ be the next step in th* advance of house to hear a lecture wan present Since f ho above was written Mr. ata entitled “HolyNight” in the a meeting of the reality appraisers the tempefenew force# of the >rnie. day, December 22 and 23. Tuesday evening when Roy , Robert K err lias returned from Cleveland church Monday evening at 7:30 P. The otlicere of tho institute can­ of the state that had been called but does not give a very glowing ac­ The plan as already outlined i y Anther Elwood of Alantie City ap­ M. Admission is free and the public temperance raform enthusiast;, is not alone be responsible for the thereby State Auditor Fullington peared. The audience numbered a count of what he found, is invited. Beside* singing there success of tbs different sessions and to discuss the valuation of property to enact a law extending tbs local tew over twenty but this did not de­ will be recitations by different option priniciplc beyond th* bound­ eo-operatien on the part of the pu­ Almost every interest was repre­ tract from what the speaker had to member* of the school. Tho cantata blic* is absolutely necessary. sented at tliQ meeting, about 1,500 aries of conn tie* to those of ei5~ to say, I t is sure that the few pres­ is one of the late ones and ha* some Ths institute coming as it does on being present. Mite Box For groHsioofti districts. Thus it I* ent were not disappointed for Rev, beautiful music. thought prohibition would b* made the «v* of ths Holiday season It was plainly shown that the Elwood is an eloquent speaker and a national issue since members of means greater interest than com­ farmers and jiroperty holders were has a fine command of languge. mon must be manifest. Then,, the paying the hulk of the tax and that Sunshine Club. congress would then bo elected in it The speaker addressed a largo majority of cast* upon a “wet” commute has been handicapped in ’ large corporations were escaping meeting Sabbath afternoon at the Notice To and “dry platform. That legislation not receiving the dates from Colum­ with little or no tax. Governor Fairbanks Theatre in Springffid bus headquartersi several week* in Harmon advised against the Board The Sunshine Club wishes to call involving such a momentous change under the direction of the Y, M. 0.. the attention of the public to their in the the method of driving the advance. A h it is there can be no of Review and a resolution to this A. He is also booked for a aeries mite box which has befell placed in Telephone Patrons. “demon rum?’ from the country night session this year owing to a effect was passed also one seperat- of evangelistic services in Dayton number on the lecture course com­ It. Bird’* store. Any eontribution will be seriously considered at tie mg the state and county tax. It in March. coming session of the.legiala’tion i* ing on that date. wag the census of the meeting that will be gladly received andwill help The employee* of the GedarvillC Discouragement of the above property be taxed at sixty per cent bring Christmas cheer into the hie Telephone Company will be given exceedingly doubtful however. mentioned should not effect the of its value instead of full value as of many, Thla branch of the Sun­ Only last week Superintemlcr t The firm •tyle* the usual Holiday this year, Christ Wayne B, Wheeler, of the state institute and those interested in has been proposed. J shine. Club .expect* to treat the mas, and the exchange will be In Operation of machine*/;.-) $1,400 children of the County Home this anti-saloon league announced (hi b this work should lend their support and baby tor Ordeis Ghri#tmftfc& closed that day between the hours and make the institute a success of nine in the morning until six in no advance temperance legisJafirn ar» and Hew York with her daughter* Her the siding near the Kerr A Hasting address; is 11 Linden Ave., Brooklyn an attack on tne Rose county option 'Straw Board & Paper Company, discussed m* t% m Office formerly th e . Sterrett a car bill will be made by th* liberal The second annual banquet of During these years the company X. Y., (Fiathusb). Mrs, Ellis’ former students of Monmouth col­ definite , *cU< With, jumped the track the bumper strik­ and liquor interest. The aim will be has had marvelous • success and many friends in Greene County Ex­ lege, who reside in this locality,, the demand that ing tbe. building moving it about to amend the law so as to allow have not been closed down hut -it exist* at pr *t g*ta pect to remember her with ft Christ­ three feet off tli* foundation. The “wet” cities m “dry counties to re­ wap held in Xenia last Friday even­ few weeks at a thatband this for re­ mas post card shower. ing a tth e Second,XJ. P* Church, a well mao* con- damage will probftbiy ha about $100 main “wet” if they wish. The Fountain Pens. pairs. The company has suffered ii.dered forts and it is certain that the ones re­ Anti-saloon league will support a Rev. Ross Hume of Clifton acted fire but once to the plant although as'toastmaster. A most beautiful Monday ev| The next number on the lecture sponsible for the carelessness will measure giving the governor more one of the barns and ft rick of bated me Board ,c >ur*p will he the lecturer, Thomas » few days vaeatipii a t their own power in the removal of municipal memorial to the memory of the late straw burned. The plant has been What is nicer or prettier . Rev. F, O. Ross was read by Rev. J, which time: feposi-f'Broqks Fletcher,-Wednesday even-’ expense. officers who fail to enforce the law. enlarged until the present capacity' Won was dl Blally lug Dec, 28, Flat opens Monday or more useful and con­ .A Henderson. is about 00,090 pounds of paper daily decided that j hf the morning Dee. 20th, tfor Headache Dr, Miles’ A nil-Pain pills. n r. Miles’ Anti-Pam Pills relieve’ pruj. venient than a fountain I The following officers, "were eleet- Cinder the directions of the Presid­ I ed:- President Rev, 3, A.Henderson ent of the company Hon. George pen? ■ | vice president, Weir Cooper Xenia Little and the efficient superintend- Here you can see them •secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Gra« ant, A. Z. Smith, the town ha* an : ***2WW*WW**Fm , ham Bryson. industry tlmt'has known but few- from plain and cheap to idle days. full gold-mounted at bigh- A GARD OF THANKS. m 1 er prices but all of them as # nearly perfe t as such We wish to thank the friends Post Office who so kindly assisted us in the goods can be made and the death of our sister, also the choir, cheap ones. as practically and Revs, putt and Taylor, also Dr. Site Chosen. useful as those at a higher McGhesneyand the Pythian jjidfer* Lodge of Spiugfhdd lor their beaut­ Ho election in Xenia ha* *tirr*d price and all fully guarran- iful flower*. »h interest of lata ted fora year iii quality . 'MWJ.O.C. WataMAjii •ft \ ■Ml HaBaKMg-^agwt and klf* ’ lEOTOSWBy terman’s Pharmacy Jftft TwMarisi ftiajj and Collier *tr*et#- received 90S ay’s Furnishing Good*, and Xmas te. |y You Kin Ib in RttwM more than twice that of tbe aeooad highest Cedarvilie, 0. Boors tbs The recommendation of this site DOfrrtSW I- TO SEE THE FINE LINE WE OFFER. Signature of will be Kent to the department m Washington, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS XMAS PRESENTS FOR ..H orner’s Slipper Sale.. FOR THE BOYS. MEN AND YOUNG MEN. Bilk Neckwear in X m « Box** ...... 25c to 50c 50c to $1 00 Golfaud Lf»th«r Ghm**, At...... •...... 2 5 c to 50c Ba» t r ... §i.oo to $5]oo White and colored handkerchief*, F,n:r!!.”.w!!u::...... $1.50 to $6.50 a t...... 5 c to 50c Muffin*, JUiefer*, Bearf* etc ...... : 25c to $2.00 At ...... 25c to $1.00 Fine Overcoat*, ”“S.®4.®!0”’:...... $1.00 to $1.50 At...... - ...... $2.00 to $10.00 Fancy K«Mian Malta, poi»r’:...... :.. $2.00 to $4.00 At ...... «• ...... 25c to $7.00 ...... -5 0 c to $1.50 What is more appropriate for a Xmas present than a pair of House Slippers? Stylinh Cap « *»d S am , At ...... 25c to 50c <-T ..ls(yl,8 00 to $4.00 We have all styles and leathers and at prices that cannot be beat. Bloomer Paata all let* pattern* At ...... Sweaters, all colors, ...... 50 0 to S S .0 0 Men’s Slippers in Opera Everetts, Fauls and Nulliliers,., A 9c, 75e. $1, $1,25, $2 50c to $1.50 Plain and fAimy half hose...... 10c to S 1 .0 0 P%»iicy Dree* Shirt*. Odd Trousers, a t ...... $1,00 to $6,00 ‘ L a d ie s Slippers in all the fancy colors and styles with and without fur top3, At ...... 5 0 c to 75c Combination sets ...... 5 0 0 to 7 6 c I at...... : ...... 49c, 75c, $1, $1.35 to $2 FAftey X m m *«*jNndera, Lfeathir Collar Bags...... $1.00 to $ 1 .6 0 At ...... 25c Traveling Bets ...... $2.00 to $3.00 I Boys an ! Virls Slippers that will make a Merry Xmas for them What is nicer? For the Baby, wo have beautifully trimmed moccasins in all colors*.. .10c to 75c £ Ir it is shoes you want we are in a position to supply every need at the following Come E-arly and Get the Best. £ prices...... $1.25, $1,50 $1.75, $2.00 to $4.00 GET THE HABIT, TRADE AT HOME. 1 MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES AT HORNER’S AND K A SAVE FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT. If Mt ■ 11 Home Clothing Co.,£ ■i ’>] LAURENCE HORNER, BANK BLDG., CEDARVILLE, 0. 33 S. Umettona Street, Springfield,

atatte mgtmm The Newsalt Jewelry House Do DAYTON, OHIO. Jefferson tod Market St’e Your?> ^ ' . PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR MEN AND OVERCOATS, AND JACKETS, 'dter&L

Candies, Fruits, Crackers, Cakes, Cereals of W * Men saved CHRISTT 1AS * All Kinds, If bis mother'll Mirth. or the doc. to use the very i remedy which Overalls, Sweater Coats and Hosiery the disease. It W ill Soon Be Here cam-third of And now is the time to make your selection and the CEDARVILLE, CLIFTON, JAMESTOWN AND GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. best place in Xenia or Greene County is

And always the best in Staple and Fancy Groceries at “

...IMarland Bros -HERE YOU CAN BUY- TELEPHONE NO, 51. . Ladies' gold filled Watch from. .$10 to $25 Triple Plated Knives and Forks, per Cents' goldfills# Watch from... $8 to $50 set g ,,t » * • * * • A f I * * • 4 A $3.50 to $4.50 Ladies' solid gold case from.. .$10 to $50 Qnadrnple Plated Knives and Forks, • |{ Get fh« Gift at Lindsey’s Gent's solid gold c a s e ...... $40 to $100 per set...... $5 to $6.50 Dayton, LINDSEY’S Alia a line of low priced watches for You can also see a large line of Sterling ' Ladies or Gents from,,...... $1 to $7 Silver Tea Spoons from $4 to $10 per set Holiday TH* beat place In Dayton for Diamond rings from...... $6 to $400 Sterling Dessert Spoons and Forks, Bargains. Holiday Bargain*. Signet rings from ...... $1 to $16 $10 to $16.a set i Special prices on Jewelry, Silverware, Cut AND ALSO FOR A NICE GIFT lery, Musical Instruments, Guns, Gents’Fur . Toilet Seta, brush, tomb, mirror, military brushes, clothes and hat. brushes nisbings, Clothing, Tranks, Valises, Suit Ca ladies' and gents' umbrellas, necklaces in gold filled and solid gold, bracelets in Tikri gold filled and solid gold, gold filled beads and also solid 14K beads, scarf pins, kr.. ses and Holiday Novelties* dress pins, solid gold and gold filled sleeve buttons^ gold and gold filled lockets, It . I You are Invited to Call and Examine a Be and an endless variety of set rings, signet tings; plain rings, band rings, all sol$ gold, silver and gold thimbles, gilt clocks, chafing and baking dishes, rich cut wildering Display of Tempting Bargains. glass, large line of back combs, the largest stock in Xenia

Gp&hnad fa caused £•$m spread the & tafck- Chests of Silverware, all triple plated. bk^l -ss*

plies. XoUak Cnristmas calendars mounted. Fine CBy the Ohio Commlsaddh Blted^ ’ Ho t>n« who ha* felt the effects of] ThsM dtodrsn ant tlctlms of aeg* hand painted China. In fact a full and large line bf of sight will fall to appreciate |hw*. A d tM r e t i j b w prm tty the value to the nubile of the effort !*«**•* P*®#3* they would he goods always to be found in a first class Jewelry ^ ® ?. * * *pAf IwM®* dWkJwm today Instead of with- to reduce blindness in the state o f|0ttt ^ ^ the most important Store. Ohio. To many the fhot that much Fg#,^ “Baby's sore eyes" may he infantile blindness is preventable, cured by fb* wee of * very simple MFAT STORE but has not been prevented, through freinady—a one per cent solution c* F T ww A rtTTV * -w T ■' .P | I have Opened a meat store in the J. C . J. Jtl. o ttlE rL L , Barber room and asks for a share of ■ * . -v Steele Building, XENIA, O. ^ s.atr »n-ige. • fin-;, outfit in the county has been installed for the storing, handling and re­ tailing of fresh and salt meats. CHRISTFIAS FOOTWEAR AT YOUNG’S Our prices will always be consistent Here You Find the Best Goods, Best Styles and Greatest Assort­ with the market Quotations. ment and the Lowest Prices. Inspection Invited. FIVE VICTIM# OF OPHTHALMIA WE0NATORUM, Our Footwear brings delight to the recipient in every particular. This year the ignorance or CareieesncsR of those; nltrat* of *Ur*r, and the application entrusted with the care of the new*; of clsa* wiksr. Bat it must be done our showing of Christmas Shoes and Slippers Is greater than ever—-all new, sty­ bom child, will be learned: with a promptly, An* iba mischief la dona la lish goods and in an abundance of sizes and varieties. Your every want in Foot­ shock. Highest authority vouches for, a faw iay*. If th* baby at birth or the truth of the statement that more *ooo after tbewa mattery eyes, don’t wear can be satisfied here and at a substantial saving over prices asked elsewhere C. C. Weimer. than one-third of early blindness is.w ait ta aaa if User won’t get better, for goods of equal merit. unnecessary, j Send at soot far a doctor*.

i. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND NULLIF1ERS, SURFERS, AND 1 BOHN BUND CHILDREN. MOCCASINS, {By tho Ohio Commlaslon. for the Bftad/J In all the new leathers, styles and He more distressing report could Army of boys and girls gone blind Ladies* N ullifies and Slippers, 50c, be given to the friends of a family from th* ihwu* which destroy* the lasts, for conservative and extreme 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $3.50 $1.90 and $2. than the news that a child that has eyesight of babies. We want to re* dressers. Swell Styles lor Winter came to them is horn blind. Fortu- dttce th* number of ewes of blind- Men's Nullifiers and Slippers, 50c, nately recent developments In pre- j ness from this eanse, and to do that Shoes for Men, $1 *0, $1.90, $2.50, 3 $, ventlve medicine have shown that * the new* west be spread everywhere 75C, $1.00 $1.25, $150 and $2.00. Overcoats sr« dominant $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. *\ Shoes for Ladies, $1.25, $1,45, $1.90, Children's Nullifiers How*, BROOKLYN* Meet your friend# and leave your packages at larg proportion of iftfantllo binMrs* that th* MthyT wv* *y«* can be mad* may bo eftHrcly prevented, wall If rtgictiy tm tsd. it mmt be Hon* of these children would have taken in SMS if tin ravage* of lb* A KANT, The Leading Tailor, lawn blind If a eluglo drop of a harm nises*# w S N stopped, tor It only Oscar Young’s, foes precaution had been put in cju P. take* x ftrw iAys to do It* deadly t* if XENIA, OHIO. «y* on the day that, ho was born. work, Lot as M S W STOP BUND* j 7 Eas% Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. f v . OWo Jut a eoMtantly inci easing, NK*#. •s-sV aJs-s-sfiaato ( t ,i

ii *


' v'-4 ■■ 4 ■

n m m m m ? office . Toyland Bids You Welcome CO UNT YO U R | Pidl.y* *ivtk and Tackl. and fWfty Graves’ Cloak House V«5v# Anticipate!, Have,1 ,1 . you rtmemheredit ui.wimi'i. the i*‘o Mother, I Bister, » Wqjjl Wept JF JF Baugh- I The m ek cr.

Lurct newt mm CuniBnc qnrtihmn ^ bjim« LIST OP XrtAS LEATHER GIFTS lent, quiet, Cuisine, un^ tery, ehclerc aaxbee,” sttMmer wwjxkint,” A»Utic chokrs, find ptvmiis ties dsvsky■ Lediee’ Hand fisg. Jewel Pocket. l e o B t i a t w 4 . s o y , BMnt W tjplm(l Smfmfo IRMMMl TWMMHWsIl Traveller Set. Photo Cane. surpassed, **MdW abtiiiwi ia *8 part* e iti* watML Collar mid Cuff Boxes Music Bag.* A NEW LINE OF 190!! JEWELSTj Glove and Handkerchief Case. Music Roll. l& .ludln, WftiebM »nd WftnMmd., fttobl, Olrf CMM, uid Mr. i.XTt. Mecktk C*»e» SriMor Set* " ' ti.tioally Executed Hand Painted China. Bridge Set*, Fl**k*, Cigar Case*, Bill Bonk. A complete line of Hilvar Hollew and Flat Wawp Drtekirtg Cup*, Folding Mirror. IeUerCa.es, Card case. Box**, Manicure Set. Biff and Coin Purse. e n g r a v w g f r e e o p m s o i m t ' * Military Bruthaetu, Coat Hanger* Three Fold Case. 3ame$ % Bnrfww, Lilwary Sett, Office Set* Sewing *«. *, Picnic sets Thermo* Buttle* Tob* co Pimches, Toilet Roll*, Trunks Bag*, Suit Cane* Leo Braun Sr Son, Jemuhrs, Proprittw. 4 0 *«•* Malm St., Springfield, Okie, j-.u. -. — h ..... •». 15 South fountain Jto*., mm. 9Mi rt a* jvn# Ww S&aiidBftukM > - .. m cm. m o k

.jwp/* & * * Tendency to Kxsgpsratf, "TAKE THIS CUT’ A y e r ’ s H a i r V i g o r , WV ]u4kffii.in^ xml Isitj p'.neys alike. We a’v Jo.ver vither *n wivt-luM or so o«n>> as me say we Inau, 1 SSK^SSSHSi., PerteSt i are,--Pa!zae, ! Anything injuriou* here? Ask your doctor. K A l t L i w m & * - XM Ask your doctor. Seek for Word* In Thing*, S Iti th. AnvtljifUl of mvrit here? fj rcy cl ro !«' a f< iuv -ir saj frig # f j la ’ll GASTORIA Will it s-top falling hair? Ask youv doctor. I Mi, -m u inai it * u ou ;.;l n^t to FHIUAT, DEOftHHKK J1 For Infants and Children* Will it destroy dandruff? Ask your doctor. Ulr-n;;1] In words, Im for words 3a ■ ■■WHIJjjli ^111^ mm jtl'UijXi; for that tl.u.t.8 are not mu lj * 1 on r rro’iiit of words but that wor Is Tiic Congraa# js ji aseenihlett ’Will * * avo put together for the salt* of th* ostMf^MXion ot «f Fresi- The Kind You Have O ces nott\ AIM Color (XMrtMT. Xjow II. M wthe Hair * things.—Dlogeti's Laertius. . dent Tuff* p«u«i**, already Nome* what familiar fcstbe pubic through Always Bought Avertable Rreparationftr As­ th* Pr**ld*ot’* ifeceat speeches ftiul similating iteFQKl awlliagtila- DL those of hi* Attenwy General. 16 is ffi^^Stoiiiacteandlioweisof J u s t 770 a laborious prcgimnmc which will B ears th e “ W% yeoommpiul it; there isn't o ff e keep not *oiy t&i* session busy IN! *N *t Hti l)HI.N nay hotter.,, but pr*t«hly ffteernl upcceeding Signature In mid-summer you have to frost Promotes Di^slion-CheerfuL to a largo degree to your butsdier. S u its, O seisiona Alih*vgh it will require nessandltestCoiUains neither W HY NOT? time and jvemeltfton to secure the Opium,Morphine norl*Iuieral. of Well Cared For Meats Until enactment of measure* which WaJOlNAHCOTiq. — in hot weather are the only kind to ♦23.0D Mr, Tftffc deaiMW, perhaps no Presid­ garment ent ever had **&?* favorable pro­ j*^*mfir$mELetrctwt buy; we have proper appliance* for Since the tendency of the HOLIDAY GIFTS has turned toward o>/- . keeping them right, and they’re #20,00 spect of saasea* in a legislative AOtSaut* * 1 •garment SmMtJhJltr' sweet and e»to when sold. Don* t go policy. Condition* have changed ■ Am vsSitji *■ #18.00 the useful as well as the ornamental, we direct yonr attention to * in recant y**r* *0 a* to increase meat shopping when it’s hot, Buy^ garment — (JU. In of ns and he sure. the Influent* Gf the Executive in #15.00 our great display of legislation, The public has begun C. H. CROUSE, garment! ;to look upon ■#!»* administration Use CEDARVILLB, O, #12.00 more than Congress for the imJjLJi jiJLj...... ’ll,, , irr* «!»Bg9SS*gg» garmemi #9.88 origination of national policies and nes* nndl^oals OFS l e e p . Men’s Furnishings Congress has tp a great extent ac­ For Over garments FacSjrrate St^natura of quiesced. The legislative machine And Gold Believing them to be the most desirable remembrances to give in both houses is weaker than it used to be. Xosnrgeneias have dam ­ ^ W L S S B S k Thirty Years Neuralgia A tb immlliv old aged Its prearWgft Its independence O S t S - j j i . I IS I «J Pains 20 both Men and Young Men. Men in all Walks of life take pride in # and selfsocntf^aneft are largely $ Are the result of an ON gone and it Nrbeing driven mote abnormal condition of their personal appearance, and any gift which can contribute to |j[ EXACT. COPT OF WRAPPER.- W o m3; and more to regard public opinion, the more prominent nerve to-ehow deference to persona and L cummin-the CiSHTAiirt COMfANY* Nrw YPWK CfTV. C hild) their c o fo rt or vanity is strikingly appropriate. ' measures which appear • to . have branches, caused by con­ popular support and to seek agree­ gestion, irritation, or dis­ ments which have public approval. ease. If yon want to re­ A feiv President Taft „ will undoubtedly lieve the pain try Dr. Miles Men’s and W hy Not? W hy Not? | W hy Not? recognise this fact and insist upon Anti-Pain Pills.' They Extra large the legislation that the public de­ We are Showing a large often relieve when every­ cQtton fill Neckwear,all rich de- \ Suspenders, that arei , Gloves, for street, m ands. 0 . thing else fails. They #1.50 & # signs and colorings, at j hapdsome and durable, j driving or dress wear1 $, line of useful, articles leave no .disagreeable Ladies’ #1.5 There was eno® an impression . Leather I 25c, 50c and @1-00 [40c to @1.50. ,, to @2.50. after-effects. * Just a that Kansas was entitled to sym­ for the Holidays. pleasurable sense of re­ Ladies 15c pathy. Today few dare to Bay a lief. Try them. Collars.. word against that state before a "I havo TieumlKla' .headache right Ladies 9Sc over my eyes, and I sm- renUy afraid present or past resident for, figures that, my eyes will burst. I also have lined hoi neuralgia -pain around my heart. I W hy Not? W hy Not? W hy Not? seem to b* available that Kansas have been talcing Dr. Miles* Anti- Misses’ #1,2 RUGS, Oriental and Domestic., all sizes, Pain X’ills recently and find they re­ Sweater c is' on an equal footing with almost lieve these troubles qulelUy. I seldom Hosiery, in both plain J Umbrellas, character- And it' necessary to take more than Regular IBc Shirts, that appeal to every other «*eMon of the world. Lace Curtains, Draperies, Couch Cavers two tablets for complete' relief." and fancy patterns, at \ istic of men’s like, $1.00; MAS. KATHERINE). BARTON Towels... I The president of the Kansas Assoc­ Mahogany Chests, Cedar Chests,Matting, 1117 Valley St, Carthage, Mo, 25c and 50c. | to $5.00- all, 50c to $1.50 ‘T have awful spells' of neuralgia Men's 5c at iation of Charities who has just and have doctored a great, a al with­ haudkerc Boxes, Serpens, Persian and Korean Brass out getting much benefit, . For tlio' oempeleted an investigation of the last two years I have been taking ‘Men’s #1 wc Dr. Miles' AntKPahi Bills and they conditions , steonding his ' work goods, are a few only of our large variety. always, relievo me. I * have neon ao ' 2'suits) p had with neuralgia that I sometimes Be sure t makes th* am&rtion that in half thought 1 would go crazy. Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them, ials may no the countadek^hiB state he found but never more and tUey are sure to relieve mo." MSS; BERRIER. a few of the no prisonattiLi th* jails. And as 2434 Lynn St.. Lincoln, Neb. of Xmas B; Gait and Examine.Our Novelties. Your druggist sell* Dr. Miles’ Anti* if to ftetbU-^&ii^'ity he shows by Fain Pills, and we authorize hint to Haller, Haines, & return the price oof first package (only) t|gur*« ,t|« SlfW k county 111. fa if it fall* to benefit you, M os b i E tab located, furnish** Miles Medical ~Co., “Elkhart lad %■;?}? p hhW'Jnwirabfe State hospital* Gold bond ***3*AS«*Ci>*-Vj- th»h the toUB papulftiion of ell the THE P, M, HARMAN CO„ state ch writable! Correctional and ‘ 1 ■; Xeai*, Ohio. penal Institutions of Kansas com­ 4'-> bined. There are $8 county poor Furnishers and Decorators. farms out of a possible 14% having 30-32 North Main St., * Dayton, Ohio. Nervous no inmates and th* state has a DYS t tfas very nervous,” •'Hxrlnsf txlccr place near the top m the smallness . threeeetknh moutliA xml tlyap tin writes Mrs. Mollie Mirse, due to"C'eicArcth of,th* percentage of crime depend­ Of Carrsville, * Ky., “ had I have taken nui ency and defectiveness. tint rvlthout- evnl palpitation o f the hearty Wouldmere InInn m yonr.’day tl Xenia, Ohio, ADAIR'S 20-24 N, Detroit St. ana was irregular. Jiumea MoQnno, ‘ On the advice of Mrs. »■ ■■ • ■ ■ ■ The Discoverers. . • ■ • , . . Ueiug Bttrt It the pol* Js ns Jmpor* Hattie Cain I took 2 bot­ lant In nu nrnlc esprdhion «x m a Great Assortment tles of Cardui and it did horse race. me more good than any The tnnti who mn prove he go! there medicine I ever took. Useful Christmas Presents flrst gels hfs ns me In big red inters New Dress Goods at I am 44 years old and In history and pall* down the prollt- able lecture dates THE DELINEATOR the Change has not left Give your friends Presents that are useful—something that will always re­ Half-Price me, but I am lots better The second men to get there may since taking Cardui.” Imre worked as hard and may bnve extant, Patat- mind them of the giver. Narar Sleken,W. got a» cold, hot In the story of the ■old la bttlk. Th • event an well as at the country fair* $1.75 value ...... 874o Guaranteed to cu • Such gifts can be found in ADAIR’S FURNITURE. lie la m«eh like the vice president $1.50 value...... ,75c Sterling Ren when the big rftfef fat In town. ANNUAL SAL1 Here is a ra*e where there Isn’t $1.00 value...... 50c L ib rary glory enough io go armmrL What Is I h i left after the Brat man gets ihrouirl) 5 0 cv a lu e...... 25c ilisrtrblng alt hta wouldn’t wud a toy The Woman’s Tonic T a b le s dstnl. Finished in Gold- Cardui Is advertised and fteftrting the Blow. Suits, $15 to $25 sold by its loving friends. I t is a vi Oak or early En­ "If you don’t marry me X will kill The lady who advised Hoe one cr myself.” wrong ori glish. Beautiful "And yoti really kwe me to distrac­ r f m '' Mrs. Mirse to take Cardui, tion?’ New Skirts, and had herself been cured of reason wt fission , designs. "Of course I do ** /i'-m serious female trouble, by to be Card Cardui, so she knew what Oyer seventy Li­ "Then yon wilt make your will In r,i2 zv^v^c, t&WAtt uzw vork my favor before you fire the shot, New* Underwear Cardui would do. brary and Parlor Tables to select from. won’t yon? That's a dear.” If Cardui cured Mrs. BLac DAVENPORTS LINQLEUM-Great goods for Hall, Kitchen, Etc. Cain and Mrs. Mirse, it Library Tables, $ 7.00 u p Tw* of * KIn4 surely will cure you too* T horepi ".tons* fa eternally bragging about I yard to 4 yards wide at SOc to 60c a yard. Me mctEc In all finishes and Won’t you try it? digesifon s Parlor Tables, $ 1.25 u p III* boy.” « • ly establfcl “I>M you over ar* the kid?" Please do. oilier naOdl coverings, "Y«*, often," others, cr N O T I C E : — We krill Deliver and Prepay Freight on "Whnt !* he like?* Yorito live *$20.00 Up. any order of good*. When in the city visit ns. “A chip of the old block head,1** OIL CLOTH, 25c Up. Sale than s a Wise Man. “How vory careful fc* la of tils rep­ LACE CURTAIHS, COMFORTS-Laminated Down utation.” “Ite ought to tif.” • Comforts, excellent for the price. Xmas Suggestions "Why?' t(w ■* IF* m . AC "IteetHt-W It ta hand mg Jr, and not aAJWkAyvA# Warranted In any climete,1" $1X2% Music Cabinets...... *6.50 up Buffett ...... 117.00 np ‘Ar f. i, ■ E ftstored Rockers ...... $1,25 up Dining Tables,»,.«.$6.00 up Undk*tr*»Wf«. *7 w w n m "My friend la norocihlng of a prac­ HUTCHISON & GIBNEY ilgesllon tmt btoola...... ,$1,00 up China Closets,. . . . .$18.00 up tical joker," 99 feted from v "A bit of a wag. la he?* XKNIA. OHIO. preparatloa t Tabourettea...... 85e up Couches ...... $7.00 up "yes." decided to s "Please ten him Io wag on.” Kelts wero hi frufcr Table Special Smokmg Tables... .$1.50 up R u g s ...... ,$3.50 up FRXE In* two t i ~------——1 an 11.25 G'8 ... -11.75up Pictures, As Uaual. One pair Blended Invis­ tttreagth and Vacation f*»r* r ~ • ' : 1 — • ■ ■ ■ ■ Well” Horn [pi To auinmn k«m ible Bifocals, all one price tint Cbatck, o f f S 1»»hoS£ny.mI ^ Lftmps' * ...... '$1*50 up Mirrors, Are rspidu H«*. lining, no seam, no cement. ik V.'e'r* feeim* blue, Vlhol la Jauntier vfthiejMLV). bideboards...... ,$12.00 up Morris Chairs, Etc, l-’tfS1 nor « -on Meat is Healthy, To any one bringing or JWVpAfStlOVl < w Is m>tt' ojr jsw K*ns lining. eleMcnts of t Hi ...... % . The human system needs meat, not the tough, in- sending to our office three! « toatc Iton kv ♦•*¥#.! “ customers for glasses a- PS dige,stable kind which makes it a labor for the diges­ » k«ttty an "Itott did i mi find the fioh'. * mounting to $5.00 or more f t dixestiOii bb "T!si\v arm tmd ftorformofa ” tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, juicy we will present a pair of Ift this fthta p "Well, ftlmt did imt do almtit it?” Wtomitk fff he A D A IR ’S , Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, “Tried tmr l«*«r t« gho tbetn the kind which gives you muscle and nerve for daily Invisible Blended Bifocals worked wd htmk." duties* with frames. (Jail on or ad­ mUni cMldto .lr* eferoftle ceu' AetfdiMitlen. dress. Viaet Is t«u 22-24 N. Detroit Street, Xenia, 0. "Jinn’f yr

i S’ m m ***** Additional Locals.; Did You Get tmmugumtes the CnMtwf - glriUKfor Hyy* ami Girls? A Dividend?] X M A S S A L E Moser's Shop Store, Xenia, Ohio, In tk* Hlitmiy *f Dayton, Mi\ Mini 'I**, f', F. tv, itey gave Tins is file question nsaualiy ask jl n e * 1/ 3 .11% % i*suo»tt)nn, rtfmrdle* hat without a-rall and J.flnd that Caaoarrta rellev* North Detroit St., Xenia. -W e O ffe r a s Suggestions- wouldmore inin aa dayyear.” than all ■ ■ the other* I have ' taken ■■ 1 Jam-j* HcQvm*, MS JC#rc*r8t„ J*r*ejrCltr,l<. J. The attraction at the Fairbanks CUFF BUTTONS Rev. J, S. Stewart will give a Tiieatro Wednceday and Thursday DIAMONDS • SCARF PINS-BROOCHES. SILVERWARE B«M For lecture Sabbath evening at seven December 22nd and 23rd, w ill be When in doubt, give a Alway a make the most per* »> o’clock w the K, P. Church (O. S.) v ^ The Dowels ^ “Tho Third Degree” by Gbariea pair of Cuff Button*. They feet gift, especially if you Either filled or solid gold Our Assortment is large, On ‘‘The Present Conditions of Mis- Klein, author of “Tho Loin and the get fine grade Diamonds, handsome patterns, make No trouble to find what son Work in the Turkish Empire, House” The son of a member of an make a useful, lasting pres­ the need) the foreds at Work; the There is no jewelry or any- one of the nicest presents, you want in silver, bowcajwtoCANDY CATHARTIC old Knickerbocker set has married ent.' ■ opportunity. , a girl who by reoHon of her strength thing you buy you are so of character and natural mental WATCHES CUT GLASS LOCKETS Mayor Bond of Columbus issued force is as good as any lady in the completely at. the mercy of „Pl*a»»nt, Palaiable. Pot»nt,T*»te Good, Thj flood. orders sending the officers who con­ Mom SUkta, weaken or Gripe. Me, J5e, Mfr.Nenrer land baton account of her parent­ * A watch ia always a wel­ the jeweler's judgment and Our assortment is all se- All prices, styles and HMli hulk, The aenutae tablet atamped (1UO, ducted the big gambling raids last CnwoatM* to enre or your money hack. age, causes causes her husband to come gift. Wa have them, honesty. If you want qual­ lected from the best mak- quality, with or without fitvrlln* Rra*dy Co., ChlcatoorH.V, 99a P»tn* Altrioet in*taat)jr—J5f. which she herself is tho leader, only boast of the finest display in town. rafts wars most gratifying. After tak­ vaD-lMa wa*. Me M4 to learn several lAonths latter that W e save you money on Holiday ing two bottles l regained my her ruse has been in vain for the The prices are consistent with the •trsngih and am now feeling nmimialljr man lias found the weak, pleasure goods as well as on other goods. weH,” Henry Cunningham, Elder Bap­ 60 YEARS* quality as can be proven by com­ tist Church, Kingston, N. C. L KYptRlKNCfi loving girl and Induced her to bor­ Vlnol is not a patent medicine- -hut a row money from him, Pat at the parison. 5 preparation composed of the medicinal cost of tier own reputation and tmfam mm •tomtits of cods* livers, combined with sweetheart shmlrts Nora from1 the a topic Iron and wine. Vinol creates P atents consequences of her folly hut in a hearty appetite, tones tip the organs the end both are rcRioml to hor. q£ Agasi tovt ibsd makes rich, red blood, Alla ninnr Anyone less an artist than Miss, INI JfikMiJtJL# jfci#j C fit this aataral manner, Vinol creates ^ -fteiuiw* Bfahl might make of the character etrrasgth tot th» run-down, over- OOAYRMrHta____ _ . .. Ao. *»*£!* mmUnt * *nfi *««**♦»«« tw> of Pat a caricature but she endows rad «ad debilitated, and for dell* frwrltly MnmjiliT «*r nntnmn pmmhn h«r *n it with a womanliness that I* recog MUM eWltrsa and old people, for ttriaMf wffwilasliai. MiiBMl IMt rStffnl' Hmt1r**'***m nlzed a t once. la « « t H colds and bronehltii PhteyiM faNen *.. #£M*M Ne*n This month’s Butterich Patterns _ _ hi naexcetted. tpfri4l*¥to*n irttWMih ML such persons In this vicinity are nj tnrentfui. log ttw nerve* #«> are 10c and lSc—ntma higher. 4 to try Vinol on dnr offer to re* Sckfiti >ntr*i th* ci (ton ft* th* JW*r *«W1 ho** t M r *M**r If « W e to W* »r. M iter R e m fift* U ne Ym» rar TRY OUR JOB PR1NTIN If 4w**» # - Our Extensive THE mSTITUTE. make this store headquarters for your Holiday Goods IWednesday, 9:30 a. m, S H oliday Are now on display* Your choice of the following MUSIC. useful and serviceable Xmas gifts for men and boys: V f gkfw more Kew Clever Items for Gifts at Popular Prices than you have ever had to choose Hats Caps Shirts Invocation. frem, You are cordially invited to visit this Great Holiday Display. Collars Jewelry Neckwear S Suspenders M usic ...... WUberforc* Quartette GIFT FURS Silver Toilet Articles Hosiery Sweaters Handsome Toilet Sets, Mirror, Comb and Brush, boxed Bath Kobes Smoking Coats Chii&sen’s Far Bets, Muffs and Scarfs...... |8.7« to $6.75 Cardigan Jackets “Com Raising" 8«*rfs ...... * ...... *1.50 to $20.00 a t...... *«.oo Underwear Leggins Fur Gloves ...... Solomon Johnson, Stryker, O. Wmttsa’s Muffs...... *1.05 to $20.00 Silver Toilet pieces, to matoh a t per piece.,..,..;...... 25e Dress Gloves Umbrellas S Wartaa's Fur Hats...... $5.00 Men's M ilitary Sets, sliver ...... $8.50 and $5 Gauntlet Gloves m m SILK PETTICOATS, Jewel Boxes, silver ...... *0o Pocket! i y ok,: Collar Bags Hanhkerchiefs d is c u s s io n : For blaok ...... -...... ^ BUver H at Brushes...... ,$8.00 H at Pin Holders...... Mufflers Silk and Ways Fancy Vests Boxed Hosiery for Gifts Suit Oases Muffllets Trunks and Valises “Ily Experience with Farm Me- X sn'i Silk Lisle Hose 4 colors, assorted to the box ...... $1.00 Fancy Ribbons for Gifts S Fancy Hose, 4 pair, assorted patterns and colors 100 pieces assorted Fancy Ribbons, In widths ^ te 6 inches 0. W. Burlingame, Sharon, Ohio. ft box...... :...... - ...... $1.00 Wide, light and dark colorings, priced at about half the 'Weftrem** Silk Lisle Hoss, & pair to a box $1.00 real values Weneen’a Fine embroidered Bilk Lisle hose 2 pair ...... $1,00 Visit Our Store Before MUSIC. Women's Pure Silk Hose, Plain, ...... $1.00, $1.50, $2,00 S Wom*u’« Pure silk Embroidered Silk Hose 25c 39c 50c $2.00, $2i50 and $3.00 Narrow Holiday Ribbons, per bolt, IQ yards.. ..lQo Buying Elsewhere; DISCUSSION. Plain white Taffeta Ribbons for Hair Bows, Brass Novelties for Gifts* Hammered Brass Trays round and o ?al shapes...... 25o 10c 15c 20c W ednesday, / p. m. Brass Singer Bowls,, ...... «5o S Brass Ferneries fi.r® to...... $5.00 Handkerchiefs for Gifts. ....Z...... $2.00 MTISfC. Brass Smoker Sets..,, Women's French Hand Embroidered, very new and hand­ Sullivan, The Hatter, Bras* Nut Bowls $1.25 to...... $1.75 some, 25c and, ...... boo Era** Card Trays...... B0c Women’s Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c, 16c, 25o, 50o, 76o 21S, Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. Cqk Glass Nappies, $1.00 to ..... $1.85 an d ...... :...... !...... $1,00 'Analysis and Application of Com­ Women’s Initial Handkerchiefs 15c and..., ...... ,25o S (jpNMass ia Bowls ...... $2.75 Men's Initial Handkerchiefs. I2^c, lBo and,.., ...... 25c mercial FertUizere”.,...... —...... Cub Glass Tumblers ...... $1,00 Children's boxed Handkerchiefs 8 to a box ...... -..10c ...... :. S. W. Burlingame* Out Glass Celery Dishes ...... $8.00 Boxed Neckwear 7 Boxed Waist Patterns for Gifts Mallne Bows, Embroidered Stocks, Lace Collars, Tailored “Symptom* and Pretention of Tn Fine New Whito Goods In W aist Lengths, plain and figuied Stocks, 25c and ...... :..,;.60c ■ berculoslB” ...... i goods, boxed and tied with Holiday ribbons ___ V. E. Michael, Clifton, Ohio. Holiday Stickers and Tags CHAS.A.GUMFS 69c 75c 89c Endless selection, for Dennison’s per package ...... 10c Plaid Silk Waist Patterns, boxed in Holiday i j* i\ MEN’S and WOMEN’S BATH ROBES MUSIC. boxes, a t FOR GIFTS S Made up from handsome Bath Robe Blankets, in large se­ Women’s Silk Scarfs lection of patterns and oolora ...... ,..$3.50, $5-00 $5.95 ..RUBBER HOUSE., “Twenty Years with Oats, Large sizes, Silk Hemstitched. all the New Colorings ....,.50o Bath Robe Blankets, to he made up ...... ,.$1,50 Solomon Johnson. Women's Handsome Figured Silk Scarfs, choicest coIorB..SWc Women’s Dressing Savques and Kimonas ... ,.„.50o, $1,00, $1,60 31-33 East Second street, Dayton, Ohio. S When you want first-class Rubber Goods, give us. a cell. Thursday, 9:30 a. m. The majority of our Rubber Goods are made to our order, and are Invocation. . of better quality than you can f nd elsewhere. Jobe Brothers & Co., Hoi Water Bags, Fountain Syringes, Bulbs, Abdominal Supporters, Appendicitis Belts, Uterine Supporters, Trusses, MUSIC. s Crutches, Tubing, Crutch Tips, Jockey Strops, Hard Rubber XENIA, O. Syringes, Bubber Gloves, Rubber Mittens, Atomisers, Elastic “Tile Drainage'* ...... i...... Stockings, Knee Caps, Leggins and Anklets, Ankle Supporters, I ... „ ...... ' ...... Solomon Johnson. Bedside Tables, Back Bests, Invalid Beds, Bolling Wheel Chairs,' Commodes, Bed Bans, Urinals, Invalid Rings, Air Cushions, “Farm Management" Water and Air Beds, Pillows, Sanitary Covers, Nursery Sheet Wm, M. Cook, Experimental Sta­ ing, Rubber Bust Caps, Oolen and Rectal Tubes, Ice and Bath tion. Wooster, Ohio. Caps, Rubber Aprons, Rubber Bands and Sleeves, Ladies’ Syringes, Fmgef Cots, Folding Bath Tubs, Areh Instep Super- MUsro. tors, Telephone Receiver Cushions, Etc. L. & n. HYMAN m * M 8 , PLATES* and «dl kinds of Photo “ geo** Things I Saw a t th« Lstor* iT s m m to m d t b ia t y q v " * 'la v t Tvmkl^Has# Ball and Gymnasiam Outfits. aatlsatl",.....,^.,...... -...... W. A. MeDorman, Selma, Ohio. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packings,'Waste, Soresw ‘Wit*, HAVE PREPARED Laos leathers, Hose and Hill Supplies, BUBBER HEELS, BEST HADE. “How We Grow Cloves and Why*' Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Poles, Reels, Rets, Campiag ...... :.„..0* W. Burlingame. Beds. Snag Proof and Gold Seat Bubber Boots and Overshoes A Grand Christmas Sale outwear anyother make, RUBBER and OIL CLOTHING. Thursday, / p, m. Offering Rare Opportunities for Economical Buyers. MUSIC. “Mixed Farming"...... Tremendous price reductions in fine, latent models. Ladies’ and Solomon Johnson, Misses* Tailored Suits and Coats* Do Your Christmas “Economical Dork Production" ... . — ------11 1 1 - ..... -...- ■--- ...... -| - ' ...... Buying Here. **»**«M»f*h ...... William M. Cook. Special low prices in Ladies Fine Furs. Question Bex...... J, H . Stormont. Deep Cuts in high gradeLadies’ Skirts and Waists. Tin? most for the money is characteric o£ the "Anderton" store, Wether you purchase “How We Make Poultry Pay" ... . dr not we are pleased to have you come in ...... —...8. W. Burlingame. Great mark down in the very beet Men’s and Soys’ Suits and examine our stock, We carry the beat Overcoats and Cravanettes. A saving of 50per cent in Men’s makes in both Filled and Solid Gold Wat* MUSIC. cilesT including Waltham, Elgin, Hamilton, and Boys fine Trousers. etc, Complete line d£ silver bags. muswitl* Paine fttfsto* *7 «0s- * as. mbs* w taw sc •«* LEGAL NOTICE. For Holiday Gifts Ji Pew Suggestions Serena Wilson, Plaintiff, D:ann*atls Lavaliers vs. Come and look at our handsome display of Ladles’ andMisses’ Rings Fobs James Wilson,. Defendant. Men’s and Boys’ Sweater Coats, Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Caps, Watches Emblem Charms No. 18874 In Common Pleas Court, Suspenders, Mufflers, Ladies and Men’s Heckwear Men’s Fine Bracelets Military Brushes Grssue County, Ohio. > Lockets Toilet Sets Dress Shirts, Men’s, Boys’ and Ladies Gloves Brodies Silverware James Wilson, residence unknown will take notice that on ihe 4th day and Handkerchiefs. You will not be im* of December, 1900, Serena Wilson portuned to buy, filed In said court her petition ANDERTON 6 SON, against him for divorce upon ths 1.3 Jf. Mam S t Dayton, Ohio. grounds of gross neglsot of duty Any article purchased in this store, not mtm and fraudulent contrast, and that satisfactory, cheerfully exchanged or 7 the same will be lor. hearing at the Court House, Xenia, Ohio on Jan­ Money refunded. uary 15, 1810, er as soon thereafter ae the same can be heard, by which time defendant must answer or de­ In Planning to Purchase Christmas Presents mur or judgment will he taken The Best Place in Greene against him. Do not overlook the fact that it is important to purchase art id (Signed) Serena Wilson, ENTERING GIFT. The name TiJFMMVon the county to Do Your jewelry boxes signifies quality. You should aoo our lino of ohil* dron’o high out ohooa. Blank, There is nothing as nice for Christmas as something Brown nod Rod toon $2.00, Shopping. *2.60, *3.00 and *3,50. COPVRICHT in the way of Jew.elry-^a diamond, a watch, spoons, Koyos and Nosbltt, •MWKMMyc« a dock, silverware, cut glass and the almost endless North Dotrott, S t. Xenia, variety of attractions found in a first-class jewelry grata or Onto, Cm or roivae,i M store. This store has the Largest Stock to select from liCcas Cooatx j m Railroad fare paid to Customers buying $to.oo EmS#* J. CaaNSt w*)ms oath that ht in in its history. Every t-lieng up-to-date. Many novelties MMkie psrtnsr el U» Aria otP. J. Cm*** M On, S«<»« tasiasMio the city of TOtsdc, ■worth or over. to enlist your Attention. Avoid the rush incident to •omiV* saaetstfs sfortoH, Hat eti4 the last days before Christmas. Come now and make ffina vflll f*r th« *«»* Olf* HT1KBRXD DOLLAR* lor seek mtsty mm of OskMrk your selection. Take advantage of two important S cannot be satod by lb* tun oi BstV* iesM CSSS, rt.k%% $. URKAKY, d things- Ample Time and a complete stock. Sworn to bsfotome and subscribed in my i ursiswc*. tbto(hhd«y ofDsoetabsr, A, It* This is the place for Real Bargains. Engraving Free, Hii, A. W. OMCASOtt, L. © M. MYMAN, The Tiffany Jewelry Store, | smmi | Kotsry Public jfsU’s Oebwtb rars k taken infernally SV E r. Mate etrait, LftSlftft* sa d Milk** (h ttiittk ti, Xvato. Ohio South Detroit S t, XENIA, 0. «»i sets Baeetiy oti «»* Wood and b»*em*» IH W B P Iw vMr 1WPP P flw W e m i aPeW *mtm L Hija'iufifiMtii ihAMleti IrU* ■*4 1 V ,


A m l.l I M # H CALF CtSf yMkktkbkMkkMiJkii&k Silt ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT r 0 r 0 THE FRANKLIN SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- IS SETTLED. When You Want the Beat to Xmas v O WJS V0 SOCIATION OF DAYTON, 0. The famous Jacks*® county calf ORGANIZED JVLY 1878. gas* has been settled by the high­ est court in tbs stats after four FOOTWEAR FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 1st, *909. ysars of litigattea between Samuel Williams and Jams* Plummer, The ASSETS. ^ ■ LIABILITIES. case grew eut of a dispute as to th« - - b u y o f — Cash on hand .... , ...... $ Ji$,81844 ownership ot the sail and originated Mortgage Loan* .... 631,744.36 Stock and Dividends thereon...... $418,604.41 In Squire William 8e«Jflock’s court Loans on other Security...... 17,600,00 Deposits and Accrued Interest ...... 279,784.89 in Bloomfield Towasbip. Williams Real Estate.,.,...... 31860.00 Reserve Funds...... 80,671,78 gained the verdkri. Plummer ap­ Total...... -...... $7$8,91Q.48 Total ...... ,,,.,$738,910,48 peal sd to the Cemman Pleas Court November 7 1806 and at the hearing NISLEY, in April 1907 Williams again gained We wish to call the public's attention to the following points of particular interest: The fixture account ha* been entirely charged off. the verdict. £ motion fer a new trial was orsrra$o|( and the csss The uncollected earnings on October 1st, 1909, amounted to the small sum of $5,61. was carried to the Circuit Court on Springfield’s Largest and Best Shoe House. The surplus funds, which protect our patrons from loss, now amount to $80,671.88, an increase of $8,000 error. The Circuit Court sustained during a year ot depression, the interest ou which alone would pay the average annual losses sustained during the lower court and the ease was the last thirty ygars, and several times over. then appealed to the Supreme Court Savings books issued and occounts opened with new members without initiation or other fees. where the lower courts wore also Certificates of paid-up stock and deposit issued with interest and dividends from date, sustained. Thus Williams is declar­ e Per cent Interest paid endsposlts, ed the owner of the calf which is The usual 6 per cent dividend was declared on all stock October 1st, 1009, * , now a five year eld steer. The value fnterest pald on temporary deposits, a t the beginning of litigation was something like $61 but to-day he is a INCREASE IN ASSETS LAST YEAR $70,000.00 costly peioe of beef as the costs in the Jackson County Court are new F R I E D ’ S .We transact,* large portion of our business by mail, and solicit your correspondence, should you find it about $350 besides She expense of more convenient than a personal visit to our office. Office open daily from 8 a. m. to 5*pl m. taking the ease to Supreme Court SPRINGFIELD. which sum with thf attorney fee mhS“ p w ^Franklin Savings and Loan Association,c wiUJikclyreach $#Q0or more. V HIGH QUALITY*-CONSISTE,NT PRICES WE NEVER. MISREPRESENT —Office on the Second floor of the Kuhns Building, N. W. Comer of Maid and Fourth Streets. With too many jewelry houses the term “duality” is used merely as an excuse for high prices. For Four Here, prices are lowest, quality considered. One can always assured that any article pur­ chased m this store is the best that can be secured for the money. The time for gift giving is drawing near and undoubtedly there are many presents on your list Score Yean. that remain to hehought. No matter for whom the gift is intended, you can easily select It from our magnificent line. * {! ] r VUWUW.VWVVVVV*VWAAAM WUV^ VVVVWV.WVWWIiVyV'.WkV. -M.. .. J 1 Elsewhere in theae columns will* Largest and Handsomest Selection of Our Showing of Small Artlola* which ba fountl the advertinment • of on© of Watches in the City, make Excellent Remembrances, was Nev­ the oldest jewelry house* in this Ladies’ Watches, open face, movements guar­ er Moro Extensive, section of the state H. Best A Son anteed ...... $10,00 and up 8* N, Main St, Dayton O. Ladies’ Watches, iiuuting case, fin© 7»jeweled Gold Filled Lockets ...... $1.00 and up The origin of- thhi firm extends movements...... $11.60 ' Solid Gold Lookstfl ,,,...$3.75 and up back to the year lid© and until the HIGHER GRADE MOVEMENTS. Gold Filled Neck Chains >M*+**>*1* ]«***»»■ $1.00 and np present day the doors of this long Gentlemen’s Watches, open face,- gold filled ARCADE JEWELRY STORE established house has been open cases with fine 7-jeweled movements.,,....$8.76 Solid Gold Neck Chains...... $2.76 and up to the public where honesty and Gold filled hunting cases., ...... $12.60 Gold Filled Watch Fobs.....,.,...... ,..$1.60 and up. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers, fair dealing have attributed to the Gold filled hunting cases with 16-jewCled firm’s suoces* for four score year#. movements :...... —....$16.00 Silver Tie Clasps...... 76* and Up Springfield, Ohio, . Higher grades $17.00 and up. Gold,Filled Tie Clasps...... $1.00 esoh Makeyour Christmas purchases here and you select from the largest and finest Jewelry stock in Central Ohio. What you find here is the newest—the best and Clem linkhart Special-Inexpensive Christmas Gifts in Fine Plated Silverware- prices so low, competitors prices by comparison seem exorbitant. . Everything Fickle Fork, each.., ...... '.,.,B0o Teaspoons, set of six ...... —.... $1.00 is here for Christmas, ready for your approval. Come early and get your choice For Bailiff. Cold Heat Fork, each ----- 75r, Dessert ©peons, set of six,../...... ,,.$1.60 of our great line of Gravy er Cream Ladle, each..,;...... 75e Table Spoons, set of six...,,...... ,,,.,$2.00 Watches Cat (fits* Solid Silver Ware Judge Charles Kyi* Isas appiont- Berry Spoons, each .,...,#1.00 Oyster Forks, set of six., ...... $1.60 Sugar Spoon and Butter knife set. ..#1,00 Baby Spoons, each,...... , ...... 35c Diamonds Clocks, Silver Plated Ware ed Clem W. Linkharl as court bail iff to succeed the iatojlT. C. Beal, Wa guarantee All'tlia Plated Silverware, and we uphold all that our guarantee implies. M Jewelry Hand PaintedCbutt Umbrellas The new appoint ie has been sheriff* Bohemian Glass Electroliers Opera Glasses. deputy sheriff and janitor and is •W Fried’s Jewelery Store, ' Chafing Dishes Coffee Percolator* Spectacle# theurogbly posted m thf duties of 8-8 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. bail*#. We refund round trip carfares to all points within 40 miles ®f Springfield on purchases ef$l* er ever, 0 nndsr the ph^lif The Herehauts’ Asseciatton, Mr, Timothy Haleyw.%i^s wjfi» have been visfcttng heto, ' ■ W iid te for All XT. BLaley owns abeu* 600 asrttft «# sugar plantation near Franklin, La. We are Watch Inspector for th© Big Four Hallway and he states that 175 acres ot cans company, B. T. & I. Railway company, Ohio Trao* made twenty ton to the acre and brought about $4.50 a ton, tion lines and S. & X Traction company, We sett i M• >7.: and repair more high-grade watches in one month than y % r ’t v ’ tf long wear influence* you in r’j the combined Jewelry Stores of Springfield do In efts the purchase of Beys* seftooi shoes, you will buy the Amer­ year* Our enormous purchasing power enables us to ican Boy at Key#* end Nfebett’e, save you 20 per cent* on watches, imd we show you North Detroit St,, Xenfu. "EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN” the largest assortment. * Id —Bibles, all sites, kodak albums, card albums, engraved cards, -AT- smoker sets, shaving sets, comb LADIES* WATCHES. and brush sets, fountain pens, cal­ endars, framed pictures, all sixes 14K gold filled vratch—gvaran- West’s Book Store, Xenia. For Ladies gold fllledwatch-guar- $16.75 toed 26 years. E lgin or W at- $5.95anteed 10 yearn, Americanmerican neven «e than]i moVemmovement. Worth $20.00. jeweled- stem-wind movement. Worth. $8, jj»n 14KL gold filled watch—guaran- ts Ladiee* open face, gold filled watch $19i D U teed for 25 years. E lg in or W al­ guaranteed 20 year*. Worth $9,50 than]tham movement.x Worth $25,00. ’s $7.75 ic i ft c Tiadies’ 14K. solid gold watch. WREN’S f gold filled watch-— 1 7 t 7t) Elgin or Waltham movement, $ 1 1 . 9 0 f ^ . n t * . d W* y*»r«. Elgin orth $80.00. or Waltham aeven jeweled movement. * Worth I1S.00. <’ (h i/ ) f a Ladies’ 14K solid gold vratch. AV i f t f i Ladle*’ 14K gold filled w atch - $^LW el)U Llgfn or Waltham movement, 1 4#U U guaranteed 25 years. Hampden worth $30.00, WA movement. Worth $16.50, Gents’ I4k solid gold watch—$3 2 .6 0 to $100 Great ^ C * ✓ >*i Tbelargestand finest stock of Diamonds ever shown in Central « Q lo b ^ BO DIAMONDS Ohio. We have a few specials to which w# wish to call your attention. Christmas Store $10.00 Diamond Ring; special Christ­ $35.00 Diamond Ring, special Christ* inas price ...... $ 8 .9 6 - mas price., ...... $31.45 $15.00 Diamond Ring, special Christ­ $50.00 Diamond Ring, special Christ­ B 0 K - C & S E mas price ...... $18,25 mas price ...... ,...... $ 4 4 .2 0 Springfield, Ohio. $30.00 Diamond Rings,special Christ­ $75.00 Diamond Ring, special Christ­ m as...... $17.95 mas price ...... $ 6 7 .5 0 $25.00 Diamond Sing, special Christ­ $100.00 Diamond Ring, special Christ­ mas price ...... $ 2 2 .4 6 mas price ...... $ 8 9 .8 5 Diamonds, Rings, Studs, Ear Drops, Brooches, Etc ...... $ 5 .0 0 to $1000.00 Everything for the Home Alt vales made in our private diamond room. ro*

A Few Specials You Cannot Afford to Mi##, X * H A S j 10a Each solid .Silver Thimbles worth 26d. o©c per set Rogers Silver Tea Spoons worth Everything to Wear $1.60. Each Rogers Silver Sugar Spoons worth W i t t . - #0C. . * $1.93 per set, Rogers Silver Table Spoons, 1 8 o Each Rogers Silver Batter knives worth worth $3.00. 1.49 per set Rogers Silver Knives worth $3 “r f 1- Everything to Eat. 400 1,49 per set Rogers Silver Forks, worth $*, $9 * E*eh Rogers Silver Cream Ladies’ worth *700 nickel alarm Clocks guaranteed worth $1 40C. 4 ©o solid gold Baby Rings, worth 7

HOFMAN’S ARCADE JEWELRY STORE, CALL’ . . BPRINGFIELD, OHIO, oa Fnder the plan of The Merchants* Association we refund round trip carfsres to all point* within 40 mile* of W firnt f n * 1 Springfield on purchases of $15 or over,

aAAAftfwwwvwvww wwwwuv^ftiVwwvy|yvivvvwvvvtfVM

¥2 WEST**'# BANKER SLAM efCTUOl MAKES ,B*4y ia Found Wan H«*d Crushed, Packet* Emptied, GRACEFUL EXIT Han An&ntis, To1?. Hoc. 17, •'•'•Mike Bay Men’s Gifts ML-ughti, a urilhoi ai:v banker of t ' Tksaska'iii; was found murdered and rt'iiSu d in to v toilet room ct tho i-foufom, Pa* I Go to i rP, On the per- Um Reids H i M t l i i g oil p:r. were found bank hooks showing that he had laii?o dr j.osita with banks At the Store Where Watt and Resigns, in ; Texarkana, Guerdon, Ark„ and 0 ._____i___ , Memphis, T. mi-, and a letter from Jacksonville relative to property owned there. PXM Quality is the Master COnSRESSC'J.GKTO ACQUIESCE M<'ssMt was found unror.SfiouK, with his skull fractured at the back of the head and on the left side, and P*opl* i t Mans- ua Give Vent tp near tho body was found an iron bar P o w e r...... Their Feelings to Riotous Outburst about 14 inches long, covered with 1 it cd. All ef his pockets were turned of Enthusiasm ™» Several Citigsn* p: J to out, and with tho exception of Have Eye or* Vacant Position, a Id lijl found folded up in his vest Which Will B i riilrJ by Atsemi fy. pocket, there wap no money nor Jaw* This Store’s Name on Preeider.t FlaUnci* 3am ho? dry left. Randan^ Hn Jc!> Untenable. Four Accused of Train Robbery, Mr.rrvia. Tic.;, 3,7.-Itoplirifig that New York, Dec. 17.—Four men hi* rower was mririy waning and were taken to the Yorkvllle police Merchandise that many of Is; fo'-'mor adherents court in connection with freight train robberies which entailed an estimat­ w*r* only awaifl, ^ ntornnwrin oprur- ed loss of |4d,000 worth of goOfis In tunity to turn and rcnl iilni, Fr;\ji- transit. Tho robberies have been go­ dent ZtLiya Ii«& restor'd ing on for more than a year and near­ Adds to the Goodness lh e u ecat defeat of government ly every time the thieve* escaped, Thdr mode of working was to board troop* by the revolutionists gave a. freight train, and by a rope ladder backbone to tbe wavcrew, and prac t 1 let themselves down from the roof tlcally the whole population of the of a ear to a door while the train of the Gift capital, with the dread of Zdaya’a vengeance removed, aaaqmed a too m f VELVO LIVER SYRUP m m mmmmmmmrnmmmmmm mm

tu eivfeSlot hflusc, t UfTLE fits,:,,/,5t " ; tpft « He #s ta Until.* Wu«aI e fwaksng dam. [ tjkwtt Gfrvev 'QA G*1 ta# bJctitha cf D;,fccs, m ...... kitr.i tho jeta i.v” and nffiu, tihnn-lp - - 1 «r . Tasmiiv, < 1 T iv 't:c ..1, (\v, n ;i ovrprif 1 fruit, Htreh o nf I’d. hV-,1 uI iqs will i Ti.o pn: -<‘r*hs~ pun! not m [ you do tritli it u nr« fhnu fpjrto fn’l at \ho * 1 —d h yon to otc-0 if i ■iwasJ* . it’s two or R-BothiE’. Tko jam fhtx.lil In a!«uv;r.l fa Ink qukulv the wh* le tkrn; otherwiko it Mamma—-Yost hnr,c a lad cold, wilt ?-? a kt4 m3o?. . Johnny, III wrap your threat rjrh THE FASTEST GROWING STORE IN OHIO. For many months wtVe When, fits jam koafe'i to got tle- I flannel and give jnu t ome cough v rkkdiy lr.-a uwl to change color * sirnp. y-C been preparing for this colos­ iKHir a little on to a plan.* tun] let Johnny—IVouiduk flannel cake?, i sal Christmas fur sale, Tri­ it p t cold. II it then forms a jolly ai.d manic sirup be h"ti*T, mamma? f Our Annual Christmas Sale of Suits' it v. -lane. bute has been laid on the A copper prererving pun ia heat, IJttle Margie—Wharh a cannon whole fur realm and the re­ but failing that, a cast iron c-nam- cracker, Tommy ? , :*!cd i;tcv.vpaii does excellently. Tin Little Tommy—A cannon crack­ Coats and Furs sult i s . b y . far the moBt he- pans ohoittd lie avoided, as they npoil er, on;, is one that don’t go off till a fellow crania back to sea shot’s the M m * wilderinglv beautiful display the color of the jam. If you wish to keep the fruit 1 matter with it. ’ f~,,.sXi if, 'A . For Women, Misses' and Children* this section of Ohio has ever whole boil the sugar and water first Mamma — Would you like some seen. Tho richest and rarest to a eirup and then put it in the sugar on your sliced bananas, dear? : fruit. * Small Joe—Xo, mamma. *They of furs as well as the popular BEGINS SATURDAY MORNING AND WILL CONTINUE Coffee deity. are m sweet I guess God must have and well known kinds are To one quart of coffee (as pre­ sugared ’em when he made ’em. here in endless profusion. pared for the table) one-half bos of Little Elsie tin berth of sleeping UNTIL CHRISTMAS. gelatin. Hoak the gelatin in two- car)—Mamma, I want to go to bed. thirds of a cup of cold water'for Mamma—Why, you are in bed, one-half hour or lo gcr, .then set dear. The pride of this 58-year- the eup in hot water until tho gela-: Little Elsie—No, I’m not, mam­ tin is thoroughly dissolved. Add old fur. store is not more in ma; I ’m on a big shelf.—Chicago It goes without saying that the values to he offered will be an e-half cup of sugar to the quart News, the vastness of variety than of hot coffee and stir in the melted • ■ j , C? the m^st wonderful in the history of retailing in Springfield. gelatin and a little vanilla before Overlook* No Opportunity. in the littleness fo prices. To the whole thickens. Set in a cool “One thing I like about Miss Thousands and thousands of garments will he sacrificed and place to mold and serve with cream Witcherleigh is that she has the the celebrated “Wooltex” Coats and Suits will be included* It buy here means not only to and sugar. ______sense of humor. A man. never has - will be the most importand sale ever held in this section and be safeguarded by the To Restore Oilcloth. to tell u joke twice to get her to 1 laugh at it.” all who can possibly attend should do so.fl “BANCROFT” guarantee of When oilcloth begins to lose its “Eb; she can exhibit, one of the shiny surface it can be improved in satisfaction in wear but also prettiest dimples in the world when appearance,and made to last much she smiles.”—Chicago Record-Her­ to be certain that the price longer by being . varnished with ald. glue. Wash the oilcloth thorough­ ' - “ *V*" . . . . Jf’, , you pay is less. ly and let it dry, -At night, when ’ Comfort Ire That. the traffic of the day is done, go Jimmy — Ain’t yev vaccination $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 over it, with a piece of flannel dip­ healed up yet ? ped in glue water. Choose a nice For Women’s $nd For Women’s and For Women’s and For instance, no other Tommy—Xaw! - dry day for this, and then the glue Jimmy—Gee! Don’t ifcmake yer ; Misses’ Suits. Misses’ ■■■■ ■ ■ ... m to $50.00 aney One quart of yellow corn makes li a Sable Coney muff and scarf foiir quarts after cooking. To each Hi* Will. jades quart use two heaping tablespoon- or a brown Marten Euls of saleratus. Boil in cold wa­ WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ COATS. CHILDREN’S COATS, Age ! to 6years ter to cover until hulls are loose- muff and scarf for $£.95; atwo or three hours—rinse in several $8,50 Coats now reduced to ...... $4.90 $2.50 Cloth and Bearskin reduced to...... : $1.85 Moire Russian Pony fur waters and rub between the hands $10.00 Coats, reduced to. ,...... $5.75 $3.90 Cloth and Bearskin coats reduced to,$2.65 to or with a brush to remove hulls. coat, 50-inches long for $50; aPut on the stove in cold water, boil $15.00 Gouts, reduced t o ...... ___ $9.50 $6.50 Cloth, Crushed Rush coats, now...... $4.45 50 inch$ Sable Coney coat and rinse until clear. Then bop $19,00 Costs, reduced to...... $12.50 $8.50 Caracul coats, reduced t o , »$6.90 again until the corn is soft. This- $25.00Coats, reduced to...... ___ h ...,$15.00 for $35; black or brown Con­ will take several hoxirs. INFANTS?’ COATS, Ago t fo 4-years. $35.00 Goats, reduced to...... $19.50 In Cas8inmre& and Bedfords, long or short, specially priced ey muff for 98 cents an Isa­ Improving Banana*, a t 88c. *L50, $1.98, 42,35 and up to $7.50 beautifully mads and $45 00 Goats, reduced t o. ,...... $ 2 3 .7 5 trimmed. bella Fox pillow muff and , Bananas, bought by the bunch for We family use, may be groutly improved shawl collar, 8 inches deep in flavor ii hung with tbc larger; end of the stalk upward, so that the OUR ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR IS DEVOTED TO THF. SHOWING OF TOYS, DOLLS, and SO inches long, for $10 little sap left may flow down and ngs at©.,, etc. nourish the fruit. Booop outs the; n STATUARY AND BRIC-A-BRAC. l&itpta. the hung® end to the/Hs*fcb J . ' ■•*.• ■ .. ; . s ; ... • ' ’j : ■ -t- ^ of two or three inches, hi* Nothing has been left undone to make it the grandest showing ever assembled in Springfield. Rich, glit­ filled with water, as you ^ "b i­ ker- «? pSUto “There’s nothing in fur too ter your plants. Thus fedTfit ’ba­ tering cut glass, Russian Brush braes, Novelties in Sterling Silver, Toilet Articles and otherwise, are shown nanas. willJbe much improved. here in profusion and those in search of Christmas Novelties should visit THF HOME STORE in Springfield. cheap for us to handle, if it’s Winkle—So old Glumpit’s dead. durable—nothing too high if To Rid a Rag of Moth*. There was a man with a strong will. First have the rug beaten well Smith—Hah! His heirs didn’t In the General Dry G ckk Ii line all know we excell both in quality of merchandise offered and in lowness of price. it’s worth the price.” from the wrong side. "When no dust have much difficulty in breaking it. remains spread it to full size in a —Philadelphia Press. There’s Handkerchiefs galore for everyone; Gloves for Men, Women and Children; Table and Art Lin­ disused room and drench it with ens, second to none in the state;there’s Hosiery, Underwear for all—and the very best; there’s Scarfs, Wo- gasoline. Boll it tip wrong side out, Tho OiWauliy. men’s Neckwear, Leather Goods, Silks, Dress Goods, Fascinators Sweaters, Children’s Caps and Infants’ We pay your full round to retain the strength of the gaso­ “J suppose it Was hard work to trip carfare under the plan of line, and close the room for two follow my argument,” said the law­ Ready-to-wear Dresses; There’s Blankets, Comforts, Couch Covers, Lace Curtains, Children’s Buggy'Robes, days. Open in broad daylight, un­ yer,' ‘ Bath Robe Blankets, Bath Robes Ready-to-wear and Men’s Furnishings. The Merchants’ Association, “Xo,” answered the judge; “it roll and ajr your rug and return it- It is a great Christmas showing and all should attend our annual Christmas sale beginning SATURDAY on purchases of $15 or more. to its usual .place. There will be no was easy to follow it, but it was dif­ moths left alive in it. ficult to keep awoke until the des­ MORNING, tination was reached.”—Baltimore Tan and Freckto*. Xcws. ■ . , A lotion of one part good Jamai­ ca rum to- two part3 lemon juice and He Made Good. a little glycerin is one recipe for re­ “Give me plenty of rope,” said moving freckles. Another one, the poor but honest youth, “and I’ll which is prepared easily, requires get there.” one ounce of alum, one ounce of And he did.. lemon juice and one pint of T03C- Ten years .later he had acquired a J f water. Rosewater and lemon juice fortune from the manufacture of are excellent for removing tan; one campaign cigars.—American Spec­ l2-i4-l6'i8:20-22 and 24 West Main Street, Springfield, Ohio* spoonful of lemon juice in a half tator. pint of rosewater. Members of Merchants’ Association. W e pay round trip carfares on all purchases of$15 or over. Arid He Lott Out, KertJ**ne For Gleaning, It had Lien all over between When T.a'diing woodwork if kero­ them for nearly thirty-seven sec­ An Effective Treatment, onds. IMH A t thn LstWflf4 of a patient who sene is put in the water instead of soap fly specks and grease will cornu “Well,” he queried, h’why don’t w‘af; a noted humorist live doctors off quicker and easier. A good you give hack the ring?” wore ia consultation as to tho best qualitv of kerosene cleans windows “Oh,"’ she answered, *T shall rc- means of producing a perspiration. and mirrors best, but a poor quality tam ^ 2™* to beep my band m. H u m o r a n d Tho sick man overheard tho dis- or oil with dregs in it leave:; the sbnas--« cuirion, and, after listening for a PirenSal Consideration. P h ilo so p h y fee* of glaw streaked. Soap must not be few moment?, ha turned his head used with kerosene for glass. “Bliggino says he values his opin­ toward the group and whispered, ions because they are the children %r BV/tCAft M. SfftTtt ? ivith a dry chuckle: , Plata To Te*t Coffee. of his brain.” “Jm t f end in your hills, gentle- Adulteration in coffee may ha de­ “Well, in that case he should real­ PERT PARAGRAPHS. Domes Galore! wen. That w?U bring it on at tected by adding to a tumblerful of ize the impropriety of trying to get mee.”—Lathe:;’ Home Journal, everybody he meets to adopt them.” taffets cold water come of the ground cof­ rnjlB man wt«* lm*» timr* for philoso­ —Washington Htar. phy has no tl«m t« borrow troui.St*. an-JIes; While charity may bo aweef in tht fee. Genuine coffee will iloat and For the approaching Holidays wo havo replenished our slock with a lino of Dining-ttcem not give a distinct color to the wa­ giving, It Is undoubtedly bitter enough Result of Wealth. Th# best nay to pimtoh your one- j Domes and Sliowot Lights tliat for beauty and neatness of construction and Workmanship In the receiving. ter for several minute:;, but chicory, aro unexcelled—a Christmas gift tha,*.-is a, lasting tribute and decoration to tbs bun*. W* a«a of cereals and other adulterants will “How lean and lanky that Mien Kifci to to have * tlnitr. Whdleigh is, isn’t sho?” suggest a portable lamp tor your library or parlor table to soften the light when reading. flrr.wic4 A good way to get what you want to settle at the bottom, leaving brown *3>M. “You shouldn’t ray that.” I’ttue killing t o siirh an absorbing Such lamps may bo found hero in many vanef,ie« for either gas or electricity, at a reduc­ to stop wanting It, trailo of color ao they sink. “Why not?” c.:cnpatlon that thp kiibT never ae- compllsbcs rtnytliin* else. tion ol t* Fried Cucumbers, “Bhe has money. You should say s.aj'i 3>s N*w Favorite* net -itheta pay t!;cif several plunk* Pave, cut into thick slices and ohe is divinely tall.” — Milwaukee rao*;y To hear the i>e»ttJ song birds trill Sentinel, Take t‘»re ot tHJui IS, Theh higher ar.J espcr.siv* fio'ea r.oak in cold' water half an hour. > our ijuarters and With »ii their /friers. art and skill. Wipe dry, egg and crumb, Fcs'-mi That Much Beyond, the porter V.TI1 I'll take the humble phonograph let -:#»u take earn I For steady music day by day. with ealfe and pepper and fry in “I figure that his income is about Put on a lei old, turn tho crank deep fat. Drain and oorve hot and of jottrself, | And listen to it grind away. $3,000 a year,” dry with mayomiaiio or slices of “Why. be told mo he inner .spent Anybody en:j be | What is so pleasant as to hear lo von. Them are a good accont- 'J he gusts of melody that flow less than $0,000 a vcaiv” a pessimist, but ! pan’v-ient to mutton cutlets or n “I know; that’o what ho told mo It. require* |;rlt: ? From otst it* ample, brass tntnme 1 hot* 20 At even when the llahts are low. niimi too,” - -Detroit Free Press. anil affublliry to To to it patiently to» mi Tiptlnttot, Heel off canned music by tho yard. Flay simple tune.) on I lightly shift Bath room fixthro*. aUotrlo shaving mirror*, magnifying mirrors,*0 hotftful Ih shav­ dooms score tmruate and hard? You never do tt."$MITfijB>HlArf Piles or Smiles? >*est when yon ing, bras* cuspidors, andirons, ga* logs, Rtfiax lights, Wolsbach Junior lights, brilliant The martial tnude of tl.o Mud. The- sweet end pmimiva tuitaby, A POSITIVE GUARANTEE know better, Tungsten larhps. Tie f«iti roi-glmnetared r.oss * r * ____ .TRUSS ! 1* hMMlUHtr refers m 4 uKisi ’H - turn wlih That like the rabbits mnitiidy. h#u * ‘1'ry to take! Vise eonas your mother used ts> sir.g j ft siitnuter days of tong ugo DR. HEBRAS UN80ID things r-;Usy in 1 the wee'tetftjT edthtlllc dlsewnr of AuRtjsb It won't M And those elusive!, catchy airs most Culled from- the latest minstrel show* wMetn Htnegfcr the f ’Xtt' -tes^ so f ItcWit* lie iwreisary V, riles, JVseema, Tater. Rs'fc Hint Tmu do n-.t '.live tn i:ev far Wfitm, Bsrhcr’s If> S, ct<\ 'nils liikhlf tneUi. Jauuarw rstM *.«tisn*'ntlv. AVSulnte ssUefiCtlon ttuer-*, I her* »t* p*«*pto who mn’t get a- H For f«‘t.ec ruing* st fair'.* at tdght, auff e-IrtrniOneyrei'.m'XM. . . . „ , - AM th»r> fNt M*>d begins to plev, ; r.'If-et«rts,*tl>ii!f3sist«.retnsl1e(J. Tflsl if.-> imprewikr* tlmi the who!* truth 20 and 22 W. 3d. St., Dayton, Ohio. And tbee the conn eoog toakee tm J -.Mnple S cent* lo cores weUInjc, l Alway* ti*,»'rt» Notloncl T«nfary. Polucihvj. O.. Bee. 17. As u rconlfc f - . n „p ,T. . £, toa iiotin.l Dip furfur** of Infer?* Hi 3 Ii c ffirxrft Pitw-o-ji- v.«.A IrtQK.tcclll'e' cirfcirs. ^ o au'“Jl-Ial toaCo TOLD IN TOMBS 1 Mary XVuJiei. ,.*.d Mc*5r' ”■ '’w • *'.-■»■. JMrtior.'i Gurar P " ' pv ccJcrc'l fem e :'’CE’c;l to 1 *' ' *>H i ■ .*!•»« county, A D?GilT'0 I Of ti’O ; sprits ill ; j utruii*',I, bcdly biuioou i."„.i.l* .. . tho sum of 5. Mrs. Carbine Msriio C r -S ^ f f TJiO Murt-hnut* said that the offer hail «.t • - m,!e *-j i penunto in : a • 1 ji . H enry L. ptimson, and that ffr.’Ctlnj- Passing ofOcsy Snaci A«S‘V>(»t|un •Mary la vonf.ned to hor twin. Too con Is fcoidiag ha-Is with tho !3ta prlaonerc fnr&?:t over their rroper,* that a complete examination of the tivo beauty poiqto. poolis. may :>l;ov; that 57€3,eS9 wr State Rceovcro Oil Fees. more mp.y he obtained. SAYS AUNT KEPT DEATH WATCH Coiumhus, G., lice. 17.- - At tho at* It was denied by the goveranieat'c torncy gcrcral's department it was special counsel that "a man higher This Week Is stated that 5:1.500 had been turned up" had beta an acted and released on 510,000 ball. The statement was Miss Virginia Wardlaw fa Accussd of into the state treasury from oil com* Waiting Patiently on Lower Flcpr panics which had not been paying the made again by the government's law­ iotrection fee for narhtha, and that; yers that nothing would be done of Unoccupied House Until Neico thin mount represented that owed along the lino of criminal prospeu In Upper Room Executed Sulcida by rin;Telu S.’S CU@ as that which penned tho suicide note Ms loss” prices-*! -28, *2.23, *;U<8 and *8.00. Cp 0 ). Cal, on-SO DOfnlO 00. Cheep atuT MEARICK’S that was pinned to Ocey Snead's Bays Winter Caps- 98c, 49cand 26c * Land o~ Mixed cheep, S3 23CJ3 03; weih- clothes by the side of tbe bathtub, efc. S3 GOr.3 73; cwta, $3 00';3 GO lamtic, CX Boys’ Storm Collar Reefers—Ages 8 to 17. Aiger story Boohs or six month*’ subscription 17 00-;8 70; ycirhugn, S3 C0«7 £3, H 030-- In themselves they prove nothing, Hoftvv freezes and chinchillas, cut full, well to the American bey Magazine free, with pur* iitavles, S3 O'/Q.'i 53; mediutna, S3 13(5 but Prosecutor Mott puts great sig­ 8 C'»; .miters. SO 23@8 40; plrrtt. S3 2'J; nificance In the discovery of these IK made, at “The When Sells it for loss” prices chases in the Boys secthu . runii'5, $7 si; stagR, $0 COG* 00. duplicate or trial suicide notes. Ms - • *i .08, *2.93, *9.98, *4.08 and *3.00. CHICAGO—Cattle: Boev, 3, S3 rOfiS 2,7; cows and helfao, $2 03c;3 40; western Xmas Waists An investigation was begun into steers, SI GJCjh 30; nto-kern and feeders, the parentage of the dead woman. S3 <0£;3 lr>. Cslv fl -S7 23G0 73. flhrop Prosecutor Mott said that ho had rea­ arid LiOml.s -Native cUetp, S3 3005 GO; son to believe, that Ocey Snead was wtnlern, $3 “3CJ3 Go; mlivc lamtic, S3 73 We have on gale now for the illegitimate child of Alias Ward- Xmas Sale of Men’s Fine Furnishings CiO 0 •; weetern, 57 G3G8 50; yearlSnnc, SC zm ’t <0- HorrS'-Idsht, S7 SOffft 20} Christmas Presents 1,01k) law by Colonel Robert P. Martin, mixed, $0 JOftS 39; heavy. $3 1508 GD; husband of Airs. Caroline B. Martin. $1.50 SHIRTS FOR SPECIAL PRICE $1.00 NECKWEAR FOR SPECIAL MEN'S SOc UNDERWEAR FOR SPE, ro-nlitt ST 3037 SO; sons, SO 30 0 7 00. Lingere Waists bought espec­The prosecutor declared that he had Wheat-No. 2 red. SI 2501 2G. Corn- in his possession a receipt in Odejt $U S PRICE FOR son CIAL PRICE 39c 17u, S, G07ic, Oatm -NiX 2 white, 44»;c. ially for the holiday trade. PITTSBURG--Cattle: Cfi- , S3 7OQ Snead’s handwriting which is sighed Famous M anhattan and K::collo shirts, Largo folded four-in-hands, full 48-in. Ribbed shirts and drawers, fleeetri lined, Extremely stylish garments. “Ocey Wardlaw” to corroborate hi* long open end, revorlsiblo and French 7 10; prime, SC G'»OG 75; tidy hutehcra, Bleats, Ktli! bosoms and negligee-beau­ ecru color. Complete size range. $3 C'J&G 10; belfC’S'ii, S3 GOgG GO; eowo, Models are Bpring 1910 opinion on this point. He also stated tiful patterns cuffs attached or detach­ folded styles. Stitched neckband to fit- hulls and etaej, $J 033.5 GO; fresh eov.e, that Detective O’Nelli of East Orange M EN'S FLEECED LINED UNDER* S25 GOO’GG GO. Calves—Veal, SO GOQIO CO. : ed, the now style close-fitting collars; fine “l.cep a:ul Bamb-'t—Prime wethers, $3 30 Prices— asked Mrs. Mftry Snead, mother of imported silks Beautiful color combina­ WEAR FOR SPEC/AL PRICE S0c CiO 30; g.to-d mixed, bi 83fr3 25; lambs, Fletcher W, Snead, if Ocey was the #2.00 FLANNEL SHIRTS FOR SPEC* tion* in stripes figures and handsome Fine quality lamhadpwn fleeced lined ST OOfffi 40; y?atilfif;n, S3 COfJV CO. Hoars - daughter of Alias Wardlaw and Eel* 1’riine heavy hags, S3 45ffS 50; mediums, $1 $1.50 $1.95 and upowei Martin. Tho prosecutor assert, it M L PRICE $LSO solid colors. Underwear, extra heavy weight. Com­ t'i 25j heavy Yorketo, SS COGS 33; li'-ht , Good quality iSawnelfc cutr.fi inches long plete sum range shirts and drawers. Yoiketn, $3 £3fii 30; pica, $8 15G8 20. That eke denied it to the detective, SOc NECKWEAR FOR SPECIAL CLEVELAND—e’.attle: f'rimd dry-fed but from her actions O’Neill was con­ double stitched, assorted colors. tattle, 30 20,eG CO; fat steera, 00 OOff'CeG; For little money and a pres* vinced that it was true. MEM'S FANCY VESTS, WORTH #4 PRICE SSc HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS A T CHRIST* l.cifoto. $3 00(?G 00; -erOvea, $3 03ej* GD; Two-inch reversible four.in- hands for hulls, S3 0 iGJ4 DO; milkers and oprlnarro, enfc that will be highly ap­ Zel&ya Denies Relationship, SPECIAL PRICE $L98 the now styles, close fitting collars, Par­ MAS SALE PRICES 031 COGfili 00. Calves—SO 75 down, She-p and Lamba -r- Ml sei! oiieep, $4 GO O'5 ffl; preciated nothing nicer than New York, Dee, 17.- The testimony Wo have just closed out tho surplus isian designs, entfull length. See High Kilotho’s entire sample line of silk and ewes# Si 23t.t 75; Iambs, SO GOGS 23, In the suit of Juliet EHrabetb Hern * * i st irk of a well known New York maker Street window display. satin suspenders. Gold and sterling IJo.-f)-'Heav'et ar.d medl-amo, $3 CO; a Stylish Waist. against Dr. Anabei Zelaya for *109,» Beautiful and ertclnsivo design* in a va­ mountings. Beautiful weaves in silks Yoilnra, S3 3>; mixed, S3 4008 45; pica, 009 damages for alleged breach of 0'*; lmighs, S7 7D; Gtagfl, $7 25. riety of shades and patterns All the lat­ and sateens, CINCINNATI—Wheat; Nft Jn3, $1 2G promise, was concluded before Su­ est models and materials, .Suspenders worth to *l,fio fi r 30c. at 2-i. C'>rn -No. 2 mixed, ci«SGC2e. premo Court Justice Blsehoff and the Xmas Side of House (iais -No. 3 mixed, W jQKq. it.vo—No, ease will go to tho Jury today, fce- MEN'S p.SQ GLOVES FOR SPECIAL Snsponders worth to $2.00 for ll.oo 723t70e. J.ard-<"13 10. Bulk Moata -. M e a r i c K ’ s , laya was on the stand most of tho SALE, $LI3 Suspenders worth to t&tot |i.6o |!3 25. Daeon —013 00.


And as an introduction we offer two carloads of Pi­ the Union. Our store room is packed and others ano , which must be sold in 30 days. Standard in the storage ready to move in. Pianos, Pianos, goods, high class. The old originals Chase Bros. Pianos; Easy Payments, Easy Payments. We give Pianos to you at aprice you never heard of. Will you 12 months to satisfy yourself, and after you get sell them at $5 to $6 a month or arrange payments one of our Pianos in your home. W e will put them to suit you, and take care of you during sickness or in your home and let you try them. Come early out of work. We are represented in every state in and get your choice, Mahogany and Oak cases. me m e W. H. AGKMAN PIANO GOm9 ■ /■.. ■ m SE Bell Phone 1124. S. W. Corner of Fifth and Ludlow Streets, Dayton, Ohio, Home Phone 4820 5& ■ ■ * . ' • . . L 00K for th«> Big Sign,.

ed and as often denied, but the state­ ment is new ascribed to the clergy­ DEATH INVADES man who administered extreme unc­ tion to him, and this io regarded by most people as settling the question. The clergyman is quoted as saying: The Store ROYALPALACE “I assured myself beforehand that i tho idng’s position with regard to the Others Try to church was perfectly satisfactory. I Boggan’s Exclusive Styles Imitate. never would have administered ex-j King Leopold's Er.d Gomes as treme unction to anybody, not even a king, if his life were not in acco d- . Surprise to Everyone. ance with.' church’s commands," ■ This Is tax. i to prove the king and -■ Handsome Christmas Present for Any Woman Who Receives One Baroness Vaughan were regularly; married. It is held, however, that* SUCCEEDED BY PRiilCE ALBERT i their marriage does not establish any I The Most Wonderful Suit and Coat Values for Thursday, Friday and Saturday claim of t>cfr two sons to the throne, although" It may determine the desti­ Question cf Marriage tp Baroness nation of the king's pitvate fortune. December 16, 17, and 18, Ever Heard Of. Vaughan Settled by Priest Who Rubber imports Increase. Achninistered Last Rites, Who Says Washington, Deco 17.—Importations For Thursday, Frit ay and Saturday’s selling, we-have decided to dispose of our exclusive Suits and He Assured Himcclf Dying Mon­ of India rubber into the United Goats, regardless of cost. See them displayed in our windows and compare them with inferior grades offer­ arch’s Life Had Been In Accord States in the year about to end will With Commands of Church—May exceed, In noth quantity and value, ed by others ‘ ‘ - , those of any earlier year. During Give Fortune to Their Two Sons. BELGIUM’S NEW RULER. When you wear one of BOGGAlfS Coats or Suits, you know that it's the best that money can buy. Prince of*tTiniters guocccCn to Title mi the 10 months ending with October, Brussels, Dec. 17,—At an early Deith of Uflole. - 1909, the importations of India rubber The style, the material and the workmanship are the best to be had. hoUr this morning Kins Leopold (including halata, gutta-percha and kissed the dead king and left the gutta-joolatmsg) reached the record $20.00 SUITS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, $11,95 passed quietly to the Groat Beyond. chamber weeping. Baron Goifinet, total of 862,090 000, exceeding by over The public at large was satisfied the -king’s secretary, started immedi­ '$6,000,000 tho total for tbe entire Cal­ At this price you have 108 Suits to make your selection Frem, all this season's styles, all wool materials, that the king was on the road ately for Brussels to notify the mom- endar year 1003, the banner, year In bets Of the royal family. As he was this feature of the import trade. lined eithe^with Skinner Satin or guaranteed taffota. 45 and 48 inch Coats,. eithor tight or semi fitting to recovery, but within tlie pa­ entering hia motor car he exclaimed: vilion where the Iji- g lay there whs “To tHnk that only yesterday v,. French Police Nab Embezzler. backs. Wide plaited skirts . Sell up to $28.00., Thursday, Friday and Saturday they are yours for. .$.11,95 a feeling of anxiety, chiefly because were stlU. full of confidence, and now Paris, B:c. 17.- ‘ At- tbe request cf S U ITS W ORTH UP TO $ 4 5 .0 0...... $ 1 5 .9 5 the king is deed." the Amerl-an - government. the of Leopold’s .great age. After a rest­ It this' price you have 86 Suits to make your selection from—no two alike, making them absolutely ex­ ful day the patient was able to sleep Prince Albert Becomes King. French police arrested a man of tho There V*ekvr no direct hereditary name of Cr-ai, who is said to have clusive. Materials are Chiffon Broadcloth, Imported English Tweeds. French Serges, Imported Wide Wales, for a brief period "early in the even­ heir, the crown passes to Prince Al­ 1*** eonvf ;>,\1 with tho San Fran­ ing. and the pi,-’.it ra e;l beit, the only son of LeoJoM’-a broth cisco rosto.ll.'o and Who disappeared in fact, every conceivable material. Every one a copy of an Imported model. 45 to 50 inch Coats, the new But toward. 2 o'ric."': V v ulr-', symp­ or, the late PhUlnpp, flount of Flair* three months ago. IIo is accused of tunic Skirts. Suits worth up to $45, Thursday, Friday and Saturday they are yours for...... $15.95 toms apjv :id. S,..v--.*■> tan Xing dare. The new monarch was Man, having carried off registered letters toixod and cAlW Dr. Thlrfaa: April 8, is <5. and on Oct. 2, XSOft, containing money and jewelry. ".I'elQufte, doctor, j*etr.u«e,” (I am married Princess Elizabeth of JW, suffocatl**.) vsria. They have throe children, Wisdom, Coats. Give Aw ay Prices CAPES Dr. Deage was summon.’d and the . Prince Leopold, 8; Prince Charles, C, $ 8.93 Coats, Thursday, Friday and Saturday..,. two physicians did everything possi- j and Princess Marie-Joye, who was Wisdom does not show itself so He to prolong life, but without avail. ] horn Aug. 1. 1906. much in precept kb in life—In a firm* $h’1.60 Coats, Thursday, Friday and Saturday..., 0.75 $ 1 2 .5 0 CAPES FOR $ 5 .9 5 The end came quickly and. after a \ Much interest in the city Is cen-l boss of mind, and mastery of appetite,. trikfiO C<«at», Thursday, Friday and Saturday... . $12.05 spell of weakness, peacefully. Prince tored in the newspaper stories of tho 1 It teaches ns to do, as well as to talk; $28,50 Goate, Thursday, Friday and Saturday... ..$10.05 50-inch Broadcloth Capes, extra heavy, with 200 Inch Albert arrived at the deathbed ahout\ marriage of King Leopold and Bar-1 and to make our actions and words all $33,00 ('vats. Thursday, Friday and Saturday.,. . $22.50 sweep. Boo display in onr window, Regular $12.00 value, of a color.—Seneca, $88,50 Coats, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,,., ,$ .ri) 26 minutes later. He was accomna* onesa Vaughan, It will be recalled | 22 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, they are yours for ...... $5.95 nied by Princess Clementine Albert' that their marriage was often report-' Our Furs Are in a Glass to Themselves. Regular $1.50 Hydcgrade petticoat. 18 inch flounce em­ See them displayed in onr windowe with prices attached. broidered. Extra Special values at $1.00, Thursday, Friday Compare them with other* and you will bco where wo eavo you at least 1-3 on any purchase of furs that y ou may, make. npd Saturday they are yours for ...... vi>c The Fashion Peter A. Boggan, 21 East Main Street, Springfield, Ohio. “ Uso our rest room to meet a friend, A Sale of Suits Or a leisure hour with us to spend”

SPECIAL* INDUCEMENT TO OUT-OF-TOW N PATRONS'. We pay carfare, both ways, within a radius of 50 miles - of Springfield on all purchases of $10 andover, mid in addition allow a refund of 2 per cent, in cob Ii on all amounts in excess Beginning Friday At less than One Half Price of $iS.0o. The money is paid you by our cashier and you will not bo inconvenienced by having to go out of our store In order to wcur# your carfare ami cash refund* ‘ We are going io make this the liveliest week in our history. Sales on every thi. g in this store. A Fur Sale that is phenominal. A Coat sale that has set the town a- talking-anti now we start "■"■'[.'.'■A1! **>M*>'» Lewie Claim* Hs-Eleetion. A WONDERFUL 5ALE OF SUITS Wheeling, W. Va, 1 »-<*, 17.- The' i as L. Lewis, liiiiioiial pre*;jer.t of S'. Every line in our store must be reduced before January, and rather than wait until Tnltcd Mine Workers iT \ i : : J 'j . fit after Xmas we are going to give our customers the benefit of dosing out prices now. dared before leaving for intllana'-fu 3 T iTIj s s Sealship Oysters that he has be* n re el- * ted prc-. iileht Here is the story of this latest sale: of the union. He Paid in 20 Ohio lo­ cals the vote showed a pro; ortlou of four to one ia ids favor. 838.00 and 827.50 Suits $35.00 and $37.50 Suits THIS AND THAT $ $ 18.75 The supreme 1 ourt ot Indiana has New York Counts 12.50 Ladies’ hand-tailored Suits iu French broad­ decided that the minty unit Jos al op­ tion law Is t (institutional. Fancy Panama Suits in p am and stripes cloths sponged and shrunk; lined with Skin­ The postofllce at w Waterford, and broadcloths; lined throughout with guar* ner satin and Messaline silk to match every 0„ Was robbed of **..’3 In »,ish and Suit. Coats 45 and 43 inches long. Plain r,tamps to tin earn" amount, anteed satin. Coats 42 and 45 inches in Kafeer;u kern relieved' the litmday and Selects for Frying length. Pleated skirts; Beautifully trimmed; and plaited Skirts, livery color imaginable. Creek Coal ioiupam’a strong box tit all colors and sizes. Regular $25 and £27.50 Many of these are original models. Regular Bbawncc, O., of lh '0 0' its / .intents. vs&m Mmc, Gouln, widow of the pit si­ Suits- prices $35.00 and $37*5°* lk nt of the Bank of Prance, was mur­ dered on n laihnnd train near Fon­ During the Holidays. 18.75 tainebleau, 1 2 , 5 0 . ______Willie tr>lng to e*e ape from tha t’ilcteiiteh lion.,- .ti luik, I;a„ by jumping from the u«>f, llazel Wolff, Guaranteed Silk Petticoats Black and Colors 17, met instant death. WE HANDLE THE FINEST OYSTERS $& ?>(* Attorney ibnersl li-ntnnn ban Value* for $2.75 One to a Oust omer named 11, J. Booth * <’*>1 'mbits tutor- pay, as assrttant piosemtor In tho THAT COME TO TOWN. Sturts in Our com- ta m against former state nlfi; St)5-'. New York, b i 11 e d Janies Foley was Instantly knU d at Cincinnati IV'.tsmmith, O wln.h a heavy rail B a u g o r, stores give fe’i noon him »hi** at. work In tue SHIPMENTS IN AIR-TIGHT CANS RE^ Me., Ports­ us buying Leifrilk * Western t enstrnetiou mouth, X. camp. )L, and mtvantag" r ’.e nun, Ineluding raptatn Bwr* CEIVED WEDNESDAYS ^ SATURDAYS. lihmecs- c% impos­ l;r -, were drowned v h<*n th*> dis Je.o I*,',it An-t-n, )•»««< for Barann we-it tiT, Masi. sible' with That’s wl-y in the lott'-m on the Fi-.ving Ban any other b1;s al?t in Ar Bshlatore. V,A we motet* C0XBECT MtESS EOS WOMEN n»lt *9 »uf store in Hi s*r*n«ti*snm* tl«* «wr*i wfdel compete SPRINGFIELD. 0 Bprihgfleltl mstreH m aWH* * tk* Ihwp ant 1w#e» tors* t*. M»*tf »** ***** **• «»# Chas. Spencer. 1 tuM m *® ** * *** * ...... n.


I - 1 . -! ' U A

) . i ;; t - | / «

W ’\ & ( W k'l - - M - _ tT //;!" '■'■ ,W fcyA V$sL ^ *» r /, ^ ^ ■ * '<■' ** ir!' i; -t 1’ ^ w *- * {''•‘(‘A rM

yh\?s i *>'-■< i '* *. “ VJ 7 / . / ’ \ ■ '- =.- - ir'^L a~ -f ...... f # i ^ V'vj:X>^ ^ W;.’ > ’; 2 ? ^ 0 ^ i\'r";-' ^;>■■■.. frlfff ■{: "----

Tills solid oak O210 hnndred anrl flftjr of Combination these Bookcase, H igh . purer? C hairs PRICE

Wliat would make a more acceptable Sells everywhere Christmas gift than a t'$1 .50. Get one this regular $15,00. for baby Saturdaay bookcase. Select and we will deliver o net his week. it when you desire. y sy-~,v' SATURDAY SPECIAL KITCHEN CABINET OFFER Every~'housekeeper What would make a willappreciate one of more useful Christ those solid oak riias Gift than one of K itch en ihe solid oak Tins elegant Parlor Mantel Mirror is without doubt G A A Kitchen the biggest value ever offered. The glass alone mean- .Aft (1(1 C ab in ets urea 18x40 Inches. A regular $9.00 value at...... ■ Y w V " Holiday Price C abin ets LIBBART TABLE floliday Prices i*., "This rt\ 11 handsome „ ’ i quartered ;* —V'• r. oak VM,*h piano polished pUUSHt'U Li- JUi- fl»A |7D bravyrv Table Table cannot eannol be hf> duplicated fli)nli«,>(,..i in another___ ?t...... store<__ in . . \vl I fj $ town for less than $15.00. Our fin" • 11.00 $ 11.00 Special Terras Special Terms $1 Cast $1 Cast and balance and balance

t !. 50C 50C i-1 WEEK WEEK

One hundred of these Rockers This polished quartered oak texactly like cut] made of bard China Closet will make an ap~ maple and back filled with IC A propriate gift for her Si l n C A This polished quartered oak Twenty-five of these solid oak rattan. A 75c value. As Hi.ll. A regular $18.00 Value Jhj / f t If Princess Dresser represents frame Morris Chairs, uphols­ long as they last...... a t ...... astonishing value. Tt, Is beau­ tifully finished and sells regu tered in chase leather, and sells 0 v e r y w h e r e a t $8,„„, will bo offered Monday Holiday ! r:: I. $14.75 at.

This Parlor Chair is good The baby will appreciate this At $12.50 we offer tills solid valuo at $7.00. It is made of malleable and wrought iron high oak Sideboard which is better SOFA C0TJCII ^ Tlds Pedestal Extension Ta le mahogany bireh finished in a side rail Red as a Christmas made, hotter finished an d perfect imitation (ti r np gift. Well worth handsomer than thoseose offered offered ertv S if n £ !i.r,A t l ( Itlij anev/'oiie. Just arrived in a ing basemfd nmd”1 throughout of Chase Leather Couch, No of mahogany, $*('09 $8.50, by others a t $18.00. ear with eeoie.s of iitlier geod o:a:3. Hou JiaAeyytit’ choice in fill f |7C nak A ree-uHr handsomer or more useful at...... Holiday either chase leather or a rich green veroua $14, / Q Soo Value" present can be selected than price. $12.50 i* b < » «••••«**««•*••••«••*•*• *••«•«« this fine $18 Couch a t special Tiiio mahog­ 8 olid any finished Will piano of ...... $12.50 on wale Sat­ Music Twenty of cabinet urday fifty Goods Delivered Free of Charge fine eo 1 i cl these fine is bound to is fitted with a oak please her as it gonuiuo P’reuch Solid Oak has ft beautiful bevel plate mir­ Members of Pedestals Desks mahogany finish ror, and nicely ‘ and a good value with square top. ’ will bo placed 011 finished in a rich which sell regu­ sale HaJurday, a t $7 00. Holi­ golden oak. A Springfield Merchants’ Association larly at at They are extra day price regular $15 val­ th e very 1 o w well made a n d ue at Fares paid on purchases of $15 prlco fully $!U'()at $4.75 H pays to trade in Springiieiu 21 South a n d P in ta il 23 Avenue |,M ’n » s ^ ^ ^ ^ m i i ^ r inrTTmijinriniiii' M^mraerswnnratn.n* <**>* MCS B5! f tr 3- hssjr/ . ' mmmmmm m* mm >m W88 m m 10CAI AND f>£!$ONAL \ .uvPatkns frr thfe evening fv ? & (] Whtr iSByaasBi r Sjntv'j* anti ehnwcrla honorof Mire Eva Jitja«oa who is to bceotao* to tuiio o£ Mr. Paul Tindall of5 Ur* Dance McClellan baa licet bat o3t$. Mr, Tindall is a brother oS | quite eiefc, Mr, l-ouis Tindali of this jiac •* a:;rtJ vgs fotmu!? cfAmutni with yiWj Jffse. f*u!u Barber Is on the sick Exehango Back hero. ■ f tbU week. Herald readers will find an ;;i> Mr, Charles Smith 1ms revived aswaliy largo paper this week word of Via illness of ins father who t *>wiiig to a heavy deipcnd for advor- is in Gallipoli*. Using-space on the part of our pat­ rons. The average reader knows that at this season of the year all M u. W. It. McCiitsnay and Mrs. newspapers are filled with" adver­ DON’T DELAY YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ■K* i \ Ofleshsa were la Springfield, tising. The newspaper that is back Wednesday. at this season in advertising is m> doubt afllictsd with soino ailment. Mrs. T. X. Turbos and daughter, BUY EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOlNTiTENT Mae, were Monday chopper* in lucrative to Speed. Dayton. IVr‘i»»;» Vi(iu li:m* never tit'on thr^c- ■uni Fur thid reason (mow nil ntmist h The Misses. Warner of Yellow iirdat !h:st the puli* ilHeevereitf con'll Our store is now in holiday attire, the purchases for Christmas are here, and we are showing .Springs visited Mss. G. W, H arper not yet over the ground In the tine this week. they allot to tlieiur-clvea in their thrill hundreds oT suitable articles for gifts, ranging in price from loc to $3o. lug copyrighted atorles. Why not V The only niuuwntent they Mr. James (Haines was called to Intd was miming.. There were no five Columbus this morning by the ill cent theater:-* nor golf guinea there for ness of Ins son, Charles. light exercise or relaxation, anil an ah they could do was to sprint. Holiday Neckwear Mrs, W, W. CreswsU aud Jennie Suppose a cureless explorer happen ed to get between the pole and n hun­ Bratton spent Tuesday in Sping- gry polar hear. There might have field. been some bfeaIcing «f records then AH Wilson Bros. make. A choice assort­ and there as the traveler hastened —HOUSE BOR BENT; Inquire along, hoping as he tlew that the pule ment of Four-in-hand: of O. L. Smith at the Exchange htul whiskers on it to make the cl inti* . K'Y v U ^ 59c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, ■ Bank. Ing eusier, Iy :r-Y, 50 dozen specials Four-in-hand, bat wings Ne»r Fume. • - WANTED; A good farm and “He was very ambitious as a boy" etc. Extra value ...... 25p diary hand. Bell ’phono 608-4. “Has begot over ItV" J . W, Miller, Trebems. “Well- lie doesn't expect to he presl All ties 75c and up, in a beautiful Christ­ dent of the United States any more.” Miss. Ipfea Shepeid entertained “No?" mas Box. the G, C, T. Club Tuesday after­ “He would he satlstied now if some one would name a five cent cigar after noon. him," The remains of Daniel MeElroy who died In. Dayton Thursday ar­ POST CARDS FREE. v * i rived here Friday evening, for House Coats burial. Send me six cents m stamps andT will send you postage paid, free* it* Mrs. Walter M. Hopping 6f Buf­ beauUful “Eemembrancen Pest falo, N, Y„ is the guest of her par­ Cards, printed in many colors. This-: Make home brighter for him. ents, Mr. and Mis. Joh.n McCarey offer good only to far n folks. A« of Xenia, i W f A choice selection of two toned effect* dress, James Slocum, #40 Majestic r « - -W-- Bldg., Detroit, Mich. ■ \ ■" $4, $5, and$6 Mr,, and M s. W- E. Alexander Were called to Spring Valley, Better ones. ------r. . $7, $8, and $10. k ■ Thursday by the illness of . the lat­ ■ ... ■ ■ ter's sister. Young lady of good address ai < standing to solicit accounts lor c«. Mrs." J, B* Nosbit received word lection from doctors, milk men several days ago of th« death of her dentists and merchants in Green* brother, Will Fifehorn in Dear- county, salary or commission. Gloves For Christmas park Ala. He, was 5ft years of age Steady einployroent and quick r«* and died at the home of his sister turns, ■' Address at oncef Mrs. Emma Moody. American Fiducial Co. '/v'.":-- A8htabula, 0. Perrin Best Piqua...... $2.00

The Christian Endeavor Society J. f t . M c H lL L A N . Perrin’s Cape...... $1.00 rf the R. P. church, Mam Street ..ill serve a chicken dinner on Funeral Director and Furniture Silk lined..." ...... $1, $1.50 and $2 Thursday of the Farmers’ Institute Dealer, Manufacturer of Cement A large assortment at 10c, 25c, 50c and $1.00 Dec. SS, In the basement of the * Grave Vaults and Cement Building cimrah. Dinner ad cent* Com*; Block*. Telephone 7. everybody, j CedarviUe, Ohio.

vwwwwuvwv^^ wwvywwww^ Large Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25 Gents.

| Suggestions For Suits and Overcoats Suspenders During holidays we. are offering a spec­ All holiday goods packed one in a box. ial discount of 20 per cent on all cloth­ f, " Beautiful styles beginning at...... 25c ing, Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. A , v Holiday Shoppers. $5.00 Suits and Overcoats, 20 per cent Bull Dogmake..60c ...... $ i. 0 0 Embroidered and imported webs /%!« Don’t wait until the day before Christmas to $10.00 Suits and Overcoats 20 per cent 75c, SLOO, $1.50, $2.00 make your purchases. DO IT NOW. / ...... \ ...... $8.00 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats per cent Come in the "morning, if possible, as we can ...... $12 00 serve you better. M r a T i S f i b i $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, 20 per cent The celebrated and genuine Hole Proof, TICKETS ...... $10.00 We will not rccieve any tickets “next week”. We cannot take $2500 Suits and Overcoats. 20 per cent in holiday boxes, with six months guar­ time to count them. Don’t bring them...... $2000 antee, 0 pr for...... $1.50 5 SLIPPERS Lisle, 0 pair...... $2.00 Make, choice presents. A great lino to select from 06 cents to |1.50 per pair. Umbrellas and Canes Silk, 3 months’ guarantee, 3 pr. for,.$2 Other lines 10c to 81 a pair REMEMBER “ Bird’s Store offer* ttie greatest attraction in WHty line for ' it Holiday Shoppers. They deliver the goods. Manhattan Shirts TOYS and FANCY GOODS One or more Manhattan Shirts, make a Awoadei'ful lofc from which to select* Gsods suitfthlo for every ’‘practical present, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 one* Other high class Shirts...... $1.00 POST CAROS Good serviceable Shirts... ,50e and 75c Christmas, New year and Birthday Cards, m linniesn# variety from 1 to 8 cents each, also a fine line of dainty booklets 0 to J cants each, A CHINA end GLASS WARE _ , | f \ Suit Cases and Bags. Make a splendid gift and are always acceptable OutTine m ,<« rK‘ ... A very useful article for a gift. Suit Great. Fancy China Dishes S& cents to *23 each. Glassware aio 5 cent wonder. See it, - • JS Case...... $1, $2, $3.50 and up to $14 Bags...... $1.50 to$12 ORANGES „ Fancy Florida 15 Miami 2,5 eenfs a dozen, Be sure to g#t a few Umbrellas... ,. ,50c to $8 , Handkerchief Casea, Collar Bags, etc.

of them for Christmas. Canes from. I i • t l * ( 4 • t I t ...25c to $2 CANDIES AND HUTS ' Engraving free ■iii.iicse i»wIi»tw«lioy. Brazil »«<• 1 « S;1”18 monds and walnuts per pound 2o cents. Candies per P Bath Robes. SS cents, Fancy Vests. Sweater Coats OYSTERS Handsome bright patterns in full easy Doi.*t forget us on these, Our price is 23 cents per quart. ^-C0 A grand assortment of white ami fancy Pretty bright styles for small chaps $1 fitting garments, Made by a house that per gallon and solid measure m tiie bargain* patterns, in,mercerized and flannel effect Mens sweater coats $1, $1.50,$2,50,$2 $5 leads. EGGS Prices $1, $1.50, $2.50,8 ,$ $1 and $5.00 Afull line of BradleyMufflers, 50c to$1.50 $3.5$, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 We will pay tt cent* per dosen all week. Bring in wlmfe you havs ’ to spar*. R. S.O . KINGSBURY, ir r r k t j t \ o t t t t i **ur Bird’s Mammoth Store. Store Open Eveningi We k Before CM tiitmt, 50 and 52 E. Main Street, Xenia, 0. wnvwmwwwwwwiw am* NMMN t -ll,k

When buying for When You Want the Best in Xmas When buying for I / * r 1 t .Xiitmj get wir ‘gold5 X ibqs g<°t our 6gd d n nr “green” trading Kmnane-Sullivan s or “green” trading FOOTWEAR stamp* pnd save en stamps and save an extra 5 per cent. GREATER STORE, extra 5 per cent1. IN b u y o f

In T h e IS SPRINGFIELD'S Da » A rca d e Plop < whet - ■Hmti Acknowledged Best Store for Christmas land Springfield’s Largest said Best Shoe House. Mi tho his »- Goods of Every Sort for Gift Buyers #tio* that if wo We have the goods—in large quantities; the variety—in styles; and the prices—within reach of all have the people^to back it up, / asm; MUSHROOM POISONING. Th eomj Th« Way It Acta and How It Should Our Xmas Goods Are New* Our Prices the “Same” in Lowness the Year Round mark Bo Treated. gafcet Are You a Judge of When one considers the frightful iileat. consecpiewes of gathering and eat­ Every flan, Woman and Child Will Find Our Great Displays Mr ing poisonous mushrooms in mistake with J e w e lr y ? for the edible variety it is little Leave Nothing: to Be Desired pract short of marvelous that one without state knowledge shaitld dare go into the asar COBS. fields and woods and pick and eat imitation Heal Bags a t, ...... :..48e Silver Scissors $2 to ...... ,50c Ladies’ large mahogany toilet sets put up If not, when you wish to buy your Christ­ nny of the fungi growing there. gcnm Jf one is thoroughly.familiar with Keel Seal l«a,th&r Tbaga, leather lined Silver Nail flies..,...... 25c in elaborate leather cases, taffeta satin anc©, mas presents you will want to go to a jewelry tho a particular variety ox edible mush­ with coin purse and card oaso...„, ... ,9So H at pin# $2,50 to...... 5e • lined, $9,98 to ...... ,...... $3.98 store that has good reputation. . Ask pur cus­ room and can distinguish it at sight dune Other Bag# in morocco, seal, walrus, calf „ Herman silver mounted blotters...... 25c Man’s Shaving Sets with brush and mug, Th< tomers whether or not we have treated them from all others, however similar in m leather cases, $2,98 to...... 98c hr* nxa walrus, pure seal, all shapes .and Children’s Silver mounted Ivory Tooth tnacl color and .form, it is safe to eat that ; have right. particular variety, hut one must be­ size#...... $10,00 to $1.50 BruBh S ets ...... „.75c Gents hat and clothes brush sets, silver u mounted, $3.50 to ...... „...... 98o- bjlitj Our line of jewelry for the Fall and Holi­ ware of ether kinds that S, W, Smith , President. G eo . W; Kirn, Ist.Viee Pres. Silver mounted ebony darner# 50o and 25c ony or silver mounted $1.98 to...... 50c Silver top glass cigar jars $2 to...... ,75c Ou v e b G abeougii , 2d V. Pres, O. L. Sm ith , Cashier sorbed portions of tho mushroom. L, F. 1‘lNDAtii, Assistant Cashier. Stimulants are-needed to support the heart, and milk containing an abundance of magnesia or bicarbo­ Every tiling in Women’s Knit Gloves from 19c to SI. Women’s Kid Gloves from 69c to $3.98; Men’s nate of Godium may he given, _ . Injections of a salt solution into and Boys’ Knit Gloves from 19c to $1.60; Men’s and Boys’ Kid Gloves from 50o to $2,50. Men’s Fur lined the veinc and—in case of mnscarin Glove*, from $2.60 to $8. Children’s Mitte ’s or “Teddy Bear” Gloves from 10c to $1. poisoning-^-hypodermic injection of atropin are often employed by phy­ Everything in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Handkerchiefs from 1c each to Lace Handkerchiefs sicians with benefit.—Youth’s Com­ at $25.00. panion. , Public Sale Our Systatu of Notation. Everything in gifts for Men—Shirts* Ties, Suspenders, Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Underwear, Hosiery, Some system of notation has been Mufflers, Silk Scarfs, etc. I will sell at public sale at my residence on Xenfc uced since time out of memory. avenue, formerly rooms where G, C. Weimer’s meat The first record wo have of it is of Everything in gifts for Women—Hosiery, Underwear. Waists, Muslin Underwear, Furs, Corsets, Suits figures written with a stick on a fiat store was located, on surface covered with sand. Before Coat*, Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, etc. that all calculations were made with pebble?, beans and the like. Even We also are prepared to show the largest line of Turkish and American Hugs now in this section of Saturday, Dee. 18,1909, now the Chinese do their calculating Ohio. Our Rug stocks and prices are great. „ with little stoma or beads fitruag on wires, in a frame. The Homans Commencing at x o'clock the following household goodsfirst used vertical lines--1, II, III, etc.—to express numbers. The Ara­ Three stoves—i Malleable Steel Range, and two bic'injures, which we commonly are at the present time, arc of mush TOYLAND BIDS YOU WELCOME gas heating stoves; gas fixtures and lamps;3 bedsteads, earlier date. The Arabic system is washstand, springs, mattresses, one feather bed and chiefly valuable on account of the Everything that Santa Claus ever knew or saw is here. Everything that is dear to the heart of every bolster and bed clothing;1 Walnut wardrobe; rocking great convenience it affords by giv­ boy and girl is here, as well as hundreds of things they never heard about, because Santa Claus never chairs, leather covered couch, leather covered Daven­ ing a figure a value according to the place it occupies in the line. By had them before* Everything is now.ready, a* never before. Our advice, buy early; we will hold the goods port, nearly new; 6 cane-seated chairs, dishes and cook­ this system the most enormous sums and deliver them any time before Xmas you may desire. Our assortment is complete. Our prices lower ing utensils; 2 kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, 150 cans can be expressed by the ten little characters which form the numer­ than any other. All goods delivered free Money refunded if purchase is not O, K. of fruit and jelly, washing machine, sewing machine, ical alphabet. 0 dining chairs, 20 yards of Velvet Brussels carpet, The Anomalies of Taste. two-gxia Brussels Rugs, 7 art rugs, (i pairs of lace cur­ A weak, delicate woman was tains, window blinds, curtain rods, large ^mirror and wheeled in an itivalid’o chair to tho pictures, 2o yards of wool ingrain carpet,3 as good as hook department. "Tho latent big, burly novel for W e Refund Carfares Under the Plan of The new; x new extension table, other articles not mentioned men with fed blood in their veins, please J” quoth she in a voice that TEEMS! Sums of $5 and under, cash; over this was scarce .above a whisper. Merchants’ Association. amount ninety days time will be given with interest Just then a powerful, bread chest­ and approved security. ed man with a red fleets stamped In, WI want a story in the lavender and lace style, with a tender love thread^in short, something oweetfl lie roared. But neither need have opofeen* Ranse McClellan, At sight of them the clerks knew Muwairs UK SUMS what they were aftcr.^Buck. RIEDLINC a T. BAKER, Auct. L . G. B U L L , Clerk* Strongly Intrenched. PIANOS BLOOD PURIFIER A fellow whoso appearance war­ embody evoiy detail tfcat tan possibly A Upeedy And Safe Remedy for »!l —j. ' ranted tho belief that ho had quar­ kt'A to the value of a Piano of tho very reled with reap and water _ some highest grade. 'H;e low piko at which they ato sold astonishes thona tompet- Disuses of Hm Skk and BlMi years ago .applied for 0 posit ion as enttojudgebfPlanoViiiue, "RJedling" porter with a large concern where on a Piano means highest attktic re- help was badly needed. Tho man- Biilis In tone, tench, durability and liumwa, blears. hmrjw-or4n3.Oldfi.srcK,fier.Juh. i ypbikcAfttium, F mf«w ogo?looked him over doti?>tfii12y. ease design, fiend fof catalogue and Humors, pfofthM. 1 miph ?. I urialc?, Halt W.cuni and all disracf s arbiur from TRY OUR JOB PRINTING nar.ift and address of cur agent in your blindly he hiratlcd him a dollar. vicinity. ' a;Wo uptown and take a bath,” Isa A I. filEOUMI WAWO CO., * WpenHf, Wl#e„ WUCE, ONE DOLLAR f»FR 60TTLE. FOR SALE 1Y DRU80ISTS. fold Isiiui. “Th; 'fl t>n«ir* back and Maybe I'll be able fo tube vm ll.Mtwt.tH ty HtWIUMIIII MgBICU CO., Kwtw, Twwww. Tito fellow fdarh'd for ihr? \ 4JAiti1. nil, by the any,'"' the man- figef uVflwt lifter butt, ‘if fherel* 0 #ny tfatnj* luit take another b*tV*

\ O