Siting Criteria for Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) 6

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Siting Criteria for Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) 6 ,, \t \\ A:~:., 't , .. ~ ,.. ~~\; . DOT/FAA/PM-86/18 Siting Criteria for Microwave Program Engineering Landing Systems (MLS) and Maintenance Service rn.ashington, D.C. 20591 )~ )C6 Roger Radcliff Michael F. DiBenedetto Avionics Engineering Center Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ohio University Athens, Ohio 45701 ;tf\v t<l''~ ~ June 1986 ·· · '' ., Final Report This document is available to the public " through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof. t!!!>o:hnical R'!port Oocum•ntcttion Page 1. Report No. I~- R~tci:tier.t' ~ Cotolog No. DOT/FAA/PM-86/18 • . ~ 4. Tirle an-i Subhole ... June 1986 Siting Criteria for Microwave Landing Systems (MLS) 6. Poorfo""ing Orgen,.ahaft Cocl• Roger Radcliff and Michael F. DiBenedetto OU-AEC-81-1 I ~~v:::~~m~:~ ~~;~~·~·::~:· ~:n~:r;u i•1. Woric Unol No. (T~AI:i) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 11. Contract or Gronl No. I' Ohio University DTRS57-83-C-00097 Athens, Ohio 45701 13. iypeofQeportonciP ..riociCo•••ecl l~~~-2-.--Sp_o_n_s_o-ri_n_g_A_g_e_n_cy__ N_om __ e_o_n_cl __ ~~clcl~r-e_a_s------------------------------------~ U.S. Department of Transportation I FINAL REPORT I Federal Aviation Administration Program Engineering and Maintenance Service 14. Sp,nsorong Agency Cocle I Washington, D. C. 20591 I 15. Supplern.. ntory Notes 1 U.S. Department of Transportation Transportation-System Center 1 , Kendall Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 • ;6. Abstract i This report describes current siting criteria for the Microwave Landing Systems I 1 (MLS). These criteria have been obtained through flight testing, mathematical and 1 computer modeling, and publications from other sources. The first three chapters provide a description of MLS principles and a technical ! description of each of the system components. Chapter Four introduces the reader t to general principles germane to siting, such as critical areas and propagation I effects. Chapter Five describes the criteria for siting the MLS in an ideal airport ! environment. The final chapter gives solutions to difficult siting problems such as 1 MLS/ILS collocation, multipath and shadowing effects, and collocation with approach I lighting systems. 17. K.,y Words 18. Distribution Stat•"'-' Siting Document is available to the public Microwave Landing System through the National Technical Information MLS/ILS Collocation Service Springfield, Virginia 22161. 19. Sttcurity Clauif. (of this rspottl 20. S .. curHy ClnuiJ. (of thi ~ po11•l 21· No. of P oges 22. Prlc~ I Unclas_s_i_f_i_e_d--------------~--j_ __u_n_c_l_a_s_s_i_f_1_·e_d------------------~-----74------~------------~ Form DOT F i700.7 IB-72l l?oproductlon of c,"'ploted pnge out!-torizftd English/Metric Conversion Factors Length ~0 Cm m Km in ft s mi nmi Cm 1 0.01 1x1o·S 0.3937 0.0328 6.21x1o·6 5.39x1o·6 m 100 1 0.001 39.37 3.281 0.0006 0.0005 Km 100,000 1000 1 39370 3281 0.6214 0.5395 In 2.540 0.0254 2.54x1o·S 1 0.0833 1.58x1o·S 1.37x 1 o·S ft 30.48 0.3048 3.05x1o-4 12 1 1.89x10"4 1.64x 1 o·4 S mi 160,900 1609 1.609 63360 5280 1 0.8688 nmi 185,200 1852 1.852 72930 6076 1.151 , Area ~0 cm2 m2 Km2 in2 ft2 S mi2 nmi2 cm2 , 0.0001 1x 10·10 0., 550 0.001 1 3.86x1o·1 1 6.11x1o·11 m2 10.000 1 1x1o-s 1550 10.76 3.86x1o-7 5.1 1 x 1 o-7 Km2 1x1010 1x106 1 1.55x109 1.08x107 0.3861 0.2914 in2 6.452 0.0006 6.45x1o·10 1 0.0069 2.49x1o·10 1.88x1o·10 ft2 929.0 0.0929 9.29x1o·B 144 1 3.59x1o·B 2.71x10"8 S mi2 2.59x1010 2.59x106 2.590 4.01x109 2.79x107 1 0.7548 nmi2 3.43x1010 3.43x106 3.432 5.31x109 3.70x107 1.325 1 Volume ~0 Cm3 Liter m3 in3 ft3 yd3 fl oz fl pt fl Qt gal Cm3 1 0.001 1x10"6 0.0610 3.53x1o-s 1.31x1o-6 0.0338 0.0021 0.0010 0.0002 liter 1000 1 0.001 61.02 0.0353 0.0013 33.81 2.113 1.057 0.2642 m2 1x106 1000 1 61,000 35.31 1.308 33.800 2113 1057 264.2 in3 16.39 0.0163 1.64x1o-s 1 0.0006 2.14x, o-5 0.5541 0.0346 2113 0.0043 ft3 28,300 28.32 0.0283 1728 1 0.0370 957.5 59.84 0.0173 7.481 yd3 765,000 764.5 0.7646 46700 27 1 25900 1616 807.9 202.0 fl oz 29.57 0.2957 2.96x1o·S 1.805 0.0010 3.87x1o-s 1 0.0625 0.0312 0.0078 fl pt 473.2 0.4732 0.0005 28.88 0.0167 0.0006 16 1 0.5000 0.1250 fl Qt 946.3 0.9463 0.0009 57.75 0.0334 0.0012 32 2 1 0.2500 gal 3785 3.785 0.0038 231.0 0.1337 0.0050 128 8 4 1 Mass I~0 g Kg oz lb ton g 1 0.001 0.0353 0.0022 1.10x 10·6 Kg 1000 1 35.27 2.205 0.0011 oz 28.35 0.0283 1 0.0625 3.12x1o-s lb 453.6 0.4536 16 1 0.0005 ton 907,000 907.2 32,000 2000 1 Temperature °C = 5/9 (°F - 32) OF = 9/5 (OC) + 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAI''n~R 1 LNTKODUCTION 1. Purpose and Scope 1 2. Background 1 3. Rationale for the Development of MLS 1 CHAPTER 2 UESCKIPTION OF MLS 3 1. Ground System Layout 3 a. Approach Azimuth Station 3 b. Approach Elevation Station 3 c. Remote Control and Status Unit 8 d. Remote Status Unit 8 2. Signal Format 10 a. Guidance Function Formats 10 b. Data Formats 10 c. Morse Code Identification 10 3. Data Transmission 10 4. Angular Measurement Concept 14 a. Azimuth 14 b. Elevation 14 S. Function Coverage Requirements 14 a. Approach Azimuth 14 b. Back Azimuth 22 c. Approach Elevation 24 d. Data Coverage 26 e. DME/P 26 6. MLS Expansion Capabilities 26 a. Dual Mode Azimuth Antennas 26 b. Auxiliary Data 26 c. 360 Degree Azimuth 26 d. Limited-Scan Azimuth Coverage 26 CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 28 1. MLS Power Requirements 28 2. Equipment and Structure Requirements 28 3. Site Preparation 28 4. Interconnect Requirements 29 i a. Power 29 h. Communieations 2') CHAPTER 4 GEN~~RAL IHSCUSSlON OF CONSIOERATL0NS THAT AFFI~CT SiTlN(; 30 1. Preparation of Data 30 2. Air Traffic Planning Input 30 3. Critical Areas 31 4. Propagation Effects 31 a. Multipath 31 b. Shadowing 34 5. OCI Requirement 34 CHAPTER 5 SITING UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS 39 1. Overview 39 2. Azimuth Site 39 a. Antenna Location 39 b. Critical Area 41 c. DME/P 41 d. Obstacle Clearance 41 3. Elevation Site 46 a. Antenna Location 46 b. Critical Area 48 c. Obstacle Clearance 48 CHAPTER 6 SPECIFIC SITING CONCERNS 58 1. Overview 58 2. Azimuth Station 58 a. Multipath 58 b. Shadowing 60 c. Collocation with ILS Localizer 63 d. Coexistence with Approach Light System and 66 Other Objects in the Near-Field of the Azimuth Antenna 3. Elevation Station 68 a. Multipath 68 b. Shadowing 68 c. Collocation with ILS Glide Slope 68 4. Discussion of Computer Modeling to Aid in Siting 70 REFERENCES 74 ii LIST OF FIGURES AND TAHLI·:S Page No. ------ 1 Standard MLS Ground System Configuration. 4 2 1° Azimuth Equipment (Front View). 5 3 1° Beamwidth, ±40° Scan Azimuth Equipment (external). 6 4 Approach Elevation Equipment. 7 5 Format for the Angle Guidance Functions. 11 6a Basic Data Organization. 12 6b Auxiliary Data Word Organization. 12 7 Morse Code Technique. 13 8 Azimuth Antenna Scanning Beam. 16 9 Azimuth Scanning Convention. 17 10 Illustration of Azimuth Scanning Concept. 18 11 Elevation Antenna Scanning Beam. 19 12 Elevation Scanning Convention. 20 13 Approach Azimuth/Data Coverage. 21 14 Back Azimuth/Data Coverage. 23 15 Approach Elevation Coverage. 25 16 DME/P Coverage. 27 17 Azimuth Multipath Configurations. 32 18 Azimuth Multipath in the Nonscan Direction. 33 19 Elevation Multipath in the Scan Direction. 35 20 Elevation Multipath in the Nonscan Direction. 36 21 Shadowing and Diffraction Regions. 37 22 Typical Scenario Requiring OCI. 38 23 Preferred and Alternate Locations for Approach 40 Azimuth Station. iii LLST OF r'IGUR.ES ANU TABU:S (couliruu~d) Figure Page No. 24 Azimuth System Critical Area. 42 25 Azimuth System Critical Areas Suggested by AWOP -10 43 Meeting. 26 Relationship Between DME/P Antenna Phase Center 44 Height and Distance to Touchdown. 27 Azimuth Station Intersection with Part 77 Surfaces. 45 28 ~-S 3-Degree Glide Paths and the Linear Asymptote 47 for Various Antenna Offsets from Runway Centerline. 29 Computation of Elevation Site Coordinates. 49 30 Elevation Siting Area Which Yields a Planar Glide 50 Path of at Least 50 Feet While Keeping the Hyperbolic Path Crossing Height Less than 60 Feet. 31 Elevation Site Critical Area for a 1 Degree 51 Beamwidth Antenna (plan view). 32 Elevation Site Critical Area for a 1 Degree 52 Beamwidth Antenna (elevation view). 33 Elevation Site Critical Area for a 1.5 Degree 53 Beamwidth Antenna (plan view). 34 Elevation Site Critical Area for a 1.5 Degree 54 Beamwidth Antenna (elevation view).
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