Dates & Head lines…. Newsletter May 2017 Dear Parents,

Events I want to take this opportunity to let you know about changes that will be taking place to the school’s timetable for the next school year from September 2017. Last March I wrote  Term ends to you to introduce our new school vision and what we are trying to accomplish for our Friday 26 May young people. At the heart of their educational experience in school is the curriculum that

 Term 6 starts we offer and how this curriculum is taught through the school’s timetable. In recent years Monday 5 June the school has responded to the national reforms to the curriculum at GCSE. As a consequence I have seen how our current timetable structure has not helped an  Year 7 Information Evening increasing number of students achieve their first choice combination of subjects that they Monday 12 June would like to study in Years 10 and 11. The 50 minute lesson length has been crucial here. Subjects needing a longer lesson length of 100 minutes, a double period, have had  Year 11 Final Assembly to be grouped together on the timetable and this has limited access to a range of these Thursday 15 June subjects for some students.

To resolve this issue we are moving to a timetable structure, used by the majority of  Open Morning schools including most neighbouring schools. The lesson length is extended to one hour Wednesday & Thursday and five periods are taught in the day, rather than our current six periods. All subjects in 21 & 22 June 9am to 11am Years 7 to 11 teach within one hour lessons. From September the shape of the school day

 Sports Day will be as follows: Wednesday 5 July On Mondays, lunch will be followed by Review time with students ending the day at 2.30pm, 10  Golden Jubilee Summer minutes earlier than currently. Ball, Salomon’s Estate The school start and end times for students will Saturday 8 July stay as now at 8.45am and 3.30pm, mindful of the current arrangements for school transport  School Production - Oliver! times within the area. Wednesday - Friday Another aspect of school life for students that we 12 - 14 July 7:30pm are exploring at the moment is the school

 Friends of St Gregory’s uniform. Since the introduction of the current Summer Festival uniform, a number of girls and parents have asked us to consider the introduction of an Saturday 15 July optional summer dress. I would like to hear a wider view on this inclusion from yourselves and our students, so we have planned for a survey to be carried out. The survey will also  Term 6 ends ask questions relating to the current skirt for girls and variations to the school tie for boys. Friday 21 July And finally we say goodbye to Jill Collins who is leaving us after 22 years of working at St Gregory’s, the past 12 years as an employee. Jill has been pivotal in the success of the HI and AEN departments, ensuring students with hearing difficulties and those learning English can access the Don’t forget… curriculum and have the best possible chances of success. Golden Jubilee Ball We wish her all the best for a long and happy retirement. Sat 8 July 2017 Tickets now on sale

on our website S McQuillan, Head of School Music Musician flies in from USA to get Year 9s singing

We were honoured to receive a visit from experienced and highly respected USA musician, Andrew Walker. Andrew spent a day in the Music department working with students on vocal training and generally inspiring them to use their natural talents and voices.

Here’s what Andrew said.

“Working with three of Mr Trevaskis’ Year 9 Music classes was a most fascinating and rewarding experience. Coming from a UK education, but having spent the past 40 years living and working in Florida, USA, I was eager to see the young teens of the UK. Choral music has been a passion for me ever since I can remember, beginning at Portsmouth Cathedral, and now as a full-time Music Director at an American church. To share that passion, especially with a child of any age, is high on my list of priorities. Both the singing of music and its community-building aspects can have a hugely positive effect on someone’s life. With all this in mind, we spent our time together talking about living with a passion – finding that career that you will LOVE! Also, how being open to singing can give you a life being part of singing groups, no matter what style, what level of skill required, that can bring instant friendships, a place to ‘belong to’ when you take that job in a new city, and rewards of a social, emotional and often spiritual nature that cannot be measured.”

George from Year 9 said, “I enjoyed this experience with Andrew. I think it gave the class helpful advice for our future. It was worth it because it was fun and engaging. We learned different relaxation techniques and we went through the chorus of The Living Years.”

Ffian, also Year 9 said, “I really enjoyed meeting Andrew Walker and I believe he gave us some really useful life tips. He also helped us with some awesome breathing techniques if we are ever in need of relaxation. Towards the end we went through the chorus of The Living Years. This helped us progress and learn new skills in musical terms and situations. Thank you.” Art

‘Big Painting’ to celebrate 10 years as a Fair Trade town

A group of enthusiastic Year 8 students took part in the Fairtrade Big Painting Project celebrating ten years of Tunbridge Wells as a Fair Trade town. Each painted a hardboard square piece of a large mural displayed in the Fairtrade exhibition shop in Royal Victoria Place. Finty in Year 8 is pictured left with her square. All enjoyed drawing and painting their individual pieces according to the plan in sunny yellow and a range of grey tones. The final big painting (below) was assembled and the mystery image unveiled by the Mayor of Tunbridge Wells on 28 March. Well done to the students for all their hard work.

A ‘thank you’ from St. Augustine’s Catholic Church

Thank you to Finty, Year 8, who designed the First Holy Communion certificate for the children of St Augustine’s Catholic Church, pictured left. Football Academy Football Academy trip is a ‘Real’ success

A proud Mr Bradbury returned from Spain with 33 Year 8 Football Academy students and four staff, having embarked upon an amazing five day football tour to Real Madrid. The students completed four training sessions at Real Madrid's stunning training facility "Valdebebas". The students were coached by Real Madrid coaches and played competitive matches against local Spanish opposition and other touring teams. At times our students were only 500m metres away from the first team training pitch where Ronaldo, Modric, Benzema, Bale and Ramos were preparing for their big encounter against Spanish giants “Valencia”. A highlight of the trip was to see the match between Real Madrid and Valencia C.F. To watch Real Madrid play in a competitive match at the Santiago Bernabéu was an fantastic experience. The following day the students were taken on a tour of the club’s iconic stadium and also visited the museum. The students also had a chance to explore Madrid and visit the Royal Palace. Mr Bradbury said, “This was a fantastic trip and I was so proud of our students. I truly believe that education is not just about academic experience alone, but also about creating life experiences and memories that our children will never forget.”

Here’s what some of the parents said.

“Ali has had the most amazing time and hasn't stopped talking about it since last night. I know it's an experience he'll always remember.”

“James has had the most fabulous time and will never forget this trip of a lifetime.”

“The boys are extremely lucky to have such high quality teaching professionals at the school.”

“It's life affirming to see how inspired a group of young boys can be from spending quality time with their teachers and peers - it's an experience that will stay with them forever.” Sport Most developed player Elite champion in in hockey trampolining Congratulations to Cassidy McCarthy in Year 10 Well done to Jack Howe in Year 7. Jack is Year 7/8 who has won Crowborough Hockey Club award for Elite Kent Trampolining Champion. most developed player of the year.

West Kent Football Finals St Gregory’s dominated the West Kent Football Finals on 3 May with a team in six out of the seven finals matches and winning four out of their six matches. There were over 200 students from seven schools at the Longmead Stadium, home of the Angels.

Here are the results: Year 9 boys won 5-2 vs Hayesbrook Year 8 boys won 5-1 vs Hugh Christie Year 7A boys won 5-4 on penalties vs Mascalls after drawing 1-1 Year 7B boys lost 2-1 to Trinity Sevenoaks A Year 7/8 girls lost 2-0 to Knole Aacademy Year 9/10 girls won 1-0 vs TWGGS Head of PE Mr Cumber said, “A great day for the school with over 85 boys and girls from St Gregory’s competing on the day. Students’ commitment to sport and extra-curricular activities makes days like today all worthwhile.”

Kent silver medallist in long jump

Congratulations to Anton, Year 10, who won silver in the U17 boys’ long jump competition at the Kent Indoor Athletics Championship, held at the Lee Valley indoor athletics track in March. Anton jumped 5m 90cm! Community The Friends of St Gregory’s The Friends of St Gregory’s (FoSGs) are busy preparing for the Summer Term’s events.

Second Hand Uniform Sale – New Parents Evening – Monday 12 June at 7 pm We continue to collect donations of good quality second hand uniform and the next planned sale will coincide with the New Parents Evening in June. Please come along if you need anything for your older children too. As always we welcome donations of clean/good quality uniform as we will be distributing this to a worthy cause in the future.

Golden Jubilee Summer Ball – Saturday 8 July at Salomon’s Estate – from 6pm We will be supporting the Golden Jubilee Committee in the run up to this event which is being held at the Salomon’s Estate and will feature live music, food and dancing to celebrate the Golden Jubilee year. Tickets now on sale from the school website.

Golden Jubilee Festival of Food and Music – Saturday 15 July - evening Now an annual event, this year’s Festival will again have live music, international food, kids’ cinema and a festival vibe for families to come together to celebrate the end of this momentous year. We are looking for help and ideas to make this event as successful as before.

 Are you or someone you know interested in serving an international food on one of our stalls?

 Can you, a friend or family member or your employer provide a Raffle Prize or donate a service for free?

 Do you have any ideas, creative talent or props that will help us to create the festival vibe?

 Are you able to help out in any way before or during the event? If the answer is yes to any of these please email the Friends email inbox and we will come back to you: [email protected]

Date for your diary: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 19 September at 7pm in the School Refectory. News A touch of purple

Staff and students wore an item of purple on Friday 12 May and raised £515 the Lymphoma Association. Some even ate something purple after the Refectory produced purple doughnuts (it also being national doughnut week) raising £30 towards the total. We are extremely proud of

Martha in Year 8 who initiated the fundraiser and spoke to everyone in assembly.

Shopping bags

St Gregory’s Jute shopping bags are still on sale via Parentpay. Strong, durable and suitable not just for the supermarket shop but also for carrying all those items you’ll need on days out in the summer – picnics, beach gear etc. For just £4 you will be supporting the school as well as promoting our logo.

To purchase bags please go to Parentpay and collect your bags from school reception. And finally…. If your son or daughter achieves something great outside of school – in any activity, not just sport – we would love to hear from you and share the good news. Please email the school office, [email protected] with details and photos. CONTACT US St Gregory’s Catholic School

Reynolds Lane Telephone: 01892 527444

Tunbridge Wells Email: [email protected]

Kent TN4 9XL Website:

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Follow us on Instagram: stgregorysschool

St Gregory’s students make the world a better place. Community
