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THE LONDON GAZETTE, Isr MARCH 1994 3190 THE LONDON GAZETTE, Isr MARCH 1994 the special road, the construction and improvement of other Part of Fuel Oil Depot and part of Ogley Hay Road, all north of highways and the execution of other works mentioned above; Brownhills (owned by Charringtons Fuel Oils Limited) (30/443, (vi) use by the Secretary of State in connection with the 30/443a, 30/443b). construction and improvement of highways and the execution Part of the garden of SA Watling Street and half width of Chase of other works mentioned above; and Road, all north of Brownhills (owned by J, Wilkin and Mrs. J. (vii) mitigation of adverse effects which the existence or use of Wilkin) (30/2025). certain of the highways proposed to be constructed or improved by him as mentioned above will have on the surroundings. Land within the Parishes of Hammerwich, Wall, Shenstone or Weeford in the district of Lichfield in the county of Staffordshire (b) the land and rights described in Schedule 2 hereto for the provision of a maintenance compound in connection with the Half width of Hanney Hay Road; the right to backfill part of special road at Weeford, in the district of Lichfield, in the county of Crane Brook and to construct a box culvert in railway land; railway Staffordshire. land forming part of the Walsall to lichfield Line, all north-east of (c) the land described in Schedule 3 hereto for the purpose of Brownhills and Newton; railway line forming part of the Sutton being given in exchange for land which forms part of an open space. Coldfield to Lichfield Line east of Chesterfield (owned by British Rail Property Board) (30/35,30/35a, 30/35b, 30/35c, 30/35d, 33/35, Copies of the draft compulsory purchase order and of the plan 33/35a). referred to therein, together with copies of the above-mentioned Arable land and half width of Barracks Lane, all south-east of Special Road Scheme and of the published drafts of each of the Newton (owned by W. A. Lane) (30/72). above-mentioned Orders (all with their accompanying plans) have Part of Lichfield Road north-east of Brownhills (owned by been deposited and may be seen at all reasonable hours from 1st Staffordshire County Council) (39/321). March 1994 to 6th April 1994 at the Department of Transport, 2 Wasteland and half width of Ogley Hay Road, all north of Marsham Street, London SW1P 3EB; at the offices of the Director, Brownhills (owned by British Coal Property Division West) West Midlands Construction Programme Division, No. 5 (30/325). Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham BIS 1BL; and at Birmingham Arable land and half width of Ogley Hay Road, all south of City Council, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham Bl IBB; Burntwood (owned by H. Farmer) (30/375). Cannock Chase District Council, The Council House, Beecroft Arable land, part of access road and parts of field drains all Road, Cannock; Lichfield District Council, Council Offices, Frog forming part of Lambs Lodge Farm; parts of Ogley Hay Road, all Lane, Lichfield; Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, Civic north of Brownhills and south Burntwood (owned by J. Holland) Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall; North Warwickshire Borough (30/374, 30/374a, 30/374b 30/374c, 30/374d, 30/374e, 30/374f, Council, Council House, South Street, Atherstone; South 30/374g, 30/374h). Staffordshire District Council, Council Offices, Wolverhampton Arable land north of the AS Watling Street and arable land east of Road, Codsall; Norton Canes Library, Burntwood Road, Norton the A38 London Road, all at Weeford Island (owned by K. B. Canes, Cannock; Shenstone Library, Main Street, Shenstone; Jackson & Son Limited) (35/12,35/12a). Burntwood and Chase Terrace Library, Sankeys Corner, Chase Arable land and half width of Green Lane; half width of Hanney Terrace, Walsall; Cheslyn Hay Library, High Street, Cheslyn Hay; Hay Road, all north-east of Brownhills; arable land forming part of Water Orton Library, Mickle Meadow, Coleshill Road, Water Barn Farm and half width of Cranebrook Lane, all south of Orton; Brownhills Library, Brickiln Street, Brownhills; Coleshill Muckley Corner (owned by Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance) Library, 141 High Street, Coleshill, Birmingham; ^d Reddicap (30/377,30/377a, 30/377b, 32/53, 32/53a, 32/53b). Heath Post Office, 53 Reddicap Heath Road, Sutton Coldfield. Arable land and half width of Green Lane; half width of Ogley Hay Any objections to the draft compulsory purchase order must be Road, all north of Brownhills; pasture land and half width of made hi writing and addressed to the Secretary of State at the Hanney Hay Road, all north-east of Newton (owned by J. Department of Transport, West Midlands Construction Programme Hodgkins) (30/378,30/378a, 30/378b). Division, No. 5 Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham BIS 1BL, no Grassland forming part of Jubilee Playing Fields, part of village later than 6th April 1994, and should state the grounds of objection green, parts of Green Lane and half width of Hanney Hay Road; all and quote the ref. WMT 211/6/65/9/01. In the preparation of an north-east of Brownhills; part of recreation ground and part of objection and the statement of grounds of objection it should be Crane Brook, all south of Burntwood (owned by Hammerwich borne in mind that the substance of any objection or representation Parish Council) (30/379,30/379a, 30/379b, 30/379c, 30/379d). may be communicated to other people who may be affected by it. Arable land, half widths of Hanney Hay Road and Meerash Lane G. P. Rainbow, Principal, West Midlands Construction, and half bed of Crane Brook; the right to cleanse, widen, deepen and Programme Division, Department of Transport. maintain pan of Crane Brook, all north-east of Brownhills (owned by Mrs. V. Thorpe) (30380,30/380a, 30/380b). SCHEDULE Arable land and part of Crane Brook; half width of Meerash NOTE Lane; the right to cleanse, widen, deepen and maintain part of Crane Brook and to excavate and maintain a new watercourse in arable (a) The land comprised in each item in these Schedules is land and pond; half width of Hanney Hay Road, all north-east of identified on the plan referred to in the draft compulsory purchase Brownhills (owned by R. W. J. Garbett, S. H. Garbett, and A. B. order by means of the number or numbers shown in brackets against Garbett) (30/382,30/382b, 30/382c, 30382d, 30/38 le). that item in these Schedules. Arable land and half bed of Crane Brook, all east of Hanney Hay (b) References to ownership are references to ownership or Road, north-east of Brownhills (owned by R. W. J. Garbett, S. H. reputed ownership at the time of the preparation of the draft Garbett, A. B. Garbett and Mrs. V. Thorpe) (30/383,30/383a). compulsory purchase order and are stated only for the purpose of Arable land, part of Crane Brook and half widths of Hanney Hay identification of the land. Road and Meerash Lane; the right to excavate and maintain a new watercourse, all south Burntwood (owned by T. J. Bailye) (30/445, SCHEDULE 1 30/445a, 30/445b). Land within the Metropolitan Borough of Walsall in the County of Half width of Hanney Hay Road eayt of Newtown (owned by C. West Midlands Sadler) (30/384a). Arable land, part of Crane Brook, part of track and half width of Railway land forming part of the Walsall to Lichfield Line north- Hanney Hay Road; the right to backfill part of Crane Brook and to east of Newtown (owned by British Rail Property Board) (30/35e). excavate and maintain a new watercourse; the right to cleanse, Part of Lichfield Road north-east of Brownhills (owned by widen, deepen and maintain part of Crane Brook, all north-east of Staffordshire County Council) (30/32la). Brownhills (owned by W. J. T. Johnson) (30/385,30/385a, 30/38Sc, Part of dismantled railway embankment and half width of Ogley 30/385d, 30/3856,30/385f, 30/385g, 30/385h, 30/385J). Hay Road all north of Brownhills (owned by British Coal Property Half width of Barracks Lane north-east of Brownhills (owned by Division West) (30/325a, 30/325b). W. W. Wassail) (30/386a). Arable land forming part of Roundhill Farm, part of access track Arable land, part of access and half width of Barracks Lane, all and half width of Ogley Hay Road, all north of Brownhills (owned forming part of Warrenhouse Farm north-east of Brownhills by J. H. Whitehouse) (30/362,30/362a, 30/362b). (owned by J. R. Newcombe) (30/387). Arable land east of Newtown (owned by C. Sadler) (30/384). Arable land; the right to cleanse, widen, deepen and maintain part Arable land and parts of accesses all forming part of Meadow of Crane Brook, all north-east of Brownhills (owned by E. Barratt, Farm north-east of Brownhills (owned by W. W. Wassail) (30/386). W. Barratt) (30/388,30/388a, 30/388b). Part of the AS Watling Street north-east of Brownhills (owner Arable land and half widths of Ogley Hay Road and Hanney Hay unknown) (30/400). Road, all south of Burntwood (owned by M. Geraghty) (30/395)..
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