Local Development Strategy for LEADER 2015-2021 South and East Cornwall Local Action Group (NB: The above map is at parish level. Due to the definitions of rurality used by DEFRA the town of Saltash is excluded from the above area and is therefore not eligible to benefit from LEADER Funding.) Signed on behalf of the South and East Cornwall Local Action Group by: Kim Spencer… Date…4th September 2014 Shadow Chair The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership has put locally led economic development at the heart of its Strategic Economic Plan. This Local Development Strategy for LEADER funding in the South and East Cornwall area is our contribution to delivering the LEPs overall objectives and should be considered as part of the overall Strategic Economic Plan and Growth Deal delivery framework for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. For more information please contact: Clare Leverton/Linda Emmett CLLD and LEADER Transition Development Co-ordinators Tyncroft House, South Wheal Crofty, Station Road, Pool, Redruth TR15 3QG 01209 611106
[email protected] This LDS has been produced with support from: 1 | P a g e CONTENTS 1. The Local Action Group Partnership 1.1 Membership 1.2 Structure and decision making process 1.3 LAG staff, numbers and job descriptions 1.4 Equal Ops statement, public sector equality duty 1.5 Involvement in the community and consultation activity undertaken 1.6 Training requirements 2. The LAG area 2.1 Map of the area 2.2 Rural population covered 3. The Strategy 3.1 SWOT analysis of the Local area 3.2 Evidence of alignment with LEP activity 3.3 Local Priorities 3.4 Programme of activity 3.5 Targets results and outputs 3.6 Sustainability Appraisal 3.7 Proposed Co-operation activity 4.