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HBIS GROUP HONG KONG CO., LIMITED 河鋼香港有限公司 (formerly known as Hesteel Hong Kong Co., Limited (河鋼香港有限公司) and Iron & (Hong Kong) International Trade Co., Limited (河北 鋼鐵(香港)國際貿易有限公司)) (the "Issuer") (incorporated with limited liability in Hong Kong)

US$147,184,000 2.750% Credit Enhanced Notes Due 2017 (the "Notes") (Stock Code: 5818) (ISIN: XS1120848277)

with the benefit of a Keepwell Deed provided by

HBIS GROUP CO., LTD. 河鋼集團有限公司 (formerly known as Co., Ltd (河鋼集團有限公司) and Hebei Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd (河北鋼 鐵集團有限公司)) (the "Company") (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of with limited liability)

and an irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit provided by Agricultural Bank of China Limited Hebei Branch

Voluntary Announcement Change of Name of the Issuer and the Company

We refer to (i) our notice of listing dated 27 October 2014 in relation to the listing of the Notes by way of debt issues to professional investors by Hebei Iron & Steel (Hong Kong) International Trade Co., Limited (河北鋼鐵(香港)國際貿易有限公司), with the benefit of a Keepwell Deed provided by Hebei Iron & Steel Group Co., LTD (河北鋼鐵集團有限公司); (ii) our notice of change of names dated 5 December 2016 in relation to the change of company names of the Issuer and the Company to "Hesteel Hong Kong Co., Limited" (河鋼香港有限公司) and "Hesteel Group Co., Ltd" (河鋼集團有限公司) respectively; and (iii) our notice of settlement of tender offer dated 15 June 2017 in relation to the settlement of tender offer for the outstanding Notes completed on 14 June 2017.

The name of the Issuer has been changed to "HBIS Group Hong Kong Co., Limited" (河鋼香港 有限公司) with effect from 16 June 2017, and the name of the Company has been changed to "HBIS Group Co., Ltd" (河鋼集團有限公司) with effect from 23 February 2017. The relevant commercial registration procedures required for the change of name have been completed.

The stock short name of the Notes will be changed from “HSTEEL HK N1710” to "HBIS HK N1710" with effect from 17 July 2017. The stock code of the Notes remains unchanged as "5818".

The Issuer does not consider the above event would have a material adverse effect on its normal business operation or the ability to meet its debt obligations.

By order of the Board HBIS Group Hong Kong Co., Limited Wang Yitao Director

Hong Kong, 13 July 2017

As at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors of the Issuer comprises WANG Yitao and LIU Jian

As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are YU Yong, PENG Zhaofeng, LI Guiyang, QI Yuezhang and ZHANG Hai.