PAGE TWELVE m anrl|»atnr iEvraing l$n*ald

The Women'! ■oelety The Amerlcah Legion auxiliary The Wadaworth grbup of the Wes­ Mias .Beatrice LydaO of Hudson meet this evening at 7 o'clock at meeting will be onutted tonight, leyan Guild ^ill omit It* meeting street, who haa been confined to her hearsing wrlth the purpose in view the Polish National church on Gk)l- and the meeting of the Junlon will scheduled for tomorrow night at tho home with Illness for several CCC ENU^ENT of rendering the cantata in a mor« way street. be postponed from tomorrow after­ South Methodist church on accoimt months, has returned to her duties CONCORDIA CHOIR impressive manner. Miss Eleanoi .T h e Mancheater Community noon until a week from that time. of holy week. as head of the typewriting depart­ PERIOD IS LONGER Werner is serving as the piano ac­ Mwnbar at Uw AeGt jpayere will hold their regular The monthly meeting of the Man­ Mrs. Doris Babson who is directing ment of the Orient Insurance com­ companist. Miss Anna Tluck will Bnreen of dronlatlOBf. Monthly meeting Wednesday eve­ chester Master Barbers Association the play makes a special request The Ltfdles' Aid society of Concor­ pany. Hartford. TO SING CANTATA have the soprano solos and will b« ning. April 8 at the club rooms'. A will be held this evening at eight that each Junior taking part dia Lutheran church haa postponed heard In a duo with Mrs. Albert MANCHESTER — A CITY^F VILLAGE (HARM tine progrann of entertainment has o'clock at Paganl'a barber shop on memorise his or her part so that a Ita meeting from tomorrow after­ Get Word Here Time Has Been Knofla, contralto. Corwin ' Grant rehearsal may be held Tuesday at- The regular monthly meeting of VOL. LV„ NO. 161. (Ulaaslfied AdverUstog on Page 10.) been arranged. Pearl rU-eet. noon to Tuesday afternoon, April the degree team of the Daughters Extended—T7 Limit Is Now will be the tenor, and Alfred C. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7,1936. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ternoon of next week. 14. ' of Liberty, No. 128, Ladles Loyal Set at April 22. Dudley Back’s '’Story of the Lang in the *T)le of Pilate will have Orange Institution, will be held to­ .a number of baas recitatives, Regina D'ltalla society will hold The Woman's Christian Temper- morrow evening at 8 o’clock In Its regular meeting tonight at 7*60 ancet Union will meet tomorrow at Orange ball. Plana will be made Albert E. Behrend, aaststant Man­ Cross” to Be Reqdered On at the Sub Alpine club oh Eldiidge 2:30 at the South Methodist church. for the visit to the Stamford Lodge, chester recruiting officer for the street. Alt members are requested Rev. Roscoe Nelson of Hartford will April 15, when the team will put .in Civiltan Conservation Corps, was no­ PINEHURST DIAL 4151 to be present. be the speaker, and bis subject will a drill. Practice for same will tified today that the period for ac­ Friday Ereriing. Dial 5321 be “Peace”. The members are urged take place at the meeting tomorrow cepting appllcaUona-for enUstment For FRESH ' A new Shipment In the three games of setback ‘to^tti attend and to Invite their frtenda. night and every member of the team has been extended to April 22. played between the Park Tavern is urged to be on hand. The number seeking to enroll "The Story of the Cross". Dudley FRESH ■a, Henry W. Harrison of Rox- Buck's beautiful cantata, which was Free Delivery and Charter Oak street tavern, throughout the state has not been so successfully sung last Easter by TORNADOES’ DEATH TOLL 50 CALVES which came to an end Friday, the bury. Mass., formerly^ of this town Mrs. Anna McRrath, who makes as large as was expected and it Is GREEN Park Tavern team won the tourna­ Is visiting her sister in Rockville., her home with Mrs. George Mc- expected that Mancheater will be the choir of Concordia Lutheran LIVER ment by 63 points. The play*, was and 1s planning to renew acquaint­ creedy of 22 West street, has re­ permitted to send more recruits than church, will be repeated Friday eve­ ances with friends In Manchester ning at 7:30 at the eburph, under the WELDON BEANS for a supper to be paid for by the entered the Hartford hospital for was previously anticipated. direction of Organist F'red Werner. MARILYN MILLER, \ losers and this will be served, next before returning home. another minor operation. Former members of the corps DRUG CO. lb. week. must have been out of the service at The chorus of 38 has been re­ Kensington Bank Held Up 2 qts* 2 5 c least 60 days before they can rc- THOUSANDS ARE HURT Bacon ...... 39c lb. Leonard Anderson and James enllst, according to the' notice re­ NOTED ACTRESS, Krlstoff of this town have recently ceived by Mr. Behrend today. Strawberries PInehurst Freshly been discharged from Camp Fernow, I8c pint Civilian Con.servatlon Corps. i IS D E A ^ A T 38 GROUND REEF Associate Membership This Afternoon; $10,000 Is The regular weekly assembly of IN SOUTHERN STATES; 29c II). 1. Re.vmond’s members of Company K, 169lh In­ i'-'.l Green Peppers to StufT. fantry, C. N, G„ will bo held this Comes Next Star of "Sally” and Other HOT CROSS BUNS evening In the state armory. In­ Now Open V 20c dozen stead of the regular drill period on For Tho DRIVE Taken by Machine Gunners k Old Fashion ; Musical Comedy Success­ ■\ ta.sty bun with pienty the armory floor, members will turn 3,200 HOMES WRECKE RACON SQUARES In equipment Issued for the flood Ii of fruit in them. patrol duty. Members will assemble New Britain, April 7.—(AP) vers and machine guns fol­ peared easterly in the direction 29c lb. at 7;30 p. m. 11th Annual Concert es Passes Away in New —Using a girl as a shield, three about three miles from police SAFELY lowed the girl, who was about of Berlin. headquarters here. Average I '/j lbs. each. Fresh Spinach. To Be Given By SUNDAY armed men entered the Berlin to make a deposit, through the Officials Covered. Miss Ruth Warner, assistant sec­ Rising Rivers Add to Threat of Widespread Floods Sliced if you wish. Mrs. Charles J. Strickland of Main York—Her Career. Savings Bank iq Kensington SIEMBDRSKI IS f . Green Peas — Carrots. street has left for a visit of several • Headlights bank door, leaped over the par­ James J. Fitzsimmons, treas­ retary at the bank, was seated at Cauliflower — Cabbage. weeks In St. Louis, Mo. BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB this afternoon shortly before 2 titions separating the staff urer of the bank, was one of her desk and Ritchie, a teller, was o’clock, covered the bank staff standing at the ledger desk. Fltz- Over 425 Bodies Already Recovered—Damages Esti­ NATIVE New York, April 7.—(AP) - from the lobby, covered every­ the officials who looked into the slmons was in his office with a cus­ LAST TD DIE BY RIB VEAL CHOPS BIRDSEYE Monday Evening, April 27 1936 • Windshield Be Sure and Call Marilyn Miller, star of ''Sally" and with guns, took loot estimated one present with their weapons muzzle of a gun. Robert tomer when the bandits entered be­ mated at 25 Millions-— Many of Those .Infared in 38c lb. FROSTED PEAS .. 28c other musical comedy successea, at $10,000 from the vault, ran and took complete charge. Ritchie, a clerk, also was cov­ hind Miss Anna Tintl, 18, of 79 Per- Wipers died thia morning at Doctora hospi­ out to their automobile and es­ Flee Toward Berlin. clval avenue, Kensington. One man Cracker Meal or Bread Frosted Limas and Frost­ Us Early This ered. opened the door for Mlsa Tintl and N D D SEJ STATE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP tal. caped. j One bandit went to the vault, The robbers’ automobile was Gainesville and Tupelo Expected to Die. Crumbs. ed Corn. Costs hvo dollars and entitles each member to two Uekets Mias Miller, In pri'vate life Mrs. An alarm was sent to police as she stepped In; they crowded be­ for tho eonrert. Applications may bo obtained from an.v • Speedometers Week To Be Cer­ the police said, and took the said to have N^w York regis­ hind her and shouted "hands up." RADIO nienilior of the club or. may be mailed direct to Shenvood f. in surrounding towns and an money. Moving swiftly, they tration plates. Vault Partlllon. Gainesville, Ga., April 7.—(AP)— effort is being made to block West Haven Murderer Goes ATLANTA’S TRADESMEN -W Smith, 209 lllltlard stree4, Manchester, Conn. tain of Having fled to the street where an A squad of policemen from Miss Warner said one robber Rising rivers adued the threat of ANSWER CALL FOR AID REFLECTORS the escape of the bandits. . automobile with engine ­ poked a machine gun through a SPECIAL! Your this city headed by Lieutenant grille and two others, armed with to Gallows Just After Mid­ widespread floods today to the dis­ Assisting Artist: Have Machine Guns, i ning was waiting with a chauf­ William P. McCue sped to the AtlanU, April 7 —(AP) — RESILVERED tress of half a dozen southern states While most folk slept, there wm The men, armed with revol- feur at the wheel and disap­ scene of the holdup which is (Oontlnned on Page Bight) night, Nine Honrs After stricken by tornadoes which may bustling activity early today at Gertrude Berggren, Contralto have claimed a death toll of 500 the State Farmers' Market hert. NORTON SUITS Over a loud-speaker Mercar Board Denies Plea. persons. Harbin, market manager, said: ELECTRICAL More than 425 bodies of victims "Boys, there has been an of wlnUstorma this week and lost awful storm at OainesvlUe and INSTRUMENT CO. FRENCH PLAN IS BRIDiX BOMBED, had been recovered and Red Croas Hilliard St. Phone 4060 COATS and NINE PERSONS DIE State's Prison, Wethersfield, April they need food up there. Thoas authorities said 1,727 were badly of you who can and will, art 7.—(AP)—The slate took the life of Injured by the twisters which dam­ asked to contributs something.” AU-EUROPEAN TRAIN WRECKED; John Slemborskl Just after midnight aged 3,200 homes. A few minutes later 20 tons of SENT TO YOU ON today for the slaying of a New Ha- Relief wofkers'tolled under over­ . turnip greens, oranges, grapa* DRESSES AS GIANT AIRLINER cast skies at two mill clUes hardest fruit, apples and other fruits and van police officer. hit—Tupelo, Mias., and GalnaavUIe, vegetables were on their way to LEAGUE ARMY FEAR a ^ K U lE D The execution of the slim 39- OalneavUle. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL Got Vonr Cleaned and Ga—where death tolls mounted In year-old West Haven ma.i marked ghastly parsllel to over 300. t-'------" 'i ■■ «i>t!i|. s pr in g FLOWERS Pressed In Time FALLS IN PENNSY the end of prison hanglnga In Con­ Rain swollen streams threatened FRESH Would Have Leape Within Few Details Reach Vera Cruz necticut and introduction of electro­ several communities which escaped Many more were Injured and pro^-; for Sunday. erty damage mounted. We Are Fatly Prepared From tho Growers cution as k means of carr. ing out damage from 825,000,000 twisters League and Armed Force the extreme penalty for murder. Sunday night or.d Monday. Minor Looting ANUEKSUN Transport Crashes at Union- —Believe Rebels Placed Just 35 -•econda after the convict­ B7oods, generatad 4'(6bh rain­ Minor. looting was reported l)l'.| To Check Your Car and GREENHOUSES HIGH COURT TEST ed man entered the death chamber. fall. coursed thro'jjfi. the’ 'Carolina Tupelo yesterday but Gensral Joka 'i I5S Eldiidge St. DOUGAN to Attack Any Nation That Dynamite — Passenger Deputy Warden Burton Caswell foothills, closing highways. About A. O'Keefe, Nal'onal Guard eom,<* Phone 8486 town; Was On Way from pressed tho button releasing the 200 negro homes In 'Jharlotte, N. C., mander, said the 35o mllltlameaiaB Put It In Shape For The MAY EFFECT CONN. counter-weight which Jerked Blem- wore Inundated. Bridges were duty had the situation woU under ^ FARMERS’ RADIO Violated a Frontier. Cars Are Burned. borakl'a body Into the air. washed away In Eastern North control. DYE WORKS New York to Pittsburgh; The condemned man walked five Carolina. "The Red Crooa and the KmnxItr’M State Inspection Which SPECIAL Flowers For paces from hta death cell to the Flood Warnings can Legion," said General O’KqRl^.^ All Occasions PHONE 7155 Paris, April 7.—Foreign Minister chamber. Without a word, be -was “are attending to the bousing i Zenith 6-Tube Farm Radio Plane Long Overdue. State Official BeUeves That Vera Cruz, Mexico. April 7.— The Wrahlni^on Plerre-Btlenne Flandin, ready to (API—A bombing of the Mexican whisked Into Ujs black cowl and the warned of overflows Tn uie ;fS9)Uqg of'tbs bomeleas, white with Zenith Wind Power Mertlyn MUtas.' •nsrve notice on Britain that she hangman's noose adjusted around district and said "very heavy floods" medico] corps of voIimtoanlT Starts Tomorrow railway bridge near Paso del Macho his neck. handling the removal of the Generator—No B Batteries Cheater O'Brien, had been at the must Join repressive action against Uhlontown. Pa., April 7.—(AP)— Ruling May Hit Our Mini­ buried many dead and wounded to­ might be expected on the Cape Fear Don't take, chances. We have, the equipment, same Germany In the event of a "break­ Outwardly cmottonlera and garb­ and Neuae rivers. and wounded from the storm wree)[>:; Required. hospital for three weeks. She was Nine passengers were killed today day beneath tho burned, tangled ed In black, the man who shot to as the state,'to be certain of our work. Nine service i CVf.'C admitted suffering from a sinus In­ down of negotiations," turned to The Ocmulgee. river was above age." Radio 869.9.'i In the crash of a Transcontinental mum Wage Act. wreckage of the Vera Cruz-Mexlco death Patrolman Walter Koella In Governor Whitt pledged the atatfli^ men. ! fection and last week a toxic condi­ Geneva today with France't propos­ City night train, plunged Intq a deep a running gun fight In Now Haven flood stage at Macon, Ga., and West tion developed. For a time she als In the Rhineland crisis. and Western Airlines transport In ravine by the explosion. Point, Ga., was waraad the Chatta­ government to the old of the strtek>'| Free GENERAL ® ELECTRIC R^ofnAton Official sources said the French March 8, 1935, was led to the noose en ottlaens of this cotton mill towii^ The small fire caused by furnace backfire Sunday, in 84.5.00 Zenith Wind Chargor. showed Improvement, but a turn or the hills about seven.miles west of The bodies of a Pullman car con­ at 12:04.20 a. m. hoochee river would reach 36 fast— the worse developed Saturday and regarded >Uie March 19 London Union town. Hartford, April 7—(AP) — The ductor and a fireman were the first the level of a 1939 flood—tomorrow. of between 8,000 and 9,000 popij ' no way crippled our .service department or damaged anv < i| agreement of the Locarno powers, Guards quickly slipped leather tIon, few of whose residents fa cars. Only 2 — Don’t Wait! she was said to be In a critical con­ Every available ambulance was Supreme Court test of New York's to be recovered by rescue: parties, thongs about hIS wrists and arms, Additiohal rain was prsdicted for dition. providing for military aid In the Georgia and the Caroilnas. Continu­ to suffer some persona! loaa. X .event of a German attack and 'or rushed to the scene from thia coal minimum wage law has seriously which could estimate only that "va­ strapping them firmly to his sides. Miss MUltr was 38 years of age. mining town, situated about 40 affected the operation of Connecti­ rious others" were dead. 'Phe num­ ed cool weather and frost dominat­ Over 1,000 Injured e The death was announced by her measures to "meet the new eltua- 3 tlon," as their trump card. miles southwest of Pittsburgh. cut's Act which has been In effect ber of vlcttm-a might reach 50 If all (Continued on Page Six) ed the forecast '^for tornado-wrack­ Estimates of the Tupelo Inju physician; Dr. Laurence A. Whltte- since 1933, Labor Commissioner Pullman occupants and some of the ed statea to the west. ranged from 1,000 to 1,500. th o more. France's delegates to Geneva The plane was enroute from New Schaller Motor Sales, Inc. BARSTOW S « would Insist that such measures York to Pittsburgh. Searching Joseph M. Tone said today. crew were killed. i I n res Add to Tragedy critically injured numbered 375. AC "It costs less Marilyn Miller, at the height of planes had taken off from thi; Pitts­ Until the highest Federal tribunal A group ot unknown meh, believ­ Storm-bred fires, which added least 500 were less ceriously hu Dodge and Plymouth Dealers I RADIO SHOP her career, was regarded by Broad­ take the fornf of sanctions or efther 9 punitive action, officials said. If burgh Airport after it wps reported passes on the Constitutionality of ed to be rebels, were reported to BORAH’S STRENGTH- heavily to the Gainesville'death toll, and another 500 were given 634 Center Street Tel. 5101 Main St. Phone 32.‘H o way showmen as the perfect musi­ four hours overdue. New York's law, the model for this have bombed the bridge as'the pas­ still smouldered today. WPA work- ment for superficial wo'mds. cal comedy heroine, and the pattern they, encountered an "obstinate re-- state’s Act, Connecticut's minimum senger train passed over It at 9:30 .► of almost all aspirants to similar fusal by Adolf Hitler to make some State police said a WPA worker era, convicts aj;id NattonU Guards- It was feared that Park found the giant ship crumpled on wage law will be virtually inopera­ p. m. last night, two hours after inen dug through debris oi the bust-., located In the northeastern edge i. o careers. She had loveliness, a reparation for his Locarno viola­ tive, the commission Indicated leaving Vera Cruz for the capital. IN WEST TESTED sweet voice, a gift for piquant com­ tion." 1 the ground. ness district to recover the last of the residential 'Jistrtct; barbor|Mil < ■ Meanwhile, other adverse condi­ The engine, two Pullman cars and the victims. more dead. to own n edy and she was, more than any­ Three-Point Plan tions have developed In the field of the express and mall cars were pre­ The Powerful New Deluxe Model "K " (Continued on Page Eight) Civilians and soldiers searched f: O thing else, a dancer of extraordinary Flandin carried to Geneva a labor which threaten the rapid re­ cipitated Into the ravine beneath Eight bodies had been retrie skill and grace. three-point plan to meet the situa­ for more vIcLnus in Tupelo os the from the lake and authorities wrue] turn of sweatshop practices to this the bridge. bereaved set out to bury their dead. . Her first great triumph was In tion catued by Germany’s remili­ state, Mr. Tone said. The first and second class passen­ Idahoan Is Optimistic Over reported considering a plan to ' "Sally,” In which the late Florenz tarization of the Rhineland March Since January 1, 38 new shops ger cars, which did not leaye the Bodies, recovered In Mississippi the sixty-acre body of water to d»< lj ZIegfeld raised her stardom, after 7 and simultaneous denunciation qf have moved Into this state, he re­ totalled more than 200. Twenty-four termlne If others had been swept] U) the Locarno pact. NEW APPEAL MADE track, were burned after the explo­ His Chances at Wisconsin deaths were recurded In Tennessee, HERE’S NEWS!! >• her distinguished service In "The ports, most of them novelty and sion. It was not determined Imme­ there by the storm. FoUlee'' and in the famous shows on * Informed sources said the pro­ specialty factories. Alabama, Arka:isas and South NOW OPER.\TING UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT — WITH A FULL LINE OF < gram, which Premier Albert Sar- diately whether the attackers set Carolina. < Guardsmen stationed at the out*^ CHOICE MEATS — CANNED GOODS — FRUITS AND VEGETABLES r e ic a i i the ZIegfeld roof. "We have only 14 Inspectors who fire to these cars, or If they caught Primary Today. skirts of the cl.y turned back all "J ^ ^ ^ raut’s Cabinet approved yesterday BY ETHIOPIANS G e«enl Flay Also a Model can’t keep up with the problem," 'Tornadoes last Thursday killed 48 f _____ fire from the bomb. persons unable to show credentifilfca d^^ACUUM CLEANER^^ Not only did ''.$all)r” elevate MIsa and which Flandin Intended to sub­ the commissioner states, "roe state persons, centering their fury upon Streets were cleared aho.'tly Miller to aupreffie position among mit to the League of Nations Coun­ Is back to sweatshop practices." Some Of These Aboard Cordele, Ga., and Greensboro, 8. C. w ith New Type Brush for Lint, Heir end Threads cil, Included: Several Important figures In Mex­ Milwaukee, April 7.—(AP) —Sen­ 0 p. m., last night and all pcraaR||i| song and dance atara, ' -it the play Mr. Tone blames the letting down ican politics were aboard the train, Death of Injured perouns added to other than bolding pa itself established a model for later 1. _A request to the other Locar­ Tell Geneva That Italy Has of wage and working hour stand­ ator William E. Borah’s strength as the Gainesville toll today. musical plays-rthe sort that were no powers—Great Britain, Belgium ards set by the NRA for the col­ including the three candidates for a Republican presidential contender Issued by the adjutant general wars] >n// $ to bring forth Adele As-aire, Marv and Italy-^to seek action against lapse of the bars which for several the gubernatorial nomination of ‘he underwent Its first western test to­ ordered inside. ENTERPRISE 5 0 3 National Revolutionary (Govern­ day. Emergency moigues dotted Eaton, Louise Groody and other the Reich under the League Cove­ Succeeded in Disrupting years gave adequate protection to Tupelo Prepares o stars whose dancing was more im­ nant. labor. ment) Party In the primary elec­ Wisconsin voters went to pdlls to city. General O'Keefe ordered >> tion held here last Sunday. choose between a slate of 24 Na­ To Bury Its Dead balmlng of the dead ImmediaUtty. '' FOOD STORE 39 portant than their other talents. They were Oilonel Eduardo Her­ (Oontlnned on Page Eight) the League. (Continued on Page Eight) tional convention delegates pledged Tupelo, Miss., April 7.—(AP)— This was done, he soiu, to avert aa j A temtaHeuMl poiat/ Pem rfyJ h a The success of "SaUy,” both oh nandez Chazaro, chief of tho presi­ 1063 Main Street' Opposite Army and Navy Club ligbl—tasy t» pprrett. S^mUy ■ Broadway and on the road, earned to Borah and an uninstnicted group Tornado-tom Tupelo prepared to­ epidemic. for Miss Miller future Identification dential staff of former President backed by the state G. O. P. or­ day to bury its dead—187 victims Phone 8576 For Free Delivery. daigntd /* e h e v y duty ttrric*. Pascual'SOrtlz Rubio; Ocho Zamudio ganization. already identified anu stacked In with the role. Geneva, April 7.—(AP)—The and Dr. Padilla. They were en route Just imtgiael Now you-can obtain a powerful new At the termination of that play's Ethiopian government asserted to­ At the same time, Milwaukee's rows In Improvised mortuaries — Death List Grows PREMIER GOEMBOES CHARGES THAT JOBS to Mexico City to present their re­ Socialist administration hung In the while Ihe grim task of seeking addi­ deep cleaning DeLuze Eureka Model "K” at the run, she broke with .Slegfeld and day In a new appeal for help that ports on the elections. In Gainesville went under the management of the Italy had succeeded In disrupting balance In a mayoralty contest that tional bodies continued. Gainesville, Oa.' April 7.—^TbS spedsl low introductoiy price of $39.50. No longer the League of Nations. No tourist ships had arrived here pitted Mayor Danle' W. Hoan, So­ Hundreds more Injured when the ^"1hUUtkb Ti)lau io6ave »• • late Charles DlUlngham. Her first In tho last few days, and no foreign­ cialist who held the office 20 years, appalling death toll of tornadlc^^ need you tolerate the inefficiency of your old cleaner production was a musicallzed pro­ ENGAGES IN DUEL “There Is no doubt," said the ap­ TRADED FOR VOTES tornado cut a p. .ih of 'destruction a winds that tripped a. macabre meaa*'q peal, "that had the states which are ers were known to have been aboard against Sheriff Joseph Shinners, a mile wide and four miles long when you can obtain this new Deluxe Eureka .at duction of Sir James M. Barrie's r — the train. ^ non-partisan supported by many ure across the mid-south continusil' such an amazingly low price. See it! Tty this new Peter Pan. members of the League adhered to through the residential section were to mount today as additional bodUfgJJ their resolves to stop the aggressor General Herberto .Jara; command­ business Interests. The election Eureka in yonr bome-absolntely free-then decide. Dances were incorporated Into the er of the Vera Crub mliltary zone, ended one of the bitterest campaigns treated In teroncrary shelter a. were dragged from the ruins Tueaday SPECIALS ^ play for the star, and although she Hungarian Statesman and by appl'dng effective sanctions, the Bay State Representative Governor Hugh White estimated and at Tupelo, Miss. _ ' war would quickly have come to left for Paso del Macho aboard a In the city's history and led to pre­ won a huge personal success the special rescus train. dictions of a record vote. the property d image at about 88,- In these two cities alone almoofe^E Famoni G-E Sealed-ia-Sleel play Itself was a failure. an end. 000 , 000 . 350 bodies had been recovered by J Political Leader Fight "The Italian government, how­ Accuses Gov. Curley With Another rescue train left from On the Democratic side of the TableSalt FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLYI It was under Dillingham’s man­ Orizaba. Presidential primary a .slate of dele­ "It Is difficult to believe that rescue workers who scarettq^^ Green Beans Mechanism Now Gives Ton ever, succeeded in sowing dissension anyone In the section visited by the through the night. .-k agement, however, that she had her within the League, preventing the Not PoUtIcal gate candidates endorsed by the Tomato Soup June Peas A DOUBLE CASH ALLOWANCE greatest success. This was "Sunny,” ^ With Pistols; Both Miss. laying Unfair Politics. Despite the prasence of political state conference and pledged to storm survived,” be sold. Tupelo's total stood tcmporailJJlfG Double the Cold and Uses In which she wtui co-starred wlU Imposition of effective sanctions and authorities on tho bombed train, lu- Roosevelt faced only scattered op­ "First, our duty Is to bury the at 187, Gainesville’s at 158 will ha givsn for all Clou "C" trade-in cleaners. securing the postponement of those dead—then we will think about re­ In scattered other soi^etn come Spaghetti Golden the late Jack Donahue. It played at it feared, especially an oil sanction.” thoritlea here maintained a belief position. Trade-In your old efeoner now. Don't delay I Less Current Than Ever. the New Amsterdam, where ''Sany” Budapest, Hungary, April 7__ that It was unlikely the bombing Is Optimistic building.” munitles less violent...winds ha4 '.j The Ethiopian note said bitterly Boston, April 7—(AP) — Repre­ arose from political motives. Between 750 uid 1,000,.of the killed 48 others, bringing the total Pork and Beans NOTEI 70% of all old efeoners ore In Oaas"C" Famous sealed^ remained so long. She later appear­ (AP)—Premier JuHus Goemboes that whenever some effective sanc­ sentative Philip Barnet (R). of New Borah, defeated In New York lost Yellow Com The new 1936 G-E Refrigerators in-stetl mtchamitm im ed In a motion picture version of Another theory, however, which week, was optimistic over his town's finest be m o were leveled dead to 393. and Tlbor Ektkhardt, leader of H)in- tions had been decided on and *as Bedford charged today that the The injured numbered at i leao8.< are now even thriftier than ever. ' both G^E Mouitor Top "Sunny." gary'a Peasant Party, fought a duel about to be enforced, some Interven­ state administration banded out was at first given some creden'*e, chances In Wisconsin. and there were many homeless sur­ Vegetjable Soup Underw’ood and G-E Flatop models. Married Hiree Tlnoes that the motive was robbery of he In an election eve bid for support vivors. 2,000 and many of these were so.: 3 5 Balance small monthly payments-, The tavinga in operating costs of today with pistols, blazing away at tion brought about its . postpone­ laborers' Jobs to Legislators who badly hurt It was likely they would’’^ Sardines She died leas than two years after each other from a distance of 38 ment voted as Governor James M. Curley railroad pa)onaster, proved baseless here last night, he declared It was Scores of the injured were taken Clam Chowder Can dvifiowN amaU carrying charge . „ a General Electric Refrigerator her third marriage. On October 1, pacea—hut both missed. (D.) directed. when It was learned the - paymaster not In the Interest of Democtacy to to other towns by special trains and * M a n ch sstbr Co h n - 164,888,488.88, a decrease of 834,- similarly sevaral times last year, Backed by Valentine----- curves on the Steeply-Winding route closed In a dispute over party funds. and Lincoln. LaCroase, Ark, bad a few days the storms that de I26,084JM) under the pruviuus day. Pointedly referring to the trou- Joining Barnht In the fight, Rep- where the railroad itaHs to climb The National committee disclosed In ona death. In Mlailaaippl near cd parts of Cordelle, Ga, and Gr Sold aoseto, 810,187,948.846.58. (Ooethieeil ae Page Two) Tupelo 10 died at CoSeeviUe, aeven (OonUoned oa Pago Bight) lOontbiiied on Page TWo) (OonUaned on Page Bight) (Coattaoed on Page Six) at Auburn and four at BoonevUle. I (Oontinoed Ow Pag# Stat| I' Pa g e TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJd, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL T, 1E3S. ' V |WANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7,1938. PAGE THREES netb Leslie: senior deacon, Sher­ wood Brown: standard bearer, Mrs. R. D. Bimwn o f West Hart­ IE N O LAY INSTALLS CARD PARW MONDAY ford will give a travel talk on tion . ehurch Sunday morning in­ charge of the building the cabinets Marina, in honor o f the Due Charles Morgan, PMC, LOH: chap­ ABOUT TOWN Hawaii at the meeting of the Wom­ GOOD GRASS SEED cluded a solo, "The Palms,” by and which will have charge of ar­ Kent. lain, William Fox, PMC, PSJC: and MARILYN MILLER, M a n ch ester HARTFORD VICTIMS LEGION RIFLEMEN PEARSON TO LEAD George Hinkle o f the Actors Colony TO PLAN MONDAY ranging the articles in them are W ORK NOT FINISHED Robert Wright, PMC. marshal. IN ST. BRIDGETS HAIL en's Guild in the Robbins room of The Duchess, the former • The usual weekly aeaelon of the Center church house tomorrow af­ at Lake Wangumbaug. Wilbur Loveland, chairman, Michael Marina of OreeCe, was present _ ’ ITS NEW OFFICERS After the installation William Mancheater Ftremen'a Setback Lea­ ternoon at 2;S0. Mrs. Brown will D a te B ook FOR STATE UWNS The choir of the Congregational McDonnell, Mrs. Maude Shearer the birth. Both mother and chill (DadI Walsh presented, retiring gue will be held tonight. After to­ Illustrate her talk with colored NOTED AaRESS, JOIN ARM ORY GROUP WIN TTTU AGAIN SUNRISE SINGING church ia rehearsing a dramatic FOR MEMORIAL DAY and Archie Kilpatrick. WPA TERM EXPIRES were doing well. master eouricllor Ferris with a Mrs. Cain Mahoney and Joseph night's eeeston there will be but movies of her own taking and will cantata to be given next Sunday past master councilor's Jewel, a gift Handley Are Co-Chairmen of three more eesaloni;- A week ago a Next Week appear In costume. Children will Purchasers Should Not Be De­ evening entitled, "The Third Day." ■’ I lam es Baker Becom es Mas- from the chapter. The now master Committee in Charge. dnuMn session was hcld_Jn order to be cared for__ April 14.—"Three Live Ghosta," ceived by FaBcy Names — Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. AHEMPT TO ASSASSINATE councilor, James Baker railed on a make it possible to flnish the tour­ IS D E A D AT 38 3-act play by Community Playeos, Local Seeds Good. Wallace McKntght were Mr.- and number of distinguished guests for The weekly card party and social nament during the month of April. Thomas Maxwell has called a ■ -i South Methodist church, sponsored Ten, Indadiiig Four Cbildren D efeat MiddleEeM Team lo Service Early Easter Sanday Mr*. Ralph Swartwood and daugh­ Committee to Meet at Muni­ Reassessm ent P roject is Ter­ a tew words (CTonttnue^l m m One) by Wesleyan Guild. NOTICE ter CoimciUor in Cere­ for the, benefit of Ht. Bridget's special rehearsal of the Ceclllan Hartford, April 7;—It Is no long­ ter Beatrice, of Bently Creek, .'a., MADRID’S EX-GOVERNOR It was announced that the ohap church church will be help In the The Memorial hoapitkl auxiliary club tonight at 8:15 at the South April . 16.—Easter ball'of Knight* also Miss Catherine McKntght of cipal Building to Start minated With Plenty Left ter would hold a Mother. Father and will hold a rummage oale on Thurs­ Methodist church, In preparation show, "As Thousands Cheer." The of Columbu* at Sunaet Ridge club. Come — East Hartford Take Charter Oak,LeagDe er -necessary for Connecticut people Morning; Band and Girls’ The annual meeting of the stock*'; church hall next Monday evening. New Haven. holders of the Manchester Bulldii mony Last Evening. Son banquet on April 29. The committee-arranging for the day. April 16. It la requested that for the service Good Friday evening. marriage took place at Harrison, Also Easter dinner at Y. M. C. A to be hood-winked and buy their Bomb Is Concealed in Basket all those who desire to contribute by Ever Ready Circle, King’s Mrs. Laura Christie Is entertain­ A Loan Association will be held prizes promise some very attractive N. Y. Number Decreasing. seed In the dark. The sixth annual Trio On Program. ing her mother, Mrs. Pauline Hock­ Holiday Plans. . of Egiis Sent to His House— to Do YeL articles for those holding the high­ articles to this sale, get In touch Joteph Rollason experienced an Daughters. the offices of C. E. House A Sc She wok born Marllynn In Find­ seed report of the analyses of seeds ing of New Haven. Wife SliKhtly Injured. Inc., Wednesday evening, April 8 1 . est scores In bridge, whfst and set­ with any one of the following peo­ odd coincidence today at the post lay, O., In 1898, dropping the final April 16.—Manchester teacher*' sold In the state issued by the State - James Baker, leading the recently get-together at Y. M. C. A. Eighteen from this place attend­ 8 .o’clock for the purpose of hearing .^ back. A special prize will also be ple: Mrs. C. R. Burr, 3516, Mrs. W office at-the north end. Going to letter of her first n.amc as her stage Department of Agriculture, how­ Madrid, April 7.— (A P )—A small 'tfected officers of John Mathpr The Poet’s Column Ten Hartford flood refugees, in* The Mancheater American Legion G. Albert Pearson, well-known In ed the service at the Mansfield Cen­ The Permanent Siemorial Day The WPA project to provide cleri­ tho reports of the offlccm fand Installing officer for the eve­ Spring is on the way, , another decade, for Marilyn went ed from Hartford today. field. cent of worthless material. Much of considerably to the success of last Only the presence of nund of the month, George H. Waddell, sponsor's ning. Following the installation, Through the cold dark earth. John 0 ’L,eary. Mrs. Kdward Murphy, clude the election of officers. Mrs. necticut and was asking what effect April 20.—"Patsy," play by Sun­ Services were resumed at the CJheney to the 30 members of the MAUDE R. HILL, See. Mrs. Francis Keefe, Mrs, James It had on Manchester. abroad, touring Europi. for ten The new refugees were aubjectod The Mancheater team has gone this amount was listed on the tag year's Sunrise service. As group group. former governor's wife prevented agent, ha.s been Informed by Neal Dated at Manchester, April 2, 19M -there was dancing in the bannirct They puah their pretty heads, Thomas Dannahcr of Uila town is set Rcbekah Lodge In Odd Fellows as Inert matter and the remainder Methodist church last Sunday "Benevento, Mrs. Charles Kennedy, chairman of the nominating com­ yeara until she appeared one night hall. to the same strict modieal Inspec­ through the whole season in this lea­ sirtglng In the open air L particular­ This year's plans will be under more serious consequences. She be­ A. Cheney, clerk of the Board of hall. Into the sunlight clear. gue without a defeat and while there was made up of cheap seeds that m ornl-j with the return of Rev. The corps of officers Installed Mrs. Paul Newman. MIsa Barbara mittee. The Manchester Water Company at the Lotus Club In London. Leo April 25.—Army and Navy Club tion and care aa were the East ly difficult to lead, the Epworth John Pearce of Stafford, who, with the supervision of Albert V. Lind­ came suspicious of the package ahd Assesaors. Little herald.s, so lovely, gi swoe,. had men at work this morning re­ Hartford persona when they were Is still one more match to be shot had no value In a lawn. It was League Is delighted to have Mr. threw a heavy mattress over the were: Lawrence Converse, senior The (Irst spring flowers our eyes to BurdzIl. Miss Lillian .Sheridan, Miss Schubert saw her dance and brought Ladles Night. Army and Navy club. Mrs. Pearce, has spent the winter say of Mons-Yp'es Post, British The Clemlnshaw, company. In Its Agnes Walekowskl Miss Helen pairing breaks in the concrete road­ her Immediately to New York. brought to Manchester March 21. In the league the team's winnings found that the pound package would Pearson aa a leader. basket which hau been delivered by contract with the town, agreed to do councilor: Donnell Lord, Junior greet. Mrs. Walter G. Brown of Mer- April 27.—11th annual concert of to date have placed them In the lead contain good lawn seeds to the at Winter Haven, Fla. War Veterans. He was elected councilor: Ernest Bengston, senior Baronow.skl. Miss Ann Kennedy. row, formerly of Manchester, who way opened during the winter be­ Beethoven Glee club at High scho d The children were placed In an ob­ The members of the Salvation Jdrs. Clara T. Wood. Stanley T. chairman by the committee last a small boy. only part of the complete reasse.ia- A Star at 32 servation ward to make sure none by such a margin that should they value of only four cents. Another Army band arc also returning this I'M USING RINSO FOR DISH­ deacon: Robert Eiiray, junior dea- Miss Adel Knrpufka, Patrick Grif­ recently undera-eni a major opera­ cause of water mains breiffcing. hall. Wood and Mrs. Grace C. Daniels re­ summer when It organized for the Ortega, a brother of Juse Ortega ment work, leaving tho bulk of the Tulips bright red and yellow cups fin, .George Kelley,. Jr„ Custon There was one bad break last winter She graced the chorus of . the of them had a contagious dlseosa. lose the match to be shot here next mlxtur^hod only 2 p. c. worthless year aa Instrumentalists. They are WASHING NOW, IT'S GRAND 1 coh: John Bengston. senior steward: On pale green stems: tion at the Stafford Springs hospi­ May 2.—Donee, Auxillarv Univer­ turned last week from St. Peters­ coming year. Gasset, the noted philosopher, was clerical and detail work to be done Elton Morse. Junior steward: Rut­ O’Brlghl. Robert Coleman. Chester at the intersection of North Main Schubert "Passing Shows" of 1914, The drill floor o f tho Armory an-I^K Monday with Wethersfield they materiaJ, showing that the purchiis- expected to sound the coll to wor­ by the town. So bcaiitirul I like to look at them. tal, is expected home the latter part sity of Healing Arts, Jack and Jill would BtlU be the champions of the er received approximately 99 cents burg, Fla., where they have spent The observation this year ot not at home. He Is one of the ledge Smith, chnplain: Otis Mc­ Brauzaukss. John Kildlsh. Louis of the week. Ijocal friends who lad street and A pel Place. The water '15. and '16. Next she appeared In club. other rooms there were cleared laat^^H.Al ship at 5:20 a. m. All those at­ the winter. municipal councillors In a movement Several workers were given em­ Genovesl. .lames McLaughlin. Robert company had men working two days Zlegfcld'a Follies, and In 1920, when night by tho relief workere *0 IhatX^R'il league. worth for every dollar spent. tending the service are asked to be Decoration Day will be the tenth Cann, sentinel: George Converse, VIoieLs modest and sweet, planned a greeting card shower, are May 12-15.—Annual Herald Cook­ Mrs. (!)ecella Risley of Wall street to limit the number of taxicabs In ployment for more than a year un­ almoner: Gordon McBride, orator; Friday, Vincent Moriarthv. Michael and a n l^ t making the necessary she was 22, blossomed Into stardom they could bo used for the re g u la r^ V " The shooting of the local team The department, in pointing out on top of Sunset Hill at the sound planned by the Permanent Memorial der tho project, first sponsored by Growing under tree and shade, requested to mall them on Thursday ing School, sessions at State theater was not up to the usual standard has sold her property there to Mr. Madrid and place them under William Brenncn. marshal: Albert Murphy, John Krieskie arid Richard repairs. Today they had a gang a* "Sally" in the play of that name. in morning. drill of Company K of the NaUonal these two cases, emphasizes the of the bugles. Day committee, organized when the the FERA and then the WPA. The Sending fragrance out on the air. Tunsky. to her home In Merrow In.stead of Guard. Tonight the Howitzer com­ last night, but Alves with a score fact that poor seed Is never a bar­ and Mrs. Arthur Coutu who will oc­ municipal direction, leading to a be­ % Brown, standard bearer: Nelson the hospital. of men replacing the concrete that After "Sally" came "Peter Pan" The Girls’ Trio of the Church of cupy the place. number of Civil War veterans had method by which the remaining We stoop to And them blooming of 190 was high for the night. lief that the bomb was sent aa a Richmond. Otis Hills. William Wal­ was broken In the roadway. There and "Sunny" and In 1927 she re­ pany will drill In the Armory. gain, for the seed cost, even at the the Nazarcnc, Is rendering the vo­ diminished so greatly that Drake work will be done has not yet been there. The scores: highest prices. Is only a small pro­ Pupils at tho Center school hav­ threat against this movement. dron. Woodrow Lyon, and William The degree team of the Daugh­ w-as also a small break In a lateral turned to Zlcgfcic ’8 man..gement In cal selections at the SunrUe service Post, Grand Army of the Republic decided. It Is upderatood that the leading Into the Nelson place that Manchester portion of the total cost of making this year for the first time. Tho ing perfect attendance for the The news ot the explosion Oess, preceptors. ters of Liberty, No. 125, will hold "Rosalie," another hit. It was a sen­ CHARGES THAT JOBS needed assistance in the work. old project will not be renewed. Assisting Installing officer Kerris Lilies pure and white. EXPERIENCED COOKS made necessary the opening of a P S K OH TOT a lawn. The Connecticut Seed Law grlrln have sung In several of the month of March were as follows: brought squads of aterm police to So plcn.sant to the sight. Its monthly meeting tonight In timental reunion between star and EASTER HAM DRAWING J. Alves ...... 49 49 47 45— 190 Grades 1 and 2, Anthony Proulx, This week the two cabinets erect­ the Ortega home, which la near the were: senior councilor, William small section of the concrete road producer. When she terminated her requires that each package of se l churches of this town and have They seem to shine In Orange hall, and the members are and this Is being repaired today. E. Carlson ...... 49 48 45 45—187 shall carry a tag bearing the com­ Malcolm Rose, Gregory Lipsky and ed in the second floor lobby of the private home of President Nlceto Davis, PMC: Junior councilor. Ken- contract with tho late Zlegfeld, she TRADED FOR VOTES been very well received. Municipal bull-ling for tho preserva­ GIRL BORN TO PRINCESS. Resurrection light. WANTED FOR CCC urged to make returns at this time P Newcomb . . . . 49 50 43 42—184 plete analysis. "The purchaser Is ad­ Tho Epworth League has had Anne L^Doyt; grades 3 ahd 4, Alcala Zamora. The president was for tickets sold for the recent Irish said she never again would work tion of Civil War flags and relics, MAKING A BIG HIT H. M adden...... 49 47 43 44—183 vised to read the tag carefully and many Inquiries as to adults being George Cour, Ernest LeDoyt, Ray­ at the presidential palace at the Belgrade, Yugoslavia, April' 7.— tea party. The team will practice for him because he w'>a getting a are being lined with white drapes Daisies with the yellow eye. (Continued From Page One) W. Carter ...... 49 46 42 39— 176 refrain from purchasing seed hav­ Invited to the Sunrise service. They mond Proulx, Jane Flah-rty, Caro­ time. (AP)-Princesa Olga, wife of Regent t cotdd not think to pa.Hs you by. Those With Camp Experience the drill which they are to put on disproportionate profit from his ing a large content of inci*t matter wish to assure those Interested that line Lipsky, and Marion Porter; as backgrounds for the colorful The scene of the explosion also Is for the .Stamford lodge, and a full shows. But she signed a five-year Popular Market Is Nearly flags. Prince Paul, gave birth today to a The favorite flower of rhllilliood i’referred— Will Be I'aid $30 GILEAD ■esentallvc John H. Valentino of Total ...... 020 and the so-called nurse grasse.s although the young people of the grades 5 and 6, Earl Clark, William near tho Aracrleun Embassy. seven-pound ^ rl who will bo named days. .Per Month. attendance Is hoped for. contract. She appeared for him Chelmsford declared some members Swamped With Coupons — Middlefleld which die after the first or second various churches are planning tho Graham, Herman LcDoyt, Robert The cabinets were started as an P S K OH TOT Modest, sweet nnd rharming al­ Rev. Berl Lewis, minister at the again. In 1931, In "Smiles," co-star- o f ’ the Legislature "do not dare go Three Hams to Be Awarded. year. service, everyone Is urged lo attend, Noble, Frederick Wolfe, Margaret FERA project nnd completed as a ways. Mrs. Charles B. Warren of Cen­ red with Adele and Fred Astaire. hotpe at night" so great Is the pres­ A. P. Lawritaon . 50 49 47 43—189 (Jhamplin, Catherine Coiir, Kath- WPA project lost fall. Several boxes The Civilians ConservatliSp corps Gilead Congregational church, had Connecticut has two of the five young and old alike. wants to rocnilt nine cxpeileneed ter street left today for an extend­ Appears in Movies sure on them for Jobs. Senators A. Stowell ...... 50 48 46 40— 184 largest seed distributors In the erjm G.ady, Rose Shirshae and of flagi, guns and other mementos Daffodils and marigolds. cooks. Assistant Recruiting Officer ed \-c8tem trip, combining eight- ai his text Sunday morning. "God and Representatives not In harmony The Idea of winning a free Easter E. B a scom ...... 47 44 47 43— 181 country and it was found that prac­ Eleanor Graham; grades 7 and 8, of the Civil War have been collect­ Marilyn Miller was one of tho C, Packer ...... 49 48 46 38— 181 Delight the heart of young and old. Albert E. Bchrend was notified to­ seeing with visiting relatives In Bat­ Was In Christ, Reconciling the World first musical comedy stars before with tho administration, he added, ham haa apparently made a hit tically all mixtures emanating from Charlotte Brookes, Eleanor Haddad. ing dust in the-basement of the day. Men with experience as enmp tle Creek, Mich., Kansas, Ohio and Unto Hlm.self." The general sub­ arc given no consideration in ob­ with Manchester Herald readers. V. Daley 1...... 50 48 48 34— ISO the 1 xgest to the smallest Connec SOUTH G EN TR Y Joseph Flint, George Greer, John Municipal building for several years, other states. She plans U he ab­ whom Hollywood d-ngled appetis­ taining Jobs for consttutents, re­ Last Friday the Popular Market, Larkspur and delphinium blue, cooks arc preferred while short or­ ject was "Meaning of the Cross. ' ing bait. In 1929 she signed a *100,- tlcut seedsmen were of high quality. Lclghcr, Clarence Maynard and waiting the completion o f tho cabi­ sent from town for several months. gardless of the need. Rublnow Building Inserted a coupon Total ...... 01* Walter Young. I think of the sky when T look at der cooks will not be excepted. Kenneth Ellis who hssisted with the 000 contract to make a talking pic­ The report shows that the majority nets produced some time ago. you. choir sang a solo "The Palms." Tho "This Intimidation and persuasion In The Herald—which is appearing of poor seeds sold In Connecticut On the committee which had The same enlistment regulations ture. A few years later, she return­ of Representatives and Senators by every day up to and Including Sat­ Will Your Hair a.s for other "local experienced" The Highland Park Sewing circle Christian Endeavor met In the eve­ are shipped In from distributors lo­ RRE DAMAGES MONTIE (Sill hold Its monthly meeting to­ ed to Broadway to win new honors the department of public works Is urday of this week—In which three Roses beautiful and fair, membera of the CCC will govern tlio ning and arc planning a program to In "A s Thous.ands Cheer." PRESIDENT TO RETURN cated outside the state. Sent Into this world of care. morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at in direct violation of the Constitu­ free whole hams were offered to the While the preferable time to make TO SERVE AN EASTER applications, according to the no­ interest the young pepote. The One of her "hit" scenes In the lat­ three persons whose names will be To remind ns that of God's love the Highland Park Community cljb tion, which separates the legislative the lawn Is In the fall, many will be COHAGE IN COVENTRY tice, The men will be paid *30 a TrI-County Christian Endeavor ter show was ber dancing act with from the executive department," drawn next Saturday. Flatter Your New We have a share. The hostesses will be Mrs. James Union will hold a communion ser,-- TO WHITE HOUSE FRIDAY doing so during tho present month. nionth And they will be provided Nichols and Mrs. William Orr. Clifton Webb, in w'hlch she Im­ Valentine charged. According to Manager Tom Wise, BREAKFAST AT Y. M. C. A with their clothing and maintenance. Ice, at tho Marlborough Congrega­ Representative Christian A. Her- already thousands of coupons have Special care should be made In pre­ Prompt 'Work of New Fire De­ Crysanthemum like beautiful halls, tional church Thursday evening personated the former Barbara paring the seed bed at thl time of 'The Esso gasoline station at Main Hutton A half dozen gallant suitors t*r (R .), Boston, at the same time either been brought Into the store partment Pumper Prevents Easter Bonnet? They bloom .so fair when the leav-w April Jl at 7:30 o’clock. Rev, Wier asserted the State Department of or mailed In. The ham* are to be Miami, Fla., April 7-— (A P )— year, eliminating old roots, weeds, Women’s Division Extends In­ begin to fall. and BIssell streets which has been of Colchester is In charge of this danced attendance aa Marll,\-n twirl­ etc., from the soli so that the new Complete Destruction. BENERT PLAY NETTED clo.sed since Saturday night, was re­ ed' about the stage and' finally Public Works had made no attempt given absolutely free. It Is not nee- President Roosevelt planned to end vitation to Public to Attend J I think that I like them best of all. service. The St. Peter’s Episcopal to obtain any of *3.000.000 available eaaary to make a purchase In order hi* fishing trip in southern waters grass will not be hampered. Make your appointment now for opened thi.s afternoon. .To.seph church at Hebron has Invited the Chose Webb, resplen *cnt in uniform, Fire of undetermined origin dam — Family Parties Popular. •Stevenson, who has been connected as ber swecthoait. in Federal funds for Massachusetts to participate In this drawing. All today and was ready to turn shore­ aged the cottage of Raymond Mon- Popple;, crimson red. $ 1 9 6 .5 8 FOR RED CROSS Gilead Congregational church to be flood relief. Instead, he said, the that '.n necessary Is to clip the cou­ ward at nightfall for the return to your Easter Permanent. Remind us of those who fought and with the station for the past two prcKcnt at their service Good Fri­ Nor In real life did Marilyn .Mll- tle In the Gerald Park section of Continuing a custom which haa years Is to manage the station for governor demanded *2.000,000 for pon from The Herald any day this the White House. become an Institution at tho Y. bled. day, April 10 at 10:30 o’clock. Rev er want for sultoia. rherc was a the department to spend on hlgh- week, write your name and address WPA WORKERS ARE HED the south shore of Lake Wangum- the Esso Company.' The Washing He will reach port, probably here, baug Saturday afternoon about 'one C. A., the Women's Division will Phone Asleep within their grassy bed. Community Playera Rained Berl Lewis will delivor the sermon. score of them. Her first hn.sband wav repairs. on It suid deposit at tbs Popular tomorrow ahortly after noon and en­ Sensational Value We still maintain our budget de­ Our noble, hleesed dead. away of the bulk station owned bv was the late Frank Carter, killed o'clock. The cottage was unoccu­ serve an Easter breakfast Sunday r/CINTl Sum by Presentation of "The the company In the Hartford south Mr, and Mrs. William Proctor and This, he declared, was because Market, or mall It to Popular Mar­ train immediately for his Warm ON CHARGES OF THEFT Act Quickly! AND on vrtshdsy Rltiso sods t(v* L Annie Russell Alklnson. Mrs. Ellzahetli Proctor of Nlantlc, In an auto accident In 1020. Two Federal funds would mean the em­ ket, 855 Main street, Rublnow pied at the time, the Monties, who morning in the banquet room of the 3058 partment at our new location . . . Old Soak” March 29. meadows has made necessary their Springs. Ga,. home to spend Thurs­ live in Manchester, occupying the Y, and a cordial welcome Is extend­ JiL time, work snd money. Swii doth** opening a bulk station in New Bri­ Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and daugh-’ yeara later she hccaric the wife of ployment of help through cities and bi-Urlln'-. day. He -will arrive In Washington Genuine Ljitetit Model the late Jack Plckford, motion pic­ place only In the summer. Damage ed to every one, In any part of the New 4 ot 3 shiulet whiter—oo sciobblog. no ; Treasurer A. F. Howes of the tain. Gasoline Is now being trucked Ur, Carol>Ti and Arthur Bishop of towns, while state fund-s would The hams that are to be p r i n t ­ about noon Friday. Einht Bridpfeport Men CharRed ture actor and brother of Mary was confined mainly to the interior town. To assist the women’s com­ Now 43 Pearl Street boiling. That mettu the clothes last 2 or -j SNOW IN CHICAGO Manchester Community Players from New Britain to sUtlona In this ^ w tu cket, R. I,, were visitors at fflean employment through the De­ ed free to the three lucky one* next From the U. S. S. Potomac near ■With Stealing Ga.solinc and GREAT WINDOW SHADK the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Plckford. partment of Public Works and tho Saturday, will be Puritan, Star, or of the building and a small section mittee In . their plans, It would be Royal Portables 3 timet'U save lots of mnnsu^ turned over to the Manchester Trust part of the state. Stirrup Cay, due east from here, the of the roof. That the cottage was advisable for those who plan to at­ Mtkett o f )3 bmous vrsihets HiHf? Hunday. The Plckfords were divorced in state, admlnlstpatlon could hand out equally well-known etandard President kept in touch by wireless Oil. with Touch Control SALK Chicago, April 7.— (A P I -A light company today, the sum of *196.58 not completely destroyed was due tend to make reservations by call­ meodRiruo. Gives A large force of men Is at work Miss Clara Ellis had the misfort­ 1927 when the Vi.r.salllea tribunal in the Jobs. brands, and the three will have a with the tornado dlsa.stcr In the snow, swirled around by a 30 mile for Red Cross flood relief work! value of *12.00 approximately. The Bridgeport, April 7. — (AP) — to the prompt response jf the Cov ing the Y, dial 7206, as soon as pos­ rich, Usilng suds W fh grade Holland Shades, blade an hour wind, swept Into Chicago Tills represents the not profit from in East Hartford on the trestle nnd une to break her right wrist crank­ Paris awarded the dancer a decree. southeastern states. sible. ing her oar last week. Dr. Cyrus idea behind this free offer is simply Bridgeport police today arrested an entry Fire Department wdth Its new $ 1.00 — m s in berJat to order and bung on i* t \ today as the Weather Bureau fore­ Die play, "The Old Soak," which the bridge of the New York. New Haven Plckford died In France In 1933. At Warm Springs Mr. Roosevelt The rew Y. M. C. A. building, on W e will tako your old machine ydnr windows, complete 0 \ / C Pendleton of Colchester set the bon.i Twice Miss Mlllci announced her to build-up good will for th* Popu­ eighth WPA worker on charges, of pumper, the latter having been de French Beauty Shoppe umUr, cast a temperature drop to below Community. Players repeated Sun­ and Hartford Railroad, trying to will be close to tho tornadoes' path llvercd only two weeks ago, and this the site of the "White" house was In'trade. Also large lot of Shades con- get the east bound rails In condition and Miss Ellis is at her home in *iogageniont to marry different men PREMIER GOEMBOES lar Market and to demonstrate that theft in connection -with a sweep­ the 20 degree mark. day March 29. at the State theater across Georgia from Mississippi. He being Us first service with the ex­ built four years ago, but the Easter listing of Holland. Tontine, and to allow trains to nm over. About QllcaU nnd both times the plans failed to the management has a genuine ih- bad planned the visit at Warm ing investigation of the use of sup­ C. A. Donnel, government weather for thlfl purpose. The performance in their patrons and In Man­ ception of extinguishing a brush fire breakfasts were served nearly 10 Duplex, closing out at 25c each 500 feet of trestle on the East Hart­ Barbara Fish of Hartford materialize. Early m 1930, return­ Springs on his way here but post­ plies at 27 WPA projects here. Service Typewriter foreenster, predicted fair- weather was generously supported by the ENGAGES IN DUEL chester folks in general. The man arrested today la John In Mansfield last week. Water was years ago by tho Manchester Com- New Rollers, Ipceacb. townspeople’ and enjoyed by all who ford side of the bridge was washed •spent the week-end at her home ing from a European Jaunt, she an­ poned it until hla return after de­ munltjt club, located m the "White" Co. for the next 36 hours accompanied away. It la now possible to use onlv here. R. Smith, 50, of 2574 Main street. pumped from a well on the prem­ Furnish Sam ple On Request. by "severe freezipg." aiiendod. nounced her engagement to .Michael laying departure from Washington ises, and not only was the cottage house, by the different hostesses 105 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn one set nf rails in crossing the river MLss Mildred Stone of Hartford (Continued from Page t)ne) DOUBLE DROWNING on account of the eastern floods. Seven others were arrested yester­ With the normal temperature Farmer, later the fourth husband of saved, but several other dwellings who were In charge there. Family OAPITUI- WINDOW SHADE and trains are delayed. The number spent Friday night at the homo of Call* were made last evening at day and Saturday after it was found Local Agenta: hero for April 7 recorded at 43 de­ Gloria Swanson, motion picture ac- Hnlifa. N. S.. April 7.— (A P) —A that gasoline and oil furnished by In the immediate vicinity which parties have found these occasions CO.MPANY of men now working there la so her sister nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. but on each occasion had talked temporary White House headquar­ most enjoyable, and they were able grees, Chicagoans read a 24 degree FOREIGN EXCHANGE large that the repairs are experterl Clifford Perry. ihlmsell out of the duel, battered fishing boat drifted ashore the city for the Clark street pro­ were lu danger owing to the high •18 Cnpen Street linrtfnrd Two years late., returning ftxmi ters here by (governor Paul V. Mc­ wind prevailing at the time of the to get together before tho church Kemp’s, Inc. mark at 0 a. m., a seven degree to he completed and both sets of Miss Patricia Fogll returned homo at Sleepy Cove early today dlaelos- ject were being stolen, acting Cap­ drop In an hour. an "unintentional" trip to Europe, i The premier and Eckhardt, ac­ Ing a double drowning tragedy. Nutt, of Indiana; J. J. Pelley, head fire. A call was also sent to the services or after early masses. rails opened next week. Saturday evening after spending a of the railway executives; and tain James H. Bray said. New ^^ork. April 7.-(AP) For- she said she and Don Alvarado, companied by their doctora and sec­ It was the craft that set sail last Willtmontlc Fire Department, who Exchange trrogiilnr: Groat Bril- week with her grandparents, Mr. nnd onds, came In separate cars .ind George Allen, commissioner of The eight men were arraigned In The Brltlsh-Amerlean club will actor, were to be married. On the nighb- from Ketch Harbor, manhed CJlty Court today and their cases responded, but their apparatus w a Ain demand. 1.95; cables, 4.9.'); no Mrs. Albert Doran In Wallingford. night of November 30, 1032, Miss slipped Into the rear of the barracks Washington, D. C. Governor Mc­ delayed until too late to oc of as­ hold Its regular monthly meeting by Wilfred Flnck, 30, and Owen Nutt Is prominently mentioned aa a were continued until Wednesday nay bills, 4.04; France demand. ,6.C0 Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Way and this morning to carry out their hos­ Miller. 18, two fishermen. sistance, becoming ditched In the tonight. ® children, Ruth and John of West Miller. Alvarado, and six nthers fail­ possible keynoter at the Democratic morning. All arc at liberty in bonds v'oi ' “ "it*’ ‘ -2: Italy demand. ed to leave In time the steamship tilities. Searchers along the shore of outer soft-shouldered rood on South 7.92; cables. 7.92. HarUord, spent tho week-end at the TTic djel master, as ho examined national convention. of *250 each. street. Damage to the property Is Demands: Company No. 1 of the South Wellesway farm. Bremen In a Brooklyn dock, on Halifax harbor today found the body 3 WHOLE HAMS FREE their weapons, announced In a loud of Miller, his face disfigured by ------I estimated at about *1,000. This Belgium, 10.94 1-2; Germany Free Mancheater fire department was The Ladles' Aid of the Gilead which they, were visiting friends. voice: Clip tills coupon. You may be a winner. Three Standard called to a chimney fire The group sailed off to Europe pounding against Jagged rocks. the second fire to occur on the south 40.30; Reg. Travel, 26.75; Reg! Congregational church will meet at "I remind you gentlemen that The coroner decided an inquest shore of tho lake within six months, Brand Haras given away Easter Saturday. One In the Morn­ Comm’l, 21.60; ftolland, 68,01; Nor­ at 84 Thorne street and No. 'l of the home of Mrs. WInthrop Porter and when they returned, the dancer duelling Is. against the Hungarian Recreation Center ing, afternoon and evening. the Mancheater department was said of her reported romance with unnecessary. The body of Flnck WAPPING the large summer cottage o. Dr. Jo ALL YOU NEED—B way, 24.87: Sweden, 25.52; Den­ Wednesday afternoon, April 8th law, and I earnestly advise recon­ haa not yet been recovered. seph Weston having been destroyed mark, 22.11: Finland. 2.21; Switzer- called to extinguish a chimney fire Mrs. Charles Fish and Miss Florence Alvarado, "sure, we’re engaged all ciliation." Items of interest NO STRINGS ATTACHED at 286 Main street, yesterday after­ right." by fire last November. lan<], 32.63; Spain, 13.08; Portugal, Jones are asal.stant hoatc.sscs Onl.v a Fntmnllty The Young People! Society held sign your name on this coupon and leave It nt our store or to he modem in your 4.611 Greece, ,95; Poland. 18.90- noon. F. H. Whitcomb of New Uindon (TTils la a formality, attending all their Sunday evening service at Tuesday The Fourth District meeting of mail to CzcehuslovaklH. 4.14: Jugoslavia, and Joseph Mnehnik of Old Lyme Hungarian duels!. 1 7 o’clock and following this meeting The men’s volleyball period will the American Legion and auxiliary 2.31: Austria, 18.80n: Hungary, The Junior choir of the Emsnuel the pastor. Rev. David Carter spoke POPULAR MARKET kitchen equipment For That were business callers at Elton W CURB QUOTATONS Beth men shook hands, and the be from 5 to 6:30. was held in the Town Hull on April ./ 29.60n: Rumania. ,76; Argentine, Lutheran church will rehearae at Buell’s wood turning shop last week! to the older people as well as the , , 85.’> Main St., Rubinow Building. 8:15 o clock tonight. duel master stepped off the 25 The women's swimming classes 5. Andre Scheneker of Storrs was "At-tired” Feelinsr 33.00n: Brazil, 8.59n: Tokyo, 28.91- Mr. and Mrs. Romolo Sagllo and paces. CIRCLE young people taking as his subject the speaker of the evening hla talk Shanghai. 30.05; Hongkong, 32.8(1- B.v "The Fifth Door into the Castle of will meet aa follows: 7:00 to 7:45 N am e...... A ddress...... children spent Sunday at the home Am Gen ...... io>» The' combattants quickly took TONIGHT relating to "Conditions lu Europe." On Easter Mexico City, 27.85: Montreal in New The Luther League of the Bman- of Mrs. Sagllo's parents,’ Mr. and Abundant Living." beginners; 7:45 to 8:30, Interme­ uel Lutheran ehurch will hold an Am CIt Pow and Lt B ...... 7 % their places, firing at ijach pth<)r on To Ai-conimodate Those diate. Special music at the Congrega­ T h e u n i v e r s a l Elec­ 7 ork, 99.5.'! 1-8: New York in Mon­ Mrs. Alex Mnrchlso in Buckingham. the count of three. Both bullets The Young Democratic club held treal, 100.46 7-8. Easter program at Its regular meet­ Ark Nat Gas ...... Desiring To Purtlcipatp ■The Model Airplane club will meet Morn— Is A Mr. Marchlsa recently returned, homo crashed Into the wall In the Drawing On their meeting at the Town hall In N—Nominal. ing tonight St 8 o'clock. John Assd Gas and El A ...... i Sj South Windsor on Monday evening at 7:30 in the club rooms. tric Refrigerator is built for from tho Hartford hospital whore he Am Super Pow ...... 244 Police were expected to be obliged Visit Now To Johnflon and his mlsMon committed underwent a serious operation. to arrest both men as a result of BANK NIGHT April 6. The following team:, will use the CURTIN’S CONDITION. will be In charge and Richard Berg- Blue Ridge ...... gnj, 'There were two games of basket­ gym for basketball: 7:00 to 8:00, those who demand supreme gren will lead dovotlonals. The Ex­ Mra. Berl Lewis of Hartford and Can Marconi ...... 2 their -violation of the antl-duelll.ig 8300.00 GIVEN AWAY! PIttsfleld, Mass., April 7.— (A P I_ Richard Hubbard nf New York spent law. Usually a small fine Is Im­ ball played last Saturday evening at Crescents; 8:00 U 9:00, Red Raid­ The condition of Thomas F. Curtin. ecutive- committee Is asked to meet Cent States Elec ...... 2“, SA5IE PItUURAM AS the Wapping Community House. ers; 9:00 to 10:00, Orioles. quality in modern equip­ at 7 o’clocK. the week-end at the home of Hart CIt Serv ...... 51^ posed. Jr.. Yale ba.seball captain, who has E. Buell. STATE THEATER ’The Girls Upstarts team played the Wednesday Clt Serv., pfd ...... 5114 Bus Office Open Girls Old Timers, the score being 71 MCfRE T^OOM than in ears ment but have hesitated to undergone 15 blood transfuilcns at V\ ork on tho West street road in The women’s afternoon bowling Bt. Luke’s boepital. remained critical Nicholas MIronovltch has been Elec Bond and Share ...... 24 >4 r . J. RING DIES. At 6:00 P. 51. to 13 In favor of the Old Timers will start at 3 c ’clock. WILROSE Gilead from the White school to the Ford Limited ...... 8 4 STATE PRICES ’The boys All Stars played the Old today, Dr. Hugh J. Downer eald. given permlMlon by Building In­ buy for reasons of price. , spector Edward C. Elliott, Jr„ to Marlborough line was commenced Nlag and Hud P o w ...... JOU Timers and the score was 22 to 19 The Maccabee girl's tap dancing Curtin, who has been eonflned to last week by Alexander Jarvis Con­ New Haven. April 7. — (API — NOTE: Ticket* Boughi class will be from 5 to 6:40. the hospital for nearly seven weeks. build a house eeUmated to cost Penn Road ...... 444 Patrick J. Ring, 63, for more than At State Not Good At in favor of the AU Stars. costingiw iee as mach/ *2,115 on the south side of Hillside struction Oo. of Manchoitor, Thl* Segal Lock ...... 3*4 Clrrle! Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ward of The Maccabee girl’s swimming DRESS Is suffering from leuoopemln. la a PWA project. About twenty 25 year* a merchant In the Yale will follow from 6:45 to 6:15. John Keegan, e student at. at. street. TTie house will be a one- Unit Gas ...... 814 campus vicinity, died today of pneu­ New York city spent the week-end story. single dwelling. men. some of which are local men Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 744 at the home of Mrs. Ward's parents The women’s \^lol activities Lewrenee University, gave his blood arc now working. They are cut­ monia. He was known to thou- group will meet at '1:30. for the lateat transfusion yesterday. Util Pow and Lt ...... 2 14 ssnds of Yale men. also Harry P. Files, Sr., of Boston, SHOP The Rhode Island Tercentenary ting the bruah and getting the toad Mass Sind Harry P. Flics, Jr., were The men's swiraidlng dosses will Ring, a Fourth Degrse member of commemorative three-cent pottage ready for th* *t*am ihovel. Tho SUBS BEAUTY DOCTOR here for the week-end. meet as follows; 7:00 to 7:45, life stamp will be Issued at Providence, company demonstrated new machin­ the John Barry Assembly of the Knights of Columbus and also a Rev. David Carter has been con saving; 7:45 to 8:30, non-swlmmcrs. R. I. postoffice on May 4, the post- ery last week which Is co be used In fined to his home with a severe cold THE UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR Paris, April 7 .— (API — The member of the New Haven Elka, is There -will be no card party at the ■^bfflce here was advised today. First building the road. Charles N. Fill- several days last week. West Side Rec. ^ actress, Cecile Sorel, today won her survived by Ids widow, one daugh­ •TAtC day covers may be obtained through mor* of Hebron has* charge of the case against Dr. Marguerite Asdery, As last Sunday was Palm Sunday Thursday MAHIEU*S that office. The stamps will go on trucking. This Is one of. the four ter, two sona, three sisters and one the Federated church was very I t is b u il t for the best preservation pleading that the beauty specialist's brother. Today and Tomorrow The men’s volleyball period will sale Bt other officea throughout the road* the town voted to build with operation to take wrinkles out of her prettily decorated with palms and be from 5 to 7 o’clock. the federal aid loan. of foods and the production of ice. All Week Specials country on May 6 or as spon there­ eyelids bad left her unable to close He’s fresh— from the flowers. There was a rehearsal for The East Sides will play basket­ after OS supplies are obtained. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Stedman and her eyes. Elaater Sunday held at the church ball from 7 to 8 o’clock. OUBLE'S THE WORD old sod. . . follow Ing at three p. m. Sunday. The name of Its cabinet has conveniently located Fine Creamery o children of W ejt HarUortf- spent She described herself as being left his heart oorass th* The women’s swimming dasses O d C TTie Mons-Ypres Post, British Saturday at their summer home with "a flsh-llke stare." the pageant la: "Into Thy King­ shelves for greatest storage capacity Butter, lb...... War Veterans Auxiliary will hold here. Portland. Ore.—E. L. Foust, trou­ Atlantic to sing his dom" and the play Itself Is an in­ will meet as follows: 7:00 to 7:45, The court decided that It wa« not ble shooter for. an electric company, love songs — and advanced: 7:45 to 8:30, life saving. Sugar, Granulated, a o Its annual birthday parly in Tinker Mrs. Albert Doran and children, spiring Etaster message. There you will And necessary for the actress to pay 10.- rescued a howling cat from a tele­ enchant a nation! - Women are urged to get Into the — rounded comers for easiy cleaning IQ-lb. cloth bag : .... C Hall. Thuredgy evening. April 18. A Albert and Sadie of Wallingford, ■eaaonSi enurtest fash- 000 francs for a second operation to phone pol* but thoi^ht he was sav swimming classes now forming at lens — Fashions that Ma.xwell House ’ O r f turkey supper will be eetved at SiSO called at the homo of Mr*. Floyd take wrinkles out of her neck. She _and acid resisting porcelain food p. m. followed by a program of en­ ing bnly on* life, ’ran minutes ift- POLITICAL WIDOWS NOW tho Etast Side Rec Pool. Climsca have a sparkling neiv- Coffee, Ib...... t Q, Fogll Saturday evening. had contracted for the second oper­ ar reaching th* ground tue cat gave tertainment. Officers of local ex- Jule* Robtlliard of New Britain start tonight: Beginners at 7:00 to compartments. neas made possihlo by Kellogg’s Pep, « ation, but It was never performed. birth to sGi ■kittens. Sprlngfleld, Mesa., April 7— (AP) 7:45 and Intermediates from 7:45 to eur weekly buying trip's servlre units and aiixlllarlei have spent the week-end at the home of been Invited to attend. —Problems of rehabilitating prop­ 8:30. On Thursday night the Ad­ to New York. ’ksr...... 1 U C Mr. and Mr*. WInthrop Porter, erty destroyed by the recent flood Lovely Desserts, f o Mr. and Mrs. J. Bank* Jones vanced class 'meets from 7:00 to The official board of the Church in Springfield may cause the forma­ cal ltd St the home of Mr*. Nsilie "LAUGHING 7:45 and the Senior Life Savers A CHOICI FOR tvntv NUD AND tVIXV rutK 3 pkgs...... UC of the Naaarene will meet tonight tion of a "Political Widows' club' meet from 7:45 t- 8:30. Come down Skinner In W cstchuter Sunday here, wives of Aldermen and Coun- Scott 'Tissue, o at 8 o'clock. afternoon. IRISH tonight, don't put it off any longer, SUITS cllmen aneed. now is the time to leai-n. The minute you get inside a Nash More room; laiger, douUe-acting 3 rolls ...... ZUC Mr*. A. H. Poet and'Mr. and Me*. The Willing Worker* of the Wes­ A baby is Ki'dnapec]! EYES” OneI wife SCOscoffed at I'Golf Widows' ‘ ■400” or LaFayette you can see hydraulic brakes; the srorld’s first Boneless Smoked ^ g j Loul* r . Twining of Hartford spent clubs" asserting herer husband, with bow MUCH more room they give leyan Guild will meat at the 8outh Hear him sing: completely seamless all-iteelbody! LOWMONTHLYPAYMEKTS Herrings, 2 pkgs...... IOC Sunday at the home of Hr. and Mr* other member* of the Board of Al­ u. S. FACTORIES BUILD >ou! 'Three big people ride in M:ethodlat church tomorrow after­ See •*AII My Ufa" BOMBERS FOR FOREION*EB8 See the Nash "400" and the Krasdale Fruit Cock- O f f noon at 2 o’clock. At this Qme th* caiarl** Fish. Mr*. Post t* plan- dermen and City CkiuncU, hadn’t either seat with room to spore. LaFayette at the nearest Nash- THROUGH HEW 6 % C .U T. ning to r*turn to her home soon and "Laughing Irish been home in time for a meal in And theqe's more headroom and tail,'2 tall cans ...... choir robes which members of the Zyes", “ Ble*s YoU| Los Angeles, April 7— (AP)—Re­ LaFayette showroom. The Nash / h O C Junior choir arc to wear at Easter *p*nd th* summer here. The Community Playere weeks. legroom than youll find in nxMt Motor* Company, Kenosha. Wis. BUDGET PLAN COATS Mis* Lbvlna Foote, Uacher at th* Darlin’ Meth*r’’i ports that 31 high speed bombers cars costing two and three times will be completed. I in ‘’Londondsiry Air" will be constructed in a new Los Durham High acbool spent the week­ as much I Big. luxurious Nash Ambassador ...... 15c end at the home of her parent*. Mr. HUSKIES ESCAPE Angeles factory for use for a for­ _ Why put up with the limita­ AUTOMATIC CRUISING GEAR Bartlett Pears, 8 oz. ig The Simple Simon Sandwich shop eign military power were confirmed OTSIlsbIs en «U NsUi sad LsPaM te sedans with tranlcs—125-inch wheel­ In the former one-room scboolhous* and Mra. Robert Foote. PLUS . . . tions of a tmall car srben these St iliftit eilrs cost. Reduces base—*835 to *995 f.o.b. factory $ 1 6 - 7 5 (»n, 4 c a n s ...... Dallas, April 7.— (A P )—Because today by Gerard F. Vultee, aircraft lowest-priced Nash-built car* give ensioe irralutkns H i t hlsh speeds at Oakland will open tomorrow for Mis* Edith Ellis of Hartford spent **THE engineer. Sc’^Iess Raisins, 15 f g the week-end at her home in Qliead. they look so much like wolves, two you so much more for yotrr nxxiey ? Ssvesnpto2SNin(u:nptaa)N;n^l AH prices subject to change without Its fourth consecutive season under iree Live O h LONE WOLF The planes will be similar to the notice. Special equipment extra. Others oz. pkg„ 2 pkgs...... A C the same management. It has been Mr. and Mre. Howard Try on of osts Labarador husklca born during Ad­ 9 RETURNS" miral Richard E. Byrd’s trip to Lit­ Vultee low-winged all-metal, single Calo Dog Food, J f; newly decorated, and a number of Bueklngham■pent------Sunday— avenlng 3

ba iBfalUbla and there ia at leaat Ludendorir h u bem • little Mt batty some chance that Judge Ritter may ever since the wer; but that Isn’t all continue to office—even some time — there are some who think be wee DE LUCA IS WINNER £oriitiig fifTftib ft! BEHIND Causes of Totkadoes FLOODS RE-INYADE Bloom Hints First Shot attain the not uncommon distinction more than a bit queer during the In New York Storm Sidelights •g: P U B U 8HED BT THC nowadays of declaring nn act of Con- W ar. And there really Isn't any OF COFFEE SET PRIZE flDDlULD PniNTXNa CQMPANT. INC. T H E SCENES II BItaell 8tr«et greas to be In violation uf the Con evidence that he didn't eonilder him­ Explained by Experts OHIO, W . VIRGINIA Of American Revolution By ASSOCIATED PRESS . Two weeks ago Gainesville etit-L MaaohMUr. Conn. IN atltiitlon and hence of no effect. self to be HIndenburg's superior all By GEORGE ROSS ■>,a sanltorium, bis ktn carry on In the •Y LAURA LOU SROOKMAN IM NtA < A dead man clutching a dead boy zens -oted to raze the old' Court-?fl "r THOMAS PBROUSON John DeLuca of tbe Johnson Block „ . ------world of terpsicbore. Now his sis- of about 10, lay on a morgue slab. house and build a new one. The wln^^* QinorU Mao«r'>h-‘*ti’etlng his music-' master Ray Noble rather ludlcrouz Backer, chief Investigator, started him. Ideal setting in the cyclone of April cool air masses push Into tbe warm today, and again Invadeij lowlands. The subject arose during a Sen­ place up there In New England.” days. to rem.ive bodies from wrcckoKC. week.” was always selling to the slicker a al skin. Imprisoned for a second whether he was in New York or not, 5 which blew out the west to cover ones. The advancing tongue of cool Hundreds of families fled once aaptr and also the local newa pub> Our always Interesting neighbor ly. Because of the ban on certain tugging at that toga of sanctimony Harriet and Toby dlscuso ro­ ate speech by Senator Reynolds llshed herein. killing, he was pardoned by Louis­ music publishers. Noble was'forbid­ with which for decodes the flve- but ehe did know that, wherever he almost all of the country east of the sfir, about miles above the earth, more from their homes, many halt­ (D.. N. C.). All rlichta of repnbllcatlona of string of gigantic trout; no doubt the Waterbury Republican Is sud­ mance and marriage. Harriet Is iana’s Governor Allen, also for re­ den to play his own theme song, btlllon-dollar American Telephone} & was, he could have sent her some Mississippi runs ahead of the parent cool ing rehabilitation tasks made neces­ "In on article about a .trip Lmadc FOLIA)W-UP STORY apecial dispatches lierein are also re-, some such shameless traffic Is being denly struck by the frequence of planning to marry C Y LD E SAB IN, vealing himself as a human song­ "The Very Thought of You,” on tho Telegraph C!!ompany has draped .message. The "greatest of all tornadoes” mass and rides over the n-arm air sary by high waters of the last last summer”, .he said, "I made men­ aervgd. graphed again this spring, but It Is 'a salesman. She adralU to Toby banquets in the Brass City, during bird in an ungllded cage. air. But he foxed his tormentors Itself every time anyone suggested In the last 10 days Toby had had occurred on March 18, 1925, when near tho earth. month. tion about having been to Concord Spokane, Wash.— A county com­ rJn that tho reason tho marriage has service llent of N E A Serv- no longer an Inevitable feature of the last year Or so. It appears to The (lamoscl wlio sings with the by compelling tho English firm that It ought to be investigated. Already, time to thtnk--and ehe hod faced funnel-shaped fury lashed through Since cool air tends to sink and Pittsburgh, where the river Is (Maas.) where the first shot fired in missioner complained that Mrs. lea. Inc. been delayed Is because Clyde Is not the picture. One New York Sun­ California Collegjans Is Josephine first published It to demand their little .':,.ramy has exposed several things to which before she had Missouri, Illinois and Indiana leav­ warm air to rise, unstable conditlous formed by the Monpngaliela and the the Revolutionary days was heard Leonora Fuller slapped him and - be just a mite lost as to the reason yst divorced fraro his first wife. 'labilscd” him In a poem. A jury Publlshar's Representative: The DIx, niece of the film-famed Rich­ rights here. patches of bare skin, to A. T. and cloaed her eyee. Tim had been lavish ing 695 dead, 2,027 injured and created near and just under the- Allegheny, expected a crest of 24 'round the world,. I waa criticized day newspaper’s magazine section for this— shall we say epidemic? — Tohy goes to tho famous DUK- convicted her of vagrancy and fined Jullua Mathews Hpeclsl Agency—New ard. They say that If takeis five hear­ T.'s acute embarrassment, and ihe In his compliments. He hrd address­ 316,500,000 of property destroyed. tongue of cold air result in warm alf feet, one foot shy of flood level. by .some historian for that." Tork. Chicago, Detroit and Boston, this week left out the plethoric her one cent, hut a jurpr paid the of gastronomic revels but admits .Somo of the signs o f the times: ings of that Viennese suicide song, Inside dope Is that you ain't seen Y E A ’S studio to have some test ed her with endearments. But he No other tornado ever traveled a currents rising at high 'speed. When The upper river, fed by tributaries The Senator added he had sent penny. Noboily offered to pay the MEMBER a u d it BUREAU OF sportsman altogether and had the that "of course It Is natural'for peo­ Over a movie marquee, "Fred As­ "Gloomy .Sunday", to depress Its nothin' yet. • photographs made. On the way had never said, "Toby,, I love jrm path as long or os wide In this the warm air is moist enough the which rpse in places five to seven his secretary to the Library of Con­ CIRCULATIONS. home she sees a man following her. I country. Usually a tornado la one currents generate tornadoes. 350 coats, however, and Mrs. Fuller small boy, gazing at a complete ple to like to eat well In nice surr taire in Top Ha* and Shorts." Over listeners. And how many, I wonder, The Federal Ckmimunlcatlons and want to ma.-ry you.” He hac feet in 12 hours, neared 40 feet at gress and he had returned to report oiiothcr. Ghost Goes West: Music that the whole incident was a le­ appealed. : Tba Herald Printing Company, Jnc.. angling outfit In a sporting goods were driven to harl-karl by our own CommiMlon Is going at the In­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY never even said, "Toby, I love you." Hiintlngton, W. Va. W. C. roundings and with genial com­ Gix-s 'Round and Around." Sign "The Music Goes— etc. gend. aaaumsa no flnanolat responsibility shop window. Of course he still vestigation of the "telephone trust” She had told hereelf It war be­ Devereaux, government meteorolo­ for lypographlrnl errors appearing In pany." Over a Yonkers frankfurter stand, in Jioroiigh manner. Becker, as CHAPTER XXIV cause their love waa still so now. gist and flood expert here, predict­ "I was sorry to hear that", he SI RPIUSE! SURPRISE! adrsrtlsements In the Mnnchesler had the same old sapling pole and Perhaps this subject, would be­ not far from Sing Sing, "W e Elec­ Ijiughing Blatters Harriet sold, "Another fresh continued, "because when I was a Evenlnt Herald. chief prober and examiner. Js just I.ater Tim would Say those things, SEC S E ^ BLOW Overnight A. P. ed a 45-foot crest at Huntington, or the same old worm can. come more convlnelngly important trocute Hot Jogc. Come In and Sec Some Guffaws In the Current as effective as that other celebrated guy!” when Toby told her about would take her to his home and In­ live below flood stage. The Scioto, little -boy I had built my whole Yakima, Wash.— Fred A. St. Clair Us Bump 'Em Off." Now there is no reason to believe Shows; “What is a public library, sleuth, Ferdinand Pecora, which is the man who had followed her on troduce her to his parents and his which enters the Ohio at Ports­ world about ’.he poem concerning contended the hot and cold Water TUESDAY. APRIL 7 If we could be assured that all these pipes at the Hortlcultura’ Union Now, New York boasts a Wine anyway,” remarks Ina Claire In saying plenty. tho street. friends. News mouth, registered close to 13 feet. that shot." that this boy will over cease to fig­ banquets In Waterbury are diction­ of tho Week Club. Subscribe, by Interrupting him. Senator Con- warehouse were so mingled the "End of Summer," "If not an In­ More will come out of this In- Toby thought that Harriet waa All this, she realized now, had TO FRAUD DRIVE Imperiling Ohio State Route 35. ’ DEATH PENALTY ure In magazine and newspaper the year. Got a different flagon nally (D.. Tex.), said: drinking fountain spurted hot w a­ ary banquets and that Waterbiir- tellectual flophouse?” vestlgr-tlon than mere ' “disclos­ right. Now that she waa at home, been In h?r imagination. For a lit­ Hartford— The State treasurer’s In West Virginia illustrations ns long ns there shall of nectar each week. .Snaps Jane' Cowell In "First "As 1 now recall, without refer­ ter Moreover, he claimed, ho was K No doutl^ many of the same Jn- lons do eat them. From our own ures.'' Communications CXimmls- In the pleasant apartment, It seemed tle whll j Tim had seemed devoted office returned as unsatisfactory a The Kanawha river at Kanawha Lady’’—"It's fortunate for a yrom- ence to the Library of Congress for burned, and asked 38,570 for dam- be such a thing ns a sport Af sloner Paul Atlee Walker, the silly to have let herself become to her and then .i had disappeared. check for 3178,792.50 submitted by Falls, W. Va., rose five feet yester­ I dividuals who hold to the belief that relatively hiief experience with Expensive "Free” Shows an (o have a past. It gives her some­ my recollection, the first shot waa agc.i. angling. So that any argument as glmlet-eycd former regulator of Ok­ frightened. Some day, perhaps, he would come the City of Hartford as its share ot day, while at Charleston, the rise r Bnioo Richard Hauptmann was In- Waterbury we should be Inclined to Somo mllllonnlrea so ten miles [ thing to talk about." Federal Body Says Ruling fired on the village green at Lex­ lahoma utilities in ettarge of the In­ She had hurried Into the nearest back. Toby hoped so, devoutly. She the old age aaistance tax. Hartford was 6.9 feet during the 12 hour to his vaUdll|y would be n sheer suspect that in .some cases at least out of their vuy arid pay ten times' In the new Lunt-Kontanne show, had been assessed 3215,665.96 as Its ington.” i, nocent of the crime for which he quiry under a mandate of Oongresa, store and wandered about the aisles had loved him; she still loved him. period, and continuing at five- waste of words. It la also a nmtter as much to procure a pass to a one of the dumb chorines reflects share of the 32,100,000 State total Looking solemnly about the Sen­ was electrocuted arc shocked at the the piece de resistance may be a alms to: for several minutes. When she had Wfll Make Its Task More tenths of a foot hourly, Devereaux show or a fight rather than pur­ that a secress once predicted hard She would never love anyone else. but deducted 336,873.46 to cover the ate, he recited: of indifference to most ol us wheth­ cracker and the rest of the bill- of 1. Establish a basis for regu­ emerged, the man In the shabby reported. 1,; execution of John SeimborskI, last chase them dire'et from the specu­ luck at her 37th birthday. "That,” Thinking of Tim, Toby had for­ cost of collecting the tax. "By the rude bridge that arched the er any country boy’s mother ever lation of Interstate phases ’of the clothes and dark hat waa not in gotten Bin compictelj'. Perhaps hla The Ohio neared flood stage at 52 r a i l . criminal to be legally hanged In the fare entirely fluid. We scorn to lators. Inflates their ego, I’m told. comments her stepping sister, telophoi c business. Difficult. North Grosvenordale— John A. flood put a pink patch bn a green pair siglit and she did not see him again. thoughts, too, were far away, for feet at Cincinnati. "Their flag to April's breeze un­ ; state of Connecticut. Not beca\ise, remcnihcr hearing of one “ Literary Jerome K. Jerome's sage observa­ "ought to be any day now." 2. Collect essential informntim Skedgell, agent for the Grosvenor­ Yes, of course Harriet was right. they finished the ride almost in Highways and dirt roads all furled of punts for her offspring, or wheth­ Society" feast where the chairman tion: "I like work. It fascinates me. "Thu trouble with being a hack for state commissions now worki.ig dale Company, a textile firm whose In this case, even the chronic sym- He was just another fresh guy and silence. along the Ohto-Kentucky-Indiana- "There once the embattled farmers er a boy's shirt Is really long enough I con sit and look at It for hours." writer,” states the Hollywood scen­ on rate problems—practically every­ Washington, April 7— (A P )— The 1,100 employes struck Monday be­ 1,50 IVIRY SUNDAY patuxsr with criminals can enter­ of the catering committee got him she had been mista' en In thinking Illinols front were blocked some to stood ■hiii' i' ~~~ ' S > „ And George Glvot Is the guy to arist In "Boy Meets Girl," "Is that where, From the Avenue they walked to cause of a wage reduction warned = Rsssd Trip RaHrsad Poro to stick out when there Is no patch. self a black eye by wasting the so­ securities commission today saw an extent neccs.sltatlng lengthy de­ ’-.St'i-ju tain any doubt whatever of Selm- hold responsible for saying that; the work's too hard." 3. Deyelop the need for legis­ there was something queer In the Toby's apartment. Bill said, “Well, that unless the workers returned to W e don't care a rap whst the artists "dlfflculUcs” In Its path as the re­ tours. CkUdraa I o»d IS Boll Fev* - .twrakl’s guilt but because the de­ ciety's substance on a whole poimd "Those who go to college and nev­ "What Is Melnc." commenLs O.s- lation to collect any possible mal­ way he looked at her. Something some time If you’d like to go slum­ their looms there was danger the and the art editors do about such er got otil are called profc.ssors." good PeikliiH In S. N. Bchrman's about hla eyes. Toby told herself ming again— ’’ sult of a defeat It suffered in the mill would have to close permanent­ Smlthland, Ky.. and Paducah, Ly« Hortlord 4 4 B.UA.M4 fense had built up a picture of moral of the crackers. Waterbury, as a practices in the industry. Ly. MonehDDlM ...... 4 9MAM. One of the most fantastic, yet play, “but a' masculine Riviera?" she had Imagined that. "It wasn't slumming,” Toby In­ Supreme Court, but It announced ly. He said competition made the Ky„ 13 miles apart, appeared In line Ehi« Boston (South 8t o . )...... 11.09 F4M. matters. But there Is one thing matter of fact. Is the only place we •msponsiblllty on the part of the spellbinding 'ales, that have ap­ And then quotes Bismarck's solu­ So She said, "I guess you’re right, terrupted. “It Was a grand eve­ that, In general, enforcement of the wage reduction necessary. for a near-record tide. A school and we object to and about which we be­ Important To Patrons In the Treatment ■ BTUBNIHO kUIar—and there a n , for some queer over knew in the least well wherB a peared lately In the periodicals, Is tion of the Irish problem. "Bis­ Harriet. My Imagination was prob­ ning.” 1933 Securities Regulation Act Bridgeport— Ballistic experts de­ a large factory closed In the latter The second and third points are would remain unchanged. termined a gun found In a river Ly. B—ton (South Sta.) ...... 9.M F.Ms rsaaon, always a certain number of lieve a serious fuss ought to be banquet menu, from first course to Robert Buckner's narrative In the marck thought," Parkins relates, ably working overtime.” "Then we'll do It again some city as water raced through the most important from the stand­ J. Edward Jones. New York oil near Elizabeth, N. J.. was not the of Colds made. That Is the Insult to the In­ Atlantic Monthly of the two al- "that the Irish and the Dutch Toby went to dlnne.' that night time. And T hope those pictures streets and drove additional scores Tlckota Qood only la ttalna Indloaiod people, not criminal In their own last, gurgled. point of your telephona bill— and ' man, who won final victory yester­ weapon u8ed last September In the on nolo at Station Ttekot OKicoo telligence and Industry'of the Amer­ mo-sC unknown' soldiers who Won sliould exchange countries. The with BUI. They went to the cafe­ Duryea made will win the job for onto refugee lists. A crest of 49.5 When su^ering from, or threat­ tvay of life, who just naturally find and Lost the War and who lived Dutch," he said, "would very noon the first If you make many long day In hla long fight to prevent the killing of iPollce Sergeant Thomas feet-hlgher than the 1913 flood— ican boy conveyed by the ab.solutcly distance calls. teria where they had eaten togeth­ you.” ened by, an attack of a cold it is themselves In alliance uith the law­ to meat again and talk about It. make a garden out of Ireland and commission from forcing him to Kearney imd Patrolman Wilfred was predicted for Thursday. ■ Faced with the vast complicat­ er so often. BUI suggested another “I hope so.” Toby said, though testify about a proposed 3100.OOU Walker, crime for which Frank necessary to keep the intestinal breaker In opposition to the opera­ universal artist wickedness of wish­ While Nijinsky, the great Rus­ the Irish would forget to mend Forecasters lald a 53.5 crest wqa ed maze of the Bell System, with place, but Toby sild she really she didn’t, really. She'd made up her- _ Issue of stock: balled the decision as Palka of Buffalo. N. Y.. Is serving a tract clear. For this purpose Dr, ing upon every pictured urchin a sian ballet daneer, la Incarcerated In the dykes." due to strike Cairo. 111., .ibout Fri­ tion of the law. Health and Diet Its more than 200 affiliated corpo.a- wanted to go to the Cafeteria. They mind to forget about that job. a blow to a "tjrrannlcal bureau­ life term at State's prison. True’s Elixir, for 85 years, has Wretched, crooked, krtotty and scrag­ day. That city feared little, how­ Otherwise the execution of the tlons and Ita expensive legal ma- ordered coined beef and cabbage, cracy.” Hartford — Documents filed In been found effective. gy mere slick—such ns no boy in tho day’s “special” and It was de­ Wall street Inclined to agree with Probate Court valued the estate of ever, as it nestled behind a 60-foot death sentence upon SeimborskI will Advice Regardless of the leaning tow.ird chlna, state rate-making agencies Ckinsequently , she was amazed licious. the commission that the decision Harry S. Bond, prominent hotel concrete ’A'all. appear to be ns near to a proper this or any other country would l»J OR. FRANK MrtOI disease with which one Is bom, If is have been practically helpless In at­ when Ben Blake called her two days WHAT HAPPENS AFTER tempting to help subscribers. They were even lucky enough to later. He said, "Toby I’ve good news necessitated no curtailment in the man, at 3449.532.98. However taxes, course for the state to pursue as we think of u-slng to go a.«hliig with. possible to overcome that ■ predispo­ Walker and Becker aim at show­ get their favorite 'table. Toby said, for you.The Hillyer Soap company general administration of the Se­ expenses and Indebtedness have re­ Dr.ThiesElbdr In the course of a long life, we sition, If enough time and 'sre arc curities Act. though experts were duced its final valuation to 3189,- are Itkely to arrive at until the ad- TENDENCIES TO DISEASE devoted to the problem. YOU COMMIT MURDER ing whether tha tclcphcne monopol.v across tho red-and-whlte checked wont you to pose for the photo­ Deaths Last Night have seen scores If not hundreds of has been Innocent or guilty Of the table cloth, "It's a long time since averse to predicting Just how speci­ 650.38. The True Family Laxative j . >5 >4 mlntatratton of JusUee shall, event­ graphs In tho big advertising cam­ Borrow nny nmounl up lo $ 3 0 0 boys— country and village kids such Some people have more of a ten­ Innumerable malpractices laid to we’ve been here, BUI.” fic cases might be affected in the Montville— Robert R. McGregoi* Good for you and your children. ually, be freed from the Utter of QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS paign they’re putting on. Thoso test future. died of a heart attack while feed­ New York Edmund Breesc, 64, quickly ond wilh difnily. SaUriod dency to a certain disease than other public utilities; whether sUte "That hasn’t been my fau lt” ns, of course, the artist always at­ (Teeth) How You Get Along With Your­ shots Duryea made were great Tha The court's decision retramed veteran actor. ^ omployoi ro^uiro no tocurlly «r fadlam. mawkish sentimentality and commissioners have been improper­ "N o— ” ing chickens at his Raymond Hill Many letters have been received other people who live In almost the self ,\fter A Crime Is Sub­ Hillyer company is offering you a farm. Minneapolis —John HammlH, 60, ondortor«4 professional hooey which now ham­ tempts to portray, equipped with Q.iestlon: .Murray G. Writes: "X- ly Influenced; how the Bell propa­ from passing on tbe Constitutional­ from those who have used Dr. ray pictures of my teeth show that "Getting a date with you la like year's contract with 31000 bonus ity of the Act Itself. The 6 to 3 former governor of lov/a. the simplest ol angling outfits— and same way. For example,, certain ject Of Novel. ganda machine has operated; and Hartford — William M. Citron, Fko roin af intorost ckorfod lo pers IL There a n a , great many several of them have pus pockets. making one with Garbo.” he told and you'll be paid double the usual opinion, in halting the commission's congressman-at-large, and Matthew Geneva— Prof. Alfred Stem, '0, True’s Elixir and found it to be a we never saw one yet who hadn’t types of people are ^specially like­ how It Is possible to establish- her, grinning. throo (3) por conli pdr monihp or people who entertain serious doubts Two of the teeth ere so loose I rate for all the posing you do. It's efforts to compel Jones to testify, A. Daly. State W P A administrator, historian and professor at the helpful family medicine for young khirty-oln (36) por coni, por on* picked himself a reasonably straight ly to develop tuberculosis, oUier BOOK REVIEW and get away with— separate .val­ "You know 1 didn’t mean it to a real chance for you__” struck at what It termed “unlawful inspected flood damaged communi­ Zurich technical Institute since 1887. and old. Made from imported as to the wisdom, to say nothing of could pull them with my fingers. uations for rates and taxes. num on unpaid omounl of loon. and balanced pole. types are prone to stomach ulcers, Would this be sufficient to cause By BRUCE CATTON be that way,” Toby said seriously. Toby said, not daring to beliove Inquisitorial investigations" and ties on either side of the Connecti­ Portland, Ore.- Dana Sleeth, 58, tha morality, of capital punishment. "W e have no skeletons to hide," herbs—Mild and pleasant to take while still others have a definite me to have a trembling, weak sen­ Committing a murder seems to be “I’ve missed you. BUI.” She real­ her ears. "What did you iqiy?” declared the commission's action cut river from Middletown north to newspaper columnist. But roost of them are now holding It is only In the prairie states that tendency to rheumatism. announced President Walter S. Glf- — Not a harsh purgative — It acts IDEAL FINANCING sation In the legs? No other trou­ one of the eaaicqt of all tricks. It’s ized suddenly how much she bad He had to repeat It all over was "wholly unreasonable and the Massachusetts State line. Rep. New Britain, Conn.— Henry J. a country boy has any difficulty In tord, oil the stand, but very soon promptly and effectively. ASSOCIATION, Inc. their opinions In abeyance because You often hear that some dis­ ble can be found after a thorough missed him. "It’s just that there again. She was to go to the Hillyer arbitrary.” Citron arranged to view the flood Brockmeycr,. 75, former St. Louis Retting along with j-ourS'^If after Becker rudely reached Into the clos­ 821 Main Street finding a thicket from which to eases are inHbrlted. That Is not true phj'sical examination." ore so many things to do. Hours Details of Act damage In Windham County Wed­ and New York newspaperman. they know that there Is not the the murder Is committed takes et and pulled out what his aides n- office that afternoon to sign the Ask For It At Tour Store Over W. T. nes, is of -he type where it declared that “to permit an sonal Loan Account. They have found out that 'Capita; punishment. fisherman who doesn't catch any__ cal types, but ao not believe they ?ay boo to a goose; If they could V**" the story an awfully red lipstick. 'You can handsome. He wgs well-buUt, a llt- most prone to develop prolapsus or only know— I tell just by looking at her tha- Park offending registrant to stifle an In­ TOLLAND though we know a lot about how tha are of much value In the selection '''*™ aarvlce Us above average height and his quiry by precipitate retreat on the through our plan they can gave as they borrow. falling of the orgais; while the of food. 8o, at Inst, he confesses; and no to Illegal horse-race gambling s- Avenue Is where she belongs." hair and eyes were dark. He halted IMPEACHMENT urchin In varl-color gets his fish, patient with a short, chunky type of tabllshments, which Walker called eve of his exposure la to give Im­ The April meeting of the Child A LIGHT' SMOKE one will believe him! Eveiybody suddenly and said. "Oh, excuse on tlie Department of Justice to- munity to guilt.” Study Club will be held Tuesday The whole procedure of opening a Personal Loan and how many. But we do hope body-build Is of the type most (Hallow Shin) takes it for granted that h-j is just Bill said, "One of those snooty me— " If the world weren’t so full of a frequently developing blood vessel investigate. Jones declared the majority opin­ evening, April 14, at 8 o'clock at the that the Bo> Scouts or the Liberty Que.stlon; Mrs. Catherine M. suffering from a nervous break­ dames, huh? She doesn’t Sound like The adverUslng manager wax on Account is simple, businetsslike, and friendly. If number of things the Impeachment dl.sordcrs such ns high blood pres­ It was shown that Gifford vos ion "establishes, In moat forceful Tolland Federated church. The I League or some other big group with writes: "Is liver trouble capable of down; the mere Idea ol his commit­ any prize package to me.” his feet. "Come In, Mr. Hillyer,” he language, the American sjratem as a speaker will be Florlen Helser of sure and hardening of the arteries. 'you need cash to meet an important commitment, OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO trial of Federal Judge Halsted L. causing my skin to be sallow?" ting a murder Is loo absurd to be * t. of the great system, Toby smiled. It was true that Mid. "This Is Miss Rjran. She’s go­ government of laws Instead of one Connecticut College at Storrs. He n punch will enter the lists to put an The r itjent with a narrow, cramp, which is engaged In everything i3 liltlei of Florida would now be nt- Answer: A sluggish ll’ cr Is one taken seriously. .Bill wouldn’t think Carol Marsh "a ing to be the Hillyer Soap girl. Miss .by,the rule of autocrats and usurp­ will speak on psychological care you should talk with one of our officers today. end to this damnable slander of the ed chest and a diaphragm which from making telephones and so'ind of the chief causes of sallownesa of And In the end the author— seem­ prize package." He wouldn't ' like Ryan, this is Mr. Hillyer, the presi- ers." and training of the young child. tracUog wide attention. United does not move freely, may be said movies to private banking and Over a period of years, certain consideration of acid-alkaline bal­ countr>’ small boy's fishpole. A theikin. ingly unable to think Qf anything anything about her. But Carol dent Oa the company." He said he was a victim of "vin­ This is to be men's night and all i- ■States Senate Impeachment trials to have a leaning to tuberculosis of manufacture of measuring devices hundred years of this foollshnesa Is dictive persecution" because of his terested are welcome. the lungs. betteiH—kills him by having bira for corpses on mortuary tshles. would get the job. just the aame. Hillyer came forward and shook basic advances have been made ance, with consequent definite have been Tare in the country's bl»- IT.AUAN^ MEASURE fall oft k cliff, thus put Ing t. rather Toby asked, mdre es a polite In- opposition to the oil policy of the The regular meeting of Tolland about enough. ' Instead of blaming heredity for Gifford’s one-rtan power Over a hands, smiling. "Of course,” he sold. ^ tory and the very unusualness of the TIDAL UNDULATION* quU’y than anything else, what Bill “present ruling regime. " Grange will be held Tuesday eve­ . the disease which later develops. It weak ending on an Intelligent and five-btlllon dollar monopoly ;ias "I recognize Mlzs Ryan now from in the selection and treatment of improvement in flavor; and con­ l^irocecdings carries interest with It. IN EAR TH ’S CRUST constantly Interesting novel. had been doing lately. ning when a class of candidates will seems to me that the sensible been one of the most striking her photographs They were excel­ t Ritter Is charged with having EVEN IN GERMAN AR.MY facts developed. * ‘Tve got a new Job,” hi told her. lent, but they dor’t do you Justice.” be initiated In the first and second cigarette tobaccos for Lucky trolled uniformity in the finished thing to do is to realize thi. only an degrees. Trieste ( A P ) — Deep In the grot­ "Bill! You haven't left Amber- “I was telling Mr. Russell,” Toby M ranted exorbitant fees to a former For a great many year, the world L* « » ‘'trth which toes of Postumla, Italian scientists nRST AID CLASSES t o ® sou and Blane's?” said, "how excited I am about thc,j The Tolland Grange held a set­ Strike Cigarettes. product. Tlaw partner named Rankin In a re- u* u I ^ a V • nfts &n lnflU6DC6 in d6t6rminlnff are measuring the tidal waves pro­ Another Franbfurtor Pupil ' back party at toe home of Mr. and a PetSO ® ® all •** ,te«— has been led to believe that the what disorder will be most likely to A word about Sammy Becker: He "No. Only, instead of writing ads, chance to pose for these ploturei.” 'l ttMvershlp case, with having re- duced In the earth's dry crust by Quotations— I’m trying to sell them.” Mrs. Ivan Wilcox at Morrow, Qinn., They include preliminary analy­ All these combine to produce a greatest war machine In existence occur. Is 5 feet 8 Inches tall, 83 years old "W e'fe pleased, too. Think It's FOR WPA WORKMEN last Friday. i ^ t v c l "gratuities" from Rankin. * the gravital pull of the moon. "Do you like It?” . ^ .V. .4 of *8*^ -eot or , at^ the time of the breaking out of If thl procllrity to a special trou­ Caused by the same force that quite dark, specUcIed, sometimek going to be a fine advertising cam­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson ses of the tobacco selected; use "Well, I've only been at It a lew paign— ” He chatted a few more 4. SO*'*’*''* ^ A " i® 4 superior cigarette—a modern ciga­ jW lU i practlaliig law while on the the World War, ni.d the best trained ble .a recognized early enough ,n rolls up tides at sea, these land The Italians are too smart to pugnaoioua. delicately sarcastic and had as Sunday guests friends from an I Xpert pinochle player. days. I'm pretty green, but I think W itfBe Taught Two Nights a H*|hench and with evading hia Income life. It then becomes possible to ire- waves are infinitesimal ind can be colonize tn the wilds of Ethiopia minutes. Then Toby said sle must Bristol, '• L to Ao '" t , dead*. of center leaves; the higher heat rette, a cigarette made of rich, ripe- and disciplined of all lime, was the He was oounsel to Gov. Phil Ivi- I'm going to like It. Besides, If I’m go. ■ Week fo r Four Weeks in the "'*''** oCciAe®*. ,50.00 'tax. Rankin, the first witness, tes- the eventual occurrence of recorded only by extremely deli­ when they can come here and be Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clough Germhii army. It Is therefore a Follettex when Wlkconaln made its ever to have.nji agency ot my own,: •-•mu mn the dleorder to which the patient is cate Instruments. maj-or of New York and build "Which directio!! arc you going?" High School. ^ visited their son who Is III In the treatment of tobacco (“ Toasting” ); bodied tobaccos—A Light Smoke. ^';tified to having.paid Ritter 12,BOO In inclined. For exam'ple, when the telephone Inveetlgatlon. and was I’ve got to know something about HHIyer asked — HZ- bit enlightening—nr perhnps bewild­ To "see" the earth’s undulzdons. themselves palaces on the Hudson. Meriden hospital. 7cash on the day that the judge al- patient has an Inclination toward onee osalstont pr6fe$eor of law at the selling end of the business.” ' She told him the streei on which Mr. .and Mrs. Jacob Cborchea en­ ering--to learn at thl.- date that young seholara working under Prof- Parhet T. Bloon, Columbia First aid classes for W P A work­ ’.oyrkich OR - ’ lowed him a B2B.000 advance on tuberculosis, this will be overcome Tulone University. He wrs reco.n- ”I suppose tliat’s true.” she lived. tertained several of their relatives there is some que.stlon as to Who Lulgi Camera of Naples mounted University. men will be taught in the High 4 Y our f***"''; ^ocetzAbr by a manner of living which devel­ mended to FCC by Judge Pecora She thought of the evenings when "It happens I'm-going that way." from Hartford Sunday aiid over the r. pTrt|hi !«§ ^478,000 receivership fee In the case was boss. their apparatus' In caves protected school two nights a week for the TTii Anitrlran Toteren TomittRy ops the diaphragm and chest and who. turned down the A. T. and T they had sat at this very table and Hillyer said, "and I'm just ready to week-end. _,,il be f®“ ^ ^ _ -o o r ^0< a West Palm Beach^HOcl, He from aurfsce jars by layers of solid Instead of the Hoover myth ol job. next four weeks, starting tonight. Luckies are less acid. Everj’body had sup|K)scd, of which prevents enervation. The pa­ rock. planned the future. BIU bad told her leave. My car’s duwrnatalrs. Won't Mias Thelma Price has returned ""““sv y o ® * '«>*“ • two chickens In every pot. the un­ It was announced today. w . l o . ^H id he made payments to several course, that Von Hindenburg, from- tient who shows early In Il/e that One set of mirrors Is fixed to the Becker turns out to be enc more about the advertising agency be you come along?" to the Kent High school after employed are faced with the New All W P A employees cLealrlng to in.®*®"'* ootbi®8 omeya out of the 138,000 for he ha a tandenoy to stiffness and rock of the cavern and another Felix Frankfurter pupH «nd a mem­ was going to have some day, and "Why, yes,” Toby said. "Thank spending ten days vatstion at the 1B18 on, was commander-ln-chlef of Deal reality of two wolves at every ber of the class of 1925. Harvar l take the course are asked to attend 4. roiu y®* . _w^t»ory. !«<••• of AcMItyofOrtiaf fapuloY Brandt Oy«r IwdiyStrUi* Clgafantt dees In connection with the re- aorsntss of tha musclat after vigor­ swings ever so slightly the she bad never doubted that his you very muen.” home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Germans on the Western front door. the first seaslon^tonlgh't In Room It Rocarit ehamicol tsiH show* ous activity should learn to use his earth's face rises and falls. Re­ Law School, famout. for the rtum- plans would come true. She had bad Ten minutes later she waa rid­ Lewis B. Price. ersbip but that all these pay' -^U . S. Repreeentatlve Ylto Marc- ber of Its men who have become of the High school. Th e course will ______! ______T ______j and that Quartermaster-General foods In correct combination ind flected light tiius traces the move­ her own dfcams— of becoming a ing dowti Park Avenue In Jay HUl- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen have thol other popular brands Dts were made by check. Judge antonlo. New York. A*rj“ . Tker* >* Ml yoo Erich Ludendorir was his rblef-of- ahould learn to take the minimum ment on rolls of sensitized paper. counsel or assistant counsel to New buyer at Bergman's. Would Bill’s yer's town car. be taught by a W P A first aid In­ returned from several days spent tn r tuiKv—m rnri ------1 i ! Deal agencies. structor from Hartford. hove an oxcoss of acidity Itteria being the only ont mads In of atqrch and augar. at the .■tame plans fall as completely os hers had (To Be Continued) New York, being called there on ac­ staff. Now It develop# that Ihs real Women, as a whole, have In­ Others of the class Include Chief i s a A w o ' g ency. There were no witnesses lime that ha kaepa the colon clean. TOO m a n y PE.A8 IN THE POD done ? Ortlflcates will be issued by the count of the serious Illness of their ovor Lucky Strike of from 'UMOiLtsdM comroander-ln-chlef was Luden- finitely fuore taste than men, and (3ounsel John J. Burns of SEC, Tom If he wishea to avoid the later de­ Joliet. III.— When Warden George Toby hoped they wouldn't. Bill ■WPA to oU the employees who at­ daughter, Mrs. Irene Hansen Balch. J__S_«LAJN^_g_£_ ) the transaetlOD and no p ^ r was thie Is particularly noticeable among Corcoran of RFC, and Victor Rot- CRAZY OOWSf dorff—or. at least, he angrily Insists velopment (o f rheumatism. Poor F. Sehring of the State prison Inter­ deserved to succeed. ' , tend the 15 sessions of the class &lUa Alice E. Hall has returned 53: to 1007. ned, according to Rankin. that he was. Ludendorff Is madder mlxtmoa of even the beat fooda and business girls, who con show good nem Or Resettlement Adminlst-ai Iowa City,- liiwh— Amelia E ir- which will be taught from 7 to 9 to'toe Gilbert High school after a 1 s a A X o o~ cepted the note, he thought the cul­ tion. Afterward they boarded a bus hart, the flier, uold tann animals on It Is expected that some sixty intestinal uncleanllness will do a prit would be easy to find. taste on small Incomes, p. m. ten Hays recess. Miss Hall attend­ s wet hen at a reriew of his and climbed up to tbe top deck. regular air route; soon become so es will be heard. The trial great deal to build up the rheumatic Tho note said; "Jim— things look —Sir Walter Qllbrrt, British peer. ed a conference at Storra College recent book, "The Total War.” writ- i dlslheela which already'exUts. HEEDLESS YOUTH They rode far up the shire Of the used to airplanes they ignore 'em— Saturday. hardly be a short one and It Is, good. I’ll have jroii out of that mar­ Hudson. The wind was cool, but •MBUtTB umncp n moCFCMMia CWfUCAt LAMMUTOOtO AMOMSCAUCM MBUPB ten by another World War general' patient who la dispoMd Tlionks to that divine stooge, the and she couldn’t undemand the NOT' sp 8 .AFE . The Reading Club met Monday to ble shop soon. When you get this there was the scent of spring In course, entirely possible that who quo^ Hindenburg as saying:'"nen’ousicss needs to leam how to destroy It quick." League of Nations, whicji says a Sterling. W .—DIrectora of Wood- complaint of Fai-mer Frew Tucker, afternoon with Mrs. L. Erucat Hall. ge Ritter will be triumphantly relax and also needs to obtain •■qf. war Isn’t a war until It is declared. aide school were annoyed when the the air— Intangible, exhllerutlng. A who complained that' low swooping Brooklyn, N. Y.— To the patrol­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Bartlett "I forgot everything that Luden- Warden Sehring went to the shop moon that was not quite full shone licated. ficient recreation In out of door ac- Japan has eclipsed the BriUsb Em­ Morrison community fire dspart- planes frightened bis critters. man on toe beat toe safe he saw In who have been spendi^ toe winter II dorff has* done to me after the war. and paged him. Six convicts step­ down on them. Ugbio. gleamed thdtie.t to obtain the required physi­ ped forward. pire In Its colonial subjects. raent arrived to fight a blaze at Uie ‘T would suggest that the ani­ toe tore port of Paddy's house In Hartford were Sunday guests of r I f nothing more is proven than the alluringly from the New Jersey looked just os It always hod in too ^_____ -"IT’S TOASTED Until my last breath I shall remain cal development: They put an extra guard around — Upton Close, author. schooUiouse, only to find the tank of mals on Mr. Tucker’s farm be TolUn.d friends. Bce of an excessive recelver- shore, and shadows. In Intricate,' months he hod been glancing in a grateful to him for the sendees he In short, when the recognition of the .'hole marble shop. the i umper truck was dry. analyzed by a psychlati 1st, because Rev. Valentine 8 . Alison will be I fee It Is possible that the Seo- one's aptness to certain weaknesses mysterious patterns, fell On tbe they must not b « normal," ehe Said protective tnanner at it one of toe speakers to officiate at rendered me as. roy first asslstaht.” Am 1 afraid? Ev«r> umt l get oro * ,’**5 But there was a difference. \ will read Judge Ritter a reproof Is obaen'ed. the tendency may be In the Culebra cut of the Pana­ Into a plane to start, d nOw race Opupcll. Fire (^ le f Llo'zd •treeu they poeaeo. Tucker erected a 34 feet •’prousi toe Fast Day service at St. John's "He was my assistant, not I his," Poddy fqund toe real safe In tne entirely overcome by the systematic ma Canal, 800 tons of explosives Vm scarM of everythlnr In it. 1 •’* annoyed, too. The In front, a sailor and b u sweet­ p

How Town’s Ni^w Tax Bills Look priate an additional 12,000 for r«- erick W . Stangal, Mrs. Emsst Hall, thers L. no outbrshk dn* to ths flood NEW FORM OF TAX BILL BANK NIGHT PRIZE pair of town roads. Th« votors Mrs. Esrl C. Northrup and Mrs. EMERGENCY C O U N d in the state. -* OVER 50,000 IN STATE DAILY RADIO PROGRAM will take action on the granting: to Hiram P. Loverin. General WtlUain F. Ladd, Mayor ROCKVILLE the State Highway Department’ a Mrs. O. C. Peterson of North Park Spellacy and tbe W P A agreed to DUE TAX PAYER3 COPY right of way on the Tolland end of street will attend the Continental unite tiiclr efforts In reitorlng APRII- i® PIRfiT PAVMCNT TONIGHT IS $2D0 TO BE ISSUED THIS YEAR TUeSDAYp APRIL 7 (Central and Eatteru ,SlandArd Time) the preaent aecondary road from the Congress to be held at Washington, COMPLETES WORK Bralnard Field at a cost of about ARE NOW UNEMPLOYED ^ Notqi Atl progj'fliras to k «r and bailc chains or troupo thArqot unlopii •ped* BIlington-ToUand line to the Crya- D. C., April 20 to 24 and she will 3300,000. ‘ ’ . fled: co u t to coast (o to e) designation Inoiudos.iul nvoUablq statlocr. TO TOWN OF MANCHESTER, on. 1 tal Lake road anfi to authorize the attend the preliminary meeting Gtneral Ladd la planning a new 6COR9C H. HOW6, CeOector Stations rooorvo right to ehango programs without proviouo notloo. P. Mi there. Mrs. Franklin C. Harlow, the building program at the field for BUIa for this yeW a town proper- Cent* Bast selectmen to agree with the Federal Both State and Circle Thea* NBC-WEAP NETWORK TWO BADLY HURT government to maintain the road regent who has been at Miami, state hangars and National Guard 'ty tax are being prepare^) by Tax WARBURG AHACKS i A t i c ^ Eaflti wear wlw woel wtio 6:46— 6:46—Renfrew of the 'Mounted Hartford Schools That Shel* 6:00— 7:C0—Myrt A Merge* Sketch- after ita construction. The town Florida since Januory, will also at­ headquarters, to coat about 3200,- Oollector George H. Howe and hla wjar wUg wefh kyw whio wfbr vrro Torni. AMOUNT Ouf P^fHOr ^AVMeNT Out 8 5vg>* when wcaa ivtam wtvj wrai; Mich east: The Three Brown Bears—w of Elllngtou has already agreed to tend the Continental Congress. 000, either through tile P W A Or the •CCONQ PAVMfNT OUt N. Y. Stocks Startli«,R..r» Ksclo«d AMOUNT OW UST iMiatanta and will be mailed the tfirrtatar ano i.igN’ ters to Be Open for Draw­ ksd wiimq woil who woW wdaf 6i16— 7:16—The Mueieal Toaet—ba­ IN VERNON CRASH turn over to the state its portion of Mnrrh Hospital Report. W P A . Mayor Spellacy will take up AT 1 8 MIUCB Aabil 18. 1838 July 1 .1936 MlDWBtT>—wood wire sic; E. Moneak Entemblo—midweit tered Flood Refugees to latter part of thia week, be expecta. ROOSEVELT MOVES As Result of Federal Sur* [NORTHWEST CANADIAN ~ wtm] 0— 7i30—Kate Smith’s Song Time this road known as the short cut Tlic following Is the rc|)ort of the the question of exchange of land ,wiba kelp webe wday ktyr cret cfcf 6i45— 7:46—Coake Cortof^a Comment road to Crystal Lake, and tt 1s ex­ wbrk at the Rockville aty Hospital between tho city and itate at the The tax ia due April IS and payable % ing This Evening. Adams Exp .... ,SOUTH — wr%*a wpiX wwnc wavo wjaat 7d)0— Sipo—Lavender A Old Leoe^ - $ ...... 12% baelol Songs—west: Band- •Dixie____ pected that Tolland will take like fdr the month of March, 1936: Num­ Reopen Monday. a t y CtouncII meeting Monday. on or before May 16. After May 16 $ rey Just Completed; Many .wfU*wttin wlod wsm wmo wob wapl Air R e d u c ...... 189 wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfan wbop kpro 7:16— 1:16—B. Dunetedter Organ—w • Washington, D. C., Driver action this evening. ber of patients In hospital March J, Modem Hangar interest will be ch ared at the rate Alaska Jun ...... won! ktbs kths wsoo wtar wis wesq 7:80— 8:30—4koa Udyl kgir kghl 8:30— 9:30—Fred Waring Show—to o Hartford, April 7.—(AP) each month or frac Ion of a month...... 3% 9:00—10:00—Mary Pickford'e Parties of John C. Winter, for many years a 60. Discharged, 61; X rays, 16; The Red CTross expects to return night drawing on 6200 tonight. Allied Chem PACIFIC—ktl kgw komo Khq kpo kgu and Sister Hit Two Trees Smooth progress of flood relief uid •ttllxMiani xeu mnhamutmt Hr. Howe la only obligated to ...... 206 9:30—10:34 79*4 Gen Elec ...... 40*4 6:00— 6:00—Benay Venutt Song Prog. speed, struck the rough section of The newly elected officers of road at Vernon. STEK levied by the 26 mills rate Is 6877,- tor, told the House ways and means delivered the card to The Herald. the registration of the unemployed B : i ^ 6:16—Parade of Youth — east: 10:00—11:00—Newat H. Busee Orcheet. "One does not under those circum­ Hartford Steam Boiler 80*4 82*4 Gen Food.s ...... 36*4 10:16—11:16—Elza Schallert'e Reviews highway and oarcly missed side- Rockville Lodge of Elks will be In­ Tho contract for the four pieces 806.18. One-half the total, or Arrived In the office today The card said; Dear Sir: See your completed February 1 for the pur­ Talk on Stare—west: Songs—Dixie financing repairs to their homes and stances get out the automobile Blue committee today the public debt waa a card addressed to "Man Who National Fire ...... 77'4 79*4 Gen Motors ...... 69% 6:30— 6:3(^Prese.Radio Newe — ba­ 10:30—11:30—Henry King A Orchestra wiping a car aliead. The highway stalled on Thursday evening by Past of road Is about 346,000, and a total 6468,003.09 will be due a week from ad In C. M. B. of tw'o 3-year old poses of the Federal unemployment sic; Jack Armstrong—midwest rpt 11:00—12:00—Shandor Ynth Hla Violin Book in order to point out to the Phoenix Fire ...... 91*4 93*4 Gillette ...... department signs warning of dan­ Exalted Ruler Lewis H. Chapman of about 27,000 feet of lolled bank tomorrow. rvlll reach 634,500,000,000 by June Has Two 3 Year Old Mules for Sale. I mules for sale. Arc they well ...... 17% insurance program. 6:35— 6:35—Alexander Coras* V iolin - 11:08—12:06—Jimmy Doreev Orchestra in building or purchasing homes by driver where he trok the wrong Manchester, Conn." Rossla Insurance . . . . 14 16'^ Gold Dust ...... basic; Venida Jones* Organ—west 1i:30_12:30—Shop Flslde A Orchestra ger at this point were In place. with the as.sistancc of the following run gravel work will bo done. 30 If the total cost of paying the matched and your price. Respect­ ...... 1974 The 84,288 who registered have turning some miles back and which It was apparently Intended tor a Travelers ...... 632 647 * Hershey ...... 77% X-ray pictures will be taken of past exalted rulers of the lodge; Emblem a u b Meetin;eetlng- bonus la Included. 1 fully yours. Box 195, East Haddam, been numbered and their histories furnishing' liberal first mortgage Is the road he should have taken. He emphoalzcd, however, that the user of the advertising columns of Conn, Public Utility Stocks Hudson Motors ...... 18% both accident victims today to Fred H. LIppman, C. J. McCarthy, The Api of the Rock- filed, with a duplicate sent to Wash­ 10:00— Metropolitan Players. Michael J. Conway, Herbert O. "A t this moment, however. It Treasury was unable to tell what the Connecticut Market Bulletin, I Conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 62 65 Int Harv ...... 88'4 learn the full extent of their in­ vine Emblem club will be held on "P, S. Have lost the ad.” ington. The total is made up of 10:30— March of Time. Clough, John P. Cameron, W. J. Aus­ loans. WOULD KEEP TOWN, wmuld appear that there are plenty portion of the bonus certificates will Conn. Power ...... 49'4 5U4 Int Nick ...... 49% juries. Policeman Artliur Frey of Wednesday afternoon at two thirty 69,998 men and 14,290 women, wltli 10:45— ^To Be Announced. tin, Joseph Lavltt, Edward L. New of people yelling warnings and wav­ be presented for payment by that Htfd. Elec. Lt...... 68 70 Int Tel and T e l ___ ...... 16% WTIC the Rockville police department In o'clock at tho Elks Home. A t this ing flags. Johns M anville___ 11 per cent 61 the 84.288 under 25. 11:00— Sport News. vcstlgatcd. As far as la known marker and Alfred H. Hobro. W e have also through our monthly date. three University of Georgia students Hartford Gas ...... 43 48 ...... U 2 Travelciii Broudcajilliig Sarvtoe. time the annual election of officers “The car has not changed its di­ Kennccott ...... 40 Only 303 arc unemployables and 11:05— News Sendee. there were no eye witnesses to the The newly elected officers are Ex­ will take place. Tbe installation Bell appeared-before the commit­ TORNADOES’ DEATH LIST and two locaP boys for looting. So. New Eng. Tel. . . . 144 148 792 unclassified. Harttord, Doan. 11:15— Bob Crosby's Orchestra. W A IIR DEPT. APART rection, but It has stopped for the Lehigh Val Coal .. accident. Several square feet of alted Ruler John Kargea of Windsor will be held on Wednesday, May saving plan assisted many people to tee considering thj 6709,uOO,000 tax Olanufacturlng Stocks ...... 2% Mias Wood reports great diffi­ 50,000 W . 1040 K. C. S8SJ8 U. 11:30— Don Redman’s Orchestra. moment Acme Wire ...... 42 44 Lehigh Val R d ___ ...... 11% bark was shorn off tbe large maple Locks; Esteemed Leading Knight, 13th, and final plans for this event program at the request of Republi­ taken to Atlanta last night and two culty In meeting the requests of (E m W d Standard Tuna.) ... and every other accumulate substantial savings. "We now know that the driver has IN SOUTH NEARS 500 J ^ Hardware ...... 34*4 36',4 LIgg and Myers B ...... 102% tree where the Cohen car struck Arthur McFall; Esteemed Loyal will be concluded at the meeting to­ can members. They led him through other tnalns hurried to Alto wherepi™', factories for labor among the reg­ Tomorrow’s Program heard the warning and we can see Arrow H and H, com. 44 46 Loew’s ...... 48% with terrific force, demolishing the Knight, Ronald Ferguson of Man morrow. Further detslln win alao such a maze of Inquiries that Repre­ the state’s sanatorium for the tuber­ istered primarily because the de­ A. M. |?^PresentSetUpNot Good So him sitting at the wheel laughing at Billings and Spencer.. l* ; 214 Lorillard ...... 22*4 front end of the car and smashing Chester; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, be announced in. regard to the Sam­ special occasion ~ . If interested in obtaining a loan on sentative Vinson (D„ Ky.) protested (Continued I-'rom Page One) cular Is located. mands of Industry are specific and Tuesdaj-, .Ypril 7 8:00— News Service. the people who have come running Bristol Brass ...... 66'2 68',4 McKeesp Tin ...... 100-% the glass of the wlnd.shield. The Paul J. Roden; secretary, M. J. Cos­ ple Food Fair which la lo take place from all directions to warn him they were "dull." Giant poles carrying electric cur­ at times arbitrary as to personnel 8:15— Shoppers Special.. wheel, broken and twl.sted waa mute grove; treasurer, Raymond E. Hunt; Collins Co...... 120 130 Mont Ward ...... 44 p. m. on Wednesday, April 22nd In the there’s nothing like your real estate, or in a monthly sav­ Reyision Committee Will about the danger ahead. The financial expert testified that boro, N. C., in a similar career of rent and telegraph'wires were twist- Nat Blsc ...... and age. 9:00— Dear Columbia. evidence of the speed that the car Tiler, John Coleman; trustee for ed and fell Into the streets. The Cdit's Pat. Firearm s.. 58 58 ...... 35% 4:00— Women's Radio Rertew. 9:30— Woman’s Place, j Town Hall. Not On Wrong Road while there Is no such thing In the destruction, left death behind also Nat Cash Reg .... Sold Their Tools. was traveling at the time of the three years, Frank Rlzy; delegate ings accout, we invite you to call at city was In darkness except for ker­ Eagle Lock ...... 29 31 ...... 27% 4:.')0— Girl Alone. 0:45— Montana Slim Yodling Auxiliary to Meet, "Apparently he Is convinced that government as an "extraordinary at Lacro.ssc, Ark., Coffecvllle, Boone- Nat Dairy ...... "Many skilled men, particularly crash. to Grand Lodge convention nt Los ^ Consider Change. osene lamps and candles. Fafnlr Bearings___ _ 95 100 ...... 23*4 4:45—Blue Room Echoes — Joseph Cowboy. I The American Legion Auxiliary he Is not on the wrong road and budget," the government does have vllle and Auburn, Miss., Columbia, Nat Distill ...... toolmakers and machinists, have Tax Collector at Venion. Angeles, Cal., John Knrgcs; conven­ FLOWERS 955 Main street and receive full infor­ Gray Tcl Pay Station 24 26 ...... 32% Blume, director. 9:55— Radio Programs for Today. will meet on Wcdne.sday evening in that all these excited people have extraordinary expenditures. , Clifton, McNalry and Lincoln. Tcnn., N Y Central ...... sold their tools coating from |85 to Tax Collector William A. Kiihnly tion alternate, retiring exalted ruler Hart and Cooley . . . . 135 145 ...... 39 5:00— American Medical Associa­ 10:00— To Be Announced. the G. A. R. hall with the president. and no flowers arc Just imagined the danger." Ho said, too, that he bedived the and Red Bay and Elkwood, Ala. North Am ...... 8300,” she said. "They haven't the wlil go to Taltottvlllc on Wednesday George Betts. mation. Landers, Frary & Clk. 45 47 ...... 28% tion. 10:15— Bob and Rennie. Mrs. Bertha Phillip presiding. A The complete separation of the Turning to review the "extremely President had lived up to the law Tupelo was struck Sunday night, Atlanta Assists Packard ...... money to equip themselves when a- afternoon and will be at the post Following the meeting and Instal­ Mann. & Bow. Class A 7 9 ...... 12 ,5:30— '-'Dick Tracy.” 10:30— News Service. report will be given of the Father like those from... •municipal water and sewer depart- critical situation" which prevailed requiring him to mike recommen­ Gainesville about 8:30 a, m., Mon­ Penn ...... Job Is opened for them.” office there from one to two o'clock lation ceremonies, light refreshments Stricken Neighbor do.. Class B ...... — 2 ...... 35 5:45— Rhythm of the Day. 10:45— Ozark Melodics. ’ and Son banquet which tbe Auxil­ A new series now open. when President Roosevelt took of­ dations for taxes when the budget day. Phil Pete ...... Miss Wood could have placed 66 for the convenience of taxpayers in wlUbe served. The usual dinner on e^ent from the ordinary function of Atlanta. April 7— (AP) — This New Brit. Mch., com. 20*4 22*4 ...... 48% 6:00— Wrlghtville Clarion. 11:00— Maurice Brown, cellist. iary served last week, and plana will fice, 'Warburg said, "no one will is out of balance; that no debt re­ Pub Serv N J ...... skilled men In Bridgeport alone re­ that community. On the same day the occasion of the Installation of PARK HILL >wn government is one of the Gov, Hugh White of Mississippi, city, noted throughout the south for do., pfd...... 95 — ...... 41% 6:30— News. 11:15 — Hartford Tuberculosis & be discussed for the next meeting atlons for improving the pres- deny that Mr. Roosevelt showed tirement had been contenjplated took personal charge of relief actlv- splendid medical facilities, was North and Judd ...... 34*4 36*4 Radio ...... 13*4 cently If they had not sold their 6:40— Studio Program. . he will be at the Vernon Depot post officers will be ornltted this year due at which a Child Welfare program FLOWER SHOP courage. tools. Public Health Society. office from 2:15 to 3:15 p. m. for to the Holy Week observance. The Manchester Building fstem which will be suggested during the 1937 fiscal year, and tlmt Ifles at Tupelo. lending every aid to its tornado Peck, Stow * Wilcox 7 0 Reading ...... 42*4 6:45— Musical Moments. 11:30— Treasure House. win bo presented. In cooperation "Leading Florists” ( sessions of the Charter Re- "Few would claim—and I am The largest groups among the the collection of taxes. Because of Sobra Trumbull Chapter to Meet. ho did not believe he was In a posi­ Storm Strikes Again. .■"trlcken neighbor— Gainesville — to­ Russell Mfg. Co. ____ — 35 Rem R a n d ...... 21% 7:00— Amos 'a' Andy. 12:00 noon— Voice of Experience. witli the FIdac chairman. Tbe next eommlttee. not one of the few— that they would day. 84,288. with 11,110 of them con­ Good Friday being a holiday, the The April meeting of th* Snbra . 913 Main Street tion to make any olThand sugges­ Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 36 38 Rey Tob B ...... 63% 7:15— Edwin C. Hill, pews commen­ P. M. meeting will be held on Wednesday & Loan Association, Inc, have acted more wdsely under the After tnfilctlng heavy property struction laborers and only '7,669 collector will nqt be at his office that TnimbuII Chapter, D. A. R„ will be tions for reducing goverjment ex­ Approximately 100 of the more Standard S c re w ...... 120 130 Safeway Stores ... ___ 33*4 tator. 12:15— Musical Reveries. evening, April 29th Instead of April ’ 'Phone 5463 same circumstances.” loss at Acworth and Lavonla In Ita coming from Industry and 13.692 In day. The collector reported on penditures by as much eis 61.000 - seriously Injured were being cared Stanley Works ...... 45 47' Schcnlcy Dls ...... 45% 7:30— Harry Rlchman and Orches­ 12:30— Mary Marlin. held on Wednesday afternoon at the 22nd the lumal date. Journey across Georgia the wind Industrial pursuits. Monday night that more than a third "But that Is not the point here. 000, 000. for In Atlanta hos)Utals while all Torrlngton ...... lOO 106 Sears Roebuck ___ 68% tra. 12:45—The Ad-Liner. home of Mrs. Herbert M. Swart- the present Uma all the bills of descended on. Gainesville and then The 18.841 skilled workers are of the taxes for the current year ater department must be ap-"It was after the most critical Ordinary Expenditures physicians, aurgeans, nurses and Union Mfg. Co...... — 11 Shell Union ...... 17 7:45— "Hold The Press." 1:16— Margaret Dooley, soprano: flguer, of Davis avenue. The speak­ struck again at Anderson, S. C,, Just divided into 8,958 construction 8:00— Leo Rcisman's Orchestra. liave been paid to date. by the selectmen before theymoments were over that Mr. Roose­ Bell told Representative Tread­ hospital attaches who could be U S Envelope, com ... Ill) 118 Socony Vac ...... 15 Dorothy Stone, pianist. er will be Rev. Leon Austin, pastor across the Georgta-Carolina lino workers and 7,883 Industrial. H velt began to veer away from the way (R., Mass.) that when Con­ spared contlnyed-thetr labors be­ do., pfd...... 127 — South Pac ...... 36% 8:30---Wayne King's Orchestra. Town Rlcotlng in Tolland. - of the North Coventry church. The ^can be paid. The department loses 1:30— News Service. where 30 were injured although none There are 5,437 registered for pro­ 9:00— Vox Ftp Interviews. - f l iveral opportunities to save money principles for which he had stood gun yesterday! at the scene o f the Veedcr Root ...... 82 84 South Rwy ...... 18 1:45— Tom. Dick and Harry. A special town meeting will bo hostesses assisting Mrs. Swurtfiguer gressmen speak of an ordinary and WHS reported killed. 9:30— "Jumbo”. ty taking advantage of discounts of- and upon which he had been disaster. Whitlock Coll Pipe .. — 3 St Brands ...... 16*4 fessional, technical and supervisory held in the Tolland town hall this are Mrs, Mahlon 8. Chapman, Mrs. elected." extraordinary budget, they are try­ La,sting but three minutes here 10:00— Swing Time Revue. 2:00— Between the Bookends. ered for prompt payment. Four of the storm vlctlm.s died J. B. 'Williams Co___ 45 55 St Gas and E l ...... 8*4 Jobs, or only 6,4 per cent of the evening, to lake action on the pro­ Leroy E. Hale, Mrs. George G. ing merely to show to what extent the twister spread its pall through­ 10:30— Jimmy Fidler and Hla Hol­ 2:15— Happy Hollow. The system adds to the large after being brought here. St Oil Cal ...... 45*4 tots). posed lmpif)vemcnt of town aid Smith. Mrs. E. Harrison Metcalf, ordinary expenditures arc in line Mlsrcllaneous lywood Gossip. 2:30— American School of the Air. I amount of administrative detail out the district. Not a Atlanta police kept .^the highway St Oil N J ...... 66% Other groups arc: ” roads and to sec if the town will ap- Mrs. David L. Hondlow, Mrs. Fred­ with receipts. He said tliat ordinary Chapman Valve ...... 24 26 10:4S— Program from New York. 3:00— Afternoon Recess. now done by the members of the structure escaped Its fury In 14 .solid open along the 60 miles separating Tex Corp ...... Sales persons, 4,282; clerical expenditures were estimated at 65,- Conn. Invest. Mgt. ... 3 4 ...... 38% 11:01— Sport News. ^ 3:30— National Student Federation : Board of Selectmen. blocks of brick structure.s. the two cities. Timken Roil Bear . w-orkera, 9,297; domestic and per­ SIEMBORSKI IS Elec Steam Sterilizing 2% 3»4 ...... 69 Program. 840,781,000 for the 1937 fiscal year 11:06— News. „ .3 Because the selectmen have to Beautiful homes were a mass of Approximately 250 National Trans America___ sonal service, 0,892. Flint-Bruce Jacobs Co., F. L ...... 18 20 ...... 13% 11:16— Polish Dance Orchestra. 8:45-^ogo DeLys. approve the bills an appropriation as against 63,826,723,000 this year splinters, the negro section was lev­ Guardsmen from the 122nd Infantry Union Carbide ..., Miss Wood says the registration and that much of the increase was Muskegon Piston Ring 37 V4 3914 ...... 86% 11:46— Jesse Crawford, organist. for the department must be made eled. In many places not even the here were policing the devastated Union Pao ...... 130*4 flies are now checked every 60 days LAST TO DIE BY attributed to Congressional action. foundatlon-s were left to show where area, and a hospital company and a "Sanborn Map ...... 97 ______12:02 a. m.— Silent. ! by the town meeting. Lasti year Unit AJrcraft ...... 25% and the unemployed are expected to WeVe Gut Pricei of Sample Living Room Suites I 840,000 was approprtated fo ( the. National defense expen lltures, he buildings have been. medical detachment were doing Sparta Foundry...... 25*4 27>4 Unit Corp ...... report when they get Jobs. She ...... T% Tomorrow's Program panose. A s the departmentfia ex- said, have mounted from 6533,000 - Rain and fire added to the misery tlielj share of the aid work. Sylvanla Indus...... 28 '3 0 Unit Gas Imp .... believes that communities are giv­ Taylor-Colquitt . . . . 38 40 ...... 16*4 I*, m. ^ peeled to turn in an equal amount N O O SE J STATE 000 in 1935 to 6037,000,000 con­ of the situation. Time and again A soup kitchen established by the U S Ind A l e ...... 65 ing direct relief to many others who to Gain Immediate Space for ^^Spring Displays'* Utah-Idaho Sug. Com. 3H ' 4H 6:30— Blue Grass Roy. POPULAR MARKET ' of money the Item is apparently a templated In 1937. firemen had to move hose to care Atlanta Post of the American Le­ U S R u b b e r...... are not registered. gion was helping to feed Gaines- New York Bunk and Ins. Stocks ...... 29 7:00— Morning Watch — Ben Haw­ RADIO 855 Main Street Rubinow Building j.t booking one only and represents no (Continued from Page One) For 1937. the budget estimate for a new outbreak of flames. U S S m elt...... Miss Wood’s bureau certifies all villa’s hungry. Bank of New York .. 480 490 ...... 93% thorne. coot to tbs taxpayers. calls for 61.103,000,000 for recovery Death List Grows. U 8 S te e l...... 70 persons before they go on W PA . (Eastoro Standard Time.) 2-PIECE SUITES, One-of-a-Kind; Regu- ON . B id Cross and W P A staff officials Bankers Trust ...... 60*4 62*4 8:00— News. SHOPPING CENTER FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE But, If for some unexpected rea Hla silkies and legs were then and relief. Bell said, to which must Fear that today’s search w-oiild Vick Chem ...... 45 from Atlanta have been on duty In Chase ...... 39 ■ 41*4 8:16— Morning Melodies. lar S A L E sen the income of the department strapped together. be added the $1,.500,000 000 addi­ send the Gainesville death list to 200 Western Union ...... 89 MAKINGS OF A HERO Gainesville since a short while after Chemical ...... 53 60 8:30— Cheerio. ^ should not be sufficient to meet the He was pronounced dead by two tional for relief requcstc'’ by tbe was expressed by G. J. Anderson, West EH and M fg ...... U 21 New York. April 7.— (A P )—Base­ Modern type suite, green and brown tapestry, 148-1055 ___ ...... $65 $49.75 the tornado struck yesterday morn­ Central Hanover ___ 113 118 9:00— Woman's Radio Bazaar. > appropriation, the deficit would have physicians at 12:17.05 a. m, President, or whatever amount Con­ superintendent of the Cooper Man­ W oolw orth...... New York— Walter Herrk, 12, ran ball celebrities will herald tbe open­ Wednesday SPECIALS Wednesday . to be made up from general tax in- ing. Continental ...... 19 20 ...... ^ 60% 10;()0— Food News. 81 WltnesTCs Present gress appropriates Instead of that ufacturing Company, whose trousers Elec Bond and Share (Curb).; 23% on the pavements of New York aft­ 10:15— Home Sweet Home. ing of the eeason with one, two or Queen Anne suite, mohair frieze; one brown, one burgundy, 148-1068.. .$69 $45 ' come, and residents of the North In bringing the sufferers to this Com Ehtchango...... 63*4 65*4 Thirty-one persons including sum. In 1935 the corresponding ex­ factory was one of the chief places er that long fly ball yesterday and 10;S0— ^The Mystery Chef. three special programs over the i Bad who have to pay for their city last night special trains of tbe First National ...... 1980 2000 English Charles suite, wide arms, big proportions, rust rep ...... $89.75^^ $69.75 guards and newspapermen sat or penditures, he said, were 64 347 - of horror. aa he reached out and gathered It 10:45— Merry Melodies. week-end. : arater from another system, would Southern railroad werej met by vol­ Guaranty Trust ...... 293 298 In 1694. the Ekigllah admiral, W E A F -N B C will provide the first s to ^ In the bare chamber under 000,000. Fire followed the wind’s destruc­ In, tumbled Into a lift opening Into 11:00— Norcross Sisters. Lawson suite, mohair frieze; one blue, one green, one burgundy...... $129 f $99 also have to pay taxes to support unteer ambulances from the city’s Irving ...... 16*i 17% Russell, Earl of Oxford, prepared program Saturday evening. Later FISH! FISH! FISH! lights that reflected from light 'Suppose you ivere ii. my posi­ tion of the three-story plant and a basement. His leg was fractured, 11:16—Program from New York.. t the South End system. 13 funeral homes and rushed to the Manhattan ...... 27 ' 20 a toast to the king from the of­ on that night W JZ-NBC will put on FRESH FRESH green walla to see the death sen­ tion and endeavoring to be econom­ some 45 bodies, mostly those of hospitals where arrangements for Manufact.- Trust' .. but as rescuers lifted him onto thd 11:30— Aeolian Trio. FRESH Hair-filled Grand Rapids period suite, copper damask, 313-238 ...... $139 $98 tence carried out. 49 51 ficers of his fleet by filling a pub­ 11:45— Sweethearts of the Air with a dramatization based on baseball, ical, Treadway asked, "could you women, were removed from the their care had been made by the National City Bank 35 sidewalk to await an ambulance he HADDOCK HALIBUT STEAK COD IK AirS STRENGTH With him to the end was the Rev 37 lic fountain with punch. A boy cried, "I sUIl got the ball!" , Andy Sanella. past and present. High back carved frame suite, rayon tapestry, 21-1364 ...... $139 $99 suggest any way to save say 61. smouldering ruins yesterday. Ander­ Red Cross. New York ...... 116 121 George M. Grady. CathoUc chaplain son, said, however, that of 125 work­ In a small boat rowed about filling, Hla teammates credited him with 11:59— Time Signals. Sunday ntoht W A BC -C 3S will 000,000.000 and avolc taxation?" The local Red Cross abandoned 43 45 the cups. preaent the Dean brotbera There 5 c ib. M odem tjrpe suite, self-figured mohair frieze, 21-1422 ...... $135 $98 of the prison. ers wljo checked in yesterday morn­ a put out. 12:00 noon— Gene Arnold and the 1 9 c lb. 3 lbs. 2 5 e IN WEST TESTED _ ^ No Suggestion Its regular roll coll, which had Just Title ...... 11 13 will be pickups from seven dtles. A few hours before. Slemborskl ing only three had been accounted started, to collect donations for the Ranch Boye. Grand Rapids suite, large proportions, heavy tapestiy, 145-1024 ...... $119 $98 'T don’t think I nave any sug­ Insurance Try These Tonight; said farewell to his mother and for. storm sufferers. 12:15— Honeyboy and Sassafras. Freeh Churned Country Roll gestions for saving 61,000,000,000.' American (Newark) . 15*4 Talks; WEAF-NBC at 7:45 — WESTERN FRESH (Oonttnoed from Page One) three sisters. Authorities said several leveled 17*4 12:30—Merry Madcaps — Norman Down pillow-back English suite, brown tapestry, 248*6850 ...... $149 $129 Bell replied. American Reserve ... 29 Cloutier, director; with Bob Ellis. Norman Thomas on "A SMialist Nine hours before the noose drop- busincas structures probably would 31 ' Wouldn’t it be possible under American Surety ___ 54 1:00— News and Weather. Looks nt the. Constitution” ; WJZ- Grand Rapids fine suite, striped broWn mohair, 145-1029 ...... $179 $159 V.Waabingtoh that on complaint of ped over hla head, the klllef saw hla yield additional bodies. For many 56 BUTTER EGGS the existing set-up 7” Treadway Baltimore American . 9 1:15— Hit Times. N B C at' 9:30— Sen. Rush D. Holt on V Wtsconsln Borah supporteri It had iMt ray of hope go glimmering with hours after the storm it w-as possible HOSPITAL NOTES 10 Full base English suite, herringbone mohair, 165-6518...... $229 $189 pressed. Ehteeas ...... 11 1:20— Rhythm Parade. "Red Tape of the W P A "; W E A F - . ordbred an Inquiry Into charges that the refusal of the SUte Board of only tO seek out places where most 13 '1 didn’t say it would be impos­ Fid. and Deposit . . . . 100 The Maiujiester Public Market 1:80— Maurice Spitalny’s Orchestra. NBC at 10:45—Edward A. Fllene on 2 lb*. 65e 2 doz. 4 1 « ^‘4 W y Tunda for the presldenUal Pardons to commute his sentence to bodies could be found. 104 Valentine Seaver English lounge suite, mohair tapestry...... — $259 , $198 2:00— Guy Hedlund and his Players. “Two Campalgtui— 1860 and 1938." 1, «U|palgn were used In the delegate life Imprisonment. sible," Bell Inslatea "but I can't Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Arlene Great American .... 30 32 — f------680 Homes Wrecked, 2:30— Rosa Lee, soprano. elactlon. He attended a hearing of the give you OlThand suggest'ons.” Kligman of Doroester, Mass. Halifax ...... 21*4 23*4 WEAF-NBC — 8 — Leo Relsman CHOICE CUT RIB SHOULDER Queen Anne suite, 6 feather and down seat and arm pillow s...... $298 $198 Stone J. Crane, Red Cross relief Hanover A PULL LINE OP SEA POOD 2:46— Dandies of Yesterday.' Edward J. Samp, chairman of the board at which appeals were ar­ He testified that banka Insured Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Eliza­ 37 30 Orchestra; 9— Vox Pop; 9:30— Eddy supervUor said 630 demolished 8:00— "Forever Young", dramatic SIRLOIN STEAK PORK ROASTS STEAKS ^ l i d carved mahogany Georgian suite, rose damask, l«8i-382...... $295 $175 Yisconatn Republican committee, gued for clemshcy. by the Federal Deposit Insurance beth McMullen of 28 View street, Home Ins...... 39 41 Duchtn Muslo; 10— Eddie Dowling residences had been counted before By Express Wednesday- Morning sketch. that although 3,000 was re- Corporation held 39 per cent of the Frank Gardner of 89 Oak etreet, Home Fire Security.. 6 ■7 Revue: 13— Phil Levant Orchestra. t Dr. Max Mallhouse, New Haven darkness and added "the count Is 3:15— Ma Perkins. f. eelved from the National committee United States government obliga­ Loula Hagenow of Highland Park. Mass. B on din g...... 47 50 W ABC-CBS— 7:80 — Kate Smith; 2 3 e lb. 1 9 e lb.' psychtatrlat, testified that the Wcat nowhere near complete.” 3:30— Vic and Bade. 1 9 c lb. Hi used to aid the campaign of an Haven man had the mentality of a tions on June 30, 1035. Birth: A daughter to Mr. and National Liberty .... 10 12 ' MEAT SPECIALS ^ 8:30—Ken Murray; 9— Walter .Mere'f More Suitec Scheduled for Clearance ilastructed alate of delegates In Firemen with apparatus from as North River ...... 27 "O 3:46— The O’Neills. O'Keefe; 9:30— Pennsylvanians; 10 child of eleven and one half years. When Treadway asked whether far away as Atlanta, 60 miles to Mrs. Hubert C. Maine of 145 West Shoulder Steak, cut from best of beef ...... 29c lb. ^ t h a primary, "not a cent of it was ( First Since 1930 he thought the banking system Center street. Prov. Wash...... 40 42 — Mary Plckford; 11—Willard Rob­ Lean, Tender, Smoked the southwest^ fmight sporadic out Pref.-Accldent ...... ^neless Lean Veal for Stewing, solid m eat...... 25c lb! inson Nocturne. I,,' National committee funds."' Ohlef Defense Counsel Michael J. would be Imperiled If the value of the • Alice Sault 20 22 r in Our Diding and Breakfaat Room Sections! breaks of flame in the * destroys Seaboard Surety .... Special on Lean Rib Corned B e e f...... i i2c lb! W JZ-NBC — 7:15 — ' Southern C. B. Godspeed of Chicago, asslst- Quinn defended hla client citing bis these obUgations fell off, Bell said 28*4 25*4 area throughout the day and night. Rubes; 8:30— Eddie Guefit; 9— Ben ; «B t National treasurer of ,lhe com- reco -d of crime which he said began ho did not think he could reply. Cenaua; Sixty-four patients. Security Ins...... 41 43 Fancy Bonelen Brisket Corned B e e f...... ! . ! . .27c Ib! DINING ROOM SUITES, One-of-a-Kind: I Regu- ON r ntttee. reported that nonlT^of its Despite tbe rain which frequently Springfield Fire Afc Ms. 140 145 Berole; 10— Nickelodeon; lil:80 1 8 « » SHOULDERS ib I g e with an arrest at the age of six With Republicans seeking in­ fell in torrents the firemen and N a­ Pocket Honeycomb Trip e...... •>lc Ih WDRG l.gnada had been used for or against years. Indians of the early dajrs spared Sun L i f e ...... 540 670 Neloz and Yolanda, lar SA LE formation on the public debt, Chair­ tional Guardsmen remained on duty. PickM P l^ ’ Feet ...... 18c lb., 2 lbs. 35c *25 'BarUoid. Uona. 188* What to Ehcpect Wednesday: 3 M y candidate in the Wisconsin The stayer was the first to be the lives of chipmunks because tbe U. S. F. and G...... 1*% 16% We Are Featuring I'CMipaign. V- man Doughton (D., N. C.) Inserted During last night Atlanta police­ WEAF-NBC — 2 p. m.--Muslc 10-piece walnut dining room suite, as is* 102-737 ...... |.|$159 $89 banged in Connecticut since 1930. anlmnlB were thought to be reapon Westchester . .t .t . .. 37 39 rresh Fowl, cut up for a nice chicken fricas.see .‘.790 en. (Baatern Standard rtme.) in the record figures to show that men also on guard duty arrested Guild; 3:45— The O'NellU; 6— Ccs- Tied up ciosely with the issue of His fate was decided bv three aible for bealtng herbs and roots. Home Made Sausage Meat (our k in d )...... 25c lb. 9-piece Colonial mahogany dining room suite, 362-108...... ^ri$129 $119 in the 1931-32-33 fiscal years, the are Sodero concert W ABC-CBS— ' ‘w Hoan's Socialism In the MU- Judges after the aUte pressed a government i^flclt aggregated 67.- Ham, sliced...... h... .45c Ib. Tneeday. April 7, 1888 3—Opening of the arcus; 4—Curtis . kee election, was a referendum charge of first degree m irder. 9-piece solid mahogany Hepplewhite suite, 6-22 • •••••••••• -'•T« $270 $170 124.081,728. » First 0ppad In a weak aolutlon I Mild Cured Bawn ...... 29c lb. Musicale; 8— Benay Venuta, aongs- HAMS t .purebaas of the slectrlc utility by The shooting in which he himself ■h city. Republicana then began asking Where Tornado Cut Swath of Ruin of caustic soda and then suipanded Tender Beef Liver ...... J5 . P. M. W JZ-N BC —12:30— Farm and Home Sweet — Tender! 9-piece Butt walnut Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, 362-000. . .-.t. .$129 $119 was-wounded grew out of a dav- with a height Just aufficiant to 4:30— Plano A I — Bea Rohan. O Hght burglary. ^ the budget head to submit figures Flrtl tfruch; 4 $259 Bell remarked that It would Uke 5:30— Jack Armgtrocg. Hour: OSDj GSC, >GBA. London- one day ago— April 6. 1928...... j...... 29c Ih. 5:45— The GoIdMrgs. 1 9 c lb. 9-piece Grand Rapids Georgian spite, walnut, 109-168 ...... r. .$359 $249 him ten days to prepare all the IhooXPVII.LeI I ICGI-L'MItlAl Iaxdkrsoni 7:18— Play. "Pariah": DJC, Berlin 1 0 c lb. ONBfllSPAIDBYlSTH Chapman was the first to ba put rainnont Cream Cheese...... A . 2 pkgs. 15c 6:00— Terry and Ted. — 7:30— Chamber Music; EAQ, to death by hanging in the flood­ material requested of him. Cottage Cheese...... 10c jar 6:15— News of Youth. - > Madrid— 7:85— Norwegian Dances; BREAKFAST SETS, One-of-a-Kind: t ^ Regu- ON lighted room. Slemborskl was thle "Just so long as you get it before 6:30— Hartford Public School Ser-' last. the clecUon.” interjected Repre- Force, toasted whole wheat flakes...... 2 pkgs, 23c ■YV2RC, Caracas — 9:80— Musical FRUIT One to tbe tact that quits a mim- ARK. A - lea. Comedies. SPECIALS BAKERY j M lar S A LE sentaUve L«wls (D.. Md.) of poople in Manimester are /m ss WANTED ! Swedish Yellow Peas, Imported ... - .2-Ib. sealed bag 25(i 6:46-)-Ren(rew of the Mounted. dd twice per month Hale's have HONEYMOON DEFERRED ^ "For the benefit of the minority,’’ Swedish Smoked Bloaters, large size v. .lOc ea., 3 for 25c 7:00— Myrt and Marge. Maple breakfast set, sawbuck table avid 2 benches, 141-380 . . . . . — $14>7S $1L75 Vinson remarkeu, "you might sub­ Strawbeifriefl ~ PINEAPPLES --ired permlasion from the Sperry ra m Q i*!*] 2 Experienced Gas Irish Salt Mackerel...... 12c ea., 2 for 23c 7:15— Krueger Musical Toast. MELIINO POT ASPARAGUS Modem maple breakfast set, upholstered seat chairs, 245-586 ...... $79 $59.75 Hutchinson Co. to give out 8 . Montevideo. Minn— When they mit the name of thi) -iBepublican iTI'IHiLOl \ 7:30— Kate Smith. nominee, if any,” Station Attendants : H. Green stamps with all bills. pleaded guilty to grand larceny in a 7:45— Boake Carter. Lincoln, Neb— J. A . McEachen of I^sket each bunch Mahogany breakfast set, upholstered seat chairs, 388-126 ...... $49 $29.75 Ud by the close of business on the store robbery, Inxval Leron was “We would be very much interest- /Vlnw sncPTiVin Single men preferred. FRESH VEGETABLES- 8:00— Lavender and Old Lace — the Nebraska liquor control com­ 6th of the month. Heretofore all sentenced to from two to six vears ed." Treadway commented with a Young Tender Carrots or Beets...... 5c bunch Frank Miuui, Lucy Monro A Gus­ mission’s Inspection departmeiit 7-piece Maple dinette suite, attractive design, 416-724 ...... |.. .$89 $69 had to be paid by the 15tb in Stillwater state prison and Helen STln. Must Apply In Person. tave Haenechen'e Orchestra. Oiinly fieatb 5 ntnm 30 Fresh Green Peas, Special...... qta. 2.5c made a survey of bis peraonoc.’s r date of purebase and this Olson to a shorter term at Shako- •wi 0 injwrctl 4 dcytl,; km 4 A thI; Turnailn nnlv 8:30— Laugh with Ken Murray. former vocations and found be oad Aspen and bone enamel breakfast set; extension table, 383-1779 . - — '-$79 $65 bltn'Lh ruin* 4230.U1K1 Rkmage . touebed licir Large Florida juice Oranges...... 33c doz. . nt that many who ractived their poe women's reformatory. Schaller Motor Sales, 9:00— Camel Caravan—Caea Loma aa ordatnsd minister, an actor, two py on that day were unable to get In 1983, 3135.000,000 wslb paid for * Maple breakfast set with refectory table, 22-3^2 ...... $49.75 $39.75 But they vowed they’d be true to ____ map s h o w tha path where this years' moat dlaaatroua tornado Fancy Grapefruit, thin Akin...... 7c ea., 4 for 25e Orcheetra — Ted Hualng A Wal­ grocers, a former Federal prohibi­ 17 Cdoz. Hol+Buns doz. 17 **■" store in time to take ad- each other. Before starting for ^ United 8Utes. and ^ Inc. ' ter O'Keefe. tion agsnt a couple of former of the stamps. ^125.000 worth were brought In ***, ““ '■e than 200 lives, leaving hundreds .fin­ 2 Entrances . . . 103 Asylum and 150 TrumbnD, Hartford . .Phone 2-8267. prison they were married in Jail. 9:30— Fred Waring’a Pennslyvan-| ing station attendants and ont re­ from foreign countries. A ^ families bomeleaa and inflicting damage running Into mlUlona of t DIAL WE DEUVER: formed drinker, turned teetotaler. f • ------^ ------AQE EIGHT MANCHESTEK EVEJflNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., tUESDAY, APRIL 7,1988- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7 ,198«. PAGE] lANKIN SAYS CASH CONNECnClIT RIVER EMEBOENCV DOOTOB8 T OBITUARY Physicians who v/lU respond FATHER AND SONS to emergency calls tomorrow FRENCH PLAN IS WEDDINGS HEARING AGAIN afternoon axe Dr. N. A. Burr. WAS NOT FROM FEES DEATHS IS RISING AGAIN 3030 and Dr. LeVerne Holmes, 7461. ALL-EUROPEAN SLAIN BY GUNMEN Shaw-Cheney Horton Smith Wins Augusta Open By One StroHi EAST HARTFORD MAN, <4:- Mias Marjory Bacon Chenev. ON PARKING RULE toughter of Mr. and Mrs. AuaUri Says He Never Discnssed Flood Stage of 16 Feet raeney of Wedgeway, 99 Hartford FLOOD REFUGEE, DIES LEAGUE ARMY Cuban PoUce Report Odd ^ a d , was married to Quincy HNew m a t w a r f a r e MAPLE LEAFS SEEK | ABOUT TOWN Adams Shaw, Jr., son of Mr. and Protests Follow Tagging of BRIDGEPORT GIRLS SET Membership Grows Rapidly Partnership Payment Af­ Reached But, No DaAger (Oontlniied rrom Pmge One) Mrs. Quincy Adams Shaw of Bos­ ROUSING FINISH TOPS Charles H. Adams Who Lived Shooting; Four Men Had ton, Mas.s. Here , During Emergency, L. V. Longbotham, deputy grand 2. A refusal to accept any forti­ The ceremony was performed Cars On Park Street So In Ae P. Holedn-One Club TO TIE UP SERIES ter Ritter Became Judge. Stage Is Expected. master workman of the A.O.U.W. fication of the Rhineland, bordering Tuesday, March 31, by the Rev WORLD BOWLING RECORD I ^ Passes' Away — Angus Park visited Manchester lodge last night’ on France and Belgium, which wa Been Arrested Earlier.- Warren S. Archibald, minister of PACE-SEHING COOPER; Overseer. At the meeting of the lodge ar­ demilitarized under ,the treaties of toe South Congregational church, Board Takes Action. New York, April 7.—(AP) —$;miIroa4er. who soored one from 278 Versalllea and Locarno. Wublngton. April 7.—(AP)—A. Hartford. April 7.—fAP)— The rangements wore made to have the Hartford, at toe home of the bride’s Heads High Cagers They're dropping 'em fast and furl- ^ yards. Toronto Sextet Out to Whip L. Rankin in ttae Sena'.e •CharlfiB H. Adamfl, an East Hart­ Connecticut river at Hartford ha.s next meeting, April 20, observed as 3. An absolute rejection of Hit­ Havana, April 7.—(AP)—Police parents. Shoot Team Three-Game Set n„. The Ocean View golf club course impeachment trial of Federal Judge ford refugee who waa temporarily past masters' night when the lers proposal for four-month nego­ The bridegroom Is a mining en­ Due to toe registering of several at Norfolk, Va., recoU'cd toe worst SARAZEN PLACES THIRD been rising slowly for the past 28 tiation of new, separate peace pacta, announced today that feur gunshot- Although most of the northern Halsted L. Ritter today that two lodged at the home of MIab Mary hour.'? and tvlll probably continue for chairs will be occupied by former riddled bodies found near Guanaba- gineer, and the young couple will complaints by business concerns re­ Marshall Gets Long Deferred punishment ot the week. On one Red Wings in Stanley Cup Hutchlaon of 221 Pine wtreet for past masters. to be substituted by France's policy make their home In Brookline, Mass. of 1819 in National Meet shooting galleries still ars i closed, Sunday afternoon, three aces were banka with which he dealt were several weeks, died at the Hartford at least a few hours more. of a collective security system. coa across the bay from Havana garding restriction of parking on “very cuhstantlal" banka at the At Turners Falls., It was were those of a fathir and hls three the north side of Park street be­ membership In the Associated Press regietcred over its layout. The hoBpltal yesterday noon from in­ Mrs. Lillian Mahone.v, honorary Begins PrefMure Today sons. second, fifth and thirteenth holes Tilt Tonight. ^m e he paid Ritter $4,500 In two ternal injuries sustained on last still rising today according to re­ tween Main and (Jhurch streets, to Eclipse Old Mark of Shot at Crown; Champion holo-in-onc club reached 67 today Missouri’s ‘'Joplin Ghost” cash InatallmentB in late 1929 and state president, and 'Mrs, Louise Flandin would not wait until he The four were Arttonio, Antonio the Board of Police Commissioners were seed by B.vKlng, Clarence Luke December 2 when he fell at the ports to the Hartford Electric Light Murphy, state director of the Cath­ arrived in Geneva, official sources with tlie tabulation of latciit returns early 1030. Angus Park Manufacturing Com­ Company. Jr„ Alberto and-Jose Mesa. will hold another hearing on the and C. M. Lovltt, respectively, all of The Weat Palm Beach attorney olic Ladles of (Tolumbus, assisted said, but Would begin pressing For­ Police said they arrested the four BRIDGE BOMBED, matter. 1804; the Leaders in Gives Kerosene Loop from tlie nation's golf courses. More Norfolk. Detroit. April 7.—(API—The Comes from Far Back to pany* plant In East Glastonbury, The flood stape of 16 feet at the the state president, Mls„ Louise eign Secretary Anthony Eden for than 1,000 arc expected before the and Rltter’.s former law partner, where he was employed as an over­ company’s - -South Meadows plant members of the Mesa family yester­ Action was taken to restrict park­ Mrs. (Jorydon Wagner, wife of a Toronto Maple Leafs, one down o Swectlnnd of East Hartford, In In­ firmer British support of France day after a search of their home 1936 list closes next New Year's eve. lumber company official,, shattered had teatlfled yesterday he paid the seer. was reached early this afternoon. stalling the officers of the Assem­ ing on toe north side of Park street Chance to Grow. Detroit In the struggle for hockey’s Overtake All-Star FieM money to the defendant judge .n Mr. Adems lived at l.'iS South while they were traveling to the dlacloaed a cache of a machine gun, TRAIN WRECKED; during the winter but due to toe Men’s Competition. . Down In Texas, whore they play, tradition by scoring a bole-ta-pne on Stanley (Tup, were primed today to No property damage is done by the bly In Shelton on Sunday afternoon. League center today by train. golf all year long and play it well, 17 the 156-yard llto Of toe Tacbma, discharge of an "honcat debt" liie Main street in Hartford. He river until well over 20 feet, and the 18 army-type rifles, five sawed-off deep snow police were not ordered "skate even with those Wings”— for Ritter's Interest In the law part­ complained of no ill effects from his A most enjoyable entertainment Before hls departure, Flandin ar­ shotguns, and much ammunition. to tag cars until today. aces already have been recorded. Wash., country and golf club. It Manager Connie Smythe's order 'or With 285; Jones Has 306 nership prior to hls going on the March flood crest was over 37. was furnished by the members ranged also for a conference with Then, according to the police ver­ Hartford, April 7.—(AP)— The By HARRY CJB.AYSON Tennessee ranks second with 10 and was the first ace scored by a woman tonight’s game, second of the fall and continued to work until Park River Rising FEAR ^K IL L E D A flood of protests followed the bench. He said cash was paid to late in January when his Injuries and at six o'clock a banquet which Foreign Minister Nicolas Titulcscu sion. they started toward town In a , Natlon:il duck-pin bowling lourna- Sport* Editor, NE.A Service California third with a batch of' on that course since it was estab­ rlos. The banks of the Park River in wa.s setved to eighty of the mem­ of Rumania, who is in Paris, on the enforcement of the ruling so thei eight. and Ties for 33rd Place. avoid possible "criticism." and be­ necessitated hls removal to the police car. Suddenly an automobile (Oontlnaed from Page One) commissioners decided on anotheit* jment, before it e'esus here late lished 27 years ago. Mrs. Wagner On the other hand, the Wings, cause of a “precarious" banking Hartford hospital. He was dis­ Bushnell park were toppeu again by bers concluded the affair. It was new Austrian service law, which without lights came alongside and hearing. this wesk, expects to see the shat­ Now York. April 7—Dick Sbikat Jack De Beaumont, a comparative used a brassle. whoso fast breaking whippe the Situation In Miami. charged after six weeks of treat­ rl.sing water. held In St. Joseph's school hall. W'as expected to be discussed at its unidentified occupants opened tering of several bowling records has jumped to the outlaws and a beginner, scored tlie longest acs of Tlie Ro.swsll, N. M., country club Leafs, 3 to i. Sunday night In the At the electiic light plant the Geneva. toe Sierra Madre mountains, from the week—A 208 yarder on hole Under questioning today by Rep­ ment and retumen Adams was (14 years of age. He East Hartford at the State Armory French military alliance In the The rescue trains left Orizaba, A. B. Saylor of the staff of Union- event. The previous record, 1,804, The men hardly were in their 72-hoIe medal race, the blond, curly- of Middletown floor areas oi. sched­ tomorrow night nt 7:30. er police had arrested an unidenti­ west of Paso del Macho, and Vera waa held by the Charter Oak Girls dressing rooms before Jack Cjurley ficing much of hla own acknowl­ haired sharpshooter of 28 years a tee at $75,000 for services In rep­ came to ihe! Angus Park company ule, by the CCC. event of a failure of political nego- fied man, one of four occupying an town hospital said ambulances were James Horvath here today to play toe Presbyterian edged offensive power, tvirnod the resenting plaintiffs In the Whitehall in East Glastonbury in 1900 and tiatlons. Cruz Immediately after news of the enroute from the scene of the crash, of Hartford. It was set In 1930. and Joe Mondt, the New York added $1,500 to previous earnings. Miss Jacqueline Jane Brady automobile in Guanabacoa early wreck was received. James Horvath, a promising guard promoters, announced that the re­ college nine. Manager Mack was at trick against Conacher Sunday Playing In a windy cloudbureli!)’ hotel. West Palm Beach, receiver­ was employed there ever since. In FVontior Mosses yesterday. The other three men es­ bringing the dead and Injured. In the men’s division of the tour­ on Manche.ster High’s basketball Greenville awaiting tha clubs arrival, night and may draw the Job tonight. 1918 he took up residence in East daughter of Mr. and Mra. Theodore One railroad employe reached The area In which the crash oc­ nament Connecticut pln-topplers sult didn’t mean a thing Inasmuch that caught moat of the professtan:^'; ship. Brady of Binghamton, N. Y. is 'These sources Indicated France's caped, leaving behind them an army Orizaba to report that the bodies of team this past season, nill captain as the New York commission having recovered from laryngitis. A Experts gave Lewis a heavy share al* on the last 18 holes and so flood- Hobbs developed that Rankin Hartford, where he remained until military experts would seek to uniform and a sawed-off shotgun. curred Is typical western Pennsyl­ continued to holo the lion's share of the Red and White cagers In the new victim of the same malady was of the credit for the Wings’ vic­ made the last payment of $300 to hls death. Besides his wife, Mrs. T. C. L. CEREMONIAL spending the Easter holidays with a Pullman conductor and fireman vania hill country, dotted by soft top place In the thicc compctltloiia, 1936-37 campaign. Ho was elected forces mat engagements to be ad­ Inflcldcr Riuisell Peters of Roanoke. ed the course that some protested Martha A. (Tilton) Adams, he her gr ndmother, Mrs. Jane J. Al­ learn how many British and Belgian Under questioning, the prisoner had been recovered by rescuers and vertised as exhibitions. tory. conditions. Smith, winner of toe "' Ritter In September, 193i, by check. troops 'oiild be massed on the fron­ said that he was a driver for the coal mines and coke ovens. singles, doubles and team rolling, at a recent meeting of the letter- Va. During the regular season Toron­ Asked If there had not been crltl- leaves a son, Charles W. Adams, drich, superintendent of the Man­ that "various others" were dead, Paul Bowser of Boston said By ASSOCIATED PRESS inogural tournament ta 1934, caught * and two grandchildren, all of East HERE^TURDAY chester Memorial hospital. tiers to ward off any German as­ Mc.",a boys and tliat hls employers many of them caught under the Not far from the scene of the but out of state bowlers remained a men. Horvath filled a reserve berth that the heavyweight champion­ to end Detroit split six games, each up with "Light Horse Harry" ' r dam of the prior payments before sault. had many arms hidden In their crash is Fort Ncces.slty, historic constant threat to thei- supremacy. last season and turned In good per­ ship was little Importance, Richmond, Va.—Casey Stengel of Atlanta—The Phils wsre here to winning two and playing a tie, a Cooper of Chicago, the pace-setter 'the last payment was made, Rankin Hartford. home. debris of the shattered jars. Yesterday Henry Hiser of Beth- formances in all hls starts. He also the Dodgers says George Jeffcoat play Atlanta today after edging out Mr. Adams was a member of Robert H. Cross, Infant son of An official communique said the The first rescue efforts were ham­ shrine of many revolutionary and anyhow. Tom Packs of St. Louis situation which gave supporters of for three rounds, and overhauled' said: "I hadn't heard of any criti­ ",®’' “PPfoved yesterday Flan- The police reported that, at the Indian battles. esda, Md., treated himself to three saw action briefly In the Yale Tour­ and Ray Fabian! of Philadelphia "sure lias a big league curve ball." the Macon club of the Bally League the laiafs encouragement In the Idea him In a stretch drive. : Amity Lodge, A. F. and A. M.. of Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Cross of High­ pered by the depth of the barranca, nament. I The boys were sitting around listen­ at Macon yesterday In a game that cism.'' East Glastonbury, Sugar River Visiting Forests to Come land .street. Highland Park, suffered dlns 'proposed constructive plan of end of his questioning, the unidenti­ Into which the engine and cars Part of the district Is traversed games scores of 371 in the singles, male light of Shlkat's surprising that It will be all square again after Smith had 74, 71, 08 and 72—285 . Rankin said he paid Ritter $5,000 action for peace," to be submitted fied prisoner went to an upper win­ by the Moncgahela river, which 411 in team competition and 392 in victory. ing to the rain come down when the waa halted twice by thunderstorms. tonight’s game. while Cooper took the $800 second”;:: Ip all, although the prosecution only Lodge, I.O.O.F., of Newport, N. H.. the partial amputation of the Index fell, and by the rough terrain. manager popped off about the pitch­ and Good Intent Chapter. O.E.S., of finger and third finger of hls right to the League Couqcll. dow In police headquarters and A squad of soldiers accompanied originates in Vlrgina. Near the doubles, thereby winning a place Nevertbsless, Curley Mondt, "If we lose tonight, I won't have money with 70, 89, 71, 78—288. dies $4,500. Here to Work Degrees for While pressing this plan on the among toe first ten on the all events Bowser, Packs, and Fablanl, direc­ er that has been assigned to Allen- Chattanooga, Tenn.— Cene Saracen of Brookfield Osn*i ‘ Glastonbury. hand at 11 o'clock this morning at jumped Into the street, fracturing General Jars to aid i)i the rescue Fort Necessity, is a state forest towTi already. "Hls father must says Wes Ferrell will pitch for the any excuee," said Manager Smythe, The witness said he paid the sec­ The funeral wdll be held from his the Manchester Memorial hospital League, informed sources said his skull. He was taken to a hos­ hundreds of acres In size. Hat. METHODISTS UPSET tors of the main mat wheel, real­ "but Sunday we Just couldn’t get ter, Conn., wound up going itroag ond installment of $2,000 on April work, maintain order and search for ize that Al Haft and Billy Sandow have sent him to bed with a Jug In Red Sox In the first Inter-city game to take third place and $800 wItS *- home at 153 South Main street. Local Lodge. The child caught hls finger In a France would attempt at the same pital, but was not expected to live. the attackers. The Summit hotel, three rallea Hls °team-mate. Rangy Ray Huff­ hls arm when he was a boy," said with the Bees In Boston oh Friday. back to our normal skating stride.’ 1, 1081, In cash for the same reason East Hartford, Thursday afternoon time to strengthen Its military line­ from the scene of the wreck. Is the man whose peculiar twisting mo­ of Columbus now have the upper 287• b that the first was made In cash. washing machine badly mangling The bombers, however, apparent­ hand with Shlkat on the throne. Cnaey. Jeffcoat did pretty well Meanwhile the Sox prepared -to The former world golf champion;*’^ at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. Arnold F. the two finger tips. up by seeking an abollUon of sanc­ ly escaped under toe cover of dark­ highest place In Western Pennsyl­ tion as be sends hls ball down the THE ARROWS 2 8 1 5 with hls curve against Norfolk. line up against Chattanooga today "No bank had failed in April, had Waring of the Hockanum Methodist tions against Italy. alley has attracted considerable at­ Sandow virtually controlled the Horton Smith Bobby Jones, foiled ta bis thM It?" Hobbs asked. ness. vania. surrounded by dense woods, with Ijcfty Grove on the mound. C O U N fm iU B BOWLERS “come back” attempt, finishing wltS s Episcopal church and Rev. Jamc.s M. Nutmeg Fo-eal. Tall Cedara of Mrs. Frank Rawson With a lifting of the League pen- INVENTOR NEARLY DIES The destroyed train was one mountain ranges and accessible by tention, rolled a three-game total if industry In America for more "1 don't recall." Potter of the East Glastonbury I.s>banon. will conduct a ceremonial heads altlM, bein^ imposed for the Fascist than a decade with Ed Lewis os Knoxville, Tcnn.— Ben Chapman an aggregate of 306, hla worat aeor-.. Was to Pay “As and When” the committee from Mystic which leaves Vera Crfiz each night OTiy one main road, the National 42H which gave.him sixth place on Even Up Series for YMCA hls shooting star. The powcis have who finally has signed a contract Columbia, B. C.—^The Bees were tag to open competition since hls Silt ‘ Methodist Episcopal church will of­ Saturday evening, April 11 at 7:30. Review, \V. B. A. In charge warfare In Ethiopia, the French at 7:30 p. m., for Mexico City, on Pike. the singles list. with the Yankees says he Is recon­ supposed to play Columbia today STAGE ROLL-OFF TONIGHT throe string and the winner of the Asked If he had talked with Rlt- ficiate. Burial will be in East Glas­ The Sldonlon degree will be work­ looked for Italy to join Britain BY OWN CONTRIVANCE treated him like a stepson since he roll-off. The match will start at 8 in toe national open at OskmoBt **’; tsr about the payments, Rankin of the public setback tonight the Ferrocarrll Mexicano (Mexican State police said the plane crash­ The standings of the top five in broke with the Strangler In 1932. ciled to the agreement and that he hut the condition of the ball park nine years ago. He was 21 strokee K tonbury cemetery. Funeral ar­ ed by Westerly Forest. Westerly, R. In Odd Fellows hall, following fol.„. a France and Belglu. against Ger­ ed on (Thestnut ride. each competition of the men's divi­ is going to "show them" this year. made it doubtful there would be a o'clock sharp so come e.arly and said he discussed the matter In rangements are in charge of the 1., with 20 members In the team. many's treaty breach. railway), which Is British-operated Junior Cage Title; Pinal Meanwhile, Sandow has patiently Expect Lnrge Ci'owd and T’len- bring nil the noise-makers you can back of the triumphant Smith, and Palm Beach with the judge before brief business meeting and the Improvised Lethal Chamber and partly British-owned. sion when the toun.ament resumed bided hls time on the kerosene cir­ He is willing to bet anyone that he game. Cantwell. Wayne Onhurne tl»d for 33rd. - - William P. QuLsh funeral home ot The prologue will be presented by State theater “Bank Night" an­ “European Lwigue" today ware: will bat .825, ho says. year he and Bobby Rcla probably will work iy of Riiz7,ing— Haiuiuet to find, steal or buy. he left for Miami to assume the this town. Providence Forcat, Providence, R, nouncement. Cash prizes will be The Cabinet did not disclose the ■‘Goes Haywire” and Five cuit with Everett Marshall, a Paul Runyan, White Plataa. Naan ' bench, but did not discuss It w'th TEAMS Game Set for Monday. stocky (California blond with more bated .289. Charley Ruffing was on the mound If the game Is played. Be Held Saturday, April 18. York, blew hls chanesa when he-'; 1.. and the Royal Court degree by awarded and a basket of groceries details of Flandin's peace plan offi- Men Are Nearly Overcome. KENSINGTON’S BANK 1— Lucky Strike, IVaterbury. 1,- due to pitch against Knoxville to­ took a 75 on the final atghtaan aftaef;'!' Um after he took the judgeship. given for an attendance prize. All clally, but Informed sources saia It FIRE ON PACIFIC LINER hammers, locks, and scissors than He said the discussion prior to New London Forest of New London 902. a hardware merchant. day. 1 Tonight the Charter Oak alleys a sub-par 70 for toe morning rouatf’: FUNERALS Conn. players will be welcome. called for a kind of "European Montreal, April 7— (A P)_ An 2— Elks No. 1, New Haven. 1890,Avenging the defeat given to them will he the scene of much noise, ex­ Last Night ’« Fights and Italahed ta a tie with BobbY^: lUtter going on the bench was a ____I League of Nations" within the gen­ by the Arrows last Friday in the It is reported that Shlkat Is to WRESTLING “casual " one, the understanding be­ Mr*. Clifford Bill* A large committee of the Nutmeg improvised lethal chamber for con­ SPREADS, SAYS MESSAGE ROBBED OF $10,000 3— Meriden GOP. Meriden, 1888. collect $50,000 for pulling and tug­ J!ltzabethton, Tenn.— The New citement and razzing when the Cruickahank of Richmond, Va., fbr' Forcat Is making extcnalvc plana The Manchester Radio club will eral League. demned animals nearly claimed the first game of the play-off series, the ging with Mar.*)hall In Denver, May York Giants spent yc.stcrday sight­ Country Club stages their roll-off. fourth placs with 290. They reoelT**:*; ing he was to pay the judge "as inrt Mrs. Gertrude (Oi-benu) Bills, hold Its regular meeting tonight at A short document of about 25 ar­ 4—Progressive Printing Com­ South Methodists trounced the Ar- When I could" because he knew "I wife of Clifford Bllla, died at her for the reception of the visiting lives of the inventor and four assist­ (Continued From Page One) pany, Washington, or C.. 1875. 22. The crown Is worth vastly seeing In tbe Alabama storm area. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Earl Ballsicpcr'a team won the first By ASSOCIATED PRE4s ed $450 each of to* prise dlatrlhMe*! guests. 7:30 at the home of John Rclnarlz. ticles the plan was understood to ants today. They were resuscitated All Vessels Near Tricolor in I he ^ w s In the second game of the more than that to Sandow, who It was the first time this tra,lnlng Montreal—Ed Don George, 218, half of the league standing and Bill tion. was heavily In debt” at that time. home in Bridgeport. Thursday, and provide for an Invitation to all Eu­ 6—Bill Smith Five, Bridgeport, iwries ta the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium season that the Giants had not ful­ Java, N. Y., defeated Nick Lutz, (Thlcago— Pat Murphy, 147H, waa interred in St. Alichacl'a ceme­ ® company emergency crew. Pacific A.sked to “Sland B y ” automatic pistols, vaulted a parti­ 1873. with hls man on top would be in Fortin’s team walked off with the Danville, III., outpointed Bob Le Thrta otoen—Ed Dudley, (Nt ^ TRUCK WRECKS TAVERN The membership committee of ropean ^w ers to sign one pact, The men were overcome by fumes last night, 28-15. position to invade once more the filled an exhibition date. AI Smith 205, Venics, Calif., two falls out of second half after a thrilling finish Augusts Ky Laffoon of J tery in that city Saturday. She vaa ..W® ', Voung Republican club will calling for Immediate military as­ from an old automobile motor which to Give Aid. tion eight feet high. They ordered DOUBLES The game itself was a hectic one. probably will start against the In- three. Monte, 149, Chlca^, (8), the daughter of Josephine Chartler Torrlngton, April 7—(AP) A her and Ritchie to go over and stand 1— Christophcr-Filnr, Fall River, larger centers and make things on the last night by one point. Newark, N. J.—Tony Galento, and Ray Mangnim of Plttahuigts—r; 8 SPEECH-MAKING MADE big red truck drlvcrleas. .qwqW by meat tonight at 8 o'clock with sistance against any naUon which Manager H. M. Innes installed at with each team taking -wild pops tough fur the opposition. dians Coday-' ■ that Is If ■ the ■ storm Atlantic City, N. J.—Tbe Blue Both teams have been holding tied for the next three places with : Gebeau and Moaea Gebeau and wna Slinno Brothers, of ToiTIngton, Chairman Robert Dougan at the crosses another's frontiers," headquarters of the Society for Pre­ Seattle, April 7.—(AP)—Fire on apln st a wall. She said she felt Mass., 831. at the hoop, which many a time lets up. Masked Marvel defeated Joe Dusek, 224, Orange, N. J., outpointed E!ddie totals of 293 and received $260 e a ^ bom in Mnnchcater." Repreaonta- School street Recreation Center. the Norwegian motorshlp Tricolor, like fainting but obeyed. 2— La Maatra-Willlams, Strat­ Those closest to the situation secret sessions on the polished Innes Blunt, 210 New York, (10). crashed through the front of the An International force of motu.- vention of Cruelty to Animals three threatenr* to add twin pointers to will be surprised if the leadership Omaha, one fall. In preparation for this championship Scotty (TarapbeU, of SeatUe, HARDER, SAYS HOOVER tlve.a of nil the Chnrtlcr famlliea In Trlpnldl tnvern on Willow street Izod troops, comprising units from .years ago when the society found It­ In the We.stcrn Paclflc, has .spread The Berlin Savings Bank was held ford. 831. the score the men of Meth leading at of the behemoths isn’t passed along Gastonia, N. C.—Gene Schott was Wilmington, Del.—Danno O'Ma­ Ashland, Ky.—"Wild Bill" Mo- low amateur with 802. Johnny Dasrfs: town attended the requiem high Mrs. Adjutant Trigg of Hartford, and a forward hold has been flood­ up and robbed of $13,000 on March 3— Dellafera-C u-angelo, Hartford, scheduled to face Elden Auker on match and a close and exciting here shortly before noon today. The each country partlcipatint, would self without .sufficient funds to pur- half time by a score of 12j6,. and to Marshall.) ' honey, 220, Ireland, defeated Emil contest will be looked for. Total Dowell, 154, Louisville, Ky., end son,; toe “bustaess man’’ golfer from maaa Saturday forenoon in St. Au- front of the building of plate glass wife of the Divisional Young Peo­ be placed under League control to proper equipment to manu­ ed. a relayed message to the Coast 9, 1931. In less than eight hours 830. piloted by Nowtle Smith and'Lanky Shlkat, whp has been around for the mound today as the Gincy Reds Dusek, 216, Omaha, straight falls. Simon Nebolsky, 152, Cincinnati, Chlcuo, finished with a 294. Char­ gustlnu'a church, Bridgeport. and concrete block construction, ple's secretary, will be present and act as "shock troops' against any facture lethal gas. Guard said today. All vessclr In toe three youthful gunmen, Walter Pan- 4— Thompson-Sena, Waterbury, Fish, held their victims scoreless in quite a spell, never was overly and the Tigers continue their nurth- Portland, Me.—Manuel Cortez, pinfall for three games will decide drew, (10). ley 'Yates of A tlan^ toe westaniir Kiidio Makes It Impossible to Mra. PiilB loavca bcalde.a her par- waq demolished. Two persons were speak at the meeting of the Wom­ aggressor. ' The old motor had functioned well vicinity were asked to "stand by.” asewich, 22, hls brother Paul 17 824. the lost quarter. bleased with bucks office magic, ward scries. Detroit’s Tommy 175, Mexico defeated Cowboy who is the best team for tills sca- Salt Lake City—Jackie Burke, amateur champion, had a 807, ons '<* enta, one alatcr. Mr,s. Edit McCul- In the tnvern but neither was In­ en's Home League at the Salvation until today when carbon monoxide TTie Tricolor, which had been rac­ toth of Berlin, and Felix (Bud) 5— Mlller-Von Dreele, Baltimore, The Smith brothers and Fish Bridges may replace Auker for the Hughes. 176, Oklahoma and Chuck SOI). 147, Ogden, Utah, outpointed Tiger stroke behind Janes. Repeat Words in Different Army citadel tomorrow afternoon. "The proposals, to be published by which is the principal requirement Places, Says Former Presi­ lom, and three brothers. Kdw.ird. jured. latest, were expected began to seep through the building. ing to roach Homlulii since the fire Fisher, 22, of Meriden, were arrest- Md., 824. starerd for the winners, collecting a of the burly bloke bossing tlic wres­ Tigers If he returns from Lakeland. Montana, 176, Detroit, In a three Next week Saturday night the Al Lewis, 144, Chicago, (10). W. Lawson Uttle, Jr„ of 8 M ' Albert and Gebeau. all of This will be her first official visit It was found to have come from ■ a became serious three days .ago, has ed for the hold-up and confessed. Fla. Where he was called by the league will hold a banquet at tbe Francisco, toe profeasionsl “rookl^' dent. Bridgeport. and all members arc urged to at- to be discussed by the League Coun­ SINGLES total of 9 twin pointers, and four tling works. The dashing Marshall, cornered match. Holyoke, Maas.—-George Salve- HL.\KT IN<1ITRES SIX cil after the French Parliamentary damaged connection through which stopped and Is keeping the stem to State police and county officers 1— Ben Kosky, Bridgeport, free 446. throws. For the Arrows. "Em­ on the other hand, might succeed tllnesa of hls wife. Worcester, Mass.—Joe Cox. 225, Country club where the prizes will dore, 146 vi. Oak Bluffs, Mas*., and and world's amateur champioB fOr -■ Cincinnati. April 7_(AP) _ An tcnfl. It will be an open meeting elections of April 26 and May 3 the poison gas was pased to the windward to aid in stopping the caught the trio who surrendered on peror MaxMllllan" Rubacha led the in making the turnstiles spin. Kansas CHty defeated Henry Piers, be presented to the various winners Sonny Jones, 142'A, (TanatHa, drew, the last two year*, dupUcaUd Joniaf for all women Intercated. a farm. They were traced by their 2— Waiter Megaw, Washington, Ogden, Utah, April 7 —(AP) — explosion wrecked the home of Ben­ (Copyright, 1938, by A. P.) chamber when animals were to be flames’ spread, the message said. 441. futile attack which failed to win the As Gus Sonnenberg, who put Clinton, S. C.—The A's were due 220, Holland, two falls out of three. o. high avcrr.(jo, high single, high ( 10 ). finishing rounds of 78-77 for an eva& ***- In the arctic, because of the jamin Sower.*) In auburban Fair- executed. automobile markers. The bandits 300. ,'.H«rbert Hoover, puffing a big cigar, short summers, ninny buUerfllos Attendance last night at the first The message was relayed through 3— Harry Wolfe, Hyattsvllle, Md.,game. wrestlers Into the more Important lounged In hls pullman compart- mount today. Injuring six persons, One of the racq was able to tele the naval radio station at Dutch held at gun point six customers and 435. The next and final game In the money by bringing football tactics spend two summers lin'd a winter In three of them seriously. of the scries of, six special lectures phone for help before he collapsed, hank employes while the money was to toe canvas, explains, the next ,'CMnt today and cbmplaincd that the caterpillnr singe. which Adjutant William L. Valen-i NEW APPEttMADT harbor. 4— Gustav Woolsciilager, Meriden,play-off series for the "Y" Interme­ AiQMech-making Isn't what It used to The blast occurred when Kath­ Forty members of the crew re­ taken from the vault. Within four 434. diate basketball league crown is to big draw will have to show tbe .0«. - ' erine Sowers, Ifl, attempted to light tine Is giving each night this week hours the was made good by the be played next Monday night at 7:30 public something new and exciting Ninety thousand dollars was found the kitchen gaa stove. at 7:30, was large, so that it has main aboard. The 16 nassengera Hartford Accident & Indemntiy com­ 6— Frank Englebrook, Providence, With Sandov* advising him, Mar­ , . “Time was," said the former In lettera opened at the P, 8. Dead BY ETHIOPIANS were transferred to the British pany. R. I.. 433. at the "Y" gymnasium. onsldent, "that you could go around Letter Office In the single vear of Katherine, her alster, Margaret been decided to use the upper main SOUTH COVENTRY tanker Yarrarillt on Sunday. Arrow* (15). shall can be depended upon to give fi, )ntlnoed from Page One) The Coast G-jard cutter Itasca Is ant treasurer, James J. FttzaTm^*, ^lApeech at each town. This way you subject last night was “Six Days Earl W, Green Post, No. 52 racing westward from Honolulu to 1 Rubacha, r f ...... 2 1 6 Speaking of Sonnenberg, tlie old HUGH M ATHIESON likes his pipe tobacco M9d and Muld polish up the speech os you Before the Passover." Tonight it American Legion, and Its auxiliary was forced to open the vault. Dartmouth lineman Is credited ^ ‘"■°P®an situation, the note toe stricken .ship, about midway be 2 S. Yankowskl, rf .,..0 0 0 with having revolutionized the an­ : went along. will be “The Last Evening on were hosts to the Fourth DlatricL tween Japan and Hawaii. Ritchie did not move fast enough Sports Roundup 2 Byoholskl, If ...... 2 0 4 , “But now, with the radio, jipeech Olivet", and the band will be on said: "Small states now are asking Sunday afternoon at the Town Hall to suit the holdup men and one 2 Mlkoleit, c ...... 1 0 2 tiquated dodge with bis flying i-ataklng ii hard work. duty. Theae lectures are beautiful­ toemselves what protection U af­ in South Coventry. The meeting clubbed him on the back with toe New York, ApriLT—(API—Rac­ 0 Valllant. rg ...... 0 0 0 tackle or butt, although the Greek* "A speech la only good:once—be- ly Illustrated by stereootlcon plc- forded them by the collective securi­ opened at 3 o’clock. For entertain­ butt of bis gun. ing circles are buszthg with reports 1 Busky, rg ...... 0 0 0 "lowered their head* and threw siHUue the public la quick; to detect turea, and are trei to all". ty promised by the League Cove­ ------ON THi------The bandits went to the vault ]0ckey Don Meade, ruled off the turf themselves forward, butting like; THE LAST PIPE OF nant. Some of them who also are ment two cornet solos with piano 1 Y'ost, Ig ...... 2 0 4 ^5$opetltlon. I do a lot of reaearcb By llficii MYIsliinior accompaniment were rendered. Pro­ while another cowed the staff. They fbr life, may be reinstated by the 0 Cowles, Ig ...... 0 0 0 rams ' 4000 years ago. j THE DAY (right) is K and spend two or three weeks on Harold M. Richter, younger son victims of a breach of treaties fear fessor Andre Schenker of Connec­ cme_rged with-a bag and the three Florida Racing Commission . . . Nor was there anything a) all* Just at plMiant as B.aech of my speeches." T DO not fear the highest hill, dear Father, a$F**csslon‘ In the near future.*' POLITICAL made their exit. Hobart (FUd) Hardwick, lead-off new in Jim Londos' airplane spin. ot Rev. and Mra. Karl Richter of The note concluded by expressing ticut State Oollege, who la a mem­ President Henry Demlng of the man for the Oklahoma Sooners, 9 15 “Wonders of Bodily Strsngth and the first ont in th* i- Hoover was en route to hla Palo A The one tliat’stands so dark against the s'ky. Winter street, left Sunday for East ber of the post, gave an address South 5Ietoodlsts (18) *^to, C^lf., tome. He spoke Satur- tome strength will come when it is mine for climbing the hope that the League would not FRONT b ^ k said the bag contained less worked the best in the Skill In All Ages and Countries" morning. Prince Lansing, Michigan, to resume hla remain jmmoved before the destruc- toe subject of "Side Glances in than $10,000. ^ southwest conference for toe 14 0 a. Smith, rf ... r ... .1 1 3 published In 1885, quotes Items Albert does not bite I |$qr at Fort Wayne, Ind.’ A post of clouds or fire to guide me by. studies at Michigan State Universi­ UnUaaed View of toe European Sit­ 0 Cummings, rf .. 0 ^ n mmentlng on the political out Uon la the Ethiopian people and uation.” Saw the Holdup free tickets to first In 21 trips to the ....0 0 from some of the better known It i* economical to ik be said: But, oh, the little hills are hart to conquer. ty after spending a week at hls mat It would no longer postpone ef­ Theodore Blskuplek .of Christian plate . . . Sammy Baugh, Texas 1 N. Smith, If ... ___5 1 11 sporting journals of ancient Rome Tm surer than ever that the Re- The ones that march before me day by day home here. fective assistance tor Ethiopia. Commander Victor Bronke of Lane, Berlin, said-be witnessed the Christian's forward passing quar­ 0 Fish, c ...... 8 2 8 and Greece. ' smolM P.A. Mr.Math- Mbllcana,are going to win the next In monotone whose rhythm is unbroken— Manchester who was present as a holdup. While three men went into terback, waa one of Red's victims— 2 Richmond, rg ...... 1 0 2 "Observe,” reads one, "how one iesonsays: “Those big lection. At least, the Anti-New So like they are, those hillocks on my way. Members of King David Lodge, I ^ e s t brought grestinga of toe First the bank and a fourth remained at Sammy contributed to fewer than 1 Frazier, Ig .... ___2 0 4 lifts hls adversary by the legs, red tins hold around O. O. F„ planning to go to Stafford DlsMct. He thanked the post and Dealers are on their way to win." HIGH COURT TEST auxiliary for toe special help they the wheel of the automobile, a fifth four in one game . . . big league throws him to the earth, casts him­ 50 pipefuls of swell-' T raiN K I could climb Sinai without failing, S^pringa tonight will meet at the walked up and down the sidewalk scouts like Bauh—but as a third )‘ ...... 12 4 28 self upon him, drives him Into the A Or vralk where fields are green and waters still: ^nter not. later than 6:45 p. m gave during toe flood In East Hart­ with bis hands In hisi pockets, he ••■•ackor. not ns a . Score at half. 12-6, South Method­ earth, squeezes hls stomach with I tasting tobacco." if the sum of little tasks and duties Cars win be avallal le at that Mint MAY EFFECT CONN. ford, Department Adjutau. Bill said. Here's an applause card for the ists. Referee, M. Switka. his legs, sinks hls tliumbs into hl.s BOLD FORMER HUSBAND That seem so useless supplement Thy will, for those not driving’; A Murray, an adopted member of the Harold McNamara, manager of a smooth refereeing of Nick Kearns gullet and soon chokes the pour ^ e n I shall ask that 1 may never falter. South Coventry Post, also an Invit­ store across the street, Jumped into of (JhlcagO in toe Olympic elimina­ wretch,--who begs him with e|trnest But walk the lower ways that I have trod. (Oontlnned From Page One) ed guest, extended thanks and ap­ his automobile and pursued the tions . . . Herry Newman has suc­ entreaty not to strangle him.". IN A DOUBLE MURDER STILL SEEK IDENTITY preciation for “the other side of toe bandits for more than a mile but ceeded Dake Ballard as toe Garden's So, you see. Sonnenberg, Lon- Believing each is worthy of the courage NBA Standards river." Yeoman F) Connie of Jane as he was about to turn onto the Boxing publicity man . . . Blondy dos, tbe Duseks, and other boy- I did not need to take my high hilL'God. Tf the NRA standards of a 40- Dcl&no Post of Hartford was also a Boston Post Road trailing their car Ryan 6f “they can’t lick us" fame, Sport Briefs denlsh fellows arc only mimicking ' Fort Stockton, Tex., April 7._ OF ANTI-FREEZE IPOBON hour week and minimum wage had guest and made a few remarks. hls progress waa blocked by two Minneapolis papers—Joe Gould has Ajax and Ulysses, who probably V:;—(AP)—stata sweaUhops. But the bars are down dren, by Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jame.* Eight state policemen responded trying to get toe champ into court Werberis sore toe.. .a bit of red about grunting, groaning, and police are still trying to Identify the we have Insufficient Inspectors and and tlwjr committee. to the alarm sent to the Hartford for falling to ehow up for an exhi­ “REMEMBER THIS ONt?” after-breakfast pipe of Princa rjgreet at the woman's former hus- body of a man found unconscious In herring, say...toe grapevine has it grimacing is perspiring pachy­ iMUid led officers today to press In- there Ib a question whe^er our de* Local teachers will soon be mak­ barracks. bition . . . "Rambling Rufus” Miles that he and Manager Joe Cronin are derms parked in the laps of ring­ (Above) Hugh enjoying some Albert. "I’vb introduced a lot of a cells'- In Simsbury last Friday. partment can cope x^ith the situa­ ing plans for toe American L ^ .jn of the old tune* and a pipeful menioPrlnceAlbert in my time,” e$eUgaUon of what they termed a tion.” 1 The police were told the license won a bout In Charleston, 8. C„ the not as palsy as they and toe pho­ side patrons and the breaking up : double murder. The man, who was about 50 yeara poppy (poster contesL and perhaos plates of the bandits’ car was other night . . . but lost another tographers would have you belle 'o of chairs. Only the fact that the Mr. Mathieson says. "And a lot old, was brought to Hartford hospi­ William J. Fitzgerald, deputy 25-147. of Prince Albert as s friend ^Within a short time after Mrs. the following rules will help the decision to the same fellow in a and the latest Infield shakeup, due preferred trade stood well back tiekisi the ivories! "I've of men aroundbcrc have cjjanged tal In on ambulance at about 9 a. commlasloner, reports some work­ boys and girls to draw the winning hotel room fight later in the eve­ and that there were no chair* ^ Damron, Rising SUr, Tex., m. Friday and died there at 5 p. m ers work 60 and even 70 hours a to Ossie Melillo's lumbago, seems t6 HERE'S A GOOD PICTURE of Hugh Mathlesoa amoldfig a pipe­ learned from long experi­ to Prince Albert since the mak­ Dtlfied the bodies as those of her posterj “Advertising appeal," “Slm- The Manchester police department ning. be toe tij^off... around toe lU ta where they ';4auMhter, Mrs. toU Bell Gartoj, He had been hired by James W ^ea in some instances plicltyrof Design," and "little de­ received h teletype report of . the Marvin. McCarthy, Tampa gradu­ Cronin has shifted Eric MpNatr cracked ribs and cauliflowered ful of fragrant, mellow Prince Albert tobacco. Mr. Mathiaaon has ence that there’s no ‘bite’ in ers advertised their money-back Shaw of Simsbury to clean out the have been found as low as SI 60 a tails."*-* While only winning posters bank robbery shortly after the rob­ ate, is ringing toe bell with hls ears kept toe Greeks of 648 B. C. liked Prince Albert for thirteen years, and at the time this pietuta P.A.,” Mr. Mathieson says. offer.” Below, yie print the offer ^#7, and grahddaughter, Joyce Lj-nn cellars of some of the houses owned week. ■ to second and plans to use RooMe Boberf 10, officers at Coipus have been displayed in previous James A. Farley bers had disappeared from the vicin­ column in the Chicago Times . . . John Kroner on third.. .Werber Is from excelling at that, too, no was taken he said; "I like to show my friends that Prince Albert "And I’m sure oil the tobacco Hugh Mathieson refers to. Taka by M-. Shaw .which had been Inun­ ' Fear Effects Here years, it Is proposed that all be ity of the holdup. 'The local de­ Pedro Montanez, toe lightweight, doubt. "Christl announced arrest of Wilbur Mr. Tone fears the effects on By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS yearning to get ta for a few more Is cut different—‘crimp cut,' it’s called-to P.A. hnnit slower in Prince Albert is a* choice us up on it I Smoke 20 pipefuls d irto n , former husband of Mrs dated. He was found In the cellar shown this year. The month of partment was In readiness to co­ was up-state fattening up for Bar­ practice cuts before toe season There perhaps were wreeUlng of one of these after. It Is beUeved. lator If the Supreme Court throws May brings the day when all are To bald James A. Farley goes the operate in any wayi with sUte or ney Ross when be got won] toe bout wars of a sort ta tbodb days, too. and cooltr and avtry pipeful lasts longer.” as Nstnrs can produce.” of P.A. at our risk I ,Carton.' out the minimum wage law in New assignment, without challenge, pf opens but toe nearest be gets to toe he had drunk a can of antl-free.:e asked to wear toe flower of remem­ town police for the apprehension of was off . . . Washington baseball ball game is stooge-tag for AI The most ancient form of com­ Carton, prominent'Southern Tex- fluid that fiad been drained from York. If that law goes, he says brance. Democratic Worrier No. 1 in the too gang. ^ writers can’t go all toe way with bative sport has survived wars m liquor dealer, was turned over to automobile radiator. Connecticut’s will be without teeth. Schacht ta toe prologues... ,A siw Will Rooney ot Fort Stock- com*ng conventions and campaign. The report stated that toe car Manager Buck Harris’ prediction since time immemorial. It la a$ The man bad previously said Under the minimum wage law He has *so many things to worry the Senators may crash toe first Johnny Marcum lands ta town to­ hardy as those who watch It. ton and Stata. Rangers A. R. Mace he the commissioner says, homework STATE FIREMlSN DONATE bearing the bank robbers was day for some expert snipping if Md W. H. Kirby. was a stranger ineSlmsbuiy. $1,000 FOB FLOOD VICTIMS about — so many party problems headed In a southerly direction from division, but all agree the club will , r.:. has been wiped out In the lace In­ over whi ' to wrinkle bis broad and be much stronger than last year the oval lymphoid organs, which An autopsy after the bodies were Kensington. The license number of forces Tom Yawkey to pick up un- __ INCUBATOR BABY dustry. Almost all homework In the Bridgeport, April 7 — (AP) — gleaming forehead—that; perverse­ the car was N. Y. 25-147, the report . . . getting Utat young catcher WK ARE SURE YOU'LL AGREE WITH WHAT HUGH MATHIESON SAYS Dd by a fisherman showed the fabricated metal trades has been ly, he is refusing to worry or wrin­ ffoih Brinklyn didn't hurt . . . otoer tonsillectomy ta b ... why ■ apparently was choked and I^Tiw. IlM. I, ^■EA Smto. I.K. )*a rqvfal ™ abolished. Lieut. Thomas F. Magner of the stated. wouldn't It be gqod but||ness for; ABOUT PRINCE ALBERT...TRY IT ON THIS NO*RISK OFFERI mother beaten to death. ■Mf Meriden, pril 7. — (AP) — A Connecticut State Firemen's Asso­ kle at all, at least publicly. Tony Oasoneri will be a favorite KEY daughter, weighing one pound, seven “The law gave us power to com­ ciation announced today donation of All he has to do, os Democratic over Jlnimy McLarnin when they Yawkay to denjand a health certtfl- ounces, was bom at 12:10 a. m., to­ pel employers to keep records of meet next month. cate with his next shipment from DANBURY STABBINa RKADKRg' HKRVICK BURKAV, hours and wages which were avail­ $1,(XX) to aid sufferers in toe flood national chairman. Is— Connie M ack?.. .here's hoping Smoka 20 fragrant pipafiiU of Princa Albart. If you don't find it the melloweat. Boom •<», 461 Klahth.Ave., Ne* York. N. Y. day to-Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. areas of Hartford and Middletown. Oil toe engine at Philadelphia so B. E. (Dutch) Seheullcr, trainer able tq our depdepartment,'Mr. ' Tone t w o OIL DRILLERS Frankie Higgins is sound.. .he's lue taatieat pipe tobacco you erar emokad, ratum tba pocket tin with the rest of the [ ' %>«nbury, April PMt of 3 Arch place. Mrs. Post states. Magner, press agent for toe of- smoo.hly that Franklin Roosevelt for the MePheraon Oilcre, has had 7,—(API—Sam Enclosed find...... cents la coin for which ptsase Send ms who has been under the care of Dr. gsnlzatlon, said a check would be may be renominated with a mini­ two A. A. U. champions In- a row here for Werber one o^ these days tobacco in it to us at ^ y tima within a month from this date, and we will refund , Marks, 40, wi ■ stabbed early A mum wage board Is now . . . last year be trained toe South­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS lay in what police described os a Joseph F. Mlsuk, was admitted to presented to toe Hartford Chapter mum number of unkind side re­ KILLED n t BLOW-UP full purchase pricey Iplus poetaga. (5i$a*A ) A. ARsyaeld* Tobacco Co, W taH^3eleni.N.C “ MaUn’a'* Olgaratm the Meriden hospital at 4 a. m.. yes- trying to establish a minimum wage ot toe Red Cross *Arltota a few days. marks from Democratic dissidents. ern Kansas State Uhe Club . . . bte Mote Orove, Who has toiled Am ^caa AssocUtton Playoff M »wi■ at ■ a "Danbury ibu hotel. for toe laundry Industry. This board it looked like an Easter parade only 18 Innings to date, will step toe St. Louis 4, St. Paul 1 (deciding hiesoeeeae ABsn Herbert of Brocktoa, Moao., U ^ y morning and tha baby was wUl continue Its work, but. toe The plan to aid in alleviation of See that resolutions are passed delivered by Dr. Robert W. Kaschub, aufferlng and losses was conceived quickly there praising toe “new Kilgore, Tex.. April T—(API— when toe Los Angeles Angels fuU route today, weaUier and (Chat­ game). JACK WAGNSa a f**l—MOe sat a TB* arrested shortly afterward and Mnms **/* 6 a*aak*t commissioner said, until toe Su­ Paul B. Jonee, 88, and L. D. Little­ marched out to open* the Paclflc tanooga permitting...toe southpaw TONIGHTS SCHEOLXE a c t ds*nu* le * ■■"■*$* He ewei ■irgwl with assault with a dsadly hospital doctor. preme CMurt acts, “we will continue by David H. Harford of South Nor- deal” and Its chief; resolutions that atrsst The infant was immediately w'alk, secretary of toe flremen's as- ton, 85, oil drillers, were killed when Coast league seaaon . . . toe Angels has gone three Innings against toe National League Ptayoff " I'e i boead to o u Ibet m ac* ABac* our surveys of wages and hours and so potent a figure as Alfred E. two boUers exploded near here to­ looked very snappy ta flamtag Glue Cards, who were held to three (Uts, THE NATIONAL **0a Make sad sto re n O el tIsW . Fto p la t^ in an incubator and is being get data." sociation. Smith has said might impel him Toronto at Detroit (Detroit won £^Wlce Chief George J. Schoen a aa sa a a a a a day. Three otoer workers were In­ apd gold jackets . . . sbme 6t toe four against toe FlilUiee, got first gasta ta three-out-of-flve final lelllas stoat to dsuatSsi fiaai ewer 16 •«s 8tata iW by means of a medicine dropper. Representatives from toe eight to “take a walk,” destination not jured. J ■ JOY SMOKE 'M Herbert admitted striking Bott mother and Infant are re­ counties voted unanimously on toe stated. cuStomara thought they ware at 10, "1J six wtto toe Cubs, who were seriaa). tia. That’s a tot *4 soen lOahStol." •ifca with a penknife In -an argu- Nsms of Piper ported to be doing well. The tta r The custom of service ships Oalutr plan. L, B. Burke, driller, said toe ex­ Santa Anita . . . toe Universal htid to five -cattaied clouts.. .Wet Canadian-Amcrleen Leagae Playoff | 0t Involving a woman. •• 6 »«a«aaa« tag while passing Mount Vernon "Harmoalie'* Incessantly among plosion was caused by a valve being *• “ 14, to be about throe The action follows that of Bri* toe very dissidents he must try to Pictures cagers and tot McPherson Ferrell wlU start for toe 2-1 Red Philadelphia at Providence (Phil­ pipafula of 1 (tobacco 1b montns prengature. waa begun by toe British during toe port firemen who a closed on toe outside of toe boilers. Oilars>'wUl play a series of games Soot against toe 200-1 Bees here at adelphia has won dwo; Providence. War of 1811. sum recently. dlsclpltae at Philadelphia, once that Jones’ body was blown 300 feet Hli for the Olympic fund. toe hive be«M Frtflaor..^ ovary 2 -08. 1 lof PrincoAlborl wife witnessed toe sbeidenU •••»■• ...... \ , •r Ji-s t. P>AGE TEIf WAvnnrsTFR rnrvnsrc fmfAT.^,.MA’wtTEStKR, T u e s d a y , APRTLT.iwa MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7,1986- e a o b ! i.(H)TS AM ) HbR BUDDIES Company By MAR'HN CORA-PpOFESSOli-BA^E ••• IT I S MOW .YOUNG V M TY.l'o L\KE SENSE and NONSENSE SOOT& WILUE— AM 1 T O S E E WDVO 0 \ 0 BUYSELL^?:^ /^e CLASSIFIED Kwd I Mijr More? Alas! You can't advocate any­ SOU T O O K N O W PTO^^RIESPOM'ABUE f o r thing now without seeming to be :■ He wax the Nth degree In look. ■ S ' WHERE TO disciple of some darned crank. OOTRASE And knew' each thing teat’s learned E\NO ME f from books. Colonel Culpepper (Inspecting a #» His mannsr was extremely rare. savags-Iooklng mongrd dog that With poise and charm beyond com­ hts coloiwd chauffeur was leading T pare. down the street|—Why do you cal APARTMENTS—FLATS— meeting Is to discuss and draw up Re said: "Let's wed right on tee teat a one-man dog. Sam? TENEMENTS 63 TO P U Y ORIGINAL ROLE plans for tee future. Rockville for 18 days following the spot!" Sam— W ell, suh. 'case one man WANTED — DULL lawnmowere, FOR SALE—STRONG team bar And so a preachsr tied the knot. A M A T E U R S W A N T E D at once. garden tools, etc., to sharpen and ness, almost new. Horses collars, Miss Sadie Morris, who has been AUTO INSPECTIONS Inspection period here. In addition am all date he eats at one time, suh. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, to the certified Incpectlon sllji given Mow this sounds llks a story old Telephone 390.'5. repair. Karlscn and Edgcrton, 655 strap work, harness repalrftig, spendmg tee winter months with with all Improvements. Inquire IN “THREE LIVE GHOSTS” her niece, Mrs. Ward Talbot of operators of cars found satisfactory, But. Aht— the half has no< been North Main. Phone 7385. curtain and auto tops repaired Mrs. Amos Tash. of Brushvllle. 140 Maple street Andover, returned this week to her owners or drivers are given stickers told. Chas. Laking, 90 Cambridge street. says ths neighbors borrow so much BUSINESS SERVICES home In Ellington. START HERE TODAYfor pasting on tee lower right-hand "Live happily forever after T” . Telephone 4740. FOR RENT— SEVERAL FIRST from her that she feels more at The presentation of the play "The comer of tha windsluelo after tee Your question throws me Into OFFERED 13 PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 class single uid double dwellings Miss Anne McAdams to Have horns in their hoiiser than she does Part She Played Five Years Terrible Meek" which was to be inspection. laughter. In her owm. ^ 'A N T E D — G ARD ENS to plow, DIESEL TRAINING In spare time All in good locations. Apply Ed­ given Thursday night of this week, One blissful day with my adored. FUEL AND FEED 49-A ward J. Holl. Tei. 4842. Ago With the Community The period allowed to Manches­ harrow, and mark. H. Warren under eiipervlslon of educator with has been postponed until a later State Equipment Set Up Off ter and vicinity permlte the passage But came tec night— and Gosh! he It Isn't what you earn that makes (T Case Bucklnnd. Tcl. Manchester 16 years experience ai Instructor. FO R SALE — SEASO NED wood, Players. date. There will be a communion of 280 cars through tee lanes each snored. contentment, it is spending a little ,L® 'tTS sr ms scsvici. iwc. t. S. sen u », i 4246 O. F. Schocck School will accept a fireplace, furnace and stove, fhll BUSINESS LOCATIONS service instead. day to complete all car inspections less. few mechanically inclined young The young peoples group is Prospect Street Many Aunty— PrselouB srhat did you do Toonerville Folks ______measure. 1-2 cord $4.00; 1 coru $8. FOR RENT 64 The role o f the cockney mother, In tee Manchester territory within By Fontaine Fox men In this vicinity through their C. O. D. Tel. Rosedale 15-3. planning on getting up a group to the specified time limit. In school today? Bank Manager—You will need to FLORISTS— NURSERIES 15 known as "O la Sweetheart", In authorized Registrar. Men accept­ FOR RENT—STORE, ‘good location go to Hartford, Friday afternoon, to Cars Go Through Line. Precious— W e had nature study. be Identified, madam. Uncle Ch e w W ils o n (t w o q u id m a n ) is h e r e v is it in g w ith r e l a t iv e s . FOR SALE — STRAWBERRY ed Bill be furnished all texts, dia­ FOR SALE—CHOICE early cut for meat market, and package Frederick laham's three-act, come­ hear the very famous Japanese Each pupil had to bring a npectmen Lady—Certainly. My friend here (>UR BOARDING HOUSE : plants from new bed. Premier and grams, tools, etc,, as a part of their hay. C. O. D. Telephone Rosedale store. Reasonable. 3 Walnut, near dy-mystery play, "Three Live Christian, Kagawa speak. Anyone from home. w ill identify me. By Gene Ahern agreement. Write today. Box P. 15-3. Pine. Inquire preinisen. having a car and wishing to furnish NQ LIQUOR SALES Aunty— And what did you take, Pank Manager— But I don t know Dorsettfl, 361 Bldwell street. Tele­ Ghosts," to be presented In the The second semi-annual Inspec­ T ► phone 7405. care of Herald. transportation please communicate precious 7 her, madam. FISTUMBLET? im to South Methodist church audi­ with Mr. Ackermann. It is hoped tion of automobiles by the State Precious— I took a bedbug in a Lady— How silly o f men! Oi MEET FOR SALE—A QUANTITY of torium, April 14 by the Community ON GOOD FRIDAY A H WANTED TO RENT 68 that everyone who can will take ad­ Motor Vehicle department started bottle. course, I'll introdnee you. MV ClDUSlM MICHAEL ,TR 6M THE -PAV DIUT IM HELP WANTED— good hay. 472 Highland street. Players under the auspices of the vantage of this exceptional oppor­ V EA H W A N T E D — S IX ROOM house, with In Manchester today, with equip­ SOUTH AT-RICA, Manchester church's Wesleyan Guild, will be tunity, Cars will leave the parson­ Theodore Roonevelt once said: EVERY ONE WHO HA.S QUITE CAPETOWM.SOLiTM FEMALE 35 all Improvements, garage, prefer­ ment brought here from Danielson. MVSELT=, ON CE— SA't' ■ played by Miss Ann McAdams. age at six p. m. State Law Forbids Offering f"Beware of ths man who does not A CIRCLE OF ACQUAINTANCES ' S U R E - Evening Herald GARDEN—FARM- ably In country, not over $30. Tele­ A n inspection station will be HEfe THE SOM (DP MV LATE WANTED — GIRL for general Miss McAdams played the same Herbert Thompson of Virginia 1s Intoxicating Liquors Fo! ' translate hi.s words Into deeds.” IS CONSTANTLY SHOCKED BY IS 'f in n E e sn o e s h o p phone Manchester 5480. maintained near Prospect street I COMEON, CLASSIFIED housework, go home nights. Apply DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 part five years ago when the Play­ expected home for a few days’ visit. where It was located last fall, from Sale On This Week Friday. THOSE WHOM HE CONSIDERED I WCALTHIV UMCLE JULIUS-^ 160 Tolland Turnpike, telephone ers made their debut In the Hollis­ The tiresome young lawyer was AS COMFORTABLY FIXED. 1 s t i l l T5ISMIN' EM M A 3 0 R . ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SAL*EJ— PEIAT MOSS chicken Mr. Thompson Is tee son o f Mrs. today until April 25. 3379. ter street school with a presentation wearing out both the court and tee TURNING UP BROKE. h is s o u l - ^ o f w h o m droppings. Delivered, 50 cents bag. WANTED— Ada Thompson of Andover. Yesterday Inspectors from Daniel­ ACTROSS THE B A R , WE'D OeuQt six mrerav* words to a Uae. o f the same theatrical success. Since An accident occurred near the AH taverns, package stores, res­ Jury with the length o f his tedious laltlalt, numpen and abbreviations 175 Woodland street. Call 5806. son were at the seen' to Inspect the v o u V e o f t e m h b a tr td M e I REAL ESTATE 77 then she has starred In many of the postoffice Intersection last week, taurants and hotels where liquor harangue to tec Jury. Finally, he W alter— And what will vou have •DOWN ON -RIVET? , b e t t e r each oouni as a ord and compoand WANTED — GIRL for general place, where Cheney Brothers old words as two words Minimum eoet la more than two dozen shows produc­ which has been tee first of Its kind Is sold, and In fact every place paused and said to tec Judge: to drink ? s t r e a k . v o u TW O -FELLO W housework. Telephone 7593. FOR SALEI— COW manure, one WANTED TO LEASE for 2 or more carpenter shop once stood. Inspec­ I s t r e e t ? A N ' I'L L 'b e CUCVAIN' price ol three tines. cubic yard 13. delivered, also a years, ten to fifteen acres good ed by the dramatic group. In Andover for some time. Both where liquor Is offered for sale, will Law yer— Your honor, Is It your Customer—Ginger-ale. Iflne rates per day for translsat tions started at 9 a. m. and through­ be closed on Friday. Friday being TOWMSMEM SP.OULT5 W.NOW ' BE TC H A VA KNOW team of good work mules. Inquire smooth level land In one field. C. The three "ghosts", supposedly cars were damaged somewhat from pleasure that I proceed with my Walter—Pale ? OUR a4a. WANTED — GOOD competent out the day a line of autos waited Good Friday the state law provides ICiTecttve Mnrrii 17t IM7 housekeeper, one who can stay James Bums. 691 Hilliard street E. Wilson A Company. Phone 5158. klUed during the W orld War, ac­ tee contact but none of tee occu­ their turn to "run tee gauntlet." argument? Customer—Good gracious no! Junt E A C H OTHEU-M a VMAT? MVOLPTAL, Cash Charffs pants of either car were Injured. teat all places where liquors are a gloss. nights. Call between 5 and 6. 31 tually alive but for one reason or Ten men under the director of Judge— Young man, the pleasure i f 1 : I Consecutive Days ..| 7 otsi • ots Damage was confined to the front sold must be closed for tee day. The VOU h a v e m u t u a l SIR HUBERT I Consecutive Dayt ..) I cts] 11 ots Purnell Place. another unable to reveal their true Montague White of Andover con­ of listening to ymi ended an hour HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 LFAiAL NyriCES 7H identities will be played by Byron wheels and fenders of both cars. other days that there can be no ago, but you may proceed. ■ P W E M P S . , 1 Day ...... ) 11 otai It ota duct the inspections. Cars and liquor sold under the state law are BUCU.NER, AH ordera for Irrsrolar losertlona Neff as "Spoofy," Winston Bendall State troopers had difficulty In de­ will bs oharged at ths ons ttms rata. 9 OR SALE—3 PIECE mahogany MUVOIl l»KltMIT termining who was tee cause of tee trucks enter the Inspection station Christmas, local, state and general HELP WANTED— NOTICK OF APFLICATIOX as "Jimmie Gubblns,” and Herman Popping another question, a ■writ­ Special rates for lona tarm sTarjr bedroom set, bed, chiffonier and accident. This particular comer from Prospect street and leave by election days. day advartising give upon raqusaL MALE This is to Klve notice thol I. Walter Heck as William Foster, alias the road entering Hartford Road er asks: "What make- Sunday A Thought 36 bureau, one small Ice box. Good Carl GuMafaon of 84 Hamlin atreet. "W illiam Jones." has been the scene of many close Ads orderad for thrss or atx dajra below tee paper plant. The hours of breakfast the best mesl of the ^ and stopped before the third or fifth condition, adjustable screens, Manchester. Conn., have filed an ap­ Other members of the cast are calls and it has been suggested that week?" Well, for one thing. It U & da^ will be charged cniy tor the ao« plication dated 4th of April, 1936 tee inspection station are from 9 A 48 H U R T IN B L A S T W A N T E D — Automobile mechanic. couch hammock. 1 1 Richard Road. Florence Blerel as Miss Woofers, a stop light might reduce the pos­ not necessary to get up so early In tual number of l*nes the d appear- with thi Liquor Control Commission m. to 8 p. m. dally. The station Is Now therefore let It please Thee < ? sibility of accidents again occurring 'Order to sat It. 2 & ad. charging at the rata earned, bat Smith's Garage, 30 Blsscll streeL BENSON'S BASEMENT Bargains for a Club Permit for the sal of Russell Pottertor. as Bolton, o f the able to inspect 90 cars an hour at Moscow, April 7 — (AP)— One to hlees tho house o f Thy sciwTUit, BO allowance or refunds can bs made alcoholic liquor on the premises of at this spot. person was killed and 43 were In­ — Two 9x12 fiber rugs, A-1 condi­ American Detective agency, Elea­ maximum speed. that It may be before Thee for on alz ttms ads stopped after the 13 Prninard Place, Manchester, Conn A temporary sand bag dam has jured In an explosion following the r^f fifth day. tion $5.00 each. One mahogany The business Is owned by Red Men's nor Wallace as Rose Gordon, Wal­ First Drunk—I found (hie) a half ever) for Thou blesseet, O Lord, \ SALESMEN WANTED 36-A been constructed by the Case Fiber The unit finished working In collision of two trains loaded with dollar. No "till forblda” i display IIbss aot finish vanity $5.00. One large Rulldinjc Asso. Inc., of 13 Bralnard ter Henry as Briggs of Scotland mill to enable tee mill to function Danielson Saturday and will go to and It shall be blessed for ever,— I 7^ Bold, Place. Manchester. Conn., and will be gasoline near Rostov-on-Don today. Second Drunk—It'sh mine, (hie) mahogany dresser $6.50. One 6 pc. Yard, Robert Glennej as Benson, I CTironloiOB 17:27. ^ Tha Harald will not be reaponalble MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh conducti'd hy Walter Carl Gustafson until the dam can be permanently i l ’sh got my name on It (h lc). for more than one Incorrect inaertloB dining room set $12.p0. One 9x12 his assistant; Agnes Donohue as repaired later In the summer. The Route. Real opportunity for right of 84 Hamilton street, Manchester First Drunk — What'sh your of any advartlaement ordered for heavy Axmlnster rug, used not Conn., as permittee, Lady Leicester and Ernest Mall- True blessedness conaisteth In s more than one time. man. W o help you get started. work could not be completed at this name? w more than two weeks, $25.00. One W A L T K U C. GUSTAFSON loux and Richard Martin, a couple time because of the high water. good life and a happy death.— The Inadvertent omission of moor- W rite Rawlelgh Co., Dept. CUD- o f cops. Second Drunk— E Plurlbiis Unum. foct publication of advertising will be roll top desk $15.00, Benson Furni­ H-4 7 36 April. 1936. John Phelps and Arthur Palmer Solon. 48-0, Albany. N. Y. First Drunk—Yeah, It'sh yours ractlfle only by eancellattao of the ture and Radio— Still at Johnson have been scraping tee tennis court oharge made for the aervlce'rendered. Block. with the town's road scraper. With 1^' All advertieementa must conform The radio brought ua a new temp­ a little more hand labor to complete 1 a c A n a o ■i% IB Style, copy and typography with SITUATIONS WANTED— tation, In the urge to turn tee In­ ragulatlone enforced by the publish- FEMALE 38 MARIONEITE SHOW ANDOVER tee Job, the court could be put In F la ppe r Fa n n y Sa y s : are and they reserve the right to excellent shape. dicator from the church service to sto. u. a e«T. Of?. g; odlt, revise or lejec* any copy cob- APARTMENTS the dance music. .;rr, Bldered objecttonabla. WANTED—HOUSEWORK by day TENEMENTS—FLATS 63 Intensive and blustery winds and GDOSINO HOURS-Claaelfled ads to or hour, home nl,jhta. W rite Box The theme of the Sunday Morning rains again poured water Into And­ ______j e s p Y O U R AFTER STAR MEETING A gentleman o f tee old school ha published eame day must be re- R, Herald. FOR RENT—FOUR room tene­ Worship service of the Andover over streams and rivers Sunday halved by It o'clock noon; Saturdays Congregational church was "The took his daughter on a trip to Now ld:M L m. ment 85 Spruce street. Tel. 4545 or night and all day Monday. While ^'(W - iauAR-p UP, MIKE f 5230. Soul Restored." The text was taken some of the smaller streams were York. They went to sec one of those TELEPHONE YOUR POULTRY AND Young Ladies Who Put It On from the 23rd psalm, the 2 and 3 quite swollen, the Hop river was In plays that made father blush a bit. Sini'fw tv w» H . Iia u • *» t « . » , M -7 . Father—I’m sorry, Dorothy, that WANT ADS. SUPPLIES FO R R E N T —TW O Unfumlshtfd Have Built It Themselves — verses. Announcement was made no danger of overflowing Its banks. to ifti. r»«» 43 rooms for young couple, modcrnly that all Easter flower contribu­ Twenty-four members and visit­ 1 brought you here. This Is hardly a Ads ara accepted over the telephoue Refreshments to Be Served. play for a gin of your age. ( 5 ) at tha CHARQS RATB given above FO R S A L E — B A B Y chicks, B. W. refinlsbed. Convenient location, tions or potted plants suitable for ors were present at Jun'.or Church BB h ooBveiUen j to advartlaers. but D. tested, also started chicks. B. light and gas furnished,, also use of church decorations are to be left Sunday morning. The session was Dorothy— Oh, that’s all right, Si OIU.HY SMITH General Grant Would Have Loved This tjw CASH RATS8 will o«> aooepted as T, Allen, 37 Doane street. Tele­ kitchen If preferred. Rent $15.00. MemUers of Temple Chapter, O. with Mrs. Turner. The flowers are held on the lawn and reports and Dad. It \rill probably liven up a bit By John C. Terry FD1 Walsh, Dorothy Wlllla, Emellne plete announcements will be given works and works, not that he likes la HMnorlaiD ...... r houset StRte rofu], chicken coops Mountains of Kentucky and Ten­ later. ¥ Young, Bertha Burgess, Lillian Cur­ The Tlnles hopped from the canoe, It, but because It Is his duty. Can and round i and plenty of fru it nessee. The slides were furnished Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dumas and out,” said Scouty. *Tm a young ^Bouaoomtnu | FOR RENT ran, Beatrice Clulow, Maude and one cried, “Now, what do we yon imagine your father doing any­ by the Save the Children Fund and daughter of Burnside, Conn., spent Boy Scout. What will we cook the i ‘^ ’8 Faraonaln ...... | Dauchy, Hnzcl Finnegan, and Han­ fish in? That is what is puzzling thing Just because It was pleasant ? 5-Room Downstairs Tenement very graphically showed the appall­ Sunday afternoon and evening at do?” “All gather wood," said Aatomahilea nah Jensen. me.” Son— Yes, Mother dear. ing conditions and the hard.shlps un­ tec home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aatomobllaa for Sal# ...... 4 at 28 Birch Street. $15.00 pet $ 3 5 0 0 Refreshments will be served by Duncy, “We will need a great big Mother— How and when? Ahtomobllss for Ezchanga i mon. . Inquire o( Supt., Apt dergone by the people o' this sec­ Lee. Their old friend said, “ I have a 12 Acres; 6-room house, bam and the following committee: Florence pile. Son (ga llan tly)— When he mar­ Ahto Aeoassorlaa^Tlrsa ..••••. • tion of the United States. Anyone pan. r u get it quickly as I can. I Ths thermometer gtts Spring N • f 6, 28 Birch street. chicken coops, plenty of berries Horton, Helen Carrier, Ethel Carter, Miss Gertrude White has been III “ There's lota of driftwood on the PBlatloa ..... 7 having further contributions to this at her home for several days. always keep one hidden In the ried you. Mother dear. fever Oru— s high temperature. Aato Schools ...... t-A and (n ilt. State road. Mildred Clark, Mary Clay, Mary shore, and In the woods you will Aatoa^Shlp by Truck I work can leave them at tee parson­ The Mothers' club meeting sched­ crotch of a big tree.” Douglas, and Edith Dowd. find more. W hile you are doing that • 11)6 rw A f . All ti|$is laaimJ Aatoa^For Hire ...... $ REUABLE REALTY CO A silver collection w ill be taken. age. uled for Wednesflay night of this He hurried out o f sight and then, GBVagaa~Sarv1ca->Storaga ••••• 10 I guess I’ll rest a little while. 120 ~'emple 81. Hartford John Phelps, H arry Asplnwall, week has been postponed until tec with pan In hand, came back agwin, WASHINGTON TUBBS ...... n “ You see, I ani the one who f RECK1.e s a n d h is f r i e n d s By Blosser By Crane OUT OUR W A Y Wanted Autos—Motoroyolao ••• It $ 4 5 0 0 and Mr. Ackermann attended the 15th o f April. Miss MacDonald will Brave Scouty had the wood piled By Williams and Prafaaatbaal iarvleas 18 Acres; 6‘ room house, electri­ U. S. TR.ANSTOHMED WORLD second lecture given by Dr. George be available at that time and will caught the fish, and so I think you up. 'Tw os ready for a light. SNAKE-EVE M «C0V5 GAMBLING JCDINT. POLLOWING THE BUT, BV JINGO, WE CAN STlLl MUST 'lOU H A - H A - 1 KNOW. IT MUST BE A Ittalaess Services Offered ...... It city, good bam and chicken coops, Ross Wells of tee School of Re­ continue her series of talks of chil­ ought to be quite willlr4g that I He struck a match and shouted, HIS OF COURSE,THE CAPTURE/c: . ,------— GIVE THE BOOT TO THAT ^ A HARMLESS Household Servleee Offered •••••It-A fruit trees. Paris, April 7.—(A P)—Former ligious Education, In Bolton Satur­ snooze. I need bleep, goodness OF PUNKV th e re a in t i P a N f l k s t a t e o f MIND, mlldlng-~ContractlBg ..•••.••ra U dren’s health problems. The meet­ “ Wheel W e’re down to bus’ness KEEP MY R E C O R D RACT TH AT J V W E LL, ' WO FOOL,PETTICOAT SHERIFF.J SMAKE IS JUST Florlats—Nuresdies ...... it President Gaston Doumergue said day night. Refreshments of cake ing will be held at the home of Mrs. knows.” now, you see. I love to see the AAAGLEW IN BeT$.'y™ a^ Lg| f e v e r i s j u s t a FEB LAVlM* IN A S T A T E O F and coffee were served after the “ Oh. you woulG be a foolish lad. BOV HERE‘S W IL L NtXJ'RE HIS STATE OF MIND- GRASS ISA ...... *• Also 20 Ac^es of I$and, one today that "the dyramlc policy of Malcolm Young. flames. They, make a very pretty ID LIKE NOT Wl m i n d t o o , b u t Beating—Plumbing^RooflBg If meeting and an hour of games was Think of the soaking you Just had,” WE DIDWT AN' WE CAN'T GET IT piece, no building's, two wells. the United Stn|ea has all but chang­ sight.” PROVE m o t h e r MA&LEW IT S E E M S T D B » iBauranoa ...... is enjoyed. Next Saturday will be said (Joldy. “ You should not lie TO HAS b a c k y---- - ^ALli-D^DiAXy ^ .'VCAKNESSOP tflUlnary—DreaamaklBg .•.•••• it ed the face o f the world." The old prospedtor said, *T wish DO ANY­ THAT H E'S IN JAIL. m in e , ^ T I'V E TM' STRONOta State road, high elevation. the concluding lecture in tee series. WAR VETERAN DIES dowTi until you dry your clothes.” B E L I Z E SPRAWLED-OUT •••• M Speaking at a luncheon at the someone would help me clean this WOIHINQ TO OOT NO DESIRE S T A T E O f MIND, n b llo Passenger Service •••«>.lo-A EMERGENCY There Is to be a Communion Serv­ THING f A GOOD BUMCM'OF LOAFERS, American Club, Doumergue assert­ fish. Say, how about you, Duncy? ■ x : TO DO SO, MOW- O F T H fT W O . Painting—Papering ...... 11 Wa Hava Sm-erol Other Chwd Bantam, April 7.— ( A P ) — (Tharles HE DIDWX DO WITH ed; "Though a young people, you ice in the First Congregational “She’s right,” the old prospector Why, I'll bet you don’t know bow.” BOY! AND, IM A FRACTION ER FER s o m e . Profeeelonal Services ...... tl Buys. church of Andover, Thursday night Landon, 91 years old, for many ...... It already have learned to set your said. “ W e’ll hurry with the blaze, “ Oh, yea I do,” the youngster MRS. COOK INFLUENCING OF A SECOND,THEV'CE STIME TO c o m e at 8 o’clock.' The subject will be years a resident here, died during instead. The heat will dry you quick­ 11 Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning t 4 CALLS house In order. Today, mechanical cried. tLs he rushed to the kind T t5 U ? SMAPPii: ALERT, W H E B B '^ Toilet Ooods and Service It "Easter Gestures.” ths night at the Charlotte Hunger- ly. Then you wih not catch a cold.” QUICK VOUMO MEM- Wanted—Business Se.vloa •«•••• tt progress, of which you are the great man's side. The Tinies were sur­ M E OO?^ Stuart Ja Wasley There is to be a meeting of all ford hospital in Torrington. By this time, Coppj brought some SPEC lALLV BdnvnUoaal Initiators, has transformed the prised. They thought the lad would POLICE state Building IW. 60«S—7146 offtcere and teachers of the Andover Mr. L ^ d o n was a veteran o f the wood. He shouted, “This Is pret.y QUICK- OourHi ud C‘u u t ...... II world. The world has been contract­ Sunday school at tee home of Su­ start a row'. M m o laotrnetloB ...... u ed and men have been drawn closer Civil War. He leaves seven children, good. I found It 'way back In the perintendent Charles Wright, Tues­ 17 grandchildren and 10 , great­ ...... together." woods, and it is dry and old.” (The fish ts cooked to Hu«le*l—Oramatlr ...... ]| 4 3 4 3 day eveniDg. The purpose of the grandchildren. nice Wanted—Inetruetlon K “I’ll build a fire that won't go brown, In the next story). Financial s Honda—"Stocke—MortAsgaa Maa t l FIRE Business Opportunities .«••«••• tt South MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Money to C^an ...... •#•• tt A Death Warrant By THOMPSON AND (Y)LL Help nad Altnnttena PEAK. NOrWNO, NOKTM- IN THE MEANTIME, Help W u ted —Female ...... |t 4 3 2 1 ■t i s o n l y w a v oT s a v e UVES, VOUR MAJESTY, I HAVE WERE L IS ^ N , STUPID LULU BELLE SAID SHE'D RESIGN IF PUNKV WASIY Help ^ t e d - i * ! ...... i : , ! : : It IN TOAWCE, WE UVE WEEK,'-., lUySTER, WfTM JACK "OyCKf CHARUE-TOUGrt •aleemyo Wanted ...... tt-A North TME DEATM W4J2EANT TOR A WEu!''r^rr it a in 't SUNUP.VET.IS IT?7 t »r^»s^ h en I THE me Lu w^ OF THg^ IHC LAND.LANt TILL DISCOVEIJED BY NATIVES. STILL MIS PRISONER HEU, HAVE TO APPEAR FOR Help tvanred—Hale or Female., tt DANOEBOUS SPY WHOM I HAD EXTRA Ageiue Wanted ...... tt-A OE. TEAIN - RELAV, PLEASE — . ARRIVES IN MABUM, TME GOOD K5RTUNE TO Situations Wanted—Female ••• tt 5 4 3 2 1 THE UBAMIAN TRIAL AT A DATE SET BY GET Sltuatlonc Wanted—Male ...... It DISCOVER WITHIN OUR. LINES ^ av/Th a t T a n id / a > / J X 6 . - WE1.L CAPITAL THE JUVENILE COUFTT/THE /MEETm e e t b a c k ' Employment Agencies ...... 40 "T'------I g e n i u s . O F " P E T i'^ Idve itork—Pete—PeaHry—Vehlelee AMBULANCE COUFTT WILL DECIDE THE h a m b u r g e r 5T/5j P Dogs—Birds— Pets ...... 41 SPLENDID, M4JDR. IN HALF AN HOUR. U ve Stock— Vehicles ...... 41 (Doui;an) S u lt r y and Supplltis ...... 4| WySTERf WMAT CASE ON ITS m e r i t s / Wanted - Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 5 6 S O WOULD MV Far Ueiw—Mlarctlanewne pooEoouNTey Articles lo r Sait ...... 4% (Holloran) DO WITMOLfr Boats and .Accessories 40 VOU? Building Materials ...... 47 ;Dtamonds— Watobee—Jewelry .. 4| 3 0 6 0 :-Clectrtca! Appliances—^Radlo 41 . ■''i.***-. Fuel and Feed ...... 4V*a (Quish) Oarder — Farni—Dairy Produeta tO COVEEINO MYRA WITH COOL Ho-uaebolo Oouds ...... n LEAVES, TO PROTECT HER ASAINST THE Machinery and Tcols ...... t i tfualcal Instruments ...... it 4340 S I^ 'S HEAf LEW WEN TIES MIS SMIBT Office and Store Equipment! 14 A SlfiNAL-TMEM Spaeiaia at tbs S torea...... M pbepabes to sink into tm e WaaHng Appkrel— Fure ...... tf HOSPITAL Wanted—To Buy ...... || CATALEPTIC TRANCE, HIMSELP m liaml ilKT 'l a Me « t Mt v TM£ SPQIMG "TOMlC lteotti»-^Beard«-U&teU—Reeerts 5 1 3 1 ^ -*-7 . Mcatnnrants SALESMAN SAM Without Board ...... |t TM 90RFTY Ft3B TOU AND A Bigr Undertaking Hhhrdars Wanted ...... m .a W ATER UEET* 5 By Small Sttntry BoMd-BaaorU £ The Grand Wizer Trumps Alley’s Ace THE BOt^ HRS'. CDOk I BUT; t i Hotala—Aaatauranta 41 By HA-MIJN (X POM ' M IM D T A X M* A a T L«CSOAJCA\itepy/zqMi> .Wantad—Rooms—Board ...... tt \weu.,*rweRC g o es ol* dwmv AS THE CASel STANDS, WITNESSES TO TEEUFY RJG.HT OFFft TH'. ASK V W H ^ ' W H Y , g a m 's . BEEM <30we^ M G H T i tOOULDpT Bnal Batata Far Bm i ^3077 AFTER TH'ORAWO LOOK ME INTH'EVE- THAT SYLVESTER ONCE PAIM T a , /VSfTV Oooo FCR. OY6(?TlOO HCHJRSt roP^HADJii PIO oE R ABahtman^ Fiata. Tsoamsnta.. ot ^(^4ter 5 P. M.) ------^ WRER AGAIN/ VOt^RE NO DINOSAUR, BIG AN'HIGH/ TtXJR e O N BROKE WTO A aUMSETl (30SH, /would Youi H o u se ! isoBjecTFOR BoalBaar Locations for Rent $4 AS IF MOOS VOU1RE IN MV POWER/ USTEN TO ME - 'GREAT WORKED AS OFFICE BOY P R O ^ - p a l c TT c ., GriMMe. sop'ie.— ^ suGo-esT?! SPi(vsf-^Yl SPiMMYl^ ' Houses for Rent ...... gs DRUG SlORE, AND HAS THIM’ £ASYI ’ ‘ft XA BeSlAJkK^ tOHeR.e ARe. y p i ' 7 Cnburbu (or lUot ...... •• 7 8 6 8 MVSTIC CHIEF A MICE LITTLE SONG BIRD. MOW V4 r c ( GALLOPIU IN A CT400KSO CONCERN, <3rO A H C A O l • aiwiB.r Horn*, (or Root «T IS IN f o r a m * GooLey SHOWN NO PROOF THAT Waotod to Ron' ...... m OTHER AND WAS DISCHARGED P W N T A . Roai Botato Bar lalo GAS CO. ;sess(OM) GlMGUiS. HE ACTUALLY EMIKREO ARortsioat BoildliiK (or Solo . . . M O F C.RIEF/ (T T O M AKE TOR BEING HONEST .7 1 house! Baatn.H Prop.rty (or Solo ...... n F o m a ond Lood (or Solo ...... U t# f ------— Id 5 0 7 5 r M t . (or^ Solo ...... 71 S ^ r t PropartT (or Sol. 74 »iburb«D (or So)...... 71 ELECTRIC CO. . R ^ E.tota (or Exobocs* .mnm. 7* :-w o «t.d —Rm I E.totr t l L L L i . , ^,-rfl.n— Ratlora 5181 ,,Lo#ol NoUcro ...... ss m e v e n i n g HERALD 5121 s/*!' ••• __ — Read Hie Herald Aivs. »t1i|g'aas«T. e>e. ' »* .SmS/t—J IIV tiu tWCtJIIC.. t. M. »»T smr