PAGE TWELVE m anrl|»atnr iEvraing l$n*ald The Women'! ■oelety The Amerlcah Legion auxiliary The Wadaworth grbup of the Wes­ Mias .Beatrice LydaO of Hudson meet this evening at 7 o'clock at meeting will be onutted tonight, leyan Guild ^ill omit It* meeting street, who haa been confined to her hearsing wrlth the purpose in view the Polish National church on Gk)l- and the meeting of the Junlon will scheduled for tomorrow night at tho home with Illness for several CCC ENU^ENT of rendering the cantata in a mor« way street. be postponed from tomorrow after­ South Methodist church on accoimt months, has returned to her duties CONCORDIA CHOIR impressive manner. Miss Eleanoi .T h e Mancheater Community noon until a week from that time. of holy week. as head of the typewriting depart­ PERIOD IS LONGER Werner is serving as the piano ac­ Mwnbar at Uw AeGt jpayere will hold their regular The monthly meeting of the Man­ Mrs. Doris Babson who is directing ment of the Orient Insurance com­ companist. Miss Anna Tluck will Bnreen of dronlatlOBf. Monthly meeting Wednesday eve­ chester Master Barbers Association the play makes a special request The Ltfdles' Aid society of Concor­ pany. Hartford. TO SING CANTATA have the soprano solos and will b« ning. April 8 at the club rooms'. A will be held this evening at eight that each Junior taking part dia Lutheran church haa postponed heard In a duo with Mrs. Albert MANCHESTER — A CITY^F VILLAGE (HARM tine progrann of entertainment has o'clock at Paganl'a barber shop on memorise his or her part so that a Ita meeting from tomorrow after­ Get Word Here Time Has Been Knofla, contralto. Corwin ' Grant rehearsal may be held Tuesday at- The regular monthly meeting of VOL. LV„ NO. 161. (Ulaaslfied AdverUstog on Page 10.) been arranged. Pearl rU-eet. noon to Tuesday afternoon, April the degree team of the Daughters Extended—T7 Limit Is Now will be the tenor, and Alfred C. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7,1936. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ternoon of next week. 14. ' of Liberty, No. 128, Ladles Loyal Set at April 22. Dudley Back’s '’Story of the Lang in the *T)le of Pilate will have Orange Institution, will be held to­ .a number of baas recitatives, Regina D'ltalla society will hold The Woman's Christian Temper- morrow evening at 8 o’clock In Its regular meeting tonight at 7*60 ancet Union will meet tomorrow at Orange ball. Plana will be made Albert E. Behrend, aaststant Man­ Cross” to Be Reqdered On at the Sub Alpine club oh Eldiidge 2:30 at the South Methodist church. for the visit to the Stamford Lodge, chester recruiting officer for the street. Alt members are requested Rev. Roscoe Nelson of Hartford will April 15, when the team will put .in Civiltan Conservation Corps, was no­ PINEHURST DIAL 4151 to be present. be the speaker, and bis subject will a drill. Practice for same will tified today that the period for ac­ Friday Ereriing. Dial 5321 be “Peace”. The members are urged take place at the meeting tomorrow cepting appllcaUona-for enUstment For FRESH ' A new Shipment In the three games of setback ‘to^tti attend and to Invite their frtenda. night and every member of the team has been extended to April 22. played between the Park Tavern is urged to be on hand. The number seeking to enroll "The Story of the Cross". Dudley FRESH ■a, Henry W. Harrison of Rox- Buck's beautiful cantata, which was Free Delivery and Charter Oak street tavern, throughout the state has not been so successfully sung last Easter by TORNADOES’ DEATH TOLL 50 CALVES which came to an end Friday, the bury. Mass., formerly^ of this town Mrs. Anna McRrath, who makes as large as was expected and it Is GREEN Park Tavern team won the tourna­ Is visiting her sister in Rockville., her home with Mrs. George Mc- expected that Mancheater will be the choir of Concordia Lutheran LIVER ment by 63 points. The play*, was and 1s planning to renew acquaint­ creedy of 22 West street, has re­ permitted to send more recruits than church, will be repeated Friday eve­ ances with friends In Manchester ning at 7:30 at the eburph, under the WELDON BEANS for a supper to be paid for by the entered the Hartford hospital for was previously anticipated. direction of Organist F'red Werner. MARILYN MILLER, \ losers and this will be served, next before returning home. another minor operation. Former members of the corps DRUG CO. lb. week. must have been out of the service at The chorus of 38 has been re­ Kensington Bank Held Up 2 qts* 2 5 c least 60 days before they can rc- THOUSANDS ARE HURT Bacon ..................... 39c lb. Leonard Anderson and James enllst, according to the' notice re­ NOTED ACTRESS, Krlstoff of this town have recently ceived by Mr. Behrend today. Fre.sh Strawberries PInehurst Freshly been discharged from Camp Fernow, I8c pint Civilian Con.servatlon Corps. i IS D E A ^ A T 38 GROUND REEF Associate Membership This Afternoon; $10,000 Is The regular weekly assembly of IN SOUTHERN STATES; 29c II). 1. Re.vmond’s members of Company K, 169lh In­ i'-'.l Green Peppers to StufT. fantry, C. N, G„ will bo held this Comes Next Star of "Sally” and Other HOT CROSS BUNS evening In the state armory. In­ Now Open V 20c dozen stead of the regular drill period on For Tho DRIVE Taken by Machine Gunners k Old Fashion ; Musical Comedy Success­ ■\ ta.sty bun with pienty the armory floor, members will turn 3,200 HOMES WRECKE RACON SQUARES In equipment Issued for the flood Ii of fruit in them. patrol duty. Members will assemble New Britain, April 7.—(AP) vers and machine guns fol­ peared easterly in the direction 29c lb. at 7;30 p. m. 11th Annual Concert es Passes Away in New —Using a girl as a shield, three about three miles from police SAFELY lowed the girl, who was about of Berlin. headquarters here. Average I '/j lbs. each. Fresh Spinach. To Be Given By SUNDAY armed men entered the Berlin to make a deposit, through the Officials Covered. Miss Ruth Warner, assistant sec­ Rising Rivers Add to Threat of Widespread Floods Sliced if you wish. Mrs. Charles J. Strickland of Main York—Her Career. Savings Bank iq Kensington SIEMBDRSKI IS f . Green Peas — Carrots. street has left for a visit of several • Headlights bank door, leaped over the par­ James J. Fitzsimmons, treas­ retary at the bank, was seated at Cauliflower — Cabbage. weeks In St. Louis, Mo. BEETHOVEN GLEE CLUB this afternoon shortly before 2 titions separating the staff urer of the bank, was one of her desk and Ritchie, a teller, was o’clock, covered the bank staff standing at the ledger desk. Fltz- Over 425 Bodies Already Recovered—Damages Esti­ NATIVE New York, April 7.—(AP) - from the lobby, covered every­ the officials who looked into the slmons was in his office with a cus­ LAST TD DIE BY RIB VEAL CHOPS BIRDSEYE Monday Evening, April 27 1936 • Windshield Be Sure and Call Marilyn Miller, star of ''Sally" and with guns, took loot estimated one present with their weapons muzzle of a gun. Robert tomer when the bandits entered be­ mated at 25 Millions-— Many of Those .Infared in 38c lb. FROSTED PEAS .. 28c other musical comedy successea, at $10,000 from the vault, ran and took complete charge. Ritchie, a clerk, also was cov­ hind Miss Anna Tintl, 18, of 79 Per- Wipers died thia morning at Doctora hospi­ out to their automobile and es­ Flee Toward Berlin. clval avenue, Kensington. One man Cracker Meal or Bread Frosted Limas and Frost­ Us Early This ered. opened the door for Mlsa Tintl and N D D SEJ STATE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP tal. caped. j One bandit went to the vault, The robbers’ automobile was Gainesville and Tupelo Expected to Die. Crumbs. ed Corn. Costs hvo dollars and entitles each member to two Uekets Mias Miller, In pri'vate life Mrs. An alarm was sent to police as she stepped In; they crowded be­ for tho eonrert. Applications may bo obtained from an.v • Speedometers Week To Be Cer­ the police said, and took the said to have N^w York regis­ hind her and shouted "hands up." RADIO nienilior of the club or. may be mailed direct to Shenvood f. in surrounding towns and an money. Moving swiftly, they tration plates. Vault Partlllon. Gainesville, Ga., April 7.—(AP)— effort is being made to block West Haven Murderer Goes ATLANTA’S TRADESMEN -W Smith, 209 lllltlard stree4, Manchester, Conn. tain of Having fled to the street where an A squad of policemen from Miss Warner said one robber Rising rivers adued the threat of ANSWER CALL FOR AID REFLECTORS the escape of the bandits. automobile with engine run­ poked a machine gun through a SPECIAL! Your this city headed by Lieutenant grille and two others, armed with to Gallows Just After Mid­ widespread floods today to the dis­ Assisting Artist: Have Machine Guns, i ning was waiting with a chauf­ William P. McCue sped to the AtlanU, April 7 —(AP) — RESILVERED tress of half a dozen southern states While most folk slept, there wm The men, armed with revol- feur at the wheel and disap­ scene of the holdup which is (Oontlnned on Page Bight) night, Nine Honrs After stricken by tornadoes which may bustling activity early today at Gertrude Berggren, Contralto have claimed a death toll of 500 the State Farmers' Market hert.
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