PATRON: Her Worship the Mayor, Cllr
DERBY CIVIC SOCIETY COUNCIL PATRON: Her Worship the Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. Linda Winter PRERSIDENT: Don Amott, Esq. VICE PRESIDENTS: Donald Armstrong, Maxwell Craven, Derek Limer, Robin Wood. CHAIRMAN: Cllr. Alan Grimadell [3, Netherwood Court, Allestree, Derby DE22 2NU] VICE CHAIRMAN: Ashley Waterhouse [33, Byron Street, Derby DE23 6ZY] HON SECRETARY: David Ling [67, South Avenue, Darley Abbey, Derby DE22 1FB] HON MEMBERSHIP SEC’Y: Cllr. Robin Wood [103 Whitaker Rd., Derby DE23 6AQ] HON TREASURER: Phil Lucas [26, St. Pancras Way, Little Chester, Derby DE1 3TH] HON ACTIVITIES SUB-COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: David Parry [110, Kedleston Road, Derby DE22 1FW] EDITOR & CASEWORKER: Maxwell Craven [19, Carlton Rd, Derby, DE23 6HB] REPRESENTATIVES: Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust Council of Management: Cllr. Robin Wood Conservation Area Advisory Committee: Ian Goodwin COUNCIL (in addition to those named above, who serve on the Council ex officio): Laurence Chell, Carole Craven, Richard Felix, Keith Hamilton, Roger Pegg, Emeritus Professor Jonathan Powers, John Sharpe & Thorsten Sjölin (on behalf of the Darley Abbey Society). * The opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Society, its council or its editor. All contributions submitted under noms-de-plume/pseudonyma must be accompanied by a bona fide name and address if such are to be accepted for publication. The Newsletter of the Derby Civic Society is normally published twice a year by the Society c /o 19, Carlton Road, Derby DE23 6HB and is printed by Glenwood Printing Ltd., of 2a Downing Road, West Meadows, Derby DE21 6HA. A limited number of back numbers of the Newsletter are available from the editor at the above address @ £2 per copy.
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