TRETIRE WITH . MICHAELCHURCH. 70J TRETIRE WITH MICHAELCHURCH. TRETIRE is a small village situated on the Ross and A bergavenny road, distant 6 miles W. of Ross, 8 N. of , and I I S. of ; is in Wormelow hundred (lower division), Ross union and county court district, Harewood End petty sessional division, and Harewood and Peterstow polling district and electoral division of the county council. Tretire and Michaelchurch form a com­ prising 1,330 acres, the rateable value being £I,695· The population in I87I was I64; in 1881, 173; inhabited houses, 34; families or separate occupiers, 34· Lady Vincent, who is lady of the manor, the Governors of Guy's Hospital, Higford Higford, Esq., Mr. W. C. Donne, and John Edward Smyth, Esq., are the principal landowners. The soil is sandy and loamy ; subsoil, chiefly rock; products, wheat, barley, oats, roots, &c. The parish is in the diocese and archdeaconry of Hereford and rural deanery of ; living, a rectory, with the chapelry of Michaelchurch annexed ; value, £ 26o, with resi­ dence; patron and , Rev. Edmund John Owen, B.A., of Brasenose College, Oxford, who ·was instituted in I 869. His pre­ decessor, the late eminent and learned antiquary, Rev. J. Webb, was incumbent of ~he parish for many years. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, was rebuilt in I855-56, at a cost of £750. It is a neat stone edifice, in a mixed style of architecture, with nave, chancel, font, three bells, &c. In the churchyard are several tombs of great antiquity, and a very ancient sundiaL The parish register commences with the year 17I9. Near this church are the remains of an old castle. This parish is included in the and Tretire with Michaelchurch united school board district, the children attend the school at Pencoyd. MICHAELCHURCH is a small village pleasantly situated about 1 mile and a half N. of Tretire, in a valley, through which runs a branch of the Garron brook. The church of St. Mzchael is an ancient structure of stone, in a very plain style, plastered and white· washed outside. It has nave, porch, and small belfry with two bells. The living is a rectory, united to Tretire. On a commanding eminence, between this place and Pengethley, is an ancient square camp called "Geer Cop." PoSTAL REGULATIONS. Francis Arnold, Sub-Postmaster. Letters arrive by messenger from Ross, about 7.10 a.m.; despatched thereto at 6.20 p.m. St. W eonards is the nearest money order office. Ross is the telegraph office and post town. Parz"sh Church (St. Mary's), Tretire. Rev. Edmund John Owen, , B.A., Rector,· Mr. John Edward Smyth, Churchwarden_; John Price, P arz'sh Clerk. Parz"sh Church (St. Mz"chael's), Michaelchurch. Rev. E. J. Owen, B.A., Rector. Assz"sta1zt Overseer. Mr. James Prichard, New Inn, near Ross. CARRIERS To Ross. • Name Day Stopping Place Return at Thomas Lewis (Garway) Thurs. New Inn 3 0 • Henry Hall (St. Weonards) do. Castle Inn 4 0