TRADEI!l DIRECTORY.] HERE}4~ORDSHIRE. 'AB 127~ Clayton John, Goodrich. Ross Croose George, Hergest, Kington Davies J. Chul'chfrm.Blakemere, Herefd Clayton John, The Parks, Tillington, Groose Richard, Bredward, Kington Davies J. Codyis, Fwthog, Abergavenny Bur,g-hill, CrooseRichd.Grove,Huntington,Kington Davies In. Locksterspool, Clifford R.S.O Clee Ellward, Little Broome, Eardisland, Cross John, The Tump, Eaton Bishop, Davies J. Lower Mrynddbrith, Dorstone, Pembridge R.S.O Hereford Hereford Clee J.Easton villa,Lit.Herefrd.Tenbury Crump Charles, Wern Wen, Crasswall, Davies John, Meer common, Almeley. Cleeton Samuel, Upper House farm, Hereford Hereford Eastnor, ~ Crump Mrs. Sat'ah, LOwer house, Stan- Davies John, Mordiford, Hereford Clf>mt'nts J. Sturts, 'Winslow, ford Bishop, Worcester Davies John, The Halls, West Town, Clifton J. Roxpole, Stoke Lacy,Bromyrd Crump Thomas William,Rill farm,Much Kingsland R.S.O ClutterbuckRichard,KewtonHouse farm, Dewchurch, Hereford Davies In. Upper Lye, Kingsland RS.O St. Owen's Cross, , Ross Cullis John Bedford, Nordan Hall farm, Davies John, Wall End farm,Stoke Prior, Coburn In.Up.Ra,en, Dinedor, Hereford Luston, Leominster Cole Edwin, Bradleys, Kentchurch, Pon· tCummingsJsph.Slatch,Bosbury,Ledbry Davies John, Woodhampton,Little Here- trilas R.S.O Cummins Joseph, Linton, Ross ford, Tenbury Cole ::'.lrs. Hannah, Trevaker, St. Mar- Cutler M. Tack farm,Winslow, Bromyrd Davies John Charles, Fair Tree,Ledbury. garet's, Hereford tDaggs Mrs. Elizabeth, Wharton bank, See advertisement Cole James, Brockhampton, Ross Leominster Davies John O. Bage, Dorstone, Hereford Cole James, Withington, Hereford Dale Charles, Upper Jury, Abbeydore, Davies J. Venn's green, Marden, Herefd Cole William, Court farm, Foy, Ross Pontrilas R.S.O Davies R.Little Size croft,Kilpeck,Herefd Cole W. Fishpool hill, Woolhope, Herfrd Dale E. Woodhouse, Upton Bishop, Ross Davies Richard, Lower House farm, Colebatch E.Rosemaund, Felton, Herfrd Dale Edwin, Newhouse, Newton, Pontri- Dirty Middleton, Tenbury Colebatch Geo. }<'rederick, Day House las RS.O DaviesRPant hall,Willey,PresteignRS.O farm, Aston, Kingsland R. t;. 0 Dale John, Didley,St.Devereux, Hereford Davies R. Kiniord, Canon Pyon,Hereford Colebatch Philip, Pearl brook, Weston Dale Jonathan, White House farm, Davies Thomas, Arrow mill, Lawton, Beggard, Hereford Kingstone, Hereford Kingsland R.S.O Coleman E. Wm.Eaton hall,Leominster Dale Thomas, Rank farm, Michaelchurch Davies Thomas, Fwthog farm, Fwthog, Coleman Joseph, Lenaston farm, Llan- Eskley, Hereford Abergavenny' warne, Hereford Dale Thomas, ·Whitehouse,St. Devereux, Davies T. Highway, Pipe & Lyde, Herefd Coleman R. J. Lenastone, Pencoyd,Ross Hereford Davies Thomas, Lower Wickton, Stoke Colley Mrs. Elizabeth, Slough, Stoke DaleWilliam,Haven,Til1ington,Burghill, Prior, Leominster Prior, Leominster Hereford Davies Thomas, New enclosure, Peter- tColley Henry, Marlbrook, Leominster Dale William,Llanbadon, Michaelchurch church, Hereford Colley John, Millhalf, Whitney R.S.O Eskley, Hereford Davies T. Old ho. Bredwardine,Hereford CoIlins George, Little Peterstow, Ross Dallow James, Little Dewchurch, Ross tDavies Thomas, Pigeon house, Weston Collins J. Little Whitfield, ,Ross Dallow Hichard, Upper Cwm, Little Beggard, Hereford Comber J.Little Parks,Kinnersley,Hrfrd Dewchurch, Ross Davies Thomas, Stone house, Preston Connop H.Poundho.Yarpole,Leominster Dampier Robert Newberry, Pembridge Wynne, Hereford Connop James, Mennells & Forbury, Castle, Welsh Newton, Monmouth Davies T. TheFarm,Fwthog,Abergavnny Stockton, Kimbolton, Leominster Dance Thomas, Canondale, Holme Lacy, Davies T. Tycoch, Fwthog, Abergavenny Cook John, Elm farm, Ewyas Harold. Hereford Davies T. Whitehouse, Aylton, Ledbury Pontrilas RS.O Daniel Arthur, Wellington, Hereford Davies T. Willey ldg. Presteign R.S.O Cook J. Poston mill, Vowchurch, Herfrd Daniel Joseph, Wellington, Hereford Davies Thomas Robert, Pentre, Brilley, Cook J. Hope, Stanford Bishop, Worcstr Daniels John, Shelwick, Hereford Whitney R.S.O CookJ.F.Brook ho. Avenbury,Bromyard Darby Edmund,Yatton,KingslandRS.O tDavies WaIter Thomas, Lower town, Cook Thomas, Pool wharf, Much Dew- Davies James & William, Llankagee, Ashperton, Ledbury church, Hereford Llangarron, Ross tDavies William,Chipps house, Ivington, Cooke Henry, Brockmanton,Puddleston, Davies Samuel & William, Wootton, Leominster Leominster Almeley, Hereford Davies W.Court fm. Canon Pyon, Herefd Cooke John, Coed Moore common, Much Davies Thomas & James, Wern, Brilley, Davies W. Crossend, Moccas, Hereford Dewchurch, Hereford Whitney R.S.0 Davies W. Llanavon, Dorstone, Hereford Cooke Philip, Lower Venn, Borlenham, DaviesMrs. Ann, Brumhill, Tillington, Davies Wm. Pentwyn, Whitney R.S.O Leominster Burghill, Hereford Davies William, Peterchurch, Hereford Cooke Richd. Elvastone, Harewood,Ross Davies Mrs. Anne, Highlands, Brim- Davies Wm. Pitfield, Pembridge RS.O Cooke Thos.Harp farm,Cradley,Malvern field It.S.O Davies ·Wm. Platch frm. Dulas, Hereford -tCooke William Thomas, Brook house, Davies Arthur, Lower Dewell, Dilwyn, tDaviesWlil.Henry, Hillend&Moorend, King's Pyon, Weobley R.S.O Pembridge Weston Beggard, Hereford Cooper Charles, The Court, Walferlow, DaviesB.T.Cookhorn,StokeLacy,Bromyd Davis Chas. Pen-yr-hen-llan, Cusop, Sapey Bridge, vYorcester Davies ehas. Buns lane, Yazor,Hereford Hay R.S.O Cooper Henry, The Park, Walferlow, Davies Cornelius, Little Gwem-y-buch, Davis H.Huddle mill,Stke.Lacy, Bromyd Sapey Bridge, Worcester Huntington, Kingtou Davis James, Aston, Ludlow Cooper J. Catson, Little Dewchurch,Ross Davies D. Greenway, Peterchurch, Herefd Davis James, Hampton Bishop, Hereford Cooper James, Drabbington,Thornbury, DaVles Edmund, Boyce field, Dilwyn, Davis J. Richland, Bodenham, Leomnstr Bromyard Leominster Davis J. Court fm. Wormbridge, Herefd Cooper Miss Sophia, Grafton villa, DaviesE.Pen-y-Ian,Hardwick,HayR.S.O Davis John, Cwm-coched, Clodock, Graftoll, Hereford Davies Edwd. Birches, Weobley RS.O .Abergavenny Copner Thomas, Plains brook, Yarpole, Davies Edward, Cobnash, Longford, Davis John,Gobbetts, Brockmanton,Pud Leominster Kingsland R. S. 0 dleston, Leominster Corbett James, Cornhill, West town, Davies E.Low.ho.Willey,PresteignR.S.O Davis Jonathan Thomas, Preston court, Kingsland R.S.O Davies E. West Town, Kingsland R.S.O Preston-on-Wye, Hereford CorbettJ.M.Lower Upton,Upton, Tenbry Davies Mrs. Ellen, Kingsfield, Marden, Davis T. Durstone, Pencombe, Worcester Corbett Joseph, juu.The Noakes,Breden- Hereford Davis T. Garn, Clodock, Abergavenny bury, Worcester Davies Frederick, Ivy Chimney, Kington Davis Wm. Brownsland, Hope-under. Corbett Richard, Rough Mintrage,Aven- Davies G. Benfid. fm. Bredwardine,Herefd Dinmore, Leominster bury, Bromyard Davies George, Lower Rudimoor,Eardis- Davis W. Northend cot. Shobdon R.S.O Cotton Chas. Dean's place, Yatton, Ross land, Pembridge R.S.O Davis W. White house, '''innall, Allens- tCotton George, Paunceford court, Davies George Lloyd, Venmore, Dilwyn, more, Hereford MUllsley, Ledbury Leominster Davis Wm. B. Puddleston, Leorninster Cotton Mrs. Maria, Woorlhouse,Ledbury +Davies H.J.Claston,Dormington,Herefd Daw E. Green ct. Eaton Bishop, Herefd tCottonRobt.The Hill, Bosbury,Ledbury Davies Hy. Low. ho. Tupsley, Hereford Daw Mrs. Elizabeth,Lower house, More· Cottrell D. Wm. Market square,Bromyd DaviesH.Wallho. Much Marcle,Gloucstr ton-upon-Lugg, Hereford Cousins James Webster, The Haywood, Davies James, Combe, Presteign RS.O Dawe Edwd. Hall House farm, Ledbury Haywood, Hereford Davies J. Cwm,Llanveynoe,Abergavenny Dawe James Shephard,Swanstone court, Cowell John, New ho. Putley, Ledbury Davies, Herefd Dilwyn, Leominster Cowpland Miss Mary, Upper house, Davies Jas. Knoll, Huntington, Kington Dawes Robert, Allensmore, Hereford Bishop's Frome, Bromyard Davies J. Manor ha. Burghill, Hereford Day Charles, Ganal'ew, Monmouth Cox James, Grantsfield, Kimbolton Davies J. Monstray, Burrington, Ludlow Day Shadrach M. Ash, Bridstow, Ross Cox Rd. Nurdens, Donnington, Ledbury Davies Jas. Park mill, Llangarron, ROBS Day T. Old Gore, Upton Bishop, Ross Cresswell Misses ::\1ary Priscilla & Ann Davies J.TheBank,Ryton,PresteignR.S.O Deakin Chas. F. Willocks Bridge farm. Frances. Dunwood, Dilwyn, Leomnstr Davies James, Woonton, Kington St. Devereux, Hereford B. S. G. & H. 8I'*'