INTRODUCTION Sapsucking Is an Uncommon Behavioral Trait

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INTRODUCTION Sapsucking Is an Uncommon Behavioral Trait ORNITOWGIA NEOTROPICAL 4: 77-82, 1993 @ The Neotropical Ornithological Society . SAPSUCKING IN THE WHITE-FRONTED WOODPECKER MELANERPES CACTORUM Jorge F. Genise, Roberto J. Straneck & Patricia L. Hazeldine Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia", Av. Angel Gallardo 470, (1405) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Resumen. Se describe por primera vez el comportamiento de alimentaci6n con savia para un carpintero sudameri- cano (Melanerpescactorum). En ambientes áridos del centro de la Argentina, M. cactorum practica hileras de aguje- ros en ramas y troncos vivos de algarrobos (Prosopisflexuosa), quebrachos (Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco) y talas (Celtis sp.) para alimentarse con la savia exudada. Este comportamiento aparece s61o en invierno cuando otros ali- mentos escasean,produciendo un impacto significativo en el ecosistema local. Nueve especiesde aves, catorce de insectos y un marsupial fueron registrados alimentándose con savia. Fue observada por primera vez una hormiga podadora alimentándose masivamente con savia en condiciones naturales. M. cactorum represa varios inviernos sucesivos a las heridas de los mismos árboles. Esta repetici6n y la consecuente cicatrizacion le da a los troncos un aspecto anillado característico provocando deterioros en la calidad de la madera. Abstract. For the first time the sapsucking behavior of a Southamerican woodpecker (Melanerpescactorum) is desc- ribed. In arid environments of central Argentina M. cactorum makes rows of holes in living trees of Prosopisflexuo- sa, Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco and Celtis sp. and feeds on theexuding sap. This behavior appears only in winter when other food sources are scarce.Nine species of birds, fourteen species of insects (including a Leaf-cuthing ant) and a marsupial were recorded feeding at sap trees. M. cactorum returns succesive winters to the same sap trees. This repetitive use of sap holes in trunks leads to loss of timber. Accepted 5 Mai 1993. Key words: Argentina, Whitefronted Woodpecke¡; Melanerpes cactorum, sapsucking behavio¡; associatedfauna, damage to trees. INTRODUCTION tispina, and Larrea divaricata. Area 2 is a modi- fied environment beside a farm pond surrounded Sapsucking is an uncommon behavioral trait by Celtis sp., Prosopis chilensis and Cercidium among Picidae, recorded mainly for three Nearc- tic species of Sphyrapicus and occasionally in praecox. other species (Turcek 1954, Kattan 1988, Short RESULTS 1982). In this paper we describe for the first time Seasonalactivity. During early spring, summer, sapsucking by Southamerican Melane1pescacto- and autumn we did not seeMelanerpes cactorum rum, and record several birds, insects and a making holes in trunks for sap, in spite of wood- mammal attracted by the flowing sap. We evalu- pecker abundance in the study areas.An exami- ate the damage caused by ringing of trees. nation of sap trees in areas1 and 2 in early spring revealed that there had been no recent work on STUDY AREA trunks and no insect activity. The individuals of Melanerpes cactorum, which spent most of their Field work was carried out at the Reserva For- time at sap trees during the winter, were not seen estal Chancaní, Dept. Pocho, province of C6r- at the same areasduring one day of observation doba (31°25S, 65°26W) Central Argentina. The m spnng. environment is ecotonal between dry western Winter activity in area 1 More detailed observa- chaco forest and desert scrub. Observations were tions were made on 18 and 19 July 1990, when made in January and October of 1987, April, two M. cactorum worked at several sap trees in an July, and October of 1990, and July and October area of about 35 x 60 m. Tables 1 and 2 describe of 1991 in two areas.Area 1 is a natural forest of the trees used in area 1. quebracho (Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco) with The activities of the two individuals during scattered bushes of Prosopisflexuosa, Acacia furca- several hours of observations were mainly perch- \ GENISE ET AL TABLE 1. Trees cornrnonly used in area 1. 20 Aspidosperma quebrachoblanco Ql sap tree Q3 sap tree 19 QS sap tree 15 Q6 sap tree 20 6 Prosopis flexuosa Al sap tree 10 6 8 A2 sap tree 10 8 8 A3 perch 4.5 28 A4 perch 3.5 30 AS perch 3.5 25 ing and sapsucking. Sap trees were two young primary perch to a P.flexuosa (AS) close to Q3, Prosopisjlexuosa and six Aspidosperma quebracho- perching there for a while, before reaching Q3. blanco. Perch trees were two F!jlexuosa, one dead During two hours of continuous observations, and another without leaves, where one individ- the birds spent similar periods of time in sap- ual or both frequently perched on the top sucking and perching, but it was more common branches. Sometimes individuals spent several to see both birds jointly at the perch trees than minutes gleaning insects (possibly ants) from the at sap trees. bark of the branches. A secondary perch was Only twice was a M. cactorum seen making a used when they flew to the young main sap tree hole for sap. It spent six minutes in both cases. of this area (Q3). Most times they flew from a While pecking the bark the head was turned to T ABLE 2. Description oí holes in the sap trees oí area Tree Number, orientation, Size of holes distance from ground (m m) width depth Ql 34 S-SE 5N 0.9-2.5 m Q3 226 S-SE 10 20 N-NE 0.9-2 m Qs 142 S-SE 18 N 0.6-2 m Q6 16 S-SE 1N Al trunk 1: 163 in 15 rows 4 2 3 trunk 2: 233 in 25 rows trunk 3: 60 in 9 rows trunk 4: 290 in 23 rows randomly orientated 0.5-1.5 m A2 74 in several rows randomly orientated 0.3-1.35 m "?0 MELANERPES CACroRUM one side and then the other, almost touching the TABLE 4. Birds associated with sap trees. respective shoulder, re~ulting in a horiwntal oval hole. The same movements were made to enlarge July 1990 July 199 holes and the same position (with the head Area Passeriformes turned to one side) was adopted for sapsucking. Furnariidae While sap was still flowing from the first hole, úptasthenura platensis Cranioleuca pyrrhophia six houri later, a second hole was made near the first, revealing that at least sometimes new holes Tyrannidae Stigmatura budytoides are made despite sap availability. Also the two Thraupidae young R jlexuosa (Al and A2) had recent rows of Piranga flava holes evidently made without waiting for the sap Emberizidae Cor)1'hospingus cucullatus to flow; Poospiza torquata The most common activities at sap trees were Area 2 Trochiliformes Passeriformes feeding on sap and enlarging preexisting holes. In Trochilidae Furnariidae both casesM. cactorum spent several seconds at Sappho sparganura Pseudoseisura lophotes each hole. Birds visited different sap trees on suc- Passeriformes Tyrannidae cessivedays; for example, on 18 July 1990, an in- Stigmatura budytoides dividual was in Q1 and Q2 for one hour, whereas Furnariidae Thraupidae the next day Q2 was not visited. Pseudoseisura lophotes Piranga jlava The next winter only one M. cactorum was Tyrannidae Stigmatura budytoides present, and only Q3 showed signs of recent ac- Icteridae tivity. No birds were in this tree during several Icterus cayanensis hours of observations over two days. Winter activity in area 2. At this place a group The main activity was feeding on sap from of five individuals was observed in detail during holes already made. Individuals adopted the posi- July 1990 and the next year. Trees of this area are tion described above. described in Table 3. The roost hole of this group was found in The main sap tree was a young R jlexuosa 1990, 200m SW of the study area. On 21 July, at (Al) close to a dead tree (A2) used as perch. In 18:26 and just before sunset, the five individuals 1990, A2 was a secondary perch where the birds entered a hole, 4 m up in a dead branch of a Celtis paused for a moment before reaching Al. In sp. The next year, the birds approached this hole 1991, more time was spent in A2 and sometimes before sunset but only one entered, the others the birds went away after some minutes without leaving and returning several times without en- visiting Al. Also, during two days of observation tering, possibly disturbed by our presence. in 1991 the group spent more time in Al than in Other vertebrates associatedwith sap trees. Nine 1990. Usually, the five individuals arrived and species of birds and a marsupial were observed left from these trees within a few seconds. This feeding on sap in the study areas, in the winter is in contrast with the pair of area 1 which rarely of 1990 and 1991. Table 4 summarizes informa- visited the same sap tree simultaneously. tion on birds. TABl 3. Trees cornrnonly used in area 2 No. Function Height Trunk (m) diameter (cm) Prosopis jlexuosa Al sap tree 5 27 A2 perch 5 26 A3 sap tree 7 27 A4 sap tree 6 27 Prosopis chilensis AS perch and sap tree 10 33 Celtis sp. Tl-T4 sap trees 10-12 35-40 TS perch 2.5 20 70 ;ENISEET AL In 1990, the temperature reached 16 °C, but usually was below 7°~; in 1991, temperatures were higher, reaching over 20 ° C, and were above sap tree, day night area 15 °C during observations. Perhaps this fact and the reduced activity of M. cactorum in area 1 Hymenoptera during 1991, could have causedthe differences in Formicidae Camponotus substitutus Al (2) * species di..ersity between the two winters. Spe- Acromyrmex hispidus Al (2) * cies differences between areaswould be the result Dorymyrmex exsangis Al (2) * of different environments, but Piranga jlava pre- Q3 (1) * viously recorded for area 1 was then present in Brachymyrmex patagonus Q3 (1) * Pheidole vafra * area 2 as well.
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    Myrmecological News 20 Digital supplementary material Digital supplementary material to LANAN, M. 2014: Spatiotemporal resource distribution and foraging strategies of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). – Myrmecological News 20: 53-70. Tab. S1: Data and citations for information presented in Figure 3 and Figure S1. Note that no data in any column indi- cates a lack of reports in the literature. For instance, no data in the column for nesting strategy should not be interpreted as a positive report of strict monodomy, and ants may collect foods that have not been reported. Species Resource collected Foraging strategy Nesting strategy Acanthognathus rudis Small prey: collembola Solitary foraging (GRONENBERG & al. 1998) (GRONENBERG & al. 1998) Acromyrmex ambiguus Leaves (FOWLER 1985, Trunk trails, partially subterranean (FOWLER SAVERSCHEK & ROCES 2011) 1985) trails (SAVERSCHEK & ROCES 2011) Acromyrmex balzani Grass (LOPES & al. 2004) Recruitment, type = ? (LOPES & al. 2004) Polydomy (ICHINOSE Solitary foraging (PODEROSO & al. 2009) & al. 2006) Solitary foraging (FOWLER 1985) Acromyrmex coronatus Leaves (WETTERER 1995) Trunk trails (WETTERER 1995) Acromyrmex crassispinus Leaves (FOWLER 1985) Two to five trunk trails (FOWLER 1985) Acromyrmex disciger Leaves (FOWLER 1985) Trunk trails (FOWLER 1985) Acromyrmex fracticornis Grass (FOWLER & ROBINSON 1977) Solitary (FOWLER & ROBINSON 1977) Acromyrmex heyeri Grass (BOLLAZZI & ROCES 2011) Trunk trails (FOWLER 1985, BOLLAZZI & ROCES 2011) Acromyrmex hispidus fallax Leaves (FOWLER 1985) Trunk trails (FOWLER 1985) Acromyrmex laticeps Leaves (FOWLER 1985) Trunk trails (FOWLER 1985) Acromyrmex lobicornis Leaves (ELIZALDE & FARJI-BERNER Trunk trails (ELIZALDE & FARJI-BERNER 2012) 2012) Acromyrmex lundii Leaves (FOWLER 1988), mush- Trunk trails (FOWLER 1988) rooms (LECHNER & JOSENS 2012) Acromyrmex niger Leaves (SOUSA-SOUTO & al. 2005) Trunk trails (SOUSA-SOUTO & al.
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