Lake Gardens KOLKATA- 700033 Phone No
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GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER KOLKATA SOUTH DIVISION, Public Works Directt. 76 Dr. Deodar Rahaman Road (1st floor) Lake Gardens KOLKATA- 700033 Phone No. (033) 2422-0961 E-Mail :[email protected] Memo No. 1301 Dated: 06.10.2020 NOTICE INVITING e-AUCTION NOTICE INVITING e-AUCTION No.EE/PWD/KSD/NIeA-01/2020-21 The Executive Engineer, Kolkata South Division, Public works directorate, invites e-auction for the work detailed in the table below on “Äs is where is basis”. (Online submission of Bid) List of Schemes: Sl. Name of work Earnest Money(Rs.) Period of Name of Eligibility of No. completion concerned Bidder Division 1 E-Auction Sale of 1 (One) Rs.5000.00(in fevour of two storied masonry Executive Engineer structure with R.C.C. roof, ,Kolkata South Bonafide One vehicle shed with G.I. Division,(P.W.D) outsider Roof and store, club room Kolkata having with 40 (Forty) with asbestos roof with in South Sub sufficient Days the campus of Tollygunge Division Credential of Fire Station, Kolkata- minimum 1.00lac 700033 including (one) lakh . dismantling and disposal of all components In the event of e-filling, intending bidder may download the bid document from the website http:/ / directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate & earnest money may be submitted through Demand Draft(s) / pay Order(s) issued from any nationalised Bank / Schedule Bank guarantee by RBI in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Kolkata South Division , Public Works Directorate, Government of West Bengal’’ payable at Kolkata & same may be documented in e-filing (scanned copy to be uploaded). Bid documents may be download from website & submission of Technical Bid / Financial Bid as per Bid time Schedule stated in (Date & Time Schedule). The documents submitted by the bidders should be indexed and also should be according to his / their Firm name. Demand Draft(s) / Pay Order(s) for Bid money / earnest money / balance security deposit should be purchased on or after the ‘’date of publishing NIeA& Bid documents (online) (publishing date)’’. Demand Draft(s) / pay Order(s) purchased before this date will not be accepted, except in case of 2 nd and subsequent calls, in which cases Demand Draft(s) / Pay Order(s) purchased for the same work during earlier calls will also be accepted provided the said Demand Draft(s) / Pay Order(s) remain(s) valid for at least 45( forty five ) days after the technical & financial bid proposal submission end date of the NIeA. (2) All bidder will have to deposit Fixed Earnest Money for a sum of Rs. 5,000.00(Five thousand) only at the time of submission of Technical proposal.Soft copy of Bank Draft/ Pay Order is to be uploaded at the time of submission of Technical Proposal. Hard copy will , however to be deposited physically at the office of the under signed before Technical approval. The H1 Bidder shall have to be deposit 2( two )Bank Draft / Pay Order ( Hard copy ) for Bid Money quoted by him & 10 % of the said Bid Money as security Deposit after completion of Auction Process within ( Seven ) days . After Opening of Technical offer, if hard copy of Bank Draft/Pay order of earnest money and after Opening of Financial offer, if hard copy of Bank Draft/Pay order towards Bid value and security deposit are not submitted by the bidder within due time, the bid offer by the concerned bidder will be declared as informal and will automatically be rejected. Such informal bidders will not be allowed to participated in any auction sale either offline / online under this circle for a period of 2 (two) years. After Opening of Financial offer hard copy of Bank Draft/Pay order towards Bid value and asecurity deposit should be submitted by the bidder within 07 (Seven) days from date of Auction start date & time . INCRIMENTAL VALUE RS. 1000.00 Technical Bid Financial both concurrently duly signed digitally in the e-Auction document may be downloaded from website & submission of Technical Bid/Financial Bid as per e-auction time schedule stated in below as per Cl. No. (2) The documents submitted by the bidders should be properly indexed & digitally signed. Both Technical document and Financial bid are submitted in technical (statutory & Non- Statutory folder) and financial folder concurrently duly signed digitally in the website 1. Eligibility criteria for participation in auction: 1.1. Requirement for Credentials: 1.1.1. For 1st Call of NIeA: Intending bidder should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of Rs. 1.00 (one lac ) only during 5( five ) years prior to the date of issue of the auction notice; or, Intending bidders should produce credential of 2(two) similar nature of completed work, each of the minimum value of Rs.0.75 lac during 5 (five) years prior to the date of issue of the auction notice; or, Intending bidders should produce credential of one single running work similar nature which has been completed to the extent of 80% ( eighty percent ) or more and value of which is not less than thedesired value at ( above; In case of running works, only those bidders who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the auction. In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress satisfactory and also that no penal action has been initiated the executed agency, i.e, the bidder. 1.1.2. For 2nd call of NIeA: bidder should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of Rs . 0.75 (zero point seventy five lac) only during 5( five ) years prior to the date of issue of the auction notice; or, 1.12.2. Intending bidders should produce credential of 2( two ) similar nature of completed work, each of the minimum value of Rs.0.65 lac (zero point six five lac ) during 5 ( five ) years prior to the date of issue of the auction notice; or, Intending bidders should produce credential of one single running work similar nature which has been completed to the extent of 80% ( eighty percent ) or more and value of which is not less than the desired value at ( above; (3) In case of running works, only those bidders who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the auction. In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress satisfactory and also that no penal action has been initiated the executed agency, i.e, the bidder. 1.1.3. For 3rd call of NIeA Intending bidder should produce credentials of a similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of Rs. 0.50 (zero point five lac ) only during 5( five ) years prior to the date of issue of the auction notice; or, Intending bidders should produce credential of one single running work similarnature which hasbeen completed to the extent of 70% ( seventy percent ) or more and value of which is not less than the desired value at ( above; In case of running works, only those bidders who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the auction. In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress satisfactory and also that no penal action has been initiated the executed agency, i.e, the bidder. 1.2 Other terms and conditions of the credentials: 1.21. Here similar nature of work means Demolition of Building or similar structure including disposal of dismantled materials and clearance of site. Payment certificate will not be treated as credential. 1.2.2. Credential certificate issued by the Executive Engineer of equivalent competent authority of a State / Central Government, State / Central Government undertaking, Statutory / Autonomous bodies constituted under the Central / State statute, on the executed value of completed / running work will be taken as credential. No credential will be consider as valid unless it is supported by work order, details of materials to be lifted and completion certificate mentioning the date of completion issued by the competent authority not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent or competent authority of a state / Central Government, State / Central Government undertaking, Statutory / Autonomous bodies constituted under the Central / State statute, The completion certificate should indicate the value of the work (equal to booked expenditure). N.B. Bid amount, value of executed work, Date of Completion of work along with telephone number & detail address for communication of client must be indicate in the Credential certificate. 1.2.3. PAN Card, Professional Tax receipts Challan for the year 2020-21, GST related documents to be accompanied with the Technical Bid document. Income tax (Saral) Acknowledgement Receipt for assessment year (2019-20) to be submitted, Trade License from the respective Municipality, Panchayetetc.during the year 2020-21. [Non Statutory Document]. 1.2.4. The prospective bidders or any of their constituent partner(s) should not have abandoned more than one work. Not more than one of their contracts should have been rescinded during the last (three) years from the date of publishing of this NIeA.