Philmont Scout Ranch Were to Design a High Adventure Ations.” Base, It Would Design Philmont

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Philmont Scout Ranch Were to Design a High Adventure Ations.” Base, It Would Design Philmont 2 UMBER 27, N SSOCIATION OLUME A V TAFF S HILMONT P AGAZINE OF THE M HE T 2004 PRIL A HIGH COUNTRY PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH Non-Profit Organization 17 Deer Run Road U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cimarron, New Mexico 87714 DENVER, CO Permit 512 This Association is dedicated to reuniting those Philmont staff members who have hiked her rugged mountain trails and have met her challenges, who have reflected beside her gurgling mountain streams and have listened attentively, who have slept under her star-filled skies and have been refreshed, who have seen her vast breathtaking panoramas, verdant mountain meadows and towering peaks and have become humbled; who have breathed her sage and pine-scented air and have been exhilarated, who have cultivated many sincerely deep and close lifelong friendships and who have become thankful; who have collected countless unforgettable experiences and have rejoiced and, above all, who have heard her call and have come to love and respect her and are vitally interested in and dedicated to her future. check us out! Dedication, PSA Constitution, 1973. table of HIGH COUNTRY ~ VOLUME 27, NUMBER 2 PHILMONT STAFF ASSOCIATION contents APRIL 2004 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EDITORS ED PEASE, PRESIDENT columns MARK STINNETT MICHELE ALLEN JIM “SAM” VIVIAN, VICE PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP BRAD PLUMB, VICE PRESIDENT, SERVICE ART DIRECTION AND PRODUCTION 4 from the president DAWN CHANDLER JOE LEISZ, VICE PRESIDENT, DEVELOPMENT KEVIN FREDERICK, SECRETARY CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 6 psa news JOHN NICHOLS, TREASURER CHUCK BUENGER DAVE CAFFEY ED HOBBS GREG HOBBS DAVID JUNG JASON SCHUBERT 14 ranch roundup NATIONAL DIRECTORS CARTOONS TODD CONKLIN KEVIN “LEVI” THOMAS DANA EDWARDS 19 neighbors JAN GIMAR HIGH COUNTRY IS THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE STEVE HARMONY 26 short stuff PHILMONT STAFF ASSOCIATION AND IS PUBLISHED SIX ALAN HART TIMES PER YEAR AS A BENEFIT TO ITS MEMBERS. CHRYSTENE MATTHEWS FOR MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION, 30 trail talk TIM “TECHMAN” ROSSEISEN PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: WWW.PHILSTAFF.COM. REGIONAL DIRECTORS articles WE WELCOME ARTICLES FOR CONSIDERATION FOR FUTURE ISSUES. PLEASE SUBMIT TO NORTHEAST 8 our philmont HIGH COUNTRY, PHILMONT STAFF ASSOCIATION MARK ROM 17 DEER RUN ROAD, CIMARRON, NM 87714 JEN RIGDON OR EMAIL TO [email protected] 12 generosity NOTE: SUBMISSION OF MATERIALS CENTRAL IN NO WAY GUARANTEES PUBLICATION OR INCLUSION IN MARK HOLCOMB 20 sundial FUTURE ISSUES OF HIGH COUNTRY. EMERY CORLEY 22 old rangers PSA FELLOWS SOUTH RAY BATCHELOR BOB HARVEY FELLOW PAUL & MARY JANE HARVEY KRIS TOWNSEND other WEST GLENN A. FOWLER FELLOW 16 upcoming events BRUCE BARNES LAURA LAMPE CAMPBELL SCOTT TONEY GEORGE A. BULLOCK FELLOW 18 regional reports WILLIAM D. BRYCE BILL MCKOWN, RANCH COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE On the cover: A vintage photograph of WARREN SMITH, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT colfax chronicles JOE DAVIS FELLOW Waite Phillips at Rayado Lodge (Fish Camp). 24 BILL CASS MARK ANDERSON, PHILMONT STAFF ADVISOR 28 a good campsite JOHN A. MAXBAUER, JR. FELLOW MICHELE ALLEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ANONYMOUS JANICE CLARK, OFFICE EFFICIENCY EXPERT 29 poetry 3 from the president broad spectrum of ages, geographic dispersal, professional occupations, ELECTIONS and personal interests characterize us COMING THIS FALL today, and will even more in the The temperature climbed to 60 for the summer of 2004. They have future. In response to this increas- Six national officers: today. Out back a squirrel is pawing in served us, and we hope they have President ingly obvious fact of life, the PSA the matted leaves, which only yester- served the Ranch, well. They will be Vice President—Membership Board seeks to provide an array of day were still crusted frozen. The sun part of our cycle for years to come. Vice President—Service opportunities for our members to Vice President—Development provides more than light this after- But, just as Philmont has made maintain their association with each Secretary noon; at last it can be felt as well as adjustments that enhance its offering other and with the Ranch. We will Treasurer seen, and the air that it is beginning to of programs, the PSA is looking to Seven national directors keep those programs that have an warm has a hint of must and moisture. broaden and diversify our programs Eight regional directors audience among our members, but We’re still weeks away from the first and service as well. All officers and directors serve 3-year terms we will also try additional programs buds of spring, but today is a reminder Philbreak is a good example. INTERESTED? to reach out to others who haven’t that it is on its way. This alternative spring break program Contact Warren Smith, been able to participate in the things Nominating Committee Chairman Philbreak and Kanik are winding allows young adults aged 18-25 the we’ve offered before. Our objective is [email protected] down. Philmont’s senior management opportunity to spend a week in March or Michele Allen, Executive Director, not so much to have a major event is on the road finishing the hiring giving service to the Ranch. The inau- 505-376-2281 x 216 for which members need to adjust process for the summer. Staffing is gural year in 2003 was a resounding [email protected]. schedules, families, or interests—but already complete for the men and success and we expect 2004 to be the to have a variety of different events women who will manage Philmont’s same. The reunion, trek, and service which will appeal to different seg- high adventure program at the Double project for 2004 have been moved from ments of our membership. We know PSA WEEK AT PTC H Ranch. And next weekend my coun- August to June—to better accommo- that not all members may attend the cil’s contingents conduct their first date Philmont’s schedule and to pro- July 24 – 30, 2005 same event, but we hope to provide shakedown for high adventure in the vide our members who could not come Make plans now to join the PSA the opportunity for all members to magic mountains. at the end of the summer a chance to for a first-ever full week of special attend some event in the course of The cycle is as predictable as the come at the beginning. We are plan- programs, hikes & service projects. every year or two. spring soon to be upon us. And yet, as ning events in conjunction with the All PTC facilities, housing and family More information on upcoming much as it looks like the scores of Maverick Rodeo over the Fourth of programs, including mountain treks, events will be forthcoming in future cycles before it, there are some adjust- July and an extended reunion over will be available for PSA members. editions of HIGH COUNTRY. In the $360 – first adult ments this time around. Philbreak is New Year’s weekend 2004-05. We are meantime, much as spring reminds $260 – other adults only in its second year. The Double H in early planning stages for a week- us of the continuity of the cycles of $275 – mountain trekkers is a brand new adventure. And the long reunion opportunity for mem- $210 – kids ages 6-20 life, know that your PSA board is staff, which only a few decades ago bers and their families at PTC in the $140 – kids ages 3-5 working to make the seasons of PSA numbered around 500, will this year summer of 2005. And our Regional $46 – kids age 2 and under life as diverse and as rich and as approach a thousand. Directors are busier than ever plan- meaningful for as many members as More details next issue So it is with the Philmont Staff ning an increasing number of we possibly can. and on our website Association and its cycle of programs reunions around the country. and service to our members and the The membership of the Philmont Ranch. Our annual reunion, trek, and Staff Association is as diverse, perhaps Ed Pease service project are well on their way more so, than the seasonal staff. A President 4 from the prez from the prez 5 psa news our new office! All you have to do is pick a staff tion’s secretary. Rice Brewer, who has box will appear and prompt you for and send a care package to them. been informally managing our website your personal User ID and Password. PSA Executive Director Michele Imagine the joy of getting a package for several years, has been appointed You guessed it—that’s what those Allen and Office Assistant Janice Clark with a jar of garlic, a pesto sauce and PSA Technology Manager and will numbers and letters on your mailing moved into the PSA’s genuine first- some organic pasta at Cyphers Mine. serve as an ex officio member of the label are. The first set is your User ID; ever official office at Philmont Scout Imagine getting a box of squirt guns at Executive Committee. the second is your Password. These Ranch on March 5. Appropriately, it the security office. How about getting Over the past few years, our unique series of letters and numbers snowed a lot on them as they moved in some homemade brownies and rice website offerings have exploded. are based on your information in the to their new quarters in the Beaubien- krispie treats as a PTC group leader. Online event registrations, merchan- PSA AllStaff Database. Miranda Building at PTC. Furnishings What about a Weekly World News dise ordering, email updating of per- and office equipment were funded by a arriving at Baldy? sonal information and form down- generous donation from PSA Member In the box you send, you will loading (both PSA and Philmont directory assistance John Murphy.
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